The Wingham Advance, 1921-07-07, Page 3Ir
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I - 7177�_ _�:�_ I * e�;;-.', ooclkere�, but it ehould be combfvw
- ;11 / , ctt,%, s= ni�k owt wheat The Sunday School Lesson
I " ,
04mm"aff =a -W- 1_,__,__,�;�4' ". , I ,,,> ,he � ,he obwn�
" . , �_ - "_ I 1w .z C,an
. :* - _,�,- - , iii�� 11 11 11 , - .. .. � I . I An - 41 ,,, , - V. .1; streollings
I, with bolled,
<:Z_ . 0
The Wingham Mvance' -7 f � rm,-, , IVA(z"I"r, Y. ff?_�, led, A, dry ma0h contain -Ills
= � .1 DrAn in
. ,.,
, ,
I A, _ _ ^ c4cerez th4t Are eavva f or breed"� large quantities will bo usofvl in p to.
I.. -
- � �.- �t- I � I , . ,
Published at ��,, , - - � . I C JULY 10.
� - Ing require fully Aj� much atteutlo,117 mating rapid growth. Ground bolro
� � -
, .
wingham, Ontario Ca. . as pullets as those ma!e3 InOib Also; and beef ecrmp aroof special value and
W 21 = ., - - r , make .g, steady, vigorous growth if wben there is notan 7: 54; 8: 3; P - 3, 4; 20; 4,0, 9,. 10,
A. G. SmiT11, Publisher . . R , �111 , . - I : they are to -be the kind of birds sUlt-i very necewary, our .xv`14. Qroen� food I 6,01don text_�-1 Tim. ,
Every 1�hursday Morning Saul the Pharisee, Ads
1: " "' � I , "I ablindar.00 of r, �11 I 1; is.,
-D able, for tl�ee,.Nlng. Cockerels -should!, is important if the birdo are fencod, on Connecting. Lio
Subscription rates' — Ono YeRr) , . . ks--The Jawitli sect X10 with them the word� of
months, $1.00 in Advailr-10- ."i , .. be, culled frequently after th07 have a, range defleiert� in All kinds., of green . , lite, tbo
42,00". six il . of the Marisees, to which Paul 'be- otor)r, of, Josua� mialstmly of, love *44 4,
. . 3 11 . .. . reacbe4 the. broiler O -P and th-5 ,C;%1l-! food, and, it inuost be suPPlied ' The long-eil had iti oriqin, In the second 1 -Us dop,th, ikiidI re�ujt.�CtioTj. no fii�
Advertising rates on application, I - aQ4 for the * ,
, - , th"O-1191100' ration Owt i . gra,%=g ContUry .Wq�e. ChTAS - w,A 044od,but stirred anid,
Advp,rtisomonts without specific 41-1 Red Raript-arry Culture. I farmer. How. can Ve.63 Product be cork- ing should be,lcotnht0'n,.u0rdd, r In g P 1, , ,s m t, In thle OM01
, ' IA a ema in ul-ets is good,lor the to . �q not .extin I I .
rectiGuz will be inserted until forbid I Red r4pplocTiles are pr�),.Iuccd .on VertOa into ready ci$h? Severs. I tile selss,on unt � c4erols and tivn.:on. the port of many, w0o."were, a 4 into a grext and widleni;ng
% - ,cash are all k6od enough tQ hoad breeding -use the pullets are t9 PrQ._ strongly attatbod to the ancient Jew� Apmr,�.4.1
' ' r' .
' t Uni-aC& I .0 ., . i just beca
And charged accordingly. . ni to turn s i.
advertise. he. Wood w?n-.,,h grows chirin�-,' 010 1r." he `h * farm or in djAce eggs Is no reason, why ,they, faith and-4aw., to the intrQd,aodon 2k, 3, 4, Zo4108 toward God. It
Changes for contract previouts year. Right after liarveat have been Wei but as yet none 08em Pens ,either on i oulle � . of Gieek ideas, Graok veliglov, and was from the pt6w of the: oustle of
ments be In tile oMee br noon, Noll- I the old vang.9 .should, be pximej O. -at to to Compare w't'll tho ,n.anujacture, of. the hand� of other Poultrymem should receive heiyy foed-ing and the Greok'mstoms, T)4s opposition grow,, Antonia . in Jerupi em, after he bad
day. ., gilve the new wood a Chance to do,'$Olue form of skim -mill, cheese. I It is best not to isolate the eacker�, co4wroli should get along on short in A ,
, . #me of ptrsecutloi4, 14ta, -A bitterl
I __________1 ; tuxb1a � 614 entitely from the mature ..hens or I raildno, There 1,9 little danger in over-, I , �, been rescucd from the mob which
------7-,- _ ;��___ At the TrIanNoh of miltufac - eondict, in wihich JreWish '-Vatnots would hq;ve token hie lite, that Paul
volop to 'bettEr advantage- The Old it chee.,,ya the -average fariver thinks Ila- Old malv-,%�� A laigs'flook of eackort,is feedip.g growing tockerels if they. are f,ught for independence agAiiist 08 t%*e *�se words,. He gives his perr
'BUSINESS CARDS vvocd harbors insect pests and fun- ' _ I
� nio-I'lately of an el gborate f acto,rY with. Penned to,gether ' will bi apt to' fight given A variety of foc%W There I.% awnio4 of the Greek Muss of-iSyrla, s�*ais credit for being "zealous W-,
— gous diseases and should be burned , high-PlAcea ecilallpment. SUOT equi9- and this WW cause serious blemishes danger of iqPdvrf4oding I . MAn4 fixil' and Were victoriaus. But mere Inde- I vard God," zoalays for the Jewish
Weviingto'n Mutual F ire , to &-stroy them. Raapb�erry patches i . t To � , 1
are isomelimes ruined beea,a,e .akes t416 WOA'that will injure the vale of the bird's ing a Collection of partially stunt.04 pondence of foreign p6*ers, wav 64t I fadth, as he himself bad, bem before
, ca-pej ment, although' I
Inwroluce - Co. 1 casher, is not esavatial. VAXP�rimental' fo� breeders. � They ean-bQ .allowed to bi-rds to 90 into il�O breeding pens euQugh for the zealous defenders of he b�lleved In Christ. He recaft has
blight, anthracnose or cane borers ob�, I Jewish law -and relig4on, and th;� student day
Establislied 1840 work has shown that, just as good I rqp wi%h a few maturie ,bens ard, one next spring, ,a ' -
, and, ;b* mistaken zeal,
ta4n aetart. It pays totontrol theW , . � 06li found themseNeiAn gonflict-*l axd� then VO' ,', stdry Ili �
Head Office, Guelph on fa�rilil oj� more cook birds, The old� cock will 00 __ I � * .,, thp wow
, ,$
� troubles� As much as posIsible by -�Ioan! results Can Ve obtained the - �� � the new kirlg% of theiT Own chv�osing. � stor� zct Us conversion. I
Risks taken on all classes of iusur- I . . . e I as Can kedo� 49Wn. t�e hgbting instinctsof the'l As good a place as any man, ever Two-�Parties arose amoog the, pptriots, 26.' 4 � , 5. After the. strAitest sqd.
culture and the destruction of dis-1 with *0 OquAment `gv_�"Ilabl I . I " 4'th " I'll .J)� more 6�b_' g %L,4 ':t -. ',' 7
mium ru. cheese ta�- coc)wro -4 an.. 6 ,ey W . , . standipg for thq kin .
Able property on the cash or pre be obtained in the mode ., ,,. . I found fpr-pru;yinjR� for a good _d The �pfia; .,' " wo�e'und . bt . . �
I I eased a -ad ptsWidden canes. . ai . I . d� bar. the me i , � tse eu_ 04W ,,V*
. I I . �
� I 4 * . 1. st .A ery narrow in tlieft-I W
note system. tory. Ths main reawa for the-goa dued in ' spositikin an More satils-
Cane blight causes the fruiting ' br , I vest is down. on the knees between, caustituted atIthQty" the"ithe" "no" '" �' v n -
ABNER COSENS, Agent, ' I Cheese factory factory ,�s` eidbvs when thgy. Are zealous for religion. 'Me letter riI'-.,prebatko* of religJ.Quq.dqty,.,,T*my put
. .
cane&-ito.w.111; and die, Ito,fte,acccurs reliable product of the 1 . . � the rowa of garden stQ0. ' , - -' ' eiail
red. volth hens or pull- n the . I ,every smA ev
, I I - hold' of - law aTA r
Wingliara . treq�ie care that is exerd its I dei�edthe name-.*f-PAay&ee% ovsep- orapliaii -A - - ,11 t 4 ,
� a -Won,
just before harvest time When them' is the ex er words,tho =.I Howdvir, a large flack of I . I . .: - Aratists, because thei, it"4 P"
I . �, 1. � � . I Such in 41.1, opere0ono. In oth I 1� . 1A �,_+ "V,. "j--iff�A to I - I if, I I - � -0, e�ery feature
� .1 are gocd ,13rospeett of, a crop. ! � .0-- A-A- ,A,..,.- theins -el, v apaft ,from t d- -dommon of warabin, arid� aiicrifl��,,and sAbibath,
human plem,ent'is the controlling lae- Coe sa 41TO tru, . +0 prevvnk,ywlvp� 04 ground. Im, people, L ffig morelstriet I 'Ob"M.nce P "k, �&A recit-
ea.inust be cut 9ff. ,,close to the d or in -1 raTip .wifii'pull,ets which are being ing -ivi �-eqAn, and tithe p0y�n
-Ound nd burned. alv' tar in the -production Of good . 4k drought, C*ver the . .. to'alT the details =4 require nts of lnlr� . law and V .1 pu0fications,
We III 0 seen I . _=
a , , I the �rina
_ �
bliglit; spread half * waY � dolwn a ferlor -cheoee, ' . I devO,oped rapidly as ,099 Pt0du0M- ined"lately aro�;nd, them With l4w,n tbo law. The Aribes'-were thbir IXW� and use of words and phrases. TA 0,11
Although' some cheddar Or Can- I These young mzles 'are rough around clippbIg'j, Tlwss� should, be removed yers t4acj, tea&err, -and, -obtairied -great these strict oba vauCes Paul, bad, been,
w and kill every fruWng oane.-And . � . er; .
,remainder of the row would be adian cheese is made froul skin'-M!11� I 'the feed hoppers and it is bad for the at night in order to allow the dIew, Or M,uence amorIR th'An. TWX total instruotod,' Now 'he W'Come to see
afthy. and produce a heavy yield of .1 it it best utillized- in the ,production - of Pullets. - . I u possible shower, to soak up the numbers, however, were never 'very thit'salvation and �igbt-llviiig did not
either th,9 Cottage cheese or the so� Cockerels need a balanced ratioll, ground. great, but theit,--reputation for strict d"Oncl upon them,4)4-b 11pon faith and
t. The control of this disease a's * piety gave them =rtlionty and dignity fo�,lawv
ex- called pimento cheese. The�y must have the kind of ,food _. . IU the'er,4xnple 0,448',us Christ.
fully un4erstood and, it makes, L. in the eyes of the people. aii in -bondage to the law;
nzive red raspberry growing rather In tho home marnfacture of cot, W.b.1ch produces bone and muscle 'as � I He -had bem
- at. - The poul,tryman wislies When plaziting =,=Mbersp Put 4 Acts 7: 54-4: 3. Whose name was but now he was free. So, he, wrote in
,sky. . I taie cheese the clean, Wholesome Wed IRS f 1� . .. I leis", ."WM,fieedom, did
. ac torilo ,contain, his cockerels to attain size in order few ,seeds of nasturtiums in each hV11. Saul. I creat his eput xnd,fa . at, there-
Anthracriase causes grayish Spats skint-u-AlkIlls Pl' Od' in s go and liee from Saul, who adopted the name of Paul Christ set ve � free,. o+A ,
[th purple mar -gins near the base of ors and removed to a warin place, one that they may transmit that charac. This Will keep allbu after (he becanle,a ChriWan, was at for , 6,_ and be, nQt.'�ntangled . again in
-two deg. F.t and I t t ri$ti to t ir ,offspring, Thelarge p . �
neg. It is a common, trouble but we about seventy of e c hie ,cucumbers. I this time eppareiitly�'acting as an, I a- yoke Of bondage" M01 6* 1).
Lve not seen it appear as Often as there until It is well curdled. It usu- quantity. of feathers which the bird around the Toots of officer -of the Jewish ,council, the Sa,i7� The'PbAA1Pe"'13wM*ok strict obser-
. -iows need the material in a b414-11ced have tried' it for three years-' La'st d the vance of rules and 1,R*s foi true re-
ne blight. Three, applications of ally requires about fort;Y-elght hours g . 1. ,ybodVs plants were hedrin. He must have hear
e,,sulphur have proven to be 'of far the mil -k to -become well .Curdled. ration solhat the feathering process year. whsn ever speech of Stephep, in which that first IWO` .There -is the same danger to -
Me value in controlMaig, ant1wacilose. When the milk is well curdledt'it is will proceed ifq4dly. Corn. should'not drying up during that hot, dry spell, � - T%bye are, inah�� good people
,,, ' Christian martyr had declared that day .
be fed excluMv-61y to the' breeding mine were green and fresh. temple and law.,were 'not-, and n,ver amagg us who would.buildl.s hedige of
mixture of two and, a half gallons broken up into small 'pieces ,of uni- . - I - - __ ___ — had- been, essential to the,true war- la*j �n,d rules abou . t I 'tile Church.
lime -sulphur to fifty gallons of form -size. The broken curd is thle'4 _� I . .. - __ ship of God, and had showed, by the The�'teaching % largely made UP Of
atir is used when the leaves start. ,placed, on the stave and brought -up to . 007111raTi4P )-A,$, While
mixturti of one and a quarter gal- about ninet;Y-4eg. F. This heating Educational Value of Preparing clear evidence oftistory tha-t the. and prohlbiti(
peo� *lei and laws, our commands- and
us t6 fifty can be,,appllel when the process should, be very slow, taking . ple of Israel, had, again and again re- our ru s I may be good, An their
. sisted the teachers and th6 l,eaders prohibition
koots are five,or six inehes high, from thirty to forty minutes. When Exhibits for the Fair. sent -them by God, even as now they place, they murt never take the first
ed point, fiffiety d-egreeDOF., had'rejected Jesus Christ. To a strict The first Aace is for Jesus
e same is used -again bsfore bics- 'the Aevir — , Vhnri t, and for Him alone, Let us
ming time. Is reached the' temporature is kept and zealous Pharisee, like Sau,L all, beware of Pl:arisakm.
this must have seemed, little km than' ,ht. Paull
Constant until the whey #Appears Clear. I What'does it mean to the exibibit made a National winner 26. 9, 10. I verily tboug
About June the female Cane borerl 'it requires about fifteen, minutes for The Fairl 'IS in 161so blasphemous, and yet one may im-1 deftm that Jho was V,n--,erA, and
ay pui�cture raspberry vanes near 9� "Fair" is a -very old noun. out of 'a corn' CrOP that,W 1 agine that he never forgot, and could, He
0 tips and lay eggs in the incisions. the wh,,y� t4 separate froin the cuad. you - in speNing, it . . exists ran? at the county far. ' ' . there is no doubt that he was.
When the separition is complete the With vaZiations -never forget, Stepben�s argument, and thought he ,ought to persecute andv`
e little worms- that hatch burrow is witild,vawn, and '+he curd In Mani language$. . � I Manicuring the Pig. that in GodN good time it wrought . followers of ,,Jes
)Wn fiAo the pith and- -cause the canes whey boy V&D is preparing a pig convicticni in hie mind oil ,at least destroy the .1 us. He.
ddc-. When, the infested canes -are placed. in, muslin. sveks, and allowed ta !'Fair" is aldn to the ancient, 'If ea- Now, the prepared. him, for the 'stiitling and thought their teaching was wro�ng�
dtain. The Curd, when thoroughly tu.9" and therefore Cousin in some de- or a ,gulf for the feiT.has. a wora &am, rei�lutioiiising experience which came and believed. be was serving God in
e to wilt the tips containing the I in g'a ns 1-1 a e porlence
arms should be nippedoff and -burn drained, is salted- -at the rate Of One grbe to the'mor ' adern "feasV' and Plicated task,than the one who enters to .bim on, the way to Damascue. , I fight 9 a ' t It- "' X gut a, �
- e in - -s not a at n
an the like. some corn. With the ,corn boyi the But ,here Pan, shared the fury of proves that sincerity 1
� 'Me pronVt burning of the old pound, af 'salt to one hundred Pounds "IeStiva-1)" d g the right th mob and the guilt of the muT&e-r tee of truth and- right, The sincere
of curd. If a better quality of Product Always and everywhere it has ear- whole 'Pro""' " "lectin e zealous person may be very much
ines after the fruiting season is also . I It has ears. With the others it is not Old -Y and
is desired, cream should be ,added to tied the away -from -work Wea. of Stephen, In the persecut4on, which in, the wrong,
f v,alue,in- destroying the pest. There the drained cuTd, at the rate d one always been pretty much what we selecting the right individual, but do- now beganhe took an active and lead, Application.
several othex i0oots and fungous I -h Iiig 01 great many things to Put that ing part. He made havoc of the!
iseases which Aiglidy injure .red ounce to each 'pound of Curd. This i intan nowadv)ra -by "holida,y," thou. individual in the best possible, Iform, Church, teardbing houses, dmgging' Consoience is not by any Means an
aspberries bat the above are the only mixture is the -A salted at the same I not what -that Word meant arigioia.117- men and, Women to prison. In later Infallible gulde- Saul acted according
nes that have caused us losses. It rate as the plain cheese. "Holiday" was IIholy day;' and ,acted-. and' to keep It ";a' oinths in advance years, remembering what he -bad dione, to ii;� dietates of 'his conscience, for
erni�, ao if considerable more scien- The product, totta�ge cheese, is then "Fair,, has always been secular- --a Weeks or even M be said, "I pumis-hed, them oft In every u,ndoujil),tedly lie reigarded the SUPPTes-
. manufactured con. wholly ,human sort of thing. at the fair, theboy must start getting synagogue, and compelled them to (or sion, of Christianity 88 d Vdig!Oug
fic Investigation �cd raspberry insects Placed in 00111`0 Fair time is playtime. That it al- -his Calf ,Or Pig t&me- At a partictilaT science uninstructed may
nd ,,Iiseasts will, be n6cessary bef ore tainers -Or moulded, into balls W01911- r a pare the rather, strove to make them) biTas- duty. A con I � ce dis-
. was, that it, ,always meant to time it MS7 be neMls"y t pheme; and being exceedingly mad be as dangerous as a co0scIleft
. pound and' Wrapped fa alled. ways i sails With toin
�e produttion of berries on -a laTge ing 0110 cheese most people, that it allways will, be. pig's toeilails so that -he will stamd:UP -against them, I persecuted therin even obeyed. NO, Sb P - Out a -
vale will be attempted by the aver- Paper- In this form Cottage But for every Play there must be straigilt without too much bend, at the to strange cities" (Acts 26: 11). And, pass, yet even a. compass 'needs regu-
gle farnier. finds -a ready market in practically all - , too�,- patsterns. But he must be careful not in his epistles, he more than once re- lation. There is no rragneti'a needle
Red raelpherry canes -will grow groceries and -meat markets at from players,and two kinds of them s tow rds
I ten to fifteen cents per pound. At this PIAYers WhO Play playful y -and play- to Pare them too close. Alinnning Pig fem, -with deep sorrow and, regret, to which points, with exac"ane s a
ery tall on ifieh soil and, they must be is not likely to be a prize-winuer. these acts of persecution, wbiphl he the north. It may be diverted from
I figure the manuf aeture of cottage ers who .play labori,ously, more or less, he did ignorantly and in un- its proper direction by the maggiletism.
ut baick to a -height of about five feet, I cheese is praf ilment of. the others says) . -Cargo'
itabae. __ for the enterbal * Several weeks before the fair he belief. I of the atmo-apheTet Of the ShIPYS
r supported by a wiTe stretched, be- ' ' should, trim the hair out ,of the pig's asts 80
ween two post$. If they are not cut Another way of utilizing the skim- What They Go For. But the persecution, which began or even by the sail's in the ma -
I . ears, being carofgl to do it in such wi-th Stephen's death, Only served to from time to time the compaes needs
eck they will produce a bea-der crop I inflk profitably -is to make cream, pa- And "the fair"has a very, different a way that the ears will, not be itr- *I, for attention and adjustailent. 6o the
mento Cheese. This cheese requires hasten the spread of the go&l is. not sn infallible guide;
or a short time, Iyat when they are -meaning for the two classes. The big regular in outline. He should provide thoy that were ,scattered. abroad went con -science
runed back the fruiting period ex- -00111c manufactured Prodlutts�, such 09 bunch goes to have a good time, to be a clean wallow for the Pig to keep the everywhere preaching the wor& Flee- it needs to be adjusted 'ind eW.itht-
end's over a longer period. The -rennot avA aTtifidal''aheese Coloring, care -free, to drink red lemonadt and hair �tnd skin eaft and pliableandl he � ing from their persecutors, they car- ened. . -_ __�_ ..
Packets that grow between the rows in its making. To make this variety throw confetti and toot tinsel homs; .ought to know that trick of the trade -_ - _
houldbo taker,out or thepatch will of cheese, -bake abaut:thirtY Pounds to got the glint of' twinkling horse that a itittle oil on the surface of the ja i . I ping, three or lour hours at least be -
,con be a tangle of growth itnd the. Of slaim-milk-care, must be exercised' heels on a saffron track; to see the water helps a great deal; also that a P0 , 0 Ing required.
'ruit very difficult -to harvest � to make sure -that the milk is clean; broad -backed cattle, the prettily pack- little limseed- meal, properly fed to the , plans of dipping tanks and full in -
'I wofel(�)
__ - , ,t if any doubt exists it -is best to pas- , -, I (�CFAIOA
_4 Q.- M- �-Vins. -A- t -s a mppmliar vlom% on the heir, formation as to dipsand m-e-th,ods 111'aY
When red rasyb es are grO- . eurize the milk -and ,bring it tio a e J x�esa j-.-, I P Ir- I
Ills all hut about dx Of the most -t the intricate needlework, the full -filled He rojust remember to have the
. If too temperature: of about seventy-two de-
turdy canes are pruned out. Pin f corn, and to mill'around, go- n ready
.grees F. Add about ,half a � t of eQrS O , ght kind of crate in plenty a
nany canes are left it io apt to result Ing nowhere in particular and' 'not time. Many ,boys have failed to -get
elean sour milk and mix it in thor- .
n a growth Of spindly canes the next oughly. Next take two cubic Conti_ earang espezially if they never get their pigs to the fair, because when
rear and, the fruit may be onall aud meters, of cheese cogor and, mix it- in there. the time came to ship, there was no
atking in quality. It sometimes -seem.% thoroughly. After the Color has been But, with it all, they are getting a crate. The department has special
like a waste to take out any of the nixed in, add one c.c. of ren -net and sagar-coated education. The fair is a sets of specificatiens for pig crates,
thick --healthy ,canes Capable of fruit-: mix it in well. Allow the whole mix- university in Which the festive stu- calf crates and others. A very ini-
Ing e next year, but experience ture to coagulate overnight; the fol -
proves that the Crop does not pay -as lowing moriiing turn the coagulated
Rvell when this pruning is. neglected. I mixture into rauslin. sacks and, allow
If the pruning is all done ih the it to draiii. When the card has drain -
fail it saves work dur4ng the ,spring, ed sufficiently, turn it out of the
� .
but even .�hen It pays to go through sacks into a pan and, mix with salt
e patch in the�spring and note if any
the Canes are broken down or de_ and popper to -suit the taste. One
ceased. If these aTe found they must smil, can of pimentos shouad then be
very promptly be removed. ,and, burn� ground fine and mixi�d into the cheese.
ed. if tile, canes are not headed back This bPeratlan Completes the prodaet.
supported, it can then be plated In suitable Con -
in the fall or ProPlerlY " � tainers. Or sold by the bulk. This var-
many of thwft may be broken down .
by enowa and heavY winds. In our aety of cheese is more profitable than
experience rabbits will not injure Cottage cheese ft$ it brings frID111 thirty
to forty, cents, per polind,
raspberry canes but they are vElTry, The cream pimento cheese will keep
greedy for blackberry canes (luring
'e a long time even though it is not
the winter and will often do'%ever -placed on ice. However, both brands
injury to them, of cheese are much better if use& im�
Aniongthe val-letie,% of red -rasp- mediate-ly, Or at least as soon as they
berries the Cuthbert meets with the are thoroughly cooled, .
ni,ost favor. The canes grow tall end _44 -
vigarous.and produce abrandant crops' it Occurs Every Day, "
of large red berries. They are Met- -Wore you trying to catch that train
le - and
,nt in flavor when eaten fresh air?" he asked pompously.
make the finest of jams for winter, The panting would-be passenger
For the commercial be -try patch it is eyed him balefully for a second before
har(I to bo -at and, for this reason We he hissed In reply: "Oh, no; I merely
Would recommend it in Preference to wanted to chase It out of the station."
all other varieties. �_ W 0.�_
Victory and Other Bonds Bought and to
, sold. th
OffIce:May9r -Block. Wingbam - he
I _ ,_____- fr
R. UNTS-TONE - tn'
Money to ,Loan ,at Lowest Rates.
111T Ca
ARTHUR J. IR14Y n lb
D.D.S., L.D. S. so
Doctor oC .Dental S%rgery of the ,A
Feuns3dvauia College and Licentiate
of DWtal Surgery of Ontario. W
Office In Mikcdonal� Block. A
. TI
DR. G. Us" OSS `
Graduate Royal College of Dental '
Surgeons �
Graduate University of Tor6nto ti,
I Faculty of Dentistry T
4 1 I - I to
, W. R. HAMBI v W
B.Sc., M.D., C.M. el
Special attention pald to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken 0
postgraduate work In Surgery, Bao- a
torldlogy and Scientific Medicine. d
Office lo the Kerr ResIdence, between r
the queen's Hotel and the Baptist
Church, 8
All business giv6n careful attention. ti
Phone 64. P.O. Box 113 a
,. nobt. C. k ' i a
D R e ' dmond
. M.R.C.6' (Eng). v
L.R.C.P. (Land)..
. (Dr. Chishohn's old ,stand)
h 2 DT
GreAuate of University of Toronto, t
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate O! the E
Ontario College of Physicians and '8
Office Entrance:
Second Door North of Zurbriag's I
; Photo Studio.
Town and Farm Properties-. Oall and I
see my list and got I my 'prices. I have
some excellent values. '
. _
Phone 184 Office in Town Hall
J. A. MAX, D. C., D. 07
Chiropractic locates and removes the
emwe of disease; nature heals.
Chlroprattit is the only and original
system bf�spjnal adjustment. Ef[OctlVe
in D5 per cant. of all,cases. The only
fully quallfted graduate of both Chiro-
practic and Osteopathy In North ' Huron.
Phone 191. Hours -2-6 and 7-8 p.m.
, � .1
ir Imorl
O$teopathla Physician, only qualified
osteopath In North 11uron.
Adjustrilont Of the spine Is more
quickly secured and with fewer treat-
ments than by any other method.
Blood pressure and other ,examina-
tons made.
� . .1 I .d
The home berry Patch is of greater
value to the farmer. Fruit of some
kind, -is teedied cm the farmer's table
at 4,seasons. We know -a few crops
of fruit that can be :produced quicker
or with more pleasme than , red rasp-
-.. -, +lie,
- Sheep of old 13100k. -o ries. 1huy are so exve ,
market that a faTmer will seldom feel
The keeii-6yed woman lookled at tile able to buy them J,at eatining. And
3neat IlloDlayed on the, butollet's- Stall the, qualItY of the boxes which have
for 80111-o minutes, and th"In, exelalmed' been 3ostled duting trauSPOrtatiOn, .18 I
$qs tilat 1.311gliall mutton? .never equal to the home-ralsod, f"Ab,
,,Well, ao, a Iratter of fact," replied Raspobtrrieg and. eream, lot hreAftot]
tile butcher, "the sheep was born In are possible On tho farmi but in the I
Now Vwalaud. But lnftdtlm,'f Ile added 1t,ty cost prevents their frequent Use. I
In ti-lumph, "it to of English parents'" i
.___.____4__ — I Make the SIdM-MI)k Pay.
14 it �h, not by change 61 cireutn-1 8-kini-ind1k; has', in the P&M, lueen
Atailmt, but by fitting our spirits, to re-garded as 4 product only fit to be
the ,cimumstonces, that we tan be re.1 led to talvm ior liogs. True, it makeB
, als but
ftnelled to 1100 4U4 &-tY.-P, Mr,i excellent Ved' for these aubw
RobeIrts"'. I I it does nothrilig in actual ca,& to tale
Clovers are out best soil billilders.
T4*y emich the soil While getting a
livirg from it.
Four oays are not too MnY tor
the average Iratm--a hand-IsAW fm
fine -Work, ote for rough Jobs, A,good`
bu,ok-saw, and a saw far big 10199- If
the big 1,ogs tire many, add. a buzz -
saw, to the list and. make the number
In making pen divisions in tht tAt�a
for young anim,als, an attractive Plan
qs to use the heavy woven wire mAnU-
fa,aturedl for refiltbrOcIfteut In c0y1tr16tt
work, The Wite is ,ttrong onough lot
m,1,1 pu -a, (tnd the op,en, roomy ef-
- , rpos,L
&t it, cre,%tt5 in the �6TIi is, liked
�by thate *lie have installed, it. It
*6 &,=Rary. When,pronspoctive buyers
'00. tile anitnalo show up well, -
dents soak up science unawares. partant r,n g to reineinver Uvlrlku�.,
Then there must be the other kind tiOn with the crate 'a that the pig
of players -the ones who "put on the 9TOWS 'at -4 Pretty 'rapid t"P' The
show�-the professors end, ins,truc- crate most be built big enOugh for
torswid tutors in this most accommo- the pig, not when the cratals niade,
,dating of acad,mics. And there has but allowing for growth between then
to be somewhere a sort Of teachers' and fair time. And it must not be big
College for these people. There are, evough to pernuLt the pig to turn
in fact, lots of normal -schools for fair ,around. The bay raust remember that
professor&, but the Dominion Depart- the pig should not be fed, just before
ment of Agriculture is the graduate shipping. Na matter how -much the
College. And, one a the queer things little rascal Ones for Corn, he must
is that any boy or girl still in the -not he indulged. If he is fed-, he is
grammar gracles of the pubUe ,school very likely to get sick on the train
may be doing post -graduate work in and go through -the whole fair in a
getting things ready ,for the fair. droopy, drowsy, unprizelike looking
I Importance of Getting Ready. 1w1aly. Prizes Are Not All.
-too many people, the Department
experts say, do not know how mlich These are just a few of the things
depends an preparing exhibits in the that must 'be remembered in prepar-
right way, on getting the pig ar calf ing a pig for the fair- And. there are
or corn or canned stuff bi just the equally as many with regard, to the
right shape to show to the best ad,- calf, or the dairy eavr,or the poultry,
vantage. One cf,the boye club work- or any of the things, pracercally, that
ore tell -a story in point: the boy or girl, ')"an or woman, wants
I IfOne of our club boys," he 9 .. to exhibit at the fadr.
,,grow an acro of mighty good corn Even With all the care possible, the
and entered an exhibit in the county animal or other product may n - ot be a
fair. There were four ,prizes, -but -he Prize winner. There Caret be prfizeg
couldlitt get even the fourth one. The for every exhibitor. The fair that
judge ,simply tied on the ribbons and trios to arrange things so that every-
mado no explanations. The boy was body can go-ta Prize does rot amount
diLmppoitted-tiot rebellious, but he to much, UsUal-1-Y- It does not meaTl
Wanted to know why his -good corn 'anything to vAn a prize when you are
cou-idn!t get tL'prize. I went over it the only exhibitor in yourelasm The
with him, showed him that same of Prize is not the main thing, aftev all,
his biggest ears haAcrooked, rows and 1 To be sure theboys and.girlsond men
how others had other de�octs. Pick- and women who get things ready for
Ing ,out the best car, I said, 'If you the fair air& contributing to an eduft-
h,ad, t -M like this, you could win a tfon for the publie-but the main
prize., thing for thelft is the education they
"Well, thatboy Went backholne and got for them'selveg. -he
, ex,1.1nined, every oar of the , I "Take part in the 4coiltest," say t
c(,rn. I -le found only nine that be I exports, "for your own �,-aker- You will
thought -were as good as the one 1: IiAve a better Pig, a better calf, a
had pointed out. He went back! botter pound of butter, a better can tf
I Var by reason of hav
through the whele pile mT,trull and fin -t �""!�
Ally follili, tile wili; - -.r. Ile send � Inr O%h.= thi3 -mar, whether yet
these ten ear, t,� ,, ,� a .0
.It. �,,-,;, �, ,1 f,li___I N�ijlj (,r ret, And ',ill proper tt n
cc?'tiou to pvep.j-,a,,.1ou, the prize.� at(
, , ;,- , ., '�'
and won first ?Iy��,_,. )%p Z;uu �
Rnowing a little of how to propire anve to'C01111, tao�, s,colier or later."
If sheep raisers only realized the he - Goats
, obtained, from the Sheep and
-benefits and satisfaction from dipping Divis;on, Live Stock Bran* Depart -
their sheep, no compulsory law Would of Agriculture, Ott4wa.
be required- to make them enthusiastic ment .1 -1.4
and ,persistent in the practice of dip- The Control of Late Blight.
* �
Ping. '
The benefits are twofold; -first, all Spray before Late Blight appelm
verman and skin troubles can be once blight has sqpeared� apraying is
aiargely,oured or prevented, which has Of no valuo- Spraying once is almost
a marked effect in improving the as useless as not SPMW1119 -at all -
health and feeding gains of the flock; Spray five times, coullne=1119 about
and second, the quality of the wool the midtileef July; rep"t aid of July,
is improved andits gvo,kh stimulated. nAddle of August, end of A1191124 and
Shearing tests have demonstrated n,dddle of September.
that well -dipped sheep -wil' give 'from Spray before -rainy per.lods,; once
a 1yound to a Pound and 41 'half more the ,%PraY u'lixture has thorc'lighly,
wool per fleece thzm if not dipped. dried on the leaves it will -not Wash
While the spring dipping after off. � -
Fhearing with ,an Mlenical dip is very Spray lrom the tops down anA, from
xrnporb�Ant to give the flock, includill.' below up. Use good pressure, cover
the young lambs a, cleat, bill, ehe the Whole plant, Half spraying VAII
autumn dipping is still more impor- not Pay; donet West-- Your time and
taut and should ni.-�-et be amitted. money proving it; Experimental
Qtro should, be taken to follow thei Farms harve ah-mady proved- it.
directions which come with th dip in' Spraying pays a dividend every
its preparation, ani means Leken to year. It increases the yield. ,.It pre -
see that the whole sheep, with thel vents starage rot. Late Blight re -
,exception of eyes awl nostrils, gets duced the crop on the,average during
a -good application. There is really a five,yeara' ,period' by 1301/a bushels,
only ont, way to dip, a -ad -that is by per acre, Late Blight caused, a loss
submersion in a tazk sufficientlyl of 21.-8 percent. of the crolp from dig -
deep to cover the animal standing ging tinie to the following April. You
on its fed. While for a jIqay__tJ1,e country canuot-,iffard to
,=,411 flock, as an emergency mea- Ile wilh,out spraying, De) your duty.
Scre, a molasises hogshead with a loot Datet try Spraying Potatoes With
cut off one end may be used, the lime eulphur; it Is worse than useless.
prop,ar vessel isa, vat Home-made Bordeaux beats fattory-
built about 8 inches wide at the bot- made Bordeaux,
tom, 31/-. leat deop and flarbV -to 90 Tito standard Bordeaux mixture is
ns de n n ng made by us,ing 4 pounds ,to 6 P0=d0
to makeat incline up which the shee�p blue-stonia, 4 Pounds lime, to 40 im-
may walk after submersion. A drain- perial gallons of water. (To control
ing platf,orm, With tight bottom wliich t)ie potato beetle, add to each 40 gal -
will hol-A two or three sheep should be laiis Bordeaux mixture 9 ouilres Paris
so arlanged that when the sheep is green iand 1% lyoundls�arsenato -of lead'
assisted out upon it the drip from its paste.) Ask for directions how to
Wool Vill run from the platform b&dt prepare Bordeaux mixture.
into the tank. The dip should be Hand-eprayi-ng an dete (four UPIP-li-
made With warm water and allowed, to catio,ts,) costs from $3 to $4,per acre;
cool to 100 deg. F. before being used, spraying with one�cylindtk horse
after whieh it will cool rapidly. ,easts $3.50 per aere, wbilo
,Any tirne aftk�v &PtOmber I is a =ng with a tWo-cylinder hOrsd
gtoa fine to dip. A breezy ,bright pump Costs $6,60 por acre. The Ilse
da._� is ratur;aIly L,ast, but if,'fov any Of the lat-t TC4111-tcd in a not Profit Of
reison, dipping ig deluved, further do- $4110'al t
Per acm The most efficient
- I'ly waiting for ju,A the right day is hin&sPrAYet yielded s2a Profit per
ill!:�dvinbje. RartiouLaIlly when PO -15011 acre. The best SPra,Ver to Ulm i's tho,
I dip_� .Are u_gej, the sh,cop shouldi be I *ue that -gives high PrOmr*, it Of
I 1,opj� Ott ground affoviing any pactur6j rWd eon%tru,Aivn, AM lacko ulftn0�
I-antil thtiv 11"K,% I,,.%Ve eease(l drip.lgqry �coinpli,mtloow�. ,��,