The Wingham Advance, 1921-05-26, Page 6THE BRITISH NAVY
or room of o ouper-battle-crussel-, lie I
will be
0 a suffrage
orator, "ould men be todaX, were it
last tixQ same Mail, as In. Xing
Alfred's or King Goorgo Nl�ls 4,iy.
In short, the Navy of A.D. 2020 will
C4'xl- the
samee-ort of men aboard and
will do the same sort of work as, the
present one, though in a dIfforent way.
We need not worry about the shiVa
and maelliaes, of the future so -long as
the men are not going to change;
-Hold be in the Garden of Juden eat.
there Is a chestnut about A. destroyer
Niml Writer (�ives a Fascin.
Cle4luing at full speed Into action in
the North Sea in 1915, whose-captaiii,s
Ating forecast -British Tar
steward cAn'e UP -to the bridge to ask-.
Will Remain the S4Me*
"It You Please,, sir, will you ha' our
bath before or after the battvla?yll I
What sort of 4 Navy, is ';Our Sure
S11101d" going to be in the fature?
expect that sort of incident has oc.
curred pretty regularly la Our Navy
There will not be much real change
Since Saxon days (except that our
Saxon ancestors did not wash them.
lit the Fleet that the next gen eration
IS -to Sea, 00 Otto might go ahead a bit
selvea with Any dangerous frequency).
and look at the possibilities for, say,
"Our Sure Sbield" Must Guard Us.
the Year A.D. 2020, says "Klaxon,11 a
The story is typical of We placid,
Well-k1lowti, English naval writer.
matter-of-fact way in which British
The only way to forecast the, future
sallors go to, war at sea. As we are
10- to first look back Into. the past for
all Island people this is, only natural,
No British Soldier call go to war un.
King Alfred, to protect England
less a ship takes, him along to do It,
against Invasion by the Danes, built:
and our Empire frontier is the three-
PIXIDS twice as long as tboae of ]Its
� Mile limit off our oppolient's coast�-
enemy, swifter and less an.'ltne.
"Got UD, nobblelll cAlled hid mother
from the bottom of the stairs. "You
steady, and also higher than tile
And we can guard It. Without any
Others-." King Alfreds Idea of Pro.
boasting, we know from the, experl.
tecting his country from invasion was
ones of this war that our menare. still
to go for the enemy at Sea,
"IcOmpa,"Able; Y04 cannot beat them.
VId Age is Spiritual De
'Youth lit a quallty"41 Spt
ritual onorgy
and, Properly Speaking, there to. 110
"Old age," but spiritual- decay. "The
foot less prompt. to meet, the morillng
4OW" Is no Valid evidence ot growing -
old, any inore, than to lose a leg In
battle- rassy PhYSIO41 Activities are
not the only testa of youth. That
brain of Sophocles which gave
. US 1118
greatest play at ninety Is more to the t
Point, as Also that famous, saying re,
corded of him, In referenae to t , lie coal -
Ing of tile Passions, with the years,
that to grow old was like being eat
free from service to a band at mad,
130cause we grow,wiser and Strong -
el', leas Selfish and generally mor
useful to our follows with the pass �9
of the yeara is got to say that we have
lost our youth. it only meana that We
have learned how to employ it, We
A. . +
Silesian Iloid Faith,
There is the maktno- ot Ar*tcla40.
troUble in the 1311o;an� goitUatioo.
Practically every nation hAving any.
thing to do With the matWr is bpIng
cl)APgad with ugly treachery aaA b9A
falth.. ItalY seeM to bo the me ex.
COPtIOU. Tho Italian �orcos foiloW04
the orders of the Entente Council th-41
Put them in Silesia,. Thoy fought the
invasion and th Oy fQUght f9 hurt.
Germany charges that FraWe STA
England kneW all about the Polish
plans and aid nothing, it. 'i. Passing
strange thAt WAIWW should, know no.
thing about the trouble far two daySi
and not till after the Poles had take , n
I about all, the territory theycould -hope.
to hold. There 4ro indica-tioni.4 that
tLe F rench Are not ave -Tse to -seeing
the Poles Ifold all of Silesia they wazyk
The broad outlines of the I Situation
ate the , The Pea- T��.+ -AA-A
did. - -a In every wrection As. we Dr. James cotton for a plebiscite to dotermiva
VV0 kZOW alJtble better what we , whotheT
, Whose new other discovery, it has Sllq%ja ff . I be 0 o
but been reported, Makes any man
are doing, or what we want to do, hou 4 German r P ligh.
, or wo- The balloting was duly held with
the Motive force that enables us to do Man tell the truth. (ItVilluotbe gold plenty of charges Of tr1okery Ant, bad,
it IS, that same energy which 0,11,00 1 for household purposes). faitli on both sides, It was a, sort (a
drore us to make tools of Ourselves mixed victory fair the Germana, the
at the beg -tuning and still provides *the Speed Reco'rds -in Writing. SUM total Of voted favoring
-same "Swift means to radiant ends." Germany
Decay, disillusion, weariness,, I we The man Who lives by hispen can by about two to one, vith'the Poles
mean these, things IvIlen we f1peak of possess no greater gift than that of carrYiD9 many oi theagileti-Itural dis..
"growing old," but we fail to realize bding able to write ome can tricts and mindng, cantles.
I rril 1 11
ill Nelson's, day and In Beatty's day. We have read a lot of the men that Mato kaOse are no necessary 4ecom-; SK flown al; Their desks, and rattle off - p a is -to was held lato in
palliments of the years. We may, un- stbries Or articles at the rate of A, March ' No rulings Or jnterp�etoatlonjj
the Idea was the same; there will be 1 beat the Spanish Armada, and of those Of the past twenty years, former fortulitttely, In4erit them d by
no change from that sound policy In that Nelson led at Trafalgar, but tile , or acquire tilousand words, an Irour; others toil On the vote have been,handed own
the y4ar 2020. TWENTY YEARS United States, citizang, have been re- them, like bad habitg, or, through neg desperately, turning -and re -turning the Entellte, The Poles; the losers in
al, humor- "i every sentence, and thirik themselves the balloting, start a surprd 0 r
Men of the Great War and of to -day spousible for tile settlement of nearly ]act of a proper -care and Giorefse Of nov
There Is 'another rule that one can areeven better, Brave, lay a a.
got from history, and that is th, ous, enduring, And absolutely unde- OF ur' ESTE ""ING 140,900, or almost thirty per ceat. Th our spiritual -selves. Spiritual had in- lucky It they caii produce a thousand ment that is a UOXed Invasion, insur-
,it ships UUM British Isles-, taken together, ace ne -words, of satlafacory copy within tile rection And riot. Such autho.Tity as
featable-the British Tar to the ad OU t- t-01100tual laziness makes. most persons
itiod weapons go art getting bigger. ad for About 91,000 entries, divided "old before their time." If we lose in. working day. the Entente claims in Tjpper S11"Ia
Alfred'& little battleships have grown Mirat1011 Of his officers and the Pat- approximately Into, English, 67,600; tokest in life, life will 'soon This, -average novellit proollitas two Ila's been flouted. Entente forces have
tern of the navies at the world. lose In -
Into Monsters, like the Rood, that Is, DEVELOPMENT OF CANA- Scotch, 17,000; and Irish, 6,500. This te�est in us, and It Is lust as Possible
from open boats of Sixty rowers thay As. for the� material of the future books a year, each 61 About eighty been driv6n out by the Poles. Adalbert
]have became huge armored hulls of Navy, It will be,as good as anyoue DIAN WEST. was surpassed by'the settlement of to achleve'a precoclou4,geallity in the 0,ousand words. But thiare� are others XOrfantY, a sort & imitalor of thq
any later perloe
Britons know quite a bit ab t filed On nearly 100,000 quarter -sec- lives.. Harraden-who, take two years to pro. charge for Poland during the plab.
42,000 tons carrying 1,loo men, Shaped o18'a"S' on 000tinental Peoples In general who twenties as, at of our __'�for eicampla,, tile late Wiss-'Beatrice Italian D'Aiminzio, wh.9 -was , in
like racing boats, with the speed of a the design and -building of war-ve&Sels. tl*nS Of Western, land.
Midland express, and so, long from The new Ships, Fe* Are4s Now Rem i i 6� duca- one book. iscite Is leAding the invaders And riot.
411binarines, and air. ammg The banner Year Of homestead entry To go. to the other extreme, there ors. 'Ile O-Penly defies the Entente,
Stem to at, craft foreshadowed WhY English Roads Are
era that a 300 -yd. drivLh by a f0P a hundred Which Contain LargCSedion WAS 1911, when 44,479 applications Are excePtiollul writem to whom the say$ that he is ready for a guerrilla
record-breaking 9 0 1 f professional Years hence will be ]British and not were received at t1w various, land of- Better Than 0"r.5. speed -of a thlousand words an hour Is warfare against I ntente qroo,,ps ankl,
would Only Just cover their length. foreign models. The Navy never of Homestead Land. flee.% Figures, droppeid some -what lia- one �i the Very Interesting trips 110thifig, Mr. William Le Queux jig re- will maintain all army Of occupation
Taking a roweez hors e -power as being St' still-everY oMeer and man is There can -hardly be any gainsaying til the outbreak of- the, war, wherL in during our. stay In England was to ported as having recently completed Of 80,000 Men.
0ne-81911th, King Alfred's flagship a Potential Inventor, and the ideas, for, the statoMent that the biggest factor 1914 31,829 Potential farmers. from all Cheshunt, which ft 20 miles S40uth6aet a whole novel In tile', space of three. Silesia I MAY be largely Slav and
would have engines 7% horse -power, improvem�ont �Ome chiefly from those la the Phenomenal development of tile countries took homesteade. During I Of HIPPeltilen and a little to the. north weeks. This. is the story of -,the big probably is-. The Germans may have
Tlo� Hood reckons her horse -power at who have the Practical experience of OanudiAn West has been the conces� the - fiscal, Yearsv igir), iili6, 1917- and og London, says a tourA.t, Our trip Italian film -"The Power of the Bar- won b5r_triClCel`Y,, And they Probably
144 ' 000, and does net trouble to. count sea life to teach them wliat is wanted. Stout of free land by the Dominion gov- 1918, a total Of Only GD;636 homestead.s across was made by auto, Over the glas," did, But the manner of whining should
narrow but PaTfect roadbed typical Of
the.odd hundreds, HOrSO-POWer From Sea Water? OrnMelit to farmer-% and Intending ag. were taken up, In 1919 only 4,227, In late Mr. ARIrloll Crawford, be det6rM1Z1qd by the Authority thvt
The first practical submarines were We have taken a look at the future riculturallsts who undertook to settle 1920 6-P732, and In the first' seven, tile English roads we travelled over. WhOSe, work certsinly never showed authorized the balloting and not one
of about 10 tolls with 10 horee-power. Navy through the I -ewes of the past. and reside there,611 and bring A part Of Months' of the last fiscal Year 9,784, These roadbeds, are often several feet any signs of Slovenliness, beat this re- Of t]161ntordsted parties. A Polish
Now they run to 2.600 tons, with :Lo,- That Is. a good WAY to reach. the re. the S,011 Under cultivation. The, pros- Dwindling Available Homesteads lower than the adJacent fields, worn I card by writing "A Tale of a Lonely adventurer ShOuld not be allowed to
000 or more horse -power. If the cap. Suit, but it is liable to certain Unex- Pact Of Obtaining, for a mere Incar- In. the dwindling down by centuries of travel, and wilid. Parish" in the s -Pace of twenty -foul, dictate -what shall be done.
tain Of Ono Of these modern boats Pected errors, Tile fact Is, the last 1`611ce, Of the most ordinary obligat' flgur0a of home -
icer aft -he twenty Years have seen such extraor. land which Ill settled sections. long, steaXl entrift one DbPL-rV-aS tile reflea- first marked the route thousands, of than Mr. Le Quelix, 'Conta longer ' Oil the faca-0f th0 situation, Cxrr.
W14-1114es to Speak to all Ofil lug �4b(lut to follow the cowpatbs: that days, This novel, considerably
0 I.'a Of 'the tion. of bath the warbline cessation Ins on hun- many is right in claiming All this Coll_
-tific advances, mad t t 1contluent WAS valued at hundreds of lBritlell emigration and Of years ago. dred slid twenty thousand wWs,. Rtitutes R violation. of the Treaty. it
rings ]'!in up on the telephone; in dinary scion
early days he would have merely bad we, may'flnd estimates for the distant dollars per acre., and In olde.r Euro. at tile, United Sta the falling Off - Wtich of the ivaY the roadside. hedges Another amazingly'raplol writer Was 'a On the Point that the Ent-ente and
tes annual contribu- ll,4; been, Permitted to groW until the Mr. Gny BaoibbY, who published twen. not Poland shall make the fillal
to dis him In the ribs to attrAct his future suddenly brought Much nearer, Pean countries was- absolutely beYojld tiGn, and the depleting areas, of -home, fields beyond could Only be seen tY-6dX books in leis than eight years, justnient that t.,he Entente Ma!st Assert
attention. The greatest revolution In na-val de. the purchasing ability of the average stead III& in the Wast. To-d4iy, tho through the occasional gateways.. Piles And a number of a art tor at t el . ad -
The Same old Britont sign will come when Same sclentlSt citizen, draw thousands of land -hungry. luxuriant open tract h s !ea. 1 0 1 A f Order must be -restoTed in
a of the Peace Of road material were-pagged at fter the barga . ill. 1:16 sometimes turned Silesia, the country Put back Where
The early torpedo boats were little finds a Method of producing horse: men from all Over theworld to pea -pie River Country Of NoTthern Alberta, re.- quent intervals, And occasionally A ie. Out eight thousaild,-words at a Sitting. it was bafore the Polish move, or the
thIlIgS of 15 tons -they weigh nearly Power from, for Instance, rgalt water. the vacant plains of the West. In the main one of the few areas which can- pairilig outfit
2,000 tons raw. The early aeroplanes Oxygen is Imt6n-t force, and we have record Of homestead patents, is con. tains. large oedtions, of land which may tal , 0011sistiagof a maunted Thts is -a f big feat from the ph7sical P,'lltante must adnilt that� it cannot
i Plenty Of oxygen in the sea. The air tabled the gist of western develo - three men I
weighed about 700 lb.; now the big P- be homeateaded,. This favored see `bO118X� a steam roller, and two or Point of view, let Alone the strain of elIX01'ce its own orilers, or that itdoes
One% Approach 20 toils. itself could conceivably be used as a mant, for it was the agricultu spereading the broken. OOMPOSItIon: n0t care to do so in certain instances.
Starting, then, sole fuel for engines! Who came first to re Palist tiOn bas, 'recently b66u the, Mecca of Stone and Applying tb0 asphalt. This I -
from these facts, I ally develop and many farmers. and many �Df CanadtVs is the The elder Dumas, was: not only the
What We are only at the beginning of our stay, and all else has followed in his ex-soldiaTs desiring to exercise the "Stitch In time" by Which 41lig- Most Prolific, but also th'a most rapid The -Promise-Alaker.
could we expect to see on visit- knowledge of electricity, sound -waves, wake. lish roads are kept in repair at a frac- of authors, On one occasion he made
The homesteads of to -day are the 0 Of tile -cost prevalent, The 131'rench Are a Practical. folk- and
. In Canada. I. bet that lie would write the first
ur roads are usually, neglected until volume Of a new novel withl their experiences with Gorm-any have
-small diving cruis. sives tell times as powerful &a any in steads. 01�160 acres were regarded, Is rich Productive farms. of to -m I 11,e, left Paris
I submarines there , rights- of soldier graut�&.
ng a big naval base? There will be and Power -waves. We know of explo. The, favor with which free home- tidn
ers of 10,0oo tons, and diving battle. arrow, their -consequent inJU17 to vehicleg days, the number of words being about Without my illusiO71s.
ahlPs of 40,000 tons. Use today, but we do not yet know ieffectod in this early rapidity Of set- and the homesteads, settled uPon with- and impediment to travel have L coat thlity thousand. He Won his wager Fran'ce has found tlia� Germany is a
-ears are now pro� ar more than would tile timely rp- epally, with dialf a day to ea
The biggest ships will be the sur- how to Prevent them going off when t1sulant, Within the, areas, where they in the last twenty Y I
face battIO-1cruisers-great flat-boottom. we don't want them tol AN that our were made available, while the dim. ancing Much of the crOPS.'and cattle pairs. spare. llous and stubborlidebtor, who pays
ed "skimmers,,, their bottoms ,step. designers and exierts can ao is to go 1111-shing numbers of homestead an- which have made Remember, too, that Dumas wrote Wilell �`he TnWst and Only whell she
on Improving material along the pra - tr.
Ped" like hydroplane motor boats,, and c les the Western pro- Ill this matter of road-bulid.Ing and everythipw with a pen, He had none must.
In the Past few Yeam indicates VInce% famous, �the, 'world Over. The3r repair, It would seem that Canada can Of modern assistAlice , of type. When the news that 'Germany had
150 ft- beam and 1,200 ft. in Iength. by present-day science, bat as they able land to. begiecured by this Means. cases, handsome yearly revenues., and a yo writer or dictaphone. WdrkIng With undertaken to fulfil thirdelliands laid,
drawing but a few feet of water, of tical lines of daVeloPm1ent Permitted tile approaching exhaustion of desir- I are now netting their Owners, in many learn a great deal from a at d f Old I the down,by the Supreme Council reached
Tile speed Of these Ships will be 90 work they keep a wary and Watchful Ill the last two decades,, from X Country methods. For many -of their 'a good stenographer, there, are writers, S, not one hat was thrown in the
Ave no covery ew'agrlcul- are in more perfect -repair to -day than and words a week, aa.r. Official circles remain as they
- tries were made in the provinces of tural and residential duties, are hold 9,01110 of our costly macadano roads `UQfftdal
none can tell when sOM0 Small dis
eye on the men in the labo 1900 to from being Secured for the a change roads that date back , to C, Gs%r's time Whose -Output averages. thirty thious. ]�Ari
lm*ts at least. Ther will h ratorles, for 1920, more than 500,000 homestead an. Of a ten dollar bill and a f
VMS, but will carry numbers of aero- One of these, who.
Plane shells which can be guided by chemist or engillear may Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, in 'many Ins makft a specialty of Juvenile fiction, 'Put it, "ekpecti-ve," while
against an enemy by magnetic waves. not give the signal to Prepare far ()am- `tance% at values of one that are %lot yetfiVe quarters are allnoist pessimistic.
-W types of war- fencing, off of stories going at the same time, And - Who, asks the Practical r-�renchman,
Under those Plate changes ill all 11P WhIch represents the settlement and hundred dollars Per acre. Carefully Years, old. keeps five and sometimes six serial
conditions buttle-% vessels. more than 80,000,000 compiled statistics prove. that land In
Would take place at some fifty miles t110,1 stalments average five thousand is going that Germany
_42- -a start. France's Official Capital. words each, keeps her word this time ? With
acre-% by this, system of appropriation. Canada is, rising in Price at to Sea to it
11'ange, the real struggle uel Not all this call, of course, be con. 11339 rate. The excellence of crops Pariz Is not the capital of France. Some writers of newspaper -fouille- million Frenchmen gvtan,�Ung t.0 their
ag between A Camp Torch. Sidered as, Under cultivation, though Produced and -the rapidity of settle, This is not a, -paradox, nor a Joke, but tons are extraordinarily a Arms, Gerniany agreed to the terms -
the magnetic, operators of tile (,pp,s,.
ft ships, Meanwhile, the submarines tried to light Your way from the tent without peedy, Ali
If, when camping, Yon have ever the farmer who takes a homestead ment are 1 large mea ure, respons- an official fact Parisians 'who are InthDr of this type, has been Ica but the Freneh are troubled about i�
Proceeding submerged at tremendous additional holdings usuagy Ible for this,. Homestead land settled given to an aI ' own to fheY are Wondering if they must
Armlet disposition are complete a story Of the kind Within a
to the spring or the boat landing by bus the greater part of the area ran. to -day will be worth a large figure in a disturbed In their mind.&, for from tile Weak. Maintainan. armyof occupation on the
098d, will be launching out huge tor- the light Of a flaming brand, You have dered productiver. fewye It was One hundred th u
il�odaes, which will be guided to their Probably been surprised to have your ArSlaud Improved land Purchased fact that Paris. had, ceased to be, the words, In length and he received f
In a sIna Rhine for the next forty-two years..
at the or ft
ark by the same magnetic control. torch go out and leave you in dark- A Survey Of Homestead Statistics. cOMParatIVelY low prices pre- Capital Of thQ country Silica, ID14 rg. a cheque for $1,000. The Fiench fear,is that Germar,
rfte aircraft used will be about 100 ness. United States immigration Valliag at the Areseat time, when com- sults that all official T6cumenta of will keep her prdmi-see just . - 7
to Cana- pared as long
the ng On the Bright Side. er throat,
tons Weight and 30,000 horse -power. Make your torch of three blazing ft ha -1 always- been regarded in so de with those 'existing In other Republic Of France Signed since, the Looki as -a French'bayanet is at h
may aser's . -life, realize a price inany legal. A cheery little fellow of seven This fear"is founded upon experience.
Aghting fleets. that in the camp fire Jority of those emigrating to the Do- fol On September 3, 1914,
at a height of 25,000 ft. above tile have noticed - purch
ThOy will Join In a battle of their own -sticks instead of ate stick, you Slrable a light, largely because the Ma countries, will within. fle span of the above date aretheoretically ii
three brands, that 11 d What he paid. When the Whose Optimism was, a porpetnal. sur.1 The French are tired Of having I*
There may be very -little land fight, wIll b, 0 010S4 6jether million find their way to the land, Government I -aft Paris before the Mon. pr1se to 'his parents, was, being pull- Mobilize -a few armycorps every time
a with a single flame to which I
tug t1ten. az where the' Dominion has the greatesi; ace of the German advance, the Tour- fshod by his father, the German gets another fit oof stub.
Official -announced that Bordeaux 110 was, sprawling across his parent's bornileas. They fear that tbu --gree-
- to burn because the h t cannot ea. large Section of -the British emigration n. -and until further no. knees, and after about six strokes of men�t just made by Germany is but
Things will not, however, be alto all Of them contribute. They continue economic need of themp whereas, a nal
gother changed; human naturewill be cape in all ea Value of Educati; was henceforth
Just the same! direction&, as It can -When tide flows' Into the cities amol indus. Tile most Important thing 'You ae. tice the-legai central capital of France the OWle he Muttered to himself. ,It anather "scral) Of eT."
King Alfred's Coxswain, a rather Blame With the torch, In the past, ttlers have, - won't matter. I don't sit down much." The "No -Luck" Gardener.
Only one stick is on fire. it is the trial contres., American as Qull* in -school Is not the information. alidofficial documents would be dated Z121P
bairY and uncouth man who wore. _.%_
been Possessed of the YOU get but the �ablt of study You as. from ]Bordeaux. Until December this Possessed the Combination,
mckluff round his legs, and,a coarse greatest per capita -wealth, On Arrival tablish. With a mind trained `t� study Procedure Was followed. Otte by one He stuck a few rose bushes into the
stud who Smote -t Of him, The school Inspector was one day mally have been. In the habit of par. Solution of the Problems which come bY December 11, all docam door and walked In with a confident lie did not prune thorn and he par.
woollen Jumpa.1, oveir the res Knew wil Bible. Ill Canada, for which reason algnpat Y4DU have this ability to work At the the Ministries came back to Parl * a and The canvasser k1locked At tile office ground in the back Yard one day.
ants Weis
the helmsman of thelasIttlig some-chitdrim qu"tt�li --on chasing ImprOved.farms. and become UP in life- Without all ediloation you once again dated from Paris, . SM116. mitted wild shoots to grow.
OPP00ing Danish flagship with skill, I Bible knowledge. So far as beg had producing assets'ta, the Dominion, with. would be in a quandary No one, however, in 'the streas 0 "Sir," lie said, "I have, for sale 4 He never cilltivated the sell. 1-10
earliestnes% and A, teu-Pound t as YOU do not -f the .
SPIked gone he Children di(I'very Well, but out Any loss Of time whatever. A sur_ know the Methods of solution. Edu_ time$, thought to Insert a notice in tht combined carPet-Sweeper, talk -Ing -ma. never sprayed the bushesf after- tha
lhammed with intent to Cause the said when asked: VOY of homestead statistles, however cation give$ You comprehension. while Journal Official to tha offect that china, potato-peoler, and -11 warm days set In.
2i'DIMS111411 grie,'Vous bodily harm, 'was "Where does the word 'holy, first also (reveIls the fact that they lo�;,' lack of training causes bewilderment, Paris -once, Again had become the capl- "Not to -day," interrupted the mIn. He did nothing to help them or an,
Just the same mAn as he Who was on occur In the 18ibler,
Vatoll. In the Great Wart the Children could constituted the most Important single tal Of France, will the xosult that'all ager, "Ive got one, I WAS, Married courage them, but later whenever gar.
not answer for a Miulite� or So, till -a factor In the settlement of these landai documents since, Septembe lb:14, twelve niftths ago.,, cloning 'Was the topic of conversatioit.
In the Year 2020 the Some Briton ragged urchin, stood up and said: In a new thermometer a flag auto- should be dated from Bordeanx, and Tunonels Fhr,, he always. said.
Vrill be found In the maguetic-defieat�, "Plea and, that In the filing In, Proving on MaticallY Points the degrees of tem_ those dated from Paris I'll" long have been "I never have
at,, Sir, on. the oover.#�. aDproxim
Ate 500,000 homesteads poratUro on a circulAt h;;,iz are technically discove Any luck raising
Ontabscale, illegal. red excavated by South Am- roses.."
erican ant4,
1 1 0 - - W114.P." ..I,.A 01. #-1
W **Xi
6 MVe-
IN X %foop- owk W140 COL)Lt> &LW
.4155mr-P. 02 wiio Www> Y00 vome K\l OW14
40 1 t 4� TRATH e P_ 13 e- -rH N4 WAq I WOUI-P
t -AVOW I 1Z 'Ne - W-1.
N E. W_ LIS F_
10 IT
1 il
.4 o
JM KI 0"
a -S
0 a suffrage
orator, "ould men be todaX, were it
not for woman?"
She Paused a Moment and looked
around the hall; "I repeat," she sodd
Orator, "would Men be tO-day were it
not for woman?"
-Hold be in the Garden of Juden eat.
Ing strawberries," answered a voice
from the gallery.
Betty's Datihitloh.
"What," Asked blist lones ot 4,110 of
hot PuPlis, "do We mean by the Word
WtY r0kpdudod Promptly.
"By the plial"al of a word we main
the Smile thing b*qlr more of it
.. -.0-
Not Ap��AlAirjg.
"Got UD, nobblelll cAlled hid mother
from the bottom of the stairs. "You
know the OtLrly bird gets tile Worm,,,
"Is that till You've, 90t for brauk,
UAV tdPit6d Bobble, aletapily, As hg
tututdover tot Atlotlov 004.6?,e.