The Wingham Advance, 1921-06-23, Page 3The First Dollar. 1L V& ww ML V4
Vk N^ Vk IM Wk I& Vl� MS 'M TIM VA VOW VW the bodies away, Maing thenj la a se,
John 1). Rocl�efollor tias $ust des., ret burial place. A I
oribed to a group of admiring grand- Here the bodies remtinod for more lit IV
ehildre-i 'how, seventy-throo years ago, titan a contury, when t' oy were ro OF
tie earned big first dollar by raNing Illoy 1111). During ON STREET ALONE
Od to the original tO'l WHAT YIN WANT 14UMOR
the Velerlan persectiloll they were
4nd selling turkeya, and he has Big-: BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON
114lized the occasion by dLntr,�)qt1ng,' 0
1 Provincial SQarc! of Hogith, Ontario hidden again and afterward St. Paul's FFP4404. ME OVERE
bright new buffalo lieckols, wh1u, n�,ay . rewalra Were buried ill the spot On StOlilachs Can be Restoreld to a
prove the nest -egg of for , 0 Or, Viddleton Will be 9!ad to anXWer jQaej;tIOUg Oil public Itealth nijt� I MRS. )BEVERAGE LIVED
tunes like hia J' 0 Which now stands tile Cliurc4 of St, =� �V�
Own. 10 ters through this column. Address 1111a at tho Parliament OlUs. Paul. , Healthy Condition. Sad Difference, IN FEAR OF ATTACKS,
Somebody plight write an Interest.' Toronto, The L!ber Pontifeall3 tollri us that Not to be limited in diet, but to eat Harold—I'What's In a phrase?"
Ing book by assembling accounts Of the I'=Peror Constantine, after Ills Whatever )to pleases to the dream of
Margaret---PWell, before you mar, Dizzy Spells Overcome After
�-Ixo WaY.An. which man who now have Ma I& I& I" I& ft I% M TA'%L VA IM V& conversion ordered that the body of, every dyspeptic.
No one can honestly ried me you used to say, 'How wo�
St, Peter should be encased In silver, I promise to restore any stomach to Takino Tanlac 4nd Doesn't
big names in the, Industrial world I Children as a rule do not get not inclined to muscular activity and manly!, whenever I did anything; now
innat) their f1rot dollar. It a boy. In' enough Bleop. On account of their are'incapable of learning. Occasional-' within a sarcophagus of brass. The this happy condition, because all It's, 'Thfat's just like a woman!, Feel Like Same Person.
%hfa current year of grace thinka-he rapid growth and development andily children showing nuch signs are Naive= then placed a crcr,,,s of gold people cannot eat the SiLIO thing& "Taulac has relieved 'me, of my out-
hasnAlt a chance such its that Which found in the upper standards of the' weighing 150 pounds, on which WaB With equally satisfactory results, But
in or 91ble to so tone up the diges-
Rockefeller or 0araegle or Edisr their almost ceajoless inclination for nscribed the rialne of his mAher and It Is ros How H;Want.d It. fering and I just cag1t praise it
I school. They are often hard-working, 1 1 1 The tomb was then decor- t1v0 Organs that a Pleasing diet may "Any special way you want your enough," said Mrs. Margaret Beverage,
Schwab had years ago, let him ask Play and activity their little frames clever children. When found, they'llinself, hair trimmed?" asked the barber. 305 Hughson St. North, Hamilton, Ont,
hiluself what the boys of 2000 years get physically exhausted and need should be P, d ated with Jewels, while the altar and be selected from articles of food that
,poken to and advised, a "Yes, with the s-elmors," replied the MY appetite was
heace are going to do. The develop plenty of rest, Only during sleep is the parents also w n walls were hung with silver lamps, "For two years
arned of the risk of I cause no diacomfort. crusty Patron. "If I wanted it trim- very poor and I suffered a great deal
of this world of ours is just be. absolute rest obtained for the brain overworking the brain. The brass sarcophagus was then When the stomach lacks tone there
sinning. Our country Itself is still In and nervous system -generally. The Less time, placed In a chamber, which was faced Is no quicker way to restore It titan mod with passomenterle and a bird's from formation of gas on my stoxgaoh�
Iko infancy. given to study, and more to recreatl�n, with gold plates, to build up the blood. Good d gestion �Ilng I'd haya gone to a milliner." . I war, also troubled with frequent st�
There are avounaing iuc- infant should spend most of its time and sleep will often work wonders in' I tacks of dizziness and was a
I The disappeararce of all these without rich, red blood Is Impossible, Not Possible. afraid to go out or even otually
rative opportunities on every hand to-!, In sleep; the child of four at least Buell cases. In cities, children of the; je-,vels and plat6s occurred during the and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Offer the get away
day, such as no Past era In the, world's !half of its time. The child of seven very poor often show the effects Of! saclAng of Rorne in 847 A.D., when the best way to enrich the blood, For When a lady who was "burning up from aomething to hold on to. One
'history has known, should have at least eleven hours, and lack of sleep through selling papera,[ old Church of St. Peter, erected in his this reason these pillp- are especially the road,, on the boulevard was over. of these dizzy Bpells came on while I
The way the first dollar Is earned the child of nine as much as ten h . ours sometimes till midnight. In the court- lionor by Constantine, Was resecrated, good in stomach trouble attended by
illay determine the trend of a lifetime. or more. taken by a traffic officer and motioned was calling on one of my grandchild -
try districts children often miffer un-� and this also happened later, In 1527. thin blood, and In attacks of nervous ren one day and I just fell right dowu
,ue through the straill, No reputable writer of that time tells dyspepsia. Proof of the value of Dr, "What do you want with me?,, on the lawn. Last spring, when I
If it Is earned dishonorably, It may fix Children require more sleep in win- necessary fatir to stop, she Indignantly asked:
At taste that In the long run assures ter than in summer, and this necessity of home work, Teachers, of course,� whether the sacropliagus was dese- Williams' Pink Pills in cases of indi- "You were running forty miles an started taking Taillue, I had been con-
,disastei. Every dollar earned and put should be recognized; they should go insist that the junior pupils do a car-! crated. Only an old letter discovered gestion !s given by Mr. John A. Me- hour," answered the offleer. fined to my bed for a month and waa
to work or put by makes It easier to to bed, early, for the most refreshing tain amount of homework, and rightly fifteen years ago, written oil June 17, Donald, Tarbot, N.S., who says: "Forty miles, an hour? Why, officer, so weak I could. not walk,
Add to the number. Those who, even sleep is obtained in the first few hours so, but the nature of tha study and I 1527,'by Theodoricus Vafer, says that "Every sufferer from indigestiorn has' I haven 't been out an hour," said the st"Tanlac helped me from the very
%rom ti slender Pittance are able to after going'to bed. time required to niaster it should be "the tomb in which the bones of the my heartfelt sympathy as I was once art, as I have not had a weak spell
;save a little, have acq'ired a habit The child will readily adopt thesel carefully arranged. In no cAse should' lady. since I started taking It and I feel so
holy Peter and Paul were laid, they, tnysi)U a bond slave to it. Hating at "Go ahead," saidthe officer. "That's
that lays the surest foundation stone habits if ; b is trained to them, and the work given children at home Inter-! the imperial troops, broke and pro- all became a trial, and as time went I new on" on. me." good I can hardly realize that I'm the
-of wealth. it is just as easy to teach a child the fare with their time fox' rocreation or'fanated." on I became a mere skeleto same woman. The dizzy spells are
right way as it is the wrong. To let sleep. n of my
Completing the Excavations, former self. I took all sorts of re- Wrong House. gone, my appetite is fine and overy�
MeAsuring Stars. a- child %tay up late at night is � The bedroom should be kept .1iry Modern archaeologists refuse to be. commended medicines, doctors' and The book agent rang the bell thing I eat agrtes with me perfectly. I
ona In have recommended Taulac to ally
practice that has nothing, to command and well ventilated, The body will lieve this casual chronicler, especially number of my friends and, I am glad
0110 Of the Rios t' remarkable feats it. It 19 allowed by some parents as not suffer if well and properly cloth advertised, but to no avail. Then a "Have You n. Charles Dick
�of astronomy has just been aCCDITiP friend said to try Dr. Williams' Pink your house?"
- a rnatter of expediency or personal ad. If consumptives and babies cani as Father Torrigo, In 1594, when the Pills. I got a box and I thought be- "No, we haven't," said th to say, it has benefitted them all. I
lished by Professor A. A. Michaelson. comfort, because they will say the sleep in the open air wid thrive on'it basilica was being demolished to make e woman Just wish I could tell everybody who
By means of an instrument of his Own child, if it gues to bed early at night, there is n6reason why healthy adults � way for the present church of St fore they were done I could feel a who answered the ring. suffers as I did what Taillac did for
Peter, writes that the architect of t * change. Then I got six be 'as more, "Or a Nathaniel Hawthorne?"
'he has measured a star, S he and by the time they werye used I "No. I guess, mister, you got
Invention, named the Interferometer, wakes up the whole household at day- and children should not do so al o, me.,,
break next morning. This, however, tol new church, Della Porta, opened a our
It is now known, for the firat time is again a matter of habit, for up till Children should also be taught I hole In the pavement and sent for the was eating my meals with regularity house mixed up with the boardin' Tanlac is sold by leading druggists
that Betelgeuse, astar which is visible go to the lavatory at the same time Pope, Clement VIII., to view It, The and enjoyment. My general health is house two doors further along. Try evervwhere. Adv.
-a Pope, accompanied by two cardinals,, now good, and it Is no wonder that I there.
e naked eye throughout mo%t of l, ve at least ten hours sleep. sistently carried out makes for health,' Bellarmine and SfanCratl, visited old ara all enthusiastic advocate of Dr. And she shut the dOor. Glassmaking in Belgium.
to th nine years of age the child should each day. This arrangement if eon -
the w� inter, has a diameter of no less The brain benefits from regularity in that it tends to Prevent constipa" St. Peter's, and with a lowered candle
than 260,000,000 miles. Williams' Pink Pills." Glassmaking is one of the great na-
s of rest, no less than thestomach from tion with Its attendant ills arising saw below the church a marble sar- You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink Not His Sisters. tional industries of Belgium. Even
Compared with Betelgeuse, till regularity in meals. The signs of in- from general lowering of tone Pills through any dealer in medicine "I say," he asked, as he stood in the before the war It was'a source of large
,earth is a mere billiards ball, for the sufficient sleep are mainly mental, Of appetite. and lo F s cophagus with a cross of gold on top. or they will be sent you by mail at 50 streets of Paris for the first time and wealth, and to -day it is playing an im-
This cross evidently was that which cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by watched two Sisters of Mercy pass, portant part in rehabilitating tile coun.
'former'B bulk is many million time'B but largely physical as well. hey are Plenty of restful sleep, and the the Emperor Constantine placed there,
the larger, The still, it It were a It T
01- most marked in the case of the ebi.1d, right kind of out -door exercise, to, writing direct to The Dr. Williams, "what kind of wimmen to them I seen try Belgium has been famou f t
low sphere, would hold a million and children who get too li but the brass was gone, s O�- 1 5
.globes as large, as the earth, and yet ttle sleep gether With good nourishing food, are The Pope was so overawed that he Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. go along, all in black, with a white gla5sritaking for many centuries, and
are readily recognized. They are the essentials for a healthy act' e ordered the cardinals to cover up the 01. thing round their face and rieck?" at the present time glass holds first
tile volume of the sun is twenty-soven anaemic, languid, dull, drowsy and childhood. Iv "Oil.," replied the man addressed, rank among the general exports from
,times less than that of Betelgeuse. With these supplied, the hole with, rubbish and rubble. The What the Bo'Y Scouts Are
�. It is believed by scientists that as stupid., The appetite is poor, the growing child may be expected to architect also saw the tomb. The spot "they're Sisters of St. John the Bap- Belgium to all other countries. There
-the sun, many millions of years ago growth is stunted. The face is pale; make the best progress at home and would have been exactly where, In the Doing. tist." is scarcely a civilized nation in the
and dark ringed. These children are is good.. "Get out!" was the sneering an- world that is not more or less depend.
.filled the entire solar system, there is' the eyelids are heavy; the eyes sunken at school provided its general 'health present St. Peter's, Is venerated the Has Walkerton got the "Scoutlest" wer, "You can't fool me. Why, John ant upon Belgium for window glass,
S Possibility that stars even larger tomb of the Apostles. Torrigo writes family in Ontario? Mr. Fred B. James, s the Baptist has been dead for cen- mirrors and table glass.
than Betelgeuse may exist. The great that the Pope bound the cardinals to County Engineer, is a former Scout- turies."
astronomer, Russell, Once stated that HOUSE have unearthed the most Important secrecy Of what they had seen, but the master and a member of the Troop
in his opinion there were two great FIND ROMAN Millard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
Christian monuments, because they story was made public.
classes of stars—those which were in provide absolute proof that St. Peter Committee of the present Ist Walker -
an early stage of development, and A a -,r Vl,�ltors to the church are many and ton Troop. His son, Trove James, They Was Walls.
those which have shrunk to the size OF "ETE R AND PAULI stayed and lived In Rome. This proof the sacristan, Frate Damiano, an ar- is Scoutmaster, and three Younger After a block of new houses had Lucky the boy who lives in the land
represented by tile sun, is offered by the many Inscriptions dent archaeologist, enjoys. showing sons are members of the Troop, A been partly finished, the builder and of trout streams! To push through
Professor Michaelson's luncovered. Heretofore flrst-hand'evi- every one the new finds. It was clue daughter Is Captain of the local com_ his foreman went on a tour of inspee- the tall ferns, crawling foot by foot ta
measure. deuce of St. Peter's stay in Rome was to his passion for digging In the cellar pany of Girl Guides and the youngest tion. The former left his assistaxit in within reach o� the deep, quiet pool
nienta were made with the aid of the ALSO TUIPORARY TOMB based On writings and manuscripts. that many valuable -Inscriptions were in the family, a little girl, is a mem- One house and went into the adjoining just under the bank, there to steeple
100 -inch Hooker telescope, tile largest OF THE APOSTLES. In the last few days three. tombs brought to light before tile official ex- her of the "Brown les?'—th 0 junior one I when the followflig coriversatioa a cast over the wil]G,,v bush and have
in the world, at the Mount Wilson Ob- have been found, unique In that they cavations were undertaken. As he branch of the Girl Guides. ensued: the fly light neatly on the glassy sur-
servatory, California. Witliont going Probably are
!"to technical details, it n,ay be stated Inscr the only ones which re- wishes to see, the tomb of the Apostles: "Can you 'ear me, James?" face; then to feel it spin away at the
f An- main undesecrated. The Christians before he dies he is working hard to The 51st Toronto Troop has a Wo- "Yes," strike of some lusty patriarch Of the
tu� a d ll�d filled them in and covered them aid the excavations. men's Auxiliary with Mrs,. William "Call you see me?" river—that is for boyish delight and
that the professor's method is b, iptiOns on Walls o
,on the phenomenon known as the in- cient Dwelling Show That with plaster, Outside the are orna- for lasting memories in places remote
terforeace of light. Kay, mother of the Troop Leader, as The builder rejoined the foreman,
Saints Were Once Guests. mented with arches of travertine, president. Tha auxiliary is arranging from brooks.
side are marble sarcophagi still 'a' A SMILE IN EVERY DOSE
The vex!- �11 a I oll- for a garden fete for the Troop to be and remarked, with a self-satisfied
In Other Word&
a 'I.— on 0 t o (3xacG
locality of the temporary tomb of the
Laining the bones of the holy ones,
and the ceilings u decorated with
held on the grounds Of Beech Avenue �
air: "Now, them's what you can call
The most truthful of ui do not say
apostles Peter and Paul may soon be
light stucco.
Tradition tells us that Peter
Church on June 18th.
exactly what we meall; there are
phases which must be baken in a Pure.
settled, if the excavations under the
Church of San Sebastian, begun in
Near by has been discovered a per-
Baby's Own Tablets are a regular
Bor Scouts, throughout the province
Work, the Solution.
ly symbolical sense, aIthoughL we use
theirt so often as to be
1914, are completed succescfully.
preserved colomrium, while to
the other side is what is supposed to
joy giver to the little ones—they
never fall to make the cross baby
have been busy recently assisting lo-
cal committees having the Red Cross
I am the foundation of all business,
unconscious of
this. Thus:—
have been many delays, Owing
to lack of funds and, during the war,
have been the baptistry of soule holy
shrine. It is for this reason that Pro-
happy, When baby is cross and fret�
and National Sanitarium Association
I am the source of all prosperity.
I am the parent of genius.
"Two or three" always means three
11 1
to lack of men. in the last six y,�ars
fessor Marucahl argues that the to mb
ful the mother may be sure something
Is the matter for it i'6
Campaigns in charge. roronto Scouts
alone distrib-+-A + 41, 44 1
I am the salt that gives life Its
anU USUalLy at least three' or "three
al�d upwards," "One or two" never
only about one year's, work has been
of the apostles St. Peter and St. Paul
must be near by.
.y . na-
ture to be cross unless he is ailing.
Mothers-, If your baby Is it
.0- - u on enve
OPes to 75,000 homes and a few days
later returned to them
I have, laid the foundation of every
means one, save by accident.
The excavations already have
Tradition tells us that Peter
cross; he
gather up again.
"In a minute" averages anywhere
from five to fifty minutes.
broulit to light the remains of a villa,
which apparently belonged to
Paul were martyred on the same day,
June 18,
cries a great deal and needs your eon-
stant attention day and night, give
Carleton Place Scouts have a base-
I can do more to advance youth
than his
There are just a whole lot of different
"Oh, I beg your pardon" (in case of f
a pagan
ftmilY of wealth, turned Christian dur-
A.D. 66 or 67.
St. Peter was crucified In. Nero's
Mai a dose of Baby's Own Tablets. They
ball team which is the talk of the
own parents be they ever so
ts Bayer" is'only Genuine
OL collision on the pavement) means Ing
"I am too polite to ask you to beg my
the time of St. Peter. It Is a first
century building, and on its
Circus on the Vatican Hill, while Paul
are a mild but thorough laxative which
will quickly regulate the bowels and
whole county. On Victoria Day they
Journeyed to Lanark and deferated the
I must be loved before I can bestow
pardon for getting,in the way."
walls are
graffites, which prove that Peter and
was on the site of the pre-
sent Church of St. Paul. Then their
stomach and thus relieve constipa.
tion and4ndigestfort,
Lanark crack junior team to the tune
Of 8 to 6.
my greatest and achieve my
greatest elift
reminds me of a story" means
Paul lived here and were entertained
bodies were taken by some holy
colds, and simple
fevers and make baby haPpy—there
Loved, I make life sweet, purpose-
will you kee,) quiet while I tell by
my joke?" inscription
the family of Tonfus Coelius. An
reads: "Potro Paulus
people, washed carefully, embalmed
surely -is a sm I n e ery do o
10 1 V se f the
Most Ontario troops were on the
ful and fruitful.
r -n &A y IF, M)
"White I do not wish to'appear
Tonlus Coplius refriucerm. f eel."
in fine linen and buried on the VIW
Cornelia, close to the Circus of Nero,
Tablets. Baby's.Own Tablets are sold
trek on Victoria Day and a great many
I am.-Tepresented In the humblest
savings, in the highest stack of bonds.
critical" meails "But I am going to
have my say, anyhow."
In those days Inscriptions were al-
ways scratched on the walls
and the spot marked with an Inscrip-
medicine dealers or by mail at 26
cents a box from The Dr. Wililamse
also on the King's Birthday. Lindsay
Scouts held a field day with Felielon
All progress springs from me.
Who I?
"Of course, It's no business of inine- sharp
with a
Instrument, and on the day that
Whenever there was trouble
persecutfort-or Invasion the Christians,
Medicine Co., Brockville, out.
Falls at the latter place. The Ist
I am WORK.
means "But 1 am simply devoured Potre
with curlosItY."
and Paulus were entertained
hastened to the burial spot of the
Jest Fishin'.
Whitby and the Srd Oshawa Troops
hiked together to Quigley's Woods for
"My conduct calls for no apology writing
guest or attendant attesbid In
to this great event. Besides
appostles and carried the bodies to
solne safe place in the catacombs
One doesn't care much ter polities,
games, camp cooking and other exer-
Warning! Unless you see the name
"Ba"r" on package or on tablets you
and needs no explanation" is the r
.sual this
Introduction for an
ingarlDlon there are more than
San Sebastian.
Or questions big and great,
Whom his is
cises, The two Belleville Troops jour-
neyed to Foxboro to help the Foxboro
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. They are payable everywhere.
are not getting genuine Aspirin - all.
explanation or 150
apology, now
to Peter and Paul, all
carefully put together, which will
Hidden for a Century
mind on the minny pail
Or a phice to dig his bait.
Troop with their sports, and the West-
In every Bayer package are directions
for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu-
"No one could possibly have mis- be
taken my ifteaning" is what we begin The
carried away to some inus eum.
ancient walls with their
Soon after their martyrd the Orl-
ental Christiana decided ioomcome to
He doesn't think of sickness,
port Troop spent the day with their
brother scouts of Brockville. As the
The distinctive scientific fact in the
recent great earthquake in Chita is
matism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago
for Pain.
with when it is evident that someone will
be'left in the church for all visi-
Rome and carry the bodies back to the
East for burial.
All! he never could be ill
When he feels the line a-tuggin,
Scout Movement spreads throughout
the province similar tremblv.
that it literally made the whole world
and Handy tia boxes of
twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug -
has mistaken it -tors
to see. The old pavement of the
They succeedcl in
taking the bodies of both apostles, and
With that Joyous sort of thrllll
get-togethers will
no doubt be much more frequent.
earthquakes are local.
They usually originate in the ocean
gists also sell larger packages. Made
"The Red Cross Sign."
will not be replaced.
St. Peter Lived in Rome.
started on their homeward Journey.
They had reached the Appian Way
The place to Itty aside, your coxes,
Yer yearnin' and yor ishin',
The only part of the Lgls Birth-
nPar an island, or acontinent and radi- (registered
ate iriland. The crust of the earth, facture
Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark
In Canada), of Bayer Manu.
of Monoaceticacidester Of Salt.
crimson cross on field �T snow,
Professor Marucchl, the well known
when a terrible thunder storm came
Is In a boat beneath the sky;
day programme carried through at
which is estimated to be from fifty tol
'fly to cylicacid.
I mblent of mercy and of love; archaeologist,
who has visited the ex-
up and they sought shelter from the
Jest sittla' there a-fishiril.
Lindsay was a demonstration by the one
hundred miles in thickness must
Thou hoverest low o!er pain and woo,
cavatiolis and watched the work dur-
storm. While they were Waiting the
Scouts of Lindsay, Fenolon Falls from time to time undergo re�djust,-i
Bleat symbol of a World above.
Ing the last two months, insists that
Roman Christians discovered tile theft
Ask for Minard's and take no other,
and Cannington, the other events be- ment to changes in internal heat and
In war, our sisters played their part,
the, discoveries of Professor 9tyger,
as well as those of more recent dated
of the bodies and started after them.
They caught up with them, and took
cancelled because of bad weather.
To Scouts there is no "bad" weather.
to other internal -happenings, but a
quake that is felt and recorded the'
In peace, they conquer by "that sdgn";
could not bear the beauty of it all, make it Otte,
on the very Place Where in hair
Ohould bo Parted, and it wn-q ge, n$r so
I thought that beauty was forever
There are just a whole lot of different
whole world over is unusual.
ender of -hand and brave of heart,
True bearers of the Crossed Ensign.
Our fallen comrades paid the price,
On Flandersy field they sleep to -day;
$hall we forget their sacrifice,
And on their shrine no oftering lay?
0 Crosa, keep thoft our hearts from
Prom selfls-h greed and foolish pride;
Lord God of Battles, In Thy Name,
We will keep faith with those who
0 glorious legions of the Dead,
Teach us to walk the Master's way;
"Take up thy cross.." the Saviour
We take it up, 0 Christ, to -day.
--W. E'verard Edmonds.
NO, child Is born short-sighted, but
M6 tendency may be inherited,
Troes grown, on the northern side
bf a hiU mako more durable timber
than 0106 gtOwn on tho south sid6.
mg been disclosed in 1830. teadon, aad ara hopinr for Annie romtat#- 1
too, grow in New Zealall ISSUE No. 26-11
dead, JURUN of good weather.
Until I saw a daffodil. abloom
And two bright tulips in my garden Daring the mouth of May new troops
bed were formed or old troops reorganized
And sliver spills beyond my little at St. Thomas, Cayuga, Calstorrille,
room. Deseronto, Belleville, Lawrence, Max,
I thought that grief would never go Mrs, Enterprise, Taraworth, Chestor-
from me, ville, Iroquois, CardInal, Kingston,
'Yet how wonderful are All the days, Oagoode, Metcalfe, Russell, Verona
I am no. longer hurt by misery and Avonmorb through the effort,% of
Women who play golf numher More
than 50,000 in England and Wales
To a laver there arebut, two places
Irk the workl—orte where his sweet -
hetrt is an(I the other where she isn't.
nural Route No. 1, Ma,�Couche, Quebec.
Ith joy and tremulous with
But wild w the two. 8pecial field. reDrestmt t1yeg
'WhA MN—Ali I ipl�gppt 112fe,
*t7 'at
of thb Pj�oi;ixlcl�l boulaed'ibr OnfarI6,
It Tout town Is not a "Scout Town"
0 God,, let not too many white stars
shell be doing a,
wrong if I neglected to write you. I have
had four tumors growing on ray head for
rA14 yet, drop a line to the BOY Scouts As,
9�*bears. X had them out oft by a surgeot.
out Ofte,,n yeam ago, but they
Nor lot your bushes bloom in one sociation, Bloor and Sherbourne Sts,
bmall hour. Toronto, and ask how you can help t0"
again till about three had
tile AN large and, shL%Ved 111ce a ayfs
' f.
could not bear the beauty of it all, make it Otte,
on the very Place Where in hair
Ohould bo Parted, and it wn-q ge, n$r so
Pot I Would pause with awe before
embarrassling in public that it Wagg a eon -
stant worry to me. About three months
each flowor Oppoturns, which wtre introduced
`0 1 Cot A bottle of �'oxir liniment for
And touch each blossom with my fin. into New Zealanil from Australia
Pal—POZO and s4W On the la
good for tumorn. Well, I tried it
ger-tips many years ago, have icreasod until
And feel the wind's first sweetness on they have become a p,�,,st in the fruit.
kept at It for C=ctly two montils, vVitil
the reqult that it has entirely removed
my lips. growing regions. NTevexthploss, their
all trace of the tumor. and were it not
that they had been cut fifteen yeara ago,
value %or fur outweighs the damage
no mark would be, 8t%n. X 113-ve not beeti
as14:ed for thid teqtimonlal and you call
Photography is eighty-two years t1hey do. It is therffore proposed to
neat August, the secret of the give them evory' Chance to breed in
use It wm You Sen f1t.
(signed) VRNIT) C� noTtTX80217,
- on m farmer and Intend usTrif,
pictures, those of Daguerre, ha -v. Jofesteii regions. Watermelons,
�OD11841--TUtilmont on mare for (i strain6a
mg been disclosed in 1830. teadon, aad ara hopinr for Annie romtat#- 1
too, grow in New Zealall ISSUE No. 26-11