The Wingham Advance, 1921-06-16, Page 10THE WING -HAM ADVANCE
Wom n Of Pro bytery Active
o I Glenannart
The Presbytery of the Women's Miss- I Mr Hector McLean had tell head of
Ha*%Py June
t'vd ionary Society of Maitland Presbytery, cattle killed by the electric storm oil S till.
i day night,
met in Teeswater last week, with the,
1 1 largest attendance in the history of the Mr. andMrs. Win. Weir spent Sunday
evening Oil tile, loth
organization. The contributions for the -os spoilt tile w
I Miss Mabel Stol, eek -end
year showed a marked advance on the i wi th Miss Nellie. Doig
previous year. The Teeswalter auxiliary 1 Mr. and Mrs. Omar Stohes and family
headed the list. Rev. Frank Russell of i pQnt Sunday Lveningat thq borne, of Mr.
tl s. Appleby.
Central India, gave an address !a the: Mr and Mrs. Melvin Willits visited with
afternoon. and also at the evening meet- M r. ;nd Mrs Will Mat shall
ing, Rev. Dr. Harkness Wroxeter,
Some -of the many joys of the bride consist
of con- Mrs. A. Stewart spent Friday of last
7,0z. veyed the greetings of the Presbytery 'wouk with hot- daughter, &Mrs R Jeffiray,
of Cut Glass, Silverware ind Fine China in
The foilowing officers were elected for the Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wallace spent
her collection of gifts.
ensuing year;PreR., Mrs, Coombe of Sunday with SalQni friendfi,
Kincardine; Sec. Mrs. Mather, Kincar- Mr. r1mer Broon has been confined to
the house tollsilitis.
ollar-count of
dine: Mission Band Sec., Mrs. Gollan, 1
Ramilton's Jewelery Store has a splendid stock
South Kinloss; See. of Supplies, Mrs. L. Mr. John Rutledge and Miss Lizzie,
V isited at Mr, Olver Stolies' recently.
of pretty gifts that will help you in
C. Young, Wingham: Forward Move-, Don't forget the garden party which
ment Sec'y., Mrs. Harkness, Wrox- will he hold at the home of Mr. Win.
makin.- your selection.
eter; Messenger Sec'y., Mrs. Murdie, Camp bell's on Thursday, June 28rd.
op; Lucicnow; Literature Sec'y., Mrs. McLen- Messrs. Lance Lirwoln. Tom and Her.
We are now in a position to take care of
man are spending a weLk at
nan, Ashfield; Stranger's Seely., Mrs. the campat Wiarton.
I'M Linklater, Teeswater: Home Helpers':
gour needs in Watch, Clock and Jewelery
7,,# Sec'y.. Mrs. Ireland, Teeswater; Press
Repairs. Prompt service.
Sec'y, Mrs. Tait. Bluevale Tr. -as., Mrs.
Glennie, Lucknow. Th Presbyterial
next year will be held irl Dungannon.
Wo Ra HA
MARSHALL -In Hamilton, on Friday,
June 3rd,-,toMr. and Mar -
N Ho met her in the meadow when the sun shall, a daughter.
was sinking low,
Eva.ut--In Wingham, on Tu %day, June
Andthey walked along together in the
Successor to R. M. McKay
twilight afterglow, i th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edgar, a
Yet she never spoke nor whispered in daughter.
sooth she knew not how Ross -In Wingham, General Hospital, on
For be was but a farmer lad, and she a Sunday, June 12th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Jersey cow. Harold Ross, a son.
1-4 off evei!ythlng in our Two Stores. $5,000 worth of slock to be sold in three day!5.
A straight discount of 257, off everything in our high grade stock of Men's and
Boys'Clothing, Furnishings, etc., Ladies' and Children's Ready -to -Wear, Dry Goods
'Silks and Staples, House Furnishings, Rugs, Linoleums and Groceries. Every-
thing on Sale Cash. Shop early the last three days of the sale.
p A I 01,111R l
300 Meno Suits, the largest stock of mens
and boys' clothing in Huron Co.
Sale Prices ........................ $15.00, 24.00, 35.00
off all regular Prices.
Peabody's & Carharit's overalls. The
5 worlds best make of sale .................... $1.98
, %, I
A window full of odd Pants, Reg $8.75,
in greys, fancy worsteds, line strip -
el pantings. On sale In window .... $4.95
Childrens' Play Suits, In blue chambray
and khaki, on sale ........................................ 98c
Boys" Suits, in fancy tweeds, waist seam
styles and belted new models .... $6.95,8.95
You save 25,,,,,' on. very article in our store.
Silk and chamolsette Gloves to, clear ........ 89c.
Cl-itil-drens' Chamolsette Gloves to clear .... 49c.
Ladies -Ready -to -Wear Suits, Silk Dress-
es, Summer Dresses, Volle Dresses, White
Skirts 41off our Price.
Suits from $19.75 ............................................ $29.50
Balance o I our Ladies' Spring Coats
to clear ............................. ...... $10.00 each
Remnants, Remnant Table many new
Remnants, Sale Prices. Look thent over.
Boys' Tweed Bloomers up to $2.00 and Rugs, Axminister, Tapestry I,. off. All
2.50, on sale .................................................... $1.29 sizes.
Scotch Linoleums 4 yds. wide Reg. $6.50 .... 3.98
Boys' Blouses, our entire stock of Boys'
Blouses, Regular $2.00 to 1.50. Sale
Price ........................................... ........................ 98C 6aturday Sp-& e c i a I s
79 cents buys an undershirt and many At i o'clock Si aturday afternoon, we sell
other bargains In our window this week, 100 good corn Brooms at 25 cents each.
A 79 cent window.
Gold, Comfort and Sunlight Soap V_ a
Our entire stock of silk Blouses. A
week -end window Sale ........................ $4.95
Middys., Hosiery.. Flannelette, 25% off
everything In our store.
No 1 quality Currants, finest fresh Cur-
rants per lb ............................................. 15 cents
Salmon reg. 50c. tin, Saturday special
onsale .................................................... 25 cents
Hanna & Co., WI*ngham
Will Not Be Arrested
To the appeal of John Hanlan from
Justice Orde's refusal to grant a prohibi-
tion oiaer restraining two justices of the
peace, of Walkerton, from taking furthQr
proceedings in an application by Hantan's
wife under the Deserted Wives' Mainten.
ance Act, justice Hodgins in the appeal
court to -day directed that the effect of
the appeal staying distressAete., should
apply unly so that Hanlan should not be
subject to 4rrest. Otherwise the stay is
His wife has an order against him re-
quiring him to pay her 810 a week. They
were married at Teeswater in July 1918,
and lived to.,,ether in Toronto till July,
To Save Trouble
A Northern Ontario editor tells of an
old Indian that came into his office to
subscribe for the paper.
The editor took the money: Then the
Indian wanted a receipt, The editor tried
to talk him out of it.Mr. Indian insisted
on getting a receipt, After makingit out,
the editor asked him why he was so per-
sistent in waniing a receipt
. The Indian said: "Me die some day
and go to big gate. Saint Peter asms if
I been good Indian!' I say, , _ ..-I
say, did you pay your debts? I say, yes.
He say, did you pay editor for paper? I
say, yes. He say, where is receipt; I
nothaveit. I have torun allover hell tol
find you and get a receipt."
Extra"Special Prizes
The Turnberry Agricultural Society i6i
indebted to Mr E. R. Harrison, manager!
of Gunns' Wingham branch for the follow-
ing excellent special prizes which he is of-
fering for their Fall Fair to be held at I
Winglialn, Sept. 27th. and 28th., 1921. !
For the best bushel of oats he will givei
500 lbs of Gunns Shur Gain Fertilizer and
250 lbs. as second prize. For the best
bushel of wheat, barley, turnips, potatoes I
or corn the same excellent prizes are
offered. In all over two tons of this ex-
cellent Fertilizer will be given away.
The only stipulation is that Gunns Fertil-
zer must be used on the soil on which
the article is grown. Prof. J. E. Bell has
b2en secured to judge these exhibits and
he will also thoroughly explain why he
gives his decisions and why he rejects.
St. Helens Women's Institute
Tne annual meetiq of the St. Helens
Women's Instiftilte ' as held at Mrs.
McKenzies'. The fol owing officers were
elected: President, Mrs. A. Anderson; lst
vice-president, Mrs. B. Naylor; 2nd vice-
president, Mrs. R. J. Woods; secretary -
treasurer, Mrs, R. K. Miller; district
secretaries, Mrs. Geo. Webb, Miss M,
Campbell, Mrs. F. Todd; prograam. com- i
mittee, Mrs. D, Todd, Mrs. W. Miller,
Miss A. McKenzie, Miss M. Rutherford.
Miss F. Anderson, Miss M. Murrav; or-
ganists, Mrs. W. R Ferrier, Mrs, -Cran-
ston, and Mrs. E McPherson; auditors.
Mrs. W. I Miller and Mrs. D. Todd.
Meetings are held on the last Thursday of
each month. Visitors always welcome.
The Late Harry A. Stewart
Word was re eived by relatives in St.
Thomas on Tuesday, that Dr. Harry A
Stewart. who for many years was princi-
pal of the Balaclava School, died at the
Mayo Hospital, Rochester, Minn., from I
the effects of an operation. Dr. Stewart
was born in Lucknow, Ont. He gradu-
ated from the Toronto Normal School
and came to St. Thomas and was princi
pal of the Balaclava Street School for
several years. He studied medicine and
after graduating from the Toronto Medi-
cal School, he pi acticed his profession
with his brother, Dr. Peter Stewart in
S.iskatoon. The deceased was 50 years
of age. I
Deceased will be kindly remembered by
many readers of Ttiu, AnVANCE at Luck -
now and Whitechurch.
Institute Meetings
A series of Women's Institute meetings
will be held at the following points in the
East Huron District during the month of
June the speaker'will be Miss Ruth Pirt,
Bluevale, June 20th
Brussels, June 21st.
Belgrave, June 22nd.
Walton, June 23rd.
Ethel, June 24th.
Molesworth, June 25th.
Wroxeter, June 27th.
Gorrie. June 28th.
Miss Pirt is a graduate of Toronto
General Hospital and took post graduate
course at the Women's Hospital New
York. She taught and demonstrated in
the training school of St. Lishe's Hospital,
Spokane, Wash., for eight years. She
also taught and demonstrated for' one
Another Au ' tomobile Fatality
The automobile has been indirectly
perhaps, the cause of another fatality in
this vicinity. On Wednesday evening
last the members of Morris Orange Lodge
gave over their chart and records to
Major Hartt,lr6presenting the Provincial
Grand Orange Lodge. In the years gone
by this old lodge could boast of a larger
either Belgrave or
membership than
Winghatri; but the automobile came and
with its advent distance became no bar-
rierandthemernbers of this little lodge
moved away, some to the 'Other Shore
andothers to Western Canada, but the
now members joined at either Belgrave,
or Wingham and so the Morris lodge
passed out, The remaining members
haveplaced their certificates with other
lodges, and are disposing of their pro-
ThurSday June 16th, 1921
W.W e A r e Selling Shoes of
All Descriptions
Take for instance this Shoe
for Woilien,
A few months ago this par-
ticular line mis sold for $8.50
while our price now is mar-
velotisly low, naniely
5. 5w'd 0% pair
The uppers are made of Fine Kid %'Ffth flexible
Soles atid Heel as shomi in the illustration -or the
High Spoo Heel.
All sizes for women,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson at- Dill. Margaret C. Calder
tended the Allen -Craig wedding. at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mills, Auburn General Practitioner
on June Sill. 'I Graduate University of Toronto, Faculty
The manv friends of Mr. and Mrs of Medicine,
George Tisdale will regret to learn of LOffice.-Josephine St., two doors south of
their removal to the West on Saturday Brunswick Hotel.
last. We wish them many happy years!
in their new home. ) Telephones - Office 281, Residence 151.
Dress Materials and Ready -
to -Wear Specially Priced
DresseS-Dainty summer dresses of plain and
fancy voile, organdie;Xnd gintsham, all sizes. Prie-
es 3.50 and t8.50.
vf"jv Blouses -Voile, silk and crepe blouses itl tat -
V111 est styles, morderately priced. Special 1.98 to 4.95.
Summer Sklrft-Misses' and women"s Wash
vAg. skirts designed in latest styles. Prices 2.3910 5.50 '
RA " Middles -New style middies of unusual good
*4 quality for children and misses, in cotton, silli and
IK flannel. Prices 1.49 to 6.50.
Volles and Organdle -- Plain weaves and
fancy designs, in light and dark grounds. Prices
75 t 2.00 per yd.
e 0
Silks at Big Reductions- Wash Satins,
Habitau, Sport Silk, Taffetta, Messaline, etc. all at
special* prices.
fii Wash Goods -Middy, Twill, Gabordine, Aero -
SA . plane Linen, etc.
Special PrIees-In Dress Accessories, Silic
'M Gloves, Silk Underwear, Silk Underskirts, Corsets,
Brassieres, etc.
Get our prices before buying.