The Wingham Advance, 1921-06-09, Page 6M 4W - IJ _ '11IIIIJ`11 JUNE 12, hl&king the WoirRd Chrj!v4jan. Isaiah 11: 1-10; Acts 1: 6.0. ratefi- o.na y W �4 * 1, �,._ I 'i I VR � MOO,. VIX month'i, $1.00 Golden Text—Issiah 11: 9, Advertising rates on Conneeting Maks,__Tbose who have I Lord. E R'f W i That will be the king's Is remo Advortisements withow spp(Oile, di- found the true and the living God virtue, and implies all other"Ti Y.: Xectionia, will be In.4-."tcti ii-atil habid Bed Odors nnd Flavoys In KIM. i; P1 vv IIIII-.1p a supply Of *�wre watej! f(�r want to MakO Ilim lonown, W Otbors, virtIMS. For the ].;Ing who f cars *44 charg -a apeardingl'i.. , " " tile CvIv.q to 61, 1& The people Of Israel I Crt,witry wwll($V� I'V11.11 1, ound Him in will be just 4nd, merofful. Changes for ccutraut i-Ily-crilse- it 11VI IIII "any experiences of their hIstory,but 'rho rod of His mouth. This "I Ineuts be in the offite b,,, nt, it, pituij­ tc,", frequently C�Trer:cnwe ewisidc-T- The IN" heel Hoe. especially In the two great deliver. the following s-entence expI in a., 11 --A" Jine poetic 11 ure the directness and' .411V dfrilcuity ivi tracing t, S.ource Tile -II hoe is very meTul to a0thOrItY of C Malec coram4114S and- Rnces, from Egypt and from Babylon. Of 411 Unnvtural flavor or odor in the both the gardener and the farmer. Its It NIMO to them in the teaching of the laws. go also verse 6 declares thw milk delivered by a patron, In II - use 1.4 Possilble in many place'J. NMI' great prophets of the last BUSINESS CARDS CaSe'S it IS firs, centuries Character of His rule—which shall be, before Christ, that they should tell one of right and truth, If . t neee?,�"aTy to (1pternline'labor shortage the investment of from these exPerlenlees to the world. They leopard, llot, and -bear -and n4nisonous, The wo or not the abu--Pial flavor or! $3 to I'My in such At t 1 nars bir I'later­' I�kvlr W;A I Wenington Mutual Fire cdc - ,Ives bad ft 80TY to tell to the nations, and 89rponts represent the fierce and way - T is present when the milk le a song to sing which nlij tbo world ring elements of human society which' Insurance Co. t' Re ud-der cl tibe -covv or develops later. I I have 1-eeen using one of thez-0 tools I Manufactured by shall be tamed and. made to live at' 1-1,stablisibed 18-10 If any particular cow is giving milk 17W., more thaii twelve years. The first should hour. THE CANADIAN STEEL AND WIRE CO., Limited Israel has been entrusted with Peace. Head Office, Guelph 'whiell is taintei it is pot tl�ue to bac. year we had one on the hrtrm I did not I the The entirepicture here presented of' Risks taken on all clasFes of insur- teria, but to othereause-, know what to do with it. It was un- Han&on Canada savIn.g and enlightening knowledge of tl,e reign of the rent Deliverer In ol a' If the millc from any number of handy, A the true God who can save, alid so is transformed soc ety, In whicb peace- able property on the cash or premium -nd I thought that it wan I in sanice. At least some should be due for 448alvatic, system. cowsshovis the taint thefeed or some- easier to use a small garden hoe and On the handles of myhoe to put a all to be "for a light to the Gentiles,t) and with, justice shall prevail. Mount Zion,. A13NER COSEENS, Agent, ttln.- which the mttle have eatea in a four-tinedhook for the garden work, stones and trash in as I go along, If out each season. n unto the end lof the blip place of JeboValj'a teMpl�, is Con.. earth." comed as swelling and bToadening- Winglaam. the pa-571ure is to blame, Carrots, We had a one-fourth acre of seed on- this is just pushed aside when the The sunflower has special merit in until it 111,18 the whole world, and the, world of hunian!ty becomes the holy - turnips, wild onions, ragweeds, clab- I long, and it Was quite a job to keep the -work is done, then the same stuff has the fact that the seed's make excellent "The Lord bath made bare his holy temple of the Lord. ff-flavored grain feeds and weeds out and the soil loosened. Now to be Pushed around -again the next poul-try food. Truth to tell, the eun- . arm i other strimgly finvored substances will I cun care for five acres with a wheel time. The stones will cause the hve flower is not Appreciated as It should A ,,,n the eyes Of all the nations; DUD 11Y R_ 01OLMES "ag" o CARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. cause tainted milk. Gertain foodstuffs hoe under Ordinary conditions, end to jump out O.f the ground when a be, but of course the Russian or mam- nd tile Ou'dIs Of the earth shall see "They shall not hurt nor destroy i -a al -11: to a ot ; the s4lvation of our God." f,r cows, not ordinarily considered'h I f time to do other work. wheel hits them, and they are no moth variety should begrown. These my holy mounWn, Victory and Other Bonds Sought and lilvelv to Produce bad-t"ting milk, will itdno our wheel hoe it pays to gioad anyway. Put them in the box tall sur4o,*ers standing ellose toge- For the earth shall be full of the, , ther make a good summer hedge and ciples tell the story Of His redeeming water$ cover the sea." Sold. at times do so. Where the W flavor look out for the dirt on the wheels. as you come to them, and just tip the AO 4180 Jesus would have 111.4 dis- knowledge of the Lord, as the, office—Mayor BIGGIC, winghim seems due to feed and there is nothing A rim Of dirt a half inch thick -will hoe over at the end of the TOW and screen the poultry yard as well as and saving work. They bad been with in the ration subject to suspicion, a throw the blades out of balance enough they're emptied. providing shade in the fall. Him; they had seen and heaTd; they Acts 1.- 6.9. The kingdom to Israel.. R. VANSTIONE, change in feed is yet desirable, as the to spoil its work. This will happen When You WY a wheel hoe there Fresh Water is*needed as much as were to lie His witnesses, tel,ling His Even to -the last the disciples of Jesus, bad flavor may disappear as a result. if the soil is a little wet or if ther may be a lot of attatchments for it shade- Ii is best renewed several story to the wt)rld. The apostles and expected Hirn to establish again tnw _13ARRISTER AND SOLICITOR' COWS � that M-0 kep.* in the pasture is a heavy dew. Take a dull knif that looli: good. I have a small set of times a clay, but if this requires too ministers of Jesus Christ have not kingdom of David and to be 4 real Ill keop reasonably clean, however, C only the story of God's great work for king with Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. wi or a stick and keep this wheel surface disl Is that I have used. Two small much labor, a -barrel may be I 'Court and army and royal if the pasture is so situated that -the clean and your hoe will work far plo-,I OlevatOd Israel in Old Testament times to tell, power. Jesus made no attempt to set; WINGHAM cows have access to muddy pools or better. came with it, and the rak-es on blocks and a small hole bored near but also that of Christ and His work UP such a kingdom,�et He d -id s.-octak t'hat I mentioned above. There are the bottom. A plug with a groove1n. for the Kingdom of (;od. of a kingdom 6f G and He did as - 0, stagnant ponds they will Often stond% When you buy extra blades you can four or six small cliltivator teeth one side can be driven Into the"hole, Isa. 2: 1-10. There shall ftw.ly in- a rod Out Of the stem of yesse. n flU' J. IRWIN - in.the water up to their -he rivets off And using that I find handy, and like them very thus allowing water to drip Is come forth sert high authority. Hfu kingdom was', A h knees, fight- save by filing t Isaiah to be of a neA age and of A new, Ing flies and plastering themselves the old casting. and replacing the muchfor digging up soil that is W- to a basin underneath. There are was expecting the birth of a child of. Order. It was to make Teal ana Su- D.D.S., L.D. S. with mud. This mud dries quickly and 'blades only, Then it is economy to 1.� Pecked.. The hoes Just take the Patented drinking fountains on the the royal line of David, who would be pre -me the will. of God, in the lives of Dcctor of Dental Surgery of the readily falls into, the milk pail. It is get a blade about an inch longer than surface , and sometimes deeper work- market which will hold enough to sup. the 'Saviour of His yeople, and who men, It 'was to be, " men came Fon-aylvanfa College and Licentiate one of the most Objectionable forms You wish, and cut the end off a half Ing seems the proper treatment. The ply a large flock -all day. yvould be -a great wW ust and, glorious VI*OWIY to understand, a mightier Row ­ king, First to the weak, capricious, er than that cif any earthly kingdom of Dental Surgery ot Ontario, dirt because' it very quickly finds inch. Thus a -seven-inch blade will wheel hoe should have an adjustable 'Vermin are not a Pleasant subject ftnd unprincipled Ahaz, and afterward or Onipire—a kingdom of the S1.1rit. Office in Macdonald Stock. its way through the strainers and, set- cut 6% 1"hes, and be thicker 411 the handle. In some'work You want the for dia-cussion.,but they most be reek. to the well-meaning but weak Heze I Jesus did- not answer His 444-ciples' t1i's at the bottom of the cans and way UP- If it sticks out a little to' handle higher, and in some lower. And oned with when warm weather comes, kJah, he predicted the eomdn.g of tj - his I question by a direct negutive. Ile did, bettles. It is also loaded with danger- far it will prevent any stripe -of weeds you may have a boy who Wili wantt to for then they multiply with almostpa- king, and he seems to have expeqted I not desire to destroy their national DR. G. H. R ous bacterial life which have -a deleter- being left between the rows. run the hoe, and 'he will be shorter. believable rapidity. This la especially that He would come scon. As time hope of freedom and eatuless. Bnt, Lef me say liere that I am talking and so want lower handles. com V( 'Graduate Royal College of Dental. ion& effect upon.the milk and its pro- Web e lect on went on 'he projected ilia i Ile did place before t om two great ftctb. -Cam that are lilast�rod with of a- double wheel hoe—that. is, one true of the red mites W '01 'fOrther into the :future, an, Ing the f0w48 at,night.,and fill. thws elves. 4VMIt immediate experiences end datieg—the that'stradtlles'the� ... of 4`egetables �rd� I . 11 His cbgracttirand.His rei, Graduate University of Toronto Ibis kind of mud shoul& be thoroughli row With blood,. , Theyare- ` 'rLto figm, gn, with. firq-t, thexeceivfilg�.of power. through Faculty of Dentistry �Ieaned before they ard'milked. In -stead of going in between. 'I like than common lite because th leave ion and. conffdeat the 9-ift-.0 the Spirit of god, and the., One 01 the most prolific causesef tkis kind[ because it does not matterr ey Si6ondt bearing witness to Him in the, OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARDIS STORE er m' if the -rows aT the liens or,'ohickens in the morning,," Micall contem-. World. onths is �ot exactly parallel-, Qoff& 9-6) a younger trouble during the �umm 'riqS biding under the perches or in cracker:pOI of ISA that of old, sour strainer '��Iliiqh iah, rveafted' the same 'Thus, and. thus.only woula His king-. clothp (IT if One row runs further than an- In the walls. -The simplest wAy:to dea-1 Ptedfition. Jeremiah, .(28. 6- the world"by AMyW67s it 16'nOt "With. the, coming' of warm -weather with �sis.to use carbolineu�i,,it 'tlye.w�rk of His SpiNt: in, the, heai-Cs are rinsed in luke-w!arm *water and -other, poiAle to. - W. HAMHEY these post u. huzig up to dry. The$e cloths should get as 'close., to a -.row with a single it wVI-be,,nte.qe3sary,;to haves)iadI for or some. such.thick ini'I lie� 6f blilime who sufiI of, meii, and,iby witness-4bearing. And B -Sc., M.D, C.M. be put in boiling waterancl. thoroughlty 'wheel hoe as it is with a double oine. the �hfakens. Even More susceptible under 1prt of the perches 4nd, -or 'r at the haia& of theil, enemies diefteit, thus would be fulfilled the old pro - Special attention pald to dis*ases of Cleansed before being used. for an' On Part Of the blade of -a wheel h0c` to the -heat of the sun are clacklings. the -walls with a Prepared liet'o spray humiffittion and exile. Ezekiel, ai�ocing betio vision- of justice, peace, and; the, other e paint, the fir t o? the exiles, C Women and Children, having� taken milking. Ordinary wire strainers are there is an upright that cuts the "I On commercial Plants low shelters which can be -put on easily with a 8 saw Mm, In a owledge of God filling the whole. Postgraduate wark In Surgery, Bac- worse than now at all. They are very and-weeids next to the To*. If thi's i's covered with boards or buxlap are common spray Pump. Evej, 4-f fhe brighter future as ta. second Davi,&j and world. te,tiology and Sclentille Medicine. difficult to keep clean and axe almost left sharp a good many vegetables are provided if there are no trees Or becomes badly infested, all as the good shepherd -of His people Application. III in the Kerr Residence, between worthless for removing fine dirt and ruined by cutting the edges or shrubs ' -house (84: 28).- Othera, who followed, pre- It was Mr. Beecher who once said, to give protection, Some such trace of vermin may readily be do -no served and handed down this great "As soon as a tree ceases to. grow it the Queen's Hotel anti the Baptist dust� File this blunt and, save this lose. Ail plan may be followed, on a small away with -by this plan, TAthout, an hve to later refterablons, an;d! seven -begins to rot." There is no such thing Church. Theroiare certain fundamental prin- OTAon, for instance, will be sPORea if place, b.ut often it is clifite possible excessive amount of labor. 'huindred years -after roujah, -Jesus of aa standing still eldwr for the indi- All business given careful attention, ciples in cleaning dairy utensils that the outer layers of skin are injured. and more satisfactory to furnish na- Navaroth gave it a new nueaning, a vidual Christian or the Phone 54, P.O. Box 113 cannot be ignored,. Milk Should never When I file or shM. en my Church at hoe I tural. shade, which can be� cltono by new direction, and a fulfilMent In His large. We must be continually rGach- - be allowed to dry and become sour. It grind down the lower side—as it sets Xlngdmia of the Spirit growing artichokes sunflowers, or Norwegian Govornment experl- Ing out, extending our activities, and impossible to clean the utensils On the ground—and then Is p I In4oaish's EXPOetatift the coming seeking new fields of usefulness, If Properly after they have been allowed clown on the opposite 11100th it something of that kind. The arti- meaters have succeeded in producing King is to be richly endowed with the ever a Christian were to oak, "I win ly. R61. C. Redmond 's Oid'e- I think a chokes can. be allowed to grow right a bread eontairAng 20 per cent -of fish, spirit of the Lord, with to become dry and sour. I -%. such wisdom cultivate the Christian, graces in my M.R.C.S. (Eng). f It is im- better 'edge can, be put on this wayp in the hen. yard if protected until they Possible to clean *thein at once, flir anA it lasts longer. I talm the blades, Mix cake batter with ice cotcl, watef and =dIerstanding, sueh counsel and own heart, and let others -look after L.R.C.P. (Lend), -get well start4 for the helis will tot instead of m:Hk. Your cakes will keep might, such knowledge and- reverent themselves," we know that person them with water, and they may be off sometimes, and put them on the e4t the leaves. Of course, the Piety, as Only,God WmSelf'can im, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON easily cleaned later. Rinle with Julce Jeru"" fresh and moist much longer than if B part. could- notiong remain a Christian. We _ grindstone " emery wheel. lem. artfiihoke is TAftnt, the so�call6d. y tbes,e 'llfghJualities- and gifts He live by growing. We canzwt afford to (Dr. Chisholm's oldistand) warm water before scalding. Then Af ter you use a wheel hoe for a :few French artichoke being an entirely mixed. with milk. w 11 *be'Prepal IflOr His kingly office, be provincial In iour outlook, As long wash with hot water 'with the aid of Years the spind-le becomes worn, and different plant. I From.'a humble beginning -with Mo tO rule wfady and well. as there are parts of the world un - some cleaning material, it possible this prevents close working around Jerusalem artichokes, Provide led members in 1943, Manitoba at the ond H.In vOrsie 8 read (as in Rov. Vers.): Christian or others only ptartially DR. R. L,, ST I T expose them to steam a few minutes vegetable$, because the wheels do not shade when planted rather closely, of 1919 had enToI upwards of go,- 18 d6light'shall -be in the fear of the Christian,, that task is our chaurepLe. Graduate Of UnivenIty of Toronto, and Place them in a place where they carry the rest of the hot., where you anId- once ttarted,, Will come up year 000 boys and girls in farm elubs. I ==M_—_ Faculty,of Medicine; Literitiate-o! the Vre exposed to the light and sunshine want It to go. Ibush thein when they after yew, In fact� there is some In Saskatchewan their growth has The Celestial Surgeon, One 7nillion dollars is the elrormous Ontario College of Physicians and until the next milking. The -best pre- are Worn by using a layer of thin sheet danger that they will multiply and been slower, -but they are nowgaining amount which thefarmers paid during burgeons. Parations to use in cleaning 4,airy iron or tin. It lasts a season, and spread so fast as to become a nui- ground rapidly. If I have faltered moie or less the last three years for the transporta. Office D, i9trance: utensils are the alkalies and carbon- makits the hoe work almost as wellas In my great task of happiness; tion of weed seeds to Fort William Second Door North of Zurbrigg's ates, like soda, sal soda and lye, be- new. - A washer on the end of the It I hav - e moved among my race Photo Studio. cause t3iey have the power to dissolve axle will help too. One can, buy mew K AT And shown no, glorious morning face, and, Port Arthur, JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE 29 the coagulated albumen. Sal soda: is axles for less than a dollar but the RXESTORMG THE APPLE ORCUARD If beams from happy human eyes I . Re -solve to do a little reading each - one of the cheapest and movt effective other way is about as good, $ and far IL JU Rave moved me not; If morning skles, day, if but a single sentence. If you materials, as it is neither poisonous cheaper. Books, and my food, and summer rain gain but fifteen minutes a day, it will I SELL 'TO PRE-WAR PRODUCMVENESS Knocked on my sullen heart In vain, make itself felt at the end- Of the year, Town and Farm Propertjes. (,,all and or corrosive. For the OTdh=Y sand7 soil the one glee MY list aad got my prices. I have Impu* re water -used in wasI dairy draw -back to a wheel hoe is that the Lord, thy most pointed pleasure take,' —Horace Man,D. seule excellent values. utensils frequently introduces &Tlger. soil is cut off in a thin layer on top And stab my spirit broad awake. Less than fourteen years ago all the ous bacteria I&at cause ropiness in the and then dropped back again, and the By C. W. Baxter, Fruit Commissioner. -Robert Louis Stevenson. croameries -in Saskatchewan did not J. G. SHMART mill' In 1 -Me inI impure water weeds gio right along with their There is no doubt but that a con- of the Orchards which, had suffered - --------- produce 100,000 pounds of butter, and - used in washing the pails and cans growth. We have got around this by sideralyle portion of the loss of fruit from neglect and frost injury,' last year more than 6,000,000 pounds has been traced as the source of dis- making rakes to go on behind the trees especially in the province of Having regard to these con,ditions, Potatoes may not be as 'Cheap Ilext of creamery 'butter was made in Sas, Phone 184 Office in Town Hail ease epidemics. As great care should hoes. A block of wood about live Ontar'lo, during the severe winter of tile Fruit 13fanch has endicavored to fall as they -are now. Better plant a katohewan', the output doubling every - be taken in obtaining pure Water for inches long and an inch and a half 191-7-18, was the direct result of war emphasize the importance of growers f ew. three years in that period. DRUG'N peca ing the pails and cans as in squaTe had five ar six inch holes conditions. In 1914 the crop was giving the necessary attention to their UNS PHYSICIAN wa:_4' bored through it, and No. 8 wire cut in i large, and when ready to harvest war I orchards in order to p duce the maxi. CHIROPRACTIC J. A. FOX� D. C, D, 0, ChlropTactle locato.'s and renloves the'� cause of disease; nature heals.�: ChIT0PrQ&ic Is the only and originai� system of spinal adjustment. rffective I in 95 per cent. of all cases. The On)y AMY 0011fied graduato of both Chiro- Ynctle and Osteopath.y In North Huron. E21k.. 11M piec5eS alxmt seven inches long is put had I declared -and marketing was mum amount of first-qual-ity fruit, as through thelioles, and lastene d. secure- 1 in a chaotic condition. Later, owing well as theadvantagesof proper moth- k U05 I ly with a staple. This it bolted ird to the great neeA of ocean steamship cda of grading and packing, and the onle of the slots to the rear of tlielViaee for the transportation Of ttoops great need for Proper marketing blade, and by bending the wires a, and materials necessary for the suc- facilities. little they will break up this slice of feessful prost.utio.n. of the war, an During tbT past winter officers of soil and so leave a fine mulch and embargo was placed on the importa- the Dominion Fruit B h, in co� IC41 also kill the weeds. This beats the tion of applea-into the United King- operation with the Provincial Depart. rakes :furnished with some hoes, be. dom; and with restrictect ra= �41 "WROR markets ments Of Agriculture, have held ineet. cause they can be easily adjusted by many fruit growers became utterly ings, in the viarious parts of the pro. bending the wires. I discouraged and neglected their vinces at which practical denionstra. I like to have some sort -of a boxf orebarils. The weather during two tions were given in the proper moth - growing seasons was also unfavorable, ods of grading and I-Acking, ancl t te and scab developed to such an extent adva7itages to be gained by. %avinir 1.1 19 aa& as to reduce the vitality of the trees, apples patked in a central packing and many -were' consequently unable house. W�here convenient, denionstra- F I DRUGUM PUSICIAN SavesAxles dflarnews I --- I — C—P 0 to withstand the severe winter. To tfons were also given in pruning. OSTEOPATHY It ascortain to what extent f ruit, growers Spraying and co-operative inarketing 1,11C Rwkht Tires, to suit your car and in the provinces of Quebec and On- -wero oleo thoroughly discussed, The VI) 09. F. A. PARKIER tario might profitably undertake the attendance at those meetings, and the the road's you travel 0310OVathic PhYsician-.0uIr cluaJified WhCels tufn easier nod axles wear loriger when they are properly re-establishment of apple orchards, keen interest taken ink all gubjec�tsdis. ilmeorath lu Nofth Huron. lubricated With IMPeAul Mca Axle Grease. Its powdered mica therefore, it is necessary to consider cussed, indicate that greater attention 11 your caT is a Pord or Chevrolet, Gray -Dort or Overland, the Adjustmout of tte s*ino Is, MOTO fl2kes f0rW a 910sy sUrface for grease to work over. Thus friction conditions affecting the industry As a will be given orchards during the pre- DOMINION "Geoiovedl' or "Nobby" Tread'give you nou-skid, nont '01MY soolured and with fewer treat- Is ftdUctill AtIdWea , r ret;krded. It costs less than any other grease whole; also other industrieseorrelated sent season than has bom given for. olde-alip Tites �of consirtent qualit� and ptbveni mileagt. Or—you Idemb% than "by any other methlod. becaum it lasts twice as long. to the fruit industry. goveral years, and as the supply of ]BI44A prefture and other examint, Per several years prior to 1014 nurseryotock will no doubt be MY- find that DOMINION,'tChaftO's "Grooved" or "Nobby" Tread . gyvagV an the seat whoels and DOMINION "Plair0l Tread on thefront, are t4w made. 11�6411 Vlurektt HarAeft Oil keeps your harness pliable, there was a great demand for nurs- increased within the next two yen . the Ideol combincktion for comfort and milvage. QIFPICP. OV9R CHIAISTIE'S STORE strongand now400king. It elves i�ather a rich, black ery stock, but, f011ow-Mg the 019 crop and the price reducin vs lastingifini$14 Protects it froin lnof#hve, an4 adds yeu�l of 1914 (which on necount of laek of orebards, in Ontvjri' d, It you drive a hoavimr'�ar like the Studebakker,- McLoughlin, at o and III, will III What Civiog is. �O its life. It Is easily applied and is a big tnoney-saver proper marketing facilities resulted in undoubtedly be 'very Packard, you will hAve the utmost satidadion with DOMINION t Va. profittser was very Proud of on repair bills, unpftfitable returns to the growers, Soon. "Royal Cord" ar "Nobby"' Treads—the supreme achievements in Oe Abluts theY were doing at the Many of whom..00ncluded there had Growers have every reuton to fool live building. 'i64rt VrivAts,1011001 to which she bad J'Avorlal Afzka AxI6 Vrmose imcffin- been overplanting), this domandauto. opiamistic, as to the future of '9P1r..lc SOAt IiI daughter. Pedal 96.-eka Irarnesm Oil are the, matI0411y stopped. The nurseryinen growing in Canada, -'rho industry as 21to best de4lesw throughoul Canada hdv.# fitat cholc*,of tearnatem, farmers and continued to care for their plant,11gg a whole Ilmdo no vrogro.,is durling the DOMINION TIRES, DOMINION ]MV.90 *MY de4r," she said to her friend, liveomon. A dealet nearyou carrimi 'XI lftTainV, CIVICS, if you ple"O." f6r two or tbroe ycazg, but eventually pa, TUBES and DOMINION TIRO ACCESSOPIPS. both in c6nVenient alse& st eight years for the rpaggon�q ai., ign large quantitles of ready stated wid, Although prices for; 'Vha0( eivics?" asked the friftd. had to consi '"CIVIC42 My III don't yell know? nursery stock to ibo- brush pile. 111411Y 49ricultullal produtts have do- ""61 the cosgatioR Of hoUil- elined durbig the past year, Uie prlc.� 1^7, It's tho stloAeeof interfering I art te 11 renvtval fiemand foi, nuva- for the best quality of pp t #wblM affalm" leshw;llo JJ%,11VM1N10N i mKES II and, Ila tile supply was very shown any 0011csPondi4r, decline, ii:)r far f4hor,', of the deniond, prices ad. is it liltely to do so ing to t1le f. Pt Ov a 9 th UU Vm1cf"d. TI1 fatt. -,o vieat was the ad. that priatluctiot, even under favorable AIL Ab Ans 'Whft u Umn I"'+ will -Ing, to prtae- AD TIT We wlwt hO Pta%&03 i0i about time vanee that, toge er with the labor e0liditiellv, -Ott the present linae I.,; II 147? 1*6 to give up proaching. e.hortrge, the thyle did not appear Op. niai�a to"be liot greater tll-.1n - w4lq portune to urgo the rc_4rjtbl twenty-five ytcurs Ago.