The Wingham Advance, 1921-06-16, Page 70
Thursday June l6th, 1921 THE NA-INGRAM ADVANCF
Will Will *W111 ill ill will
Lake Shore R. -..d Frvm Grond Bend
THE HOUSE OF QUALITV 0- To Amberley To Be A Provincial
to be divided equally among the fivc
centres ofG -derich, Wingham, Clinton,
Seaforth and Itzeter, to i)e given tvjjer
each of tbeabove ceiltres, contributes the
Mme amount for contruction.
Messrs. Trewartha and Neeb movtd
in amendment to the amendment to the =NOW 1� Ift 'MRIW,
The county council met on Tuesday
a afternoon for the regular June session. effect that the council give material
Warden Doig in his opening remarks I assistance to the hospitals of the county
I- spoke of several matters that would come by way of grants,
ashionable Goods at Excellent Va
lues 0- before the meeting. The amendment to the amendment I
was carried by a vote of xg to i i.
On Wednesday morning a goul deal
d� of time wag occupied in disc.11,;sing Ali the members were present except
New Blouses and Waists a—
Summer DreSS Goods 001-- matters in connection with the good Mr. Webb, Deputy Reeve of Stephen,
0- . I who was rinable to attend owing to an
Georgettes Z- roads scheme, especially the wages paid
Fancy Voiles Ob- ontbreak i�f diphtheria in his family. "'AFTER FUFRV M At"
Tricolettes =-. to the men working on the roads No
Summer Underwear
Cumfy Cut Vests,
Poris Knit Vests and Drawers
Shaw Wood Knit Vests
Combination Suits
Drawers and Bloomers
Plain Silk Hose
Fancy Silk Hose
Silk Lisle Hose
Cotton and Lisle Hose
Wash Goods
Scotch Ginghams
Checks and Stripe Ginghanis
Skirting and Repps
Prints and Galeteas
White IN ovelty voiles
Satiti Stripe Voiles
Colored Organdies
Swiss Dimities
Corsets and Brassieres
Gingham and Print Dresses
Bungalow Aprons
White Wear
Men's Wear
Summer Underwear
�Ien's Suits
Boys' Clothing
Work Clothes
Fancy Shirts
Neckwear and Collars
Hats and Caps
I Ma" I LL S
14 Our Goods are the Best- Our Prices Right.
Flour, Feeds and Seeds a Specialty.'
11111 Till Ill Ill Ill III Ill ITT 117 111111111 Ill ITT 111111111 Ill ITT ITT Ill
Ten2perance Convention on the arm of her father to the strains of ffaryest tne iate uAuuaise, tatc
Lohengrin's wedding march flower and celery; much of -this a
Those who attend the annual Temper- Miss Gertrude M. Gledhill of Benmiller. be put away carefully in storage ar
ance Convention which is to be held in held until well on through the wi
Clinton on Wednesday afternoon and The ceremony was performed under an Lei.. glight moisture and 86 deg.
�evening, June 22nd, will have the op
_,arch of evergreens trimmed with white i'ov roots, dry and cool for onion
portunity of hearing Dr. George C, Pid� roses and surmounted by a wedding bell. and dry 72 deg. F. -for wint
geon of Toronto, pastor of Bloor St I The bride looked charming in a gown of squash.
At this tirue the garden should
Presbyterian church and President of the ivory silk Georgette Crepe with bugle, well manured and deeply ploughedt
Ontario Social Service Council, as he will, and opalescent bead trimming and over- as to admit the frost to meHow it.
-speak in the afternoon on "Social service'skirt of embroiderpd net and wo I
re a bridal f Cut off and burn the asparag
plansand opportunities" and in the even-! veil of silk net which was held in placel fo d clean tip the rhubarb bK
I x
, t
ing on "The New Citizenship," by a bandeau of lillies of the valley year, giving it a coating
The reports of the officers will review! carried a shower boquet of Ophelia roses 1 Take up some Parsley plants, im
the work of the past year and outline,and maiden hair fern. Miss Gertrude them in pots or boxes and allow the
,Finnigan, neice of the groom acted as to grow in the house.
Plans for t' e future.
An interesting,itern of the programme ringbearer while Miss Hilda Twamley Some counsel given early;
I viaes killed by frost should be elm
is a banquet at 6 o'clock, followed by neice of the bride made a dainty little ed up. Root crops except the pan
after dinner speeches. All the churches flower girl. and sQsify should be taken out
of the County are entitled to send dele- Aft . er hearty congratulations the guests fore the ground becomes too W
gates and any person will be made wel- we . re invited to the dining roo� where a Squash and pumpkins should
dainty wedding dejeurier was served. gathered before frosted. on vaw
come. Your minister has received pro. ground sow rye at the rate of thr
The table being beautifully decorated for bushel to the acre to give a gree
Huron County stands well to the front, the occasion. The health of the bride rO f r ploughing down In th
in agressive social and groom was proposed and fittingl s g. Late celery should be hill
service work, and� ' n Y up I Irt the bleaching process
should be 4pt there. respo ded to after which Mr. and Mrs. fore it Is put iL storage.
Finnigan left by motor for Lucknow amid
showers of confetti and good wishes from October Hints for Live'Stock.
Finni'gran-Twainley Nuptials their many friends for a honeymoon trip Feeders can generally be select
to London, Toronto and Niagara. Tne Lo advantage this
A quiet but pretty wedding was solem. bride travelling in a navy serge sui Dipping ewes i.i,! lambs th
nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. silver lace hat. t and, month will ON." ut), and mak
GeorgeTwamley, Ashfield, on Saturday,- them contiortable (11rifty durin
June Ilth., when Lheir only daughter, r Ontheirreturn the Young couple will; the winter.
reside on the groom's farm near Crewe. I If ewes are gjvi�n good Pastur
Reta Merle became the bride of Mr.
ilicy will begin it. 9,L111, and be I
RaymondH G. Finnig-in, youngest son! best possible cow. ' ;,ij�i to" breedin
of Mr. and the late Mrq. I lugh Finnigan j,, Bluevale onsuring niore ha i �4.
ofCrewe. The Rev. R. C. Copeland� Stables which �,rt :,wept down an
officiatinq Mr. Jas. McHardy and Mr. and Mrs, whilewash�,d atic. ;,*'(- fall (hresbin
Robt. Aitchezon, spent Sunday with make mor(� saWwry,quarters for th
The bride entered the parlour leaning reletives in Palmerston. Stock dui-L.�, wintLr.
x M c L A'uu'r G
C,alzada's Stalzdald C�Dar'*'
Present Lines of new Master Six and Light Six series will be continued
in our town.
in the 1922 season.
A deputation was present from the
Huron Trustees' Association asking for
Morrip, are asking for teoderi; for the con-
struction of theSel ors, the Mills and the Kelly
Draffis, Plans, estirnateg, specificationa at the
011ark's residence.
Beginning June Ist, the new series and prices will be as follows:
,rhe tenders will be opened at the Township
Oshawa, Ontario.
MASTER SIXES Old Price New Price
Model 22-44 Three Passenger Roadster, Cord Tires ...................
$255o oo
$2215 00
t th
Bend was present with refereace to a
Model 22,45 Five Passenger Touring, Cord Tires .............. .....
2550 00
2245 0o
1 o
Model 22-46 Three Passenger Coupe, Cord Tires ....................
3405 00
2995 00
Model 22-47 Five Passenger Sedan, Cord Tires ........................
3920 00
3445 00
ex -9
Model 22-48 Four Passenger Coupe, Cord Tires ........................
4000 00
3345 00
111111i:e S . h"111 john to V ictol-i't
Minnie6t fr W P%itrick to Alfred.
Model 22-49 Seven Passenger Touring, Cord Tire ........................
2895 00
2595 00
P)cnic at llayfield oil eriday, jime 24,
23. The ct,st. of th43 woric i98iu, f,a of wilicit
$41h'),95 is to be by
Model 22-50 Seven Passenger Sedan, Cord Tire ........ ...............
4350 00
3795 00
Model 22-62 Roadster ......... ...... I ........................... .........
1895 00
1615 00
Model 22-63 Five Passenger Touring ........ . .............. .........
1895 00
Model 22-62 Coupe, Three Passenger .......................................
2640 00
2390 00
Model 22-63 Sedan, Five Passenger ........................ .. ......... ...
2685 00
9435 00
Salc3 Tax Extra
Taylor & McDonald
X61 XV
XXX41111%*XXX XXX XXX411- vil Mxx XX
a— action was taken.
0— The equalization of the assessment for Mint leaf, Peppermint or [us-
county purposes was taken tip in com-
mittee of the whole, and it was decided clous Juicy fruit. eithe
40— i
that the assessment should remain the Tuomi,soN SjIM1.1,1, At the residence
favor is a treat for Your
same as last year, of the bride*s parents. Mr. and Mrs,
406— John Shiells, of East Wawanosh, on sweet tooth.
Mr. Irwin, the Provincial engineer,
0— Wednesday June Ist. at 12,30, Luella
a'— under the Highways Act, was present
a— and addressed the council on matters Wells to Mr. Frank Thompson, son of
0— the lute Samuel and Mrs, Thompson. And all are equally good for
pertaining to the highway work of the
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
county. He announced that the Lake YOU. Teeth, appetite and
Mr. Jones of Belgrave.
Shore road from Grand Bead to Amber -
digestion all benefit.
ley had been designated a Provincial
County road. Mr. Irwin replied to a WINUhAVI MARKErS
a— large number of question,,; regarding
road construction and gave much valn- Your nerves will say "thank
(Correct up till Wednesday noon)
able information ou road and bridge Butter .... 1-1 ......... 20 to 25
YOU." Your vim will respond.
construction and the working outof the Eggs .............. .... 27 to 30
Highways Act as applied to county and Hogs, liveweigbt .... 1 0 60 to 9 i's
0'— township work. WRIGLEY"S 1S liked for what
Cream............... to 25
-A large deputation of sotne seventy -rive
0— It does as well as for its ElG
or more ladies from Goderich and the
neighbouring townships representing the
9— Value at the small cost of 5C.
Ladies' Aid of Alexandra hospital, _.- Miss Besssie Abell
ed upon the c0unzil in support of a re- Organist in St. PauW Church,
quest for aid in providing improved hos-
I wingliam
pital accommodation. Mrs, W. G Cam,
eron was the chief spokesman an"d she PIANOFORTE TEACHER The F(avor Lasts
as— spoke ably of the ainis of the Ladies' Aid Phone 157
of the great need for local hospitals, of
the work that was being done at Gode. NOTICE TO CREDITORS
9= rich hospital, and of the assistance that Z
IN THE ESTATI� of Jobn Hooey, late of
was desired of the county council. Town of Winf,,hain. in the county of Huron,
Mrs, MeWhiuney of Asbfield, also Genucajan, deceased.
Notice Is bereby given 612rapant to section
spoke, strongly advocating the provision 5G. Chapter 121. of R. S, . 121. 1914. that all
ersone having cla,11118 againd t�he ekitate of SEALED
of better hospital accommodation for the 30ha Mom who died on or about the thir. T4GHT RIGHT
n rural districts, and urging that liberal We 01 nth daY of -May, A, D. 1921, at the Town of
d !Ugham, in the County of Hui -on, are re.
treatment be accorded the request in quired to send to the undersigned executom
behalf of Alexandra hospital. on or before'the ZASL UaY of June. 1921. their GL
names and addresses with full particulars of
Mr. W. Ilrydone of C3inton, appeared their claims ill writirig and the mature of the
er on behalf of the Clinton hospital bo securities (if any) belA by them. RFEr
ard, And further take notice that after the said
twentT-first dal of June 1921, the aRpets of the
be and endorsed what had been said as to said Eqtats w 11 be distributed by the said
0 the need of community hosDitals, He xecutors among the Parties entwea thereto
havii1gregard only to claials of which they
asked than in whatever should be done shall Men bave notice and the estate will not
be liable for any claims not Bled at the Lline of B -?A
us in the way of hospital grants Clinton the said distribution. M,
hould be given its fair apportionment' Dated ELL Whigbam this twenty-finit day of 51."
. May, A. D. 1921.
Mrs, Manning of Clinton, Dr. Gandier 0scAR HOOEY j
t of Clinton and Canon Hill of Godericb, D V 1) T -F y H 0 L�m Ls
also were heard, and Reeve Tipling of Execlitor�
After careful collsiderati()j) ()f il,
,e 3. '11le el,�Wnaled lifctinh', of the lvar;" i,
e matter of hospital co[jditi(_jjjq 'rhirty ) ear� -1
. of the 4. ACowj,vf It 'j-lon will tjt� lit.1clon j[_ Belgrave sythe.
County, your committee is convilICL(l of 20th daY Of JIN e A. 1). 19�1. ztt. t.Cj, 0'j*j,,jt,t, �q.
ftt tne TON8,11 Hal) bw -lie p,irpo,v of Mr. a�id -XIrs. W. &-yant of E,,,ytj.,
,,,t �,,(; P., 1,earhi Mr Gea. Daley. Mr. John Ferguqon spent Sunday at J, A. Brandon't-,
the fact that the time has arrived (OmPtaillt,- dWA1 or fr po,ed and Miss Mabel. motored to Orangeville
or i lie at i1racy n1Pa,urtnwnt,-iar;(j
when cousiderable expansion in acconi- av) oth rcotaj)l p,rso% Interested dBeetor this week, Mrs. J. McC,; -, "nd daughter,
inctlation qnd julpt)venjent in equi Inay dv�ire to rn,,ke and which i� y I'tw c09- Miss Laura Bone of Goderich. spent Schaefer. of Wingliam. visited at htn W.
P- i nNible by ate ( ourt.
nient is very much to be desired and wed thiq7thday0f,funeA. 1). 1-.121. Saturday with her mothev. HOPPer's for a few days.
absolutely neeessary, W. A. GALIMAIT11, Clerk. NIrs. Carson of Wingham, spent a few Mr. Love of Marnocb, is busy &,I t2jC�
cellar Of Miss F McRae's new house,
Our people from both town and coun- NOTICE TO CREDITORS days with Mrs. David Sccwtt, Mr and Mrs. Robt. McRae, Alia5 r-,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Fo McRae and mother. spent Surjday
trvare from year to vear inakitig larger Mr. and Mrs. McCu'chcln of Brussel
demauds upon the service which hospitals N011(1, I I HERPJ1YGlA'PX, Aubum.
afford to eare for their sick and injureil, 121 of the jZc%,j,,e 61a,Wts
and the condition of Ontario, 1hal, all personi; baving el�ini,,,
'low is such that the ��%tfnst. the Est,VO Of Ma)'garet Catherine
ESTAnLISHF11) 1872
naut. deevased, who died oil or ab,)ut the
accommodation available is quite inade- twelity-fifty (lay 0
f I)ecernber, A. D., 11
quate to meet tile growiug jeed. 1110 130r�ugh of UnCsTille In the I-Ztate of Poll-
nsylvania. are requP ed I a 8en(l 1)y 00't, pre.
Paid. or to deliver I o It. V.Ilstcale, whigham
Ill view of these facts your committee
Solicitor for the adminl4rator. nn or ly.,
a recommended: b5'.',",,!0', lie fourth day of Jilly, A. P.,
�4 That a levy of one rijill their nitinegmda(ldre
lie made on ,,, SL-ep, wi h hill ri.iracul-
oft heft, clainis In writing, and the Dal lire
I tae equalized nssessulej)t of the county
I of1hesecuriticA jifftpA held by ;hem ailiv
EEP your bonds and valuable 11
i to create a fund from which -rants may Aiid furtber talce nintice tilat aft(.,. rjLt, ,jid
'2 ��,4 papers in our safe deposit
be made as required, when tile ljo�,jp foprili day ofitily, 191,% the a,; -;(,t, of th K
said vaults. The rental is very
'tal 04ate .NiII bodiwributed by the Adcninitrat.
L I " " - A;4N,�� small, and your peace of mind will be
boards meet the provisions attached to entilkediliereto, 11aving
regavd only to of I 11i(q, 11 tt LK Rlr,� seeured by knowing that your most
F tile payment of the grant, Tile C011- then bave rotje(,,,jr(j jjj(�e.,;jt,p -,vill
(11tiO118 ate: Utkch hospital board be re, liable forany clainis not ril(q a, tile tillie of i"T Z. 14 valuable possessions are as secure
the said &qtribution.
quired to contribute an amount equal to 11ited at Wib,-ha") 011� �ceoad day of iijae, against loss from fire or theft as hum.
A. D., iful.
A -
the grant, either in cash or its equivalent. el an ingenuity can make them
Win ' ni, 11. 0. M A P. I I'LT'0_N�
That one-third of the 110.Vital board be 1401citor for I lie ADI','11ini"trator.
from the adjacent rural districts. Fach
RaCh 116spital grant slibinit a fit]] report
of its receipts and exPetiflitUres and also JAMES TAYLORi
of work done each year to the cotlatv
h w
council. I
From the fund provided as al)ov4c,. the
70derich and wingham, be. Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left at WINGHAM BRANCH—C. P. Smith, Afamiger
hospitals Of (I
ing now prepared to meet the above con- The Advance, Wingham, will receive
prompt attention. -------
ditious, receive a grant of $25,000, to be
divided as agreed upon J)y tile two ho.s. Phone Nortlalluron 15-023, Brnssels 15-13 - ------
pital boards in priportion as their n -Ag
and general conditions may to them
seem just.
This report was S191ILd ky Gordon
Young, John AlcNabb and Win. Currie,
Mr. 'Voting, chairman of the conimittee,
spoke lit favor of the adoption of the ye -
port and was backed up by Alcssrg. lie-
Nabb, Currie, Tipling an(I Davis. Dr.
11ilne led the opposition and
lAkIeQnaid, Trewattlia, Ne(,b and others
opposed the report.
1VIcq.qr-q. Peavem an(kovieve inoved in
amelidineut that a juill oil tile &)jiar I)Q
SS01;cd for hot',pital purpoges, the &qme
Aro give thmough eouvw,;, have C%perien"tl instrilttor's who'ghe in�kiv-
i(lual i"Attl0tion to Puj�ils. Our gyraduateq are ineC4 ft3g %ith qjje(lc�gg. V�fi
j te
filllnera' soll-,�. Atldres�i vujlcg(� f r f:ec- ' I
__. .'' , . or STRATF ORD
ingliam, Put in a word for, the hospital
in our town.
A deputation was present from the
' The Munl0pal Council of the Township of
Huron Trustees' Association asking for
Morrip, are asking for teoderi; for the con-
struction of theSel ors, the Mills and the Kelly
a grant of 82oo to defray expenses of the
Draffis, Plans, estirnateg, specificationa at the
011ark's residence.
Association. The request was supported
,rhe tenders will be opened at the Township
before the council by Messrs, John J.
all, on MoncLay, June 13th, at a p. m,
EncicOe a $50-00 good faith cheque with
Robertson of Colborne township and
Alex. Saunders of Goderich, and was
referred to the executive committee.
On Thursday a deputation from Graiid
Bend was present with refereace to a
proposal for the paving of a short piece
Taka,,otice that
1. The Council of tile Corporation of the
of road at Grand Bend, from Bremner's
Town at Wingham bm cons, rumed as a Local
hotel to the lake, about joo rods on
Improvement, Sewers on:
Leopold St from John to Victoria.
the boundary of Huron and Lanibton
vict-iia, St. irorn Leopo!d to jVlnj)1e.
lX01101d St. f, om John to Patrick
county in paying a portion of the ex.
ViC[0111� St I'P in '3hilu I- to Fr.r,c,,.
pense of carrying out this prqject.
111111i:e S . h"111 john to V ictol-i't
Minnie6t fr W P%itrick to Alfred.
The comicil decided to hold its AMMal
John ,R freni 'Minnie to %viiiialn.
Centm H. fron) John to Diag,:nai,
P)cnic at llayfield oil eriday, jime 24,
23. The ct,st. of th43 woric i98iu, f,a of wilicit
$41h'),95 is to be by
Tae report of the special hospital com-
Paid I lie
xcial r.
we ver fot)t fromage i, 77,
miLtee was submitted as foliows:
pecial a,,msnieiA i, to i)e pj,,jjj ill 11 j,ty
After careful collsiderati()j) ()f il,
,e 3. '11le el,�Wnaled lifctinh', of the lvar;" i,
e matter of hospital co[jditi(_jjjq 'rhirty ) ear� -1
. of the 4. ACowj,vf It 'j-lon will tjt� lit.1clon j[_ Belgrave sythe.
County, your committee is convilICL(l of 20th daY Of JIN e A. 1). 19�1. ztt. t.Cj, 0'j*j,,jt,t, �q.
ftt tne TON8,11 Hal) bw -lie p,irpo,v of Mr. a�id -XIrs. W. &-yant of E,,,ytj.,
,,,t �,,(; P., 1,earhi Mr Gea. Daley. Mr. John Ferguqon spent Sunday at J, A. Brandon't-,
the fact that the time has arrived (OmPtaillt,- dWA1 or fr po,ed and Miss Mabel. motored to Orangeville
or i lie at i1racy n1Pa,urtnwnt,-iar;(j
when cousiderable expansion in acconi- av) oth rcotaj)l p,rso% Interested dBeetor this week, Mrs. J. McC,; -, "nd daughter,
inctlation qnd julpt)venjent in equi Inay dv�ire to rn,,ke and which i� y I'tw c09- Miss Laura Bone of Goderich. spent Schaefer. of Wingliam. visited at htn W.
P- i nNible by ate ( ourt.
nient is very much to be desired and wed thiq7thday0f,funeA. 1). 1-.121. Saturday with her mothev. HOPPer's for a few days.
absolutely neeessary, W. A. GALIMAIT11, Clerk. NIrs. Carson of Wingham, spent a few Mr. Love of Marnocb, is busy &,I t2jC�
cellar Of Miss F McRae's new house,
Our people from both town and coun- NOTICE TO CREDITORS days with Mrs. David Sccwtt, Mr and Mrs. Robt. McRae, Alia5 r-,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Fo McRae and mother. spent Surjday
trvare from year to vear inakitig larger Mr. and Mrs. McCu'chcln of Brussel
demauds upon the service which hospitals N011(1, I I HERPJ1YGlA'PX, Aubum.
afford to eare for their sick and injureil, 121 of the jZc%,j,,e 61a,Wts
and the condition of Ontario, 1hal, all personi; baving el�ini,,,
'low is such that the ��%tfnst. the Est,VO Of Ma)'garet Catherine
ESTAnLISHF11) 1872
naut. deevased, who died oil or ab,)ut the
accommodation available is quite inade- twelity-fifty (lay 0
f I)ecernber, A. D., 11
quate to meet tile growiug jeed. 1110 130r�ugh of UnCsTille In the I-Ztate of Poll-
nsylvania. are requP ed I a 8en(l 1)y 00't, pre.
Paid. or to deliver I o It. V.Ilstcale, whigham
Ill view of these facts your committee
Solicitor for the adminl4rator. nn or ly.,
a recommended: b5'.',",,!0', lie fourth day of Jilly, A. P.,
�4 That a levy of one rijill their nitinegmda(ldre
lie made on ,,, SL-ep, wi h hill ri.iracul-
oft heft, clainis In writing, and the Dal lire
I tae equalized nssessulej)t of the county
I of1hesecuriticA jifftpA held by ;hem ailiv
EEP your bonds and valuable 11
i to create a fund from which -rants may Aiid furtber talce nintice tilat aft(.,. rjLt, ,jid
'2 ��,4 papers in our safe deposit
be made as required, when tile ljo�,jp foprili day ofitily, 191,% the a,; -;(,t, of th K
said vaults. The rental is very
'tal 04ate .NiII bodiwributed by the Adcninitrat.
L I " " - A;4N,�� small, and your peace of mind will be
boards meet the provisions attached to entilkediliereto, 11aving
regavd only to of I 11i(q, 11 tt LK Rlr,� seeured by knowing that your most
F tile payment of the grant, Tile C011- then bave rotje(,,,jr(j jjj(�e.,;jt,p -,vill
(11tiO118 ate: Utkch hospital board be re, liable forany clainis not ril(q a, tile tillie of i"T Z. 14 valuable possessions are as secure
the said &qtribution.
quired to contribute an amount equal to 11ited at Wib,-ha") 011� �ceoad day of iijae, against loss from fire or theft as hum.
A. D., iful.
A -
the grant, either in cash or its equivalent. el an ingenuity can make them
Win ' ni, 11. 0. M A P. I I'LT'0_N�
That one-third of the 110.Vital board be 1401citor for I lie ADI','11ini"trator.
from the adjacent rural districts. Fach
RaCh 116spital grant slibinit a fit]] report
of its receipts and exPetiflitUres and also JAMES TAYLORi
of work done each year to the cotlatv
h w
council. I
From the fund provided as al)ov4c,. the
70derich and wingham, be. Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left at WINGHAM BRANCH—C. P. Smith, Afamiger
hospitals Of (I
ing now prepared to meet the above con- The Advance, Wingham, will receive
prompt attention. -------
ditious, receive a grant of $25,000, to be
divided as agreed upon J)y tile two ho.s. Phone Nortlalluron 15-023, Brnssels 15-13 - ------
pital boards in priportion as their n -Ag
and general conditions may to them
seem just.
This report was S191ILd ky Gordon
Young, John AlcNabb and Win. Currie,
Mr. 'Voting, chairman of the conimittee,
spoke lit favor of the adoption of the ye -
port and was backed up by Alcssrg. lie-
Nabb, Currie, Tipling an(I Davis. Dr.
11ilne led the opposition and
lAkIeQnaid, Trewattlia, Ne(,b and others
opposed the report.
1VIcq.qr-q. Peavem an(kovieve inoved in
amelidineut that a juill oil tile &)jiar I)Q
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