HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-06-02, Page 6WORLD WIMINERS I pacille Railway, clialleuged him to Opel, the cLimpetitiou for the prize to (*,1llad",,.. 8�R he ty.is for sonle MIS()" OZI W IN W�%_Al GRO ING ur willing to (10 thl�,i, bir Thoul"W. Oil (",in, '111 behalf'ot the a(li, way, offered a nov. prizo of $1.000 111 A14 A"'I gold for the be -it bush(A of hard sprhv,,1 FAME OF WEST DATES "it of wil('at gro" oil the eout"'L North Amerlea. 111 1911, the. first !n- ONCK TO 1876. ernatIOW-11 c0l"Petiti011 was b0ld 1111 - (ler the allsl)jeea of the New York Land Show, and the Prize was won by Dominion Ranks First in 'Mr. WheMor, of Rostlieril, Quality, Third in Quantityr 8astatelle-kyan. now, familiarly known aii" Qver the cogtinent as the "WilOat in Worl&s Production. wizard.,, it is conotuorea that his yield on a small Strip of land that There is 110 more startling feature year which worked out at eighty-olie in agricultural.bistory than the and- bush'els Pei acre, in all probability deu rise to prominence -aS .1 wheat- consMutes a world's record for spring producing area of the Canadian North- I wheat. West. Where but a short span of In the following year, the prize went years ago the buffalo roamed, and over the provincial border intD Alber- where at a little later (late pastured ta, being secured by Mr. Holmes, Of hugo herds of range cattle and Raymond. in i913, it travelled back horses, waving wheat fields, that to Saskatchewan, when Paul Garlach, r,tretvh from the beholder to the hDrl. of Allan, won out against the entire zon hold the vision, and Western grain farmers of the contillent In Canada has Speedily attained one of 3.914, 1915, and 1916, tho� prize went to the first places among the wheat -pro- Saskatchewan each year, when Seager ducing countries of the globe. This Wheeler recounted his first Success position She maintains not alone in and took America's first place succes- the trOmendous out put of her fields, siv@ly' Manitoba's turn came in 1917, which each fall crowds myriad eleva- when one of her farmers, Samuel La - tors to overflowing and taxes railroad combe, of BIrtle, won thO first prize Half Living, Mount Everest. kA100811119 W OrK OU TRe rA1F111- A greit thinker once said that we Of course, the whole earth is inter- Thousnuds of young men will be can, always, do more than' we think ested in the organized as-sault of the finisbing thvir course in the High we are able to do. Royal Society and the Sohaols Of Ontarlo at -the end of the Oceans of talk cannot cover up a Alpine Club upon its highest suntrait. 1)remut term. Already these Seilibm failure. All that an employer wants "Dull would, lie -be of Soul" who did are considering their future course— to know is whether the goods were not care. Botany, zoology and geo, whether they will go oil with their de'liveretl or not. Excuses do not logy will be enriched by discoveries, educational Preparation for 1118 At f� matter. and medical science will derive data higher institution of learning or Everywhere are People who are only of value as to the performance of wfiether they will immediately t0m half alive—only half doing their work the human machine in a rarifici at- up their life work. Every young mall ---barely passing muster—scraping mosphere. Bu -t it is not for the oakc Should have a general knowledge of thiough like a -schoolboy in all exam- of science that men Are primarily the requirements of the more common ination, with a mark just high enough seeking the supreme altitude of Mount occupations and professions that be to qualify. Everest, They are -conquering -tribes may -choose the line of activity best Forever we have to fight our own and jungles and native superstitions suited to his talents, and to that end inertia. When we speak of being the and chilling Snows aird avalanche per- we are here Suggesting thoughts re - .Victims of circumstances, we Misuse ils bec4use, being men, the old thrill garding the requirements, training the word circumstances. It is not the of oil explorer in quest of the unknown and opportunities of the agriculturNt- things "standing around" us, as the and the uns-even allures them beyond There are few occuipations requir- word Signifies, but the things, in- ;11 power to rasist it. They Are climb- ing more all-round ability and goo& dwelling—the bad habits whosle h I Ing Everest for the reason that Peary sense than does agriculture, To be a is so tenaelous--that bold us back and, and Amundsen went to the Poles, succesisful farmer one needs a body pull us down, aid keep us from realiz- T1hpr eff art is to all the world all that will withstand the strain of ing the fulnem of the promise of our inspiration. heavy work, exporsure and occasionally youth. Some cabinet voyagers are sa i Y'lngl Icng hours of toil during seeding and We talk of "seeing life," and when "Why don't they fly?" Because there harvest time. He must have eyes we say that, what do we mean? We; is no Suitable place to start or to land. trained to �ee the hundreds of thii�gs mean a loafer's definition of pleasure; � The approaches to the mountain are -uhich are necessaTy to be understood we mean luxurious trifling, frivolity; theinselves unknown, The maps have in Order to make advancement in the aral inanition. I nothing to say of ilie pulqieus Of business, and his hands must be accus- "Seeing life" might mean viz-hing a , Everest. The height 4of2D,002 feet (let tcrued to the use of all the ordinary steel mill, or watching the building of nOt that two feet be left off on pain tools and machinery. He Should be Ships or hats or locomotives; but in -'of the displeasure of the Shades of 41, d to ind—te, was taken a practical botanist, a soi,l chemist, transportation, but in the high qllaL1tY for his Province. require when taking a rail journey for SE, We use e ­ e E. ­ a careful bacteriologist, a 900(1 PlOnt; of her cereal which has given the some sort of "Slumming" expedition, by triangulation a long distance off— , Saskatchewan's New champlon. bus-Iness or pleasure. and animal breeder and a fair me - Western prairies the proud title of the THE HANDUNG OF . in high lif e or low. and a long ti.ne ago. The mountain chanic, and the more knowledge and finest producer on the American con- Seager Wheeler did not relinquish The comfort of the passenger Is al "You're missing the best of your might have been named Queen Vic- Skill he posseE�sos along any of these thient. the laurels for long, and at tile Inter- ways studied, and, to�day, between the life" some tempter urges, pointing toria, but glory enough in the goo- lines the beter able will he be to meet it has becri generally assumed, and national Soil Products Exposition at RAILROAD BAGGAGE larger cities, where transfer com- the'way toward, gilded, rose -hung and graphy is hers; Instead, the crown of the various and 6m plicated situations with sufficient justification, that the iransas City in 1918, where he ex- panies operata, one may have one's dazzling iniquity. the Himalayas boars the name of the hilAted his Marquis and Red Bobs effects. checked through from res -1. which are certain to present VIM - world's choicest wheat I$ grown 011 wheat, he secured the world's cham- But that isn't life. Burning the modest head of the survey. selves. Modern agricultural eomi)eti- the American continent. Thus the CANADIAN RAILWAYS dence or hotel in One, city to rest" candle At both ends in riotous excb�.ssei' It is an all�Brltish expedition, The tion and methods require further that t-ru, ates pe6ple may subscribe, to, be successfui at farining, a man premier wheat grower of the conti, pion,ship again, and successfullY con- ARE EFFICIENT- deuce -or hotel In another. A passen- is the des tion,of life. Those,who United St, neat has received the distinction of tested it the following year. A new ger sailing from the Atlantic ports of are half living aTe those who are fool- and some Of those who are good should have the proper attitude to - champion among the world's wheat champion arose in the same province Halifax, St. John, Quebec or Montreal Ing -away the years with nothing to spo.rts will do so. The conquest of 1 ward his fellow farmers to -co-operate producer.s,, and his product considered in 1920, when at the international Live on of u may check his baggage through from show for it but the memOry of smooth Everest will go far to establish new with them in the marketing of Pro - unexcelled the world Over. This on- Stock Exposition, held in Chicago, th's Vast Accumulat n- an Interior point In Canada or the and Shining floors, donce cards and climbing oentres and open new re- ducts and in securing the raw ma - viable title Canadian farmers have honor was wrested from Seager claimed Articles — Mummy United States to his port of landing In chandeliers and indigestible "refresh- sorts to tourists, holiday-makers andl terials needed on the farm. Wheeler by J. C. Mitchell, 6f Dahla- Great Britain or the European coati- ments." hunters. The grand range of the The prospective farmer should pre- onns,tently secured without excep- da, Saskatchewan, still W Stay with Found in Storage Room. nent. tion during the past ten years, or from the province and the Dominion. One of Its mourritul duties, Is the The half-Ilying Are those who bring 11Abodeof Snow," with its numberleso pare himself by Securing both a prac- the time when,the Dominion first seri. stely acquainted a f agged and listless body to ft e day's peaks exceeding 25,000 feet in height, tical trainlug and a careful schooling ously entered as a competitor against Thus for the past ten years, s4nce To those not intim transportation of tho bodies Of the work because they are literally played promises a playgTound worthy of the in the various sciences rel which time, only Western Canada can with the work, the handling of bag- dead. Careful, schooling has educated out. eugenic race that is to come upon our ating to the the older grain -growing areas across be Said to have entered aggressively gage -car traffic maY seem Prosaic and railroad employees to" exercise the production of crops and anihnal pro-- t1le international boundary. . This is, not so, for the I a What keeps some men robustly on plariet when the slackers and the ducts. Where one hais not had farm it we delve into Western Canadian into competition with the other grafti- unimportant g f bag greatest respect and consideration I the go at all age when others axe out dilettanti have passed -away, experience he had better -hire himself this raising areas of th,& continent, the careful and promPt 'hQndlin 0 ' - the moving of this class of traffle and history, it will be found that Western provinces of the DOmftiAon gage is of great personal Interest to for -the feelings of relatives. or friends. of 'the, race, and even broken, is the out to some good farmer for a year area's fame as a producer of excellent have c tbe loss or abuse of, habit they have followed always of An Interesting Publication. or two befo�re he ventures alone. It wheat really dates back as far as the arried off each year the highest the owner, and An Unclaimed Mummy. putting into each hour all that it will The University of Toronto has just would be advisuble to^ supplement thN honors for wheat. In, one year each or delay top that property, causes both In the unclaimed storage, rooms of carry. If it is an hour for rest,then year 1,976, when the prize-winning criticism and condemnation. the railways there is a vast a�cumula- issued a bulletin which will be of training with a course at in agrhul- ition at has the distinction come to Manitoba they fill thathour with rest, which is ial interest to Students in the tural callege. A careful study of wheat at the Centennial Expos tion of trunks, valises and many types as much a man's duty as h -is work. espec Schools, the work bein- done at the Experi- and Alberta, Saskatchewan being pre It is estimated that the average Philadelphia came from the Peace dominantly first among America's piece of baggage to -day Is valued at of miscellansoua articleR, such as, um- When we pity ourselves for bein Collegiate Institutes, High River Country, a region which as a . 9 and Continuation Schools, who are, mental Foxm will Prove a illost ex - wheat -growing areas with gight. grand appr4OxImate1y two hundred dollars) brellasp canes, coats, hat6, rubbers� "tired," we blame it on the work wd grain-productrig area may even at this championships, six of which it owes although the liability of railroad trans- baby carriages., and once In a while a did—rit ought to have been the Play. It planning their university courses. collent investment, He should culti- date be said to be in the elementary to that grala- genius, Seaeer Wheeler, �ortatlon companies is limited to one orutch or a wooden log, all of which, Prepared by the staff in science of vate the acquaintailee of a few sue - stages of development. Another part is Vanity Fair -that is Only half living. whose narneL IS no -w renowned in ag- hundred dollars for all the baggage of apparently, the owners do not think It is the, world's busy workshop th-at the Faculty of Arts, this booklet o -Lit- I cessf ul farmers and read re inble of the same territory carried off the lines first the objects of the courses books and periodicals. firat wheat prize In 1893 -a -t the Chicago ricultural circles the continent over.' all adult passenger. The average bag- worth while inquiring for. Not long is wholly and incessantly alive, driv- It is not long since the suggestion gage car, between given points, car- ago a mummy, possibly a descendant in each of the Sciences and then ex� i The opportunities for the 'young World's, Fair. western Canada has, that wheat could be grown at all 6 , no- ries �abaut one hundred pieces per of the Pharaohs. crept in and was. sold Ing -forward with the toil that is Put plains to what vocations these courses man trained in ag,rieultuye cannot bn however, been a seriou's and continu- n all the sons of men. I cessfully in the Canadian North-West trip, with a total car average 'value Of by public auction with other effects. 0 The partly' awake and the partly lead, that is, in each case a list is , painted quite go gtowingly a-, ha3 been *us exhibitor and competitor only et with thic profoundest scep- $20,000.00. The average trunk alone I The Baggage Department of a rail- given of possitions which a graduatei the future of some other oceupation3 since 1910, since whift time the three was m - alive, giving but a portion of their . y course could hope to 'obtain.and professions, but taken all in all provifices of' Alberta, Saskatchewan ticism. Now, Canada has not only as- to -day costs not less than $25-00, a way also has under itsi wing the hand- feeble, sleepy selves to their work, are in an . it is more than probable that faTxrier3 sumed third place among the nations good grip or suit case not much less;, ling of the most valuable and perish- after he leaves the University. Thiel and Manitoba have held the world's far too numerous. We must Strike a bulletin Should help to solve, for the! as a class get as much or more out ol! ch-amplo "hips between them, wrest- of the world in ' the amount it grows therefore, great care should be exer- able food commodity, milk, which new balance between the overladen boy or girl, the problem of vocational life as do the members of any Other annually, but successfully maintains cised In the handling of these articles. mu�A be handled with the greatest dos- and the underrehatged -that each may ing the prize one from the other on its claim yearly to superiority of The question of Promptness Is ur- patch. On arrival of a train Carrying live his life and do his work with all guidance; it Should also be useful to class. While there are very few different occasions, but never permit- quality over other lands. And in the gent. It Is pleasing to the passenger milk at the larger centres, one may hiq being, holding nothing back. parents who are called upon to advise farmers who have amassed great fo-r- ting tile premier honar in this respect Ine three Western provinces there arer yet- ta-And his or her property 111'1116 see the vehicles of a hundred dealers their children ais to the choi-ce of a tunes from their faTming bud ss, an to pass the boundary of th5 three. —.%-- n 0 e f -V thousands of acres of land, of the house or -hotel room within a reason* around the milk platform taking the , lile-work, The Provincial University unusually larg-,per ce t. g tb - h., 0 Seager Wheeler's Rise to Fame. same fertility, unproductive, due in able time after arrival, as clean milk to the factory for pasteurization, A Finger -Post. is alive to the necessity not only of a competence above that clijoyed by in the year 1910� the late James J. time to raise the Same quality of grain clothes, or changeof dress is. desired, bottling and delivery to. consumers. providing the very best of instruction the average city wor1ceT. Besides got- JUR, of the Great Northern Railway and well the production of the Cana- and the commercial man may wish to Surely this, is Important traffic, and Straws. -show which way the wind I but also of Supplying advice and ting a good living hnd enjoying Con- cu�.. -d children in diblons thut prornopte good 'health, the t� Gmpa.y, offered a gold the than West many fold. exhibit his samples promptlY. Delay deserving of the best care and atten- blows in Soviet Russia. guidance to parents all -letin is farmer manages his own affairs and value of $1,000 for the best 1 '1 0, -0 to baggage , generally means, incOn- t4on that can be given It. Our Cana- Not long -before the downfall of educational matters. , This bul hard spring wheat grown in the Vh5ltors to LiVer.PDOI recenthr, Ow- venleace and often loss, of temper, than railays appreciate this, fact, and Wrangel in the Crimea the ruble he Supplied, free, on application. can go -and come more freely than can Umted States. Sir Thomas Shaugh- Ing to lack of hotel 'accOMmOdatil0n, while the property that has disappear- have gone far towaTds,'prOmoting ef- was using went to 20,000 to the dol- those employed in large industrial nessy, President of the Canadian were housed in a liner lying in duck. ed causes a great deal of discomfort to ficieut handling. Special trains, have jar. Then it sank to an abysmal level Success uggets. Organizations. There is ample oppor- mind and body and serious monetary been run to care for a few pieces, of where it ceased to mean anything as Being a thoroughbred noesn't de- tuirity for doing community -work loss. baggage that had unfortunately been money value. pend upon your ancestors but upon along both conunercial and eocial Dr. BeH on Race Suicide Old Stage Coach Days. overlooked. In the year 1920, the In Moscow the Soviet has dedreed I 'You. 11 -nes. Tho well�trained agriculturist the railways carry any Canadian Pacific Railway alone hand- that 4,000 rubles and the gold franc! 'When a man stops learning lie stops hats Opportunity also for. filling posi- Why Should living. So does a business. tians as teacher in high sehools and baggage free is a question that he& of- led 6,371,000 pieces of passengers' bag- are equivalent. This means 20,000 0, It sounds cm.- No star Is ever lost we once have colleges having agricultural courses, Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, invent- PrOporti6ils that 99 per cent. of the ten been asked. in the old stage gage, and of this vast number but 71 rubles to the d, Ilar. 1 11 1 may be what we as experinienterz in provintial e.-cpeT1-1 or of the telephone, in the current people decide to have no children. coach days,, a traveller was permitted Pieces, were lost, 200 were damaged, irrous. Last year the Soviet ruble seen; We always -number of the Journal of Heredity, Will -the population of the. island die I ',ht have been." mental farms, as county representa- to carry his portmanteau on top of the more or less, and about 50 pieces. do- was held at 5,000 and 6,000 as the 119 , Mwests a new point of view of the out? lay&d, so small a percentage as, to run maximum for the d1ollaT. If the ex- Never admit you're. discouraged— tAves, as agricultural writers, or as coach without charge and this, estab I experts of some of the hundreds of The answer is no. The, next genera- the thousand decimals, There change was made by way of Esthon-, even to yourself. "race -suicide" question. Ho says, tion will be composed excluaively of Dished a practice which has remained intO SS d b�se. "Some people love little children, in effect ever since. IT, really means were 13,000 bicycles, 21,000 dogs, 28,- !an and Gerraam marks, it was po ible I Dolipt die on thir induatrial concerns requiririg men and desire to have children of their des4cendants of the I per cent. who de- that in addition to the passenger get- 0,00 baby carriages, 20,000 misoellan- to procure as much as 11,000 marks "We will all be equal, and I will be with an intimate knowledge of farm - own. Others look upon children as sired to have children; and there will ting transportation for himself for a eous articles mud 1,675,000 cana of f(,,r a doll -Em. But the present level your king." ing. In fact, the person well trained certain tare, he gets also, without fur- milk. is about twice as llow as. the lovresit Character is the poor man's. capital. in farming would seem to, have as aukances—perhaps necessary evils be no descendants at all of the other for the continuance of the race—but 99 per cent. ther charge the free carriage of 150 In the parcel rooms, which also point the Soviet ruble has touched What do we live for It not' to, nl�ke broad a field of attractdve position "The sentiment against maternity c6me under the administration of the previously. life less. difficult to one another? from which to chopse his life work as why should they be botheried with lbs. of baggage with Insurance of $100 in. —_ , one traAned along any'o-ther line. them when they don't want them? will not disappear In one generation; In case tho property Js lost or dam- Baggage Department, 1,189,060 par- it will not do to assume because of Killing Surplus Buffaloes. "Lot those who desire children have and the second generation will be re- aged, This, property if sent by ex- 0818 were handled. the low value of the ruble that Bol - them, and those who don't want them latively small in point of numbers. But press would cost the owner about one- -12% — shevist rule is about to collapse. But The Increase In the number of but- Farraday y s Resolved Cup. tmve none, and see how it will work the percentage Of the second genera- fifth of what he pays for personal 4gy Long -Range Valor. when we remember that the Czar,laloes, in Buffalo Park, Wainwright, One day when,Farraday, the great out, tion. who will have children will be transportation. ou're a liar!" draled the little ruble was generally worth more than Alta., has reached such proportions chemist, was out, a workman accident - greater than in the first, and' the per- man. fifty -ono cents, it can be seen 'how that it is proposed to Slaughter 1,000 "The desire for off spring is an in- centage opposed to maternity will be - Although the railways. collect "What!" roared the big man, clenell- low the worldPs. confidence in Russian of the animalEp this year. It is, expect- ally knocked Into a jar of acid a silver heritable characteristic. Obviously, less. chlirges. on baggage, of excess weight Ing 9, huge fise` "Do you dar6 call me credit has fallen. No'Governmentean ,dthat a considerable sum willbe cup, It disappeared and was eaten up then, the next generation will Inherit "Thus in each succeeding genera- and -excess value and for storage of it, that, you poor puny puppy?" hope to -rear a permanent Structure realized from the sale of the meat, by the a -old, and could not be found. it from their parents to a certain ex- tion the number of people who desire in addItiQn to charges for trausporta-, , ,I do!" came.back the defiant reply. on the foundation of insolvency. hides and heads. The Moid held it in solution. The tent, whereas there will be no des- children and have them will -Increase tion. of baby carriages, dogs, etc., the "It you Speak another4ord, you lump, 14 workman was la great distress and cendVnW at all to Inherit the child- and the percentage a -voiding repro' Baggage Department Is, by no means, of pork, I'll soon cut you short!`p End of German Zeppps. perplexity, It was an utter mystery to hatred of those who abstained from Off- duction will diminish, with the net re. a paying one; the revenue collected "Out me short, you cheese mite!" Moral Courage. of the elghty-three Zeppolins Ger. him where the cup had gone. So far spring. suit that each succeeding generation would not pay one-tenth the cost. shouted the enraged giant. "Moral courage," said the teacher, many possessed during the war, thir- as . his knowledge went, It had gone ,,To simplify file proposition, Im- will be more fecund than the last. The Not only Is the personal baggage "Yea, and here goesl." snapped the "is the. courage that makes a boy do. ty-four were shGt down and destroyed, out cf -exl8tence, forever. When the I agine Our native race to be placed up- desire to avoid maternity will die. out of the passenger taken care of, but poor, puny puppy, sharply, and before what he thinks Is right, regardless of thirteen caught Are accidentally, and great chemist came In and heard the 1 on an island protected by suitable im- to a. great extent on account of the lack baby carriages, doga, bicycles,, too' the, burly one could utter a word he the jeers of his companions." nineteen others were destroyed In story, he throw some chemicals Into migration laws from the competition of offs-pring to 4nherit It. The spirit -of chests, gunfl, fishing r(:pdS, curling hung up the telephone receiver. "Then," said Willie, "if a boy has other ways. the jar and In a moment every par - race suicide will Itself commit suicie stones-, skis-, toboggans and the Para- sweets and eats lem all himself, an ticle of silver was precipitated to the call of other races. le, Civilization is responsible for a ain't afraid of the other boys llu� This halanm wheolof -a watch movea bottom. He then lifted out the silver "Suppose that, on the island, the On- and leave a more fertile race than be- phernalia of the golfer are carried, I him stingy, Is that moral courage?" more -than 3,500 miles !A a year, nugget and seL It to the onilth, where popularity of maternity reaches such fore." This TOall-Y bicludes, all that one might steady degeneration in our teeth. it was recast Into'a beAutiful cup. _ktGLAR ftffERS—By Gene Byrnes M A14 A"'I ALf 0 n he wn, W no Gets Credit. will extend credit to the matt 0 -.9ho has faith In himself anil In hl�l business, 5entlm�n-t IJ Collta&Ua�' Tall, panic and yoll �wter pa4i'le, Talk optiminn and you 111SPIVO o tim"fir, AA i \)-AIS Xeep your head and you stang t, goo� _NROU49 FIR -1:71-V chancoof keeping yotlr Los your head and you are in danger 01 VY0 los-Ing your businoas, Last year saw u oaring farthor and farther away fro1A 0001winleutnity, Thlo year sem us nioVIng steadily nuaror and noaror economic saulty'. The wise business man looks not only to the conflittons 111 .. .... n,nt but 1,1,, 1,, 1,ro3co i1e, probable conditions of the Inorrow, , -4 1 The conipavativo r4trellgilis In offi. cerg alla, men Of tile U�,Vlcg Of Groak talit, the United �qtates, and japal� are 1.23,700, 150,800, .%lid, 7C,,Q0. Earth proc,,ure-tl from minoLl In calorado has lioen fotial excellf%k for exterill-linathig �11 AV