The Wingham Advance, 1921-05-19, Page 10THE WINGHAA1 ADVANCE
0. 0
rgyanizcLtion Sa e
ur large high grade stock
Relo 0
0 s.
11: orning, May 21st, at 8.30 sharp, we commence selling o
n Saturday rn d Dresses, Dry
o f �en s a ing, Furnishings, Ladies' Ready -to -Wear, Suits, Coats an
f Men's and Boys' Cloth
Rugs and Linoleum, Groceries, etc,, at prices that will break
Goods, Staples House Furnishings,
satisfied customers will guarantee ourgoods. Be Here Early.
all records. Hundreds of
0 on Causes Great Sacrifice
BuSIME'S5 Re 9 111 20 to 40 1 PER CENT. OFF*
!;7, STOCK 20th, to preparejor the9 Re-
F*�' day, May
AIR Hanna & Co's two stores will be closed for one day on Fri
ization Sale. Entire stock on sale, at 8.30, on
Satu N1 &I= a
"Rl ofarday, y 21 St to' Sat.,
AN, % F A.
Boys, Tweed Suits
$12 Suits, sale ............................. 8 75
10.0 Suits. reg 16.00 sale .................... 12 50
Men's and Boy's Winter Overcoats
less 40 per cent.
of Men's and Boys'
Our large stock of high grade clothing at prices
you have waited for.
The best indigo blue berge, grey worsteds, fine
tweeds in men's and young,men's models Form-
erly up to $60, Re -Organization Sale 39.7
A Special in Good Serviceable Suits
at $19.75.
loci Young Men's and Men's fancy
English Worsteds and I Weeds, It 6,
season$s style $28.75. /1 . Men's Shirt Sale
W. G & R. Arrow and Forsythe double cuff
15 Men's Tweed Raincoats, reg $25 sale .... 14 00 shirts. 1 49
$10 Boys'Raincoats, special at ........... 95 $2.50 shirts, sale ............................
Light Overcoats at ....... I ....... 19 75 and 2'6 75 $3.00 Shirts, sale ......................... : 1 98
2 98
,4,00 Shirts. sale ....... I ...... I I ............
All Silks and Fine Shirts less 20 per
Clothing on Sale,
Men's Hose Sale
Pure Silk Hose ........................ ... 6L9c
75 dozen pure Wool Cashmere Hose'
Red toe and heel. Plain brown, plain
gray, re -a- $1 aidd 1.25, sale 69c.
interwoven and I-Ioleproof Hose less 2o per cent.
$800 worth of Men's all Wool Cash-
mere Hose, reg 1.25, on sale, 69c.
Men's Underwear Sale
- t....,
Penman's IMerino, reg 1.50 per garmen 89C
Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, reg �
$1, and 125 for ........................ 79c
Cashmere Combination white and natural
reg 2.50 sale ........................ 1 89
Delpark B. V. D, Underwear reg 2 50 sale.. . 1 59
Winter Underwear and Combinations
and Stanfields 30 per cent discount.-
Clearance'of all odd summer Underwear foil Men
and Boys, see bargain tables.
25 per cent off new shipment of
Pure Wool Plaid Motor Rugs ....... 7 898 and 9 50
Listowel all Wool Plaid Sweaters S175 at..... 7 50
Old Trousers
-f-n ksoys i.-4avy Reefers and Bloomers less
3 69
$5 and $6 Trousers for ........ I ...........
. I .... 5 99
*P7.50 and 9,00 Trousers sale ........
Work Goods!§ale
Peabody and Carhartt guaranteed Overalls,
02 pants and sm#oclas, plain blue, blue and white and
'3 black . Sa 21-t. only $2.00.
H-uge stock of 2.50 Work Shirts,
black and white, black,, blue, khaki,
jmlf price $1.25.
Hurry, these won't last.
Boys' Overalls, Combinations, etc less 20 per
Men's Combination Overalls ................ 3 98
20 per cent off Motor Dusters,
Gowns, Pyj Hosiery, Dressing
Csowns, Gloves, Sweaters, Bathing
Suits, Braces, etc.
Tapestry Rugs
3x3-�V20.95 reg $32.51).
3x3j-2 6.75 reg 42.51).
3x4-29,73 reg 47-50.
Wilton Rugs
W-56,50 reg 95-00.
3x3j-67.50 reg 100.00.
3x4-80.00 reg 110-00.
Heavy Scott%
4 yards wide reg $6 and 6.50
sale a vd .............. 4-60
011clotla less 20%.
Curtains . . .
Curtains er pair 2.90.
Scrim ang lace Curtaift3 1,49
Madras Curtains per pair 24ii
Fillet Curtains, per pair J-19.
CH. ntz Corgifortera 4.19.
Saturday, May 21st
2 to 3 Saturday Afternoon
one Hour Only
1- almolive Soap
4 cakes for 25c. Four only to a
Brooms - - -
100 good quality corn Brooms
at 25c each while they last oil
Saturday morning, May 21st.
Men's Hat Sale
$9,00 Borsalino & Stetson Hats , Re -Organiz-
ation sale only ....... I ............... 1 6 98
Our entire stock of King and Wal-
thausen Hats, reg. up to $7 a real bar
gain in Hats $3 00.
Large Seiection, all sizes.
2,50 Man's and Boy's Caps on sale at .........
98c 1.69, 198
n w tock of Sailor and
_E ir S Panairta. Straw
Hats less 20 per cent.
$1.75 Boys' Blouses. sale .................. 1 19
$1.50 and 1.75 Khaki Bloomers ............. 1 29
75c Cotton jerseys, sale ................... U 55C
10 Experienced Sale Clerks
Ladies" Dresses
Oar entire stock of Silk, Serge and
Satin Dresses,
$20 Serge Dresses, sale ........ 13-75
37.50 Serge D oesses sale ..... 26 75
52.50 Serge Dresses, sale .....:39:50
12 ladies' Plaid Pleated Skirts, reg
16,50 sale .................. 995
Ladies' and Children's all wash sum'
mer Dresses less 25%.
5oc linen Crash Toweling, sale .... 36C.
So pieces 50c, Flannelette, yd wida .30c
griglish glue and Light Prints .... 29c
Heavy Factory Cotton, reg, 35c for 23c
Heavy White Bleached Sheeting, .
75efor .................... 59C
Twill Cotton, reg. 413c for ........ 29c
Heavy black and white Shitting,
45c for ...................... 29c
Heavy striped Ticking, img. 75c at 49c
45c Apron Gingliarns, colored
clitclis ................ ... _31c
Ginghams, rog. 40c, sale .... : ..... 29 -
All Staples less 20%.
500 Remnants, ends of Silk,
Dress Goods, Voiles, Prints,
Cottons and Flannelettes sac-
rificed at tht Re -Organization
Ladies' Ready -to -Wear
Our wall known line of Ladles' Suits, Coats and
Dresses at sacrifice prices for our Re -Organization
Sale Spring Coats, Velours, Serges, Tricotinqs.
Reg $30 Coats, sale ........................ 19-75
Reg $35 Coats.,sale ......... * ............. 25 75
Reg $45 Coats, sale .................... I ... 3375
30 LAlies, up -Lo date Winter Coats less 40 per
25 Spring Coats ' in Serges,11 Tweeds
and Waterproof, clearing at $14 each.
Ladies' Suits, Blacks and Blueq. Srges and
Reg $30 Suits. sale ............. ........... 19,50
Reg $40 Suits. sale ......................... 33 75
Reg $60 Suits, sale ....... I ................ 44 95
All Ladies' and Children's :Sweaters inj*.stock,
beautiful new goods, less 25 per cent.
Blouse Sale
Ladies' White. Wash Skirts .............. 2.39 each
Voile Blouses, reg, $5 and 6.50, sale .......... 2.69
Ladies' Silk Crepe de-chene, Habutai, Georgette
and silk Crepes less 25 per. cent.
All Whitewear less 25 per cent.
Silk Underskirts less 20 per cent.
Silk Underwear Gowns, -etc., less 20 per cent.
20 per cent offf Laces, Trimmings,
Cottons, Sheetings, Smallwears, Under-
wear, Ribbons, Prints, Corsets,. Ging-
hams, Gl6ves, Towellings, Hosiery,
Velvets, Wrapperettes and Umbrellas.
Ladies" Hose
Radium Silk Hose .............. 1.79
Ladies'Silk Holeproof Hose
(firsts) all colors 1.50.
Cashmere and Children's Hose less
20 per cent.
New Parasols, ring handles less 20
per cent.
M�narch Yarns I oz. 23c, 2 oz. 45c.
Dry Goods
Dress Volles, Veg- 1.50 sale ...... 98c
Dress Voileti, reg. 90c sale ........ 59c
Navy Sergesp Tricotines, Skirtings
and Coatings.
Navy Blue Seeges, reg 4.50, sale.2.49
Fine English black Serge, 3.50
for ........................ 229
Blue Serget rag. 1,50 for .......... 98C
Special Dress Goods at _49eandlift
All Silk Taffeta, Crepes. Messalines
Georget, es, Satins less 20%.
Linen finish Table Cloth, per yd. . 1.69
Reg. 3.50 Silk Taffeta, per yd � .... 2.40
Flowered Curtain Muslin, 50c For.. 25c
Brown Skirt Lining, reg 35c for ..15c
Special in Middy Blouses $1.
100 lb. bag Granu-
lated Sugar .... $11.00
75c Washboards at
$1.25 Brooms, sale
3 lbs. Green Tea.... 1.00
Good Black Tea,,��_
Tomatoes per can.
MapleLeaf Salmon
small tin. . - ...
Tapioca, per lb..,.
Dates, per lb. . . , '
Canned Apples, 2
Cans'.... ....... I I ....
Ers, Harvey Watson spent a few ditYs
ngersoll last week.
liss Elva Brooks of CCjltrijLIia,) Spent
jday with her grandparents, Mr. and
4, V, Ailderson.
irs w. i, Ferguson of Toronto, spent
.�w 4ays in tile village.
Ir. and Uri, Dan Geddes of Londes-
o,speut Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
, 'e
giss Sutten of Seaforth, is the guest of
s. Yule.
rhe concert put oil in the hall on Fri -
y night last under the auspices of
inity church was a success. The play
s put on by the young people of Blyth
inity Church and Gidley Orchestra
d the inusic which was very much
The boys of Belgrave school went over
sixth line sphool aud met boys of NO.
school sectiou In a friendly gamd of
seball the '$core iudicated quite a
ctory for BeIgrave boys.
Sorry to report th(- illness of Stanley
win, son of Ur. and Mrs., Hersor
The Bluevale Dramatic Club will pre
!nt their play, "Valley Farm" in th(
orester's Hall, Beigrave, on Friday, Ma.,
)th,, under the auspices of the Ladies
uild of Knox Church. Admission 50c
ad 25C, Plan at Munroe's Store.
Mr. and rvirs. Jas. Clarke of Sunshine
pent Sut'iday with Mr. and Mrs. 'I
Mr, and Nlrs, Clarke of Woodstocl,
eturned home on Monday, after a shoi
isit with the latter's mother, Mrs. I
Mr. and Mrs. 1-1. A. McCall spent Sut
[ay with their daughter, Mrs Win. Kinj
Mis,., Belle Burgess has returned horr
Lfter spending the past few w,,eks wil
elatives 4t Listowel.
Mrs.,A, Thornas has treated herself I
t fine piano.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gallaher attendc
:be funeral of the latter's sister, at Bran
brif this week.
Miss Mary Stewart of Gorrie, was hon
)ver the week -end
Mr. W H. Fraser has exchanged ll
Ford for a new McLauglilitli.
Tliursday, M,,Iy l9t1i, 1921
Miss Hazel Armstrong spent file WLeii-
-nd with -Mrs. Gordon Hall, jG2orge vile, has been seriously ill, but is
ou wjsj*tojj&e a four I ged chick t improved.
Ify Olt is living Miss - Besss i e Abell
ari,call on Re ' v, ' Mr. Mills Or Hooey of Toronto, is a visitor
and,aa; smart as its two legged mates, gani5t in 5t. pauls',Cburcti, M r. C
There d hogs on Mon- Wingham with his sister, Mrs, Shera, and attended
was a heavy run c
day before the prices go lower, Messrs. the funeral of Mr. Hooey, his uncle.
Duff and Johnston received one hundred PIANOFORTE TEACHER Lieut. H. V. Armstrong was at Clinton -
and thirty-five. as a consequence the Phone 157 last week attending an officers' meeting
ad very little cash to take back of the Huron reginient to make arrange -
banker h ments for going *Into camp at Carling's
to town Monday afternoon Gorrie Heights, London June 10. while there
The Belgrave Young P�cple will Put
oil their play -I Can't Afford It" in the Mr. N'�m. Holmes -of the Soo, is a visit- be was promoted to the rank of Captain
Methodist Church, Tuesday evening, May or with his son, H. V. of the, Bank of to fill the vacancy caused by the resign -
24th. Hamilton. ation of Capt. H. C. McLean of Wingliam.
Miss Dorothy AM-' had the misfort- , Mr. and Mrs. Shera attended the A. I- Corbett of Fordwich, has been
unetofallaud hurther arm on Tuesday funeral of Mr. Hooey of Wingham. on apptinted to take the place of Lieut.
while getting out of her swing. We hope Monday. He was an uncle of Mrs, Shera. I Armstrong.
she will soon be 0 K. The Revival Meetings are being con- Mr. G. S. - Dawson was -t Walkerton
tinued until Wedn esday of tills week . visitor on Sunday.
Mr. Thos. Nash has returned from Misses. Lambert atid Ranton of Harri-
Algoma, whete he visited his brother, ston spent the week -end with jas. Leech.
The sa,1 d this community
o th, reache
f _ deilt , f Mrs. Iona Green of Brant
ford at the home of her daughter, Mrs. V.XV.
Thos. jo nston. She leaves to inou'rn
her lo beside .41
s T;m i :9
and . two hrothers, Mr. Fred Kitchen 0 n^N
. Gais Iter daughter, one sister,
Mr laher frora near Bluevale
Wroxeter. and, Mr. Chas. Kitchen of
South of Wro::eeter. The deceased form-
erly reside(I it, this neighiaorhood. The
sylinpathy of those in
friends have the X,
this locality.
Mr, and Mrs. A. F Gallaher accom-
panied by Aiiss Ada Gallaher attended
the funeral of tile late Mrs. Green last
Monday. nisfortune,
Mr. Allan Fralick had the t
I to have a number of his ribs fractured by
IVVe 67 1
I being hit with the plow handles.
I hope to see him all right soon again. -
I I V, r, Thos. Bolt and Miss' Eva Bolt of
I Wingkam, spent a few days with Mr.
ja d M I R. Geintnill.
s: �. Weir has purithall
%r. D sed a new
Grey Dort car from Mr. Ezra Merkley
of *itigham. 0
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McKenzie of Tees -
water vicinity, called oil Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Fralick last Sunday. f
Glenannan be out V1
Urs. Hugh Giluiore, is able to
ith her
of the hospital, and is Staying W
mother, Mrs. Boyd, for a few days.
Mr. James Scott has returned honie
from Oshawa, with another new Chevro-
let car.
Mr. Lee Breckenridge spent Sunday at
M-.. Will. Breckeuridge's. V4 Proper Work Clothes make your work a
Mhs Belle Murchison spent Sunday at X
her home. ;K,whole lot easier. --We carry a full line o114
Mr. 'Reuben Appleby and friends,
London on Saturday and
motored to 4 Men's and Boys' Work Clothes as well as
spent the day. Frances Moffatt, the finer grades.
M.isses Clarice and
spent Sunday at Mr. Nelson Underwood's,
s(fiss Westlake of - Salem, is (loing Overalls Socks
e sewing along the line- Special values in fine and medium
The I�Bel Beat quality blue, black or khaki weight socks. Prices 25c, 50c, 75C.
aine 8'�more Girls' Class" were ent
e the home of Miss Mabel pants and overalls in all sizes.
Stokes o�, riday night. I Odd Pants
( n:tended for las. week.) X Work Shirts
Miss Annie Metcalfe spent Sunday at Navy serges, tweed or worsteds
her home. X �lain blue, 'black, kh a k i, also at greatly reduced prices.
Me3srs. Andrew Wallace, and Will, striped materials that will give best Men's Suits
have returned home froln Kiligston, ofwear. Priml,50to&00.
where they have been attending Vniver. All grades of men's suits suitable
sity. for work or finer wear at the new
Miss Mabel Stokes spent Sunday �Vith Z Underwear low prices.
Beltnore friends. In all Weights and qualities of Hats and Caps
Miss Mary Hadie is spending awhile
with her brother, Will,, at HOlYtOOd - ,gool, e6tton and union suits. Latest styles in headwear in felt,
Mr. ana Mrs, eh&fjj� Catherd, aija straw hats,
U'velyn, spent Sunday at Mr. C Boys' Clothing Raincoats
Eadies. I t . I I I n I r1mv".
RXITTAX-In lloiwick. on Tuesday, May
10tb, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. ff R. Rut -
On,, a son, (Leo Ross) . ,
DFxNY-In Wingham Hmpital, on Thurs-
day, May 5tli, 1021, to Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Denny, of Fordwicb, a �on.
FORSYTim-In Wingliam on Tuestlay,
May 17tb., to Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
ForAythe, a son.
� a Va.. . �Y. 50 Men's tweed and Gabeidne
etc. Odd Xnickerg, Overalls, jer. Coats, beat guaranteed qualiflea.
seys, Stockings, Suits, etc, ptices 15.00 up,
Get our prices before bttyitig-,--ww2>