The Wingham Advance, 1921-06-02, Page 3-�� 14� V 1A0 po . I 1: -!:��=�-.�".�:7=-;;__,.---,-�.-.-.-- --.---. I— — ­ ­ ­ .. ­ ­ � - . ­­ -1.1. ­.­..­—­- ..­ ­­­.­- ­ --.-...—,--.. -­ -- 11 1-; . 11� ­­ I—— I .- .-- 1. - � .-- -- - ­ � -- - - ­­­­ .1.1 I.. � .. I � - - 1-1 -- I I- ---'— -1-1-11-- I 1----—":T= -­ I I I I I I � 01M I ­ . I el ") h roll -d' , —,—,-.._ .7. i = -1 .� I I ��03 hint 4.3 Bobby, but tile -,-mn 11,3t vell. sym�­v*-t1- -i hr., VRIC:141'45try ln:ft" over it. T,hj 1= I , --- , I � still r;1T,1TCEL - i I . I .1 I - -­" , 1. (11104'Qu the cpiwer to 'Wilicli Robort ed, to tho Qn g!:xI"3 i.,',e,,-,-.r;vtI I had bout awaiting In -Y all ,01 � the t'201Y f9ldcd - ove!�, and r0ilrp:j . . , Veas a topic which., the s;' -aro U-21.,.,;,�-,.�,,Z. 1 sle, 1, U;hatever wajs pa, ; U id Autos 14"Ing in thair, I 11Z'vrx,;� ore 4 1,1t 111,0 �.4:11-1,,, he s,�-, I .'�,,,Var, It'.3 prc�ze,-.s 4.3 ra.-,3..!�ej two i C RAMEU DMRVM I ­ , t. I U111AXI'lly SK114 Inmu, tr8m. wa's EPOL-011 of by nrItIler. "I khCV!7,','0'b wcr,dcr if the lciiin­! I ,c past, t "rhe Secret of th 0- * ll 1.1 care of All,typop; QjI cajo Sold vat�. J I e And then for two ,i -,re .1n)c'.3, :�n ry is rme,-,7 for ' ": Uhlra I . ; � ek.fl the young 1­rly yco have -Eup�`01'f j - I ., - ". lect to 4011ror UP to $00 xalles, or t"t I - Vr of 11"'a finill . . abcented hinuelf. The w,)rk at,' -L"' -e 13 a Inau rywol 4same drIntgnee if :rou wlsb. in " I .�, I I its Sll-'13114 1001M VV5 bcay.-,-, and Ro, 411&�,� ,4E"s1�.,C.rJl,1f:­*J WW ti) w,e in 1111:�.-;,r the pie-* ,&.190(4 order a* pumbaxe4. ,or purobAgp I 011' MOVIE -LAND . I bort wills ninklug Nv,ay thr,Z,ug I K1 '. -IF " 'ks ' ice refunded. , I , . ,er, I p, 'U" k" �� , ��J th<. 'PC)rJit lar.,Moy On VhOkel AT'r,"Iel are ItING Mechanic of "ur own rhaWa Old Chateau ' "" ill. it in P,.7-1 fa L -l -'a 'bit 1:,��.r ."trCag" JdCt�.'J tee."I � AIW415,d a favCn-j�!'-,,��; t,ht, flavor of ttpple I to look tbem over,, or nox ps to I . r�nt'e"P'tiOn Of his 410MU-31, holiday. A into a ,cr.,.,,y picco o1' t,c"Li. " -�, DOUBIX, . week befvre ShOWs leth - 'he hA re Ile Rhov'Al 4q.,,,w-,J on the fruit., rot cn f-0 4nY car !to city repreocutc6tive tot, I EXPOSURES wl--11.0­1----� -2 - Rc-bert smiled un-pq-rc;,,ive,,I. �rpjcos, A r0eaz).rq, a&."41tion to .'� IngPcctlm� Vw.T larre atoqv- rawaym oj% I fuzV4A very tcmptivj� invittLticil. of a 410h, hnri%y that, rRdl-a-tho stap 'ar.4j. 'e band. Oreakeylo Used Car UueAet I ARE REVEALW, . .'o , . . .1 1'' `0 .1 F . a is Club '"qu'alilballQ0 to M"n him on his lla.�-n't InUell uvz for pv%p!e vila. ha;e [111'o *when it is V�rvv,i -m-'rill is a lh-,�r.l ; 4w % i, -- - 13Y DAVID WHITELAW. F - � I I- -7 ----- I yartht. This he ,mw reg,retled, an,d a g,rown-up sons, IVS it re -bort 1 -fa- r",lUcQ madle frcm brcwa -wvrx aril; - TOAgo 612vort$ . vo^"Aso I — - . .. a I . i - Zm-- '1 -1VAWU) 1. . � l0tteT tD Young Archie Wendover I scime E,ay that it ia a merj�y c.r -',, 1;111"�er. I 1. I --�:�-=-- I Apparent Miracloo in Film- � 11 I .". (CQVyA I evielted the wo%ome news that his StCE4 eyes flath�d defiance. Hard sauce -6 tablespoorms ,Wl.ter, He Lost the Rot. I �Sy"011810 of Previous, Chapters. I c4bill oil, 'the Gazelua Iviail still walting ,,So. it I , B bby­ , 0 , casiting the Spell of a moment over the hi S 0 a _z.r,.,�enlid, life." 1 cui brown rmpar, % to,,9.F,pu,on land by SCientific Means,,- . Stel)llen Girard was a very closo Vivian Renton an4 1-1dilie SavertOil, metrolp011s. Robert's hand's o7xmclirad t."ecur-atio'n, Infadt,UV43niearlyl Thc-re was a w0mlcut's Silence, thenq 41anilla. Creum, t�G ,butter until very wart, 3noderu ree vie*6 beforre be called at the. and every pormy was treated Gh�*ts of -the Screw.- soldlers of %Qrtunp,liave bm�h4rd- upon the vej,veb arm of 1,11i otall flat to Eizy go,01 ,9 hat e�lld -111;3�d Out Ilett, ar.4 ad -I Ito Tupmr gradually, with respect. 110 seldom bet, and Wouldapt you ,gambling with Hubert D4xenter, x As 'he wotched, di -140, Although I's had his harij to the ;Irl, boating'emst; 4 think y.)u had wander- PrOOP0,%ous Attorney, in Ills London The 9-00110 $n, the hands Of ltub,yi written ,pretty frequently. "I Was jw�t going, Stella; I'm g,',ad ing. Ch... 2ntly, Thvn,,a,8a flavor. when lie did It was 0.1 near a sure 03ne 4401 1&01a, che tollhim, Was 'at rehearsal, the th;at,e If I hadn't heard, the news nu way be addedr if one ,wishea. place YQUUR u,iiihler in his employ that bad i Lewis Carroll's "Allcell it you Could do ,,RP4rtmen4. Af ter their departure Poster had seemed to him, i HO found, Mrs. BcUll'Am 410ne, You t.ane in. I was going round to t ed nutsor whroddel vc,eca- I thing as he sould nlal-,o it. Ile had at C'd "'to the Wonderland ,known to fronl Our I I late at night Renton returns to- tbe I had never had any !1110=1139, 'bulb now! She had the �=O-PaTt in a compuny mother that you -had lef b this on top Cf warm apple -pie just loot various I thefie remarkable thlagz-oppu a door I I th '04 ':mail Sums to Girard from, 'house, ragrders Baxen-ter and .hidoa thut the girl he 1,brved was a principal that Wasgoing On tour immq$lutely� I-Pul id'olinig Archie in before Re"ving, and let it melt, time to time, and wht) was an-viov% for 1 in tile 113011Y ClOthOlt of a crook and the body ,on th 0 ,c.n , 0 roof- While W41fAug in it it took on a new Significance. He. A NO, I ,company; oh, yes, obe hind left I , . the Bfodl.'terranean, I dpcult Arpother way to vary the Apple pie, revenge. one day tile two got into . ,n f9T night to come again in order to I called to mind the evil repat 'In i 4rd. your�,I? on the other side of it in I I i the refinea garb of high ooclety^ be 4 -Smpe, he finds in a desk a RtiOn Of the 110deoaLll It was really quIlbe un- exP(-ct I WC -1 be back before the enia is to leave Off the upper erast; W,hen; argument VS tO )low long tt Nirotild take V Alake his 4 tbat trip to I . Otago with Stella, his dis,40 -a Posterivf September," ; over your own sleeping form. or. im- curious Old Yellowed document telling th" lacil"' id04 who was now on, the beilaiable for her Oter MIS I - it ;of a MY&tL-ri�ous chest left In the. caro , 'Ito USZ00- ,had taken up hsl, part r ' , the ,apples ,and lowertrust are baked, to count a million dollars, � of one of Baxenter's an, clations and habits, and- his ,club-illailk course, , it was uu�f.oTtunate I if 'Oh." The tons was non -commit- a�lo= c1h; I French 'nobleman, tile cestors by A I of Women. It Seemed to the man sit- 21't'n-glr. tal. . pped 1yL?rSbTnIIDwFA, im" 'YTI CQUIdTi't make a million dota i Prillt U Islas Upon. Your own lips,? I Mosenthal was away -the, 91143 were 66Y,ou'll write, SkJI-3, won't you91,1 17 A bak - Of laic in the, time It would take me to I Thvu- apparent miracles are wrought - hateau Chauvillc, d'Aroy Vp1grave uttered,, ev Iled -with ,c;x.ked dr.1v to my farm, 61)Ond two hours , Dartigny, of the 0 - R . ed hough every word 01 00 joalJous that—. The old la�dj obert was sorry that what he 1;�,, J�.ht - .�en. e 13, Filinland by �;cleutlfie means. Any ,� Marquis do ting in the box as t ,,, , I in the v uded down from i cry 94m- hind rarabled on., and Robert half said had hurt the girl, butS,h2w.p xred�. and strained apple Elau-ce And topp,,d there, And back back," e ROW Wavie rh3tographer Could pre - The chest has been ha d pas -try shell may be fl, ; Ono generation Of Baxentors to an, ture, was Ain InSWt. He felt Ouri*usd:Y tucrned ,,his back So that she should Cite wills nee They'll form"IT4 with 'whipped cream. Mrard. xel')Imed rmut You on th3 screen as twD Indl- other and carefully guarded in the impoltent SIbt,_a,g thers .among the not see that -he was, q,.1Ui1,1.-1g. So,, he on from the '.'% al - te well-droseed audience. He I L I VidUrlZa.. in crizb­ a realistic mnaner llope that some 40;fiee� I -I'll keep trael. Gelatin T-Iss aro also favoTitoz. A "130t $50 I can," retorte(I the casilier, 1 that Yell would have tile Uncallulesi daY its rightful owner gazed at thought, Stella w&g, leamlog. her les. opt you ,by - the Bra." He lield out his Mick paut fbie,l, is The money Was Po-sted, and Girard ,will be found.. Renton decides; to posi the 111,411-e faces &vound him o ,bored Son aweady., ry baked, and, when as the missing heir and cl,alm the a - 'ttle Miles, the qmgew, vaeaut,,;;�Pressions, The girl herself came in as lie WA hand, "Goolb4byle, Staklla-and,if ever cold, fil-led with chi'led fr it gelatill. drove away. I thrill Ill IV, Aing the double life your r I a You ivant-oh, hang it All I I m, your T I otead of filldil When he returned, In- , Shadow wau RIVIng! I i I Chest. He goes to Franco to make HOW he �oathed them. all -I llea�ln -. She was hot And, t1rod And pal, Stella,, always your pal." ,his is topped, with ,whiroped cream. 19 tile ca-Aiter liuniPed! How wralld lie- 110 It? By a trIcIr of forme needful inquiries about t A titteir went up from the 10"o a IJbtF . tigoY family, The r he Dar- and t'heL _ I , disagreeable, She had had She jumped up and, went to the UP over a Pile of blank Paper with his story of the salloditair turned Ills eyp,,v * at Individual P=sttry �hellls, mrade from L' , myster- . agwm rather a DMY scene with the, Stage windiDw as he hownled down the stu,oa bits of Pastry left ­ pen jabbin� hopelessly WMY, the rich Photopwraphy called dcubla exposure- Ous chest goes back to the troubled to the sbage� The hero, with a Jeer . &m making Pie, I I I that w. . wboagar, an ill4red YOUng Man Who man 41scovereti the casbier calmly � a trick net,,,,s��Jtat;ng More delicate ad - days Of the Pre -nth Revolution and the. XIDIded UP his full cheeks, bid , introduction of She feft she would,have 94ven -her ;�;` nrake w6come dowerts. They are , we t and calculation than can be e grond- I over inverted, muffin tins, Slacking a cigar, 110 waved big hand � lust ' 1 t dsand litti slipped an arm round Sbella�s waist raw talent over the heads of the tried her , to bury -her nove in his Shoulder Pricked several times With a fork, a d at the walls of tile counting house. Imaginea by On's Who has been within escape of thelffar% reaented, "the e,hief's, bitions, her li-fe, to feca, Us lipa. on placed daughter to Englafad, where the chest fm4 had kisoocl haT-not on the chee'kr members of his complanty. It haid, and tTy-just cry. She Watched -b n, I and document -were g but fall, on, the lips, . I i I I sound of the camaral,i grind -,vhilst a !ven to the Bax- needed Mr. HavevLoWs as blaked In a -hot Own. Then, they are Girard look0a closely and ,saw they: Player worked out a dual rcle, anters for W, Sr keeping.' Now, More The lipal perislonal interr- broad shouldem asrhe crossed the gaz- fililed with comUuationis of fruit and Were literally cOvOred with In% dots, I I With a muttered vention to salotutill. Out the Tuffles, and, dene, arad when at last he wag out of topped -with whipped crealn.. "ra t"t U milliOn"" he gasped. The pr1mclPle'of d-ouble exposure Is, than one hundred years later, Hubert 019A Roberb rose after all-, the quaxrel, Was only patch- is ght ehe - turnedand, brusfilug ha A as Its nanic' Jndwates to Photograpi I frOln, 'his sloat and mlAde ,his, way in -to ed up. "Count 'em," said'the caghler. .i l3axonter's body is found, but the the foyer Of st ly � -, Renton the thentre. He was be,� past her mother, flew t I)Ghce fln4 no'elue. Meanwhile , o hew bodwoom.. Stella tolld, Bobby all. about it as she And, Mrs. Benham gathered UP her What Baby Sees. "You didn't do them with a pen,,, twice, on the sams lon�tll of illm, The ,changes his name to J3a,ptjsj& Dartin, Filde himSe'd With Pasf4orl and ealf- &I or SOM6 fresh tea to be seatber-*& erlo,ch "oh, no, I d!d them with a tooth, movements of the two characters are and visilla Canada, then he presentsiloathing -that lie should have plaeodlw ted f and., gave a The -baby has no iskies brush," grinned the cmp,,Qys, pocket_ Pre-arrangqd to a nicety, his fictitlaus OARS to Robert Baux -himself in such a degrading Position. wondered. H But mother's eyes and when Ourber, now hwvd ,of He took ,U-, hat from the cloa-k-woom I YAwn. she was Ing 018 money. "Nothing was said One ellaracter Is being "shot,,, tile I the firm, and re- Nor any GodabOVA'D about a pen." Space on the c0luloid to be Occupied leexVe's the treasure chest. Robert calls and walked qa`ckly from the theutre, Bulb mother's loiNre. . by the other is Shielded by a shutter. On Stelk Benbom whose heart is set 1 Oa-thmu-gh the West End streebs, with ad.) His angel, sees the Father's I -ace, —,.— - - on making a grogi; auoces� on the their crowd, of vUasure-seeksra, But he the mother's, faU Blacking His own Eye. Stage.' . . through the quiebei ways of Mayfafto of grace. Sixty-nine per cent. of the world's For Instance, Whea Elsie rerguso,.n — I an' d so ii1bo, the park. It waw better I . . . . . . . . . . :::: 0* I petroleam Production in 1919 I J he, :.. .7 a 9. - . -�,— 041110 appeared as both mother and daughter CHAPTER Ix-(COnt,d.) , re,,kn this OASIS. Of silence. . '.. . from the United Statm- in "The Avalanche," she went t-hrougil. t il� ga. , Robert took the E,lim little hands I bad, the heat -and 9"ior ... .1 Wcfxaw6 * Study Canada. 6 I lI -tells i d Its "I all the scenes twice, first as the moth, etween his Own. ns I . A knowledge Of one's country is one "If everybody gives a thread, 'T oth! A.ydc worl of the theatre, .0 I pain H wanted to "Becauee, darling, in my business take &0440,his Stella- I -` of the first essentials of an education, naked Will have a shirt," make-up and then as the fair, delicate, its " e I the or, In a dark wig and a middle-aged I have away from , IL.Irwllt�� �� - is a Russian f ) seen 00 much, stmighbentd out it nIT" away from the Cities, to wat � - . � BY011 Of those who are unable to PTO- vrb illustrating their e ief in co- Iy` "atu When the . I , . Prove b I L red daughter. so ma�7 'rratisimonial crea,ses. Tile together the -sun Set over the dowr ch �� ceed to the higher courses. With the operation, - stage p . ,jays, ;R Part in a lot of wax- and to Walk with her in, oo,ol woo, - the Paste for the lower ouscau be Get amount of literature available on mother was being rXiOtographed, one riages mrwadAYS; they begin in show- I at ev - IdIs '�Apple Piel" half of the camera Ions was obscured, I . sm Of =Oess add end In—. No, S tel- He ening. There can be to question, aboub it, 11, A coid place for a.final chjUl:n1g if Canada and Its natural and the actroza tallied and smIled to I", a Woman, should find her applause meet felt that It's could not r&L-urn to 'Pie, parbicoarly, apple PL-, is thevreiXt "s wishes. there is little reason for fj-.-.,.. I Minard's Liniment Relieves Colds, etc. an Imaginary person. Then tile re- in -the loO.k of h heir at the theatre. TO-n4ght of - or husband, in the lo.ve� all n1jV'hits he couyj(l not stand, I 'a ::::—, .t Canadian dowert, Malting a pie is Precautions not to vJdd too much. not being fully conversant with the :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!:::::::::-::::::::::- �::�::::::::::::::: = Verse portion was eclipsed, and the * I Tight in this eym of her ehiddTen: she little shabby, sbage� I household art in WhiCb. 6VOry C�an- Water are ne,Qe0saTY. I many advantages, Canada parmses. should have 110 door " a Mention this � dnug'11114r's movements were raglstere4 other life but that- losters. who would be'there tMoong , Odim 11011,00keePer Wishes, to be pro- bomaze, many teachers of home A review Of Current literature on COARSE SALT Similarly on the 111theTto, protected . - VW -should be all that matters, What come out. He knew Mr . Elfloient. QAijte lliaturalqy so, ifor any econDrivics; who ehowhundreds, olgiTIs such subjects. as the water -powers on film. should you cal that , 13 1 v --what do You care- hain akwa5u &orve do if the last part, the Piet how to T44W Pies in one year, sa7 the our rivers., the Protection and develop I L AN ! Imagine the delicacy of Me opera - am. to meet her daughter -and is soggy or tougill. in meat of our foreets, and our mineral; Bulk Carlots . tiOn when the scenes arrived In ,which for,the striankers, who gape at you and brough Wn in the hired �p()Ed is ruined, -1 D ISALT ', CJQP Illedw Billy 'hands together -why St'51 fact, a poor ple, Mctst common mi-sbake made is the. I sh*uld, you Please ib,,Sm9,, I I 6a, would understand. ,his absenee. is a justideation far caplous tears In addition of too much, Water to the fat deposits onl3r, Whets the appetite for I TORONTO SALT WORKS I the mother rind daughter had to bouch Stella 13enham rose siicbdwily. llerr root Was' Ixte' when Robert reachdid his, ally kft6hen, poo,Walea determ. mation and flour mixture. When more detailed Information. To those I r- . hands. The liand of another artiste, I, this' occurs, de,iroas of knowing more fully what ­ lmd was Again tamed to the ms. The Baxeliter ,house hind been 9 Accumulated during the weepiog to MOM0 flour must be added, said there 0. J. OLIFF . TORONTO ,'resembling that of the daughter was and' a flush. had sprea& over h garderm given up'. ...and the new head, of the Callada!s heritage reall I - wearing the ,same et white . ... t -little bachelor flab in overcome the Obstacles the next bajk�.*an be but One, relsult­­a tough emst. y represents, Jewellery, was ftftk, and rebellion Clouded tile Cray aven street more to his taste than Ing ' day,. . When one is afraid oif making this the COMMISSIO11 of Conservation can I -- -- I Photographed in the mother's grasp,, eyear. I e 91001n3v ghowt-ridden house at Every womain, reggardl,e,ss of her ex- mistake, water can be added, to one- supply a number Of repOrts an water- . and When the daughter was Photo - or bh IR . powers., on forests -and on mines and auger ir , a graphed she had to take up exactly "NOW You're leeburimg me Robert, orent's, Fzk. perience in coloking, can, ranks pies- 'half O'f the pastry mixture first, and, m cl-ant a It to -day of , I minerals. These have been produced I the same position as her dummy. all days. I He had taken on hig- late -cousin's '901(yd pies, tile kind for which. Canada then the rest of the flour and fat com- in A form PHONE YOUR RUSH ORDERS ! one of the most difficult feats, ,of � to give- them Permanent L1,09110,il; cry in a minute --,and- man, -And he found, him now awaiting is famed.. There ar,ebut a few things -bination added, unbil the douWh, is ctE lue, and are generously illustr For anything in Fancy Goods ever accompliahed and-, 1J 'I rtkD You're horrid -11 '. his, return.. - va a to remember. And'here they are: thre right Consistency to roll ated. , Cut cinematography It was SDI, aid in a breath, there JOwett took Ms, master's. hat and After -the Pie Is filled, and ' The School teacher, with limited I Toys, $m%llwares-, Sporting 1,1'will be seen ln Wall -ace Reld's coming WAS a Swish of skirts and Robert coat. And. PPIXCQ4 the decanter� and 1', Have the ingredients, cold. 2. t�e upper library and Often limited means, will I comedy -drama, "Always Audacious," Baxonter was alons� , - cruGt added, it must =1 WIre Goods, Druggists, Sun. He remained, where ?he. was ga , BYPhon ready, to -hand,. Handl?e -the Pastry carefully. 8. Av4A& ibe set 111 'a 'lot find In the Commlssl, dries, liardware Specialties, 9tc., I In which tht star playa two roles, ' I zing � "There'ar nothi.n�-moxo, overt to bake. The temperature of the inform an's reports, much to MAIN 6700 . ja,wott. to,, Uaing ue 1 4. Baker hl� a. in tover . P . too�. m U�Wate,; ation that will be of assis 00dillY OU, f1fie gardens. Itwas night -when did th!s come?" R4%evt hot orven. man Should be� about the �&,ama A&, f,w jr, tance on a Reversed charge. I In the course of the story these two now all but dark, and the last of 'the tock up, as hs. spoke, an envelo layer cakes, � teaching; a -part from. providing the 1 characters have a hand-to-hand light, tiny reveYers were _ps ' Nine chances Out 'of toil the plet opportunity of acquiring knowledge of 'being escorted blad beenProppedi upag&inst We And this brings ug to the n, during which Reld gives lifulzo-if sev- Of fialbs facing hin-L cucross the trees I I cold whei, placed in the "n. Clold ing that our d,,g,htsrs Predict- ludm of expense, - �,eral hard punches, and finally lands hotmewaul by their nursers, The block on the mantelwpisee. , Clock crust will nolt be a success unless it is temperature cook,,e, I am atte'r Of Canada and her resources at � a mini Torcan Fancy Goods Ltd. � : "Half an hour ago, Sir; the atteni` air -has a greater expansion and grav& Co., I himself such a blow in ille eye that it VM95 a siahouette of purple shadow, in dart from the theatre broukht it vr'h'ch little squalles of soft radiance round, six." than daughters will not think of ->— I turns black., Every second's action In. Were twink "OPIng' Minard's Liniment for Burns, etc. i Pon, Man. DIP. ding out one by one. HOWI A' waTm air, and therdore helps to, make houso a few years -hence without all. I - Ma or Harry Came I these Scenes had to be pre -arranged, ;A - ,- � . Provided for- and fal,-A' 9 -he sat there he Ai , ,,,T2.7�T, the man, had retired �he a flaky Crust. It is almlost as easy . " I . . now, so I I 0 11 Open the envelope and ,to keep it cood as not. I have a glusla ­Ae - =Perraen,Oe 72 a he was aroused from hist reverie read ,the bi�vstiily ft gTand old teacher, but bY a tax! drawing up at the dDOr be.- rawled note. - --- jar reserved for pastry mixture, the her mathoids Dear Robort-I saw you th;ja even- Fear around in my har e sometimes di"' DUraging. I - ne. This jar, ar 10W him,. It waited a moment, ith; ing--4and, you have !b9al.-ly Offended me with tbhe butterand cream,, al -ways g,eb Believ'Ing that some Of the readers engines throbbing, then swung across, I at last. It was! bad enough, for me to the coolest place in the household for WM be Interested- in knowing the . the Toad', b6ciced', and, with a Warning put UP 'With your absui,di prejudice to temperatures for baking pies, I am note on the hooter, Made, off quickly the sbalge when we were its home In the summer this is t,ke your lbehavior'in leaving refrigeratow- in the winter, a shelf going to tell You the Ones) Used; In our in the dilvetion of Londm. . -my best . scene VMS to,o, bad. 'b , Mrs. Ilenham clUring InIlLa 11, * Roberh turned to. find� the tm on, abrd by his chair. I the back po;ci kitchen. For two--orust pies with raw W is WT( did not think you woUld carry "at The pastry nlixture, ,consii;ts of the trait, such as apples, an oven having )09, RObeit, between idlocy to ithe length of a public. pro- A teTOPerature of 450 degrees Fahren- 'You and SbL-Ua? 'She has go,no off test - flour, salt, and fat blended, together fisit 63 OOTTect. The pie shOulid stay tO the theatre alone ­and she hag 'i know that I promised to an teady f or the ad&, tion of c,Acl, water. I, the, 'Ven QbMt :forty ninut,14, ,nJ swer This water cfannDt be added, any grea,b LF-4he , been eryin said You would Your question this mont1h, but I caa,%l uAdersbaud. . I find, it mfore satisfactory to ,r,educe 990h, Fw I ffiiink I Understand do SO now- I want -to go on with my length of time before the baking, be-' *0 'heat somewhat during the last; - ' V _ Art, Perhaps, in, a Fear, it You ,owe Cause It inrVitea Inold, which ruins the I ten minutw. F . . hat is, ao L; as woraft wore meant to -wail, I wiHanswer -poll. I mMuve. When a pie I pies in which the se 's nesded, all filkno has been 11oked previously, the W e- Understood. Good night, Xr& Come mvd see me, won?t you? I therre is to do is to add, the ,' I've bavely time to dress I -f would like to see your serious old roll Oub, fLll, emd b . cold''water, same Oven temperature is used, but I Want to see Stella in the glory of fitte WhOn P(M ,read the Papers to- a, saving of ake Thin -k what the Ple is taken out in thirty minute% ber new part, WoW4 you ecane, too,, morrow -1 had, three calls and time and worr , for once?" such a paring a meal to Ila;*4e Y rn PrS­ Open PieS, such as custard and lovely bouquet, a great mass c thei ft in- pumpkin, The little lady'shook her head, orchids And o2LTnatj*ijs. y .gradiellrbs cold and reud�r :15or usel. require a tempmtura of , come 450 degrees iror twei-,�e minutes, and "MY nerves, Robept. Suppose sho ,and, see me; but no leo esp 40i there's this much about it: If then a reduction to 825 degrees fir failed. I really"Uhink. I would get up ond not u wo(nd Of -Y kn what I the Ohwtoning, flOur, and other in, thirty minutes. Pastry zbvUs of the and abuse the �Sudloeme. Ther tiri�� will. I'll, going -to have U aT Of : gredlientg are combined and blended lower cmt are baked quickly ab a not pass so quielolty bare -but it -will Tours, STELLA , A ., Immediately before ba -king, it is ex. high temperaba to A— ­-�Z- M be more peaceful!, 4�P.S-J OMVA "'. 4, � — I , accoruing to Its, Particular requirements, Photographing F(Im Ghost.. Sometimes it is necessary to make one character taller or shorter than the other In a dual role story. in these cases the Ordinary difficaltites of Photographing twice On the same length Of filln are supplemented by the necessity Of having a dtfrerent-sized acter. Large fur. niture will Cause an Artiste to Appear smaller than When photographed against things of a reduced size 0�, caslonally double exposure Is res'orted to, Without masking the camera, lenis. In, that remarkable film, "Earth. bound," the ethereal figure Of A ghost Was .obtained among Solid bodies by Photographing twice Oil the same film. First the Scenes. were taken witilt the solid characters only, careful notes were made of the exact time and hich the ghost would APPear. Then the filul was . -q" 1,01 -e ttemely difficult to, ikoep the I ) 0.3f - ----­-.----­­- -- --------" - rolled back, and agatn&t a solubrely Robert walked part of -the Way to little man Who plays the se in from shrinkage, About 490 degrees for ten E3CC3[3C3E3OC3C3t3E3[3E3E3E3Eooc]l3oot3oMC3E3[3t3t3OM[3C3OC3t3CI curtained backgrotind the ghost per. anM in, OUT or cond fid,dbo n E3 his itoom. lie felt 4 little chestra. He is, taking U ajohle gebbi g warm' TArt"Oukoly In summer 'Or f"ftee'n minutes is Sufficient. These 0 13 formed his Part, with himemAx ot upsetting the gi& on Ito ffis Wife-., -.1 Ws been 1111 tc�r niontlis time Uzuaft, O*Gr theY have been te-Inperat,res are for Ovens heated 8 0 the 44Y Of 'her appearance. Hd hated and bass got four lilbble children, lie bllenisd, it is beat to' Set the mi.ture with direct 'heat, uah as in kerozent a IC -44 J�J I 8 The dOVeloped film revealed the ao- the QbA'9& 4,1114 all -connected with it was ,so ,pleased with it -but -he erW a0da inc a ,cool, plaeefor At Itel"t two And gvs stoves a, tiOus Of both the live Persons and the , while with Indirect; '13' 13 Out �he wh(had now that -he had hldd�� I when U tbank-e& me, 0, By or three hours -before 0,ding ths heat, such as fa a Wood or coal Tange, `� . -4 ri spirit, but the figure of the ghost, U11, his Own thoughts, -at any rate., until I Robert's firkst th-ought, -w he folded 8 - � � I 0 der -exposed, Is much fainter than tho I water!and zoalillg out the trust. And the temperatures are ,from 70 to 85 .: 13 Stella -had made ,her appenraws In,the letter ,c&T01.ul,I,Y and, put it away 8 ) 0 other forms, and allows Ruby P, ostarls. ,part I In his bureau, WAS, that a f the Water 4�haUld be as cold as po,s. degrees lower. . I.", the more ew wwdv sible, �� ...., 10 heavily registered bftckgrDUltd to, sh*Vr - Jay hmlf-past nin� the y1oung solici_ lWith the heads(tropA.- girl would put I When a baked, theal, und. a coo,ked 8 . . . I 8 through. as thougil transparent. � t6r was in a box at the "Odeon Pf ,things right, and, that his acti 11) 00mbiting -the in'gbedleutg and in filling V,Ve Covered with a meringue, 8 � 0 � I leaving the theatre would haveon in roftlng-*ut the ctust, care is noeded the temperature of the OVen should, t133 ....... SO; I 'a Person had . —.... �� % El ---4.1— I I a . e Inh a , D, -a' - ed i -A thelalt least, this effect of brin,ging mat�. % \1", � W. 13 Incturesqu.- ---� 0 Even Trade. -a I girl, was. -. Onconsideratioa, how- to handle the dougli laiglitly, You 11>0 About 800 dagreesi; it Will take, Cl I ,, 8 A 00untrYaborelietper . 0 1 teTs to a head Would not think a taking a houquet obout fifteen minutes, to lbzown a!ft,1 Q � I anting the I 13 - was. standing ease! os,sk Is ecro of� the ever, it seemed -better that -he should, Of bMubftul, iTagill -e roses or ,the lovo. cook the metingue, Q .tJ - J?alltlicu r music to 0 which was take Stella at heir Word' and give bee 11Y or-gandio sagh on your E3 . ","", In front of his place when S, matt "me —­......'. � summer Now forthe recipes which � . Al along lead --- � ­ --- ,her yon,r of freedom. After ,all she] d troati"Irr 4fh,--A — A A Will Pro- t3 & P Ing 4 'Couple of old and � � X " PRY - U011- "M Mypie crust: . EJ � N � weary-looklAg nags. � . .N � 1. was 0,617 ilingboon, and. the solleitor mader ,&ta 13 \N . H fel't owtaill that twelve MOU&S of way� - PdSftV Mixture ill the, same Number one -1% tupg flour, Vz cup , 0 1, S 0 T -00 �0 "Want a hoss?,, he inquired. sitage lifer woulcl, be more. than su ehoTtening, 13/a tea 11 �-� n "Guess iaot.­ ,dent to Play his ganle gor him. til' Co`mbinO the InOrealet-ts doftly., water to moiden, spoons saitp it# El . �1111 :::: . sr E3 I.", I "I'll trade you ant, for goods,, said Than he few know hett the gh,%I� toss the mixture on & floured board, Number two-lYs tups Pastry flour, the stranger. ,,rit tak'a it Out 'fix. tot, low lits cnlisetod behind the soenes- Pat lightly With a Tolling pin. The % toaspOon salt, 1_S a ­ I Cap &Orbenitg, C, rVik baccer, in fact." the jmlouslw, the heart-burnings, and nowat thing in' rollia,g Pins, br the 'coita wabft to Moisten, Va te"po � "Alight make a, dicket- along thoso the, Continual effiort to Preserve ense,s way, are those moude of gl&$ in -wIlich baking powder. ,,,, � ,JL -ue MOst )EcOnOmical Work Shoes IN lluft," said the storskeeper, ,,Pro. selX-esteem. He could not Imagine his. the cAntre 0.%n be filled with ice * in ,both of these recipes th.0 dry IF'Or Summer P3 vided we kift agree ,on a basis." . 6te`1414 4nVOfn,g it Olt, 90101VAY,' it was -help keep the tpastr,y cold, ingrOdieufsi Are mixed,, the fabblellaied a Men who 't feet all day,cortainly do appreciate the "WhaVs Your basis?" CO,7 Ori O, are On the' Weill enoulgh to p6ay at be.`hg An a0b- In, dividing the pas-te, motro is al. ill, inu4j b1le, mixture tha,liled. T,h 0 FLEET FOOT as weft as their sturdy wear and sound ress, 'but now a succes.i of oorts had lowed f0v the uppeT ftv$t ft1t the Qd wat r I d en, 'the f economy. � "Well, I'll trade you plug fol, plug." Come tQ her and, wottI& bring in. its ,Ow,ft, one. It j& e 9 ad ed 4ad ,the Crust E There are MET FOOT Heavy Shoes for work -and many other , 1, .OQ about (me T&I U. ­.'-� fAmin, all its attovdal�t evil-&,, envy . e& r StYles of White Shoes for lldresg-up.lt . would quickly rob Ste,110 13Mh%ni � 11 quarter dveh In tbitkne,V,%, ailrd Inaido Xumber three -11L 9 A Way Out. 0. cilpo flour, JJ?Z put the Whole iardily in PM.9T V00T this Summer, it Is a wise 13 ,First English I1rlcklay,ezL-,,It ,Says the frion1s, She Ilad made. I a littlo larget than thp- 'The, paiv to *I- teaspoons wat, U ,CUP butter, I"s cup , IeCOAOMY. lore the Prince ol Wales Is asked to Robert talked at 136111ingham Man. 10W for shlunkap, The uTTer er.L,;�.t wator, 1/4 cup klt& F There are FLEET FOOT shoes tot Mont w6men and childreti for glon's, the next afternoon at hi, lbsual is 41WOO P&IOr4tud to JIUOW the I il Workand play, for every sport and recre4ti6il. lay toil, fouudafjon atones, it Wa6k." . ._ hour and nocoptell, What 10041cit 11 I 13 Th,e dry ingreAtionba aro, mixea, tlier 0 The name VOtWis Stamped on owry getlul.oe FL,SET IpOOT Socond DItto--­1,Wb.y dau,1 ,s join ill f egOaPO Of Aeam,, When putting tile -wa is, wooked int,o, them, and ifieft 11 reforraA to''as "'the '11'elv�l '&I ' ' I . I Our union, then le estild r(§fuSe?,, ehr-05V. Theis t - I olmny, what Is velod. 'I .1 Pool poof. OBBER ladfimlety expoetcd� UDr hria f ' hVO OlUsts together, the uu.,dez oh6 is Ille Water -.�' -Zikded, This mealy r4ix. r3 Shoe. Look for tile hatne. It means s ylo, com. . Ole- d,81. t I Gltred,, this unconaltiona,J e ltu,;Xtion btushe'I'Vith, cold water, and t -hen the turo is tossed Ona, �Aured board, Pat- H fort, long wear,qnd oconon)Z, - - I I . �—.*­ : �11 ap , . � 11 I -- 44 And it robbed Jher pasition of ii�ch ol t"wOU"O Pushed together lightly. After ted in shape, anj 1 a pradtical Jimmy. U9 Oweetness. She hadi th,u f root 0 INJO Temoller-­J7 alf inch in till he 1.-,. U . *-, ond make .lure 'Vou got ty?'j. ted pa 1�, I the IfOW4-.r CMA Jar in the thi, and be. h &k �our Shoid De4jorfopplee oft and I re the filling is ajd,d,ed, the pie nail ter whiell ll -'4 I— � . wq the Volired out, hit's. t I . I 64) q - . ­ I bacaN quite,;aq diarn, inig a)3 I . 'Il MuLle"I'all"ltlLill. � .4.1horto;,sho contaikiing tho,wu,sl; anjd tile lb.o-wl With P,d# is lylia-ced ilk the ce.iltr, H 72A r4t�, . 0 '4- 1 'Tollftny-"N,01,06ty"a r� ta 0, fellow I oLiou' 0 Q ­ 1 C3000 1 1 ­... � . . t--�. a C Iota go of a bee wj)2�10