The Wingham Advance, 1921-06-16, Page 4q
Canada's Farthest- 11.3uest
.. ..... .....
Clayaquot Sound, one ot,jj delightj"'ul spots of the West Coast, Vancouver Island.
It seems hardly posaiblo In t2�� kiih. a regular Indian fish village and
oys of quick and easy travel—, of Fortunately, however, they are through the whole ofinfe long sum.
r4npeti lye transportatlon, that protected for some years to come. mer the sea for miles around is
'#ere 2"Ould be a coast on Vane"ver At Barifield, there is the Dominior dotted with the small psoline boats
gland, with a seaboard of sv= ,r�M Government Life Saving Station and of the Indian fishing fleet.
Jailes that is practically unknown. the Imperial Government Cable Sta- In the Clayoquot district, 19,000
And this in a temperate coumtry be" tion; it is the landing point for acres of agricultural land have been
tween the latitude of 45 deg. and 55 cables from Australia and New Zea- surveyed by the government, but so
deg.! land, the nearest foinvarding point far only 4,000 have been pTe-empted.
The Canadian Pacific is the only being Fanning,� Island, 4,500 miles The land is good in patches but the
line to send boats to ply up and away. A staff of thirty-five officials clearing is very heavy and there is
clown this coast and they only call at here. much cedar -swamp. It is, the rerA.
the different ports every ten days or Uchucklesit is a bigger settlement, dents say, one of the cheapest places
so. Otherwise these pioneer settlers about one hundred white.9 and sev- in the world to live in, as nature
have no connection with the outside entY-five Orientals and Indians. provides most of the larder.
,world unless it be at the end of the Here the Wallace Fisheries have a Trout And Silverchar in the
Alberni Canal which is so - far the large plant Nrith two lines of mach. streams and lakes inland, salmon
only point where the island railway inery for canning salmon and two pilchard, herring, rock -cod halibut'
meets the west coast, for herrings so that they can turn skil, bass, etc., and ever� sort �1
The west coast is more temperate out in all about 4,000 cases a day. shell -fish on the coast. Geese,
than the east; the average tempera- Away up, the Alberni Canal, some grouse, duck ptarmigan, snipe
ture Jor January last year up Quat- twenty miles inland lies Port A.I. quail, sandhifl-crans, plove-r, raii
sino Sound was 36 deg. Fahr. for berni, a town which has long sin4ce and even swan if you are anything
August and 58 deg. FahT. for Janu- cried "Ichabod" and gone to sleep. of -a-vshot.
nry. Here the Cross -island railway has its i;r heavier nieat there is always
The two industries that keep the terminus for the present, although the ubiquitous black -tailed deer,
west coast alive at all are fishing the extension to Sproat Lake and varied by bear -steak; and for trap.
and logging, and all the big salnion- Great Central Lake will soon be ping, wolf, cougar, wolverine lynx
canning companies of British Colum- ready. coon, beaver, fox, otter, mi;� anl
bia have,5tations here. The first Out into Barclay Sotind a-C-ai marten.
Port of call is Port Aenfrew, at the through the islands of the "B"kt Thert are enough wild berry
xnouth of the San Juan River, and Group" to Sechart, Toquart and so fruits to provide jam all the yeam
Aere the Defiance Packing Co. of to.Ucluelet, where the W.411qCe Fish- round, so All the old-timer buys Irom
��Vancotv�r put up 2)000 casel'of sal- – b f tlin 1,rL a a is ea.
e�v y i t I hi ck of flour, sugar
UP 8 e ere wit
Inon a day in the season, Then hap: 890 1
coast, past the Ca� Wig to
'T.';k7_R �t sev*rq1 well-establi e homesteads, Between,the Islands Vargas and
CIO -Dose, a greai V a popu- that It hii taken half a life -time to Meares, past one of the most teau-
lation I f pbout 11wititeg and ekr,. and all the more loved for tiful stretches of sandy beach on
-Jqr�j iiiiiani, where- the Nitinat at S the Pacific Coast (quite U#known).
f3gnnery turned out over 55,000 cases It in here that a certain Scot4- cp�ot �v. the UnioA l2dh-
. '14 %
1A . 11 0 man has a garden renowned as be- ei" 0, are pu n up a ect
la� back Inland from these ing the first—if not still the only— a e nt for a m Ion lish, post
jorts towers the great line of moun- rhododendron nursery in the North. ristie's there i a omian Ntholia
a us that stretch the whole length American Continent. Years before whool for Indian chil refi.
of the island, and just here form the war he -sent to Berlin for seeds, At Ahousat there is another big
the watershed of those three wide. and then sat back to wait the seven Indian settlement and -it is the cvt
'rivers the San Juan, the Sarita and years it takesfor awhododendron zeed tom. of the Indians to mlgr*te with
)he lWitinat. There are thow who to come to flower -bearing age, Rbeir entire families Ivory-, year to
y—but whisper It low --fat iii Since then ke has crossed an later. ivers Inlet on the ma uland for the
and of elk, known to few ad seen crossed until the resulting nursery salmon fishing.
fewer, still have their range on is worth many thousands of dollars. They are landed from the Into
Out into the open Pact I
e slopes of this watershed, and fie again, th on's th 09Lre",
the'r """
4nl 41 1he lun ap 181.
e 'r
et another band in the far north- then turning north east through the
east corner of the island between Broken Channel we come to Tofino Inin %0 jre�� stover, s"xi _p?6!11
the head of Kyuquot Sound and the where the Columbia Fisheries oper- haftatoi clot tsapo, ed a ir's
and weapons oi�
s*uth-eaot arm of Quatsino. round ate and'the Clayoquot Sound Cann.
i1bout the headwater$ of the Ximp. Ing Co, do a big litialness. Hero is
V;hitechurch isei.-. Mary and Sarah Sharpe of Dorothy of Wingliam, spent a couple of
�T�T.Zter. with Mr. and I'Ars.. Thos. days at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. Will
Anniversary visitors here were: Miss Henderson. Conn, last week.
Bertha McKay of Wingham. at her home. I Mr. Chas. Gillespie of!walkerton Mrs. Joe Holmes has been visiting
Miss Greta Fox of Wingham, at her at relatives in Holmesv',Ile and Goderich for
home. Miss Norish of Walkerton, at his home.
Mrs. Wm. Barbour's. Mr. and Mrp. 701r. Wilfred Arscott of Guelph, at Mr. the last two weeks.
r, Rector MacKay's. Mrs. Wes. Leggatt and baby, are visit -
Ed. Garton of Brussels, with his mothe Ing relatives in Rose City, Michigan.
Mrs Garton. Mr. Fred Clubb and Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs� Dan McKay and chil- Calvin Clubb of St. Marys and Miss Ada garden varty will be held on the
dren of Brussels, at Mr. MacKays, home. Clubb of Brucefield, at the home of their lawn of the Methodist Parsonage here on
A M Al M U A $,,I- Parents- he evening of June 24th. Everybody
r, an rs ex ow ray an . come.
dren, at his home. Mrs. Sam Hutchison and daughter,
6.25 EVERY A. M.
Thou little piece of evil,
Contraption of the Devil,
How I hate thee!
Thy sides of shinning tin,
Hiding the wheels within,
Which make such awful din,
How I hate thee!
That awful gong of thine
Affects that head of mine—
How, I hate thee!
Disturber of the peace,
Noise without a lease,
I would that thou wouldst cease—
How I hate thee!
Some day I swear to thee,
A smash-up there will be—
How I bate thee!
I'll bust your crystal face,
Spoil all thy lovely grace,
So you'll be one sad case—
I'll finish thee!
Mrs. A, Spotton and Miss Glena Spot -
ton of Wirigharn, also Miss Marie Spot -
ton of Orange Hill, were visitors at the
home of Mr. R. A, Spotion over the week�
While on her way to the station at Ilar-
riston, en route for London, Miss Vera
Johnston met with what might have prov-
ed a serious accident, She and two other
ladies were driving into town, when their
horse took fright at some children on tile
sidewalk. The horse bolted, threw the
ladies all out and put the buggy over the
fence into an adjoining garden. For-
tunately none of them were seriously hurt
and Miss Johnston was able to go on to
London next day, From there she went
to Toronto to attend the marriage of her
brother, which took place on Tuesday.
Patrick St., Phone 231,
Chiropractic and Massage Adjustments.
Hours 2 to 5 p. m.
Mrs. Fells -got her Chiropractic tr�lnlng
from Dr. Fox and Massage training in an
English Massage Institution.
Best D. L. & W.
Sepanton Coal
All Sizes - -
Order your coal now
and avoid the high prices
and coal shortage of the
past season, also Cannell,
Soft Smithing Ccal and
Charcoal always on hand.
41-le4e, 41. BeIgrave
District Meeting—The annual District i We keep the largest,
-a Institute of East stock of
meeting of the Women
Huron will be held in the Forester's �iall,
B 19 Wednesday, June 22nd, at
1."f,c1.v,k". The officers for next
� p .. 'W LLPAPER
j year will be elected and reports given at
to he progress of the work, Miss Ruth;
'NO'CLEARANCE SALE "' . of Uxbridge will be present and give
an address, An invitation is extended to.
all the women of the District to be pres-
ent. I
vF W A L L PAPER "i The Mission Band of Kno. ch.rch.1 GEO. MASON & SON
1,0 � BeIgrave, held the regular monthly meet -
;1 ing in the basement of the church on Sat- Stationery, Patent M.edicin6,
COMMENCING FRIDAY NEXTo JUNE 17th, X'urday afternoon last. The meeting was Books, School Supplies, Wall Paper,
A0 � taken by Misses Winnie Munroe and Faticy Goods, Toys, etc.
and ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 25th K Jennie Wightman. Topic on South
X,America taken from our study book
X "The maple leaf in many lando." Miss
Everi Poll oif Wall Annie Geddes rendered a beautiful solo,
X'Tba July meeting will be held at the home
aper Will be reduced X I of the President, Mrs. Jas. Anderson, 5th
4� � �� " V.-' *"
line' it being the annual birthday party of!
'be Band. It is always a gala day for!
20 to 50/,,. Some of A%' TENDERS FOR COAL
the boys and girls,
prices will lie SLALBI) ITNIN'TtS addrep6pd to the under-
pigted and endarized "Tender forV il for
the Dominion RailfifngQ, Ontario and Quebec,"
X i will be ror.eivcd at this office until 12 O'clock
noon !,r1Aay,,)Apr
it 2a. 1921, for the supply of
is and t4ra Whitfield accomparile coal
Lew nion Buildingg througlinut
by Air. and Mrs. Brown, took in the un- the Provinces of Ontarloatid Quebec.
Conibined specification and form of tonder
veiling of thp, memorial tr�blet at Clifford
in be obItalued from the Furcliming Agcnt,
'last Friday. DePattment of Public Worko. Ottawa, and
a We are pleated to toe Wtii. Skelton, from the Caretakers of the different Dernlu-
Come early and make X, 1, on Build!
at lint, home froin the hospital, London, Tendert,11181,1f, not, be conAdc-red unleQq made
yout. selection. wbero h(� unddewent on operation for the on theforiliqrupplicaby tile Departmout awl
1,01 retnovra of a cataract from one of his with the couditioug get forth
eyes. Hope he will soon be o, k. 'ftCh't(-nd0v must be accompayAd by �111
X Clarpnee Croolts, vot of Albert Croolce, ace"Ptol clic"'itte all achartered Wmk 'Oayable
III lill, 111, 11, been taking a course in to the cirdf,,r o� the MinVtcr of IuT)Ijv worit,4,
U31 tO 10 0, of file nniolust of tho tot'ilf'r
pharmacy in ndnionton, has been very Q? trian rlo.nd-,; of the Dominion will alfo be
AUCC66sful in passing Ma
, roinirtil, to ii-e0te up an odd amotint.
am it
W., inghe- Bazac*-x r and is now managing a drug busineto Inj By offler.
W, the Ptate RivN, country. Ut �vill be 1.
I .. c. DI.:rmocarlt(�;,
there for five lnontM returning to his
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ZXXXXXZXXXXX Depar1r,"Ont 0,4 Ilublic Worl'q,
01tawal ApTil M 1021.
Thursday, Jutw 16th, 192t
IA Lie marriage or Miss olaude Barbour,
daughter of Mr. Archie Barbour of
W ,,,;,,:.,&1Lucknow, and Wirry McClenaghan of
son of Mrs. James McClen.
�..taghanof`Wbitechurch, took place atthe
-Z-bomeofthe briae's sister, Mrs. (Rev.)
Watts of Allandale, Wednesday,
on June
through the greater part of the game, it
!.f8th. Rev. Mr. Watts Officiated. The
..ihappycouple are spending their honey
moon at Muskoke Lake. The best wish-
es of their many friends with them for
,is victory was sure for the
home teAm, the result was
Does the Nvork as well as macbines Costing
a long and happy married life.
`300.00 or more. If this sound,,; too good to be true,
X -Mr. Frank Henry has a new Ford car
give us a chancL to prove it.
4- now.
Used by the Dominion and Provincial Govern-
Mrs. A, Nichol and daughter, Dorothy
of London, and Mrs. Dave Dinsley of
three more were added, making the final
ments and niany of Canada's largest firms.
Winghamv visited last week with Mr. and
" for the
Mrs. Rolland Henderson.
Catalogue Free. - Write Now.
Mrs. John Nixon is visiting with her
sister, Mrs, Peter Leaver.
forward to a good game here on Friday
A. E. DOHERTY & CO.$ Windsor, Ont.
afternoon when Teeswater was to be the
Best D. L. & W.
Sepanton Coal
All Sizes - -
Order your coal now
and avoid the high prices
and coal shortage of the
past season, also Cannell,
Soft Smithing Ccal and
Charcoal always on hand.
41-le4e, 41. BeIgrave
District Meeting—The annual District i We keep the largest,
-a Institute of East stock of
meeting of the Women
Huron will be held in the Forester's �iall,
B 19 Wednesday, June 22nd, at
1."f,c1.v,k". The officers for next
� p .. 'W LLPAPER
j year will be elected and reports given at
to he progress of the work, Miss Ruth;
'NO'CLEARANCE SALE "' . of Uxbridge will be present and give
an address, An invitation is extended to.
all the women of the District to be pres-
ent. I
vF W A L L PAPER "i The Mission Band of Kno. ch.rch.1 GEO. MASON & SON
1,0 � BeIgrave, held the regular monthly meet -
;1 ing in the basement of the church on Sat- Stationery, Patent M.edicin6,
COMMENCING FRIDAY NEXTo JUNE 17th, X'urday afternoon last. The meeting was Books, School Supplies, Wall Paper,
A0 � taken by Misses Winnie Munroe and Faticy Goods, Toys, etc.
and ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 25th K Jennie Wightman. Topic on South
X,America taken from our study book
X "The maple leaf in many lando." Miss
Everi Poll oif Wall Annie Geddes rendered a beautiful solo,
X'Tba July meeting will be held at the home
aper Will be reduced X I of the President, Mrs. Jas. Anderson, 5th
4� � �� " V.-' *"
line' it being the annual birthday party of!
'be Band. It is always a gala day for!
20 to 50/,,. Some of A%' TENDERS FOR COAL
the boys and girls,
prices will lie SLALBI) ITNIN'TtS addrep6pd to the under-
pigted and endarized "Tender forV il for
the Dominion RailfifngQ, Ontario and Quebec,"
X i will be ror.eivcd at this office until 12 O'clock
noon !,r1Aay,,)Apr
it 2a. 1921, for the supply of
is and t4ra Whitfield accomparile coal
Lew nion Buildingg througlinut
by Air. and Mrs. Brown, took in the un- the Provinces of Ontarloatid Quebec.
Conibined specification and form of tonder
veiling of thp, memorial tr�blet at Clifford
in be obItalued from the Furcliming Agcnt,
'last Friday. DePattment of Public Worko. Ottawa, and
a We are pleated to toe Wtii. Skelton, from the Caretakers of the different Dernlu-
Come early and make X, 1, on Build!
at lint, home froin the hospital, London, Tendert,11181,1f, not, be conAdc-red unleQq made
yout. selection. wbero h(� unddewent on operation for the on theforiliqrupplicaby tile Departmout awl
1,01 retnovra of a cataract from one of his with the couditioug get forth
eyes. Hope he will soon be o, k. 'ftCh't(-nd0v must be accompayAd by �111
X Clarpnee Croolts, vot of Albert Croolce, ace"Ptol clic"'itte all achartered Wmk 'Oayable
III lill, 111, 11, been taking a course in to the cirdf,,r o� the MinVtcr of IuT)Ijv worit,4,
U31 tO 10 0, of file nniolust of tho tot'ilf'r
pharmacy in ndnionton, has been very Q? trian rlo.nd-,; of the Dominion will alfo be
AUCC66sful in passing Ma
, roinirtil, to ii-e0te up an odd amotint.
am it
W., inghe- Bazac*-x r and is now managing a drug busineto Inj By offler.
W, the Ptate RivN, country. Ut �vill be 1.
I .. c. DI.:rmocarlt(�;,
there for five lnontM returning to his
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ZXXXXXZXXXXX Depar1r,"Ont 0,4 Ilublic Worl'q,
01tawal ApTil M 1021.
R"AAFiftik _1.oll
Im I %A
Changes Straw' Hats and Straw Goods of all '
kinds, Rattan, Wood,
ilar materials to any
glossy finish.
Wicker, Glass, and Sim.
color, gives a beautiful
6 0 0 0 &
When" You N e e d Paints, Enamel, Vargo
nish Stains, Per-
fecto Wall Finish,
Varnishes, 0 i Is,
Turps, etc,
... Call at ..
Best for YOUR Buildings
TO corribitit the weaf and tear of weather
To economically and actually save the surface, use
4A top,
rll� R4911i Paint to PainfRight"
MAkers of Paint and Varnialk since im
Toronto Wlnnif�g vaneouv" 2
When You Call Don't Forget to Ask About Our
AX -Al
Canad i
Queens 810ek, a 0*1 Gas Heaters Ltd.
SOMeth"es the ChelkPest, But Always the Best.
Thursday, Jutw 16th, 192t
(Too late for last issue)
A good gamL a a ed in
the Tuesfda;-�,��
through the greater part of the game, it
looked it
,is victory was sure for the
home teAm, the result was
the seventh inning, the score was
5 ) in favour of Lucknow. In the seventh
Brussels scored one anti in the eighth,
three more were added, making the final
" for the
score vkitors at the end of the
game, Brussels bucl also won front
Lucknow at Brussels. All were looking
forward to a good game here on Friday
afternoon when Teeswater was to be the
visiting team, but the weather man int or-
fered and -ame had to be postponed.
With the buying power of
Our juvenile Band under the able lead-
ersbip of Mr. Dan MeMorran,
cash and the outlet of our
made their
first appL '; ance out of town at Teeswater
Ladies'Wear and Men's Wear
on tile, the following is what the
Teeswater News, 'ha4 to them:
PN -1
stores the b e s t of values
say of
"Lucktiow Juvenile Band under the lcad-
await you here.
ership of Mr. McMorranj gave a street
progr�m, before going to the park and
The prices speak fo� themselves, the qualities-
a Is
'o in the evening after tea, for so
young a band, Mr, MeMorran is to be
we guarantee. , Note the greater bu3-ing' )oNver of
complimented on his training ot them".
your dollar at this store.
Miss Leah Smith, who �,,ent out West a
few months ago has returned home ac-
companied by her sister, Mrs. Pete
Cut Prices in Men's Wear
and two obi)dren.
Ruth Mitchell is home, from
Trinitv College, Toronto.
Wonderful value in Men's Suits. Sale of Spring Suits at a Big Sav-
Miqs Alicia Mitchell, visited G oderich
friends last
ing Fite -Rite "Perfection" and Bachelor Brands are included in this
Mr. Arthur Carruth who has been visi-
range. The very latest models in plain and fancy checks and stripes.
All sizes $35 to $40 values. Sale $29,00.
ting his sister, Mrs. Aitchison, returned
i home to Clinton, last week and 3ohied (he
Men's Overalls and Smocks Heavy Blue SUiped or
Military Band of the Huron Reg't. which
Black $2.50 and $3.00 value, Our price now only $2,00.
goes to camp at Carling Heights, on
Friday next.
Capt. Mrs A. M. Sbephard,
Rousing Sale of Men's Shirts 3 dozen Men's Work
and also
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McKay of Goderich,
Shirts to clear, Wvll made good wearing shirts good value at $2.00, they
at $1.50.
were week -end �istors of Mr, and Mrs,
M, Mitchell.
MeWs Cotton Tweed Pants Strongly made of plain
The members of Lucknow Lodge No.
112, 1. 0. 0. F. will attend Divine Wor-
and Grey Striped Tweed, All sizes, regular prices $3.00 to $3.90 cut
prices $2.50.
ship in South Kinloss church on Sunday
morning, June 19Lb., in inemory of those
Men's Socks 5 doen Men's good Wearing Socks, for quick
who have crossed the great Divide during
Sale 25c.
the past year and also in memory of the
Brethren, who lie beneath the in
Flanders Fields, All Odd Fellows are
Men's Underwear Extra value in Men's Balbriggan s ir s
b* t
�arnestly requested to attend, To meet
in their Lodge later than ten
and Drawers, our cut price 75c.
room not
Men's Raincoats Reduced prices in Men's Rubberized
Tweed Coats. Latest Models, Bargain at $15, $17 50 and $19.75.
Straw H a t s Men's and 'Boys' Straw Hats. Latest styles,
Mr. Stanley Gallaher from near Blue.
Special at and 2.00.
vale, called on his cousin, Jack Gallaher
last Sunday.
Men,sTrOUSerS Big Stock of Men's Trousers made of plain
A large number from here attended the
and fancy stripe Wortteds, See our cutprices, $3.00, 3.75, 4.75, and 6.00.
Methodist church at Wroxeter last Sun.
day afternoon to bear Major Harit, who
Boots and Shoes Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes at Cut
Prices. Best makes here. See
delivered an Orange address.
are our values at $2.75, 3,50, 4.50 and 35.
Mr. Tbos, McMichael purchased a new
black team near Teeswater last week.
Mr, Andrew Gemmill had the misfortune
to lose a spring colt, I
We are glad to see cecil Mines airight
H. E. Isard & C 0
again after suffering with a sore foot
which he ran a fork through.
Miss Alba Gallaher
spent Sunday tinder
the p arental root.
R"AAFiftik _1.oll
Im I %A
Changes Straw' Hats and Straw Goods of all '
kinds, Rattan, Wood,
ilar materials to any
glossy finish.
Wicker, Glass, and Sim.
color, gives a beautiful
6 0 0 0 &
When" You N e e d Paints, Enamel, Vargo
nish Stains, Per-
fecto Wall Finish,
Varnishes, 0 i Is,
Turps, etc,
... Call at ..
Best for YOUR Buildings
TO corribitit the weaf and tear of weather
To economically and actually save the surface, use
4A top,
rll� R4911i Paint to PainfRight"
MAkers of Paint and Varnialk since im
Toronto Wlnnif�g vaneouv" 2
When You Call Don't Forget to Ask About Our
AX -Al
Canad i
Queens 810ek, a 0*1 Gas Heaters Ltd.
SOMeth"es the ChelkPest, But Always the Best.