HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-06-23, Page 2--!r !��—�­ ­��__ 1 4. u . A� �- . J, � � . � - - ­ I- � - I �_­ _ -.- 7 . !7 I_. ___ � Z; .- ��_ . --- - ­ � ­ --- �, - , �_, —, " ____ - ��­-�"-*_;;=�Z� . I— -- I � I'll .... - -1 ­ , ... _' _' I __ I - I 0 W, !� i � - -W �# I I I I I I ., . I . RKHANI) BANK OFFICIALS 11".; -.;q.. � � TOO Cheerful. ... . . I It . I I Optimism Is assuredly preferable to EXPRESS TEMPERED OPTIMISM ' ' ww"M� 4.1, . J pessimism; bilt ,even the s'lluntest T I ,.A 101V . . optimlgt cannot 00017, dispense with � �� . 101, intelligence and moderation. � �� . 4ywtam6a . I.Ir . Optimism U a modern word; but Old C"'hateau, "I I , the too cheerful Optimist Is not neW,, . I There was 4 Certain Samuel who dwelt, "0110--plo"e"*e� I These Are Picnic Days. ginger, I tablespoon ,1 ) .I . WX the 114, an old -Now nuglau,d town nearly a . A Picnic lunch to be worth the name, sugar, fat,.molAsses and, vipqpr thor" century ago. "So hanged eagy-golA, 70' * Pre4ident and General Manager Review the Canadian Busi- is U&ty., wholesome, satisf ying and 0119,111y. A(14 the 0od4 and e9t "I'l cWt rilo him, but he rites' OvOrYbodyl I I I I � 44....* R'N DAVID WITITMAX . I I 1 I 11 I . " - — fie" Situation With Much Hope—Financial Position of sitarTe. P lIn, simple food veil Pre. beat Ivell. Sift the aingor'with three , by Joat Zover 9001W riled," wite tA6 - . I . par,ed� neatly and attract,ively Packed., cups of �Aour, boat well. Ad4 remain4 description his brather4u4aw gave Ot ((:Q"rI44") the Bank art Exceotionally Strong Orle_�Crop Outlook alwjya ta�Ktc% good = the big out, &-r of Rour, Imead =to sh-4pep mt In him; It was offered In. exculpAtion. of S111apsts of "revious Chaptors. �%10�o ot tltzll altO. who tore oil his coM place for an hour *r uiltil dilled'. VY"111 lZ;nl-,4,x1 M\41 Uddit llavertoll* I I the rame­ Encouraging,, vUoors. Samuel's wife, who was. high-tomeper-, — A rAcille aun.,11 that was elljoy04 and RoU thin and bake on inverted tin$ in ed, and who did not ift.ayi, Ilud 410(hlrn soldiers of f orintio. Ila-,% btea ----- . . her 0mbling NAth Ilubor4 Base 1, , ' appreciAted by au wbo Partook Vf it not t*o hot an oven. The dough; is husb411d!5--r,heQ.VIue6a trAnqUillZixig. It' iV"Percus attorney, in Ilia I BAPTISTE DARTIN At the annual meeting of the Merchantl Bank of Canada the various re- consisted of beef hash, lettuce run& YM ,stiff after Addirrg last flour. NO', led, In fact, to frequent domestic ex,, 111"4014 ports -4'hiell were Presented showed that this Just I'll l, � WartntelitI. After their kin-rtillml Itution occupies a command- wiolies, pickles, sponge cake, n.ia', flour is n"ded When Tolling Frepar- PloBlons, Tradltlol% has Pr0aerved the , O `R1011 Ill Canadian financial affairs. The addresses at the Pmldeut� coffee and $ruit Two pantries Con- atOrY to Cutting the cooldlo- Story Of one such, occa'alort, VtQ at 11;�,'Ilt A"Utft NAUVIM tillb k ________ I lug PO, "ust'. Illurtiers RaNvilter And llide%�� ___­ Sir MOUtARU All4n, and the 0eneral Manager, Mr. 1). C. Maearow, were concise triboUd to the least and not more . b MID ,Kld,V Qu the roof. While walting VITAPTE 2 XIL StAtemeAtS Of Present daY Condition$ alld contained an optimistic survey , The family had mpyoo. In. 4rosging \'r 114:11t. to kv-me ugain in erder to The Blaclimiller, at the future. th'M One-half hour was spent in pre- Preserving Eggs for Winter. a r1okety, little bridge a wheal of the M41w, his Qs%gjl�o, ho fluds in u. desk % F.lg,11t,Kn, MIOW,IA h. lon. u& PA OpT6ng and ,�arly summer are the, wagon that bore most of f,hislrhoitse. , B$kxl since P!lrat. The - bash was prepared, I ftlrilAug �,I'kj \-,,%II�,.Wjht d0c.uIllent, telling! ThO President's Addross. assets show a shriukago of about 'Seasoned, put in a spider, covered,, best tiaies Zor preserving eggs for. hold possessions went through a r6t. �f a ul,v sterious chest lef t in the carg Z, the n1ght when; 11a1%,,;d Ua;Nentirr me+,, Sir Montagu Allan n 00, or. roughly, 31.4 per cent., Wrapped and Tzeked. Lettuce was winteT use. Then the eggs are i d tilted most of t a load th , o, t -a M n ten Plank an h \\,, his d A It 1 art, 11 a wer Terrace, mThe geueml depression In business, 'wWch- Ilk View Of all the surrounding w%-hed and wra Into the stream. The thinfa that they I;f alle of naxentor*s Ar"Zesta" 1',? �1- AM still. Nvith the exec-ptio � pped 4n damp cloth; only better In quality but To rQU& HON0111411, t1w, Marquis do 1) Of Ille felt to a greater or lesser degree In OrcunIstallce% must be regarded as a blItter, Put dn Jelly glass with vever; plentiful and therefore eh are tojlfu)ly 8 the Chateati, Chauville. .))�irtit�nx% Of 4 muniorvr Illinself, there )v.1s but ono every country in the world, has Affect. $4100actory showing, the liquid port, eaper, alvage4 Ilk 4 more or less, , � � mon who su,qq)ectcd anything of the ed the business Of the bank to 6014e tion being well maintained the while 'bread and eake, -were e4oh wmpped- in One of tho most, -satisfactory raetb�. damaged condition wore stored In the �Iillt�e ct,lg'e;�t'sc�'r,li""Is��",t"'4eLA'fl lulanded t'"'It from truth t1f that ni.ysterleus affair, axellto% to an-, extent, but we hope the low point of 'Tha trend of our iutereat-bearl�g oil paper and all pazked In the lunch ods is tKxput t-hem,1n,.%,Mter glm$. Tl�* barn of a farmer near by to dry out Otte'r z"'.1 earefullY guardod in tho True. Eddie, Ifavtrton lmtj Ila L-newl,- depresmian has been passed, and that deposits for the same period has been basket, cold milk was put into a t;her- solution should be in the lyroporldon while In a borrowed carryall husband I �OPO IhAt $101110 day its rightful awaerf. edg.t. NVIlen It* part( -1 &nt Viriall there AvIll Soon he a change for the steadily upward, in Increase in that mos bottle, ground. coffee in,a sniall of o I ne'Vart water glass to nine. parts and wife keyt,ou, the now oil Renton in the ,*Og at I to it fie'. 'It tv, rot,lthj. R'nito-z. deeiJea to pos� ,��, better. Tba coal strike fit England , heesecloth bag in the pafl in whkh of water which first has be!en boiledl Packed round them and tied an, be� 44 - , R, cues Park department of about 47,ogo,000 being lt�l nUss4l 3 i!laitu the ; . - - his WITIPan'tia Its, - i I't 'I 9t heir am L'Ir4L.x that , . ,I any which will no doubt result In the less Shown, but this gain has been more e Rh)$% 110 ­,.,tz�s to Praue.: to make 111tontiOn' of r0t=ht�r to tho bouse A, fat a great deal of trade, and the un- than Offset by the deellue In the total I it WAS to be made. and cooltdv Plare egg$ du a stone Wild were ,some bedding that had es - Spine mNe"Unfinquirics about fte Dar�, whiZih they had �eft a %nioment before. I rest And discontent which seems to ordinary deposits. A year ago, how,$ Over a camp fire by the roadside, j4r an& i1pour liquid over them. Tert'caPed with no more than a splashtn�, 'i9n. I the 4tash and coffee were cooked while quarts will. be a. suffiei�ent . a trunk, a few Pots 'and PAU4 and the, v famih% The ttory ot the mystor-, RXIOU-ing What be 4i. li�mvr,%ver. of prevall tit nearly all the countries of Over, under the heading of demand de- p, ' Als �:�C,qt ��,i�s �,,'('Ik ta the t�,o`@iled � the 4--Vpa-ate et ='ts Of young iten- �, Europe. give rise to serious financial a soul of about $S,000,000 stco,l'�,'the remainder -of the lunch was spread, for 15 dozen eggs, wife?s cherished rocklnj��-chatr. U11- , It I z- � , Posits. , in I fortunately, in unloading the earryalL &�ys 01 V.kN yron,!h Rev�jlkl.j"Jxl And the t4ml, 11 =LPS, conystect wit' a flie sudd, M. Problems to be reckoned with, but no to the credtt�ot the Government iu� A 9mve nearby. Powderod vmter glaw is on I'sAN01% k r dwQ� Marql;is I % and little grpild- Al'surpoarunce Of ilt4t W-11tZenurin :twm I 111"n in thU country whe is strong and connection with Victory Loan pay�! Another piewile lunch eaten on the market, and if propared acc*r,ding, tol on their -arrival, Samuel set the rock. ; &M'Phter tO ,Pnglami. where the chest Wa his u . . t left' E k e, bit lleWthy can iflord to be a pessimist ments. This' amount,which, at course., sliare. of a Igi-O, might bavv taken a directions on thq package, is more,' Iiig-chatr down with such force that he. su'd h lun ,% au, t ' all" dx�-""Or­ lve!'O 'ftivOft to the BXV- Q116 e0nelui!cn--W1d upon him it had for any length of time. The known was of a Purely temporary nature, was � Prize for Mt.' " broke It, Up, to that Inomeat his llrlter.% fk,r ,�*fv ke#.,.j1n,Z NZO%V� num a iftw-reazIling effmt� Morally, Mr. And undevelored resources are suf- Withdrawn during the Year so that" ment. e work and real enjoy- satisfactory than the liquK Either 'h� wa tio NVId tit er ficlent to eusuro future prosperity. ,I, one, though, is excelrent. 4 "u'l ,Mvl 1mr.4red yoart� Zater. Hulbert HavertOn a t b t thAu he utter Making allowance for It, the total, I a with a calm -, xval deposits aud total Assets about ,,,,,, Raw Med Potatoes,fried white fish, I If water glass is -not eva.flab-le, an�that could not endure; the broken P"t'rtt"C"s Z'e�4�\' is f0ullxl- but tbe b4,.1 OVer t -it W*s not in his na- New issue of stock, po"L'o fiml lt,�, ,�',Ut% ' Iblead and butter, jelly saridwlches,,�' equally offective preservat4ve ma � chair was the final tou,h that released * 4' their Own, a satisfactory achievement y be � As mentioned In last year's report 'we have no doubt You will agree. Pickles, ginger bread, milk and coffee _ mude by slacIcing 2 pounds of ,nick her pentup feeling$. Samuel endeav- tike, Regent*s *' Wcbb Of a further Iscue of �2,'It)o.Li0o of new , - , ­, munc, t'l ristitisto Partin. fWau belm minites,hed chaligt's h., -N1t",1n\v'l1i'-0� Relltv'm turt- tO atle� Z'N; but bi.s xu%rraw os,mpe =3 vtskfts t'aluuia. tbol; ho Present-% In t1le 1. I I '6 P,ark U""tkry bad given stock wns ma =ade up the menu� Those Proficient! lime in a small quanity of hot water% ored to soothe her. . -� �, do, mt�klng the paid-up Crop Reports Are Promising. this f`��O��"�us e'"t'ls tO R',�I't'rt r1.*LX- him t Severe a) 1kin in fire building and camp �cookery,'aud mixing with 2 gallons of water' "NOW, there, Maria, don't ye take ' IU%M:� NM I"Nid ,�f thitN firm, Atut re- Capital at the bank 410.00,000, and by ,,.Jsurio- AA Crop C�j !on," he said. t'L'.5%-4,s the #r, As I,* sat I,, hisgtluapt' this bright the transfer of the Premium On the .nditions throughout the Prepared the:fish. potatoes andcoffee�and I pound,*f salt, All;aw this mix-, "Look ,on the bright a Penita"t %VNI'sv, N.ma is "t Altai _64 the it:ra�gght ro,ld was, it)- An -W stand, )Dwell upon your marcles! Here en �,�Ztv,­, * - e$�t- Rl�*'4�q-'rt 'c�-!*al ' Sprirg* luorning lie told hirlself thAt new sioc'k to the rest ac,eaun while Others lattended to laying the., tore to settle and use the clear liquid 4 - 'we be, safe to home, with a mattress ng a ivrvj-�t su,-,&­-I on the f,a, CePtleuall.r PromEsing, If I may say e. eoth and Vl=ing the food. E,veryone ,on " ak' , oui _ _ �Jt � t, the rest country are at the present moment ex- side! _ t ; '. kn nu 4.450,000� t top. It will suffice for about 12 � .%��!$Z ,Itvs inte-cic-sting and, 111A,ed ., F, sln,t��o, $!-�, .u,",,�t II -I'M 1-C, inust ,%-%it a Zu The Shareholders of the bank new ,,W word as to general conditions It 'will ,4 eujoyed the e4tin auct no one ob-'dozea eggs, I tO lie on that aWt more'n a Ivetle mite 'y "T t1le, a,%trementaoT t.1le, bra, - t, ad � Yt*,'Ir 1��r N'r al-sw ,-. Parzltn Is ,%t tirst number 2,997, as against.2,622 Ill 1910 be oneet tempered optimism, haviug,�,'iected to necessary dish,iVashing with� gront4y ,-'.�,,�jppj,�1141;�,j. t,kN fjj.�,t Ou,j,y .1 ':�l d'-Q-rO`u10VfAre, it 'NAms Smoother being an Inifteas ' ' ' "Pre�-heuszzeu of the many dlf- �j the lake :for a. dislipm. , It should,be remembered, in putting, damp; and as ter settin, down -well, jlkrv� k"k.-N.,_ U -M -011.11g $0T A, m&U Of 1u',4jdlL1 age 3?e, r.., e Of 375 during Z6 � with fourteen winder seats to E.et an . 4-'I Z�­.=Js .11 the %�hest� a I eggs away that all those having thin - ' ficnWes which require to be met but � Hot Picnic dish -6 -cups sliced raw I' --hell's, or eracks should be . 9 who� it4ervous is�ys,,tkqll 1.,Atj never been I and every floor besides bran' new an, 11", �,� ,�T­,�,,,,;mi i'l ,,;,k�!,wcr 4iter a larSN% ,.,f tl,,, best� Current loans and discounts a having, at the same, time, a proper ap- I! dismrded, I , .. kr,� 41n,i -a rar, it He shud&red ever, 11aw t=d at precla Wn of the actual and patential;: P`Otatce%, 24 cups ground raw ,ham, I These are ais good -as any for imme- � clean As the Inside of a shell, who rt%.-,', twas.l. mwn: t,�Zlitxg wher,OL the at the 1Vn%0=1,n-,mih, of -what his, life 4109.1$3.000, AS against ;1141114S1000 rl&estof this country. ' heara fer a icheer?" "S au teas M" :I hik"&% � (""-V*n�, 1*�,A­-­ Im" ln�-,-.it during those ilrot, few wmxs last Year. It 'Will be seen, therefore, U Ps sweet whole milk, 'A po diate use. IN, ,­I'n�l LVI't't ,In�x ,� .4-1 that this bank i Unluckily for, him, Maria, '�heered` 1­1141�1�11 4 - � ThRve axe Indleationa that the mon4,?'fh1 Su!t, 2 teaspoonfu:s flour. Put thp Never wash the eggs that are to -be I.", v �inl,i ' W" k!& fe),,owhig the diSk-avery ,�f the IV *�v "" I A. broadly spenking, is less 1� POtatO" and ham in a buttere,c� �snd "Put down" for winter e gs. Use only� �.e ,�Iu�'.At. Par, , a eOntlulles to extend Its . S U# " t� roef. IT,, , ein xhare at assistauc-0 to the in- -117 g -Z, " N L Ample positio I . ... We to such an extent that In her exaspera- Pranzo, By j%'s-rg, n", t -,n ;�.Tzi-t b V- *k TOM bered tl� , ­ - �, ""'4-- . ". 11 f'n-i"in§rs- NAth Nvhiol he 11.4 ea%% dustries of the country. stringent and that the general liquldlty:� ermnbled baking, dish in saterna -- f y clean egg . tiou she launched a trying pan at hi . ,:, .. ,%'l e .... I y per eed s, mr 90 , , -,o te la . , .. ......... � , 40' I �� , , t ... . .­ -Nnntirg %qV=W Mi,k rewspiper to, General Manager is optimistic of credit now in evidence is coaUnning: ers iw;ng Wi iwhIcb. narrowly missed Lis smile. n .,�,"­,,�, -."'..." fl'N!- ­ , , *n , beg .L , t,h P b , anc, f , M_ r',�sn"V:.,�,�. cn,Nl - ots >es Fifty dozen eggs will be enough for, ;, to develop further. g whing 'With', sprinkle the " I � Samuer was astonished and Pained. wat,�N- thc� ibvrkKornlents of _tllte 'Nue $%Illowlag the pres�'dent,�% conel"ke 21=2 flouri a family Of five during the months of .. = in,nx-e ,,=-_n�� 4n gw rs�. gp',i M 1v11',Zh n', ;=N- ni,nntont, he might be Yet comp, I. Alt0gother, and in a 'word, It is n0C over +"-e &iFerent jaye_,.s� add the &.t1t .October, November, De2en, $�Ili T'Ztt�' '.-.,:'-V'%-'. ,euq re 'of Lie Situa- diffltult to be an optbnIst as t .bar effei "MariWs bigh-s Irl I he decla-red " rt% ,ive, view P ted, I .11-- ,%IZC� %.rv,-z to'tzkw- r. prinziltal p,ut, 4 tion. as reftected in the vt,a a the (r,Gt too Incell, as ,ham is Salt) and -TanuarY when the price is highest. 1 MOUrnfullY. "Cour-be, I'm used to t's State- �4 future of "Camada, r, ezim;tej 11 to bol- �'RAI`.FR %T.­Xtx--­,�,\ , 111r4r x1v L"��'--� A�',)\ ,1r,d nilt-ht, he hdd�, ments. zilld Mr. Maearow, there Is !!row ttLm apt expre-sslon ;;;�en,tly us�d n =-'I-- all, balke in A. e -ow oven for one- Candling does away with the danger: things Z: � I � �_ _ that. "%=t I can't get usei to Is the . tctn 1,:�:r*=C.4 =mA turtu--'�"* ','�r t,ht' a�,-'Ilttltl left fdr me to Add beYelad pzr­�, by an eminent Canadian. 1 h -%W to two ho=-. When done, -wrap of putting dor"m unfit eggs. that sets her off. To think of ,P,,,`z.-r,�.- .4'k, s&1r." f4r,=%y L!M t��tll =zns t,f aM*­n_y\Z*­. Not altttwk on If, ` " , y of � Beard ot Diremors was r*-e.ect_ Sn -' e2ezm cZ0t'14 then in sever,a] thic�-,- nicre people knew how si;l er, after endurin! wreck an' ruina- ,4 lt�.,%�,t'o' z;n-5, k -I bf�z &i."r -.wr a frlor,i*Ly tup On tke.1keation. tlen like a Christian Ily1W cut at me hw, 7,,�t V-., ".­ -....�Z-< - 11'11?S� a wc�rd or two by Ara 31%1PUL , �' TI, Pie the pro- h tl�as: M"k%.�Z %-.r'n, tll�l &4in *,,,�. Thcn. 4,,m,der = the "ZtMA but Ite tk*11d hint- #ed, with ISIr H. Montagu AZan aA nic,-Me�� Of Pa--,--- arzd it will keep hot. Cess is, the practice would be more I . I I ' " I It will be tbs-mrvea that in ezinpar,' " President ar., F. Ho,r.,ard WL,Z_4LNu a4:, fer an 4 -our o.� more. I gene -z -al. An effiective apparatus may� like a wild womati, QbOut O'e old ,wt', 41 `_'.;� ,.�r'-v "-I'- s�-;rf­xi hil S�­' �IzW h -:s hk,= bid c�nak& T.he Awti, se,n with last 1i cheer!" �' " ­ 1Z Z - eml�*'.'-. Tlh�., N�--­*Iwr. ,miz% %:­� s-,­m,��,��r_ *_lt..:_�+ N Year's figures vur total � yl��Pm,-Idemt. .1 Date and nut bread -41 . ­ . - _,vva__ �,, It Ameghed I'We cups bread.'bG made as follows: take a cardboard' , � ,, in. �t,, .,., I cv.olk A�X' **r.:,n* fhe wid- bin,,- t1te exr',4==�-.tic� =========== — _____ � � , He would perhaps h --%-e been ev,�,n Id, � !� , ,-_Z*=L_-,-, I =p, grourd peamats, I cup."b= larg,e enough to contain a lantern, iwl -, ", !.�,,, " :,. shi,niM N'' I- ,"I'll n 'Won in the -0_mn ee Oppmm-toe Cd titst gex�t:�- *m"'o-4-ped aales, 1� teaspoonful sait, ,q 4 more amazed and grle,,rea ., '" *,�, : �,,,; wi:,N lul­.,%�, ,�;IZ:1% - a =."C' �,­�, V�f, N-,\.,=�e ;mowr. tztat be w"m wah Rax- 49M te4 to Ilt,- P- " "" rt feus pe, � i and punch a few holes ir. the top for, I could he L�-n"�r o."� M!, z:�=,.g:h _`nn,.�. Is,= ba,�%,ntvr ..'r. *blt z­ght, wc-, I-eyon't eN-t�-.Itr,Lt�ntrtlNr,&*t.,�0C.,�-ILN�-U& � -'=. en -p- ffe= or emzugh to xA,LT,e a stiff 4' ventilation; level with the height of, have licen, convinced that -t vi�as less icrop� =% `,%,,ni ,�,V,��- 1�1�.�, Z�n,,��: 'j" '10.2t 71�,g i��-,,-,%, �%r;..m. t7n*at-w Ren'w= 1, .e,g Bat this vu_�, to hear IN7 Z-ffter'- 31' m1r.'e-z. as he tut-ne-1 from tN-;-4 dougb- ,r",e simwe = "cheer" th'at was t ' much for V:', `r.ii,o­�- gr� - . �Akr rkm'AAM f,�r W�Ilth :�nlm_szl, e . Z'S ar be tak-en from �, the f1=0 cut a hole about the ' the 04D A -Z --,-,Ai t�z� -N`Zi�, 0", Z!%, bt-a' �1,�41 no r=:'ite ,, ws,sc, v:41r!k,us tltree, laays in- �,_'--e pul-l"windlow to it, sLo-m-14 b_:h'. a vZ�011"se- ee reg�tO.ar Setting of br,ead _��e tate Of a half dollar and t1he apparaLsle 'Maria tbua his own unt. fl,vmng. tl�,_Y ��ys� !=�a,�,;-.-,�i�. 1, na ­.1W,M,g ary 1i 'c� e�vtl. " *_ o is � lme�Y eneerful- _h- ness. I .,=ck, duat \V,­Z:d JX,-,nt.1, 1�e had fk,rz�d�y hz.pe'd, When Up nlan, bl;z-,A:.I ana ft.'!-,Z�Iostei W 'OtEe-- !=:!ped!e_--tga,_;ded, Let the ea:4__h complete- Touse' -en the room,' N."'."'M �kv "!�%� s�.., t" .4=I r_�t ,z�4�..­,-,',,, *,,,,, ,�_-'s PIV,on"c' ir Mortlzner Te,4_,, 'Warzse Lad ZOUIII-'�',hl M .hQDr ears,'kyat being s�kvut, , . .) . "jze,.� the C. - it, dark ,4\ ,��;ont��'T"­,%:, c�_'14 ViVk=. C��.4�,--;,<4�,J h'<- �,,,J�a t!�,11. I:% H,- Ba7r. tclwn Z!se =-e-, &Q-:,.:�e in S�e, knead. ,�hape light tl-e %r -tern, and 'hold �C_r,� ,%Vere ,t -, lat it - lt 14 . . r- b�l� �­­�%, ,;4 -*7 , , htn= ed;: tl� , Xq t1te lme:l & &Cdg,e_r_V -_,=ee_t ba�clk $$-,%I= TEE� ,L,Nninvs. -Z,.-ZZ2M- !=a a lo� I I ,� ...� �.. , N 1. a� 7, , ,arge 't�nd u the egg, �_ - -:N I -N-' in 4c ­v 'ol. the zz=d' ,mk, -%r�p -_,­ I - it it. �! !a the prt�lf�nssten so f,,-- rm M, e NN -m% L P, and before .. % "N �t r,q I �� , - , And bale. Butter � close up to . riv �. _11 rang!!t -'Crim, -.',+--, A4,11V dis'-T.-ISed a P=141 W, dnmezis,, and omy is the circular opening. A gcod n-W3� - A tIzaf- 1:; � =e=t..whe. s=a3u amdl , - � �, rknv- ".., t.,<� eh,�rk". , " =" '. wderv, Tmer stmt&_ tr!=, 'Was , reeded 'V��_e_xt, =16zg san-,,. � egg will, _�� .4�*,, _.V:- ' ..*=--a !1=.S%'n-'!�.4 a sk-rar & 1`on;�erttxL, I Dates of Easter. , � ,k% zln� -,VV,% t":-%, ,-,'.w�r -,.,,�-.i+,­r. a t.g�,r vn.S. a tlhl,=�N prza. ilea VZO trse­s,*r*_WR path o'! -"-1A-4�-,-,s",Z 1�rushed = = the en& "and gavi� W,'��'e�s _:n, 4 , , I RRPea-r clear with the vol -1- seen diinIv, - Easter was , earlier this year than ,t Ox, lmly,s ��_-* a %-;�­�"­'tr 11,10"!, 1"-M , , ­ 11A a t1te =.,�"vm=vtb!ng'%-f a =��itmxy IT 'n, *h!S oaf lie centre. The air spac,- -,rill b7, has been c--'eb ' lore, ,,s I',- "' I- w4s d�.,,- '=t,�r w� �nh Z.el"I B2 .Rw. tmad ,ctlught a g- - -,,,�, usr,sct to, hz Fi =_- fol, S-dwich-i �,,4L ' ­.%.. _i lb& strong., in t. ra ,Z 3 a r. QI�::,.'qv. A � ." 1- ted sin e 191 , d It ,t%�.' -' ,_� t h 1�,4 v --14_-S , �� yr�iz -�N-as 11--& fa, *. *'. _-ZoRe. ,= e= vals I 91 w , . %it - AV"- %&­.=�,,* ttx% tma ,;-�e. �,.- ,- �', - 'Fea,17'y fear.:; ,��Itrd w1d: t" :exve I Vir'-­ V . 131avv�_-wm -.n t!�-, gr.p �a' He ,64 = r. -ed ---�_-, ;. !,!�6 bu!---1, I medium-' about tl"-' Mze of ,a dime. If the cgg Ill be more than nine Yeam bzt'nra It , _�\ Tiv �,,, rbe- st,el'r, vemrnom &-cwsS!n&-Tvk-=! Ndt:eb was 1-_ep==�,..%- _�- - -.�e --'- - g _z r. It. , � .V, � t��t�t ='n -g- t2w, th,_--k� ,� �r 'Ta h:& �- - e�3 S`�Nw� Mem %� P -.1w Grin� the � looks dark and has a f-.e,e,.y movi' - .,X,k"k-* tv=,44 i�,-r V. mc�i�S' '%�`x .NXI'l- ­�­!M�,-,- -, S,%­_'an.`1 Y= ,,xt,W..- Sem-rx.ed to Eer =�­,,- ,,;C��tv thmn, e -W, but ,he T'.'a-re I ZZ an arna-_-ent� ebeeze cmd =43Z b�,­,er amd cheese to_� Y011- it is Unfit for use. ng , , fted alul'��t 1.60�j YeQrS ag5 Zte WaS ,­ ; happens so early agair. The �:� '. - h M - 4 vx^a!v� Z-' -t eo,nr t I h!" .1 I V. T,,,� a -_-,an %\,5, ,y. ­` =,� I :4me= tte ��!­.- Aim-_-'er ; — at the - , , M. ,A,�E "i 4 t;a tot-� gir:s, ,-L;a -it sp!zea ---a gnve a kxr-�= C46-: ge2x-_ =-Z _-=_�e.a =d c I*.— 1 Council OL, -Nice as "tbe f=t Sunday . r r..'.O,�'. ;Qr..) _ - ,_,TVV,i U1-&w�,-.%x.,;1 ,kVL=e'*. Az_-� !w' Ni�3 t* ­,k \A-*,-, N,k,�L,� !�,, !�s,,4 ,N,­,sS_�� 1*1 "(Wrm, a vtry %K6ere=t rem- ::L fr�= t,he!�r.:-tr rz �_--:s =4_4-er �= I re�-, add I . 4k � mp�',c" n..."."er. tin't �','�V, 1,11v ,C:m " .11 a t�:ty ar'--r.1- . . ---e tam eep Minard's Liniment in the house. J after the fir -It full mcon that fwi:s af- - . I . K �, ,!�- .*, - - � rW-,1=an,%et, Imil f%=_ , the Pe_7n;fr= v., h:_-J� b.ave been thopped, 1 ____7___110__ , n;m, iwwk'r�,�,Z��--�:: 1-1c, g--r1,.,C�,,*rk­A= 'It 4 d,1,,--, --- &, _ _I - ,� . - I - "� �:� a_ " .,%� _ .S ,4-z�=rg ii." -s' %,-Z Z)_-xt,n--.zVr. V-176 ZN . 2---4 MIX Vid,L 'etv'N' m ,N�, *,=r 2�kl,',A�v = !Ie At, tLsA- stmna R� 3wzket -- any red I�Wed I *knzas viuh- v Z-_0_=r,---4rZ-_ OMI-rZted it. lay . -8ovxtl X V-��rl�ko rkorl2n was tlu - - , zZ fz'�k � s=zh tm=one4 h, -r � lWoek a -_"a P==t0s =av be used ,% A Chinese p, C-00 Years old was ! ter March 21.11 If a fu7-1 niaon occurs _%;L, ;,-,�,, �,!,;­ , M -PIXtf �4 41_*1e__CZM1- _ Z1.1 w4h.3"el-I -q__.",119__ VM -S - PZme--offg-mem- ZePP-M-Sor both xnay,lrecer '. ' � , klCt,1- p*,in1tr_,�.n v,� s,t,s Nv�,�!, T,�r_ _g ,cj ja.,�,,, :=�- *ez;�,�h-, ---. TLe -_2_kq�,T_%e eor,,�� in - ., ftly per'fOrme% � Surday, Easter is c,sl,,Cbrated O=E� , I I i In English in Lo " , ,,z,�_ - 'k . 2_1,ear ,wnvar!,Zs� tm% tb�',r suppvrs. k _. , - _'k E ".,e "* "Ces 0� n- I' week later. ��,, bz�,�_ \ h 'n ht� -_tan'a ,'­,Z1:eF-.,tZ. � '. �t�, � $=Z;2,X-�'.�r_1_- .0��!%Ie�;,t-i,.tzr I k -g��-n,�W' j, � , n!92:1, bl�, 1* left cc,-'- 7 -2'1 -in SC-, rye bread don. This .year the ftxEj m��za xv=Zkv� f, . o, tn' _& ��-_�, .. -�sj-,sa -4, - �,Iaul,�,n­lk.v tk% =aZo Nms ;: . tNw-r, q-,P4_-��,� spre-a-i gw:e=,Ms�v- T'afth, " this 01 -mg occurred on March 221 Ea3je-. came '� B=. -�!mt lz�=tt. im�' tL--,-r­'r vms ,-Z* _. - vt'-% ztr_ S_ ��&;.:: , `3V *­ **,�' rt^. llu"�A­m B*Nzae---��r ,_,w ='-s-tve- k'�v_Zk-_.­a3-0' VnZg-=. A ,4-"-v by b.ze'lh., to-=,4Z,=Z-.- Qr. t�& =e!g1i,-,0r!:Zg,&Z­�,-_ z4,ZeMt. 1-Imft-5eh. on March 23 the lasi time In 1913. -,*M si - �� � W4��t, kln,�',- -k-.1L.-ig .�N�, = - . .,2, - - 01 =sibe = em I , C, , , - .. � -.- **ZZI , m:cr _Vrav,:1._-ne_� pez�_Iatm Szte_�a and "k0 --e Peanat Sandwich ffiling-7L en-,, - Wlaen the'full Zc-,, ;=0 rt�-Zvt..�.\i * ,, ;SZ;9,XW� =v , , rea-W W�_, . , . �:Olv"b&. ^. MSS- ;_ V" , 0 .* f4r%t" .,r V�,az;�v�- ,_�* jn_'�� T�e _-_ L . V% ,-.;,L, �,T�, *-!,� 1- . � . ': �% hi% th z_ ..�Az - - _zjte,_; moan occurs Just beforee , . , , ,V-- - I'L , 'K . ­9�,- t�-e rt?�er a !n.,Z� i.4sat:! Z_k, F�r� . ec Z . VN__� ,�,&-"Am T.W* e the vt= 7,%anr vik-,ZM smpm-3 tize sa- ted Pe=_ -.S. t -a to 1-�Z cza? March 31, Easter h9s to be de:212-yed � , N­zwokm "Z'Q� 0�-akx-= Z-4� , , _ Tzt� 'k � -N,,�-';r km�v Zssit =1 N��,:�;k_­k-,- . Used Au S I _­ . SwK� %'� I � I t�;� rv"'�_, oal.km'.. "' %r � . , -I 'I after the next ftn =czn, wh; - X Sm:t e 'an tnes; aU emrs :'W. '. .=kN "I Z . La B�- 4:,-Z,U�% pre'L=ng e-e� eld cze"- Z-4 -".-'s mftll . Re" or ca k �k% �&-.=* wm­ I.- , 4, k wt---, ,of ra,%4� rw­.e rAN-!=--. a��� 4:k1=_,,V wwm - , - -7 -*= SM .a,s THEm; usuD unti I- -1 i�w-,� iN% Zrn_V_-=..1_T A�h,i�-�e'c' ta-,��­V3,�.!! �Z- 6e -_-zkie ana gr: -_4 - " Sold Sub - `Ie b--*-%=- ,4&-:n fr= the pzearmt�,�, FuA ' Q101 "I"P-1 =,)�%. N­�Lvr tb-,, �'ea:=Sry V, -I cd;6_;�ea ef X , STZ -, -w?t!41 =_,­,,_-wV2, h,�_% � .V sometSmes throwz it late in Arril. in el _.--Ii�,=- . __,_ ;��; nn=�r_g fwm* =."s ew' =�,�sk ,%,=�=. 'e'l'_s�, ­pZ:W` 0 0 Vio -,:t.t. I . 44t,N Z��*�r &$jEke av � err up to sao,mflea, or teat rTZ-Z-,,* h -Ni 1k)7._-,- - i;;E�� Ss� i,�� _�-` , c�2opler u ' At M Viv�= slu­:�"4c,s Z s_,'%=-.,. ,,nh a =1- ---'-.v- tL%r--- t�==.- of some 4L%tance If 7= wish. in ZZ -N-Z_n =--�. -S-4 rc­ T.W_'d Zake h�_M do gh 1�* Szod 1905 and 1906 Easter was delsy -1 un- �, 0-=_ 111,� lza��. 1",-N-1 -- - , , -,,,-- !t - pzale, , 3 et s:!,.9 &'Cc, -v oraer an purth ye �,V, �r,�, N-�!. -..�t-o,r !=14, ,,-,,;t�kxm_4�?a_ t) In �� =�k-W.;*:*. r: --N ��-e-­R wcx�a the Z_11_-_F_r._Z__ - 11 12�, . � , "Od, Or Pul"cuft tit April 28. -Zw� Nee a =_-. ,=,yT,-aY-. - --__12. S=Itl W'd ru d . - !.0 W&Z ;;�!�_�":,��,*�. Tjt"�-4�- !$ '"`1.t_'0 e,r�Z'-� - �6. i �Jj"RIM 1=9-hW31c Of your ow,ft choice 'Weather Barean offt'_als tay tbere� b.",\ *R,�".--. �� ta:A t!�..- ", q e=, _ tb I , * � _� - M,'ts W. r��., tz =F it tC`,:--M W�'- a Z'N.Sk. =�x untl S.=3 V�,, ,;r,,, -T --,-,s 1�r "h,* -t,­t=�$. "k, � hc=� I - After za, i,. - zS a �!h I � - .1, t�',Q. .&r_i V *a - , , 1 7Nmm = ph --i ,*4o -_,L- =n -in C.'a :a �� as-"- -.1_=1,"-S*. Co�­,d mav , -or ask us to - ,-u " R _ , I thIna W__W.:i� to I*ak thent orer� V -.Y, ,WZt­.'_Z .,I \,,� vknn�nnt�_­� �,Z4 'L�­ arz_�,Z, . 'm, -r .qL-14-,�� =Es�� kNt' bettt-_ t�:;-,Z_R w��_,r hx.-,j� E,_AF,_ � - iCJ,-_-a1-_�_'N =-%v Z,%e used z EzTv-:- ,z= _ ,. _z ,z , I --,,- i�d taz h;�:L cele td cma= a! -Zas"-Vd� � 1=_re%1t1ot1. Ter_v large Stock ,%IW --)-R iij early Easter makes an eae'r spr!ng, ,��4_� C.,_�-_--_,tc, Z-�.-. elv==Z !3-._U.:M Ln- ZE-e !�Z�.n-_ Zma _ - and ,vice ver-sa, but there is no q,_W. -1 t��e, N"mi=\­� =,i�=. Zta4 -­= ,-=x_- tvk-n h,4"a %m'. t,�. tL-,- � � ltw!d. -, 74� ,��.-&% ,,,.�, ,�4n..I%�­.NN't'x ,k_,&,t--.,_%1 -,";�i� __-�It P1111-1 �* Zn t&k'e R113' car to Ot_r revreiwftuva fw� is no truth In the led ssay:nz that an rK)�t ,�r_c�.n,v,�,-.� . --Ati;al. ts to za,v. *.I: m ,-Z%:. vv==- "S=dwich xlorloas��t &V' -1C'-'1 *: BrOMver-9 D -zed Car U*r�t In ,,!I;, =-�­.oiTft , - ,W,:%Z,41 F<tT� %��n�T .n, "y !L: t,,� V,�-,6% tw, k,-Zt 'C�is 1­2�n =i it�nd� "Z_- ZM =az-��a;:%-Z rmas za�_�, -- U-. = za�sr"! --Lz �= ,.L� �-e -_V-_::!-�r In boU SZ�_,� a Utj:eL less tb,- : - w -=,,*g tiOn about an carly Ezs#.er b-,,__6-IZS N -T' ­1V 1-1.-1-'-" 44$' 'L".-_ �-t;L','-.. "' - _­ ­ " attzsz t-� g�-=- 2--i W,�Z,Z. =`=n:;�-_=,-- = Z.--.---. IMM,haZi Lnah-,� vcclm streft, . t;,-. z,�­. --'..i .cN rxnna�n we'a'C'n �:,to Z!�e. -_-6 "-s Z -Z:, -,--.-V_. a =,==-,�,_-,a ==- �,Tz Z?e V_=t!=-_,,%-'_� ,, !:I �h!:�=es& S7 -N -,-,i 0--e S:kl - .. out early styles � . Z - !V�t=­_­,�� I_, T�_A ,�. 'n. AC12 ­ , * *'- - -, . I _" -I tilm'.y __ .. ,, __ Prelftatzlra:17. exid nay , . - - I ,- , emnt;,��5 ,Zy t�x, 'e_�Z-v ''. ,�s= ,*e_ - -,r.th b�"az�i!berr �� - 'm t I � - " , tn�% hk,":"" , .,e . ,�. - . - -;,,-- �Ls� :Zo M.Z.,V __ , _�i:�i 1_-�Ier t�_Rz %�,,�'..Wl - ­ .. _�!, __ - _i� A" � � ,*�.=_ Z - Person that can preva!2 on Ch- 1��' V,V-,z;,_,%,nt ,�,ql' �."_-s', pr%�-i, �, , 'r ��I_i�_,,�,�,:hat 7�v,=t.'Z:��*_­ ,,--,- .ss " . I C s, -F, ,e,= 4�.k , I �', " - I ,Z-, a-, - V. . V "" �: i_=�=�V__� - 4Ltn­q� At ' .0 r � �oa W ntrles to celicbrate Er_=,sr cn t!te . � ,=�a Z�.� - -- ` , ­" c t, ZZ ,�, , - � , � COARSE SALT " I , ,,,�., , I - �� - ;�-Ml �a=::Eer sace un-tz, �� " - � , k"�..� V 1'4 ..'Z. ,Z. -w- ,�Z-4-,- w, 1�" , , .� _,--_-,ZZ,,,W,-,� %­, t-2,�,'-.,:;s,1 anl ----"��-7 U*:�s !S Prince is aancellor of Ihii- , �Nl I � _-0_1 _- __ =�,e�-, �=Ve �az -'-n C-1,eersZ sez,-t=ed V.it-VI =ta= -'s , , N ',,%, ,�,�- ��,� ==i= ,:�l Z - - __ ' sa- ri:) .haTe the cz,� .,�*\,��,,* - V.-Ak V�!�-,.n r-n��*., � ­$" h- g�,W. e'-==, -,kx�nim-, t�, L� a g"*M -_ -.,i::4-s a!,tan;i��:-, samB dntO eaet Year Tv p��-_',Wl -'-z--t- X_­;�k�m N� '�,.,�11 ��­. 11 I nxw t�:,�� Lk% ��4 ic_��-z,,n 4a _1'1�* 1,,,'�.' Verft ,of NV,a'les. -n��- -.%- - ' ' '- LAND SAI"'.T boar' ,fe't t -hanks of grea 4=.�=, ma. �, S,0x�,., . _ � i�% 1=1. -L, _-Z=_.Z,_ ­ i;!7 - e t�, eut hi � '� ZZ . 37- ----- �-_* - �,. � _Z' - _Zt,-Z:e,J T e - ` , " ` i_^,�_,:&;�**-r:p,� 4�an-__tzdq a '4�,-; - Z_ "� . I BUM Carlats .2 cvz,- th3 -,.,C,-1d_, * * "' -=tz�,, -.,�I- ,C4- ,"-e� -FT,n�-t�- �r D:�, :� ,�z , X -i -�m ,�. ,w_-g�A_ ,.',,z : _J:�. I ;-:ken' �r t�:Z z=.f I—. -t- :p__:Z,Z� Z* wa:j�� V "_ *o= , in t�� __ " ,�N _., " ___ .F, Ilrers and cl CW a� 't-11 ,M". ,4t t�,.-,i n,z 1"-', ,_-,nt'­-_ ��47, ­ , .". ­:,=."�,xl t=-1,11 ,�= vl-��_:'�---�4 ��-V. 4;;�!�=, =t-�_,,: ;:- !:�,, -- --Ms� ,Z, _­ Z, , as Q-_1aZZZ�:Z2- CIO M�9'Er S-ar ,� - likt,�,F. Ita'-'gh. thnt this '47-Z. . st, - A% t N - `� - - _:�� .1 gnar. I c�-=, TORONTO sALT Wop,l(a It is not 1,11Z­�i� =.k, 1;7"-. v ­-,'�- t -t,; T=-, i�v ;) t"n- =-_­.-!�lt� -";;�� --�,, =0�1z'-sets, z ehange - - Z� I -Z 4r -.a T�..'�..7� 4�_," 1-.,,��- �! 4 '. , ­ - " - �� lie -=fZZ!!!---7 It VZ-s',es�. A---- Z__? & - �5 Arzi!�- E=r. -1 Wall tive*t b-4 Made. as 'Zt tcch tLzn.� �,.'=k,i -�n )4N,�k'" - t, 'a C_,�=',T Q?� Z4 :Zvm =1 ,Z�Z " 'ZZ -,Z_ 7;1�. Cit J. OLIPP . 1'0r%�-:,t ""��­ `*� �,Z`�, I- .4 - -��' �� . � ., " u t"-�1'�;7ftZM-k �."-,-3 "� , !E��Z.,.,�, _,r -.,Z, t: -_,u -,C- 'giz. _`_�Zzv- 7�4,�tx,�-!! ,� 'S :a:KZ---:-,-V­1 T::--Z�-g_­7. I t,-.-,,:-Zz TORONTO at-ine"t 'IS0 Ye'llr$ befO-,4e, t!:e � *1� � " , ;,��- ��- 1* 1�: __ - ­. 4 ... ,,, , . ­ .11.1 ��,­ ,,, s­:­,�4 -��,.� ,.',��,�n * . _:E_�_'E _M_ � � ., I �N"*I�:-' ,=P $rZn �­ ­ ,� %N�*�­�, Z I r--,,, �s.' - r _ .- ng. -C2 on a -4 14-'. ` a .s�­�.v %V,;,�,\,N- -�,_ni t`%- Z,=.*,=_,��: - - � 0 %. C��= � � _rv. - I __ �111111111111... . I 1111 1111111 I I ��� re -11 ­­­t­,,n� ,�, , 1:_.�.�_%�A. 1:1 * , - ":,:� 'f�Z� ,tj:­=. �=-Zk L=-!- -a-Z :i�-�-:�� vEn� Artizz Z" �i�- _____________;.� _Vft*_J tant ce'untr.'es nim,aged t�) . � K�4--,,-,n"44, _. �';_-Zz. -�-,- " , t * , r-miz"_�Z =�- -_-e-jr. _-V-_L--_;1-_.' _-'­­�-_ Z=a --�;_�� :J-:,- . __ ::!?i. _117 - ONIUMM &Ite for th-,, != z.­1a­_- a��r.,tg V%_Zt, I= ­ ­ - ". _� �Z_ �_� w� � - - - =. 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