HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-06-30, Page 80 cz�� ' IM4 AN"ING-IJAAM ADVANNOl'i SERVICES APPRECIATED I SUNSET CAMP e�A& The N-wenient of thIc, Wingliant Metil- Reaistrations Are Now Being ReceivQ r odist church was well tilled on Wedne". or This Boys' Work Training A . day cvening last witil members and ad- Camp W were there to ?,-*4 do honour to their beloved pistorand his 10 8 1 e ein e Registrat n , r, b g receiv d by N1 $ wifeand family prior to their departure N - Moilde, sveretary of the simset Trair "_3 for their new h.ome in Wallaceburg. The ing Camp Conit ittee, o 3 4)e�lsollahk! weai,in,'-, 11 X 5 7, Goderict. time for parting wa,- near at hand and they Ont.), for this summer training camp to 111ater wizlied to tell tile Armstrongls that their boys' work leaders and prospective leaders S0011171 it, Wingbam was appr�ciated. which will l5e field at Point Farm, nea etc., �lre now ill Z 1." Dr. Redmi wild read the following address , Goderich. Point F arm has an unrivallei tock. and Mr. J. A. Mills presented Mr. Arm- bathing beach and ample grounds for all: strong with a well filled purse. game, in fact it would be hard to imagin s Wingham, June 1.12nd, �0121 a more ideal spot for the 6mp than jus Rev. E' F., Mrs. Armstrong and family: tile Spot selceted. f P4 li�i Dcar Pastor: TlW camp is intended for Sunday Schou superintendents, teachers and leaders u Upon the eve of your departure front c"A among tnz, and termination of vour four b,)Ys' classes, lovers of boys who want t( (Years as their pastor, the members and learn something of a buys' nature anc r K adherents of the Wingliant Methodist methods U character building; and als( � for older boys, (over 171 years of age), whc Church desire to express to you their appreciation of your faithful service du, may want to learn flow to become Trail , t tei in of v ur pastorate. Rangers orTuxis Itaders. This is one o Wasli Fkirts, he 0 the Ontario Summer Training Camps, As a citizen you have always taken an and is promoted by a co-operative Com - active and iritejligwnt interest in all matters pertaining to the social and moral mittee in affiliation with the Ontario Work Board, composed of represent - Boys benefit of the coromunity. Th, was a tives of the Protestant communions of Particularly manifested in the ablelsassist. ance rendered to the temperence cause Ontario, the Ontario Religious Education E A25, N A B Y, I E PRWES in the two campaigns which have reculted Council and the Nqti6nal Council of the it, giving us a bone-dry province. Y. M. C. A., and is designed to sirve tile counties of Huron, Perth and the south - During your pastorate here tile great eLn part of Bruce. Forward Movement Campaign, having for Th s will be a real camping experience, mo its object a speeding UP of Missionary combined with practical de ristrations It "P effort, and an increased efficiency in Christ- of how loco duct Boys'Organized Class- ian endeavor, was carried out with very es along the lines of the Canadian Stand- Y�LL_ gratifying results, ard Efficiency Training program, and r 6rU ., We cannot speak too highLy of tile very features of the camp will be Bible study, cordial and friendly relations that have at methods of boys work, atfilotics, aquatic, �Jo at all times existed between Yourself and hikes, games, lectures, camp -fire$, si ng - the members of tne Quarterly Board of songs, learning how to do by doing. Lhis Church. There will be a staff of efficient leaders A spirit of harmony, hearty co-operation for instructional and supervisory work - Q, and good -will has characterized all de. in addition to the following camp leaders; SA A . 14� 1; liberations. Notwithstanding losses Rev. S. S Hardy, Goderich, Anglican re- > sustained by presentative and camp director; Rev. T. 1�_ death and removals we are pleased to Aitkins, Parry Sound, Baptist represent - 511 know that you leave a strong vigorous ative; Rev. T. Bole, Tilsonburg, Method- .o*b and united congregation. Fur this s,,tis. ist reprcsentative; Rev W. R. McIntosh, factor:i condition your tact, wisdom London, Presbyterian representative; scholar�y and well -reasoned discoursts' Rev. W. D. Fletcher, Toronto, National have been strong contributing factors. Boys' Work Board. We cannot conclude without some re- Thedatesof he camp are from July - 4th to Ilth, 102tl and the fee is $2.00 for ference to your esteemed and amiable wife. During her residence here sorrow, registration, and $7 for board and tent I'Z ,ickness and death have visited your lodging. Register to -day, by sending in home but amidst all these crosses, there your application to Mr. Maikle, Godericb. H ANNA `3. COO Arrangements will be made to meet you was one who never complained but in her at the train and convey ou to the camp. own quiet and unassuming' way nobly discharged her duties as wife and mother. In conclusion we trust that in your new discus i home, Pruvidence will still guide and :et In Clinton sion was upon social service work 6or -7�_be -.annual c.�.,nvention of the Huron �nd all the speakers introduced new ide s direct you, and to yourself, your wife and Y041 710 in rE ork �sociation was held throughout the county. During family we bid our affectionate farewell. ��u=ty Temperance A. !gard to the plans for -such w a P/71CII/ t 1) e i n Ontario street chu,-ch. Clinton, on evening the mixed quartefte of the church Signed on behalf of the Quarterly Official hesday afternoon and evening. A rendered A selection and Mr. L. Weir Board. nunih­ IF 4 : PROMOTION EXANS JR. IV. to Sat. IV. Total 675. Honours 507. Pass l(g), M. Christie 602, T. Robertson 5,84, W. McKibbon 558, J. Field j17, N. William - Ron 512, A. McLean 541, M. Snell 52D, M. Mitchell 518, %, Chottleburgh 511, J, YOUIIPr 5`04. R. Hartnell 487, A. Pullen -177e, G. Mitchell,170. A. Laundy 465, 1,. Mitchell,154, (,,. Angus 451, A. Ludwig 4-15, E, Campbell 42 1, A. Mitchell 417, B, Brown 411, G. Lediett 409, N Beattie 408 W. Hunter 406, A. Irwin 40(1, 11. Wilde 105. Recommended (illness) D. McEwen. SH. III to JR. III,% Honours460. Pa�,9370. N� Homuth 536, W. Tiffin 514, W. Johnston 505, M. Isard,5300, G Robertson 490, Y. McPherson 484, M. S�Tl 479, A. Swanson 478, E, Tamblyn 472, F. Field, 471, D. Harley 469, G. Dobie 408, D. Scott 460, S. Blatch ford 430, 1). Preston 449, B. Boardman 4.17, M. Simpson 446, G. Spotton 44 1, F. Ford' 434, C. Wirth 431, C. McKibbon 424, G. FrY 413, J. Roth 306, M� Mlt�liell 391, L. Groves 388, M. Hill,387, M, Musgrove 384, 11, Stokes 375, 1, Stewart 371. JR. III to Sit III Total 450. Honours 337, Pass 270, M. Weir 391, L. Thompson 359, C. Pendleton 349, M. Robertson 347, j, Mc. Lean 338, R. Armstrong 331, V. Fox 331, B, Edgar 325, M. Carr 322, W. Seddon 320, L. Bennett 318, R. Rae 317. E. Lott 316, G, McDonald 312, P. Gibson iio, H, Field 303, W. Agnew 301, M. Saint 301, L. Pettrman 300, J. Sturdy 298, G. Page 293, L, Hutton 291, F. Fells 387, V, Campbell 28ti, C. Carr 285, K Pilon 285, K. Reid 283, H. Toler 282, Mary Mitchell 280, K. Williams 279, B. Armstrong 273 ' E. Lepard 273, J. Green 272, J. Clarke :4 (U. Recommended (illness) S. Bennett, A. Hartneli, S1,- II to J11. III Total 500. Honotirs 375 Pass 3oo, K. King 463, B. McGee 453 E. Mc- KaY 440, M. Redmond 426, G, Snell 405, E. Blue 396 G. Allen 304, F. Roberson 37�, H, Brown 363, V. Miller 353, TZ, Sutton 31.7, E Ross 340, R. Carter 844, A Coutts 344, H. Barrett 343, X Currie 339, R. Coneland 3qn r, t­ "I'liursclay, Julle 30tti, 1921 It Is Store Closed all day Friday (this week) ominion 1JAy Open Thursday Until 10 p* also o's-ten all day W ed - F nesday of this week. N F a A I I I W W I L SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES' ­tn AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN 27k I I On L I S 00 1, 11, Pendleton 331 C, Deans 330, T. Hender- 1K Ar son 303, W. Fitt 302. J. McKibbon 300, 7""'t 0 X X E. Brown 300, X Hartriell 300, J. Angus o"t Fail 300. 1. - . " i make Sit. I to SR. if Total 400. Honours 300. Pass 240, M. King 394, W. Angus 394, N. Coutts 393, K. Smith 301, H. Dickson 389, 1, Smith 386 B, Fox 380, V, Pilon 384, G. Wellwood 393, P. Campbell 380, J. Tiffin 378, A. Snell 377, 1 Carr 376 " M Bisbee 376.L. Broome 375, M. Clark�74, H. 3" 12,'ro f, e'egates were present sangasolo. Itwasconsidered asuccess- Lrjm all points of the county and success. ful convention. R. C. Redmond. v ansickle 237, D. Kargus Durnin 236, L. Williams 235, R. Hastie 235, F, .6 .. I . -ung 372, C. Findlay 371, D. Atkinson 370, M. Armstrong 370, I Following are the officers CA meetings were held. for the ensuing year: -alfternoon A splendid program was given and light refreshments were served. appeared rustless atid indifferent, all the beautiful lessons you tau�, were not lost, r, I Moir 369, E. Hende on 369, S. Camp - 9 .1e was taken up with the, , Hort.-President-A J. Iiwin, Wingharn ght presew Tne ree%e in i ie chair. Min- bell 368, H. Kargus.3r>% S. Mitchell 361, of reports, etc.. and addresses by President -J, A. Irwin, Clinton. '2.-2ev. Dr. �, Mrs. Armstrong's Sunday School Class Fixter 219, A. C,reene 2,t,7, M.. Findlay M. Ludwig 358, H. Groves 351, G. Pidgeon of Toronto, Rev. Vice Presideints-G. M. Elliott, Gode- ?Feters of T30grave and Rev. Mr. presented herwith a sitkunibre:la and As a token of our regard, we ask you to Davidson 350. R. Harrison 344, M. Me- Intyre 341, A Rintoul SM, rich� Rev. Mr, Edwards, Seaforth; J. B. C�ysdale of Furdwicb, A banquet was McLean, the following address: council asking for a grant to the public C. Fry 332, J. Cloakev 327. Kippen; Mrs. A. McGuire, z&!rved by the local W. C. T U. in the, Brussels; Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Clinton; �,,.vetwe room at six o'clock, Dear Mrs Armstrong: - We, your Sunday School Class, feel Total 250. Hon. 22& Pass, 200, PRIADIRY To, SR. I Total 250. Hon. 225. which was'Mrs, S. Fitton, Exeter. Ca"lowed by after-dinner speEches. that we cannot let You go to your new It Pass 2% J. Mitchell 248. E In the � Secretary -W. H. Willis Wingham. 1<!r,t�mgthe Rev. Mr, Pidgeorl. who is I Treasurer -A, M. Robertson, Goderich. , home without telling you how much we shall miss you, and how we have apprec- 0 111 Reid 248� J. Mil- ligan 248, B. Walker 2.49, J Copeland T4res�dent of the Provincial Social 1 Service 1 Field Secretary-- A. T. Cooper. Clinton. ir=?d il, again spoke, his subject being,! iated your efforts as our teacher. After Booty had allowed Wingham to twelve handed 248, E. Campbell 248, F_ Horauth 247 H. Fry 247, 0. Tiffin 246, r. Nortrop 245, Representatives - North Huron, S . ""b* New Citizenship" His address Bennett; Centre Huron, J Cowan; South k No matter how busy, no matter how tired get runs he the job over to "Doe" Campbell at Wingharn on Wed- A. Atkinson 244, M. Dobie 244, E, Ray 16oguent and inspiring. Much of the Huron, C. Horney. no matter how worried, you have alwZs had time for us. You have al. ways tried to give us each Sunday from the lesson somethir; I nesday last. Howic-Ir 244, W. Dow 244, E. Zurbrigg 243, M Fitt 242, J. Brackenbury 212, G. Smith 241. A. Louttit 239, B. Small 237, C. Butter .................. 20 to 32 Eggs VVIns"halm-l's Cl --Antral Shopv-&ing Place Lut 4 Days of the Big Sale which ends Sat. Next, July 2nd. -BARGAINS IN E V E R V DiPARTMENT Look these bargains over then come and get your share before it is too late. S4�oo doz. Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers, oil sale at ................ 2.95 .3-50 doz. plain white Cups and Saucers, on sale at ........... I ...... 2.75 X.20 dOZ. Star Turriblers, on sale at .............. ... ............. . 20 per cent. off all China and Glassware. 90 LOO value Preserving Xettle, 10 qt on sale at ............ ......... . 59 75c, value 14 qt. galvaiii7ed Fail on sale at .................... 1. j.. -59 1.00 value 16 qt galvanized Pail on gale at .......... .............. . 69 20 per cent tiff all alumimin, Unatnel, Tinware. Men's Half Soles, reg. 5o, cents on sale at ........ ................. . 25 Vhmeti's and Children's Half Soles, reg 25 oil sale at ...... I ... 1— -15 loc. Laundry Soap on sale at ...................................... 7 2SC. long Bar Castile Soap oil sale at ... I ............ ... .... I ...... . 18 Bargains galore in Ladies, and children.-, Wear Department. 65C. Pink Bloomers on sale at ........................... 50C. Sultunier Vests on sale at ......................... ....... I ..... 25 Ladies, Hose, black, brown and white, size 8,T/2 to to, half price. .25 Ribbed Hose, for boy-, and girls, reg. 40 cents value on sale at ...... . 25 'Vests, Drawers qud Bloomers for children on sale at ................ . 25 tlearance sale of Millittery, $5,00 to 8.0o value to Iear at .......... 2-49 25 per Cent off all Wall Paper. Valley lioxes Writing Paper and Unvelopes, reg. 35 and 50 celits on Gale at ................................................ . 19 and .29 AverYtIling On Sale, come early and avoid the Saturday night rush. I'lig:lest Price for Yigg�) cash or tratle. tvham- Bazaa"r 5 � a -Vu U help us to live the p� xt week better than v ansickle 237, D. Kargus Durnin 236, L. Williams 235, R. Hastie 235, F, the last Al hough at Urres we may have Fordwich. June 15tL, 1921 Council Howson 234, X. D)w 233 F. P�tge 232. appeared rustless atid indifferent, all the beautiful lessons you tau�, were not lost, me, in Bes vitherick room pursuznt to adjournment. All !nembers G. Beattie 23 1. M. Ca, iteloin 2al, E. Gray ght presew Tne ree%e in i ie chair. Min- 230, S. Roberson 230. L Brown, 219, D. many remain with us, w.d we are better utea of last meeting were read and on Fixter 219, A. C,reene 2,t,7, M.. Findlay girls because of your hiadiy L:.ie.,est. motion of Hubbard and Boyan" were ad- opted. A deputation, the Rev. 216, P. Clark 2ti B, Burke 2DI, E. As a token of our regard, we ask you to Laing and Mr. Deans wai lvlr' ted on the Stoakley 205. R. Forsythe -20a. accept this Rift that it may bring back to council asking for a grant to the public ` NDERGARTICN-PRIMART to Srt. I memory your class of girls, who will so library in the village of Fordwich. M0,6- ed by Inglis and Spotton that the Total 250. Hon. 22& Pass, 200, often and lovingly think of you. council give a grant of $25,00 -Carried. D. Walker 246, M, Ray 243, C Pen& Signed on behalf of the class. Tenders for the building of two cement leton 242, H. Be-attie 240, R. Thompson Mabel Johnson. culverts on Con. 10, over the Day Muni- 2A R. Chettleburgh Z29, R. Gunn 223. Cipal Drain were opened. Moved by. Bryan$ and Spotton that the tender KJ(N0FRG4VT&,tir Tu PR.13l&Rv WIMHAAA MARKETS of .Charles Shaefer be accepted. He to do all the work and furnish all material for V. Fry. G. Henderson, M. Agnew. F. Mellor, M. Hurron. M. VanNorman, P. the surn of $12.00 per cubic yard­�IGt_ Lediett, K, MacCawley, R. Broome, L. (Correct up till Wednesday noon) ion Carried. Moved by Inglis and Hubbard that the Groves, H. Fuller, J, Boardman, L. Clarke. V. Carter, J. Beninger, W. Wialton Butter .................. 20 to 32 Eggs following accounts be paid*. -Alex., Gib. on, -grading from lot 2o to 30, Con, 6 639 , L. Robertson, D. Deans R. Fitt, S. ................... 30 to 35 Hogs, liveweight ... , 11 00 to 11 25 00; Ernest Albrecht work and materiai Fordwich Public S 1W e d 6.80; W in . Williams, M. Aldington. M, Hirst, E. Small J. Thompson, Cream ............... to 25 Graham, shovelling gravel on C. line 2.00; D. Vogan, shovelling gravel and rnovi .9 MRS. T. FELLS grade, 3.80*, C. LMaxwell, gravel and shovelling gravel 21. , 30; Writ. Burns, THE PUDDLE DUCK puttinginditch andraking stones 26.00; Patrick St., Phone 23 1. JameaHarris gravel 7.50; A. Forester, Said the puddle duck to the little white sheep killed by dogs 22.50; Thas. Inglis, hen Qualified to give Chiropractic and massage, ajustments. Spinal examination gravel 5.85; Wesley Sanderson. making fill, Lot 27, Con. 6. 13.00; Win Reis, "I've not sold an egg since I don't know free. dumping gravel 8.75; James Hubbard when; cutting hill and making fill, lot 30, Con. 14. 72.00, Robert Nay. drAwing tile 3.00; Thomas Bennett, taking stone out Yet I feel quite sure that the eggs I lay, Are as good as a hen's egg any day, Extra Special Prizes of Roadway 8,00; Fred A. Edgar, engineer's Said the little white hen to the puddle The Turnberry Agricultural Society is fee for John Waters and Joseph Davidson duck, indebted to Mr E. R. Harrison, manager Awards 35 00; Melvin Hubbard, operat- ing road machine 1140; Wm, Per "You think perhaps you are out of luck, W of GUnns' ingharn branch for the follow- guson team on road machine lot 141, Con. 14 Q Your eggs are as good, IT freely admit, ing excellent special prizes which he is of- 15, 9.00, Finlay Lynn, dumping gravel And larger, too, by quite a bit." fering for their Fall Fair to be held at 15, 00; James Mathews, making fill lot 23, Wingham, Sept. 27tb. and 28th., 1921� Con. 4 and 5, 74 30; J. Beswitherwick, rent for room 0'rneetings) 4.50; John , But, my dear Mrs. Duck, I'll give For the best bushel of oats he will give 500 lbs of Gunns Shur Gain Fertilizer and Bell, work lot 25 to 30, Con. 15 and 16, 154,9$; Wing Rogerso outlet for you a tip-, - The whole fault lies with Your sal0sman. 250 lbs, as second prize. For the best road "It" 8 00; (;- Maxwell, gravel and fixing ship. bushel of wheat, barley, turnips� potatoes hill Con, C.,12 80, Fred A. Edgar, engin- You Produce Your egg and without a lor corn the same eXcellent rizes are eer agreements 5.00; John Hyndman. tile 67-75,, Isaac Wade, assessor salary 160,00; quack offered, In all over two tons of this ex. John Hyndman, patt 'pay on bay Mu To your swimming Pool you waddle cellent- Fertilizer will be given away. Fipal Drain 108.90; Jamei5 Hubbard, dump- back." The only stikation is that Gunns Vertil. ing gravel Zerkle hill 6.95; Isaac Wade, school attenrlance officer and changing "I tell the world, to let it know zer must be used on tile 80it on which assessment roll 13 60. SO I cackle around for an hour or so, the article is grown, Prof. I M Bell has Moved by Spotton and BrYans*that the There 9 a good demand for the eggs I lay, b2en securM to judgm th6e e9hibits and council adjourn to mett in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the third Wedildeday in For I make my advertising pay. lie will also thoroughly explain wily he July. -Carried. W. B. Osborn, gives bi-3 decisions aid why lie reje,:�,& 0. S. Walker, Clerk, Hartford Agent, M%ost UiL iLhis "I All it ":VA upportunisty Ir WEEK END SPECIAL Freel Free! R i d es on the Merry -Go - Round. Treat WHiMn. H.M. the Children at Our- Expense.* Par, ents Attention With every One Dollar purclaase ih any depart. 9 r iiient Of our store, we will give" tbee purclia, e �a ticket free, good for one ride on, dite Alerry-Go� Round. $1.00 Purchase receives. I Ticket Free, 5.00 Putclaase receives ................. ........ 5 Tickets Free. 10.00 Purchase ieceives ......... 10 Tickets Free, Etc., This is equivalent to an extra 10% discount c4f our alrea-dy reduced prices, and gives tile parents an opportunity to give their chit-dren a wonderful Ist July li-oliday at small cost. Boys and Girls Get Busy' Get your rnother's order for the holiday requirements, and beat it to Kings for the Free Tickets. Special Reduced Prices on all Lines Dry Goods, Ladies'. Ready -to -Wear, Blouses, Skirts, Dresses, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Silks Volles, Orptidies, etc.; Men's Clothing, Boy,S'Cloth' ing, Khaki Patits, Shir t a, Overalls, Underwear, Hats, Capq, 13oys' Waists, Stockings, etc, SPecial'Valuea In Groceries KING BROS, Torms, Caah. Phone 71. ,y-0