The Wingham Advance, 1921-06-16, Page 3V " I
With the Boy Sconts. 06SPH PROWN, Ot m9ntrool"
1.ondwi, Suokelessj Bathed I' 'Ok vA wX v& vs ` "s v& va vw PALE AND 14ERVOUS do
in Sunshine. a el -'Gep! I wish I ecul-I igelong to that 9FTS or declares he auffb%40 vix yonra
HEALTH EDUCA110N troop," uald a young TOrortn Sliout W -11 a
with dyopopsla but olic boftivo of
A bright dav has dawned In London the fithfr day wlipa lie board of the SCHOOL CHEUDIREN
HUMOR Tonlao made a new mAn 0 nim—
out of the darTraess of the coal Strike. plans the Flr,,;t Penotaugalsheac Troop ' I
7or three Weeks 7,000,000 persons BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON' aking for Ita outirg. It F m4m HERE MERE Gained 35 pounds.
there have been astonished by the re- MIT11) of the mr��t intere-,ting enter- Need Rich, Red Blood to Regain L F—
Provinolal Eloard of Health, Ontario
mar%able Improvement In the air they i pripes "et attrImPted by OlOu"10 11ealth and Strength,
"breathe. For the first time ia their Or. Middleton will be, g'Ad tO 1111swAt QuestIONO On Public lieAlth W"' Heouts and talte8 the form of an ex- Right Description.
memory London. is Practically a smolce. 110 terip throtigh this columu. Ad4reso hirA at the Parliament 131das. peditiou. from Ponetangulshoue down Many children start school In excel- Tenderfoot ---"Gee, that dog has
to Ottawa and perhaps Montreal by lent health, but after a short time long tall. it inust be aboit three feet."
less city) and meteorological 'experts Toronto,
can give 110 other reason for tbis than xa in t hurried
M Z&.,W 1% VA M M V& ni wo It e n I ' a Ioil$, First Class Scout-I'les, thPt's his
.all V& r_L ti, e route followed by Champlain and 110 0 r
his fleet of two hundred war cance.3
-the enforced cutting down In the use Ot **L VIL IRL 1&,V& TOL I meah unil. crowded school ro0uls back yard.,'
al. It Is an absolute fact $Us ect- cut vitar-lines is cause their blood to become weak,
0 111--healtil in various form, and cer- That there are differ In 1615. The boys will make the trip
led for some time, but no fully real- talil definite diseases can be prevented Shown by the different diseases that'in canoes by way of the Goorglaa Bay their nerves over -wrought and tlieir Hibit.
Ized and appreciated—that London ain foods are lacking: and French River, aerv. s Lake Ni0s, d,)Ior and spirits lost. It Is a MIS'ake
if more attention is paid to the kinds result when vert Maid (reporting)-PTharo's a Man
breath Take for In,, sing, down, The Mattawa and the Ot, to let matters drift when boys and
can see, e, smell, touch and of food we eat. This is becoming in certain essentials. at the door with a woodea leg, mum
c e S
sto the benefits of the miners' berl-berl, a dl,*�ease tawa, and If thok go to Montreal, down girls show symptoms of nory usn s
ta more and more clearly understood and Stance the case of "Thank you, Maggie, wo dGn't need
strike. appreciated as a result of recent that is very common in certain east -i the St. Lawrence too. The Hudson's or weak blood. They are almost sure any.,,
The great gray curtain that has al- studies on what are known as acces- ern 'Countries where 'rice f0FIns the Day Company ofticers In North Buy to fall victims of St. Vitus dance, or
a,yS been as much associated with Scry food.prodUcts OD,,Vlt mi 0.11 chief article of diet, and where polis�h. are endeavoring to S('" drift into debility that leads to other
I and mattawa Right DesOrlption.
London as is tile Thames has disap. rolishpd rice conrir.tsl cure the, old-thile large voyageur birch- troubles. Reg-niar meals, out -door
On account of the absence Of these ed rice is used. Poor Suitor—"IR It true that your
deficiency of the kern f the grain with the bv,,-Ir canoe of the Chasse-Galorle type, exerciRe and plenty of sleep are neces-
Imared and the city -is bathed in warm sub.2tances many so-called el, o be made as sary to combat the nervous %year of father has lost his fortune?"
I in order that the trip may
Sunshine, and is seeing the blue Sky- husks removed, and this process Ill His Lady Love (sighingy-1-Yes, all
,There has never been such a thorough diseases, such as rickets in this cOun-
try, and bori-beri in the East, result. volves not 'only the removal of the realistically hl,,torical as possible. school life. But It is still Mor,' tin- is Swept away, but you are left, dearl"
apring cleaning in the memory of liv- tile outer lining Of the portant that parents should pay atten-
As long as there is a sufficient var- husk but also "Great Scott! I bhould say I am
Ing man. The atmosphere Is cleaner, iety of foods, and the food in its. na- kernel know" as the 14silver skin," At the Victoria Coulity Boy Scout. tion to the school child's blood Supply. left!
the people are happier and It Is now tural state there is little danger of1which contains the vitarairie. Rally held in Penelon Falls on Victorli, Icoep this rich and red by giving Dr.
-nelon Falls Troop cap" 40 bry or
apparent that one of these is contin- any such disease developing. But when A type of disease more board Of in I Day the Ist F& William.,' Pink Pills and th Dividing It.
r. Observers readily it for school. A case came before a court Involv-
.gent on the othe the variety is limited, or the natural this country is infantile scurvy, bo -1 tured the George Beale 800 yard im girl will be sturdy and It
say that it is reasonable to believe qualities have been impaired or lieved to be due to the absence from trol relay race trophy which is one The value of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills ship of in eight-day
that the coal miners' strike is respons- tamine of the big incentives to Scout athletic in cases of this kind is shown by the Ing the owner
Ible f or all this. changed through boiling, heating or or deficiency in a diet, of a vi � work in that part of tho, province. statement of Airs. Watson, Grand clock. After listening to both Sides,
preserving, as in canned foods, then it with well-defined antiscorbutle Pro- the judge turned to the plaintiff:
Dr. John Owens, superintendent of . Infants, fed for long periods in the other field day events, Fenelou. Falls, N.B., who says: "In the spring 'You get the clock." "I could hardly believe my eye"
n Atmo is that deficiency diseases may make perties captured five first prizes and of 1919, my (laughter Thistle, then 12 t do I r .1
the Advisory Committee 0 their a exclusively on condensed milk or Pre- Falls "And wha et,, complained when i stepped on the scales after
pheric Pollution to the Meteorological ppeargii-ce. been Shown to�three seconds, while Lindsay took years of age, began to show symptoms taking six bottles of Taulac and found
radhal Errors in diet often result in srom- served foods, have orm of i home four seconds. of nervousness which developed into the defendant.
,ofte, said there had been a g ach troubles, due to over -eating or the Sometimes suffer from a f I III St. Vitus dance. She seemed to, lose "You get the eight days," replied that I had actually gained thirty-five
improvement in conditions since April scurvy, with hemorrhages under the, the judge. pounds In weight," said Joseph
-16, He Insisted that the reduction In USO Of too many meats and sturelly WheTel The Scout Movement "keeps mov� control of her limbs and at times every
foods such as potaties, breadp etc. outer layer of the long bones. Ing.,' Grimsby had one troop last fall. I I h r body seemed to be Drouin, 2194A St, Dents St,, Montreal,
I Adding Class. who, for the past twenty-six years,
the amount of coal consumed here had an infant is.brought UP entirely On mtwitching 'atide
liad a remarkable effect and urged the, Other errors of diet include a too free small Since then It has grown so large that jerking, and the trouble
public to take steps to make the at- use of foods fried in gravy, or of boiled or sterilized milk, a I it has been found necessaxy to reor- seemed to be growing worse. We A family named Stubbs, which be- has been paEsenger conductor on the
mospheric purity more or less perman- sauces, candles, etc., which oftdA pro- quantity of grape, orange or lemon I ganize It as three separate troops un- finally decided to give Dr. Williams' came very rich during the war, pur- Canadian Pacific Railway and Is well
at. For years he has been expert- duce indigestion. juice should be ad -ministered dally. In[ der a District Scoutmaster, Mr. J. A. Pink Pills,, and the result was better chased a stately home. and favorably known along the line
.e this country scurvy is seldom seen M. Livingston. And that is not all, even than we had hoped for, and she it happened that someone who had Of Ills run between Montreal and
.menting by filtering air through paper It is not, however, with over -eating nowadays except during times of want because two whole patrols of boys Is now enjoying the best of health." known them In less prosperous days Mount Laurters.
discs, ant! the density of one period or with indiscretion in diet that this or -among crews of shipson- long voy- 1 0
compared with another was easily dis- article deals. It is rather with the who came from Boamsville, have be. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink was in the neighborhood, and th ught "Before I started on this medicine
cernible. On the last day of March nature and ingredients of the food ages -where the diet is of the tinned come the nucleus of a new troop with Pills through any dealer in medicine he would call. He did so, and asked I was in a bad way. For years I'd had
F or canned -variety almost exclusively. headquarters In their own town. Ren- or by mail at 50 cents a lioic or six i for "Air. Stubbs." to take my meals here, there and
the day before the beginning of the used as regards the presence or ab- it has also Occurred in construction frew, too, has experienced a similar boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' The butler regarded him with a per- everywhere and, as the result of this
strike, his discs showed a deplorable sence of vitamines In its composition. camps in this country where canned growth in Scout interest, and Klacar- Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. fectly straight face. "There must be irregular eating, my internal machla-
dirty state of atmosphere. Three The question. is:.—What are vita- the chief articles of diet, some mistake, Sir," he said. "This is ery got all out of working order. I
goods f orm dine has a troop which Is also suffer- lost all desire for food and what little
'weeks later Improvement was noticed mines? I will answer in a somewhat and where fresh meat, milk and vege- ing from growing pains and plans are the house of 'Air. St. Ubbs."
until the last day of April, when it round -about way: tables are not easily procured. This being made to divide It into two. Truth. I ate would form gas and bloat me up
-was almost clear. Since then the Science for a long time has be- vitarnin.-6- is also deficient in fresh When I must die I shall not fear the Quite True. until I could hardly breathe. - be -
discs have continued to Improve, and lieved that the essential composition vegetables that have been dried, or came so nervous I couldn't sleep at
no -w Dr. Owens is forced to use more of food that maintains life consists of' without Preparations for the summer camps going; A pompous manufacturer of Machin- all well at night and was often so
even kept for long periods are proceeding wherever there are There will be daybreak somewhere, ery was showing a stranger over his
delicate discs in order to get finer re- carbohydrates, fats and proteins in drying. Scouts, according to Provincial Head- a new dawn - factory. tired in the mornings I didWt care
sults. certain proportions, with dre admix- When vegetables are boiled the Pro- quarters in Toronto. A recent double Spreading before me and new strength "Fine piece of work, isn't It9" he whether I took my train out or not.
London air Is always dirtiest in win- ture of salts and water. Though this cess should- be short, and the vege- number of "The Trail," the Ontario bestowing, said, when they were looking at a very I fell off twenty-five pounds in weight
ter, when household fires are prlacl- is theoretically correct, modern re- tables not allowed to soak long. The Scout officers' paper, was devoted en- And I shall be no more an earth- Ingenious machine. and became alarmed about my condl-
pally to blame. The last months In search on metabolism has shown that sooner the boiling is finished and the tirely to the subject of Camping and bound pawn. "Yes," said the visitor, "but you tion, for I had tried all sorts of medi-
the year bring- the famous London a pure diet of carbohydrates, fats, pro- vegetables removed the more nutri- Camp Management. cannot hold a candle to the goods We cine without getting any relief.
fogs, but since the miners' strike be- teins, s -alts. and water is not sufficient tious they will be. There will be life enriching, pulses turn -out." "Then, one day, I read a statement
-came serious the public have been un- to maintain health. Something else Thelear of destroying the vita -mine leaping, "Indeed!" said the chagrined manu- in the paper that decided me to give
able to burn coal in their homes. Dr. must be present, although by compa. r- Vision unveiled before my eager facturer. "What Is your line?" Tanlac a thorough trial. Well, I never
,Owens said the London fogs were !son it is infinitesimal in amiurit, and in fresh milk has been on( WHENT BABY IS ILL would have believed any medicine
-caused by the hundreds of thousands this something is described as a vita- Chief objections to the wholesale pas- eyes; "Gunpowder," was the reply. could do a man so much good In such
teurioation of mil -k. However, -by ex- And I shall still be loving, learning, a short time. It quickly settled my
of chimneys which send forth smoke at mine. When baby is Ill; when he cries His Title.
and 9 posing milk that has been previously keeping stomach and gave me such an appetite
such a rate that b,eween 7 A professor at Cambridge who has at deal and no amount of atten- The zest of life in some fair para- The nine-year-old son of a New York that I could eat three good squate
o?clock In the morning more than 200 _ re- cleansed by filtration to a temperature 0, gre
done much work on this subject tion or petting makes him haPP.3r, dise. doctor recently sought out his father meals a day and no longer have any
tons of soot have been sent over the cently fq� a number of rats anLI puppy not. exceeding 158 deg. F. for a &hort Baby's Own Tablets should be given and put to him this question: trouble with indigestion or gas and
city, where It hangs like a black cloud, dogs on an artificial diet of protein, Period, the vitamine in the milk is 'not
destroyed but only slightly impaired. him without delay. The Tablets are I have no fear that I shall be but "Dad, do you know what nickname I sleep so well at night, even when on
causing the fog. He denied that the I fat, stivelt and sugar; -and by carefully a mild lint thorough laxative which re- blended they gave to Napoleon Bonaparte9" the road, that I think it would take a
chimneys of industrial plants were viatching the animals -he found tliat,This'eannot be avoid4 however, and gulate the bowels and sweeten the
-ible for this. the deficiency is more than counter- With Being infinite and undefined; Now the father desired that his son collision to wake me up. I now turn
mostly respons they ceased to grow, although the am- stomach and thus drive out constipa- only the service of the body's ended, should have the plemure of bestow- the scales at two hundred and teu
ount of food they consumed wgs actu- balanced by the greatly increased pur- tion and Indigestion; break up colds I shall not lose my eager soul, my Ing this information; so he evaded pounds, which Is ten pounds more
ally more than*-,Nhat was necessary to' ity of the milk alter pasteurization,
Jack O'Leary's Coat. maintain normal growth. On addi and the destruction of practicall)r all and simple fevers and make teething mind; the reply by an interrogatory on his than I ever weighed In my life and
Most prisoners would lie content to n.g easy. Concerning them Mrs. Desire, own part: feel better in every way than I have
a- small quantity of raw, fresih mill, the harmful bacteria that the milk Thelyerge, Trots Pistols, Quo., writes:
escape punishment for a crime they have contained. I shall not lose my love, and you, 0 "What was it, my son?" for a very long time. Tanlac Is the
to this diet a marvellous improvement might I am well satisfied with my use of dearest, Whereupon, to the great astonish- best medicine I ever tried."
had committed. But not so with -Jack in the health and growth o! the-aiii- The more this subject of vitamines Baby's own Tablets, I have found Seeking your way, will meet Once ment of the physician, the lad replied Tanlac is sold by leading druggists
O'Leary. He wanted his coat. HOW mals became evident. The improve- is investigated, the more apparent it them of great benefit to my baby when more my own very proudly: everywhere. Adv.
badly he wanted it is told in the ment was not due to the lact-albumin becomes that their -absence or de- he was suffering from constipation And when you fear me farthest find "The -Little Corpuscle."
Canadian Magazine by Col. George or salts in the milk, as an equal rate ficiency is associated with many of and I can strongly recommend them me nearest; An Easy Thing.
T. DBnison, who as a young barrister cf growth was obtained from protein the diseases of metabolism which -are to other mothers." The Tablets are All that Is true, though each must go Next to rijaking his Own mistakes
was asked to defend O'Leary against and ash -free extracts of the milk So obecure, and which hitherto have sold by all medicine dealers or by mail His Hearing Restored.
alone. the- easiest thing in the world is to
EL charge of burglary. solids, and from yeast, in exceedingly been difficult to account for in human at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- The invisible ear drum invented by
Ile was almost caught In the act, small quantities. This Cambridge beings. liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. All that is true—but truth does not de- magaphone, fitting inside the ear en- criticize the mistakes of others.
says Colonel Denison, being found In professor therefore came to the eon- Mortar is comparatively an ex- 01% ceive me; tirely out of sight, Is restoring the
a lane in his shirt sleeves behind the elusion that there was some other es- tremely small fraction in the mater- Miser. These poor wise words no shield of hearing of hundreds of people in NOW To clean a photograph wipe with a
shop that he had broken Into; in the sential factor in food, in adding to the ials that make up a house, but it is soft cloth wrung out in warm water
Shop as his coat. protein, fat and sugar, that is essen- a very necessary part. Vitamines, I have seen many things, comfort make; York City. Mr. Leonard invented this and a little ammonia. Dry with an -
Too beautiful for words; It It were you, and death did thus drum to relieve himself of deafness other cloth.
There was little chance of getting tial to growth. similarly are an in-finitesimal part of es, and it does this so
him off, but I did the best I could with The next question is 11Are there the amount of food necessary for the Twilights tremulous with mist ---t bereave mej— and head nois
the jury, making a strong point of tile Birds. If it were you—were you�myheart successfully that no one could tell he NOTHING TO EQUAL
I more vitamines than one?" Yes, up maintenance of health and growth in would break. is a deaf man. it is effective when
fact that tile Crown had not proved to the present there are three kinds the individual, but without these ae- deatness is caused by catarrh or liy
I have heard music 0
was no evidence that it was his coat. The small fraction of vita- -on
that the coat was his, and that there described, viz:— cessory food products the body will That was to me— Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia perforated, or wholly destroyed natur-
al drums. A request for infDrinat
(1).�The Fat Soluble A, vItamine, not thrive. /
Soft as the clinging fingers 41.�
To my amazement the jury acquitted -ed by articles that "I . . . . . . . . . .
,present in fresh milk, butter, animal mines usually yield to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth
contain them is a serious difficulty in Of the sea.
him. I left the court, and O'Leary How Tall Are You. Avenue, New York City, will be given
fats, etc.
came after me and asked me to ap- (2) The Water Soluble B, or anti- the way of finding out their exact na-
I have known many things; Most men are quite positive as to a prompt reply. advt
Ply to Chief Justice Draper for the beri-beri vitafiiine. ture and composition. It is improbable
Now I am old their exact height and would become 4. -
restitution of the coat. I refused most'
- that vitamines are in themselves nu- Indignant -.0
1 (3) The Water Soluble C, or ant! it you questioned the ac He Know?
How Did
to say nothing nine present in fresh tritive, but they produceL co-ordination I am a miser
emphatically, told him vitai
about it, and advised him to leave the scurvy Counting my gold. curacy of their statements in that re Freddie --"Ma, what is the baby's
fruits, vegetables, etc. of metabolism. By this means the 4_ spect, but, as a matter of fact, no man
city at once. Nor are those carrying on the re- body is able to adjust itself to carry MONEY ORDERS. can say, unless he has just then been name?" For Sprains and Bruises
The next morning I was passing i Ma—"The baby hasn't any name."
, searches by any means certain that an life and maintain health under - it is always safe to send a Dominion measured, exactly how tall he Is at The first thing to do when you have an
through the courthouse when Dan rreddle—"Then how did he Icn1DW injury Iq to a.pply Minard's f�unous 1,111i -
these three are the only ones. Ivaried conditions and surroundings. Express Money Order. Five dollars any particular time. If the original Inilit, It is antiseptic, soothing, heEalng,
Dwan came up to me and s I - bases hi he belonged here?"
costs three cents. feasurement on which he S �tljd gives quick relief.
"Good morning, Mr. Denison. I was, ly made daily baths compulsory, much statement was made early In the morn -
in the court yesterday, and I heard Baths by Order. Salt mixed with starch will prevent,
to the Surprise and ladignatloa of Allowing Pleny of Time. Ing, he has been crediting himsel! . Americaln on ]Dog R medics
7e pleading for Jack O'Leary. Be it from sticking. Book on
in the near future baths on board many of the passenger% some of Parcel Post Clerk—"On that live with too much height most of the time,
japers! Ye did It well. Ye. mulvath- Ship may become compulsory for all whom had not been out of their turkey the postagG will be a dollar while be has not given li-'Inself all the 000 DISEASES
ered that jury ttIl they didn't know steerage passengers. This knowledge clothes for niGnthal and thirty cents." height to which he is entitled if the Forest fires benefit no one and they, and How to Feed
where they were at, V or he was rob the workingman, the merchant,' Mailed Free to any Ad -
bloody guilty." has struck terror In the. hearts of Every day during a recent voyage The Poultryman—'IfIluess I'll start measurement was made In the even- the farmer, and indirectly every citl-' dress by the Author.
some of those emigrants who prefer the steerage passengers were Invited him on four bits' worth of stamps. I Ing. This for the reason that all per- Jr. clav *lover Co., luc.
"I am afraid he was," said 1. zen. F orest fies are fought not only Its went 31st Street
to be warm in the winter timal to bathe. It they Protested they Were expect he'll lose enough weight on the sons are taller In the morning. I New York. U.S.A.
"Yes " said Dan. "But you know, he I A —A 1,1, A 0 lu I. � 41 1 11� 11 0 1 U 0 .. 4.41. . 1—f—- +1,. in the bush, but in towns and cities. i I
had no I business to ask for Ills coat."
This sudden attack OL Manliness is
due to the fact that a steamship of the
So ze scru. . , ree, of charge,
by the doctor's bathing battalion,
way t;o make
he's. delivered."
1he us s o I b
twenty-four vertebrae of the backbone
When Canadians of town and farml
forest are all determined to stop
refused to apply for it," I replied.
He then told that O'Leary had
Holland -American line possesses a
which consisted of Stewards, ser-
yield considerably to the pressure due
forest fires, then our forests will be
gone in himself, just as the court was
very particular physician who used to
geants-at-arins, and a few of the more
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
to the weight of the body when It is
freed. irom the ravages of this fiend.
opening that morning, and bad askod
be with the United States Public
Health Service. After inspecting the
Intelligent Immigrants.
The fact that no diseases broke out
Dressed Like Adam.
erect, and rexparid themselves while
the body Is in a recumbent positioni
the chief justice to order the return
Immigrants In his boat he. Immediate.
1 during this voyage speaks for Itself.
in the wilds of the Chlebihu dis.
The effect In the case of a fairly heavy
of his coat.
1 4. live a wroun of moun-
man of average height may amount to
'But you said that It was not your
coat," replied the chief justice
"No, my lord, I did not,"
"Well your counsel did."
"No," said O'Leary," he did not. 110
-only said that they did not prove. It
was my coat. litit I can prove It is
my coat."
"I think this Is, the most impudent
request ever made, of me," Said tile
chief justice. And he ordered the
coat to be sold a,;o the proceeds given
to a charitable Institution and order-
ed O'Leary to bb removed from the
court. -
I do not think I ever defended an-
other prisoner. I was not pleased with
my experience in that case.
The coronet of a baron carries six
oilvor balls.
Sweden Occupies the leading posi-
-tion in the lu�iuber niarket of the
For use oil toi1r.f. tabliCs a neiv par -
fume atomiur a?*r1t3 oil the pump
principle wjl�h?,�ut the use of a rubber
Let This Food
Help Yout. o Health
and brain
Sound nourishment for body
with no overloading anano tax upon the
digestion,is secured from
f -0� field
It embodies the nutrition o the
drains, and it makes for bettat health
grid bodily pfficiency.
Ready tlo servre& —,an ideal break
fast or hrach. "*-rheres' 9 RMOn'
Lr U - -JV -0 4-1, and in the case of a nolice- I
talners clad only In the costume of
Adam. Their existence was unknown
until the taking of a recent census re-
vealed their whereabouts.
Passing through the Crystal Val-
ley, census, officials were amazed to
moot human beings, wearing long
hair, whose only covering was leaves.
They made. no response when spoken
to. Their Chief occupation seems to
be hunting with the bow and arrow
and the making of charcoal, which
they exchange in the neighboring dis.
tricts for necessities.
It is thought that the ancestors of
these weird folk were refugees of the
Samurai class, who, defeated In bat -
Ile hundreds of years ago, Red for
safety to. tile lonely heights which. sur-
a $
Manor Postman who walks upon pave,
ments all day the difference In height
at morning and night might amount to
three-quarters of an Inch.
These are facts worth keeping In
mind if You contemplate a physical
examination for some appointment re.
quiring a certain height, and you are
very near the minimum. Do notstand
or walk much before the examination
—and take it In the early morning.
In Germany there are now only 813
men between the agges of twenty and
thirty to every 1,000 womcn.
Iround the Crystal valley -
Uruguay Ilas about 1,600 Illilc.3 Of:�
railro�d.%, but 401ily olle tUntiel. I
Sufferers from rhoum-Mislit shouliti:
eat celery; while banan-as useful'
in the case of those suffering froml
allest complaints.
n,jt makes and models 01 er
od, liroken or worn-out pa
�ed. write or wIr(% us deuei
, h.
at pu %vant. We carry
it =._ nlo,.tl colanletO Stoelt
"Bayer" only is Genuine
0 OXY r
Warningi Take no chances with,
substitutes for genuine I'Dayer Tab -i
-lets of Auirin." Unless YOU 800 the,
name �Payerll on pael�age or on tab -1
lets you are not getting Aspirin at all. f
Ill every. B,,Iyer paeltage are dil'00-10116
I for ColdF, Neuralgia, Rheu_
Toc-thacbe, LUmba-"o
and for Pain, Handy tin boxet! Of
twelve tablots cost few eerntL4. Drug-
ul,;o Etell '�arpor pftehCt9CS Ma 0
in Canada. Aspirill is the tilaio 111=111t,
(re.-isteroa In Canada). of Ilayer
�T. Till
�j fLjt�turtk of
of salleyheacid.
Use Cuticura Soap daily for tho toi-
letandhave ahealthyclearcomploi-
ion, -.oft white hands and good hair.
Assist wlim necessary by touclien of
Cuticura Ointment, Tbe Cutimra
Takiirn iq alio ideal for the sl ill.
tthemvc. 01i"d
Uwltck 344 St. Paul SL, W -I Metlrl39-
ISSUE: lyo. 124—Int.