HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-06-23, Page 6I
'flite, Whigham Advace
Published at
winghain, Ontario
Every Thurz�,Iay Morning
A. G. SMIT4, Publlaher
Subscription iates, — One year,
$2,00, six montils, 4.00 in adymce.
AdvertIsixig rates, on application.
Advettloorlients without speciflo 41-
rections will be inserted until torbld
and charged �tcoordlngly.
Changes for cent . met udvortise
me4te. Uo In the olftela by noon, Mon.
da -F.
- - -_ -_
I ___ !�
I Wellington Mutual Fire
, ,. Insurance Co.
i Established 1840
�� Head Office, Guelph
Risks taken on all classes of Insur-
able property on the cash or premium
note, system.
Victory and Other Bonds Bought and
Office—Mayor Block, Wingharn
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates.
D.D.S., L.D. S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the
Peabaylvania, College and Licentiate
of Dental Surgery of Ontario,
Office in Macdonald Block.
D Ft. G. He ji u
'_ Graduate Royal College of Dental .
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry
. I '14
B.Sc., M,D,, C.M.
Special attention p&'.,d to diseases of
Wonien and Children, having taken
Postgraduate work In Surgery, Bac-
teilolo�-Y and Scientific Mediclile. .
Office Ili the Kerr Remidence, between
the Queen's Hotel nnd the Baptist
&11 business given careful attention,
Phone 54. P.O. Box 113
Dr. Robt. Cledmond
M.R.C.S. (Eng).
. L.R.C,P, (Lond).
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
Graduate of 1:nIvertIty of Toronto,,
V acultY of Me-licine, Licentiate o! the I
Ontario College of Physicians and
ftlge�m$. .
Office Entrance:
Second Door North of Zurbriggl's
Photo Studio.
T�>Wa and Parm Properties. Call and i
960 MY list and get my prices. I have'
some excellent valtics, I
J. G. S 711 TEWART 11
i. :
. �
Phone 184 Office In Town Hall ��
.*",�,f 7 �,
No ;
'411y'A'AROff Do Ce U �
P , Do '19'
Clift,opraeUt, locatc,g and removes the:
cau.�ia ef disease; nature ]I,eals. �'
ChiroprRetic Ils the Only and original
P,YEtf III nf spinal adjustment. Effectrie 1.
Ili 1,15 I;er (-Prt. Gf afl cmes. The only'
ful:y firni!!fied graduate of both Chiro..
pr1(.-:'-e on,l 0,ztn,,,r,at`y In North 11uron. 1,
Phone 191. Hours -2-5 gind 7.8 p.m. �.
---. . , � , ___1
-A-IJUr,f-32"S's "HYSICIAN,
D, . U " R
. _.__ i
().,*(:t-1l'UtIII(! PhYMe-I'lln, on!y qualffied'
04f.-vath 1*1 , Nc�. ;
'th Ituroll.
A,iiii.-twout (.,f t'.�t, Igpine is mo :
TO !
quf(,,-Iy ,,�ceuj-,,�l and wit;i f(,�wcr trt,at.
" �Ils�r nictIlod. 1
11101.1,4 thnn by ally (,t , .
I3! (A Pl'�Ji& and other exanigna.;.
tow, Iliade. .
= � ,_�� -_ ___ - -11 -.- 1
tV 1�. � I 1111:t' r_.� 1. I I - I .,ll--,---,,
, _. -- 1� _�
It vt-s.a the cuminereial ,concerns of'
tile Vlli'el 'S!ates over $250,000 a ye-ir
to correA errors in invoices and Wier'
pape?,; (,us to poor writing, i
Tbl� c:�coanut pahn supl)lies ill tho;
nec:-',� of the natives of the -,,�Guth S,%as. �
The lr,avc�, of the trce when yoarkg are,
4!atlan, when old woven into clothe'4,-1
bashots, bedding, paper, liat,3 aiii,r �
thatch, SPearo, arrows, broolus, toreij_!
CS, alld paddles t,.re made of the r1l)s I
wile the flowera
I '
Yield W1110 5tir,ur, alid vinegar. Tho I
f ruit yields foadt oil, Matting and i
- ... ' __ - _____ - ____
_�' � . ______ dy for the lapplic-ation of a good % 01
, I rea cttei4e. -`*
I �, . I I I r I I Imse � . I 'o ,.,,,P, �ff/
K> .. Ahft� Crude petroleum is very effective ,t rhe .5
. ' ' AFFIRk ,?,,Je' , U n4ay Scbool L,csson
11 � "'�L , , and retains its Uilling powerfor sev- It there is not �pjenty of natural . . . L I
. 11. .1 , 1. �, aral weeks, and. in most localities it is shado to ,protect the fowls ,WnA- chicks I JLJNE 23,
1 . quite 'chcap� If used *a' 4 -aPray it from the surils rays, wake shelters ,clf - .
� 11 - . ... . I.. I 11 sholad to thlun,Z1 by adding,oule vwk tj,oth, 'burlap, boards or brush, or raise
I � � .1 of kerosens, to;equr paxt* of the crudle the coop.a a fo.Od from the ground so The Social Taek,of the Church (Review). Golden Text—
OIL It WIVMA bA Well to 's,trAin it b4- that the poultry can find, A cool Piave,
i A, � Rev. 21: I
. fore spraying so as to remOve any up(lemeath.
', 11 foreign particles that might ,tead, to ' I The great oc,nW- truth which has others -he -Will never loge tile sense of
, � . . r old
. � .� Water Is very important fo
� ---
Troubles of the Cuturbits.
Although the growerof melons, eu-
. cumbers, squashes, etz., is especially
Outsell with insect peats and diseases,
- Yet# if taken 'in time, inost of these
�'Iltdd to Prevention or cure.
The niost common insects whivii at-
tavic culcurbits are the yellow beetle
the squash -bug, the squash vine boreri
und the aphis, or melon louse; the
principal diseases, are the Wilt and, the
The easiest way to treat plants for
the Yellow beetle ,a to use some form
of repellant. They -abhor dust of -any
kind, and many ,Ddori are offp
glaive to
them. Air -slaked lime is very com-
Imonly ,used. It is generally scented
with kerosene, turpentine, or earboilic
acid. As the beetles spread, a* rapidly,
it is important that the lime be on
I the Oklits a.111 the time, Therefore
they should be dusted, -when they A",_;i
appear and -at frequent intervals
thereafter until the danger is passed.
Pari's green is sometinies mixed with
�th� lime and- gets soine of thebeetles
.that tile lime fails to drive away.
Other dusts are often used in place
of lime,as land pftstex, road dust, to-
bacco dust, and cayenne pepper. The
two latter do not need anything to
scent thein with. Tobacco dust is ,s_
pecially good. Instead of the dust,
tobacco ate= l4re;rometimes used, and
Placed around the plants on -the
ground. Besidesacting as a repeUant,
they have a high kertilizing, value.
Wood ashes saturated with kerosene
are also used in this way, but care
must be taken that they do nOt touch
the Plants- as they are -rather strong.
Instead of dusts, some growers use
sprays. The 'most common is Bor-
deaux rnixture, which is the -beat, as it
is a fungicide as well as a repellant.
Arsenate of lead is usually mixed with
it, about three pounds of lead to fifty
gallons Of 3-6-50 Bordeaux. Lime,
sulphur is sometimes used with good
effect in conjunction with thearsenate
of lead. A spray made b,y d.isso,1-ving
a bar of laundry s-osp in a pail of
Warm water is excellent.* It kills
1 every bug it touches and revels the
1 rest. BY PDuriV,ga barrel of wateron
i a gallon Or two of coal tar and letting
it stand a day -n sprinklingon the
� , tbL
� Plants, an effective &pray is made,
The Yellow beetle is usually ready
for business at least a week before
the vine -crops appear, feeding this
time on other fOiage, but deserting it
as soon as the Cueurbits come. Manly
gn-rdeners take advantage of this and
Plant e1trly. squashes as ittraps" for
the beet,l't, killing them by pouring on
pure kmaeneor scalding water.
Tbe squash vine borer is a grub
which bores into the stems of molonsi
c"cumberts, and 94usshes near the
ground ahcut blossoming time, where
it stays until the plants wilt and die.
The presence of the grub is indicated
by,a yell,3wish excrement on the out-
side of the stem. The only way to.kill I
them is to split the vine carefully with
a sharp knife -and 'remove thern,,c*ver-
Ing the wound with fresh earth. Trap I
Pilants are often pianted for them as
in the case of the Yellow -beetle.
The squaah bug, often called stink
bug, is -familiar to every vine grower.
H I hard bug to kill, not sumumb,
e is a - i
� _^____�
I clog the nozales. Pure kerosene, or Of 000n belore us in 411 e lessons of mravadolhip
_�' I fow',,�i and young stock in all.kinds, , the qua _. He will regardohoolithy
1W9 to either dust or spray. 'Vines on kerosene emulsion, used at double the 'poultry, Unless they have free ac- Of 10 rter'la that the Christian law and hono.rable rivality as a form of
Which they axe numerous should bv strength usual17 applied to plants, will V4 Is the I#w of our ,common hu. co-operation, in business as on the
pulled and burned,. Flat boards may destrOY any mites that it hZts but It: cos,al?tho time to 4 fresh, clean SUP'". Man life. It ii the low of living to- $porting field,. He will play tile -game
f ply in clean disihes, you cannot expect ff4sthur. God, loves, and we must love. and! pl.zLy It f,uirly and - justly.
be laid on the ground in the p�atvhjdomlet penetrate into eraelm very the best results from your investment. God' is love, and he that --dwelloth in We have learned also that, tl,,: ibll-
under which they crawl itt night. In. readily and so the ipplication may As the chicks grow they require love dwelleth In Goa and, God in hini.11 lower of Jesus Chrietwill ,V.� iv�qrevt-
the early morning these maybe lifted � have to be repeated in -about two, or.1
i more coop room and, unless more room The life and minir.try,of Jesus Christ ed and actb�e in all offlorts to mu�o the
land the buggs &envhed w1h ws. When ,spraying with any' . I was at the =no time a, revelation of home, the neighborhood, the business
i is provided they crowd at night and God and U ToVelation of love. He community and the wbole world better.
walding water. terial the chickens should be kept overheat, their strength is �ecreased _
I ed and gave Himself for us. Not supeTficislly -or aareleasly, but us
The apbis, or melon louse, is very I nz until after it has had a chance to; And their crowth ebecked, And in some 'OV us
destructive and, sometimes, Whole fields, drY. When spraying be sure to hit " ,Th Christian who believes in Christ, � a diRligent -and- earrest -student he will
, ; oases actual death results. This is a who ,seeks to follow Christ, who takes look upon tha 4ocial -and ,economic
are in a. critical condition, from its everything, even the cellinig. Before, costly Way of economizing. Chiist as. his qxample and ideal, -will mov
attack before The grower is aware of replacing the roosts. be sure that they pulents of this time. He will not
their ' Do not let damp mash of -any kind I therefore desire to be governed by be a more parti-son, or blind follower
presence. They congregate in have been treated thoroughly with I remain in the trOughs or divIles after i the same law of love, ' Love will be of some social eroed. He -will be will-
mass,es on thp foliage, starting with some insectief,de,so as to kill the mites the poultry has finished eating be- his World, his inspirat-On, his life. Ing to loarri, even if learning some -
three or four butsoon increasing until hiding there. A coat of whitewasib, in cause it soon spoils, and reduces thel . times compels a change of view. What
the whole plant is covered with them. which five Per cent. of crude ,=Tbolic alp,petito of the Poultry and, if they "I say to thee, do thou repeat is true, and just, And vight he will
I To the first mun -whom thou doat always be seeking; what is false only
They may be -repelled with tobacco acid or cresol. has been added, will aid I eat it in considerable quantities, 0aus- meet, . will he hate.
dust spriDic-led directly upon the lice, greatly -after the insecticide has bL','n -es digestive troubles. in lane, highway, or open street,
or by tobacco #�,ms placed, on the applied and drie�d. It not only helps I Do not feed the young and old stock That he, zmd we -and all men, move Application.
groundaround theplants. As they are in the ,general control campaign -but in the same place and at the same Under a eanopy of love, There is no limitation in the plan of
sucking insects, the palsons that kill also gives a clean appearance to the I 1P redemption which God has for tile
I time; the young ones need -all the'food As broad as the blue sky above.:
the yellow beetle have no effect on coop. A dust bath for the chickenal that they can eat while the old ones, - ,world., What has been the experience
theni. If a sprlay is used, it must be gives much relief but, at the time if given -such an opportunity, will The Christian whose life- is thus- of multitudeii vf men, "old things are
one that will kill them -by contact, they u -se it there are very few ,mites sometimes eat more than is at all governed by love will steek worthiness passed awayi behold all thin." a --re be -
Kerosene emulsion is one of the best on, ,the hen& as Wellas Usefulness, For love, if it come new" is to be the final result
sprays. This is madeby dissolving a L necez,qary or advisable. it be true and strong, ennobles the one even with, the wolvd. A-11 that -has to
half poundof chippe�a laundry soap in . --#*.*— - -0 who loves. He 'will desire to be true do with the sin and misery of men
that so he Way speak truth, to be will disappear and- In its Place there
a gallon of hot water, and adding two The Undesirable Scrub $ull. � Useful Leg Bands. strong that he may help the weak, to 'will'01PPear a new world beautiful with
gallons of kerosene white it is boiling That invariail�ly defective animal, be trap- be go, --d that be may- do good. And the likeness of Paradise, This vision
hot. This mixture must then be churn- the scrab bull, is being gradually When birds are not to so the Christi -an man will seek forhim- granted to St. John- to many centuries
ed with a pump or otherwise for ten eliminated, nested the colored vingle coil spiral self, as well as for others, good ago is stM the animating purpose of
The lAve Stock Branch bands are all that is necessary. lf'health, -and knowledge, and friendship, the Church. Daily millions of Mon.
or fifteen minutes until it --isacreamy at Ottawa, by its policy of loaning there are only two classes the pullets "by k �hy wi.
mUss. When ready to use, Put -one pure-bred bulls to specially organized .and recreation, -and ivo& in which be. Play-, "'I iirgdOm come; T 11
eta can be left unbanded, Then the bands May exercise hia powers -everything, I ,be done on earth -us, it is in Heaven."
part of the emulsion to fifteen Or assoiciations in newly settled di-stri will denote hens -and it -is only n,eces- indeed, which makes for a full, and: and day by day the marshalled ho-sts
twentyparts of water. Another gdod and in backward sections of the Older blind heals that are retained rich, and happv, life.. He Will avoid of the Christian army reek to secure
spray is made by dilosvolvingsix pounds provinces, is doing much towards '9417Y to e habits and" dulgences which arelthat for which they pray,
as breeders, The double coil 'Spiral t , rt, in
water. than the J Lost by reason of the slow matur- ,
of whole oil soap in fifty gallons Of achieving this end, In the seven years bands show up more plainly ful, the recreations that debase,
If the lice have such a start jolowing the inauguration of this single coil but they cost more money and the work which is destructive of Ing of God's plan.%, we grow sceptical
that the plant is beginning to dAe, pull Policy in 1913, 2,581 bulls, purchased a voil answers -all Prac- charActer and lionor. He will not seek! Of the aucceseof the program and sot -
the plant, dcanch it with '011111151021, for $368,596, anaverage of *144.85 per and, the singl wealth at the expense of a good con-, tle down to be content with things as
tical purposes. science, nor success by dishonest they are, let = notice that first named
and bury it right where it is. head, bad -been loaned. Of these, Brit- The large numbered- aluminum means. Always, while ,seeking what aivongst those who shall have iid Part
The wilt disease of vine crops is ivh Columbia -has had 119, Alberta 497, bands are useful dn marking hens to is best for himself, he will -be regard- in tile New Jerusalem are two'elasses,
often as destructive as the aphis. As Saskatchewan 539 . , Manitoba 220, On- be trapnested. Then each bird inust ful, in the large. t way, of the inter, � whose only fault has been that they
the vines arelikely to wilt from slov- tario 216, Quel>ec 759, New Brunswick have a number and the bands, must fit ests.of others, and- will be content to have been "fearful and unbelleving."
oral other lcause%, it will pay to in- 64, Nova Scotia 79 and Prince Edward very secur-617 -so that none will be lost aerdfice gain, or property, or even life They doubted God's ability to bring
vestigate to find out the real cause. Island 38. -Returns substantiate the and cause -a c nfu0on of the laying its f, if, bY so doing lie can help His, great designs to pass. Because
Owt across a wilted stein and let the statement that where these bulls have records. Some0breeders buy the large others to greater,good. 1 they dolubtedi they were not prepayed
alime ooze out, then touch the slime been used there has been a consider -1 The 0hristian will be a woricey. to give themselves heartily to serving
numbered bands which are colored Christ Himself-, both, in the carpenterle � those high plans They have their
with the finger. If the material can be able improvement iwthe stock market- made ol aluminum and celluloid. craft and His later ministry, as a! part "in the lak
drawn -out in a long col.,webby thread, ed, and that in m=,y districts to I and w . � which barneth."
It is the -wilt disease, as none of the which bulls were loaned five or six They are attractiver-and seem to add strenuous and'untirinK worker. His'Donald Hankey said, "Religion is just.
i to the appearance of the flockof P=.e- follower cannot and wall not be ldae.! betting your life that there is a God."
other causes possess this peculiarity. I Years ago, farmers have felt warrant- bred birds wearing them, The possession of wealth can be to Thatmealis not only believing it with
There is no known remedy for thisl ed in buying pure-bred animals of Aluminum -bands can be purchased him no excuse fc,T idleness. He will 1 one's, iiiind, but "flinging oursolvez and
disease except prevention. A rotation I their own. As a result, department- which are sealed with a soft metal I And happiness, health, and true nobil- 1 our energies after our belief." Diffi-
of crops, not planting these crops in lo sed and sent to I ity in . or. Moreover -he will gladly cult as the task may be, let us re-
. rivet. This is of value,when .shipping "i st,
learn to work with others, recogniz- member that all power" has been
succession on the same ground, wil,11more needy districts. This is par- breeding stock to unknown cu'stomers, Ing their tasks important and honor. committed to the Sa'viour of the world,
help to prevent it. All dise,asdd plants I ticularly noticeable in Quebec, where It is also -practically a guarantee that able as his own. He will find firm and i and that with His Father, who is our
should be removed' as soon as they' tile number loaned decreased from 200 0, 1 ds Nvill not be lost. Bands coati, true coniradeship and brotherhood in I 11'atherand our Helper, "all things are
appear. It is spread very rapidly from th ban
I in 1916 to 62 in 1919, while in Alberta more money than f ormerly and it. ,I.ays � labor. Even in competition with possible."
plant to plant by the yellow beetle and Saskatchewan the loaninm -had in- to remove them from birdF. that are � --- __ -_ ____ - _
and other insects; hence 'igat the . I
creased. It is interesting to note qjs marketed for meat. When birds are -
I My Farm Map Helps Me. 4X A� . " _.
W _ . ;
beetle" should be the slogan, of the evidence Of tile economy Practiced in sold as breaders they can be banded ;.
grower. . � I q ' " -
carrying ,out the policy that in One before shipment and then the buver I can't C'_ pe t to make my faTm . I- I
) �:� i I
The melon blight or rust appears '� d 27,zz)mb,��r I I
alwa a as it L 1.0 �
about the time the 7nelo.n.s begin td become impaired were sold for an them from his own stock even if the should, unlers I know my so'll. .
ll efulness had will ys be able to distingulph produce and pay Too profit
set, appearing near the base of the averaige of 67 pqr cent. of their - ry similar. In =yboc11t,c,aEe is a good-sized map . _ I
plant in the form of round ,,at-- original cost, birds are ve 8/01i eng :
colored spots which rap!4-ly spread , --.I-- I drawn to an accurate scale, awl on L - .
until the leaves die. In a -week or so - 0 . - Do not forget that all Icinds, of this map is an entire ccntour of my A little clork grew weary,.
the patch looks as though a fire had One of the As it sat upon tile shelf,
most valuable features poultry, young and old,.Tequire lots ,of , farm whokh tells me what I want to 'Twas. tired of ticking all the time,
run over it. After it ,has ,attacked a of ry-e as a forage for the pigs is that clean, cool -water duTing -hot weather Imew.
, � . Aaid murmured to, itself:
vine, there is but little use, of spray� it furnishes a supply cof green food afid that unless -.it is furnished thel No inatter -how ,dark Vhe night or "There isn't anybody else
Ing. The only preventive is to spray during the seasons when the ordinary best -results cannotbe obtained, Keep how stormy the day, I can go to this. That works. so hard; I'm -blest
with BoTdeaux mixture, starting when crow and Pastures are Of little value., the water dishes full, ' . map and' tell exactly where each tile 12 ,I don't think Vs time that I
the vines bogin. to run and repeating _____ ---- . -------- drain has its nource, -and just what Should take a little rest."
every week or ten days until the crop , nm Ind I soil it is trying td drain. On And so it stopped, and Mrs. Brown
is matured. '_ wo Fann Ideas I Fom'd M*, Europe ' this map is an -accurate outline of Took all its -works apart
.. each field showing just what kind of And oiled, them with a feather,
Controlling Chicken Mites. By CHARLES P, HUNTINGDON. soil is in each section of each field, But she couldn't make it start,
and,jLst w�iat condition this soil is in. So, when she found, her little clock
Probably one a the worst nuisances During the war I "got a -cross," ant] stables, gatters which adilow no liquid If it,s 0andy, loam, it iii so marked; Had really stopped for good,
that the average poultryman has to had an Opportunity to stady agricul- to run off, cisterns, and tank wagons if thin, well-Inallowed, well-fertiliz She threw it out ainong the junk
ed�l Behind a pile of woolf.
Xxiltend with is the presence of mites tuxe in France and Luxembourg, Two are coming to be a Part -of our farm i but not sufficiently (ITained, it is thu,
n and labout the chicken house-%- It things made a deep impression on me equipment. And With them ]',a cOnung I maTked. If it is heavy clay, under- And. there it lay and pondered I
doeWt take a very exhaustive eDvam_ -thintra Which - r - �
� nation to find them in nearly all parts
--q& the
� — ans can
learn and practice toadvantage.
a m, e pro1lTzsu,L,e,a11LL more PermaneliT,
agriculture. .
laid with hardpan, or it a washed hill-
I if depression these
Doing nothing all the time I
,w gr_,& _pg coop. Therefore, you cannot
— — �, , of
%1.10 ,14-0 JL.X blame the hen for not being interested
- The first, and the one of greatest
Secondly, I was impressed -with the
side, or a exists,
features are recorde4 And so I have
But thinking, thinking, thinking hard
Among the dust and grime,
Pack up your lot and ship to us. in breaking the egg-la,ying record.
impoTtance,. fsr the high value which
care and attentiori European farmers
a� complete -picture Of the f a -rid before
Untit it, saw the folly
We do the rest—fair gral:114— The nest is literally alive with them
place on manure. Not a
gilve their livestock. It. was untiring,
me at my fireside. I �
Of the thing that it had done,
highest Prices ----spot cash - and she does not Teli9h the thought
pay of nestling among them, Without
ment. Try
drop &a wasted; and it is -returned in
its ontirety, praebically, to their fields.
practical, and almost paternal. An
animal is, with them, almost a rover.
. This map -making has caused, me to
And then it felt so sorry
That it started in to run.
doubt, when these tiny posts are num-
The farmers in France and in 1,uxe,
bourg do not live their farms,
ent being. Once we had a good night's
rest continually disturbed by the fre-
study closelV- our entire farrn, -and it
makes it easier to plan how deep or
When Mrs, Brown came out next day
erous, egg -production is -greatly re-
WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO duced slid the grrowth of the younger
Established 1870 chickens retarded well,as
on but
in little villages, going to and from
their fields daily. Stock, cro,ps, and
quent going out to the stable of the
ifamily with whom, we were billeted.
Shallow it should be drained for best
results, just what crops to plant in
To get a load Of wood
She heard the ticking of the clock
And "Ohl Goodl
as affecting
11. illigialliLli:llliskim 1 — -1 the quality of the flesh on theanfested
- =--,
-people are all housed under the same
The eause of all this commotion was
different fieldv, and just how tafertil-
izo certain sections of those fields to
:gladly cried:
My little clock Is running now."
roof. And the manure plij is an
,a mare about to f oal. Farmer and
get .,best results,
And, with a -beaming face,
Their presence can readily be de�
American lermined by noticing sm,41i areas oril
'omnipresent part of the village home,
We used Jokingly to,say that we could
spouse reo,ted in turns, for two whole
days during this *eventful time. The
Thus I grow ,barley in black lown.
because I
'She took it back into the house I
And put it in its place. .
41"VANM M, boards, that have a speckled appear- I
looking if dusted I
Judge whether -a family were wealthy
or poor by the size of the manure
foal arrived in due time and in ex-
cellent condition. Andat calving time,
know it will grow -barley
best, following corn stubble; I grow
And now the ,clock is happy l
ASM ance, as with sall I
_. ,0..
Ek .,,
b,le tef land pepper. This is probably theirl'
I 1:
, ,h OaP-And we were usually correct.
When first
at lambing time, and iluring the pe -
iod when the swine litters were ar-
oats on a Sandy loam Vail, following
corn 9-tubble, because it will produce
For this, secret ithas found:
"There's, lots more fun in working
Than there is in loafing
excrement and cast-off skins. The, I
11 1 mites them -selves are probajibly hiding I
qatll.. Vt" in nearby cracks in great numbers, I
we noticed the proton-
tiDusness )of these manure piles and
the careful manner in which they were
riving, their care Was equally pains-
taking. They lost very few animals,1
oats b6tter than barley. I grow my
sugar -beet crop In a ,black, looso
I where their eggs will also be fOund,i
FE1N%,E` In -badly Infested houses it is .
not un -'to
cared for, we thought that It wits due
France's seirious food altuation, and
-and each one seemed always in ,goo,d,, I
-healthy condition. They,did not have
sandy loam, following clever, because
it gets mis the greatest tonnage; and
f ,
W -T& Ao-ll� V12"" jM j usual for the chickens to becomb weak �
5—*K J� and their
to the fact that she had been in the
more stock than they ,could, properly
care for, -and so the fewhead they did
I grow oux potatoes in 4 yellow sandy
loam plot ,because I get a good yield
toinbs pAle, due t3 the inald.'war
2L %41�111P 1 ;5 1 uiu3 attacks of these nests Many'asked
four long years, But when I
one farmer if it were - ___
po" sms were good ,ones. .
of sinooth tubers, with a flavor that
1',. AL: What can be fed to veall
times conditions are so unbearable! practice, which they had acquired The cattle received their tare from o black loose loam will not give. calves to fatten when I ain shy of
I that setting hens will -desert their! through the stress of war conditions, the women. Cows were used to supply I can. put this inap on the table dur- milk to feed them?
T HJUI i noits and spoll the cggs, and Instanceg I he repilied that as far back as hie could Milk, to produce -a call each year, and I ing,a wet, stormy day, and,tell almost There really is no ,substitute for
FrOST i have licen known where the hens have remember his father had taught him in many instances, to be the heast of i to a Point of accuracy ho-�v r h wholo milk for maldng veal. You ican
I burden. A right which I used to be water this tile -drain outlet is carry- grow calves fairly well with sub.sti.
A I been killed -while an their nests, due � that his success as a f armor Would
Wiffiout a to the -attack of thousands of these! be dependent, to a large extent, on extrOlnely intOrested in was to watchl ing, and, just -how much .that lateral tut" There aresonle caltf meals made
P, AULT Pests. !his e,ire in handling manure. the family—old inen, women,and chil. in the back field, is drawing from that Into gruel that c,alvea do very wo)i on�
l About a week Is required . dren—go forth each morning to the swamp where I nevel used to VrOw and In -a little time the calves get so
__ for the cleaned I they eat dry food, like cru-.,hei oats,
mIte3 to develop from the egg to the their fields with the family tow leading the anYthing,but tadpoles and mosquitoes,
NO Clips 11 4dull; and each f,entale lays about i stables they piled the manure neatly, procession and hauling the wagoni I can ,also read on this Inq just 'clover haY, And 92OW Up t,D be, goo,d
I tile dung from the cattle being mixed after her. I was surpriaed to learn the acreage for wheat, or thav best th'Ifty calves,
or I twenety-five to thirty-five eggs, -so it is �,wltli that of the horses, swine, and I I but they never make
I seen that the rate -of development is ' that these eowa, even after working I for cuts, or any Other crop,. without "al chlv"- f you want fat veal
� Staplefg ll vF-ry rapid. It Is absojutely esge,ntial � chickens, and, if they had theni, that throughout the day, returned at night! going over the farm to hunt the soot. ,41,,8 at sIxor eight weeks old- I know
� of the elleep. The -pile *�s alwaYa with large, full ud.dera. of liothing that will take tha place
' that the mites have blood during all kept. in - - . 1 —1.&—
Necessary ' a moist state, water being In Canada we have always bad al
__ � stiges of their growth and this is I Domed 4un It if necessary, Most Of super -abundance of thinV. one tow Keep the little chickens out of the of V&Ole milk, but With plenty d skim-
�1 taksn for the most part at night. - milk- and oil meal or flaxseod meal
Manufactured ! If these pestq are at all nunicroug the year they were dble to haul it out or a ton of manure has meant little to dew -covered grar.s, especially on cool with other grain, you can get a call
13Y � no, half -way me.-tsurieg will,give relief. I weekly, and so *y had little trouble us. But with the skyward. trend In the mornings, as it may ,chill them., whim, he is four or five niontM old, to
"I If they tre to be tontrollod energetic ' with fire -f -an.- or ,burning. The liquid price ,of ,commercial fertilizers, with -be prettygood baby beef, but g Veal
THE ,methods must be Pursued. Invainuch. drained into a cistern from which it the need that the world has for food calf is SUPP-Osed to be six or eight
I os there are but few init was pumped into large tank wagotiM manure and livestoek have come to b�l Brooder chicks, have no mother to wooks old when -he Is fattened and it
' es on the This most valuable Part of the ma. of more talk to them,but their wooden mother takcs whole milk to do that,
CANADIAN STIEL thlckens during theday time and ,as a significance to us. And as the i
. majority are lValing In eraeks, or siln. nurra WAS . thus taken direct to tholp,oPulation & our ,country increases, never runs, away from them. .
i flar place�;, the daylight hours are the fields. - and the demand for food grows, per. — ___0_
ad , beat time to Apply rtnuolial measures. I Wonder .11 any such appliances haps N#00 Will Ie.ttrn that conservation Denizens of the poultry ard, If You woulli have healthy and vig.
Ow IT) Y will Gr011s Cattle, have thebarn well light.
WIRE CUll L1U)1fgd,: ,,,The first thing to ,do. Is to remove there are on Canadian farms? Cer. pays. � beftefit from gol)d pasture us well, as ed and 'vontilAtod.
I e roostq, if po,zdblz�, .as well as all of tairilY toiy f0w- But with tile iticreas- And in addition to the profits which thelargor live fitock on the farm. In
I "Ill in
11AINIMTON . the uuroles�,Sary boavda and boxes. 9 coat 'of OVMT eommOdltY, We too theso practices hring is the joy d many oases it will pay to Provide 11ave you calle.s
I eated ,eliah-Lt that
i Cleaft thle armv and litter from tho I 'are 001-019 to TC41120 the ttno value Making Dull farnis porinautut, a 11'erl, small VatC1163 of salfalfAL, aloveas, or nedd cloalling? Sponge with soapy
CANAIA f nests orld ulien this ia dona. It will be I of Inallure. PrOpor ,drainq fol our I tago for lour postMak. some quIck-growing Tmataro crop.
. -1 I hot water to both cleanse ,and tighten.