The Wingham Advance, 1921-06-23, Page 7I
bad deAded to,."
Ob. now, you don't want to do that.
:It Uullld Make all kinds of trouble, It
You file a lien, Overylggly eIE;e N'VlII4 It
will tie the Job up so that we gliall aII
I lose. The only way you could got any-
thing Out Of It, It You did that, would
be by a foreclosure of your lien, which
might f.1, I
The buzzer sounded sharply III the
- mera mon� , Wuen,
tOO, YOU might have to buy the place
outer-ailleO. Abe Bata% gave a final
at the sale, with a twenty-five thous -
twist to the wheel of the letter press
and mortgage against it. Of course it
and started for Mr. Whiting's room, A
is worth It, but s,.1l)po!ip Yen got the
client, Who wag neryovaly. pacing back
property. You might hmn to ralse,
and forth as Abe entered, suddenly
nioney to 11%lish it and once , t ,
, pla"
stopped to speak*
gets into trouble ,Is afrai d
fix tell you, Mr. Whiting," he said, 411
to have anything to do ATIVa it. Oq
beiteve Glepu Is- crooked. He has
the other hand, by waiting a few days
beer% promising Me from day to (lay
YOU will get the cash, and the other
that he would settle with me, but
contractors will get theirs."
when the time comes, I got excuses In-
Mr, Walsh rustled a rubber band up
stead of money. He has been skin-
and down a roll of blue prints, There
ning that job, and a dishonest job
was truth In What Glenn had said. He
means a dishonest man."
did not want the property, but the
The client, Mr. Walsh, resumed his
loss Of two thousand dollars would
walk for 4 Minute, then Stopped and
mean his ruin,
spoke again, "I am actually ashained,11
"Can you say DoOtively that I can
he said, "to have anything to do with
have the money day after to -morrow?"
the building, He has obtained a loan
lie Inquired at length.
at forty thousand dollars on the place,
"Yes, positively,
The mortgage Is on record, and the
,Well, then, I will wait.',
money Is being advanced as the work
"That's sensible 11 said Glenn with,
progresses. Ho has had wentY-fIve
i an air of rellet "You will, be the
thousand on It so far and says he Will,
at ten thousand More as soon as the
Aft— 6� th A I
A New Little Girl in Heaven.
The Background of Success.
qOh-1 what do you think the augel.5
Life Is a mixture of gladneGS and sa4-
, Y?11
In a week or two tbousandf,, of Dyww
Said thQ�cliildren up In heaven;
A mixture of laughter and tears,
tarlo boys and girls will 11W511 thelil
-There's, a dear-iittic, girl coming home
Life Is a blending of goodness and bad-
primary school work, Other thouEaMh
to -day,
of young men and women will V1
She's almost ready to fly away
And down. through the lane of our
plete 111gh &v11OOl course$, wblll�
From the earth wo used to live In.
dreds have Jurn graduated from cola
Let's go and open the gates of pearl,
Our feet must go tripping and now and
leges. anti Unive'rsItIes.
Open them wide for the now little
A very large percentage of the*$
We must pay for our follies With
will be country boys aTA glrl:3 who
said cie children up In heaven,
pain ,
have little In the way of mateda! rid -4
We must suffer for sinning but make
sources with which to begin their 100,
"God wanted her here, where the little
a beginning
work and no Influential "oon-iectiom"I
ones meet,"
Each morning to conquer again.
through which fhey can secure a Id.,
Said the children up In heaven.
erative position, or who would help, to
She will play with us In. the golden
Life Isn't goodness and life len!t bad.
firmnee them In any business under-�,
She has grown too fair, she has grown
And life Isnt laughter or tears,
taking of their own. Too ottert thof
are Inellned to look upon this situsiti-VT
too Sweet,
Heaven's doors are not won by the
as a handicap, as compared- with 60
Por the earth, we used to live In.
things we've not done
more fortunate aqquaintancies, Wiwi
She needs the sunshine, this dear girl,
That gilds this side of the gates of
But the record of all of our years.
We have known sin, and sorrow, shall
may have both of these seemingly 1;�-
portant advantages.
Said the. children up In heaven.
know them to -morrow,
Shall fall In our duties and mourn,
But as a matter of fact, the aver -
age farm boy oi�'glrl 'has a buslnoso.'
"So the King called down from the
But the chart that God reads Is the
sum of our deeds,
asset which is of far greater impov-'
angel's dome,'
Said the children up in heaven;
Which shall show just how well we
tanee in the race for material suecom*
than the seeming advantages of lizi.
4'My little darling arise and come
have borne,
fluence or affluence which they too
often envy others. The na.m.
To the plate prepared In thy Father's
Life Isn't praying and life Isn't play-
... 4.0.0
advantage was happily expresse(I by
To the home my children live In;
And life isn't barring the doors,
the manager of a large businesN entor.
his for fuvov.!
Let's go and watch the gates of pearl
And remaining within arm& awny from
prise Who gave reason
X at armlon oL uLs in. Ing farm boys among applicants low
plastering Is done and that he will pay tentions to "treat everyone right," Mr. Ready to welcome the new little girl," the sin I
him from bankruptcy flew by. All the Edison Showed Thern. Said the children up In heaven. jobs In his businew as follows: "They
me out of that," Glenn and his friend departed, having 1 And claiming each virtue as Yours; go to college with a background oti
office was. upset except the errand But life Is in living, In taking and
,,How long will It talco. to finish the scarcely noticed a little boy who stood in the old days, telegraphers copied "Par down on the ear h do y u r giving,
piastering?" asked Mr, Whiting. by the door awaiting orders. boy, and he, a hundred piles away, t 0 hes, hard work. They expect to watV,
was bouncing on the wagon seat be- messages from the wire with pen and them weep?" when they get out and they want the!
,,Not more ban two or three days. "Here, Abe," said Mr. Whiting, In not being afraid of asin, college training so they can lvorkl,
But I am afraid he will Pocket that ten handing him the paper, "we won't file side his uncle. Mr. Whiting was giv- ink in a beautiful, round, legible hand, Said the children up In heaven; ru mastering vices and paying their effectively."
thousand and light out, He Is build- thig lien, You can put It away with Mr. Ing orders to Prepare a new lien when at a speed of from 30 to 40 Words a "For the dear little girl has, gone to prices, . 'There is food for profitable thourrbt'
Ing on wind, Why, I don't believe he a boy entered with a note. minute. sleep*,, And rising above them to win. by young and old in this expres-ilon,
Wf;lsh's �apers," "Mr. Whiting," lie said, "I met Abe Thomas A. Edison, who started Out The shadows fall and the night clouds —Edgar A. Guest.
has put over live hundred dollars of The next morning In an open trol- , I ve t d the of , experiencedand successful busi-'
his own money into the job. 11r, paid ley car crowded In one seat were two Bates. at the depot this morning, and In life as a telegrapher n 11 Is weep
about that when he got the lot and Men talking busily. Next to them he asked me to give you this." telegrapher's handwriting, and to this O'er the earth we used to live In: 0 ness man. The boy or girl who real-'
was Mr. Whiting took the note, glanced day he write, in the same style as he But -we'll go and open the gates of Coal and Oil in the Far Izes the fact that the more dducat*'oA
gave back a Durchase-money mort- a small boy with a bulging satchel at It, then sat down and read it care- did when copying Associated Press pearl; he gets the more efficiently, be can
gage f or the balance. When he got bound for a two weeks' vacation in, North. work, will not be stopped by any *rdi-
tile walls up his building loan' was the country. fully. dispatches from the wire In Now York Oh, why do they weep for their dear
granted, and ho paid off the original "By Jove!" he exclaimed, slapping fifty years ago. little girl?" naTy handicap from getting a gooN.
So Slost was the boy In thinking of It has- been said that Edison was the Said the children up In heaven. The fact that the axis of the earth! education. Also the young man or.�
mortgage out of the first advance on the good times In store for him at h4- Imee. "That boy is a brick! Look
that." . at. V!at, Walsh!" His client took the greatest telegrapher that ever sat is tipped so far from the vertical—' w6man who realizes that a backgrour)A'
Uncle Jim's that he paid no attention paper, and as he read it through his down to a key. IIFJy with her quick, 0 angela dear," about twenty-three and one-half de -1 of hard work is the best preparatioa
Turning to Abe, Mr. Whiting said, to the two Men beside him until a fa. . This A trampish looking man strolled I- Said the children up in heaven; grees—is responsible for the existence I for f uture success will not be envious
"Ask Mr. Bird it he has finished that millar voice caught his ear. wrinkles spread out Into a smile I of the ap arept preferment of the
Iten he,was drawing for Mr. Walsh, is what he read: to the Western Union office at Islem. "See—sho Is comingi Look there, of climatic zo-nes and espeeially for:
"I am going down to the Title Com- Dear Mr. Whiting. I filed Mr. phis,,one day, many years ago, looking Look therel the prolonged cold and darkness of! f avored sons of those in high plaxes.
If he has, bring it here." Pany's office in an hour or two," said Walsh's lien this morning. I heard I fol, a job, Because he looked rather At the jasper light on her sunny hair, the Axetic winter. But the axis has; For after all hasheen said, true sue -
"Yes, air," replied the boy. the voice, "to have this title abstract Mr, Glenn say he was going to skip:,seedy, the manager decided to have Where the veiling cloudff are riveril not always tipped at that angle; I cess Must; be based on real aehieve4
in a few minutes he placed the brought down to date. Then I will out wfth the- money. I remembered i some fun with him. Consequently he Ahr—hush—hush—hush all the swift through long periods the earth has ment, and this is, always the result
paper on his employer's desk and take it -over to Monroe, show him that you said he could not do It If the lien sat him. down at the fastest wire In wings furl? spun round in a position that made of hard and Intelligent effort,
started from the rGom. there is nothing else against the place was filed. I was afraid it would be the office. The man answered the For the King Himself at the gates of theuxis much nearer vertical. Duringi The truth of this statement t_�
"Walt a minute," said 'Mr. Whiting, and get the other ten thousand," too late if I waited for you. I hope I call,and the operator at the other end pearl those periods the climate was much abundantly proven by the pe& -
"I shall want you to take this over to "What will we make out Of it?" In- did right. I have no time to write began to send a long press. dispatch Is taking her hand, dear, tired little more nearly uniform all over the I tentage Of successful men and womeii
the county clerk's offIce." quired the other man. 1 in every walk of life who were farm
- "Nearly twelve thousand. I was "Pretty good far the boy!" excl%im- leisurely picked up a penholder, And leading her Into heaven." Was not greatly unlike that in the! boys and girls. Their example Eh--.)u-Id
After reading the Instrument care more now. Abe. like a streak of lightning. The Man girl, earth, -and the vegetation at the poles
fully he laid it on hin 4esk. Turning alrald that Walsh was going to spoil ad Mr. Whiting. "I think he deserves examined the pen, pulled It out of the tropics. be an inspiration to every country hoy
to Mr. Walsh, lie said, "This seems to it all when he threatened to file his another two weeks' vacation. Don't h.older, inserted a new pen, dipped it I and girl to get the best school train -
Sign It there, please. lien, Won't he be falling over hini. you?" In ink, lighted a match and touched condition of affairs, but there is plenty; Ing possible, whether they expect to
be all right. Success. It is hard for us to imagine such a -
"That will fix you all right," he self when he looks for us to -morrow "I should say I did!" replied Mr. it to the pen to burn off the finish oil, Successful he who strives, e'en though of evidence that it really existed. Onel enter a profession, become bu�!;B.50
I men or follow their father's�ps
conthined after Mr. Walsh bad signed. and do"n't find us9p" The speaker Walsh heartily. "When you write tell tried the pen till It worked to his satis- he fall; of the most inteTesting discoveries,
"As soon as that goes on record lie chuckled, him there are twenty-fiVe dollars wait. faction, then started to copy. He was His conscience gives applause along made by explorers in the far nortb'as farmers, A good education will lie
will be the one to do the war The bay with the bulging satchel ing for him in my office. He has earn- thre hu d d words behisid when he I their b-cst asset in any calling. With
Yin ' a 11 'ro the way. Is that of great coal seams freely ex -1 hard Work as a background to insure
r �'u began copying a five -thousand -word
"I don't think he will be much r. shrank back as It trying to hide, but ad them. It I am living when he is Thus does he win Eternal Holy Graill posed in the rocks of the seashore,
prised," said Mr. Walsh. "I told him the men paid no attentiun to him and admitted to practice, you will lose , dispatch; he flifished five words, be- I perseverance and a. good education as
I was coming to see YOU." got of? the car two blocks farther client, Whiting, unless you take him hind the sender, and turned out a per- His sun Is ever bright—though The country that now lies under sev- i a training to aid in the evaluatoa tiad-
clouds obscure the day. eral thousand feet of lee and snow,�
He had scarcely uttercd the words down. into partnership." feet copper -plate copy. and that reproduces for us to -day th.; application of ideag, t1,v cfuntry boy
when a clerk came to the door and "You must'be Tom Edison," gasped Strive on and keep your ideal to the aspect that all the northern countries J or girl has the best possib'e cquirr.-.cnt
The boy watched them go, took off i for success in life. These are az.vcts
said, "Mr. Whiting, Mr. Glenn and an- his hat, ran four stubby fingers the manager. fore; of the globe presented during the, out of all proportion in valre as Conn -
other gentleman wish to see you." through a mop of red hair and whist . ..... "I am," was the answer. Faint heart can never win; nor here, great glacial ages, was once warr" I pared with Une'ill-ed p-cfirment or
"Name your salary and you can nor there, and equable in cliniate and- covered:
preferential busiress br.-.�Ldnjtr. This
For in this day, as In the days of yore, with the luxuriant growth of tree'
"Sit down, Walsh," said the atton led His vacation would have to wait.
have any Job In the office.
Bay.#) 50 i has been the histcry of other genera-
ney. "LeVs see what they have to Ile got off the car at the corner and 1-10`11�' Achiev6ment comes with courage ferns that was the distinguis&hIng
When Air. Glenn was ahown Into the went up to the office, but the room tions of boys and girls, rtid his'ory
eharacteristio of the Carboniferous: vill repeat itoelf vith il 3 pre -,mit
room he shook hands with Mr. Walsh was deserted. The long rows of and with prayer.
As perfume rare distilled from violet, period.
b-)oks on the shelves were full of wis- gener=Qn.
,ere hf,9 best friend, whom he dom, but not a hint did they give him. ...... .. As lark's rich note, that mankind Northern Greenland febove the!
as If lie w Vancouver.
had not seen for a year. `
The judges of the Supreme Court look- On Granville street the lights are gold, ever bless, seveuty-eighth -parallel has a very!
"I've been looking for you," he said. And when the dusk falls swiftly So he who burden bears without re- moderate snovdall. Most of the rnoi,- Old Customs Gree,! Pr*
ad down from their black frames, but i
"I was ai�i aid you might not have un- down gret ture is pa*cipitated farther south, andl
offered no suggestion. What should! in Scilly.
derstood me i thi& morning; so I I I d ?' His train would leave In half' Like shining bubbles they appear Has solved Life's Problem; has so the rocks along the northern coast
thought I'd I 'n h`Our. Glenn and his partner were
ook you up," 'a And light our windy sea -Dort town. achieved success I are not covered as they axe in lower I From the rocks of England's most
—Warren E. Comstock. latitudes with a load of ice. In thosei
Mr. Whiting smiled. losing no time. He might miss his
-M southetn ramparts, from the Scilly Is -
Great golden, lights on Granville
"I am glad you are here," Mr. Glenn: train and let them beat him as well. rocks Dr. MacMillan, the explorer, has!
lands, one of the most ancient posses -
street! seen coal seams ten and even fifteen I
continued, "so that I can euplain the He stood motionless for a moment; ; sions of his Dukedom of Cornwall, the
Just Like Gay Paree.
,situation to your attorney also. There' Across the bridge they dance away— feet In thickness, so easily mined that Prince of lVales has
an idea had come to him. One way A soldier, whilst serving in France returned to Lou-.
A charmed chain that comes with dusk
Is no need of having any unpleasant- seemed open, but dare he take It? the Eskimos can pick the coal out
To vanish with the dawn of day, during the war, had picked up a smat- don.
ness, It You will wait a few days, we Going to the files, he took down a, with their rude implements. The dif-
Fine weather enabled the Prince to
tering of the French language.
can got you the money. When the ficultips of getting to the -region, the -
box, extracted a paper, picked up his X After some months he w,, visit nearly all of the numerous Is-
is d1s"
plastering is done we will get another satchel and rushed from the room. 0! When the last late folk have inconveniences of living there and tbe� -or a
at William the Couquex n -
i lands th
advance of ten thousand tramped charged, and, with the money he dc
aud take That afternoon Mr. Whiting was at still greater difficulties of getting any ne,ed to the then Earl in of C r
To home and rest with weary feet, scraped together, opened up as a coal cargoes away make those great coal
care of everyone. I want to be fair his desk when Mr. Walsh entered. wall, which he bestowed on his breth-
Perchance they hold high revelling, merchant.
and square. I believe In, treatfug Well!" Mr. Walsh exclaimed. "You beds of no present commercial value; I er Robert. The Prince wftiiemel some
He was very proud of his knowled
everyone, right.". have stirred up a lively rumpus." These golden lights on Granville ge but it is interesting to know that tbeyj of the strangest historical custcmis, rl-
"I street. of French, and took every opportunity
.rhaVs. all very well," Mr. Walsh "How's that?" inquired Mr, Whit- exist. valling even his experiences, in the
—Aileen Bdaufort, of "airing" it to his customers.
'was looking directly at Glenn. "But You Ing, There is reason to believe, too, thati Fiji Islands when lie toured thie em�
A woman entered the office one day, in the barren and inclement region
have beeen. telling me for th past By filtrg that lien. I suppose you and asked him: pire.
I"Y_ heff to the southeast of Hudson's Bay the
three weeks that I should have0a ard something after I left yesterday "How do you sell your coal?" I Launceston, the capital of
ment in a few day,,5, and I d that made you think it unsafe to wait." there are great fields of oil. The� Duchy, revived at the castle gate the
::X Makes Shadow Audible. "A la, carte or cul de sac," was his
I have put about two thousand country is almost unexplored, but, old manorial court. The Prince then
Ivir Whiting looked astonished and A �urious thing r�bout the metal reply.
file your lien." s of oil oozing!. ved the rents from his tenants,
lars' worth of material into that work! replied, "I didn't' there are Indian report, recei
selenium Is that Its electric conduc
and about five hundred In freely from the soil in several places.1
labor. I "What?" said Mr. Walsh, "You tivity varies with exposure to light, A Much Smaller Object. many giving goods instead of ca,,h.
have paid my hall), but the parties didn't file It? Then It wants to be That means, of course, that the land,' The latter Included a pound a[ pell-
from whom I bought the material have (lone right off. Some one started the Lord Bynq Prof. Alexander Graham Bell has She was a stranger to London, and now so inhospitable and sterile, wasi per gilded spurs, a goatskin =ntle,
not had a cent yet, and they want to report that I had filed a lien, and F ormer Commandei 02 the Canadian found that a bar of selenium, In can- was traveling from BrIxton to the Inn once abundantly supplied with lifc- a s I alnion spear, a fagot cl wood and
know when they will got their money. everybody on the Job is hustling like forces In France, whcso appointment nection with the telephone, can be known as the Elephant and Castle. either marine or terrestrial, It is by!, a pair of hounds. 'When the Pr1rce
It Is hurting my credit.', as Governor-General of Canada Is of- made to give out an audible sound by All the way she bothered the passen- no means unlikely that it will become; arrived on the i".1ands the total popu.
mad to got theirs on, Great guns! ficially an"nounowl. exposing It to Interrupted light. gers on either side of her with in- (,f the
"I'll admit," said Mr. Glenn with a They will all be ahead. of me!" When flasheR of light are directed quiries whether she was nearing her In the -not distant future me lation of 2,000 rLien, women awl
she)&, of candor, "that X have made Mr. Whiting called the managing chief sources of petroleum. ren turned out 'Led by a burly farm. r
PrOmisea that I have not been able to clerk In and Instructed him to send upon the metal bar, If frequent enough destination. Finally, getting really on a white horse. The Prince 'Wert
A fault -mender is 'better than a and sufficiently regular, they will pro- anxious, she reached over and de- with the children picking floylMli,31
keep, but I expected to have money Mr. Walsh's lien to the county clerk's fault-finder. duce a musical note which can be I-lberately poked the conductor with Legend Island Only for Women. i
from another source and didn't get It. office at once. The order set the outer id and played as if lie were one og
There is no doubt whatever about my room in confusion, for they could find . To guide pilots flying on the Paris heard by a listener at the phone. her umbrella. In the West India,; there Is an 0
getting the money now, however," no lien. to London routei the French Govern- it Is the interruptions, of course, "Tell me, my man," she said. "Toll legend to the Off act that among the in- tIlem.
After a moment's silence Glenn con- Mr. WhIting joined excitedly in the ment is placing captive balloons in that produce the sound. Hance, says me, is, this the Elephant and Castle?" numerable sniall island,.; In the Carib -
Mr. Walsh stood helplem Certain positions at a height of about Prof. Bell, the listener may be said to "No, ma'am, It Isn't," sharply re- bean Sea there exi� cs one tbat is in-; Old Roman Road DiscovercI
tinned, "You don't Intend to do any. search. "hear a shadow." plied the man. "It's the conductor." habited only by women.
thing now, doyou*rl while the momenta that might save , a nAlle. I
Discovery has b-cil Made in E,.-
REGLAR FELLERS—By Gene Byrnes land of another old Rcmin road h:ih-
\,4 RN -N- 6ge. —� *-A5t-
Totg4s ll(bu �k�\D
1�.l -VtAr- tcr- 13CX?/
erto unknown. Vviarkilteii who vv w
digging manholes on the Alton road
where the lattor Johis, the rou&� to
Bentley and 14,wdon, near
Surrey, unearthcd, live feet below thl)
surface, part of 'wImt appearg to lic'. an.
old Roman road that ran from Loi -10A
to �janchuster. The road was -'-In aix
excellent state of pros'ervation, �ho
surface layer being a foot In llhlelvit,ss
and composed of flint.9. In order to
penetrate the surface the workmon,
had to uso drills and c4teel welcps.
Research baS dQMOnbtrat(!d th.
'It, 110t
only tht Romans used bitunii,.ouq
material,., Including asphalt, but the
ancient Sumerians, Persians,
lans, Greelis and Mlgyptiasw as Nvoll.
The road diseovered in Elnglaud. ar-
cording to engineers, was caPaNe fig
,earrylng traffic licavicr Vial' UnY tO
which modern roail,; aro vow put.
— __C4 ____
The natura;Avnov 41 vir-01,1111g, i!z witll
W10. toes pointed sti'Aitelit ahmtl' and
Inot, 1wriled