HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-07, Page 4THE WINGHAM ADVANCE Thursday, J Lily 7th, 1921
Mr. Murton Howe left on Monday
*YAW- morning last for Toronto, where he bAs
secured a position. We are sorry to
loBeMr. Howe from our town. X 34
azozaqw Mr. and Mrs. Win. Patterson also Mr.
�y and Mrs. Win. McLean spent Sunday Men's and Boys' Suits
I last with friends in Harriston.
I Mr. Limburner preached his last Eel' -
No. 3—NIAGARA-BY-THE-LAKE outof which he galloped on that early man in the Methodist church on the
ind local- October morning of 1812 to Queenstou Wroxeter circuit last Sunday evening
Now for a change of scenery a at Reduced Prices
ity we turn to Ontario and to its first Heights and to his death, Mrs. C. Walker of Howick, is at present X
Down by the Lake, the less imposing visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 14
provincial capitaLof Niagara, or Newark,
i walls of Fort Mississauga are intact, a Thomas Walker here.
as it was first called. i little fortress that escaped the baptism at Miss Catherine Fortune of Turnberry' Extraordinary Values in all Lines 1;
A magnet name is Niagara, for it in- Aeft hero on Thursday of last week f9r 14
cludesnot only the Little Town of our shell fire because peace had come before Victoria, B. C. She will be accompanied of Men's and Boys' Wear. V
Little Trip, but the River and the Falls it was completed, AtiotbLr reminder of from Calgary with her sister who lives
We Wi8b Miss Fortune a afe
the stormy past is hid in the barracks of here,
and the Park that draw millions to their I return.
Butter's Rangers on the Common, queer
i attractions. But the old town will keep Mr. C. D. Simpson of Brucefield, call.
us interested in the meantime; the other old structures that did duty during the re ed on old friends here last week. X00
spots can wait. It is a town -with -a -his- cent War. One may pass -from this spot Herbert Patterson is having a new X Big Savings on Suits. Some of the Best
I to the Butler's Rangers graveyard, where oven erected in his bakery this week.
many of the defenders of a century ago
tory, like many another Canadian centre; .04C, 1
a history that touches on all the outstand- We are pleased to see Mr. Peter Milli- X Brands of Clothing are Here for
il sleep under the quiet trees, gan able to be around again. He called
Inspection that Prevents ng �yents in our national life; the day of Anything else to see? Sureiv; esp , ecial- on his mother last week at her home X Your Inspection.
the Indian; the rule of the Fr enchman I here.
a 7 and the later and present dominance of ly the Museum of the local Historical vi -
Society. full of articles of the deepest Miss J. Black who has been visiting
,;veedless Battery Expense British rule. friends in Toronto returned home a few X,
interest helping to make the past live days ago.
OUR storage battery is always a Source You cannot "do" old Niagara on a again, There is the Court House, with The Wroxeter L. 0. L. 2511 will attend X Cut prices in Boys' Suits are $7.50, 8.50,,
single visit; I've made about a hundred its memories of the MacKenzie Rebellion I)ivine Service in St. James' Church, X 10.00, 12.00,13.509,15.00.
Yof satisfaction when supervised by Prest- and always find something new of interest. lot 1827 and of slave riots. the old Parlia- Wroxeter, at 3 p. m. on Sunday, July 10. X
O -Lite Service. We prevent as well as You should; moreover, make this _Little I - Hall, in which the The Rev. Snell, of Winghami will be the
ment Oak, and Navy Cut prices in Men's Suits are $21.50, 22 50
minister. Visiting brethren and the pub- X
Trip, if done in the flesh, leisurely, for * I
remedy battery ailments. There comes a it I first Legislative- Assembly under Governor lic are cordially invited to attend, 24.00, 25.00, 28.00P 30.00.
time in every battery's life when repairs are is a leisurely burg, It's bad form to Simcoe was held in 1791, Many a re- Harry Timm, son of Mr. Henry Timm, V1
needed. Sometimes the cause may be traced hurry or get excited, or even run to catch I sid6nce is full of ghosts of the past and fell off a horse while riding horseback on, X Men's strong wearing wQrk Shirts $1.39.
the boat for Toronto across Lake Ontario, many a street recalls tfie same past in its Thursday last and the animal stepped on X
to an outside source, such as a loose generator or queenston, up the river eight miles, name. Try this Little Trip. his elbow. He was taken to Wroxeter, Men's heavy Overalls, will give excellent wear,
where Dr, McLeod dressed the arm. No X,
brush or faulty electric wiring. Its a sort of Sleepy Hollow, and blessed (Copyrighted by British & Colonial Press bones were broken. sale $1.98.
be that there are such places left. Limited.)
Before taking the battery apart, we always Well, what first? Hose's a church Men's good wearing work Socks, 5 doz. 50c
make sure that the trouble, if any, is in the bandy; the old parish Church of St. BelgravB X quality sale 40c.
battery. If it is not, we locate the cause and Marks, by ths: way. What a story it's Blyth Mr. John Cole had a very pleasant sur -
war -burned bricks could tell—of the firing Mr. John Morritt of London, spent prise the other day. when Richard, whom X Boy's Wash Waists, made of light and dark
save your battery from injury. of the plaLe 4uring the War of 1812, of Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
the hangman's tree in the grav-eyard, and Ben Morritt. he had not seen for fifty. years arrived X Print and Galetea, cut price 89c.
Confirmation Service was held on Mon -
from California to make him a visit.
Our reasonable prices and expert repair work of the suggestive epitaphs on the mass- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon and Mr. X Men's strong wearing Pants, one doz' W clear,'
have won the confidence of a large clientele. grown stones, or the memorial table day evening in the Anglican Church. and Mrs. Forsythe, spent a few days in X at 2.75C.
k� ts Bishop Williams was.in charge of the Drayton.
Bring us your battery repair work, whether within. Bits of earthworks can still be service, assisted by the pastor, Rev. W. Miss Elva Brooks of Centralia, is spend- X Straw Hats, new styles in Mefi's Straw Hats,
you have a powerful Prest-O-Lite Battery or traced in this quiet God's Acre, and many (B. Hawkins. ingthe holidays with her grandparents, . X
any other make. a soldier here rests in his na'rrow bed of , There passed away. on Saturday morn- Mr. and Mrs. F. Anderson. X at bargain prices, now only $1.00, 1.25, 1.50,
soil. I ing. June 25th, Agnes Brown, aged 60
The Farmers Club unloaded a car load .2.00, 2.50.
Not far away is Fort George, in excel-) Years. relict of the late Mr. Harry
Kelly. The funeral was held on Monday of gasoline and coal oil here, last week.
lent preservation, with earthwot ks com- at 2.30, service was conducted by Rev. Mrs, S. Jordon has two lady friends, Men's Boots, Bargain in Men's Strong 'Near-
nobertson & Hecker plete as to outline and an ancient powder George Telford, pastor of St. Andrew's' visitink her from New York. ing Boots.. cut price $4.00.
"The Garage for Service" magazine trying to hide itself within the! Church at the home of her brother-in-law, The young people of the community,
enclosure. Here is the sycamore tree Mr. Thomas Stewart, followed by interm- have quite an interesting game to play, X prices, special value 2.75
ent at Union cemetery. now which they call Volley Ball, and M Boys' Boots at cut at
Field is presiding over h from the amount of cheering, seems to be
ass xaminations these days. quite an interesting game.
a few years and here, too, the gateway X
under which General Brock's body lay for cl Dre t e entranco 3.00, 3.50, 4.00.
X, Highest Prices for Produce.
EVEN at the low purchase
Gray -Dort you do not
price of the
sacrifice one
desirabie te�fture in your motor car.
As the season advances, Gray-Dorts
will become more difficult to secure. Now,
when you have the finest months of the
All the power you will need—all the year ahead of you, see the Gray -Dort dealer.
speed you will care toluse—complete com-
fort for five passengers—good looks—un-
,psual economy of gasoline and tires—and
, I-. , " ", - Ezpa MeAley, Wingham, Ont,
more years of service than you would
r �n,, 6
expect from a' car costina several hundred
dollars more.
H. E-4.� Isard & C6.
Whitechurch Miss Lilian Paterson.
Mrs. Roland of Hamilton, is visiting.
Nurse Cottle is visiting at the home of with Mrs. Frank Henry.
her brother, Mr. Robert Brooks, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McGinnis and
. Mrs. John Leggatt left for her home in family of McIntyre, spent Sunday with
Drayton last week after visiting with her Rev. and Mrs. Scobiei,
son, Mr. Wesley Leggatt. -
Miss Flora Ross is visiting in Listowel
at present, East Wawanosh
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Windsor of Detroit,
are visiting with the latter's parents, Mr. Master Htimphrey Snell of Londesboror,
and Mrs. Robert Carrick, is visitingat the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Whitechurch baseball team played Elisha Walker.
against'Belmore tiam at Belmore last Miss Ida Thompson of Toronto, spent
Thursday, Whitechurch won 16-13 Dominion Day at the home of her sister,
The Belmore team plays here on Thurs: Mrs. Herson Irwin.
day of this week. Come and biost your, Miss Belle Wightman visited last week
home team. i with friends in Walkerton.
Miss Edythe Peddle—who has b�en' Miss Eccles Beecroft is visiting witli
teaching at Benmiller is hoine for the Mrs. Lucas of Arthur.
Master Willie Kew of Wingham, is,
spending his holidays at the home of his;
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George: Glenannan
Cottle, I P
Miss Catharine I�ortune has gone West,
Mrs. Malcolm Ross is visiting with her tu visit her sister, and other friends.
sister, Mrs. Henderson, Lu'cknow. Mr. Bert Murchison ofToronto, issperid-
Mr. Ken Patterson moved last week! fug a few days with his mother,
from the village to the farm he purchased Miss Aunic Metcalfe, sp"t Sunday at
from Mr. John Mowbray. Mr. Fred her home on the xoth.
Thompson has taken possession of the Air. Weldon Rutledge of Brampton
store. We wish both irien success.
11 Mr. Angus McKay who has been teaph spent the week -end At Air. Oliver stakes.
'g school at McIntyre is bolideying ai A number of people from these parts
I s took in the sports in Witigham on the ist.
h home here. tried his ex- Mys. John Metcalfe, and Flva, are
Master Ernest Sparling visiting with Mrs. Win. Lamb, of Torolito.
amination in music in Lucknow on Mon-
Mrs. (Rev.) Scobie and children intend,
leavmg this week for Vancouver where i Salem
her parents are living. We wish Mrs. ! Hayin� has commenced in this section.
Scobie a pleasant journey and a speedy'
return to good health. A large number from here attended the
Mrs. Fletcher Sparling and Miss Sophia celebration in Wroxeter on Dominion
Sparling of Brtmsels visited one day last Day.
Mr. Willis occupied the pulpit here last
week with Mrs. Sparling. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and Francis. Miss Cathers spent a few days at her
of Los, Angeles, Cal., arrived at the home
of their nephew, Mr. Ken Paterson, last grandfathers, Mr. Robt. E'arls of Gorrie
week. They had a splendid trip by t South
mo or:
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Newbury and child The Willing Workers inet last Tuesday
ren of Toronto, spent the week -end with at the home of Miss Vanuy Langley.
Pain is an Indica, tion
?f interference with the normal' functions of tho'Oody. It
]a a sign of trouble, and if allowed to continue, cau�es itself
still further disorders.
Sense a n d
humanity agree
that relief from
pain should be
the first step in
the treatment
of any disease which is present. Headache, Neuralgia,
Rhetimatic, Backache, Sciatic and Ovarian Pains, ONE
or TWO .
Dr. Miles' 'Anti'.Pain Pills
and the pain is gone. Guaranteed Safe and Sure, Nice 30c.
Sold in Wihgham by