HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-06-23, Page 4TRI "Puilt-in- Canada" $ VQ "71 %L ---------- ' ROM the very start of the design, the NEW STUDEBAKER LIGHT -SIX was built to live up to Studebaker's ideal of what a light six - cylinder car should be —and the new low price is merely a result of Studebaker's manufacturing facilities and greatly increased volume. This is a Studebaker Year L.- Kennedy, Dealer Wingha m^ NEW PRICES OF STUDEBAKER AUTOMOB LES f. o. b. Watherville, Ontario, effective June 1, 1921 Touring Cars and Roadsters Coupes and Sedans LIGHT -SIX 2 -PASS. ROADSTER ................... $1850 LIGHT -SIX COUPE ROADSTER .................... $2385 LJGHT-SIX TOURING CAR .......................... 1885 LIGHT -SIX 5 -PASS. SEDAN ......................... 2885 SPECIAL -SIX 2 -PASS. ROADSTER ................. 2275 SPECIAL -SIX 4 -PASS. COUPE ...................... 3525 SPECIAL -SIX TOURING CAR..., . � ............. .. 2325 SPECIAL -SIX S -PASS. SEDAN .................... _ 3625 SPECIAL -SIX 4 -PASS. ROADSTER 2325 BIG -SIX 4 -PASS. COUPE ....... .................... 3995 BIG -SIX TOURING CAR .... ....... :*::1':,::::::::- 27815 BIG -SIX 7 -PASS. SEDAN ............................. 409.5 ALL STUDEBAKER CARS ARE EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES Salem x. Mrs. Gilmour and son Ed., from nortl of Belmore, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed, THE GEM Bennett last Sunday. A. Cathers callec $15900 ADDING MXCHINE Mr. and Mrs. Win. X on the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs * I Earls, south of Gorrie, Sunday evening, X. ADDS, MULTIPLIES, SUBTRACTS A number from here enjoyed them, selves at the U. V. 0. picnic in Wroxeter IS. Does the work as well as machines Costing last Friday. X $300.00 or more. If this sound,,; too good to be true, y The Garden Party held at Mr. Johr Gowdy's last Thursday evening in be. just give us a chance to prove it. half of the Women's Institute, Belmoie J. was a decided success. The weather ww Used by the Dominion and Provincial Govern- _t_ X I somewhat threatening but finally clearee ments and many of Canada's largest firms. $ J.- I away. The proceeds were over $138,00 Catalogue Free. - - - Write Now. A. E. DOHERTY & CO., Windsor,,Ont. Extension Sale Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. have decided to extend the sale for another couple of weeks. Hundreds of people have not seen our great bargains yet as their time did not permit them to come, as a consequence we are going to con- tinue this sale—a sale that means something to every citizen in Wing-' ham and the surrounding country, No matter what may be their cir- cum8tances the average women are always keen to save money. At this sale in our store we are going to give you the opportunity for another couple of weeks So come see the specials offered to you. Consider the values, so then let your sense of economy guide you in malting liberal purchace,,,, A SPECIAL REDUCTION for this week in Summer Dresses Skirts, Waists, and Hosiery, Organdie Dresses, beautifully, trimmed with ruffles, others with tunics, nicely scalloped around the bottom, special for this week .................... $ 7 95 GINGHAM DRE8SES 5 different patterns, niezely trimmed, spec. ial for this weel . ..... — ................ ........... 1 2 95 GENUINC BARGAIN in Porch Dresses, sizes and shades to suit every figure, special for this week, tabor alone is worth more— 1 19 HOS81 HOSE, ROSE I Hoisiery Lot No. 1. They Lire made of fine quality mercerized cotton, in black only ...... 2ge, or 2 pp. 55etc. LOT NO, 2, they are fine quality lisle Silcely finished with double ply heels and toes. Special at ............... 40c. or 1 pr. for 65cto, LOT NO. 3, Special in Silk Hosievy ...... I � ... -50c. or 2 pr. for $1 05 LOT NO. 4, Special In IS in Olt Hosiery at ...... 79c. or 2 pr. for $1 40 And many other linee not mentioned. Select Ladies' Ready -to. WA ear Co. %'ext Door to J. A. Mills Vlour and Veed Store. 110adquartero 1'k; Qm-en St., IV. "romto. Branch, Goderich, x1c XXXXXXXX Phones xo6, 224. WALKER'S Funeral Directors and Embalmers Motor Hearse or Horse Equipment Wingham, Ontario WINGHANI ADVANCE Belmore The Union 'S�abbith Scliool picnic will be held on Friday ifternooti, in BIr. Fleming Ballagh's grove, "he Social tinder the auspices of tile Women's Institute, held last Tbursday evening, on Mr. John Gowdy's lawn, Was a decided success in every way. The gate receipts amounted to almost $140.00. Mr. and Airs, Murray, Bliss Murray and Mr, Murray, Jr, of Lucau, were vis. itors over Sunday at the home of Mrs. John Mulvey. Miss Hazel Dickson, Toronto, is spend - Ing her vacation under th6 parental roof. Miss Nelda Wolfe of Wingbam Busi- ness College, was a Sunday visitor here, Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Peternian, Wing. ham, spent Sunday in the village, Miss Agnes, Rutherford returned front Wingliam, Saturday. Miss Ella Jeffray is spending a couple of weeks with Miss Margaret Billagh on the 2nd Of Culross, . Mrs. Joseph Hall has returned home .from Wingham where she had been Vit, Ing on her mother, Mrs. Mulvey. Whitechurch Miss Lillian Paterson and Miss Helen, took in the Goderich-Detroit Greyhound trip and visited with her sister, Mrs. (Rev) J. A. -Muncell. Mr. and Mrs. John McGee and Miss L. Patergon and Scott, visited With Mrs. McGee's mothQr in Teeswater on,9unaay. Mrs. Cbowan and Jane of Brussels, visited with Mrs. Win. Martin last week, Miss Isabel Fox is visiting in St. Cath- arines. Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Kennedy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stanley of Tees. water on Sunday, We congratulate Miss Lettie Pox, who has passed her examinations in the Busi- ness College, Wingliam, with honours. Mr. and Mrs Thos. Henderson and children and Mr. Bob Henderson and Mr. Harris Purdon motored to Barrie I ast week. Mr. Andrew Hamilton of Indian Read, sgient last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Ilespie, Miss Grace Shefiff of Wingliam, is vis. iting With Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Perrier. Remember the Methodist Garden Party on the Parsonage la*n on Friday, June 24. Splendid program. Mr. John Falconer was in Goderich last week on the jury. Sorry to report the continued illness of Mrs. Jas. McClenaghan. Best D. L. mill W. 80'panton Coal All SlZeS Order your coal now and avoid the high prices and coal shorl.age of the past season, also Cannell, Soft Smithing Coal and Charcoal always on hand. Ended Life With Bullet I Robert Kemp, aged 35, who for the past two months has been rooming at 2531 Dundas St. west, Toronto, died in the Western Hospital at 7,30 n Wednes; 0 ' I day evening from a bullet wound throug the head, self-inflicted, on Tuesday after. noon in a lane at the rear of 2507 Dundas'; St. West. The police are unable to find a definite reason for the man talting his life, En. closed in an envelope bearing the name of Mrs. J. J. Kemp, Listowel, Ont.. and pinned to the table of his room, the police found the note, two pictures of a woman, the aum of $125, a diamond ring and a tie pin. The note read: "I am sending You $115, also my diamond ling and stick pin. Farewell". Mrs. Har6ld Aude, I Abbot Ave, was the first to learn of the tragedy. She heard the shot while sitting in the kitchen of her home, which is in close proximity to the scene of the suicide, and ran quick. ly to the lane. There she found Kemp lying on the ground, his hand gril)Pihg a smoking 32,calibre Smith -Wesson revol- ver and with a gaping bole in his right temple. She immediately notified the police, Kemp was rushed to the Western Hos-, pital in the polite ambulance, but from the fit6t little hope was held of his recov. He never regained consciousness. lit biG personal effects the police r " a letter from his brother, William, 'wr �tt� ten from the Y. M, C. A. llotc], 829 South Wabadi Street, Chicago. Lumber, dressed and undressed. Lath, Shingles, Frames, Sash - Doors, Mouldings of all kinds. Beaver Board and Roofing. J. A. MacLEAN off AW, -I, We keep the largest stock of ALLPAPER 'GEO. MASON & SON Statiouery, Patent Bledicines, Books, School Supplies, Wall Paper, Fancy Good,;, Toys, etc. Am TENDERS FOR COAL �.HI,41.,',D TENDEMS addressed to the under. '!,g,!,�d Itlid ene.orsed "Tender for Coal fat ). ,OiA Iluildhip, Ontario and Quebec,' whl be reeeiVed ftt, Oils offico until 12 o'oloel; noon, Friday, April 29,1921, for the t3upply of coal for the Donilidoit Iluildings throughout the provinces of Ontarioand Quebec, ComNntdBpecifleitlon and forin of towler ran be obtained front tile Ilurchal4ur Attest. 11 not, be, cotmidered unleFR madc suVtliad by the Departinent and 0 W It Me conditions set. forlb or munt be fteconi anied by mi )1,11t6o11,,,1,(,hartercd tank payable Ig � ninter of Pviblio Workq, c. of the amount of the tondor. 1ndq of L110 Doininjoil Will 6&�o Ije ecuKity, or war-bon(l,, and chetlu(D, .11Y 1., Dopaptulmit, of Pabli(, Worlis, Ottawa, April 11511921. V V n A I&MMUSAA PhINTt THE RIGHT PAINT TO PAINT RIGHT Chancre,s Straw Hats and Straw Goods of all kinds, Rattan, W.. ood, Wicker, Glass and Sim- ilar materials to any glossy finish. . 4 color, gives a beautiful a 0 0 0 4b � J DO NOT A CC E P T SUBSTITUTES When You INI e e d Paints, Enamel, Varm nish S t a in s, Pler- fecto Wall Finish, Va inishes, 0 i Is, Turps, etc. .. Call at .. Best for YOUR tuildings TO combat the weir and tear of weather To economically and actually save the surface, use 1144, M40 A�;i� va"Ps' PAINT '95 11 The Righl Point to A(.t Right" A. RAMSAY & SON COMPANY M4kers of Paint and Varnish since 1842 MONTALAL Ttrouto winhilva CANADA 0 1 L G A S HEATERS ]LTD. 1� When You Call Don't Forget to Ask About Our SERV ICE DEPARTMENT Canada Oil G' as Heaters Ltd. Queens Block. Sometimes the Cheapest,, But Always the Best. '-T ,-J�m Thursday, Julie 23rd, 1921 Bluevale X XXXXXXXXXXIC (Too late for last weelt.) Mrs. BIcKee of Wroxeter, spent a few J ISARD'S UP days Nvith friends here. . . . Airs. Smith, Sr. has gone to Toronto) IN to visit relatives there for a while. The Ft iday stopped the foot- Men's and Boys' Suits rain night ball game at half time, between Brown town and sixth Line. Xr. and Mrs. Rev. C. C. Cain and Mrs. Pueen of Cottam, and Mrs. Mills of Blyth, Reduced Prices 'Snell at visited Urs, here last week. Miss Burgess of Ottawa, visited relat- ives here last week. A very pleasant afternoon va§ spent at Extra Oirdinary Values in all Lines X. the school house, - Friday, when a social time was given 'to the parents and trus-x of Men's and Boys' Wear. tees. A fine programme was, given by and short the teacher and scholars f 'PAP speeahes by Rev. Wilson, Rev. Tate, Mr. .1 J. W. King and Mrs. Aitken, after Which cake and ice gream. were served. Mr. and Mrs. Bremner, Mrs. Robt. Big Savings on Suits. Some of the Best Pearson and Mrs. John Pearson of Ethel ' spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Robt. Musgrove, Brands of Clothing are Here for Mrs A. Holmes is at present visiting with her daughter at Toronto. Mrs. Wm, Garniss is having new Your Inspection. a cement wall put under her house and en- ?A largening the cellar. Mr, and Mrs John Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Masters, visite1 friends at Wroxeter X Cut prices in Boys' Suits are $7.50, 8.50a on Monday, 'f4 10.00, 12.00, 13.50, 15.00- Ic Mr, and Mrs. W, J. Greer, Mr, and Mrs A. 11, Musgrove and Miss Edna Cut prices in Men's Suits are $21.50, 22.500, 28.00, 30.00. of wingham, spent Sunday with Air. and 24.00, 25.00, Mrs. Robt. Musgrove. Rev. Mr. Mills preached at Harriston last Sunday. X, X Men's strong wearing work Shirts $1.39. Mr. Geo. McDonald, Cameron Mc- 1kJ WN, Mens heavy Overalls, will give excellent wear, Donald, John Hall and Win. Robertson, attended the funeral of the late Mr. ;J sale $1.98. Metizie at molesworth, on Monday. Xlen's good wearing work Socks, 5 doz. 50c Fordyce quality sale 40c. Mr. HarrV Woods is wearing a broad Boy's Wash Waists, made of light and dark smile these days. Oh! it is a boy', Harry. .14 Print and Galetea, cut price 89 4c, Mr. and Mrs, George Baker also Jim. mie Baker and Misses Roach of Tiverton, Men's strong wearing Pants, one doz, to clear are at present visiting friends and old acquaintances arcund Fordyce for a few days. M., X at 2.75c. Mr. Harry Chamney has the carpenters X Straw Hats, new styles in Men's Straw Hats busy engaged building his new house, ;rj at bargain prices, now only $1.00, 1.25, , 1.50, , Mr. P. McGlynti has purchastA a new 2.00,2.50. tin Lizzie from Mr. Crawford of Wing - ham. Patrick can now take his lady friends for a car ride. Men's Boots, Bargain in Men's Strong W ear - V. Mr. George Naylor and Souler Taylor busy their the 10tb. I ing Boots, cut price $4.00. are gravelling job on con. X Boys' Boots at cut prices, special value at 2.75, K Mr. Gibson Gillespie of Whitechurcli, 3.00, 3,500, 4.00. and his gang of men are at present doing some fine grading and gravelling on the line between East West Highest Prices for Produce. division and Wawanosh. M Daniel Martin, who has been down X, r: at L ndon for a few weeks has returned bome again looking fine. Mr. and Mrs. P. McGlynn Asited their Mrs. Gilleon one day last week. H. E. Isard & Coo I .daughter, Mr, John Champion also Mr. Victor Emmerson are at present engaged shing. ling at W. J. Foran's barn. rixXXXXXXXXXX X10 "JXXXXXXXXX V V n A I&MMUSAA PhINTt THE RIGHT PAINT TO PAINT RIGHT Chancre,s Straw Hats and Straw Goods of all kinds, Rattan, W.. ood, Wicker, Glass and Sim- ilar materials to any glossy finish. . 4 color, gives a beautiful a 0 0 0 4b � J DO NOT A CC E P T SUBSTITUTES When You INI e e d Paints, Enamel, Varm nish S t a in s, Pler- fecto Wall Finish, Va inishes, 0 i Is, Turps, etc. .. Call at .. Best for YOUR tuildings TO combat the weir and tear of weather To economically and actually save the surface, use 1144, M40 A�;i� va"Ps' PAINT '95 11 The Righl Point to A(.t Right" A. RAMSAY & SON COMPANY M4kers of Paint and Varnish since 1842 MONTALAL Ttrouto winhilva CANADA 0 1 L G A S HEATERS ]LTD. 1� When You Call Don't Forget to Ask About Our SERV ICE DEPARTMENT Canada Oil G' as Heaters Ltd. Queens Block. Sometimes the Cheapest,, But Always the Best. '-T ,-J�m