HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-06-23, Page 5I 40. Thursday June 23rd. 1921 T1 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY' 4— Specials Specials d— House Dresses Marquisettes Made of beat quality print in light and dark pat- In white or -cream, a very stylish curtain material terns, two syles, excellent values. Reg. 2,25, for living roome, etc, 36 in wide, Reg. 1.00 for .................................... 11.111.89 .............................. ..55c yd Blouses White Scrim An assortment of Voile Waists in and V neck, With colored border, exceptional value, reg. 40c, sizes 36 to 42. Reg. up to 4.50 for .......... 2.95 for ......................................... 25c Voiles at 89c Ladies Hosiery New English Voiles In light and dark colorings, extra fine qualities, a wide range to select Silk Lisle Hose in brown, black and white ........ 75c from, Reg, 1.25 and 1.50, special ........ 89c yd All Silk Hose in bla�:Ic. navy, grey and white (see- 0— onds) .................................... 59c pr Raw Silk Pure Silk Hose, black only, our special at .... 1,29 pr as— A pure silk material free from knots and flaws, 34 in. wide. Special .................... 1.00 yd Men's and Boys' Wear Laces and Insertions Men's Blue Chambray Work Shirts, reg, $2 for 1.25 Men's Panama Hate, Sailor and Fedora styles, Laces and Insertions, including Valenciennes, Torclions, Nets, Embroideries and Insertions reg, to 4.00 for ............................ 2.95 Special ....... .......................... 5c yd Men's fine shoes, dark brown and black, English last, at ...................... ............. 5.50 -.0 Curtain Materials Men's Suits, see our leader at .................. 25.00 Fine dotted Swiss Net with double border, a beautiful quality 48 in. vkide. Reg. 1,25 for 85c yd Boys' Suits, a special range at .................. 9.75 A* Mm" ILL S Our Goods are the Best—Our Prices Right. Flour, Feeds and Seeds a Specialty. Bluevale days this week with relatives at Shel. Miss Anderson Resigns bourne. NN m. Duff shipped a car of hogs on The farmers got a glad surprise on The Teacheri' Federation is clearly ac SaturdayandR. Johnstnu oneof cattle Monday,whenthey foundouthogs had complishing, results in . raising salaries. and one of hogs on Monday, advanced a couple of dollars a hundred. Miss Anderson, commercial specialist at Mrs. H. A. McCall was at Delhi last The weigh scales have been away for re - week attending the funeral of her nep- pairs for about three weeks which was the Goderich Collegiate Instittite, this hew. very fortunate. week received an offer.of $2000 to go to Raymond Elliott wears a board smile. Mrs. Griffith and sons o f Montreal, it's a young daughter. are up for a few weeks vacation at their Walkerton and asked the G. C. L Board There was a large turn out to the summer home here. their wishes in the matter. To increase Garden Party last Wednesday night, and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton has been on the Miss Anderon to that figure would oc- a good time enjoyed by all, sick list. We wish her a speedy recov- casion difficulties with others of the staff Rev. Mr. Mills bad charge of services ery. here who would think they were under - at Mount Forest last Sunday. Misses Dorothy and Ruth Burgess of paid in proportion. The secretary of the Mr. Geo. Haney spent -the week -end Ottawa, are visiting with Miss Belle with friends at Wroxeter. i Burgess. I board, Principal Hume, was instrumental Mr. Harold Holmes of Brussels, was I M and Mrs. Milvert Sellers visited in securing the consent of three of the home over Sunday. relairives at London last week, staff to ask for no increase, viz. Miss visit- and Mrs. Milvert Sellers and Me, Clifford, Mr. Robertson and himself. An Rev. Mr. Clydesdale of Fordwich, rs. ed his cousin, Mrs, Snell, this week. an%d A. Walker motored to London increase of $100 to Miss Hodge, Miss I last week. The hay, grain and root crops are all I Mr. H. J Carroll of London, spent a Fletcher and Miss Govenlock and an in- l9oking well, couple of days visiting at Mr. Milvert crease of $150 to Miss Anderson was Quite a number of the Orangemen 'Sellers. agreed upon among the teachers as satis- front here, attended divine service at i Ifactory. This would have made Miss Wingliant Sunday even " when, the! I gA ermon. , Ander o 'a s Is y 11,90Q. Tb pastor there gave a sple. id s it a r Rev. Mr. Wilson was along also and, Wroxeter ht and decided t(? I mel (in Tuesday nl, helped in the service, The many friends of Mrs. Dt. Harkness make no increases. CotiSeqUently Miss There was a good turn out to L. 0. L. will be pleased to learn that she is ithprov- No. 766 meeting last Friday night when Ing in health since going to Montreal, and Andersoll has accepted the Walkerton several new members wexe taken in and they expest to return to Wroxeter about position and the local board will have to others given some degrees. the 10th., of July. look for a new commercial specialist, We Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sitinatnon, N)�'ing- Next Thursday evening June 23rd., a understand thqre are only 40 commercial ham Junct., spent Sunday with Me, an(I returned Missionary will &e an address pecialists iti the province outside the Mrs. Gordon Hall. in the Presbyterian Church in this place. S. . At the service in Methodist Church Mrs. Fred Kitchener left last Saturday' cities and of these only nine are receiving next Sunday at 7.30 tile S- S, Tablet morning for Detroit where she will spend less than the salary given here and by the bearing the nanies of the hoys who gave a few weeks visiting her daughter Mrs T raising of the standard requiring a univer- their lives in the Great War, will be 1111- 0. Pardon on her return she will visit'sity degree for the specialists' standing veiled. friends in Toronto. . I hereafter the supply of new commercial Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Matners of St. Mr. R, J. Rann spent Sunday last with; Marys, are at present visiting rLIaLives it, freinds in London. ; specialists is very much reduced, so that and around the village. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoperaft visisted! the board may hav:e difficulty in filling Mrs. and Rev. T. W. Mills spent a few friends in Clifford on Sunday last. the position.—Goderich Star. X M c L A U G H L I N Orr /-,D Y C% I (2ai* Canada 19 otanda-ecl Present Lines of new Master Six and Light Six series will be continued in the 1922 season. Beginning June Ist, the new series and prices will be as follows: F. 0. B. Oshawa, Ontario. LIGHT SIXES .... I., ................ 1895 00 1615 00 Model 22-62 Roadster ......... ....................... ..... .............. ... 1895 00 165000 Model 22-63 Five Passenger Touring .......... .... I ... 2640 00 2390 00 Model 22-62 Coupe, Three Passenger .................................. 2685 00 2435 00 Model 22-63 Sedan, Five Passenger ........................ .. — — Salet Tax Extra Taylor & McDonald 14 X 0 WINGHAMo Ont. X McLAUGHLIN DEALERSO lE.WIN(;HAM ADVANCE "HURONS" WORKING HARD (Too late for last issue) Once again the notes of the bugle, the smell of the trampled grass, the gleaming tents—once again in Camp. The first day showed that many were strangers to the uniforms and the Webb equipment, surely a Chinaman -must have invented it. However, if t he officers smiled the �'rookieEP had their turn. A day arrived when the officers bad to show their powers in equitation. No doubt part of the exhibition was due to the red tape methods of the Army, Regulations are precise. They insist that the left foot of the rider should be placed in the stir- rup, which bangs on the left side of the horse. This makes for u�lformity and pleases the public, who likes to see things done in a soldier- like manner. Still tnese officers are the brave defenders of our country and we will not tell all we know. The ,Oxford" cars are doing a roaring business. Springbank looks as if another war was on, One of the boys remarked that the girls there did not seem to be anxious to dance with the soldiers, The boys from Wingham should not worry, They have at home what would put Springbank.or any other place in the shade. The most marked feature of the camp is the conduct of the instructors, who are suppled from the R. C. R. Old memories being before us a tough, bard -boiled old soldier, yelling and shouting at the men. These men are a startling contrast. No bullying, but patient instruction. To those who think the old way the only or- thodox method let us remind them that these men are getting the results. This is one lesson of the war. Our 0. C., Lt. -Col. Combe, disappear- ed soon after the-- opening of the camp. Curious tales of motor accidents filtered through. We wondered whether to send an escort after him or not. But he turn- ed up smiling and once again we learned that we cannot believe everything we bear in the Army. During this orphanage of the battalion, we were looked after by the second -in. �ommand, Lt. -Col. Rance. To fall into the bands of the police and to pay a fine has already been the ex- perience of one little band. To allay the suspicions of Mr. Pellow we want to state emphatically that, these men were In 11 U C+t, n q1 A 7--7f;; .0, You Will Like the, 7' Gas that you- Get from the' AWO 1"v Bowser Chief Sentry Because. 3C It's FILTERED xx X A Centrifugal Separator on this pump Ic M, purities the Gasoline by removing water and Impurities as it Is being discharged. A Public Demunnstration Showing the efficiency of this equip - X, ment will be given at our Garage, on Friday, J u n e, 24th Impure Gasoline is responsible for a number of motor expenses that can bt avoided. This matter Is of Interest to all users of Gasoline power. X lit V4 A cordial invitation to be present Is ex. X tended to aH Interested.! X not ne a eac The spirit of the men is good, Officers N. C. O's. MASTER SIXES Old Price New Price HURKINN Model 22-44 Three Passenger Roadster, Cord Tires ................... $2550 00 2550 00 $2215 00 2245 00 Art odel 22 -45 Five Passenger Touring, Cclrd Tires ........................ Model 22-46 Three Passenger Coupe., Cord Tires .................... ... 3405 00 2995 00 M 39 Model 22-47 Five Passenger Sedan, Cord Tires ..................... .. 3920 00 3445 00 ?Model 22-48 Four Passenger Coupe, Cord Tires ........................ Cord Tire ... ........ 4000 00 2895 00 3345 oo 2595 00 Paymaster has a heart of stone. What's a Paymaster for if he doesn't give 6ut Model 22-49 Seven Passenger Touring, :.: Model 22-50 Seven Passenger Sedan, Cord Tire .. . ... . ........ 4350 00 3795 00 LIGHT SIXES .... I., ................ 1895 00 1615 00 Model 22-62 Roadster ......... ....................... ..... .............. ... 1895 00 165000 Model 22-63 Five Passenger Touring .......... .... I ... 2640 00 2390 00 Model 22-62 Coupe, Three Passenger .................................. 2685 00 2435 00 Model 22-63 Sedan, Five Passenger ........................ .. — — Salet Tax Extra Taylor & McDonald 14 X 0 WINGHAMo Ont. X McLAUGHLIN DEALERSO lE.WIN(;HAM ADVANCE "HURONS" WORKING HARD (Too late for last issue) Once again the notes of the bugle, the smell of the trampled grass, the gleaming tents—once again in Camp. The first day showed that many were strangers to the uniforms and the Webb equipment, surely a Chinaman -must have invented it. However, if t he officers smiled the �'rookieEP had their turn. A day arrived when the officers bad to show their powers in equitation. No doubt part of the exhibition was due to the red tape methods of the Army, Regulations are precise. They insist that the left foot of the rider should be placed in the stir- rup, which bangs on the left side of the horse. This makes for u�lformity and pleases the public, who likes to see things done in a soldier- like manner. Still tnese officers are the brave defenders of our country and we will not tell all we know. The ,Oxford" cars are doing a roaring business. Springbank looks as if another war was on, One of the boys remarked that the girls there did not seem to be anxious to dance with the soldiers, The boys from Wingham should not worry, They have at home what would put Springbank.or any other place in the shade. The most marked feature of the camp is the conduct of the instructors, who are suppled from the R. C. R. Old memories being before us a tough, bard -boiled old soldier, yelling and shouting at the men. These men are a startling contrast. No bullying, but patient instruction. To those who think the old way the only or- thodox method let us remind them that these men are getting the results. This is one lesson of the war. Our 0. C., Lt. -Col. Combe, disappear- ed soon after the-- opening of the camp. Curious tales of motor accidents filtered through. We wondered whether to send an escort after him or not. But he turn- ed up smiling and once again we learned that we cannot believe everything we bear in the Army. During this orphanage of the battalion, we were looked after by the second -in. �ommand, Lt. -Col. Rance. To fall into the bands of the police and to pay a fine has already been the ex- perience of one little band. To allay the suspicions of Mr. Pellow we want to state emphatically that, these men were In 11 U C+t, n q1 A 7--7f;; .0, You Will Like the, 7' Gas that you- Get from the' AWO 1"v Bowser Chief Sentry Because. 3C It's FILTERED xx X A Centrifugal Separator on this pump Ic M, purities the Gasoline by removing water and Impurities as it Is being discharged. A Public Demunnstration Showing the efficiency of this equip - X, ment will be given at our Garage, on Friday, J u n e, 24th Impure Gasoline is responsible for a number of motor expenses that can bt avoided. This matter Is of Interest to all users of Gasoline power. X lit V4 A cordial invitation to be present Is ex. X tended to aH Interested.! X not ne a eac The spirit of the men is good, Officers N. C. O's. HURKINN law 61 RUN and and a sprinkling of others are mostly ex -service men. The remain- derare chiefly youths. These latter have AN (j, ;rJ TIRES ACCESSORIES GASOLINE OIL R.' immediately adapted themselves to a M 39 soldier's life and are doing their best to Z X"M XMIX XXXXXX vix XX vix VIX"410"o Vill V1 X V1 X V1 X XXXX XMIC learn all that can be learned in nine days. Some one wisely remarked that the ;W__ Paymaster has a heart of stone. What's a Paymaster for if he doesn't give 6ut Blyth Sunday, it being the fiftieth anniversary of Must Live In Ireland money? Pathetic tales of how Major Mc- Mrs. Mary Curtis of Clinton, visited friends in town over Sunday. the church. Rev. Peters took charge of the service$ I AnArran girl, Miss Violet Galbraiitl' daughter of Me. and Mrs Evans Gal"! Taggart used to give advances of pay in the 161st fall on deaf ears. Of course Messrs, Somers and Hirons, census in Hensall on Sunday. Miss M. Fraiser of Bluevale, is spend- I braith, has fallen heir to a $25,OW esltate a forth and P ymmtgr cqtri�@ from Sea enumerators, CO!nplt.ted their work on ing a week with her sister, Mrs. Geddes near Belfast, Ireland, owing to the &-alb, thai for lot. Monday of this week. Miss GLodall of Toronto, spent a week of her uncle, Mr. John Belmont, whIT2:7 accounts a General Panet and the 9taff at Carling Rev. Mr. Jones of Belgrave, conducted the preparatory service on Tbursday with Mrs. Yule. Quite a number from here attended the took place about eight monthB ago. Wiz�, Galbraith, who went to Ireland in Ap Heights are doing their best to make the evening, in St. Andreivs Church. A garden party at Mr. John BeeLroft's on returned home on Friday. The -estate_- 1—% timeprofitable to the Militia. IA. -Col. 1-trge number of communicants took part Monda y evenin,�. !a sheep ranch oa which is sit ui�zdl or fibgl� Hill and the Officers of the R. C. R. ard in the sacramental serviceg Swiday morn- , rhere was five cars of stock left here residence and the will provides that sliz rendering every possib e assistance, Lt.. lng' Messrs. Coherline & Floody have for Toronto marlcet,� last Saturday tiiorn� jug. ' on the property. Mi�s.Gw.' must live Col. Langford is specially attached to the Huron Regiment for advice and as- secured the contract of the New Coin titunity Hall at Londesboro, which is to be :braith will return to Ireland in theW11 Belgrave Orangemen will attend Divine, all. is It not worth som�thing to H"— sistance. The Brigadier is Colonel Leon- completed this fall, Service on Sunday morning, July 3rd at'After 11 o'clock at the Presbyterian church. in Ireland? ard and Brigade Major is Major Gordon Mr. Joynt. M. P. P., offers tile follow- Rev. Bro C, lones will conduct the I Ingram. -A. A. A. ing prizes for the best beef calf, exhibited service. Fish Siovy Vrom Bruce ;Lt tile Blyth School Fair, on September 23rd. Ist $400, 2nd $"I'Loo, 3rd Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bell of Southamp ' Frank the fourteen -year-old sont 0.., - NOTICE TO CREDITORS prize $2,00. toll, spent Monday with friends in the village. Richard Jefldns of 2nd. Con., fishing in Dawson's ow NUV Mr. Strong of Seaforth, is the presiding t went P-)nl, N0T10B14HFF1KBVGJVK?;, punmant, to Seotion56, Chap. 121of thORevisurt Stalut(,s examineron the wcond and third form i 124th. Ile lud a c)mf,)rtib'.e positior.i 0M, of Ontario, that all versons havin claims e xams, conducted this week Absconded From The Refuga a log on the edge of the p�crd, and fta4 nr,ainst the Fs:tate of Mftrgarct; atherine. (� Te,,nant, deceased. who died on Or abnut the Mrs. Groggan, aged 0.3 years, who n ay out i tjjel' in; now or. hi., lhiok aw. . n LN�,enty-fifty day of J)voembel', A. D., 1921, at �WtO Belgrave came to the Refuge here from Teeswater 7 pond. It was stil, as a shad(;w all ratujr the Boe-ugh of Limsrilie in the of Pell- mqylvauia, are re(lul eit to send hy po,;(;, pre. 'A ' 1 Mr. aud Mvi, N. McGuire of llolstviri, last August, and who scem�,d unable to do him when quick as a dart a big pike i ald, or to deliver to 11. V-ristone. h )ntario, SolbZVor for t1lo odminigi raton'P� ", , i, on ov is oonding a few days with their liarents, any strenuous work about the place, bed the bait and nearly PU,!dL" Tranl� in before the fourth day oE July. A. D., 1921, fit]) Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire. showed remarkable agility one night last for an eaforced batb. Fra -i' id cv'mgb,� I hoir nameH and.ar drel��ep, Nvi it particul- an; of their clahn, in writing. and the nat.1ttre Mrs Wm. Isbister of Toronto, was, the week by slipping out of an upstair win 1 pike before but this mammoth IIs1)_tiZgZe,;k, of the securities (if it, y) field by t Item duly Verified bY EL 8L.,01tOrY JCOhlra(101). At d further t ike rotice that after tho sitid guest of -Mrs. J Miller for a tow day�. dow and letting herself down the fire e----! Donald McKenzie of Toroc.to' spent in from like a s:nA whale. His pile was -bent )il3 fourt It day f,T,,Iy, 1921, thea4sets (:f the sai d Sunday with his parenti, Mr. an, I cape a successful getaway the in I- a serni-irc I le but he played the big e -fate M11 bedi8trlbu ed y tile Administrat- or among I he artics tititied thereto, baving regaftl only to thee] ims ofvhich heshall R. E. McKcnzie. ctitution. Although word has since come George Jordan and J. A. Geddes are Irihat the aged fugitive had arrived at her; I bringing him carefully over a Lolf-sunR-er, log, until the huge piko was on th,11 have notice, at tlxe estate will nit, be attending the High Court of Forrosters at r)ld home town of Teeswater, vet the: firma. It weighod 9,J . . lbs., was 3 fee,�t, lia ble for any elrLims iot, f1lerat the time If the sald distributioD. June, I I . - Niagara Falls, ftutharities seem disposed to let her ab-! inches in length and girthed 14 incfim' Dated at Wii)ghain this second day of A. D., 1921. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart of Norwieh, sent herself as long as she may from I And the eating of it —we leave that to It. 1 , tLw� are spending a few days w th Mr. and Bruce's free foodery, and w! make no Witirliam, 11. 0. Mrs. John Stewart attempt to compel her to part e further, 1 magination of our readers whose saliv—.�.7 Solicitor for the Adininistrat or. Rev. River,� of Hensall, preached an- of the county's proferred ho pitality --- I glands have moistened a freshly-caugk niversary servires at the Brick church on Bruce Times, Walkerton. pike.—Chesley Enterprise. JAMES TAYLORI AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left:at The Advance, Wingliam, will receive prompt attention. Phone NorthHuron 15-623, Brnssels 15-13 0. F. A. Football The Canadian Sioo Football team play- ed a league game in Listowel on Friday evening and defeated the home team 3 to 2. The game was keenly contested. The first period startea at a terrific rate and the teams were evenly matched. However, about the middle of the period the Soo scored. The score remained 1-0 in the Soo's favor through the rest of the period. When the second period began Listowel carried the battle down and scored within two minutes from the be- ginning, Another count was tallied by each side throughout the remainder of the peTiod and fast football was played. To break the tie two periods of 15 min- utes each Way were necessary. The visitors scored the whining goal about the middle of the first overtime period. Mit- cliell, Ili goal for the visitors, was an iin- pottant factor towards their win. $ S�Onletinles you find a tire that extraordin-my mile,,,ge—one in i dozer, perhaps. Whereas the -,ivernage of mileage given I)y a dozen— or a htn,(:red— Atnes Holden ";kuto-Shoes­ N,611 be as hig,11, as that given by the exceptional ur('irlary tire, Ii's the high average that cotints—that cuts the cost of miles� that makes it wortli while - to get Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes" instead of ordinary tires. L AMES HOLDEN "AUTO-SIRIOES I Cord and Fabric Tires in all Standard SizeS "Grey Sox" Tubes For Sale By "Red Sox" Tubes E. Merkley & Sons, Phone 84, and Geo. T. Robertson,, Phone 192, WinghouilS,, and Wingham Tire and Vulcanizing Depot# Phone 298.