HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-05-26, Page 5n
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Thursday May 26th. 1921c,
We 'are Pleased
to� Announce
The choicest of Fresh and Cured Meats at the
following low prices owing to the drop
in Cattle and Hogs.
Best Rib Roast ... 25c - 27c Roast Pork, trimmed ... 22c
Shoulder Roasts ... 22c - 25c Roast Pork, untrimmed 20c
Flank and Rib Boil ...... 20c Pork Chops, trimmed...25c
Brisket Bc-;l .. --15c - 18C Pork Chops, untrimmed 22c X
[Ch.ice Home -Made Sausage . ...... Beef 18c, Pork 25c�
Back Bacon, slice d ...... 55c Breakfast Bacon, sliced 35c
Back Bacon, whole ...... 50c Breakfast Bacon, whole 32c
Special Back, sliced ...... 40c Spiced Roll, sliced .. .... 30c
Special Back, whole ...... 35c Spiced Roll, whole ...... 25c
Smoked Ham, sliced 40c, whole 30c. Cooked Ham 60c.
Pure Lard, Home Kettle Rendered,
3 lb. pail 60c; 5 lb. pail 90c; 20 lb quantity 16c lb.
Phone 35
H ead Fresh
Cheese Those Field & Co. Live r
10c lb. 7c lb.�
I 41�
Evav Mea("
Next time You
want to conc en -
trate on a Piece
of work just slip
a stick of WR(GLEY'S
betweent. Your teeth.
K's a wonderful help
In daily tasks —and
SP orts as we(L
d sappear
and hard
Places come easy.
gives �wou comfort
and Poise—it adds
the zest that
means success.
A great deal
ior Sc
Miss Edina Lee Kidnapped And
Drug d
. X10 -
Her hands securely fastened behind her
back, her ankles tied together, a hand,
kerchief saturated with chQloform cover-
ing her nose and a bottle of the deadly
drug in such a position as to pout out its
fumes in her nostrils. Miss Edna M, Lee
of Listowel, music teacher and leader of
Knox Presbyterian Church choir it Palm.
erston, was found at 5 o'clock unconscious
in Louis Nairn's lane, at the edge of Palm.
town. She was kidnapped shortly -after
erst4h 8 o'clock.
Miss Lee came fr9m Listowel and went
to the church to get some music she need.
ed. When she was on, Main Street, near
Shield's store, after visiting the church, a
car drove up behind her a man jumped
out. He asked her to help him as his wife
was ill in the machine.
Startled, but with sympathy aroused,
the young lady looked towards the car
and saw what she took to be a woman in
the back seat, apparently crying, with her
face in her hands. Miss Lee went to the
car and was immediately seized by the
unknown man, who put his hand over her
mouth and thrust her into the seft with
the supposed woman, Later she' was
choloformed and left to her fate in the
Dr. Coleman was called and after work.
ing over the prostrate form for several
h �urs succeeded in restoring her two con.
smoumess. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C A Lee of Listowel, were notified and
;;on'arrived on the scene.
After a thorough examination it was
forind that no other injury had been done
other than that occasioned by shock.
Miss Lee can offer no clue as the �'Identity
of the offenders. It is believed that their
object was black -mail. The victim of the
merciless assault has been identified in
musical circles in Palmerston for 9eve al
years and is highly respected by all who
know her,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. King of Jamestown,
ipent Sunday with Mrs. H. A. McCall.
Rev, and Mrq. Tate, Rey. and Mrs.
Wills, attended the induction ceremony at
qelville Church, Brussels, last Thursday,
ovhen Rev, J. P. MoLeod was installed as
Miss Bessie Nichol of Toronto, spent
,he week -and with her parents here.
Mr. tester and Miss Sanderson, Mr,
md Mrs. Rutchison of Toronto, motored
ip and spent a few days with Mrs. Saud-
The G. T. R. have put the regular
gang of track men back to work agaiii.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Simmons of Culross,
visited with old friends here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Curtis spent Sunday
with Mr. Wm, Thornton.
Mr. Geo. Haney visited friends at
Wroxeter on Sunday.
Miss Helen Garniss of Toronto, was
home over the holiday.
Mr. L. W. Ruttan of Wroxeter, has
purchased the Sellers house recently
vacated by Ge6. Mowbray.
Harvey Messer of Toronto, was home
over the week -end.
There.was a good turn out to the play
in the Methodist Church Tuesday even-
ing, and everybody was well pleased with
it. They certainly all act their pirts fine.
Messrs. Duff and jc�hnstou each shipped
a car cf hog-, on Monday, price $9.10.
One of the most severe 'electrical
stormsforyears passed over here Sun-
day afternoon, fortunately very little
damage was done except fields and roadt
were badly flooded. ,
Mi s. M. Masters and Miss M. Procl ei
of Toronto' spent a few days this we6
with relatives here.
Mr. Jas. Walks. of Chesley, spent tht
week end at the home of Tbos. Stewart
Mr. Barold Holmes has gone to Brusseli
where he bas securea employment witl
the G. T. R.
Mi. Jas McHardy of Brussels, spen
the week -end with relatives here.
Rev. Mr Mills visited friends at Dray�
ton last week.
Mrs. s. Thornton of Wingham, visitgo
with Mrs, Wm, Thornton last week.
Mr. Chas. Fraser of Vancouver, B. C.
visited his sister, Mrs. Art. Shaw one da,
this week.
Mr. Thos. Stewart visited his, son
,Howard, at Henfryn this week.
Miss Florence Aitchison of Elmira
visited with relatives here for a few days
A Limitless Guarantee
A guarantee that operates at any time
in the life of an Ames Holden
"Auto -Shoe" protects you against any
and every defect in material or work-
manship that may come to light.
There is no time or mileage limit on this
Ames Holden "Auto -Shoe" Guarantee. It
serves as bedrock for all adjustments, which
are made Upon it—without fuss, quibble or red
Cord and Fabrile Ti"res in all
. 1. Standard Slies
Tor Sale By "'Red.Sox" Tubes
Merkley, Soiigsphone 841, and Geo, T. RObeVIsOut Phone 1921 Wingham,
and WIngham Tire and Vuleanizing Depots Phone �08-
NOW -2 Days— Wed. and Thurs. And Then Friday a nd Saturday
"THE,COURAGE OF Mary Pickford
Comes to us In
A big special or�duction from from the world's THE GLAD PLAY
famous novel by You'll learn the "glad" game to from Eleanor H. Por-
ter's novel "Pollyanna".
Matinee Saturday at 3.30, l0c and 15c.
JAMES OLIVER Two shows Saturday Night 7.30 =cf 935',_
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
"The Courage of Marge O'Doone" is a high powered
special production of the flrst magnitude. Grand, iin-
posing, picturesque, it moves in rythmic beauty and TOM MOORE
heart stirring action like the motif of a great opera,
Now soft and murmuring, then stirring and swift it
rises in salvos of crashing action to unprecedented in "OFFICER -666'
heights of photodramatic expression. The Coban and Harris notable stage success.
"The Courage of Marge O'Doone" is the most
heroic human and spectacular photo novel flashed on If you are so happy now that you simply cannot
the screen in many moons. stand another good laugh, you may be excused for not
seeing ibis bundle of clean film fun. Otherwise it is
29 Days only, Wed. and Thursday — Usual Prices. your solemn duty to give yourself a treat. It's great.
-Milli !
Rev. Mr. s took charge of services
at Moncrieff last Sunday.
Mr. and MrG. G. Gallaher and Mr. and
Mrs. Jae. Masters spent Sunday with
Mr. A. Procter, Belgrave.
Mr. W. R. Yeo,sold four two year old
cattle to Thos. Bradnock last week that
tipped scales at 4840 and for which be re-
ceived MO. They certainly were dan-
dies, Wm. is noted as alirst clags feed-
er and always turns out a bunch of good
Btock each year.
Mr. Roger Oke spent Sunday at Listow-
Mr. and Mrs. John Garniss of Blyth,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Garniss.
There will be a special ineeting of L.
0. L. 766, here Friday night, May 27th
All members are requested to be present.
N E W G 0 0 S A
Milton and Mrs. Edn)unson spent the
week -end with relatives at Atwood. In Silk, Lisle, Cotton, Suede and Kid. New Gingbams, Prints, Galeteas, Ratines, Organdies,
Swiss Dimities, Skirtings and Reppe, in a host of
James Edgar of Wingham, called on =0 shade of Greys, Browns also Black and White, Ex -
colorings and patteras at prices that are right.
old frlcnds here on Monday. ccptional values at low prices.
Arthur Wearring has beer. appointed
census enumerator for this village.
Merton Howe attended the funeral of
an uncle in Paris last week.
Gavin Muir left for Wentworth county
on Wednesday. where he will be employ- HOSIERY
ed erecting steel barns. Floor Coverings, Rugs in Wiltons, Axminste.-,
-.8 All the latest shades in plain and fancy silk Hose, Brussels and Tapestries. Liroleums and Oilcloths
The new cement walk from Main
street to the school has been completed. -.0 Lisle and Cotton Hose for Ladieg and Children in a large range in all widths.
J. D. and Mrs. Miller, of Listowel, Brown. Black and white, Prices moderate. Curtain Materials in Nets, Scrims, Voiles and
spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Madras,
F. Hastie.
Fred and Mrs. Kitchen and A. and
Mrs. Gallabar returned from Brantford Zwe
on Tuesday, where they had attended the =0
funeral of the forTner's sister, Mrs, VOILES
new and High Grade Clothing, Raincoats, and Furnishin
A wonderful range of English Voiles, in 95
distinctive patterns that are diinty and stylish in in new and latest styles Exceptional values at pop-
-a checks, spots and floral effects at $1.00 to $1.50 a yd. ular prices.
The many friend; of Mrs. (Rev.) G. J.
Kerr, ot Bothwell, formerly of Gorrie will
be sorry to learn of the deuili of her,
mother, Mrq William Weeks, which oc-
curred at the faqiily residence, near Glen-
cae, on Satu day, May 14th. Mrs.
Weekes was in rh,,� Sth year. J Is' As 1 Mk" I L L S
Mr. Oliver Gallawav of the 17th con. of
Howick, has sold his crop to his brother, Our Goods are the Best— Our Pricts Right Flour, Feeds and Seeds a Specialty.
Wilber. and will shortly leave for Dettoit,
where he intends going into the garage,
X Butter, Eggs and Other Produce Dropped, Why? Why Not Clothing? I
We made the first start, who will be next ? All our entire stock marked down to I
pre war prIces and many articles less than pre war prices.
Now i. your best chance to buy your Summer Suit, SUit To make room for our summer dresses we decided to reducv I
Lidies Coat, Dress, Skirt, Blouse from t h e Select Ladies' S another Pive Dollars off every Suit according to the marke&
Ready -to -Wear Co. at remarkable low prices. Our first price. They must be cleared before we, ship our Organdy.
offer to you is to take advantage the same a. hundred,, have already done, Voile and Gingham Dresses, I
Thousands will follow as the good news spreads, Now, we as manufactur- We. have a large variety of Sport Coats. in different grades
ers guarantee every garment, sityle, quality and fit, No imiddleman's, no CoatS of materials and styles. Prices ranging from $10.59, 1
M jobbcr's, no traveller's expenses. Direct from the maker to the consumer. 12.50, 13.50 up to 27.50. 39
eautiful range of Dresses, doitens of styles in differ-
ent shades and qualities at very low prices., We in -
, vita your Inspection. We have just received a ship-
ment of pretty Voilis 15resies In A Variety of shades and styles. Some with
frills, large girdle, tunic and vestle effects. Price 0.95.
Special Clearing of Blouses
75 Voile Blouses in fine differint styles. Down goes the prices 09c. YouL
cannot buy the voile for $be money. So be smart and act quickly whilk,
They last.
Select Ladies' Readymtowweap and Made to Order�Go.
Next door to J, A. Mill's Fldur and Feed Store..
Headquarters and Factory, 456 Queen W., Toronto; Branch, Goderiqh.