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1 ill, , .
[he WiRgbmi Advance
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Insurance Co. s
Established 1840
Head Office, Guelph
Risles taken on all classes of insur-
able property ou the cash or premium
note system. s
nt, y
Wingliam b
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, PVictory and Other Bonds Bought and
Sold. a
Office—Mayor Block, Wingharn 9
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates.
D.D.S., L,D. S,
DoCtor of Dental Surgery Of the
Pon.I3.371,vaala Cellege and Licentiate I
of Dental Surgery of Ontario.
office In Macdonald Block, 9
. Graduate Royal College of Dental . (
. Surgeons (
Graduate University of Toronto I
I Faculty of Dentistry
_ W. R. THAMBLY '!
B.So., M.D., C.M. 1
Special attention pald to diseases of I
NVolmen and Children, having taken I
postgraduate work In Surgery, -Bac- I
terlology and Scientific 3lefficlue,
Office in the Kerr Residence, between I
the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist i
Church, I
All business ,given careful Attention, '
Phone 54. P.O. Box 113 .
Dr. Robt. C. Redmond'
M.R.C.S. (Eng). .
L.R.C.P. (Lend). .
(Dr. Cb1sholm's old stand) :
Graduate .of University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medleine; Mcentlate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Offlee Entrance:
Second Door North of Zurbrigg's
Photo Studio,
Town, and Farm Properties. Call and
see my list and get my prices, I have
some Qxcellent values.
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li� I !!lllll�te!�!�"!��! _. _,# I
Valuible Birds.
All insectivorous And. weed -seed eat.
ing ,birds, especially martins, blue.
birds, thlickadeeg, Wren% brown.1
thraybeirs; the swallows, irownee, tile,
native sparrows, Baltimore oriolo,_0
_____ I ,, i, " -�y, --\- -
. �. I __._ ': ", Weddings At Hom e and m Uhurch Lesson
= :, - I..
I I - � I Aft
. I ... r W In planning for a wedding, remember are followed, by maid or matron of MAY 22.
. I- I that simplicity is always desirable, no honor, and if there ate flower girls -
I c
I *Ifti matter how larl the affair may be; they colne Just before the bride. The The Chrisl View of the FainilY. St. Li 10; 38,42;
but large or small, with Invited guests, bride comes last, leaning on her * -
I I I 0 � or with only the Immediate family father's arm. 2: 51; 2 Tim. 3, 14, 15. Golden Text—
A, � presezt, certain .,conventions should be As the u.shers. a -ad bridesmaids reach ' Col. 3; 20, 21,
fol,lo,wed if the affair is to be condract- the chancel, or front of the church, Connecting Links—There is a fine Ili His infancy ani Ills own early,
. I . � . I ER - .1 �._ .11 � ed with the dignity demanded by the they break ranks, half their number description of the good man's -home wise,and th;)U�Aitful words,
— __ occasion, going to the right, the other halt to In Psalm 128. It, is the home of a! The boy is described as growing up
Sour Alilk—Don't Blame the Col mi will give an acid reaction to' With a thorough knowledge of the the left, foll a semi-eircle with man who- Ill Glad and walks Ili His in the home In a fourfold development
Every spring condensary -and ular- certain indicators. But two-teuths per etiquette of such an affair, and the, the ushers at the ends. The maid of I ways, who earl the food of his f=.'of healthy and, strong and clean young
through a cent. acidity is considered high forl ,,,,,i,,,
at milk districts pass I fresh milk. Bacteriologists use the . of good taste in the decant - honor stands at the bride's lef 1; 'hand; RY -by labor, and ,%whose children malihood--4in intellectual, phyvical,
tage of -souring mil -k. Since- s:0ur i tions -and arrangements, a charming the flower girls also stand, at the left, gather, happy and ,healthy, about his spiritual, And social character, The
Ili- is not acceptable to milk dealers, per cent. of acidity -of milk in deter- effect can be obtained -.it moderate - The minister, followed by the bride. table, like the branches round, about verse (2: 52) has ,been rightly taken
a loss falls directly on the farmer, mining bacterial counts by making expense. groom and best man, enters from the the olh,e tree. The ideal woman of as setting forth normal and healthy
their dilution according to the UciditX- Old Testament times is described in growth.' It suggests the need in
owever, there should not be a total Having decided upon the data and side or rear of the chancel or P)4t- Prov, 31: 10-31. Slid is a good wife, evei:y community pd in evory home
,-% of all sour milk returned to the because there is A relation between s ding march be- I
bacteria in the milk character of the wedding, the wedding a good mother, and- ,.a good mistress. of a fourfold. traluirg, a four-sided
rodqcer as a large Amount Of cream the number of ghi% He takes his place. for the She works herielf, and wisely guides education, which will take account of
an be recovered for churning and the And the sourness Of it, However, if Party comes in for considoration. The i ceremony, facing the audience; the this work Of others. She makes all all the needs of a boy or girl, It sug-
our skim makes excellent feed for I YOU have,sour milk, dia not blame the bride's attendants may include a -ma- best man, stands ,beside the bridegroom the work of her household -a task of gests that sociaJ. And physical train -
he pigs and little ,chickens. cow. tron, of -honor, if she wishes a married I h father reach . honor, and "in her tongue Is the law Ing should be 4et side by side with
DurinZ these sour milk epidemics I — � friend or relative to attend her; maid tile chancel. Then the bride, taking of kilidness." She is the true home int4lectual, and spiritilal, and go
rymen are always glad to blame Importance of Early Cultivation In of honor, if the relative or friend is her hand frIbri. Ve ftither's arm, maker. i show.% us where, in much of our
. unmarried; bridesmaids, and. flower - St. -Luke 10: 3842. A certain Al. I church andbome life weare failing to
.ny eaw& but the real one for the the Orchard. I girl. places it on the arm of the -bridegroom l,ge. This, as we know, was Bethany, do the best for our young folk, The .
ouring of milk, At this time of the If a ,cover'crop has been left over The bridegroom!s attend -ants include who has Advanced to meet her And, near Jerusalem, tho home of those example of the.edu6mil'on of the boy
ear there is always the usual laurn- the winter in an orchard it should not, best man and ushers, Should the leaning on his left arm., they move worrii-hearted. and loyal friends of I Jesus is a good one to follow.
er of letters inquiring About the as a rule, be Allowed to grow in the bridegroom have.sisters, of suitable forward to the walting- minister. The, Jesus, Lazarus, Martha, and .XarY. 2 Timothy'$: 14-16, But continue
igh acidity of milk and causes for spring until there is A good 'Crop to age it is courteous to invite -ate or best illan stands a littf6 behind the Martha ,,was, apparently, the elder,sis- thou. Timothy had had a good start
1 a same. Also, If it is natural for plow under, especially In districts more to act as ,bridesmaids, and -bro. bridegroom, at his right; the futher, ter, and directed the -affairs of the in ii-fe. His father was ,a Greek, and
11 ' She received Jesus with
Ime,cows to give mill, high in Acidity. where droughts occur, but the land, there of the bride are asked to act stands A little behind his daughter, at household. of him we 'know nothing, but his
lany dalrymen, like most other peo- should be plowed as soon. as her left,.and at the question, "Who ready hospitality, and busied herself mother was a Jewess, -and she !n-
it is as ushers. to Provide entertainment for Him and
le, are willing to blame any; trouble dry enough to work, not Waitirl :for With these preliminaries ,attended giveth this woman?" places her hand .such of His -disciples as' -were with structed him wall in the scriptures ot
hey may have on .anything but then'- the plants to grow up; thus much, to, the invitationsare then considered. in. that of the bridegroom and then gilli. Our sympathy goes out to the the -Old Testallient, which were her
elves and generally turn first to their moisture which would otherwise be The invitation list is 1, A, rejoins his wife in their pow. When busy houeewife who was cumberbd - Bible. Paul kneAv his mother, whase
'rl ed with
reatest servant and benefactor—the transpired by the leaves of the plants great -care. Enter in a -book thellames this question is not included in the I a.Vout inuch serving, while her sister'naine was Riliplee, and speaks (1: 5)
aill cow—to place the blame. will be saved- and- the chance of suffer- and addresses of,those who are to be Ceremony, the father takes- his, place sat idly at Jesus' feet. We are sorry, of her faith land of thgt of his grand.
Ili general it may be said that there Ing from drought lessened.' invited, if the lisit' is a short one; the, in the pew immediately after handing however, that she lost her temper, mother Lois. Living in'Asla Minor,
re two phases in getting milk to A good setting of fruit depends card index system -has been found beat his daughter over to the -bridegroom. and spoke so crosisly tober guest. . in the beathen city of Lystra, (Acts
on I convince 16: 1-2), they bad kept their home
alarket in a sweet condition. First, very much on on al supply ,of for a long list. As men are proverb- When the ring is used" tile bride But 'a little reflect' W" a,, and their hearts fixed in the
nd a b in han6her bouquet and glove, if gloves us that Jesus Tead the character of ur g
�y producing clean milk, which means moisture in the grou , t , loom .g ially careless in such matters, a con-, - the two sisters. rightly. Martha was, Pell on of their fathers. And so,
nilk with a low bacterial content. and setting time, and if there should sioerate bridse-tol will Insist upon 14re worn, to her maid of honor, who careful and troubled about mally when Paul preached, the gio-zpel there
econd, preventing as much " pos- be a drought after a 'heavy crop Of being furnished With a complete list holds -them until. the ceremony is things, so much so that she had not they were aniong the first to believe.
ible the development of any bacteria Clover or vetch has been plowed under of th and ended. I
. 0 bridegroom's relatives . time to think or to learn. Jel was When Paul wrote this letter from
rou were unable to keep Out. In win- late in the spring, conditions will not friends. Aftei the benediction is pronounced, tea -Ching, speaking unforgettable'lli * s 1xison in Rome he had known
'er the natural refrigeration keeps be at all favorable, The invitations to' -a church wed,. the newly made husband and -%wife words but Mail had, not time talTimol for a good many years. He
After the land -has been plowed, it ding may be for the ceremony only, or the'gospel, and admonishes him with
nilk from souring to such an extent arise from their knees, are congratu- listen.' There was so much to be done I Still regards hirn ,as his lown son in
may include an invitation to, a recap. 1� U__ T� +1, -..+i. +,.he household Cares were to her of firA fatherly solicitude. In patticular he
-.hat there is usually a laxness in try- should be kept well harrol ,during I lated by the. minister, then turn to for the household and her guests. The I
ig, to keep -a milk clean.
As spring arrives there are usually
few hotdays, as the -result of su&
an changes in temperature, such as
?a pass6d through the flist Parts of
�pll The nattiral refrigeration of
call nights changes to an ideal in-
ubator, during the day for the ral
ilication of the germs, which causes
he milk to sour,
These changes come on so rapidly
hat as a general rule dairymen do not
,dapt themselves to the ,Changes, with
he result that some mil -k is returned,
.his is the time of year dairymen
hould go over their equipment and
horoughly clean up if they expect
heir milk to make good on the mar -
Start in with the cows and thor-
aghly clean, and if necessary, clip
,heir flanks,and udders, look ,,ver the
,quipment a -ad diseard -all utensils
.hat have developed rust 2uring the
vinter, open seams, or cracks of any
cind where foreign matter can ac-
-umull Clean down your walls. and
)arnyard, and especially get the milk
iouse and cooling tanks in
working conditioli. In gener r,slt"arr
.3rodulaing as near as possible under
mramer-time methods, which means,
rtilk in a clean ruanner into clean
itensills, and cool the milk imme-
liately after milking, by setting the
mn of milk in a tank Of running water
ind stirring until cool ( a milk cooler
*11 substitute for this process). Al-
ow the milk to remain in this tank
intil time for delivitry.
In regard to cows giving sour milk,
1 must be said that -all milk freshly
king-urdA, woodpeo'kers, yell*-W�Iyilledl
cmekol grosbeaks a,nd owls. All of
-the hb6l have proved theic worth,
T-116" &To M41:17 Other$ nearly 44 good,
ExWieuce is valuablio, but do ,not
make miiftkes juot to pat it, I
I I �
With the coming of spring, you
will be having wool, hides,
skins and horse hair to sell.
Ship it us or write for
prices. 'M will use you right.
the early part of the season to con- tion following the ,ceremony, or an -' * . � I � I J importance. ,Xary was. not"usually counsels him to continue in the read -
serve the moisture As it has been "A� home" to take plac�, at the home marriage register is ,signed, 'witness- neglectful or unmindful of her share Ing and study of those holl�' baaka*
found that there is a rapid decrease of of the 'newly married-lj�dr after they ad by, -the maid Of honor and the hest of the laboll but just now she was so which he had- learned from his Child.
modsture unless the Surface s�)il is have returned from their wedding man, Then the maid. of honor ar- wrappe : up in I l hood. For they Are 'Indeed able to
kept loose. Early cultivation is de- trip, ranges the bride's train, the organ that she for a every Ing else e malve wise unto salvation through
, .. IS - .4. . faith which is in Christ Jesus.
sirable also because it is important to At the simplest church weddings peals forth a wedding march; And the put her a . I 1 first, 0 er.
I , -d the L d said .
happy pair, arm'in arm, pass rown things c, ld I ii or I Our le.tsons set forth three things
got the toil warmed up as soon -as formal invitations are dispensel the -aisle, followed by thevattendazpts, to hel "She hath chosen that good which Aould characterize the Chris -
possible by, letting -the air in and so altogether; the bride And bfidegroom, be taken � tian home (1) thouglitful choice �f and
, I who may pair off, the maid of honor part ,which shall not awa3 I attention to the best things, (2) an
making condititions favoll for or their parents, tell those whom they man, fhe bridesmaids from hZ-r.11 - ,all-round education for the children,
growth early in the Beasoir. The wish to invite the datte and hour of with the best Is there anything like this home a
greater activity in grorill there is the ceremony, and send informal notes with the ushers,; or they can reverse Bethany ill the bome life of the pres- and (3) a -reverent regard for and a
the,order in which 'they,durne Ili,, maid ent day? Are -we too ,busy to think, Continued study of the Bible,as the
in tho early part of the sea -son, the to those whom they can not reach with of honor firaf,� then the bridesmaids, to read, and tol Isbusinessibe ta'-'t-boak Of 'our famith. I
more likely is there to be a good set a verbal invitation. When the cere- then the ushers, while the best man all-important -matter to us? Are we Application.
of fruit, especially on rather old trees mony is performed. at home, the in- walks out with the minister, choosing in our homes the better part, , Sometimes a Christian household in
-where the flow of sap throl the vitations -are sent either for the cerl The ushers return to escort the im- As, Mary chose, Or are we simplybusy, the midst, of -a Community is as potent
fruit spurs is ll�t as free as in many, or for the reception which fol- and -bustling, hard-working materialists as a Christian Church. 'Not long ago
. mediate relatives of the brkle
younger trees, and if thereare drying lows, the ceremony. If many guests like Martha ? we heard a builder say that one un-
winds and a drought there may not -be are invited, the Invitations Should be I bridegroom down the aisle; the guests 2 51-52. Ile went'down with them. desill familY in a neighborhood
sufficient moisture to -hold the fruit engraved. . When only the family and courteously remain in their Places Jesus lived with His parents in their I could lemen the value of pro -party all
-tro- most intimate friends are invited, coupled the front Nazareth home. He was subject totaround. On the other hand there are
on the trees. An application of ni until those who o. .
gen on some soils has been found, very . written invitations are sent. pews ,have ,had time to leave. The them. Thi to say, He ,,was -a Ill households which . give dignity and
. organist continues pl4yllig until all and obedient son, taking His part and rez,pectability to the whole neighbor-
. useful in promoting greater activity Duties of the Attendants. have left the church. share in all the life of the home, work- i hood.. In An Ontario village where we
growm in Me early part. of we
s"son and, -so better ensuring a set-
ting, of fruit.
I .
�;l 10011A f
I /��--� �. z �Fl
Pp- Perfect
F Bigwires. Full size
rolls. A meebanically
Whinged joitit, 13atked by 21
years of quality fence building,
11�2 — 011
Made by
Ca"Aaft steel & wita Co.
Sometimes only a few Chicks come
to'hatching maturity. Many Of them
die in the shell. This, too results frem.
eggs of low vitality. Poultry author-
ities claim that eighty per e,int. of all
chicks hatched should. be reared, if
careful methods are followed, 'but the
writer has beer. able to show a 111110h
higher record than this, one season
the ,percentage going over ninety-five
per cent. in hatchings of More than
one hundred,
. Experimental tests show that hens
will live, gain weight, and lay agood
many eggs upon an exclusive diet of
-- — some other kind of PrAir! but
The details connected with a church
wedding include the opening and de-�
coration Of the church, engaging the,
Organist, as weJl as the minister, thel
fee to the latter,. as well -as the fees to I
the sexton and organist: The us -hers
should arrive at the church .abouti
three-quall of an hour before thei
hourof ceremony. As the guel ar-,
rive an usher offers his Tight arm to,
each lady and conducts,, bar to a pew.,
The man who accompanies her follows
after and seats himself at her side.,
When several ladies come togel
and claim the services of -one usher, he
can only ,blow, ask how many ,belong
to the g,roup'and offer his arm to the
one who appears to be the eldest,
asking the Others to follow The
ushers in the Contra aisle ask the
guests if theyare friends, of the bride
or ,bridegroom, and seat the former
upon the left and the latter at the
A �
I The Wedding Reception. I
Arrived at the bride's home, ttftar
the expression of good wishes on the
part of their Attendants, the new hus-
band -and wife ,stand together, while
the bridesl form in a line at the,
bride's left. The guests sitter un-
announced and join in the procession
that advance,% to offer congratulations.
The ushers present any strangers to
the bridal -.4uple, who -also introduce
their friends to one ail�,ther.
-Ing And leall fris Trade at fno.wem v 1Lg — 0.6 .6�, 0— -15.
carpenter's bench, helping, aftell thetwas Pointed out to us by a resident,
de-ath of Joseph, in the bringing upl-ill said, "The family living in that
-of Ms youmiger brothers And sistel I heuse has done mare for this village
And wlih Him constantly was the � than we shall ever be able to estimate.
i-nother's watchful -and loving care, I Father, mother, and All -of the fivo
while she treasured in her, heart the, children are Christians, and in every
I things which had- been said about Him I good cause they caul counted oi,.P�
the head ' of the stairs ,and descends The Strawberry Patch.
and enterS the room with the bride's - In its Popularity with the consumer
attendants coming first, as in a church, - tbe strawberry easily holds first place.
wedding. The bride follows, leaning I Just why is should be I can not de-
The bride's parents -stand near the on the arm her father. The ,,wed- finitely say. It may be that coming
entrance, and all should speak to ding -march can be played upon a � first Ili season has something to do
them, as they are the true hoil of piano or organ, or a talking -machine
the n be used. - � with this evident popularity. Or it
-occasion. The,,bridegroom's par- CA I may be that its subacid qualities make
ents may receive in some other part As the bride Approaches, the bride- I for this fruit a fl ,rst place with the
of the room, or the bridiel mother and groom advances a step to take her I con-suming public. Be this as it may,
the bridegroom's father, or the bride's hand. She places. her hand -,within his the demands for I this fruit is more
father with the bridegroom's mother, left arm and they' advance, together, eager and continues strong for a
may stand together And present their Membersof the bridal party take th$irl greater length of time than for any
friends to ea.:eh other. If the bride's Places as for a church.wedding and other small fruit. I
the ceremony follows. The strawberry holds first place
home is in the country, the iboeption Following the ce-reniony, the bridal
the ehicks, hatched from these eggs At the reception following the cere� I may take place on the lawn. . . and, bridegroom and, the bride�ry atten- also in polub of prodularion. A,s com-
will not be strong to. resist adverse many, the ushers do, not stand with the The guests pass on after speaking pared with other small fruits, exten-
diants face the Audience to receive,con- sive areas are devoted to its culture.
Conditions. , . receiving party, but make themselves to the bridal party and Are Asked by g,ratillatio-ns, Some varieties of strawberries hold
generally useful and agreeable, cir. membews *1 the family or by attend- For A ,sluiple 'home ,.wedding, where
The,Abirds require a mixed diet, and culating among the guests, waiting ants to enter the dining-roloi up well in shipment and may be
it is very important that they have They there are no Attendants., the fan"'y transported long distances.
green stuff and heavy litter to Insure upon the ladies and introducing partake of refreshments, view the And friends assemble, the minister In point of possible yields and pro -
Strangers, . I wedding presents, if the presents are takes his place and the bride ,and
plenty of scratching. If the hens, a -to The best man 6rives to, the church display4 and circulate freely, re. fits, the strawborry holds first place
confined to a limited, area, the gTeen. bridegroom -walk in, together. also. Pholiomenal ll may be 04).
stuff must be furnished them ih the with the bridegxool Arriving there newing -old acqualintatoes and unakingi The expenses of a wedding are dl- tainied. -under favorable conditions of
form of sprouted Oat% cuttings of not less than ten.minutes before the new ones. When the happy pair Te -1 vided, Those of the bridegroom in- Culture ,and market. Record crops of
hour set for the cerem�ny. The rnin� tire to change their bridal attire for clude the fee to the minister, the fifteen thousand quarts per acre and
grass, chopped- vegetables, or some, ister's, fee is placed in an envelope traveling dress, the bridesmaids, gatl flowers -carried by the bride and her
thing of this kind. One successful and entrusted- to the best man, who ar at the foot of the stairs. Standing I attendants and buttonliole ,bouquets I.over have been made. Another reason
,,why this fruit is so popular with the
producer of strong baby chicks living also has ,charge of the wedding ring, ,at the top of the stairs the bride holds for himself, the ushers and best illan. grower Is that it comes mare quickly
within - city confines made arrange- which he produces at the right mo- her bouquet aloft, then throws it to He payll for the conveyance Ili which
ments with several gfeen groce7rs to ment during the ceremony. At the I the bridesmaids. The maiden into he and the best man drive to church into full bearing than the bush fruits.
get the trimmings of cabbages, beets, rehearsal which is usually held the , whose hands It falls is supposed to andthe one in -,which he and the bride, Set in tho spring, a full crop is har-
onions, and everything of that kind. evening' betore the wedding, the min- (be the next to wed. vested the next year in June and
� These were cut coarsely and the liens - t � leave -for their wedding journey. Aily. With bush fruits two and three
is er instructs the wedding party as A simpler form of church ped,dingj It is also Customary for the bride. years are required to bring the plan -
I fed upon. them with pleasure. to the details of the ceremony. diryperses with all attendants, guests'groom to Present the beit man and tation into full bearing.
When the' hens range around at A suitable pil of organ music are invited verballyor by note as sug. ushers with a
their own free will, they will pick up should be arranged for with, the gested., and seat themselves as theyi Piece Of jewelry as a The strawberry is not difficult to
se n, and he not grow. This Affirmation is made with
much of this material which contains organist, who is 'expected. to ?play please, save that the front pews are,i Infrequently furnishai them with call reservations. The strawberry -
the vitamines so necessary to the while the guests are taldtig their left for the immediate relatives. At their ,gloves And neckties. .
health and disease resistance of hoth places. Any vocalist invited to take the appointed time the minister takes, The brides family as,sumos all the I will not thrive and produce profitably
the old -arid the young bards, part should sing during this time, hisplacb, and if the bride is to come other expenses. These include fees , under neglect, or indifferent ,care.
Hens will get badly conditioned if Some sort of signal should be arraug- in with her fat -her, the bridegroom to organist and sexton, floral decora- I Shiftless methods will not pro.luce
� large crops. But right cultural condi-
they are lousy, and this Condition will ad by which the organist will know oozes in with the minister. If pre. tiolis for the house and church, the, tions. are not difficult. to supply. The
make them restless when they are when the ,bridal party is ready to ferred, or if the bride is fatherless, conveNance for the itinister and hisl
sitting. ,l treat the hens for lice enter their church. I she walks up the aisle with the bli wife and the ,bridal party, gifts to - flail must bi�. rich In plant food. Pre -
from time to time and especially be- Justbefore the -bridal party enters, groom. After the ceremony, the newly the bride's attandalitg, I Paratory tillage muft be there. Strong
fore the time comes for theni to -brood., the. tft6thei of the bride is escorted wedded pair may remain in the vesti. And 'all ex- plants of the proper varieties must be
penses connected with the reception. used, and right methods of handling
Take them by the feet, hold them head by an. usher to her -place in the first bule of the -church long clial to' il It is nio longer tustoniary to throwl ' '
I and setting ellipl oyed. Maintenance
down and shake the licieVa,wder wall pew on the left of the Centre aisle, telve the good.wishes of their frl rice and old shoes after ,a departing tillage must also'be thoroughly selen..
into the roots of the feathers. This the bridegyaoin's family having been A wedding of this sort appeals to I couple; serious Accidents sometillies tifie. No hit or miss ki,yisten, will ",ONv
will kill the live insects, but will not previously s*tatcd in the opposite or thase who wish to have their friends resulting in life-long Injuries, have oc.
i , - I a field of Plants Caprible of producing
Ibave much influence upon the nits. right-hand pew. witne'" the ceremony but are un -4410, curried through the observance of this I phenomenal yields, nor a normal 'yielod
Repeat the treatment in from seven The lb,ride should arrive punctually for various 'reasons, to lefttertainthem, cubtiom. Confetti is used instead and, even. Wghly prof +,%tble erqps oi.,4� file
to ton days; by this time move lice, at the appoirited time, 41ld is accom. The Rome Wedding,
I I " thid consists Of PAPer of varlolig result of selenilfic knowledgA,- gkiltol y
will have hatched. panled by her father or the person A home wedding may be telebratedi colors cut by machinery int -o the tin. applied. Shiftl6��a
During the period of brooding there who is to give her away. The brides, icithar iltdoors Or, If we'Ither perl last possible ploces, a sho�ver of con- place in the systam. mo-tho& have no
is likely to the all invasion of lice bo� I mAlds tire expected to be waiting for .Ol the I,Awn. li the guest,% are num- tetfA is ,both pretty and sate, .
,cause of the heat in the nest. Three: her, and upon tbearrival at the bride arol an aif$lo ma it —...l_
a. '§�e foriped, b Nor is it pod form to decorate ( ?) When you wish to give spig jiledi.
or four days before the -Chteks hat& the sexton closes the doors leading means Of �,hite A ons, 4,r ti 1103 the conv4yanee in l
OUIL_i into the chUrch. the,newly ChIle, just cut two inches ON the toe
treat the Wi6ding ben again. Av. flowarl held by girls dressed in white married peir talre their deparbi It of all old boot, put the foot of tile
-try exp(,rt fo,conunends*a h6me-rdoAel The Ceremony. or in, dblfe4te colarl. mombers,'of the 19 not "11va7A eftsY to trace the linO boot in tile pig% luoutil and Pour tile
powdet for this purl The pc,*d& When all are in place for the pro- bridal Party walk to their plao4 #>e_1 between ton and vulgalil and 11'O inedicine doill the boot.
I I,% prapotcd by adding one part of I eer,�Iou, the sexton opol the doors; tween thet5obarriars. degree of rdationship or' — 4.
lerl ftrbolic: acid to thl'00 fft'rtg 'Of the orgAl 'having been -signtiltd, The miniktor Ukeghls lAnee *it t-helwatrt the intimacy , - til ,-,-, ."_
PlaVilig ,of tricks add Not in, thO ablor of the ermWeal
I ` *110 sirl sthrung Oil g Not ill tile Shouts and Plaudit's of
-gatoi Uix thoroughly until well begins playing the wedding m4fth, kPP6int&17tlm6 6114 ib foi by the prAA4 whdch ill e4uve onilbarram. streot,
bletIded. Then pour this, ,PrCPAVatiOn'aftd the bridal Party advatides Ili the brid,69rol fand I>W. -.,IrA,, *ho f,ikra yA6ftt to thost, W
Iover .sufficiant plaster of Paris to ab_'fo.11owing ordev. The ushat,% com4l, thtir Plae" mlightlY in lrftt of the Juar4ey which may 'to a hhapoy ofte the tbtolig, ,
sorb itll of the gabollne and tarbolie first-, two by two, then the btides. miniater, at his left, all three falaing I of ?mqty &* fraught with tare, lind sok. Dat in ourselves aret triumi nnd 0.
Iacid, Storo Away from light or Ate. maids, 61:50 in pairs; the brI&Smulds I the tol fte bridAl p4tty t4ii -$It towo I teat, —toulrfellow.