The Wingham Advance, 1921-06-30, Page 1T,
Spend Dominion Day, July I st.,� at Winghan-1.
Big Attractions Morning, Afternoon and E
4U Alwk:'
4 V
B sphall 'r.".. -1
PA""A 17414C CL"
Zilngle Copies - Four Cents
21ot To 27th baseball match is now a thing of the past at his home in town.
The long talkeTof —Tceswater-wingham Mr. Thos. Lu�_ton of—London, is visitirl�� To be Hold �h_- �Idly Afternoon, Rev. R, Fulton Irwin of Lucknow, has
The Chautauqua Co and after all the hot air shooting by some Misses Habbick and Clow of Toronto, July 21st been elected chairman of the Wingham
mmittee met in the of the Teeswater boys the game was one are visiting in town, District.
Council Chamber on Thursday evening, At t,
.�Urouta nice ing of tile Wingliam Athletic
and re -organized for tile season. Officers Of the most one sided that has been play� Dr Park�,r is spending Wednesday and I Ids Association field recently it was Is your phonograph in need of adjust. Here is a pleasant effervescent drink that will re-
vere elected as follows., ed at Wingham. The crowd was immense, Tl)ui;day of this week in Toronto, decided to bold races on July 21st, and ment or repair,
Work guaranteed.— lieVe YOU of every dxfll headache and
the receipts amounting to over $450. The Miss Elsie Stewart oftowrivisited friends give Purses as follows: Flanigan's Music Store.
Hon. Pres,, -W. F. VatiStone. Wingham people were prepared for our in Teeswater over the week -end, e o disordered stomach
President—Councillor Veil$. unruly cousins, but the game was well 2.28 Pace or Trot .............. _8300.00 There is a valuable Coupon attach d t
Vice Pres,—Ex, Mayor Gurney, Mrs. Robert Street of Toronto, is vistLl 12-50 Pace or Trot ................. $300,C0 the Lyceum Theatre ad, on this page.
Sec'y.—Reg. S, Williams, handled by Wilson and Stevens of Owen ing at the"howe of Reeve and Mrs, Ti 2.17 Pace or Trot ................ $p,00,00 Look it UP, clip it, and Usi,., IT.
Treasurrr— Mayor Elliott. �qund and the special. conuab!�-;3 bad to ling. P' Named Race, Half mill Heats. ._Sloo.00 The trustees of Curries' School have re�
Advertising Committee be content with Putting people back from Mr f' Canadian Rules to, govern. Trotters I
—A. G, Smith, the diamond. The score by hmings . and Mrs. R. M, VanNorman.�nd engaged their teacher, Miss Freda Colling REXALL LIVER SALTS
W. J. Greer, L. C. Young. Teeswater ...... 000'10()02 0 was tl�ughter, Mrs, Alexander I allowed ten -seconds Mile Heats, three in for ar6ther year at an increase of salary.
Grounds Committee—Reeve Tipling Wingham 3. with friends in Thessalon. , are visiting If ive, excepting Named Race,
and T. Fells, ...... 6 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 � —14" 1 Horses eligible July Ist, 1921, J A. McLean is moving his office fro aVe 0btlinCd 111�' 111i.Xing', two te,,_
Hospitality Committee—Dr. Redmond, . The Teeswater battery for the first four Mrs. Harry Allen visited her mother in Entries close July 19th. the store opposite St, Andrew's church up -Spooilf
Reeve Tipling and H, E, Isard, Innings was Booty and Mahaffey and Waterloo, who is seriously ill in the 14Z. to their new planing mill in the Dinsley uls ill I -1,0f 'I g7las,,, of Cold water and dt,iiildng
and W. hospital, having underwent an B.Ock. Just befove
their places were filled by Campbell and If IYOU Nvill do t1iii, we 'kn()w
Ticket Committee—A. J. Nortrop, E, Brawley, who held the game down pretty operaiiDn. Refuse To Pay For Roads Three things we love to look UPOU at the reSUItS will Ltvprise Y()tl.
.3. Mitchell and 11, E. Isard. well, The final score was'14 to 3 and Nirs, Jane Hayes of Toronto, and her The Frontenac county council TuE ADV`,1LNCb.1 O1qq(,R
Lieut. Morris, Field SuPt. was Present Wingham had an innings to the good. .� daughter, Mrs. Warren of New Liskeard, I Sunset", "A Master are "A Golden
at the meeting'and claims that chautau 0 0 0 are visiting with the former's sister, Mrs, � passed a resolution instructing the clerk Painting" and "An Don't ruill YOLIV System witti Ilars1l Cathartics
to notify the department of highways that Artistic Job of Printing".
for the Wingham boys at Wingham, it
qua is meeting with success everywhere As Teeswater proved such easy picking R. Breen, Patrick St. the council refuses to accede to the request "It's good business," said the cinder, bett(Er re"itllts Wittlout an), hal,111fttl aft(�,, effeCtS.
this season, Mica "R,,!xall alld
Mr, W. A. Galbraith, town clerk, at� of the department for the payment of As the train went whizzing by, S
was decided to have Palmerston �nd tended the Association Of Municipal the Provincial highway through the county "To e ze every opportunity in thi-ee sizes 35c, 65c, and $1,25.
Wingham teams play here on July Ist. of Frontenac and that the council will not[ To'get into the public eye,"
Little Girl Dies E lectrical Utiliti s at the Clifton I -louse, pass a by law providing for the issue of'
Neither one of these teams have lost a Niagara Falls, last week.
game this season, therefore a close gain.- is ures for the amount asked. The P
Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. debent 1 There will be no half holiday on Wed.
. of Grand Rapids, Mich., are visiting with that 86,290,73 was due on or before Oct. � being Dominion Day and a public boll. n McKibboxn
ment in the death of their little daughter, ied the council!
and Mrs. Fred Hogg in their sad bereave- looked for. 41iss Esther and Master Harold' Breen, � Ontario department notiC nesday of this week owing to Friday J. Walto
day. The stores will be open on Thurs- Drugs and Stationery
Freda Aileen, aged 7 years, 5 months, and Win Morden, the indefatigable Wing- their grandmother, Mrs, R, Breen, Pat.- Ist next for Work done, Besides $14,000 day evening.
rick St., and other relatives in the vicin- was due for work on roads in 1919. The Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets
28 days. The little girl underwent an ham Pitcher, was the recipient of a beaut- ty. Edison Phonographs
,operation for tonsilitis in the Wingham ifu) bouquet of roses during the Teeswater council claims that the work is t The speed mania, Auto "accident`,
General Hospital and passed suddenly gameonWedoesday afternoon, Mr. A. sive and that it is nothing more 00 expen- are on the increase. In almost every c S
.away after uindergoing what appeared to M, Crawford made the presentation, Treat -The Children than ex- ase
travagance. The Frontenac council is the they result from the mania for speed—
be a successful operation, She was a Take advantage of King Bros, free rides first to issue a defi to the Ontario govern- most of it, entirely unnecessary and un -
bright, happy little child and will be on Merry- Go -Round i ment over its road policy—TO, justifiable.
greatly missed in the home.
Interment will take place in the W . ing- Walkerton, July 12th Dorninion Day At Wingharn Reeve Tipling was in Detroit, last week Boys And Girls Attention Old Resident Passes
ham cemetery on Friday afternoon, July A mean story has been circulated that Spend Daminion Day. July attending the funeral of his uncle, the late Read King Bros, advt. get a free ride on An old and respected resident of E ast
Ist, from her parent's residence, B, line, the Walkerton People were not g Ist, a Thomas, Tipling who Passed suddenly the Merry -Go Round, Wawancish passed away on Friday, June
oing Witighain, Big Attractions, morning, away in his 77th year, 24th. when Mary
Turnberry. ahead with their 12th of July celebration. afternoon and evening. Mr. Tipling Wedded In Toronto Stevenson, widow of the
------- They have every intention of going ahead. visited with his nephew in Wingham last late Peter Porterfield. died at the home of
It was Palmerston which had decided to Wedded In California Year and old fri,.nds will be sorry to hear A wedding of interest to many of our i her son-in-law, Ernest Geddes, in Be',
of his death. readers took place at noon on Wednesday, !grave at the age Of seventy-eight years.
call off their celebration and later decided From the Pasadena Evening post we June 29th. at Eaton Memorial Church, ' - li,h
to go ahead with it. Wingham L. 0. L. Oil? the following notice which has refer. "Honest Hutch'*—Full of the zopeal Toronto, when Miss Frances Beemer, Wes 6 late Mrs, Porterfield ivas born ia
Lyceum Theatre will be in Walkerton. ence to the marriage of a former Wing- 1 that immortalizect "Rip Van Winkle,% trainister Tp,, and came to East Wa-
anosh, a bride fifty-eight years ago,
Pretty June Wedding WillRogers serve you smiles. - �r
Youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H
ham girl. I So step up to the Bar of Mirth and let Beemer of Wingham, was united in mar' w
The home of Mr. and Mrs, Th,odor, "Honest riage to Mr, J. W. K. VanNorma n edding continuously in the township all
A very pretty wedding was solemnized Hall, Of 555 North Holliston avenue, was I i her married life.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Hutch", a Picture with a special appea She is survived by a
for persons trom 9 to 9 After the cermony the happy couple �V'l family of seven children; viz. James of
on Wed., June 29th atthe home of Mr. the Scene of a charming wedding, last coupon 0. Clip this ieave on a boat trip up the lakes and will Tudor, Alta; William of Calgary, George
and Mrs. D, E, MacDanald, when their evening, when their daughter, Miss Edith that is attached to the Lyceum reside in Winnipeg after their honeymoon. of Brandon, Alex on the homestead, Mrs.
Olive Thomas eldest daughter, Mabel Elizab �th w13 Adelaide Hall was united in Marriage to I Theatre in this issue, and make use of the bride and groom
united in marriage to Mr. Walter Van -'J. Wayne Dillard, a well-known Pasadena it- Many friends of James
In Wyck, sonof will join with Tjip. ADr.vNwn in wishing' J. L. Geddes of Waterloo, Mls.
_Mn and Mrs, I A. Van.. business man. The ceremony was per Ferguson of Bayfield and Mrs, Ernest
j' Geddes of Beigrave. Her eldest son,
Peter, predeceased her sixteen years ago.
withou t the drawing room leaning on the arm of pastor of the bride's family, in the press- a painful accident one day last week
Sweetheart" Wyck, Orangeville. The bride entered: formed by Rev. w. C Loomis Fractured Collar Bone them happiness and continued prosperity.
A little snap taken of Morden former
Mr. George Cruikshanks. Sr. in
his knowl(dge, as he was fanning the third her father to the strains of Lohengrin's ence of the immediate families of the con- when he fell off a stack of hay et wr(h California Take Notice I ken from a Mrs. Porterfield was an old and honoured
The screen's In o st captivating Teeswater man, five minutes after he was wedding march played by the groom's tracting parti 1Y. The bride was at. tained a fractured collar bone, The ac -
star ill a role that laugbs and cries presented with the bouquet, and sus- The following paracyraph is ta member of Knox Church, Belgrave. She
and always entertains. cousin, Miss Marguerit - McFarlane of tended by here" 0" letter written by Mr. Ed. Bradwin, while 11 was a kindly, motherly woman, tenderly
When the picture was taken the photo- sister-in-law, Mrs, Walter
I Toronto. The ceremony was performed Hall, as matron of honour, and her little cident gave him great pain for a few days he was attending to his duties in a hydro I belpyed bY her f4mily end highly v ee
YOU'LL RRMI�MBI�R IT! grapher was standing on the wrong side by Rev. Dr. Perrie i b q tp
- The happy couple niece, Margaret Hall, the daughter of Mr. 1 a ur we are Pleased to camp at Niagara, just prior to leayin&,1Qr �d by all who knew her,
Also a special Chistie Comedy of his machine and Win's mit was there- say he is getting the west,
fore shown on the wrong hand. left on the afternoon train for a short andMrs.' Walter Hall, acted as flower! long as well as can be expected. The funeral took place on Sunday after -
We honeymoon and on their return will reside girl, Walter Hall, "Strawberries are selling now for 16c� noon, the services being conducted by
"Kiss Me Caroline" could'nt get to the other side for fear of in Wingbam. the brother of the Wightynan—Mathers Nuptials t
Teeswater protesting the game. a box—even at that, the restaura ts keep' Rev Mr. Jones. The Pall -bearers were
bride, acted as Mr, Dilliard's best man. The home of Reeve and Mrs. Henry the same old price. This is a level fruit Chas. Campbell, Robert Henry William
A host of friends join with us in wishing The bride was charmingly gowned in a Mather$, of Kinloss, was the scene of a country. the district about Stoney Creek Love, Adam Robertson, Willian Geddes
Mr. and Mrs VanWyck a long and happy frock of real lace in a cream shade, made Pleasing event on. Wednesday last� when is very fine. An American with whom I
Chas. Bondi treated the baseball boys
was united was riding said he thought that part of in Brandon cemetery.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to a bunch of choice bananas at the con- wedded life, over pink satin and carried a shower their only daughter Elleda M and John Geddes, Interment was made
The enimitable clusion of the game, Died In Manitoba bouquet Of Cecil Brunner roses, The in marriage to Mr. H. Earl Wightman, Ontario finer than any he.had ever seen in I The late Peter Porterfield was clerk of
little flower girl was very dainty and cun. Younger son of Mr, W. J. Wightman, of the United States, That did me good for the township of East Wawanosh, a posi-
The deal h took place at her home at ning in a frock of blue organdie and car. Wawanosh
The beat gain: of the season was the Kenton, Man., on Wednesday, June 22.1 To the'strains of the wed- he told me he had lived in California for tion which his son, Alex., has held since
Will Rogers one played on Friday evening between of Catharine McCallum, relict of the late ried a basket of rose petals which she ding march, Played by Miss Leila Stack- three years. If the his father's death. He was also a store-
- scattered in the pathway of the bride, house, the charming bride entered the would put in a good letter from our own keeper and Postmaster at Marnock for
in Kincardine and Wingham, and it was the John Robertson, aged 82 years, 2 months The Wingham papers
poorest patronized, The Kincardin6 and 27 days. Deceased will be kindly re rooms were charmingly decorated Parlor, leaning on the arm of her father fruit country once in a while instead of great number of years He and his wife
"Honest Hutch" boys put up a splendid game. The score Membered by many - I with a profusion of Pink and white sum- and took her Place beneath an arch of the rosy tales of California, they would do were among the oldest settlers of Wawa -
of our readers, shel
e reatest true to life Rural mer flowers and greenery, and the music evergreens, roses and orange blossoms. something practical." nosh and were highly esteemed by
9 9=0 was 5 to 8 in favour of Wingbam. Itaving resided o I
Coaled a 0 a n the Oth con. Of East for the wedding was furnished by Miss She was prettily attired in cream crepe all,
y since "Rip Van Winkle." Wawanosh until December 1891, when Pearl Loomis, who Played the convention. meteor with bridal veil and carried a
Wingham lost their first game of the tht. family moved to Manitoba, Mr
season at Teeswater on Monday after- a[ wedding match to the violin accompar. bouquet of Sweetheart roses and maiden -
noon of this week. The game was not John McCallum Of Wingham, is the only iment of Carl Dillard, and by Mrs. Reo. I hair ferns. Little Miss Eva Stackhouse, X
09COUPON., surviving brother. Her husband prede-
This coupon and one I have been this year. rendered incidental music niece of the groom, attended as flower
miskou ticket will admit any curance marred the game. Fred Ander- dressed in nile green
of the games ceased her twenty-one years ago. She is during the evening- Following the cere. girl and was daintily
nearly as fast as several Loomis, who
paid ad- One regrettable oc- savived by four sons and two daughters, mony there was an informal reception organdie. Rev. t- X
viz, James, Alexander. StIsan M, Walter during Whi h a buffet Supper was served. ed. After the ceremony
two people to any of the per son, Wingham's catcher had the third R, Fulton Irwin, officia
formances of ',Honest Hutch". finger of his right hand broken when a A. and Mrs. Herbert East all of Kenton, Mr. andic the guests, to
Man nd Donald A. of Howard, Sask. Mrs. Dillard are taking an the number of about forty, sat down to
foul tipped back and struck the end Of Tb'e'laate Mrs. Robertson was born in aut(mobile trip Of two weeks with San a bountiful repast. Many beautiful and
Mon . day, Tuesday I and Wed. it. He was replaced by Judson. The Esquesing township, the daughter Francisco as their destination and will useful Rifts attest the esteem in which the
Several of the Wingham boys appeared to e at home to their friends at 991 Young couple are held. They will reside
accident happened in the second innings Duncan and Susan McCallum. Of later b
11*1_--_� I North Lake Avenue.
go to pieces when their captain was taken on the groom's farm at Westfield.
to the doctor's office, and errors were
EVEPYBODV'S COLUMN frequent The score was 6 to 5 in favour
of Teeswater.
X —4—lViving Marc, between 1200
",od 130) lbs A splendid quiet driver
11.161ble for thira horse otl fjjrul. Apply, to.
MAID WANTED—For general housework,
good wago.9, no washh)!. Amly to
Alits. W. cKrimox
Tn4,CfflcR0v.V1G4la--B1q-i and string In
Strunleot% violin, and PLOno tun Ing.
�rw. T. RIGHT,
iARM FOR �SALX_150 (1) �16 1-7,
P 1,111 J It IY 11th at 4 p,
Satadog raneing from $750 to 4900 accord.
i—, , "" U" ru"",voo` "
J. to cortifloa a and exp4rietioe. Applicat. addre8q to
J. P. Gitovics,
See. Ptiblie
M 0 *
On Monday, Booty, knocked out a fly
which was lost in the hay field and he got
a home run over it, At least three of the
Teeswater runs were made by errors
among the Winghant fielders or basemen.
a 0 * I
With the Winghain team crippled and
all Off -Color on account of Anderson's
accident, Teeswater only won by one run.
0 * 4
The sporting event of the season will
be the next League baseball match be-
tween Teeswater and Wingham, in Wing.
ham on Wednesday, July 6th, at 4 p. In.
These two teams are the greatest rivals in
Western Ontario, and if Tee8water wins
this game they can tie for the group,—
Unless Riversdale team trims them before
the Oth.
5 0 37 �77 77 - A i 7; i T - —T T
IN YEARs GONE: AY Wirw -irm ip ,,,
4 i
THEY CAU Pit" 1 14- V ISION,
Tenders For Waterworks tXtensionS CHT A CLIMPSE OF THAT �VHJCfj WAS
TeeswAter continues to hold the reput. E.�
atioh for poor sportsmanship. On Mon. KEEPING NEP, PLACE W)rH PROUD
SealedTeaderaw�fllbotecoLved by the See. d
rebary of the Utilities calnoilssloo until 8 p. 111, ay when Anderson showed his broken
on Tuo3da , July t9th, 1921,, for tilt) to "Mom.
A—Drilly.p and Caging one wian. "owing:— linger, we learn on good Authority that
JI—Furnisgin Ono 11"MoIng outflb one of Toeswater players, who is playing
C—Coustructe, f Pump House.
"OftecifloationFr. lans, ete,, at oMee or Score- forhishealth, remarked that ,it was a d7 CANADA
tA�,yr, Town 11nal, Wfighoan, and at E
oftle Toronto. nglnoor's Pity,it Wasn't his leg that was broken, , Canada! Canad&,! garland we now, Aseendeth thy star to Its Zenith of fory,
?(T6y, nder necos.Qarily, accoptea
j,,Ft- B. Elliott, Esq.,, ohalrajLrl' Utilitloa sportsman-
'emiuls"410" Win
Another,evidence of "good" L60-vts of the Tnaple to tWine round thy narne; Outpouring its bearnt 0 ell thy wonderful story,
teham; W. A, Ga&.<h, Esq., ship was a Shout to Dr. Ferguson as he This is the ehaolet w6 wreathe for thy brow, And tr4ting in gold all the way that thou canie,
Elecrov%rr. Willt e8 Qornlnls�lon, winghaw.
0WIPMan and Power, Engineers, Toronto, Was going to his office with Anderson was ]3right with thy P1`01nise, and fair with t�� fatne, Canada ! Canada I words cannot fratne,
june 27% 102L 11 to cut tile finger off. Lof now froln the days where the shadows ha'ng hftry, All of the love that our hearts would proclaim.
Xt We -ire sliowi
Ing niany styies of beautiful Nvl)ite
cativass, ill Strap Pullips and bxfords for ladiesand
ctiildren. For men we liave Oxfords it, w1lite call.
vass, also in 1)"01"ll and black leaffiers.
Rutliling shoes for every Illellibet. Of tll,-.
fatilily at redticed prices.
Get Your Fleet Foots Here
NG A'. "Xf
ft� ILA 1e"