HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-06-02, Page 8C
YAP � W,- are sorry to hear that WIr. Thomas
ape I 1;ak%-r had the misfortuue� to fall and
brkU three of his ribs, we h?po be will
I Daficing att. r,'
V, I soot. be able to. be around again. I
14appy June Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Weir, spent Sun-
cirty eve-ning at Mr. David Marshalls
Th�e alontlily meeting of the Wc men*,, Pike Lake
X* Foreign Missionarr sociotl' met Friday,
?A.; May 27th., thvre w�re,10 present, collec- 1 Remember these Dates .1. 9(
"de eued by sing. I
Lir Pe tion $2 $0. The meet rig op +
lug h= 556, followed by scripture read. June Ist, June 3rd, afternoon and # t w
log prayer. The roll call was e�enlng, June 10th, J u no 15th,
orno Mission- june2SIth. After July let, Wed- 0"I
-d by the name of s it,
WanswerL igan'gave a nesday and Friday evenings of
ary in China. Mrs. Corr
in each week.
mper an "Canada's part
Some of the many joys of the bride Consist sp.e� 1 1, T
It, Missionary progress ro'China -and Can- .0
of Cut Glass, Silverware and Fine China in X ada". Mrs. John Darling then led in Fryfogle's Orc h e s t r a ?
y;# prayer. Mrs. Jas. Ballagh, Airs, W. 1-1.
L-r collection of gift$. 'Q Mundell, Mrs. John Darling were appoint. v�
01 1
ed to lead in prayar at the C. N. meeting
on June 20th, The next
splendid stock vlair and Mrs. Elmer Zu1n.
Hamilton's Jewele�-y Store has a A goodly number from here attended A n
tile It, Convention at Teeswater,. T bors. meeting will be talcen by Iiss Ag es
Darlingand Blanche Irwin.
that -,,Vill elP You in
of prelty gifts day, May 20th,
% Mrs. Murray Lucan I,, spending some
makim- your selection,
IPU X time with Mrs, John Mulvey. it
Misr Alunroe, Totonto,was U visitor at Betigrave
Airs, Gorrigans over the 21tb.
I'Ve are now in a position to take care of Miss Ella . Jeffrav will spenda month at The play etitled "Valley Farm" pre v
your needs in VTatch, Clock and Jewelery Whitby, the guest of Mrs. Fle.ming Bal. sented by the Bluevale Dramatic Club. in e
tile Forsters Hall Belgrave Friday even -
Repairs. Pronip't' se-evice. lagh. Ing. May 20th. under the auspices of the
Mr, and Mrs. George Herd also Air Lad!,, Aid of Knox Church, was a suc-
and Mrs. Archie Lowry motored to cess in every particular, the weather was
Niagara FaIN, Saturday, it) visit. friends all that could be desired, the seating cap- c
r" there. acity was fully taxed and the play was ex. b
Miss Agnes Rutherford is in Winglkarn cellent In every respect each individual
at present. esonling their reespc'ive parts except-
ly v
a HA lona well. The vocal selections by
W's IR %J well
Me rhe Pre-&byterian church was filled Misses Diment and CrarniBs, also the in -
M. McKay on Sundav night x%ben McIntosh Women's strumentals by Mr. and Mrs. Speir were A
Successor to R. Foreign Missionary society led the meet-
JEWELLR, and OPTICIAN Y-0 iq� Mrs. John Doig acted ;is president. I very much appreciated. Theproceedsof
rit arnonted to $121.50 3
N A helpful paver on ',Women and the Ma�lthe enterainme
cedoman Cry" was given by Airs. Joseph Jwhich *111 mean a tidy sum to add to the
Vogan, followed by prayer bv Mrs. Sin- after all expences are paid.
� 0
'A' L E
"MW X h m
H'a 't, n 14, � %aoo"h,
WOrth �i
$ 2 0%f 'Rock 11 0--t too be Sold,
ices Cut Dowifty, Lvo%w,,,. er T h a.". Ew,,,v e r
3 at P"'
-Boys' Clothing, Furnishings, Ladies'
High grade stock of Men's and
,Suits, Coats and Dresses; Dry Goods, Silks and Staples, House
urnishinc Linoleums,
Rugs and Groceries at further reduced
prices which will pay you to be here and buy now.
Wool Heather Hose, reg.
50 men's line Indigo Blue King Hats, best felt ............ 3.00
2.00, sale ..................... 98c
Serge Suits ................ $29.Vi
Boys' Khaki Bloomers ........ 98c Heavy Scotch Linoleum, 4
Serviceable Suits ........ $17.50 2.50 and $3 Work Shirts, yds wide ..................... 4.69
all kinds "and col- 011cloths .................. 59C sq. yd
'Iftaincoats and S p r i ng ors, ext . ra. special $1.25
.4 1 a 17=
overcoats .... 14-00 "it&
yv Suits, entire stock
to clear at ........ 7.75 and 9.75
Peabody a n d Carhartt
(guaranteed Overalls
blue and black ............ 1.98
1.00 Braces ........ ............... 49C
Men's Silk Ties ............... -59c
Men's Wash Ties .................... 37c
Melfs Merino Underwear 89c.
MeWs Pure Silk Hose ... .... 69c
Boys, Cotton Jerseys ........ 49e
Pure wool Cashmere Hose
red toe and,beelp plain
black and greys, reg.
L25, sale ...................... 69C
Caps up to 2.50, slkle .......... 1,799
Boys' Balbriggan Undrwr 25c
SAT19 JUNE 4th
4 lbs. best Black Tea,
reg. 60c, for ......... $1.00
4 cakes Palmolive
Soap for _,., ......... 25c
100 cans Red Salmon -1.250
Monarch Yarnss, large ball, 35e
Heavy s t r I P ed Awning
reg. 90c, sale .............. �55e
n gs itess 25 per c
Sat.&June 4th' --A large
window sale of flan-
nelettes, all 50c'pleces
....... ... I ................... 25c yd
Black and white, heavy
Rocklast Shirting ........ 29c
80c Ticking ........................ 37c
Prints, dark and light ........ 23c
-Wool Military Flannel,
reg.*75c, sale ............... 44c
All Dress G o o d s,. Silks,
volles, Crepes, Blous. 25%
es and -Underwear less
Large selection'of ladies'
Sults.Coats and Dress-
es,, all new goods .. ......
$13,75o 19,75., 25.75.4 3175
Wash Skirts ....................
3.00 Middles ..................... 1.49
White. church
,Ar.,and,AIrs. George Dean of 06de.
udy at the honle of 'Mrs.
h's ent�
an's slster� J Atuos Cornelius.
N1r, and Mrs. Chas Button of Wi9g-
in, spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. i Qa.
Miss Isabel Fox, spent a couple of days
th Air. and, Airs. Alex, blowbray, Dun -
Mrs. Leggatt of Drayton, is visiting
.th her son, Air. Wes. Leggett.
Airs. W. J. Foster of Bayfleld, is visit -
g with her brother, Mr. Frank Heary,
Alm Wooks and son, Alex, of Tees-
aler. spent last week with Air. and Mrs.
)b Alowbtsy.
Airs. Win. Ilutchison of London, is
siting with her daughter, Mrs, Fred
Rev. Mr. Scobie goes toToronto this
eek to attend tile General Assembly
eeting. Air, G ordon Rintoul will take
iarge.of the services in the Presbyterian
rcuit next Sunday.
M I My
iss rtle Beecroft is visiting friends
Mr. Archie Paterson of Wingliam,
I ' Xen, Pat -
sited with his nephew, Air.
-son, over Sunday,
Miss Alba Fox visited with her aunt,
.r.9, Humphrey of 'it. Helena, last weelx:
Mr. Robert Pardon has it new Ford
Miss Phyllis Weaver of Detroit, lie,,
een visiting pt the home of Mr. and
'rs. Kenneth Weaver, for a couple of
Bliss Rmma Davidson visited with
Irs: Rli Jacques, last Sunday.
Died.—In Crilross, on Monday, May
)th, Mrs. Geo, Falconer.
ittle Boy Looses Hand
,Over in the township of Carrick a boY.
years old, son of Mr., and Mrs. Jacob
'ortney was riding on a seed drill which
ras being operated by an older brother.
'he little chap being attracted by the
-volving cog wheels reached over with
is left hand -and seized a wheel. His
,and was instantly drawn in. and s3 bad-
vmangledthatall fingers but the little
,ne and the thumb had to be arnputated.
Wtunately the father was at work in the
ame field and was able to extricate the
ittle hand from its painful position.
IN THE ESTATE of John Honer late of
Vown of Wingliam, In the County oi Huron,
grsonshaving claims against the estate Or
hu Hooey, who died on or about the thir-
Leenth day of May, A. D. 1921, at thvi Town of
Wirigham, in the County of Huron, are re-
quired to send to the undersigned executors
oil or before the 21st day of June. 1921, their
names and addres,4oa with full particulars of
�hsfr et),alsinsin wriLin g s6od tile naturo of the
sec r, e (I any lit by them.
And further tavlol"notioe that atter tbe said
twpn= dar of Jime 1921, the asRets of the
said w 11 be distributed the said
executors amongtbe parties entitled theme
111-l" egard only to clal a of which they
.h.11 &r have notice and tmh, estate will not
be liable for any claims not filed at the time of
the said distribution.
Datod at Wingbam this twenty-firat day of
Ivlay, A, D. 1921. 0SCAlt H06MY
Mail Contract
SEALED TENRERS, addressed to the Post.
ma, ter General, will be received at Ottawa
until noon, on Friday. the lst of July, 1921, for
the conveyance of His Majesty's Malls, on 8
Tliursday, June,2nd, 1921
Prices for Shoes of All,
Descriptions are� Decidedly
Lower.—We Advise You
to Buy Lv
One of the best kind of shoes we� know'of for the
o-hildren are "Barefoot Sandals" similar to the HILts-
tratio Ii shown below:—
These are cool, com-
fortable aad very reas-
oiiable in price.
We have them in Pat-
ent leather with ti,eavy
but flexible soles, and
,flso ip a splendid
Brown leat6ev.
All sizes for children from small size 4 to big girls
size 2.
lie W1 L L 15"
a proposed Contract for four Ze.a.rh-,. eighteen
times ppr weak between W it rah Post
office & G rand Trunk Railway Station, froln ViV
the lA of october noxL, "riated actress cov- �4,y
taint g further Itifornial ion as to conditto sot V. 4:
,,?,po-ed Contract may be seen and blank -kyp
s ofTemlermaybe ohlained atthe PoAD
Offic" of White,;hur li, Winghain, Lucknow, 44
and at Lhe OR, e of the Pos:t Office Inspector: e&-.
London. blay 20th, 1921. CHAS. E. H. F1811M R, I
Post, Office In"Pector !:14TR
CouncilIg and I'Ars. E. Geddes spent
th 'I, 'd with Owen Sound friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Braithwaite, 0E
Londesboro announce the engagement -3.
of their daughter. Delia Maretta ' to Mr� *T.
Alva Clinton McDowell, son of Mr. an
Mt s John McDowell of Westfield. The I
marriage to take place early in June.
Mr and Mrs. Ernest Hammond of De-
troit, visited vith friends In town during
the week. VIV,
Appointment of enumerators for the
coming census and the policy of appoint- Q,
ing returned men, have been adhered to in 0A
these appointments. Mr. Fred 'Sotners 4,1
and Mr James Hirons are returned men
who w�re in active service overseas
Their duties commence June let. The
appointments in the rural Districts will -Vll
be completed the first of the week,
Mr, Herb Geddes ofOw-n Sound, spent
the holiday at his home here.
Mr M. Telfer has purchased a nobby -Zl
McLaughlin car.
Messrs ' E - Bender and Henry Horney
are delegates to the Methodist Conference 4
convened at London this week,
Opening of Blyth Community Mentor ,k
ial Hall on Sunday. June Sth. unveiling 4
of the Supreme Sacrifice Tablet will takeL
P ace t 130 0. rn. Rev. Capt. McKeg-
ney of CIQ.n will give the address. Hon.
Manning Doherty and Mr. John Joynt,
M P. will take part in the services. In 4
vening a united service of praise will
b, given by the congregations of the
churches of town. On Monday evbning.
tho Musical Comedy Co. of Goderich, will
present 'Yokohama Maid' a comic opera
in two acts assisted by a chorus of 30
trained voices. On Tuesday evening,
the Ioiiie Male 426artette of Brampton,
will appear In the 'Milligm, Musketeers'.
Sou�ophono, Southern ,odies on the
Soa,'etc. On Wednesdax evening, 111r,
8tb, a musical Comedy 'the X iw Ministo,
given by 60 of Wingham's beat Musical
and Dramatic Talent under the direction
o(A. H. Francis, London.
A number of ladies froni this vicinity
attended the District Convention of the
Women's Itlatitute at Clinton on Wed-
Nits. John Mills visited her daughter,
Mrs. V 8. Clyedale at Pbrdwich.
In Volle, Organdy and Gingham Dresses
for Misses and Women
Balkan and regulation Middles, all sizes
and styles, in middy twill and flannel.
Pilces 1.49 to 7.50.
Volle Blouses
Attractive Blouses of fine French Volle,
sl I over and tailored styles, all sizes.
grices 1.50 to 6.00.
Wash Skirts
Sport Skirts of goad quality gaberdine and
pique, latest styles, all sizes.
Prices 2.39 to 5.00.
Organdy Dresses
Smart attractive model of fine quality Swiss
Organdy in Maize, Flesh and Orchid.
Prices 11.50 to 20.00,
Voiles Dresses
Graceful models of dainty figured voile.
cleverly designed in dark and light colors,
full range of sizes.
Prices $8.75 to $18-50.
Children's Dresses
Serviceable summer dresses of Chanabray,
Gingham and Pique, suitable for all occas.
ions, Prices 1.49 to 3.75.
Sweater Coats and Bathing Suits
All wool garments, popular styles and latest'color creitions. Prices
$3.50 to 15.00,
Chambray and Ginghaifi Dresses
Porch and House Dresses, ideal for morning or afternoon wear, mod-
erately priced 2.49 to 7.50.
Men's and Boys, Sum -
mer Clothing, Furn.
Ishings, etc.
. ! " - pr,\:
letic and Poris Underwear, Silk
Genuine P a I m Beath Suits,
Sailor and Panama Hats, Ath.
IJAMEZ Get our price,-, before buying.,.-w%;�>
rt arm Sales a Specialty, Orders left at
ing -am 111KING BR 0' S
Hann'a 001 W The Advance, Wingham, will receive gk
promptattention. 140.
Phone NorthIluron 15-023, 13masels 15-13 -4*0
Miss Besssie Abell�
Organist in St. Paula' Church,
Mr. and Mrs. John Mitebell spent Sun -
day with ilowick friends.
Dr. Himor Aitken spent tire 24th. at his
Mr. Cecil McNeill spent Sunday at his
Phone 157
home in Belmore.
Baseball is the order of the evenings
IJ ep
Dr. Margaret C. 'aid
on the 10th, Why not enjoy a good time?
Miss Hazel Armstrong, Bluevale', spent
Sunday at Mr. Arthur Lincolns
General Practitioner
Mr. Wm, Crawf-ird, attended a funeral
Graduate University of Toronto' Faculty
;it Milbank on Thursday of last weelt,
of Medicine.
Miss Nellie Doig spent the 24th. with
Office:—Josephine St., two doors zoutb of
friends at Guelph.
Brunswick Hotel.
Mr. Wester Dunkin, spent Sunday at
Telephones — Office 281, Residence 151.
Mr. Arthur Lincolns.
a proposed Contract for four Ze.a.rh-,. eighteen
times ppr weak between W it rah Post
office & G rand Trunk Railway Station, froln ViV
the lA of october noxL, "riated actress cov- �4,y
taint g further Itifornial ion as to conditto sot V. 4:
,,?,po-ed Contract may be seen and blank -kyp
s ofTemlermaybe ohlained atthe PoAD
Offic" of White,;hur li, Winghain, Lucknow, 44
and at Lhe OR, e of the Pos:t Office Inspector: e&-.
London. blay 20th, 1921. CHAS. E. H. F1811M R, I
Post, Office In"Pector !:14TR
CouncilIg and I'Ars. E. Geddes spent
th 'I, 'd with Owen Sound friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Braithwaite, 0E
Londesboro announce the engagement -3.
of their daughter. Delia Maretta ' to Mr� *T.
Alva Clinton McDowell, son of Mr. an
Mt s John McDowell of Westfield. The I
marriage to take place early in June.
Mr and Mrs. Ernest Hammond of De-
troit, visited vith friends In town during
the week. VIV,
Appointment of enumerators for the
coming census and the policy of appoint- Q,
ing returned men, have been adhered to in 0A
these appointments. Mr. Fred 'Sotners 4,1
and Mr James Hirons are returned men
who w�re in active service overseas
Their duties commence June let. The
appointments in the rural Districts will -Vll
be completed the first of the week,
Mr, Herb Geddes ofOw-n Sound, spent
the holiday at his home here.
Mr M. Telfer has purchased a nobby -Zl
McLaughlin car.
Messrs ' E - Bender and Henry Horney
are delegates to the Methodist Conference 4
convened at London this week,
Opening of Blyth Community Mentor ,k
ial Hall on Sunday. June Sth. unveiling 4
of the Supreme Sacrifice Tablet will takeL
P ace t 130 0. rn. Rev. Capt. McKeg-
ney of CIQ.n will give the address. Hon.
Manning Doherty and Mr. John Joynt,
M P. will take part in the services. In 4
vening a united service of praise will
b, given by the congregations of the
churches of town. On Monday evbning.
tho Musical Comedy Co. of Goderich, will
present 'Yokohama Maid' a comic opera
in two acts assisted by a chorus of 30
trained voices. On Tuesday evening,
the Ioiiie Male 426artette of Brampton,
will appear In the 'Milligm, Musketeers'.
Sou�ophono, Southern ,odies on the
Soa,'etc. On Wednesdax evening, 111r,
8tb, a musical Comedy 'the X iw Ministo,
given by 60 of Wingham's beat Musical
and Dramatic Talent under the direction
o(A. H. Francis, London.
A number of ladies froni this vicinity
attended the District Convention of the
Women's Itlatitute at Clinton on Wed-
Nits. John Mills visited her daughter,
Mrs. V 8. Clyedale at Pbrdwich.
In Volle, Organdy and Gingham Dresses
for Misses and Women
Balkan and regulation Middles, all sizes
and styles, in middy twill and flannel.
Pilces 1.49 to 7.50.
Volle Blouses
Attractive Blouses of fine French Volle,
sl I over and tailored styles, all sizes.
grices 1.50 to 6.00.
Wash Skirts
Sport Skirts of goad quality gaberdine and
pique, latest styles, all sizes.
Prices 2.39 to 5.00.
Organdy Dresses
Smart attractive model of fine quality Swiss
Organdy in Maize, Flesh and Orchid.
Prices 11.50 to 20.00,
Voiles Dresses
Graceful models of dainty figured voile.
cleverly designed in dark and light colors,
full range of sizes.
Prices $8.75 to $18-50.
Children's Dresses
Serviceable summer dresses of Chanabray,
Gingham and Pique, suitable for all occas.
ions, Prices 1.49 to 3.75.
Sweater Coats and Bathing Suits
All wool garments, popular styles and latest'color creitions. Prices
$3.50 to 15.00,
Chambray and Ginghaifi Dresses
Porch and House Dresses, ideal for morning or afternoon wear, mod-
erately priced 2.49 to 7.50.
Men's and Boys, Sum -
mer Clothing, Furn.
Ishings, etc.
. ! " - pr,\:
letic and Poris Underwear, Silk
Genuine P a I m Beath Suits,
Sailor and Panama Hats, Ath.
IJAMEZ Get our price,-, before buying.,.-w%;�>
rt arm Sales a Specialty, Orders left at
ing -am 111KING BR 0' S
Hann'a 001 W The Advance, Wingham, will receive gk
promptattention. 140.
Phone NorthIluron 15-023, 13masels 15-13 -4*0