HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-05-26, Page 1a AdkL AOL AMkL- LILAr, Don't Forget to see "Valley Farm" in Town Hall, Wingham, on Friday, May 27th, under auspices-o—f L­­­__'_­_'__­ adies' Aid of St. Andrews Church, Single Copies - Four Cents WINGHAM, ONT.o THURSDAYt MAY 26tbt 1921 Sobscriptions: $2.03 per year ',Silk Hose Sale Saturday $2.00 pair silk hose best quality and �colors, Hole -proof, Venus, Radium ant ,Crown Brands, Saturday only 3 to 4 p. m -at $1.39 a pair.-Kiwa BROS, Broken Ribs Mr. Errold Drummond of Hensall, and 'formerlyof Wingham, while engaged ir strenuous work during the fire of T. Mur, ,dock's livery barns, broke one of his ribs, but was unaware of it until some dayi afterwards, when medical examination revealed the cause of his pain. He is, however, now going around again quite smartly. Dancing At Pike Lake Dancing will be held in the p4villion at Pike Lake on the following dates with music by Fryfogle's Orchestra, Wingham, .May 27th, June Ist, June 3rd, June 10th, June 15th and June 29th. After July Ist -dances will be held each Wednesday and Friday evening. Sunday's Rain Many of the older residents of Wing. barn. have told us that they do not know -when they ever witnessed such a severe -electrical storm, at least one which laited -14 �xo long as the one on Sunday. , The rain fell in torrents and the valleys and low lands were flooded, Fortunately we have heard of no damage being done with the "'exception of a few badly flooded cellars. It was dry and dusty and rain was much meeded to help the crops. 'Wingham. Lacrosse Boys Win The Wingbarn Lacrosse team played their first game -of the season in Walker- ton an the 24th., when they won from a picked team composed of Walkerton, Hanover and Owen Sound. The game vas exciting throughout and at the end of the first period stood 2-1 and 4-3 at the end of the second. Wingham tied them at the end of the third period 5-5. and Anished the game 9 to 6 The Wingbam line-up was goal, Jas. McGillviray; point, Alf Lockeridge; cover ,point, Harry Towne; Ist. defence, Chas. Smith, 2nd. defence, -Roy Cruikskank; �centre, Leon Cantelon;. lat. home, Stanley Harrison; 2nd. home, Elmo -Sanderson; inside home, W. VanWyck; outside home, F -d. Hawkins, I 1 11 11"; EVEPYBOIN'S COLUMN ICABBAGE. CAULIFLOWERS, AXD To -mato Plailt 4 for salo.- ISAAC COLES, *0ar Pry, andBlackliall's il-C- ]EXTRA CHOICF ED k,ale at $1.00 per bag, Carman No. 2 R. SIATHERS Brussels P110116 10-11, Bluevaie. FOlt SALE -Two buggle% in good condition. .Apply at, N. MERKLICY'S G ARAOR. F01t SALE -1920 Ford Coupe. or will ex. -ohangeona. Ford Touring of rocant medal, Can a Is as good as now and (ally equipped. App at ADVANCE OFVXCE or address Box As I Ingharn. In- T-v,`tr,H,n1,",f,tt., Violin, and piano tunIng. GEO. J. wittanT, Bandmaster, I UIDWARD-ror the conylation of $5,00 the tatty who stale the two wheal *art from the , ok Of my shop. W.J, Boyor, WORIC WANTIOD-Will hire with farraer for the sbason. Experienced. -Apply to 1'. J. 111NORAM B03C 237-WinsCham TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Court Of Revision Notice Is here y glyea L hat the Court of Xttvigion an the Assessment roll for 1921 win be hold ab Bluavale oft MondaY, Afty 30th, at one o'clock V. m. for the purpose of heari in: said settling complaints against the said A lb-10.111ing buAluesd at the court will Mtend at the said time sa4 place without curther notice. P. POw%Lr, Clark, Baby Chick& Fro nee head trapnested S. 0. WhItd howns vipron Straln�. The Batron Leg6 an English bird and for a laghorn Is a ago bf-0 some of them being as I%rge as ALWn ROSE, Biuwset,% Ont" Phone 38 it, Box 31. LOCAL ITEMS Buy your cracked eggs at Gurins'. Ltd, Read the Lyceum Theatre advertise. ment advt. on page 4 of this paper. Instructilh for Hawaiian Guitar and Ukulele. For terms. apply Flanigan% Music Store. -\-Mr. Chas. Garniss of 5luevale, has hi; foundation finished for his new house it iq a big cellar. The choicest of fresh meats at prices to suit your purse. Read T. Field& Co's. advt on page 5. The Huron Regiment is to go to caQ at Carling Heights, London, for nine days training commencing, June 10th, Have you an old building for sale? It so communicate with Tan ADvANca. We want one suitable for rebuilding. Preserve your eggs now while cheap. Lyman's Waterglass gives best results, Sold at Mitchell's Corner Drug Store, W. E. Binning has resigned as treasurer of the town of Listowel, after serving in thrt capacity for over a quarter of a cen- tury. �<,Miss Freda Coiling has resumed her '0ties as teacher at Curries' School, after an enforced holiday with mumps in charge of affairs. The four year old son of Mr. Alex Bird of Paisley, and formerly of Wingham, was operated on at Walkerton hospital last week, The Cottage Prayer meeting will be held at the tome of Mrs. Casemore, Minnie street, on Friday evening at 8 p. m. You are cordially invited. Gunns' Ltd will have a quantity of cracked eggs for sale until next winter. The Wingham branch of the Farmer's Co -Operative Co. will remain closed each Wednesday afternoon during the summer and will be open each Saturday nigh until 9.30 o'clock for the convenience of the armers of this vicinity. ls,Miss Helen R. Wilson carried off three of the four prizes av;arded to nurses at the graduation exercises at the Kingston General Hospital. There are ninety nurses on the staff of this hospital. Miss Wilson is a daughter of Mr. Gavin Wil- son, Lower Wingham. N�. *4 District Grand Superintendent Coutts, piid his official visit to Havelock Chapter, R. A. M., at Kincardine, on Friday night. Those who accompanied him from Wing - ham were Wm. Booth, H. W. Shane, H. I Jobb, W. G. Patterson, Dave, Calvert, E. J. Nash, E. I Mitchell, Alex Reid, G. L. Bisbee and A. G. Smith. , A �chool boy was,required to write 200 words about a niotor car. He submitted the followingt My uncle.bought a motor car. He was out riding in the country when it busted going up a hill. The other 180 words are what my uncle said when he was walking back to town but I know. you wouldn't want me to repeat them. Dear little "Pollyanna". You will never forget her, when once you have met her— and don't fail td meet her—it takes only a couple of hours to k ' now her awfully well. There are so many characters in pictures and so few of these one cares to, or could remember, that this little girt as portrayed by MARY PICKFORD, who lives each day to teach others to live hir "Glad Game". takes hold of your heart strings. -Lyceum Theatre on Friday and Saturday. Meeting Of Huron County Council TheCouncilofthe Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Voun. oil Chamber, Goderich, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 7tb, day of June, 1921. All accounts against the County mu�t be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council GEO W. HOLMAN, Goderich, May 20th, 1921. County Clerk, Every Knock Is A Boost A Wingham man stopped TuE Ar)- VANCE, some time ago because he was sore at the editor. He has lamented to friends of ours that we were going to the dogs and taking the paper with us. But we caugbt our friend telling another what he had read in Tag Ai)vAwci; an&even offerinj to lend him his after he was through with it each week confidently telling him that he would not satisfy Smith to take the paper but gets his neighbor's wife to subscribe for it in her name. We're glad he has the satisfaction of getting back at us, but thankful that our mailing list does not carry his name. Suing For $2,000 A claim for $2,000 damages has been fyled in Walkerton by Peter Reuber, garagen�an of MildmaY, against the rnuni� cipalities of Carrick and Mildmay for in. 1 juries sustained by Reuber and the dam age done to his car in an auto accident on Nov. Isti'near Mildmay, caused by the alleged improper condition of the road, which the complaintant maintains is not I the lawful width at that point. Robert- son & McNab, barristers of Walkerton are acting for Reuber in the suit, wbic� will be argued before Ifis Honour Judge' Klein in the County Court sessions in June, The municipal councils of Mild- may and Carrick-hefd a joint meeting last week and decided to take the necessary steps to defend the action, —Herald -Times. Extra Special Prizes The Turnberry Agricultural Society is indebted to Mr E, R. Harrison, manager of Gunns' Wingham branch for the follow. ing excellent special prizes which he is of- fering, for their Fall Fair to be held at Wingbam, Sept. 27th. and 28th., 1921, For the best bushel of oats he will give 500 lbs of Gunns Shur Gain Fertilizer and 25,0 lbs. as second prize. For the best bushel of wheat, barley, turnips, potatoes or corn the same excellent prizes are offered. In all'over two tons"of this ex- cellent Fertilizer will be given away. The only stipulation is that Gunns Fertil- zer must be used on the soil on which the article is grown. Prof. I E. Bell has b" en secured to judge these exhibits and he will also thoroughly explain why he gives his decisions and why he rejects, Claim Hydro, Is Too High I A Kincardine despatch says: The Electric Light and Water Commission met behind closed doors Wednesday �evqning. Engineer Flannery of the Hydro Commission was closeted with the Commissiom The'discussion was over the Hydro rates that have been just hand- ed out. The power rates $48 per horse. power, This, the Commissioners claim. is Positively prohibitive for the manutactur. ers. James Malcolm, head of the Andrew Malcolm Furniture Co. and Walter Anderson, manager of the same Company, both put up strong protests. Mr Flannery said that was the rate an� he did not see how they expected the TJ A tl-- J? — mission JL9 sell power less than cost. At the meeting held in favor Card Of Thanks of taking power -the thgineers quoted a Mr. George Procter desireds to, Publicly figure of $42 per horsepower, The 6itua. express his thanks to friends - and neigh- tiOn it One that Places the town in a bors for kindness and sympathy extended peculiar position. if the manufactures to him during the time of Mrs. Procter's do not use power. then the 350 horse. illness and his bereavement, power contracted for by the town will be Prizewinner At Kingston. some burden. XMany Winthamitts will be pleased to An Unjust Law—If it is Law hear of Miss Helen Wilson's Success at the The Law provides that the board of Commencement Exercises at Kingston a. high sshool or collegiate institute which General Hospital. - Miss Wilson won the is Attended by a Pupil from an "adjacent" Prize for the intermediate class in pract. county may bill the council of the county kal nursing. alsQ the intermediate class in which such s�udent has his home for a prize, given by the Bolird of Governors proportidnate amount of the cost of main. and the prize in anaesthetics given'by laining the school. For instance, some Dr. XeYes. 'Miss Wilson also won the students from Howick and Grey town - prize in dietitics given by Col, 1,Cent. Sist ships might attend the Listowel school, it a Wingham: girt and a daughter of Mr. Or a0me from Bruce county might Attend Gayin Wilson. at Wingham. County Clerk Holman has cOmpiled figures showing that in. the last The Red Cross In War and In Peace five Years the Huron county council has Membtrship Enrollment OiApaign. paid over $4,0W, or an average of Over The iworovement of health arid the $8W a Year, for students attending Prevention of disease are worthy natioual schools in other counties, and thi's year aims. bills have been Presented from the cot. . Help the Notion to realize them by be- legiate inhtituttg of Woodstock and Owen coming a member of the Red Cross Soo. Sound, as well as from, several 'school' iety. . nearer this county. Mr, Holman :! The badge of the Society is a Greek litvea this is an undue str1iti1bg of the Red Cross on a white grouRd and tke use world "adjacent," and is communicating of such badge by others than members of with the Department of )Education to the Society is an inoictable offence, ts atcute and interpretation of the la% provided for in Section 4 of the Act of With some of the best schools in the Incorporation. Province situated in this county, it seems Become a member of tht Rod Cross- quite unnecemsary that any audent Society and help along tht Crusade for should piss them all by to attend one Good Health, fifty to one hundred miles distant, BASEBALL NOTES Wingharn Are Again Likely to Win the District The much talked of Lochaish baseball boys played against Wingbam in a pas. ture field near the Locbalsh stores on Sat- urday evening and the game resulted in a win for Wingliam by the one sided score of 9 to 1. Although it was Saturday the crowd from Wingliam, Kincardine, Ripley and even far away Teeswater was astound- ing. We do not purpose naming those who were there from Wingham, it might be easier to mention those who stayed at ,home, but someone suggested that there did not appear to be any person there from Lochalsh but the players. The ball play- ed at times was good but the Lochalsh boys made a great many bad errors, The score by innings was: Wingham ..... ... 2 1 0 3 0 0 3 0 0-9, Lochalsh ........ 0 o 0 0 1 o o o o_i, W. Morden pitched the entire game and struck out 14 men. Anderson isa wonder behind the bat and his throws to Ist base maG the other fellows sit up and take notice. F� McLean who was filling in on th team because that Gordon Cruik- shanks could not be there, made a spec- tacular play, three merL were on bases and two were out when he swung on the ball and didn't miss. The three men got in and he went as far as third base, The Lochalsh pitchers have a bad failing of hitting the man at bat on the arm with the fourth ball they pitch. 0 0 0 Some of the Wingharn auto drivers should not be surprised if they were brought into court for drawing gravel off the boundary, Each auto that the big Studebaker passed had a fairly good siz"ed load off the road, 0 0 Samuel Gompers was right when he said that a man was as young as he felt, A. H. Musgrdve and J. A. Morton are among the "boys" who went to Lochalsh to see the game. The mayor and the reeve, the chairman of the public school board, the chairman of the high school board and the chair- man of the Board of Trade were all inter- ested spectators and we believe they could have called their respective boards to-gether at any timo during the game at Lochalsh and they could easily have had a quorum. Ruebe Horning, Secretary of the North Wellington Baseball League, was the official umpire and Stanley Kemp of Lis- towel, war, base umpire, Loclialsh boys will play the return game on the Wingham Diamond, on Fri- day. May 27th. The game is called for S o'clock, You'll see a good game if you come out. Brussels team played in Wingharn on Wednesday evening last and met defeat at the hands of the Wingham baseball boys to the tune of il, to a, Mr. Win. Grewar of Brussels, was the umpire and gave entire satisfaction. 0 0 0 1 With several years training Mayor Elliott raight make a real baseball pitcher. We believe that Lack Kennedy would make good as a knocker oaly that he is a better booster, and Mr. Musgrov4 as catcher had no chance to show his skill because Lack was standing in his way. Card Of Th3inka Mr. and Mrs. Bert Elliott desire to ex- press their thanks to their friend; and neighbors for kindness and sympa6y ex- tended during their recent, sudden ber. eavement. Improvements In Lower Town orAarA Baker is building a cement t foundation under his house. Walter Walsh is erecting a new kitchen and Donald Kerr is building two drivins sheds. Rev. E. G. Powell Dead Rev. E. G. Powell, former field secr& tary of the Perth County Temperance Alliance, and well known among the temperance workers of Wingham, died at his home in Lucan Tuesday morning, following an illness of several months front "heart affection. Rev. Mr. Powell was one of the best known Methodist ministers of the London Conference and an exceptionally, capable and aggressive temperance advocate, be- ing Possessed of a keen legal mind that made him efficient as field secretary for Perth and Huron counties in the prosecti- tionofcases, He was also on able preach- er and served successfully on numerous charges. He had been pastor of Lucan for three years, and- was statiotied at Exeter when engaged as field secretary for the local temperance forces, Recently he received an invitation to the Methodist church at Essex, PERSONALS Mr. Wilford Duffy spent the .24ttr,� in Grand Valley, Miss Maude Fry is home from Toronto for a short visit, Miss Lottie Maddison of Toronto, spent a few days at her home here. Miss Gertie Deans of Hamilton, spent a few days at her home here. Mr. Archie Williamson of Toronto, spent to 24th at his home here. I Miss Grace Tucker, Stratford, was holiday visitor at her home here, a Mrs. Wm. Chandler is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Callaway, Elora, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deyell, spent Sunday with relatives in Lucknow. Miss Mabel Isard of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Isard. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Frankurn of Woodbridge, spent the week -and in town. Mrs. (Rev.) Dingman of Ridgetown, is spending a few days with friends in town. .Mrs. Mutch and baby of Goderich, are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Aitcheson. Mrs, Robert Groves is visiting with Mrs. Walton in Sarnia, who is seriously ill. I Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Jeffray of Toronto, spent the week -end with Reeve and Mrs. Tipling. Mrs. R. M. Hunter of Kincardine. spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Patterson. Mrs. George Schaefer of Timmins, New Ontario, is visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John McCool, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Richardson and family of Ingersoll, spent a few days re- newing friendships in town, Mrs. Bellinda J. Johnston left on Tues- day for Mazenod, Sask., where 4he will spend the summer months. Miss Ella Dobbie of Toronto, and Mr. Jas. Dobbie of Stratford, were guests of their parents over the 24th, Mrs. A. L. Posliff and her father, Mr. H. Diment, Bluevale, spent a few days with'the former's sister in Kingsville, Mr. Jos. Coiling and daughter, Miss Laura of Ripley, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Guest. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Bell of Southamp. ton, spent a few days at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Richard Vanstone. Mr. Jas. Spence of Cass City, Mich. ' is visiting at Mrs. T. A. Gear's on John St. and Mr. Sam Morton East Wawanosh. - Misses Myrtle Bennett, Rebecca Arm. strong and Myrtle Dean# of Stratford Normal, were at their respective homes bore. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs have returned to Toronto after spending a week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams. Misses Jean Vanstane and Eileen Ken- nedy of Havergill Ladies College, Tor. onto, are spending a few days at their respective homes. Miss A. Buttery and Miss Alice Hill of London, also Mr A. Battery of Hamilton, are visiting at the home of Mr. A. Buttery of Scott St.. over the holiday. 110r. Geo. Howson, who recently graduat. ed from the Royal College of Dental Serg- cons, is spending a few weeks at his home here prior to opening an office in Toronto Mrs. W. C. Austin and little daughter, returned to their home in Kitchener on Saturday, after spending the past couple of weeks attending her mother-in-law, Mrs. Win. Anstin, who has been laid asidewith pneumonia. Mr. Joe Austin. accompanied her home to Kitchener. Men's Suit Sale Saturday Specialsale of men's suits in all wool Tweeds and Worateds. All sizes at $19 95 and $26,95.—Kit;o Baos, In the Mount Forest Game Geddes stepped into the box and pitch- ed the first five innings to the satisfaction of All but Mount Forest and himself. Wingham baseball team were victorious at Mount Forest on tile 24th. The store was 8-2 until the ninth inning6 when the boys leased upl and the game ended �-6� 11�1 WZ-1- " , Ww eDevelopFilms W v v e Print Pictures Headquarters for KODAKS FILMS SUPPLIES We can supply a I I requirements o f amateur photographs—and pleased to give any help beginners may require. J. Walton McKibbon Drugs and Stationery Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets %Ow!� WE ARF-. H,ERE TO SERVE YOU �ftft North Huron Liberals Mrs. Henry James Deceased The annual meeting of the North 1 There died in Brussels on Saturdar. Huron (Federal) Liberal Association will May 21st, Alice Maud Brown, widow of be held at Wingham on Tuesday, May I the late Henry James, in her 50th year. 31st. The funeral services v�ere held in St. Lacrosse Match John's church on Monday. Interment The first lacrosse match to be played took place in Brussels cemetery. Mrs. here this season is scheduled to be, James has continued business in the played in Wingham, town park on Thurs- American Hotel since the death of her day evening, June 2nd, when the two) husband. A number of Wingharn friendt old rivals, Hanover and Wingbam, will were present at the funeral on Monday. meet. Admission 35 cents and 20 cents Valley Farm At Wingham for children. War tax included, Don't The Bluevale Dranatic Club will give a give all your support to baseball, the a play in the Opera House on Friday lacrosse boys are worthy of a share. Every game of either baseball or locrosse evening, May 27th, under the auspicies of played at home or away helps to advertise the Ladies' Aid society o f St. Andrew's wingliam. Church. The play is entitled "Valley Farm" and Emerson Libby Electrocuted is a Domestic Drama of absorbing interest Emerson Libby, a young man, 22 years and tender pathos given in four acts. old, son of Mr. Frank I Libby, manager The plot to wreck home and happiness is of the Clinton Knitting Company, Limit- deep laid. ed,:at Owen Sound and formerly of The characters are as follows. Wingham, was electrocuted about 11 Harold Rutledge .... Cameron McDonald o'clock on Wednesday morning in front Percy Deane ......... � Harvey Robertson of the Owen Sound Garage, on Ninth David Hildreth ....... William McKinney street. He was at work painting the Silas Holcomb .............. Frank Shaw front of the garage and was on a trestle Azariah Keep .............. Rodger Oake .about 10 feet above the cement sidewalk. Jennings ........... ...... Cloin Higgirm At the point where be was painting an Hetty Holcomb ........ Gertle Robertson electric service wire goes into the garage, Isabel Carney ............. . Elva Ramsay andapparently he touched a small end of Mrs. Rutledge ............... Olive Scott this wire, which points downward, while Alvira Holcomb .............. Mary Duff holding to a grounded iron pipe. For a Lizzie Ann Tucker ............ Lila Gray few seconds he was held fast to the wire Verbena ........ ........ Cora Jewixtt andthen dropped to the concrete aide. A fine programme of vocal and instru walk. Four doctors were called, but all mentalmusicwill be given between the that they could do to resuscitate the acts. electrocutedman was of no avail. Mr., All are invited to come and enjoy a Libby, sr., was in Clinton when the ac- pleasant evening. Reserved .,eats are 50c cident accured but rushed to Owen and childr�n 25c. Plan of hall open at Sounci and returned to Clinton with the McKibbon's Drug Store on Saturday, body the following day, May 21st. h, is* 0 wearing in the style centres, of the THE' are �Vorld the shoes that %ve are sho�ving this We are busy, of course, because the ;'a"Vh7ognable folks of this town appreciate smart footvvear. Hutvvewill find time to properly attend to your foot wants even if �ve are sell- ing right and left. IvivCARE OoTww or miki, R P"ONE 23 0