HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-06-30, Page 410. 2, they are fine quality:ligle nicely finished with double
r heels and toes. SPeciftf at ............... 40c, or I pr. for 65cta,
TO. 3 Special in Silk Hosiery .............. 590. or 2 pr. for $1 05
10. 4. Special in 18 in nilk Hosiery at ...... 70c, or 2 pr. for $1 40
A many otbev lines not mentioned.
:,,.ct Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
I A Door to J. A. Mills Flour and reed Store,
iucten 44S Qucen St., W., Totoato, Branch, 94derich.
Fraser Says U. F. 0, Supporters Tired
(By Wilfrid Gingras, Stratford.)
Of Government
In last week's issue we reported very
The Beautiful Isle of SomeAhere;
briefly the doings at the Liberal Conven.
A realm Of Peace and solitude
tion held in Wingham last Tuesday as
The Beautiful Isle of Somewhere,
time would not permit a lengthy report.
Ah, there we linger in the shade,
The convention, a well attended gather-
Away from toil and marts of trade—
ing under the chairmanship of W. H. Rob-
The sweetest spot God ever made —
ertson, Goderich association president dis.
The Beautiful Isle of Somewhere.
cussed the situation in the riding having
A place to bury allour cates,
regard to the likelihood of a three cornered
This Golden Isle of Somewhere.
contest but the feeling was almost unani,
Forget the marks of passing years
mously in favour of placing a man in the
Oh, youthful Isle of Somewhere.
Inspection that Prevents
Nominations brought out 12 names, in.
Gay birds sing sweetly in the sky,
A 7
Aleedless Battery Expense
And time so softly passes by
Wroxeter. Eight declined to allow their
YOUR storage battery is always a source
names to go before the convention. There
A trysting place for lovers true,
of satisfaction when supervised by Prest
The Beautiful Isle of Somewhere.
Lane of Goderich, Capt. J. Hetherington
O -Lite Service. We prevent as well as
of Goderich, John N. McMcNab, West
remedy battery ailments. There comes a
The Lovely Isle of Somewhere.
A. Hislop, Ex -M. P. P. Brussels; Reeve
time in every battery's life when repairs are
John McNabb, Grey and Miss Hazel- I
Of happiness and dearest blessings,
needed. Sometimes the cause may be traced
Where sweethearts learn Love's olden
Charles Garrow, Goderich barrister,
to an outside source, such as a loose generator
was absent,
The Beautiful Isle of Somewhere.
brush or faulty electric wiring.
Where is this Isle, this wonder land
farmer of Colborne, W. H. Fraser, farm-
Before taking the battery apart, we always
er of Morris and W, H. Robertson, editor
Where carefree hearts live Life anew,
make sure that the trouble, if any, is in the
And Nature sings the whole day through;
dropped out on this ballot and a second
battery. If it is not, we locate the cause and
vote gave Mr. Fraser 46 and Mr. Hill 45.
save your battery from injury,
And mankind, drowsy, sits and dreams
Fraser was made unanimous.
Our reasonable prices and expert repair work
"I am proud to be your standard bear-
Like those now woke by Fancy's gleam?
have won the confidence of a large clientele.
Somewhere! Ah, somewhere I know,
"because I think to -day the world is turn-
Bring is your battery repair work, whether
ing more Liberal, War and the attend-
Where sorrows' tears, forever dried,
you have a powerful Prest-O-Lite Battery or,
And turned to sunny, cheery smiles
mixed up and t& get out of it I don't think
any other make.
it should turn any other way but to Lib-
And beautify fondest reveries.
Robertson & Hecker
Somewherel Some day I'll surely know
not be in it all, but I will do the best 1
"The Garage for Service"
can and [ask you to do the same and I
am quite satisfied if you will all do that
we will carry the riding".
Turnberry Council tor on grader 112. 00; J. McCutcheon, rep,
Ito crossway B. line 19 75; B. Cruiksbank,
i pt. salary 5o.00; P. Powell, pt salary
Minutes of Council Meeting held in t 50�00. P. King, work on road 5 00; Geo.
313luevale on June 20th, I9Zl. All the Walker. refund statute labour. 2.50.
members present. On motion of A. motion of J L. MacEwen and J. J. Mof-
Vheeler and J. L MacEwen, the minutes fat, the nexi oouncil meeting will be held
ot last regular meeting and also minutes in Bluevale on July 25th 1921, at 1 o'clock,
Since Mr. Hatfield setup his little 14 x
Court of Revision were read and Special council meeting held In Wing�
Conservative party and the U. F. 0.
�Odopted. ham, June 25tb., 1921 for the purpose of
following accounts were passed— bringing on township engineer re Baird
0, man is getting tired of the inefficient
Fercy Hogg, gravelling, filling and bush- drain. Moved by Wheeler and Alines
government in Ontario.
$51.69; Robert Hogg. gravel 90c; J. that the clerk notify the township engine -
King. gravel $7.20; W. McMichael, er to make an award on the Baird drain
field thinks that they had better take the
Inspecting $3.75; McKinnon Bros., grav- under the municipal drainage act—Car-
elling and gravel 306.48; D. Woods, in- ried.
U * F 1 0. and I think in time the latter
specting 17.50: W. R. Cruikshank, trac- P. Powell, Clerk.
will gradually switch our way."
course it is just possible that it might
date of the Legislature in North Huron
covered up his little tank. But can Mr,
Hatfield make it rain? He thinks be can,
an(l some people agree with him . How
taree-cornered contest in the general
election of the following year to John
Joynt, Conservative.
the moisture in the air, and condenses it
to a point of precipitation.,' He uses
Hugh Hill, who was but one vote short
Does the work as well as machines costimr
fumes of the evaporating chemicals, mix -
$300.00 or more. If this soun& too good to be true"
* :
his name to stand for the ballot, he said:
just give us� a chancf- to prove it.
"I am a farmer but do not ask support on
atmosphere." Surely this is simple
Used by the Dominion and Provincial Goveril-
enough. The rain lies somewhere in the
long as I remember very well represented
ments and many of Canada's largest firms.
so Mr. Hatfield, with his little 14 x 14
Catalogue Free. - - - Write Now.
tank, "overturns the atmosphere" over
that regard. What I want you to do is
A. E. DOHERTY & CO.� Windsor, Ont.
to select a candidate whom you think will
.e.+ VA. . .
be able to command the largest majority
yet there is rain, and it came after Mr.
of votes."
Hatfield setup his tank! But it visited
X ;"Extension
tomary attack on Liberal supporters of
the Union Government, He emphasized
ger than he thought.
a declaration that the Liberal party still
1�, 1;.-.A; 1. ;� �T, �u T�+ A
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
have decided to extend the sale for
another couple of weeks.
Hundreds of people have not seen our great bargains yet as their
time did them
not permit to come, as a consequence we are going to con-
tinue this sale—a sale that means sr
imetbing to every citizen in Wing-
and the surrounding country. No matter what may be their cir-
curnstariceq the keen
average women are always to save money. At this
sale in our store we are goiag to give you the opportunity for another
couple OfweeUs So come see the specials offered to you. Considor the
values, so then let your sense of economy in liberal
guide you making
A SPECIAL REDUCTION for this week in Summer Dresses,
S11irts, Waists, Hosiery,
and Organdie Dresses, beautifully
trimmed with rtiftles, others with tunics, nicely scalloped
the lu)ttoni
arouvil special for this weel� .................... $ 7 95
(IINGHAM DRE88RS 5 different patterns, nirely trimmed, spec-
ial for this week ......................................... 2 95
GENUINE BARGAIN in Porch Dresses, sizes and shades to suit
figure, for
every special this week, labor alone is worth more_ 1 19
110613, HOSE, 1-1099, Holsiery Lot No. I They are made of
fine quality mercerized cotton, in black only ...... 29c. or 2 pr. 55ct 8',
10. 2, they are fine quality:ligle nicely finished with double
r heels and toes. SPeciftf at ............... 40c, or I pr. for 65cta,
TO. 3 Special in Silk Hosiery .............. 590. or 2 pr. for $1 05
10. 4. Special in 18 in nilk Hosiery at ...... 70c, or 2 pr. for $1 40
A many otbev lines not mentioned.
:,,.ct Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
I A Door to J. A. Mills Flour and reed Store,
iucten 44S Qucen St., W., Totoato, Branch, 94derich.
Fraser Says U. F. 0, Supporters Tired
(By Wilfrid Gingras, Stratford.)
Of Government
It's a fairy land of Joy and Youth,
In last week's issue we reported very
The Beautiful Isle of SomeAhere;
briefly the doings at the Liberal Conven.
A realm Of Peace and solitude
tion held in Wingham last Tuesday as
The Beautiful Isle of Somewhere,
time would not permit a lengthy report.
Ah, there we linger in the shade,
The convention, a well attended gather-
Away from toil and marts of trade—
ing under the chairmanship of W. H. Rob-
The sweetest spot God ever made —
ertson, Goderich association president dis.
The Beautiful Isle of Somewhere.
cussed the situation in the riding having
A place to bury allour cates,
regard to the likelihood of a three cornered
This Golden Isle of Somewhere.
contest but the feeling was almost unani,
Forget the marks of passing years
mously in favour of placing a man in the
Oh, youthful Isle of Somewhere.
The babbling brook goes thrilling by,
Nominations brought out 12 names, in.
Gay birds sing sweetly in the sky,
cluding one lady, Miss Hazelwood, of
And time so softly passes by
Wroxeter. Eight declined to allow their
At the Beautiful Isle of Somewhere,
names to go before the convention. There
A trysting place for lovers true,
were Sam Popplestone of Blyth, Win.
The Beautiful Isle of Somewhere.
Lane of Goderich, Capt. J. Hetherington
Where hearts may pledge each vow
of Goderich, John N. McMcNab, West
Wawanosh, M. G. Cameron, Goder-ch;
The Lovely Isle of Somewhere.
A. Hislop, Ex -M. P. P. Brussels; Reeve
A lover's lane of sweet caressings,
John McNabb, Grey and Miss Hazel- I
Of happiness and dearest blessings,
wood. i
Where sweethearts learn Love's olden
Charles Garrow, Goderich barrister,
was absent,
The Beautiful Isle of Somewhere.
The first ballot was taken on Hugh Hill,
Where is this Isle, this wonder land
farmer of Colborne, W. H. Fraser, farm-
Of Youth and Beauty, hand in hand.
er of Morris and W, H. Robertson, editor
Where carefree hearts live Life anew,
of the Signal, Goderich, Mr. Robertson
And Nature sings the whole day through;
dropped out on this ballot and a second
Where peace and contentment reign
vote gave Mr. Fraser 46 and Mr. Hill 45.
On motion of the latter the choice of Mr.
And mankind, drowsy, sits and dreams
Fraser was made unanimous.
Of days gone by, which might have been
"I am proud to be your standard bear-
Like those now woke by Fancy's gleam?
er for Liberalism,". said the candidate,
Somewhere! Ah, somewhere I know,
"because I think to -day the world is turn-
There's such a place kept free from woe.
ing more Liberal, War and the attend-
Where sorrows' tears, forever dried,
an . t reconstruction has made things rather
And turned to sunny, cheery smiles
mixed up and t& get out of it I don't think
That bring back happiest memories
it should turn any other way but to Lib-
And beautify fondest reveries.
eralism. When it comes to a finish I may
Somewherel Some day I'll surely know
not be in it all, but I will do the best 1
This enchanting Isle of Somewhere,
can and [ask you to do the same and I
am quite satisfied if you will all do that
we will carry the riding".
"Making Rain"
Mr. Fraser in allowing his name to
stand on the ballot, said: "I'believe in the
(Christian Guardian)
U, F. 0. platform, 100 per cent but not
Since Mr. Hatfield setup his little 14 x
in its application. They got tired of the
14 foot tank on his 24 loot high tower on
Conservative party and the U. F. 0.
the shore of Lake Chappice. Medicine
went in to politics, but to -day any U. F.
Hat and the surrounding district has had
0, man is getting tired of the inefficient
more rain than it really wanted, and some
government in Ontario.
of the farmers bave been urging Mr. Hat -
"Liberalism to -day represents a posi
field to turn off the tap. But Mr. Hat -
tion just between the autocratic Conserv-
field thinks that they had better take the
atives and the too radical section of the
rain while they can get it, as possibly
U * F 1 0. and I think in time the latter
July may be rather a dry month, and of
will gradually switch our way."
course it is just possible that it might
Mr. Fraser was the successful candi-
keep on raining even if Mr. Hatfield
date of the Legislature in North Huron
covered up his little tank. But can Mr,
by-election of 1918 but lost out in a
Hatfield make it rain? He thinks be can,
an(l some people agree with him . How
taree-cornered contest in the general
does he do it? Well, he says he "localizes
election of the following year to John
Joynt, Conservative.
the moisture in the air, and condenses it
to a point of precipitation.,' He uses
Hugh Hill, who was but one vote short
certain chemicals which he says, "the
of Mr. Fraser's total for the nomination
fumes of the evaporating chemicals, mix -
is a young Colborne farmer, In allowing
ing with the surrounding air, cause what
his name to stand for the ballot, he said:
may be described as an overturning of the
"I am a farmer but do not ask support on
atmosphere." Surely this is simple
that ground. The country has been 80
enough. The rain lies somewhere in the
long as I remember very well represented
atmosphere and it won� t come down, and
by agriculturists and I take exception to
so Mr. Hatfield, with his little 14 x 14
what my friend Mr. Hetherington said in
tank, "overturns the atmosphere" over
that regard. What I want you to do is
an area of about one hundred miles in
to select a candidate whom you think will
diameter, Some overturn! isn't it? And
be able to command the largest majority
yet there is rain, and it came after Mr.
of votes."
Hatfield setup his tank! But it visited
Mr. Pardee's addressincluded his cus-
also Saskatchewan and Manitoba, so per-
tomary attack on Liberal supporters of
haps Mr. Hatfield's I overturn" was big -
the Union Government, He emphasized
ger than he thought.
a declaration that the Liberal party still
1�, 1;.-.A; 1. ;� �T, �u T�+ A
I - .., P- , . e
States, Claiming that the mandate of the
Union Government expired with the war Best D. L. & WA.
the West Lambton member said:
"Any Liberal who still stands under the
National Liberal and Conservative bai
is nothing more or less than a Tory allu I Suanton Coal
steeped in Toryism. There is nothing I
Liberal about the National Liberal and I All S1ZeS
Conservative party. 4
"Why should it be that Liberals and I
farmers should afford Government candi- I
dates chances by three -cornered fights 1 Order your coal now
9nd avoid the high prices
with but one result in very very many :�
ridings—tbat reactionary forces would be! and coal shortage of the
elected and the farmers farther away i past season, also Cannell,
from the goal than before? Does it not I Soft Smithing Coal and
appear -to you that the farmers have and) Charcoal a] ways on hand.
a 'ways had a real friend in the Liberal ,
party that from the days of reciprocity Lumber, dressed and undressed.
dows at least—and I could go back far. Lath, Shingles, Frames, Sash,
the4 the Liberal party ha3 steadi!y forg. Doors, Mouldings of all kinds. -
ed to
ward one goal and is to -day steadily Beaver Board and Roofing.
forging towards that one goal and that is
to give the titters of the soil the benefit of
every possible decrease in the tariff that'
can be maile. J. A. MacLEAN
Miss Besssie Abell
Organist in St. Paula' Church,
Wingham I
Phone 157 SLALZI) TEINDIUIS addrei-sed to the under
Signed and ondoried "Ten(lor for cwil fo�
the Wininion Buililill 8, Ontario and Quebec."
it 13A thp, Mile's linfil 12 WOU�1,
Phoue.,� ro6, 224-
Puneral Directors
and Embalmers
ill6tor Ireakse (or llf�n;e 1,�(Iuipjnent
Winghamo Ontario
Tendpr,4 iWill not tw con4dered unles[4 rnwla
on the foring nuPplied by (Ito Department an(I
in accordance with the conditions set forth
Bach tender inwit be accom anied bT, an
accepted clieflito an a chartered flank %able
to tll() order of tbo 111inlMor of Pablic OrIJJ4,
util to 10 o9ilie aniount of the tendor.
Lqan &Z'i'dq of tho I)Oraffifon will alro be
if an odd aniount.
d to nialze up,
By orfloy,
IK C: DI"-snovill!"Its.
Derarl, T,.nt o� Public Wot.!�P,
011+1wa, ApOl 15, 1521.
Thursday, Junc 30th, 1921
grivented Safety Stop For hl),tors
r. John G. Clark of Con. A, Green -
ooh, has invented a safety stop for motor iW
vehicles. which will add to the safety of, 06 ... ISARD'S ...
o or trave .119 US t Positively prevents
the ca running bac on a hill road. Mr
Clark took the reporter man on a demon- Men's and Boys' Suits
stration trip up and down Goldle St. hill
and we can testify to the efficiency and
simplicity of his devim The invention is
a small clutch attached to the pro at Reduced Prices
shaft of car, and is operated by a lever in
front of the driver's seat. The clutch is Extraordlitiary Values in all Lines
applied by band and released automati-
call when car is started ahead The ac-
tion of the safety stop is so positive that of Men's and Bors' Wear. X
when it is engaged the car cannot be back-, 1.4,
ed by starting the engine until started
ahead. The invention prevents all dang-,
er of going over embankments in case of Big Savings on Suits. Some of the Best X
missing change of gear, stalling of engine,
or stopping for any other reason while
going up hill. It also effects a great sav- Brands of Clothing are Here for
ing of tires as well as other wearing patts; I Your Inspection.
of the car, as it is not necessary to race j
the engine, jam the gears or spin the X,
wheels is the gravel. The inv&ion is vi
past the experimental stage, as it has been cut es in Boys' Suits are $7.50, 8.50.
applied to several cars and has never fail- 10.00, 1�for4�, 13.50,15.00.
ed to stop on the steepest grades it has
been triii'd on. The clutch is made of a X Cut prices in Met -is Suits are $21.50, 22.50..
solid bar of cold-ooiled and case-hardened 24.00, 25.00, 28.00, 30.00.
steel. No extra space is occupied by its Men's strong wearing work Shirts $1.39,
attachment, and no alteration required to
i any of the working parts of the car, nor 541
does it interfere with any other parts. Men's heavy Overalls, will give excellent wear,
The lever is placed in most convenient sale $1.98.
position for operation by the right band
driver. and can be applied tle clutch re- A,Ien's good wearing iyork Socks, 5 doz. 50c
quires no further attention, as it auto -
quality sale 40C.
matically gues out of gear when the car is! X
start ed ahead and remains so until it is I X Boy's Wash Waists, made of light and dark
required again. The expense of installing Print and Galetea, cut price 89c.
iscomparatively small and can be used
on any make of car, It certainly is of Men's strong wearing Pants, one doz. to cleat,
great value as a safety appliance and a at 2.75c.
benefit to the car itself by saving it wear
andtear. The inventor has the safety- Straw Hats, new styles in Men's Straw Hats
stop patented in both Canada and the at bargain prices, now only $1.00, 1.25, 1.50,
United States. Although he has been
farming for years. Mr. Clark is a practi- q 2.00,2.50.
cal macbinist, having learned the trade in Men's Boots, Bargain in Men's Strong "Near -
the shops of Goldie & McCulloch of Galt, ing Boots, cut price $4.00.
and before all, has the, inventive mind.
His friends hope he may be rewarded by Boys' Boots at cut prices, special value at 2.75,
good financial returns from his invention. 3.00, 3.50, 4.00.
.41 Highest Prices for Produce.
Op. Mapgaret 0. Gaidep N
General Practitioner
Graduate University of Toronto, Faculty
of Medicine. N% H. E. Isard & Co.
Office.—Josephine St., two doors south of
Brunswick Hotel. viz V.
Telephones — Office 281, Residence 151.1
-`-he Wonder
"I N,l
v v orker
Inki w I
Changes Straw Hats and Straw Goods of all
kinds, Rattan, W.. ood, Wicker, Glass and Sim.
ilar materials to any color, gives a beautiful
glossy finish.
W hen Y 0 u D4, le e d Paints, Enam'el, Varm
Best for YOUR Buildings
nish Stains, Per. ro
combat the wearand tear of weather
To economically and actlially save the surface, use
fecto W.W all Finish, Rmm�' A -M 9 Y P,
Varnishes, 01* 1 s, PAINT 45
Turps, etc. 91-1 Q16 Flk�q "The Right Paint to Paftit Right"
Call at.. MOM Of PaInt and Varnish since t847
Toronto Winnipeg
Vancouver 2
CANADA 0 1 Le G A S HEATERS Lill v. ii
W. hen You Call Don't Forget to Ask About Our
A If-^
Canada Off Gas Heaters Ltd.
Queens Blook. SOMetiMeS the Cheapest,, But Always the nest.