HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-06-02, Page 4r" . , THE WINGRANI ADVANCE Thursday, Jutle 2nd, 1921 Bluevale COURT OF REVISION at both services. 1b I Oil Friday, the 3rd of Jung in the To". 14 , =yo It here atten(led the sportsat 9 X tile and Teemvater oil the 2401- ' Appeals Against The Assessment Hall, Winjilaill, there will be a ... ISARD'S... Mr, IV. 8."k'llolmes for many years it meeting f.)j the United Fariners Co -op - resident of Lucloiow but now of Port Of Wingliarn erativk! Association, every one invited. Arthur renewed acquaintallecs here dur- ice house; We are pleased to say little IQrena ing the past week. I -Benninger, L. S. for self on:tiC0 house; Thornton is some better. Mr. Finlay Ross of Toronto, visited in reduced 50,1 Rev. Wilson and R (L Johnston are at- X -4,,, P C E S town, Burke, S. for self on pt. 432, Leopold tending Conference, this week. Awl% home here W sustained. Miss Mary Connell is at her after completing the Arts Course it% Fells, Mrs. Theis. (T. J. McLean) for The Willing Workers met at the hotue Toronto University. self on Business Assessment, of Mrs. Hetherington oil TvIonday after - Roy Ryan of Detroit, visitt(I her. , noon, A good number were present. t Ill . Cennell. Their mother is tGunn, Wm. for Gunn Sonola Co. on Jas, Breckenridge has erected a new LO-WER 4;, , visit pt 1, 2, $, Centre E ast. drive shed. als er, Mr. R. IV. Richardson of Toronto is Gunn, Wm. for Gunn Sonola Co. on pt, the new mechanic in charge of the re- Morris Boiniall lost two'liorses, one a With -the buying -power of W. pair shop at the Central Garage. 10.14, Alfred North. ean) for bay, the other white, on Wednesday cash and the outlet ot our We are glad to report Lucknow boys sue- Horran, Miss J. B. (T. J, Mel, night of last week. in their examinations recently. self on Income A, LadiesWear and Men's Wear cessful honor grad- sessment, non asses Mrs. Brooks is speudinga few days V1 John 11'. Cooke is among the sable. with her daughter, Mrs. M. Bosmati. storQs the be s t of valties uates of Toronto school of Pharmacy. Ilutcbisop, R. A. for self on, pt. 2, Jo, ith k pence has pftssed his exams. Geo. Patterson, spent a few daYs V await you here. "' rjl,as-ch Sl'.f Science, Queen's College sephine St.; reduced 100. his mother,mrs. John 1, llatterson, also MW LIOXXT-SIX at , %. Q - -iselves, the qualities xingston. Alvin Camer on has cQuiplet Holmes, IDudley for telf on pt.9,452, Mrs. F, Fair is visiting her mother for a 1 for then wee The prlces spea r 112-lue wheoluar Leopold St.lWest; reduced 100. 40 -bone. ed a course in dentistry at Toronto Uril- k or two. rl 0 versity. Mr. ',;pence has gone to Tim Miss Lizzie Cathers of Howick, is *e guarantee.' Note the greater buying I)ower of 00C.O. ­ b )VallLVVVu 0, mi Irwin, Dr. A. J. (T. J. McLean) for UT us to get soine practical experience in eztEustain- spending a few weeks with'her sister, your dollar at this store. in, self on No.: 3, jc,ephire St. W Mrs, A. Thornton, ning. Mr. Cameron is practising his I THE remarkable ecousar of the LIGHT -SIX is proLession in Peterboro. We wish them ed. can) for, self Mr. J. Osborne of V thel, spent a few success. Mrs, F.lAitebison, a Manning, r eo, (T. J. McL days with Mr. Thos. Jewitt. Cut Prices in Men's Wear shown bY its average, IN The hands of owners, Born—To Mr. and on Catherine and 13cland, redu&d 50, Miss Laura Holmes of Holmesville, daughter, (Mary Irlma). Merkley, Ezra for E. Merkley & Sons was home for a few days last weelr. of 21 to 26 miles to the gallon of gasoline and on No, 7, T sephine East, Business As- Mrs. Snell spent a few days this week 'o with her daughter at Listowel. Wonderful value in Men's Suits, Sale of Spring Suits at a Big Sav- Welve to fifteeri thousand miles to the get Of Wroxae4 sessment. XT ing Fite -Rite "Perfection" and Bachelor Brands are included in this May 25tb,, 1021. Merkley, Ezra for self on pt. 8, JoseP- Mr. Albert Hetherington of Halifax, rang . The very latest models in plain and fancy checks and strip". standard equipped Cord Tires. Light weight, On aDcount of the electric storm Sunday hine St., reduced 150. visited his parents here for a few days. z All sizes $35 to $40 values. Sale price $29,00. perfect balance, and its motor's exclusive Internal evening the attendance at church was, McKenzie Estate (T. J. McLean) for Mr. 1-1. Diamond spent a feN days last or small. week -with his daughter at Xil3gsville.' 14 Men's Overalls and Smoclks Heavy Blue Striped Hot Spot contribute in making possible this After an illness of only a few days the estate on Reduction Park Lots, reduced Mrs, Robt. Hamilton visited relatives Black $2.50 and $3.00 value. Our price now only $2.00. ?A infant child of Mr. and S)rs Wards harpin 150. at London, last week. passed away on Saturday Pneumonia be- J. McLean) for Government McKenzie Estate (T... Mr. Finley Marshall, yi, ROUS1119 Sale of Men's Shirts 3 dozen Men's Work economye ing the cause. The funeral was held on Scale Inspection, was in the village on , %,# Monday aft&noon, interment in I he estate on tNo. 6 and buildings,' sustained. Shirts to clear. We'll made good wearing shirts good value at $2.00, they "Built in Canada." Ritchie, Mrs.' 'John for:self on pt. 31 his annual trip of inspectign last week. 0, Wroxeier cemetery. He had a good word to say for Win. .4 go at S1,150. X The 24th,, passed quietly a number josephin6East. sustained. Duff's gasolene pump, and said it was X p am spending the day in Mildmay. Ritchie, Mrs. John for self on No. 13, one of the best working ones he came X, Men's Cotton Tweed Pants i Strongly made of I i L. Kennedly', Dealer, Wingtham and Grey Striped Tweed. All sizes, regular pr I ces $3.00 to $3.90 cut DiEx) IN BRANTFORD Centre St., sustained. across. prices 62,50. After a lingering illness of several Stephenson, John appealed aga tst three Mrs. W. J. K'yle and children visited months Mrs. Maty lona Greer passed of her of his assessments and Stephenson, Mrs. with Mrs. Jas Masters, one day last week away May 13th., 1921 at the home against one. Received on May 20, 19gi, before leavWg for %ndake, B. C., where Men's Socks 5 dozen Men's good Wearing Socks,, for quick ""E STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LTD., Walkerville, 0.nL ng Mr. Kyle has a good position on the G. Sale 25c. daughter Mrs T. S. Johnston 283 Darli all sustained, .1 rville, Ont. street. Deceased was born at Copetown T. P. .014 n shirts Prices f. o. b. Walk6i d to Wellwood, Jos. for self on No 7 Centre Men's Underwear Extra value ir Men's Balbrigga Tourine Cars and Roadsters Coupes and Sedans in 1801 and when 3 yeais old move Mr. Win. McGee is at present visiting d Drawers, our cut price 7 c. groat- West, sustained. his sister, Mrs. Blliott at Purham. an 13GHT-SIX TOURING CAR .................. WS LIGH IX COUPE 'ROADSTER ....... $2550 C t here she pent the T -SIX SEDAN .. ......... ro on " Zurbrigg. E. for self on Studio, pt. 8 SPECIAL -SIX TOURING CAR ...... 24500 LIGHT -S :::*::: 298S e,"p.rt of hWAf,- - She leaves to mourn VX SPECIAL -SIX 2- ana 4- PASS. ROADSTERS .... 2450 SPECIAL -SIX COUPE ........ :::: ": ... : ... 3650 the loss of A most devoted mother, one One day last week a large touring car Men"s Raincoats Reduced prices in Men's Rubberized BIG -SIX TOURING CAR .............. ...... 2985 SPECIAL -SIX SEDAN .............. * ......... 3750 daughter Mrs. T. S. Johnston also one Josephine; sustained. was Stalled on the hill- and ran back over Latest Models, Bargain at $15, $17.50 and $19.75. ALL STUDEBAKER CARS ARt EQTJlPl ED WITH CORD TIRES sister Mrs. W. R. Gallaher of. Bluevale Zurbrigg, E. for self on No. 25 Shuter the embankment in front of Robt. Aitchi- Tweed Coats. son's house. Considerable damcige was styles, and two brothers, Fredrick Kitchen If E. Residence; susiained. done to the car but the driver escaped Straw Hats Men's and Boys' Straw H ats. Latest. Wroxeter anti Charles of Turnberry. he Gunn Sonola, fixed assessment on all safely. This is a very dangerous place Special.at $1.00, $1.25 and 2,00. floral tributes were many and boautful and much regret was expressed at the loss Property private and olherwise on ac- and Mr. Wliott is working on it this S, TrOUSerS Big Stock of Men's Trousers made of plain. Mrs. Tbos. Watson, who has not en- ade by the. town wiek with a view of ulaking it more Men' Lucknow good health- for some time was ocassioned by the, death of Mrs.. Green count Of agreement in safe. ;!, .. " .1 . .1. 1 1 1 and.fancy stripe Worsteds. See our cut prices, $3.00, 3.75, 4.75; and.6,00. joyed A most impressive service was conducted with Mr. Gunn. Lucknow, May 3otb, 192 1... taken to Wiugham Hospital by her pastor Rev. Mr. Logan, he read part Ouit6 a number from here attended Boots'and S qkuow Ball Team journeyed to Kin- where she underwent an operation for .o vention,,at Listow hoes Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes 4 ut L11 I I of tumors and appendix. f the Iltb., chapter of John commencing the Missionary Con ql, t C took that the remova last week. cardine last Thursday, and at the 13Lh , verse and took for his text ?r ces Best makes are hero., See otkr values at $2.75,.&, O, 4,50 apd $5 team into camp by the score of 4-2, At last reports she was progi the latter part of the 28th., verse. "The DIED Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Masters visited 'This was an excellent game, an extra ably, Master has callith for thee. " Before pa,;s- friends at Listowel on Monday. inning being necessary to break a tie. Word has been received by friends in, ing away the deceased; sang her favorite S IN—In Wroxeter, on Saturday, Mrsi-Wm. Garniss spent the week -end Lucknow making two runs in this inning. I Kinloss of the death of Alexander Morri- hymn ,Jesus Saviour pilqt me" whick was HARP - with relatives at Brussels. re e t r% nto, pin, infa 1 storm last Thursday afternoon and; was in his 84th year, and at one, time we tb re from Port Dover, To o Fiiday night iightning struck and kill - Ripley i Hamilton, St. George, Capetows * - W. Sharpin, aged 8 month tsard CO*' The Oddfellows of this district met in. son at Portage La -Prairie. Mr. Morrison sang by her reques at the service. Friends May 21st, 1921, Francis. Euretta Shar nt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. During the. beavy electrica vening, when a splendid lodge of in- , operated a tailor shop in Lucknow betore i, Blue s and 2 days. ed a. cow belonging to Air, Gordon Gall- H. E. zuetion was held. All the degree% were going west about 437 years ago. Vale, and Wroxeter. The pallbearers were 0. Howell, W. R. Gallaher, R. aher and three young cattle belongi-I ell put on bv different teams and many The death of Noble ritzeli is reported to Mr. W. R. Gallaher. Aluable sugiestions were made. The pitzell Leathorn, A. E Gallaher, G. J. Gallaher, An Auto Bottle A i.land Blaster of Ontario, was present, from Normanby Township. Mr. a time and James Chvyster. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Shaw and Miss M. ess oil was 6o years of age, and lived for An automobile that created some inter- iraser. spent Sunday with Mr. J. Must - ,id in the evening gave a fine addr 1 U TJ- —as a brother of Aaron U . I, on Frid— A A at. Mil 0119 - est came thuroug r, a !he working of oddfellowship. After the eveiiin ,scssion all adiouraed to the Fitzell, who for years was a resideilt of, Turnberry bearing a Quebec license. It was a Me- Rev.' Mr, Jklills took charge of, the ad Lucknow. Death was due to cancer of! Township Hall, where tables were spre the liver. He is survived by his wife,' Mr and Mrs. TerviLt and two children Laughlin chassie with a gray bottle body. services at Cranbrook and Walton last with everything needful to satisfy the also sevenssons and three daughters. have'arrived from Walkerville and have The radiator and engine bood cover rep- Sunday. inner man. . The Anniversary of South Kinloss,! takan tip their residence on their farm on resenting the neck of the bottle and the Mr. Howard Stewart of Henfryn, was, The big stone crusher is still at work in rian Church, was celebrated the B, line, Turnberry. home over the week -e ' nd. miller's gravel pit on Ross Street, and I Presbyte iipbLIJ and family and Mr. body, top and all, was of solid metallic 1 yesterday, wber Rev. Mr. Stewart of Mr. Andy CaT Sacramental services will be observed several teams are busy hauling the mat- stowel on Sun- substance representing the large part of in the Presbyterian church next Sunday, erial and putting it on the boundary Mornington Township, was the speaker. Leslie Bryce nicto ed to Li A large congregation greeted the speaker day and refvrned. the bottle. There was no back fenders 'Preparatory service oil Friday at i I a, 11),, -road, -west of Lucknow. but the wheels fitted in under the bottle. when Rev. Mr. Mills will pre ach iches from The Methodist Gardeii, Party 'will be The seats were only about six ir held on the church Idwn, Wedpesday, the floor The auto was advertising June 15tb The.... V Canadian beer. Band will furnish the 111LISIC Death Plucked The Little Bud Mr. L. H, Bosnian received a carload of cement this week to keep his ile S e rvic that Lengthens 13'attery Life With much regret we ' record tfie death plant in operation. of little Frances Euretta Sharpin, the Mrs, D. McMorris has returned to infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Toronto aftei spending the past few PREST -0 -LITE Storage Battery Service is founded on know when, Sharpin of Wroxeter, Ont, aged 9 months, weeks here. developed to its present standard and 2 days. Little Retta, as she was Mr. Rich. Johnston shipped acar of know why, know how. It was better known in the home was a most -hogs on Monday. of the oldest service to motorists in America. I. I Several fields of grain especially on the of helpful efficiency out beautiful baby, to see her, was to love low land, are turning yellow, owing to her. On Friday, May 20th., she showed the continued heavy rains, Ray crops mr-1 leader rest -0- ite Service has maintained s-mntoms of a severe cold, which rapid- are doing well. rh daring innovations. Instance the Initial Test ly developed into pneumonia, which re - leadership throug 4, suited in her, death, on Saturday, May t,q P.,. - - " Cattle Killed By Lightning for new cars. *040"Ouk N404do"Aft% k41%_@%ft0b% 21st. The funeral, which was largelik attend William Keith, a farmer of the 5ih con. Sit If you have just received yotir new car, drive it to any ell head of''catt I W ed, took place from the family Tesidence,, of Culross, had t le 'killed -est B Pz -0-r te Service Station. They will test your battery on Queen St., Wroxeter, on MondAy, by one lightning bolt during the storm on and, if necessary, replace the "pep" lost while the car was May 23rd., at 2.30 p. in. Interment Sunday night. There were six fat 'steers in transit or in the showroom. Uon't Folqget to U'a**11' At and four yearlings. When found, nine of was made in the Wroxeter cemetery. Services were conducted in the home and the animals were lying inea heap—as close 61., `10$ Prest-O-Lite Service Stations render an advanced ser- at the grave, by the Rev. M. E. Lym- together as could be—and one was a little vice which, if taken advantage of, will greatly lengthen burner, pastor of the Methodist church, apart from the group. Mr. Kei, any battery"S life. Make it a habit to call twice monthly Wroxeter. The large attendance and the stock insured with the Culross Mutual. 2 N ervice -any "Canada Oil Gas Heaters Ltd A th bad his m floral offerings show the esteem in On Monday two Teeswafer butchers went this summer for testing and distilled water—a s nity. out and took the hides off the animals, which the family is held in the commu 's I FO R .Zi we render willingly. If your battery needs repairs or The pall bearers were, Harvey Copeland, while several of Mr. Keith neighborg.dug recharging, both our work and prices will prove satisfac- John McTavish, John McLean and Geo. a great trerch in which the carcasses1were Screens and Screen Doors tory. Pauling. buried, . Shelf Hardware Aluminum Ware Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and As Others See Us Mrs. Sharpin, in this their sad bereave- The Walkerton Times has , the following Tinware Granite Ware ment. to say about the Wingham Lacrosse team Pyrex 0 Huron School Fairs which played in Walkerton on the 24th. DEMONSTRATIONS ON The school fair has caught on in Huron "The lacrosse match between Wingbam year there will be more and Walkerton was a splendid 'exhibition County and this Coffield Electric Washers, county than in of Canada's national game, and resulted school fairs held in this any other in lbe Province, 11uron being in the visiters triumphing over the home- Premier Vacuum Cleaners, ry. .1 the only county which will not be group- sters to the tune of 9 to 7. Winghams Oil Stoves, ietc. ed with another county in the appoint- superior combination showed the advan- ment of judges, There will be some tage on the field, and it is questionable if other fairs in the north part of the county gentlemanly lot of, p1byers and created a If your battery needs replacement, there is county, with a many Western Ontario towns can show a eighteen fairs in the long-lived Prest-0-tite of just a powerful, e championship fair at Wingbarn at which much better line-up than Wingham sent the correct type and capacity for your car UR SERVICE DEPARTMENT WILL TAKE the winners of first to third at any of the to Walkerton on Tueeday. They are a 0 ligible. Fairs will be held this favorable impression bfre. Walkerton, on CARE OF ALL SPECIAL ORDERS xl will be e IN ANY LINE year at Porter's Hill, Smith's Hills, a now ' the other hand, was strengthened with one in Ashfield, at St. Helens, Belgrave, Sam and Winnie Wendford, two of the Wroxetei, Fordwicb, Ethel, Walton, Mc-. beststick handlers that Hanover boasts Killop, Clinton Wincheleea, Crediton. of, and who along with our own Will in Da8hwood, Grand Bend, Zurich, Bluevale Henning and Garf Krampp, put up a Watch Our'Bargai Tables a e. Wes, Russel and Blyth, the fair at Blyth being held in stellar sample of I cross ay, June 4th SERVICE STATIONS conjunction with t e regular fall fair. also showed up well and with practise for Saturda, Mr. 1). A. Andrew, who has been'6with should star some day. Thefirst quarter Mr. Stothers a9a8sistant for some months, closed 34 in Walkerton's favor, the isworking on the school fairs now, Ar- second event terminated 4-3 in favor of ranging dates, etc. Mr. John Joynt M. tile locals, the third session finished with Robertson & Hecker P. P. for North Huron, has Made a dona- the teanis a tie 5-5, WhITO tile final round Canada Oil Gas Heateps Ltd. tion of $10 to each of tile school fairs in Walkerton only bulged the not twice "The Garage for Service" b1sriding and $25 to tile championship while Wingliam added 4, making the No. 2 Store, Winflham fair at Wingliam and with county and score at the close 0-7 ill favor of tile visit - PS -10 towrighip grants good encouragement is ors. Mr. Walter Wendorff of Hanover, I 11IN miss N a 11UMNAMMUNN WIN IOTA 1019*1111*11111ya INN 10 MAN Ilion 0 low 111111111111111 N 0 IN Kim a KA am al afforded for thete fairo—Goderich Star. made a ntisfactory referee, *1