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I'll, I -
A Rare Treat—St. Paul's Church Concert in the Wingham Town Hall on Thursday, J
Single Copies - Four Cents' WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1921
Laugh Absorbers
Fun Seekers a
Pep Enthusiasts
Thrill Enjoyers
Doud's Here S
with a new one. it's speedy and
happy, full of love atid rmsp�nse-
1)""OUGLAS t
-The Mollycoddle"
A story by Harold McGrath and
in a revival of great success,
,r,One A. M.P9
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
H H. VanLoan's
-The Wonderful
The story oi a master criminal
who wanted to be a master gentle-
man. Also
Wonderful pictures in natural
and episode. 7 of 'Branded Four.'
Lyceum Theatre
,L— I
They Get Things Cheap
Reeve Tipling informs us that the
I -louse of Refuge Committee of which he
is chairman, has been successful in getting
bread for the House of Refuge at 8J cents
per loaf and front quarters of beef at 13
cents per pound. You can't beat Huron
Council for getting things cheap, even to
the county printing.
AGENTS WANTED—In every township In
Huron County, for a proposition that,
every fariner is instantly interested in. No
,caeh requIred. - Experience not, necessary but
,desirable, Agents choose their own territory.
Par appointment write to
4&1 Piccadilly St.
London, Oat.
COW FOR SALE—Partlfolstei� andl5urhant
due to Calf 6th. July. ROBT. DEYELT,
]FOR SALF—liriving NXare, between 1200
and 1300 lbs -A splendid quiet driver
43uitable for third horse on farm. Apply to,
FAnx yOR SA rZ-150 acres, 90 cleared good
sugar bush, bank barn 78xG0, driving st, ed
adx4o> atone foundation, Dig pen 45x20. stone
kitchen 20X28, brick house 25%31, spring Creek.
,near station. one mile f Tom Bluevale, new pipe-
lem, furnace. buildings have lightninz rods.
quot,x,mp wells. No encumbrance. Apply for
rt er particulars to
R. VA-,48TOXE, Witigham.
FOR S AIX—I M of single harness, It refrig,
erator, 240 lb. scales, 1 contre able,
Quebee Heater, I lawn swing four passenger,
i souffler. Apply to. GANNPPT.
FOR SALE—S.ven r....d. brirk house
a,;d two lots, good location, cheap for
eai5b; alsosix roomed cottage, now, modern,
large basement. Teruis easy. Investigate.
FOR SALE—Player piano in Tgood condition
Folt,S&L[Vsev�n roomed brick house and
2 ots, good location, chea , for cash, also
six roomed cottagg, now moxern large base-
an,ent,terinsIni,e8tigate, Apply to
ford'a Garage. One 1917 Touring J u a t,
overhauled reav tires brand now. runnin
Cgoe,.1r. Owi 1918 Tonring In good runuiD5
er. Iwo Roadsters running right, taken
in an Re W cart3 with starterd. Have us show
LOST—Breast collar and tu a near the How-
sonMill. Finder kindlyleave same at
30117-48TON'S AARNrss Snoi,.
LOST—On road to Tooswater, light sledqe
hammer. Finder please no
, du6 tbr August and September far -
T .uno� bears gody 'or service and are
.ptiouglly good quality at greatly
need prices. OTTO JOIIAN1q,
MAID WANTED—For general houseWork,
good wages, -no washing' Aloply to
WRg, J. W. MOIC1140N
S &LESMEN WANTED—Sell 011, Greaso,
Paint, eoI&Itiea. All or part time.
Commisgion"Nals. Should have car or rig,
ftniplestree. Write for the profitable terms.
Jftliverles from Our, Untarlo station, no duty
,ok exchattge- RIVERSIDU REVINING CO.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
TBA_01(1,,1tt OF 111181O. -Bind and string In
otrunients, violin, and anotunIng.
WANTED--A.Couploofyoungnielh wish tc
secure board at a good, ,
yrivate house.
Miss Fessant is home to �Vingham from
Mrs R. V. Brooks'of Toronto, is visit -
ng in town.
L. F, Binkley spent a day among old
ssociates in town.
-Mr. and Mrs. Win. Herd of London,
pent the week -end with relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Jag. Leslie and baby of
�restipn, arq visiting with friends in town.
Misses. Nellie Nicholls and Jean Ross,
ook in the Detroit Excursion last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swan and Miss Iona
visited with Mr. and Mrs Robert Deyell
over Sunday,
Mrs. Chester Louttit and son, Jackie of
Detroit, are visiting her parents, Mr. and
is. Albert Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyle of New York,
are spending the summer with their son,
W. G Boyle, Lower Wingbam.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McLean and daugh-
ter, Miss Eleanor, motored to Orillia on
Friday returning on Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Grieve, Mrs, Byer, Mrs.
Miller and littis son, all of Avanton, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs Donald Rae.
Mr. Alex. T. Ross of Morris, is spend
ingthe summer with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Ross of Truro, Nova
Mr. Lockle Kargus, butcher with Field
&Co., has accepted a position in Gait.
Mrs. Kargu,3 and family will move away
in the near future.
Mr. Wesley Patterson and Mr. Alex
Dickson have improved the appearance
of their houses by fresh coats of paint.
Mr. Dickson has also built a verandah.
Mr. and Mrs. Mutch, and two daugh-
ters of Goderich, Mrs. J6hn Aitcheson
,j,he Town clork'A Offico will be Closed from
Wednesday" June 22ad. at noon until Monday,
Jrwa6 0 -7th, at 00on- W, A. GAIAMAITH
and Miss Smith of Sarnia, were visitors
last week at the home of Mrs. E. Aitche-
Mrs. John Rogers has returned home
from the West, after accompanying her
son, Meredith, as far as Vancouver. He
is returning to Alaska after spending
few months at his home in Wingham.
— — i
Annual Meeting of County Breeders
at Wingham
Tile annual meeting of the Huron:
County Breeders' Association was held in
the Town Hall in Wingham on Saturday,
June 18th. About fifty were present in-
cluding members and those interested in
the breeding of pure bred live stock.
Prof, G. Z, Day, Secretary of the Domi-,
nion Shorthorn Breeders' Association was
present and gave an address on the "Out-
look and Prospects for the Pure Bred
Live Stock Industry of Canada". Fol-
lowing this the annual meeting of the As-
$ociation was held and the election of
officers resulted as follows.
President— Oliver Turnbull.
Vice-President—Thos. [,[err.
Secretary—S. B. Stothers.
Arthur Culbert; Dungannon.
M. H. Henry, Belgrave.
T. H Taylor, Belgrave.
Win. Webster, Lucknow.
Thos. Pierce, Brussels.
Alex McEwing, Blyth.
C. H. Keyes, Varna.,
W. H. Gregg, Gorrie,
R. J. Sanderson, Fordwich.
W. J, Currie, Wingham.
Robert Cruickshanks, Wingham.
Spend' Dominion Day at Wingham.
Those in charge of the sports are sparing
neither time nor money to make the day
one of the best ever held here.
The people of the NVingham Methodist
Church and the vicinity at large regret
that the time has come when they must
loose Rev. E. F. Armstrong and family
from their midst. Mr. Armstrong came'
to Wingbam from Essex four years ago,
and in that time has endeared himself to
the people. He is a forceful speaker.
Rev. Mr. Armstrong will cloqe 'his
present pastorate next Sunday before
leaving for Wallaceburg 11 a. in. Sub
ject, "Things That Last". 2 30 P. In.
Sunday School. 7 p, m. Subject. "The
Four Square Life" Special sinzing by
the choir. You will be made welcome at
these services. Coma and bring your
I friends.
Russetts Well Preserved
Mr. Win. Austin brought into TIIE
ADVANVI" Office A few choice russett
apples which were just as solid as the day
they were picked off the trees. It is re-
markable how this kind of apple has
been so well preserved throughout the
winter. They were too good to keep in a
newspaper office though and now all we
have is the pleasant recollections of them.
Broke His Arm
Mr. Thomas Irwin of the 10th con, of
East Wawanosh, met with a rather ser.
ious accident while cultivating on Mon-
day morning, June 13th. Going into a
hole the tongue snapped in two and Mr.
Irwin was thrown headlong to the ground
and the drill tumbled over on him, break-
ing both bones in his left arm above the
elbow and splintering a piece off one ol
the bones. Mr. Irwin was hurried to the
Wingbam Hospital where lie is doing a�
well as can be expected, however lie will
be unable to do much on his farm thi,,
summer. We understand that Mr. Rob.
ert Mason has been onpged to look after
the farm.
Fraser Again the Choice of Liberal
The North Huron Liberals triet in the
council chamber, Wingham, on Tuesday
afternoon, with a fairly good attendance.
Mr. F. F. Pardee, M. P., addressed the
Mr, W. H, Fraser, ex -M. P. P. was
chosen as Liberal candidate for the next
Dorninion Election to oppose the Farmers'
Candidate. Mr. John W. King.
The Late Mrs. Prentice
A bright young life was ended on Fri-
day when May Hartt, beloved wife of,
Hugh Prentice, died in the Wipgham
General Hospital, along with her infant
baby. Deceased wa -the eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartt, and had'
lived all her life in Wingharn. She was
highly esteemed by all who knew her.
The funeral was held on Sunday after-
noon to Wingham cemetery,
Garden Party
A garden party will be held at the
Whitechurch Methodist Church on Fri-
day evening, June 24th. A splendid
programme will be given including solos
by W. H. Willis, Rev. D. McTavish, Mrs.
DuncanMunn. Mrs. Diedamm. Whistl-
ing selections by Miss Daacon. Address-
es bv Rev. Irwin and Rev. McTavish.
Instrumentals; by Wingham High School
Trio Supper served from 6 to S. Straw-
berries and cream. The grounds will be
lighted with Delco through the courtesy
of their agent Mr. L. Kennedy. Admis.
sion 50 cents and 25 cents.
Paris Green, guaranteed pure in sealed
packages, 75c a pound at Mcfribbon's
Drug Store.
Many people are slow in ordering their
coal for next winter. Are they waiting
for the price to go down or the quality to
go up?
Bathing Caps at greatly reduced prices
at Mitchell's Corner Drug Store.
One of the few questions overlooked by
the census takers is "Have you renewed
your subscription to Trip., Ai)v.,,xc%?"
Specials in Ice Cream at Billie Burke's
range from 20 cents to 35 cents, Have a
look at our aeroplane.
Edgar Barber, while working on a saw,
had his thumb taken off and his hand
badly bruised and torn. He was attend-
ed by Dr. Redmond.
The pastor of the Baptist Church nert
Sunday evening will preach on the s,.ibject,
"Can a man succeed in business and yet
be perfectly honest?"
A Kincardine man bays that what
makes him mad is that to pay his income
tax, he has to borrow the money from the
man who has no income tax to pay.
The Bachelors are holding a dance to-
night, (Wednesday) in Mills' Memorial
Hall. Admission 50 cents. Everybody
The Cottage Prayer meeting will be
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H,
Hinscliffe, Shuter street on Friday even-
ing at 8 p. in. Everybody welcome.
All accounts owing the estate of the late
Mary L. Hanna must be paid by cash or
note to Hanria & Co. not later than June
25th. All accounts not paid by this date
will be placed in other hands for collec-
All accounts owing the estate of the
late Mary L. Hanna must be settled by
cash or note by J une 2,9 th, —HA.-, -xA & Co.
The Willing Workers of the Salem
Methodist Church, will hold a bazaar on
the church grounds, Tuesday evening,
June 28,h. There will also be ice cream,
hom� made baking and candy for sale.
Lunch will be served, admission 15c.
Another mile stone in the life of the days.
people of Brick Church was Passed on Among those who% we noticed, who
Sunday, June 19th, it being the fiftieth had come from other points were: Mrs.
inniversary of their church opening. it Wellwood and her daughter, Miss Well-
aas a beautiful day and great crowds I wood, returned missionary from China,
illed the old church to the doors, and I who is on furlough at her home in Wing-
)verflowed on the lawn. ham Mrs. Lucas, (formerly Miss Kate
Rev G. W. W. River, B. A,, B, D. 1 Singieton) and her son of Arthur. Dr.
iow of Hensall, but who ministered t� 1 Roach of Detroit, and Mrs. Roach.
:he people of Belgrave circuit fifteen (formerly Miss Jennie Baker), who of old
�ears ago, took both services and was times was organist. Her home is in Port
pleased to be present, and shalZe' hanZ I Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B ker of Tiv-
Nith so many of the old church rnernbers,:, erton, and Mrs. Baker's brother of Luck-
NiLh whom, he was intimate, so long ago. now.
In the morning service he spoke from The members who had moved to Wing-
rimothy 1: 4, and'took as his text, "The harn, and who attended were: Mr. and
Church's Manifesto". He showed the Mrs. Richard Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Jon -
great need of having a manifesto for the athan Pattison, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
church. In war time one nation issues Pattison, Mr John Reid and Mrs* Hal,
its manifesto to another nation, in strikes penny and Mr. Hugh McBurney.
one side issues its manifesto to the other Ministers who laboured for the Master
side, societies have their manifestos and on this circuit were the late Rev. Burwash,
tell their aims, e v e r y advertisement whose widow resides with her daughter,
is a manifesto of what some one has to Mrs. 14. E. Bard in Wingliam, Rev. A. E
place before the world, The churche's Jones now in Blenheim, Rev. W. J.
lKellum of Bellmount, Rev. F. J. Oaten
manifesto is, -We trust in the livingl
God", and every time we go to church we and Rev. Jas, Dyke of Toronto, Rev. A.
show to the community that we believe H. Brown of Woodslee. Rev, Sydney
in that manifesto. The Wingham Quar- Davidson of Tupperville, Rev. I. J. Kil-
tette supplied the music in the morning. patrick of Ripley, Rev. Mr. Godfrey,
Mr. Hanmore rendering a splendid solo, father of Dr. Godfrey, M. P. P. and Rev,
Mr. Shaw, Rev Mr. Parnaby, Elmville;
"What hast Thou given for me. and Mr. Rivers of Hensall Agreatmany
In the evening Mr. Rivers spoke from,
Daniel 12: 3, -And they that be wise changes have taken place in this vicinity
shall shine as the brightness of the firm- during the last fifty years, as Mr. Rivers
ament; and they that turn many to right- noticed that the boys and girls of his pas-
eousness, as the stars for ever and ever'-'.; torate were the men and women of to.
pointing out the illimitable power of in- day and their children were taking their
fluence and example and the wonderful places in the Sunday school.
rewards of right living and urging the On Monday evening, a most enjoyable
people to be wise, seeking for wisdom, lawn social was held at the home of Mr.
even as Solomon did John Beecroft. Supper was served in
I In the evening service the Wetztfield that bountiful way which the ladies of that
Brotherhood choir of twenty voices, rend- vicinity are reputed to do. Afterwards
ered excellent numbers. The offering at an excellent program was put on by the
both services was very generous. Westfield Orchestra. The solos of Mr.
Maitland Henry, Mr. Thornton and the
The board of managers had,.ent invit. Harry Lauder of Huron County, Mr.
ations to as many of the former members Harry McGee was repeatedly encored.
as they could remember and a great num- Miss Deacon's whistling select i o n was
ber gladly returned to the home of their I also appreciated.
youth. Others who found it impossible The pastor, Rev. J. R. Peterg, acted w
to be present forwarded generous donat. chairman, and addresses were given by
ions, Rev, Mr. Rivers and Rev. Mr. Jones,
Quite a number of those present re- The proceeds of the evening amounted t(
membered the first opening fifty years over $170
ago. Mrs. Win. Wellwood of Wingham, The board of Trustees of the Briel
remembered attending it quite distinctly. Church wish to thank the people of Cal
Othero remembered drawing the brick,! vin and surrounding churches for hell
and other material, Ail had great chats tendered on the evenin, ot Monday
during the afternoon o" the good old June 20th, et their garden party.
Teeswater Council is applying a carload
)f tarvia to the streets at a cost of about
�1,000. The corporation may have to
pay only 30 per cent. of the cost, as the
C�ouricil has applied to have the work
ione as part of the good roads system.
Over 100 members of the Orange Order
and the L. T. B, A. attended Divine Ser-
vice in a body at the Wingharn. Metho-
dist church on $unday evening. Rev,
Bro. Armstrong preached a very able ser-
mon. He was assisted by Rev. Bro.
Wilson of Bluevale.
Chicago reformers are out against the
shortskirt with a new argument. The
claim is that, while short skirts lessen
dangerof accidents to women, they in�
crease acicdents to men. The men are so
interested that they don't look where
they're going.
"Punch" knows how to bit off a situa-
tion. "What are you a doin' of." James?
Sharpenin' a bit o' pencil. You'll 'ave
the Union after you, me lad. That's a
carpenter's job." Things are becoming
sip specialized and tied up we'll soon not
venture to manicure our own nails.
In the absence of Editor MacBeth with
the newspapermen on tile Pacific coast,
the "devil" got away with this one on the
front page of last week's Milverton Sun;
"Married life means three months cf kis-
sing and three hundred months of cus-
sing." Just wait 'till the editor gets
The 1021 Voters' Lists are to be print-
ed in the same form as last year and the
names of the ladies and others entitled to
vote at provincial elections only will not
appear. The municipal clerk, however,
is to prepare the list of voters of this
class and have them ready whenever re-
Paris Green, Hellibore, Poisoned Bor-
deaux mixture, Arsenate of Lead, Insect
Powder, etc. A fresh stock at best OriceE
at Mitchell's Corner Drug Store.
Tun. Ai)vANch, has received a splendid
new stock of wedding stationery, wedding,
cake boxes and cards. Girls would Tic
well to see our samples and prices be,
fore buying your wedding stationery
Our printing is not the blotted unread.
able kind but it compares favoarabl�
with the beat litho work.
Back to pre war prices. Plain Io
Cream 5 cents, and 10 cents for any Sun.
day served in the individual Vortex Sain.
tary dishes —BtLr.ty Bunices.
A hot evening takes none of the enthus,
iasm out of the loyal members of ai
Orange Lodge On Friday evening, in.
stuffy warm hall, over sixty member
were present at Wingham L. 0. L. meet
ing. �We expect there will be just a
many, if not more, pre8ent at the neN
meeting, when meral more candidat(
will be initiated.
une 23rd, See Advertisement
Subscriptilonso. $2.09 Per Year
11 Here is a pleawant effervescent drink that "will re,-
'fieve you of every dull headache and
disordered stomach
REXA�U,=L L11VIER .4."'AIL"Irs
Best results are obtaitied by mixitig two tea-
spoonfuls ii -i lialf a glass of cold water atid dritikitig
just before bi-eakfast. If you Nvill do ttiis, we kliow
ttle re,,ults will surprise you*
Don't ruin your system witli liars1i cadiartics
when "Rexall Liver Salts" will give you quicker and
better results wittiout atiy 1-lari-i-iful after effects. Sold
in three sizes 35c, 65c, and $1.25.
J. Walton McKibbon
Drugs and Stationery
Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets
The funeral of the late Robert Stewart Kincardine-Wingham Baseball
took place to the Molesworth cemetery on Kincardine Ball Team will make their
Monday, June 6th. Deceased was in his first appearance before a Wingbam team
. n Wingham, on Friday, June 24th, at
60th year, and for a number of years con- I
ducted a sawmill in Pinkerton. His wife 5 o'clock. These teams have not played
died about twenty years ago. To Mr. to-gether this season, and fast clean ball
Stewart is credited the invention of the will most likely be played.
cutting box on the threshing machine and I
also the stook loader which are now work- I
ing satisfactorily in the West. Mr. Win. Don't Miss It!
Austin of Turnberry, was present at the
funeral. The Treat of the
Swim.Xaps—The newest and best in
bathing caps, 50c and upwards at Mc. Season
Xibbon's Drug Store. "o) 0%
Rev H. W. Snell and Rev. Dr. Perrie
have purchased new Ford cars. 11
Mr. Henry, representative of t he Wear -
Ever Aluminum Goods, will give a cook-
ing demonstration at the Women's Insti-
tute Meeting in the council chamber on
June 30th,, at 3 o'clock.
Mr. C. P. Smith is taking a couple of
weeks holidays and Mr. M. W. Telfer is'
managing the Bank of Hamilton during
his absence. Mr, and Mrs. Smith are en-
joying a short holiday at their cottage 'at
Bell Telephone subsetibers in Wingbard
were actually presentea with new tele-'
phone books recently. This is the first
that we have seen in our office since Feb-
ruary of last year. Imagine the number
of times we have asked central it so and
so had a telephone and it so to kindly
ring them. The new books area great
deal more convenient than the old ones
because they are so much smaller. Why
would it not be an improvement to have
them still reduce the size and cut out
Owen Sound and other towns but have
each town in their own directory.
X X, U, 4 X XX X XV4 X X X X X X. X X X X. X0.0 X X
Or I V E U R
X rTo%
X Funw ITT R 0 U B I L E 5 32111'lk �
Give foot worries a few months off. Get into a pair
of free and easy s;tylish summer shoes that will give
you a chance to stroll around in comfort. If you
want to wade ankle deep in real summer shoe ve�ue
here's your waxm weather chance to get what you
LADIES -.--See our lines of Summer Shoes in White
Buck and White CanvasNeewest Styles.
7 `%4 " 4=01"1111*