The Wingham Advance, 1921-05-19, Page 7Thursday, May 19th, 1921 THE WINGHAM ADVANU 41 HIS LITTLE COUNTRY PAPER Wyth NOTICE Mrs. John Dick and children of Ina when the evenin' Shade is fallin' It the don, Man., is visiting her parcnts� Mr, and ndin'o' the day Mrs. D. Cowan, TO. CITIZENS An'a feeller rests from labour smokin' his S The Choral Society will present Iffic pipe Ol clay, avred Cantata, "The Me= F aer'nalll There's nothin, does him SO Much good, at Brucefield, on Thursday "g, May r from 9,30 to 10.30 a,. m 19tb At the last meeting of the court. be fortunate up or down, 41 As The Women's MiSivionary Society of St, Balloon Hou cil it was nuanimously decided to the little country paper from his oil Andrew's Church will bold their regular home. meeting Tuesday afternoon. Miss Ship� ley of North Honan. China, will give an itv request all citizens to have all iu� It ain't a thing of beauty, an its print aln- address, pretaining to her work. Miss for all children of This vicini flatuableand useless material re. uncle, Mr. R, B, J!JcGowan, always clean, Shipley is visitin at the home Ot moved from yards and cellars be� But it straightens out his temper, when a fore May 24th. Also requesting feller's fellin'niean; Mrs, Harry Jackson has purchased the It takes wrinkles Off his face, and brushes Flix Co. citizens to generally beautify their frame residence on King St, from tile. premises and co-operate with tile off his frown, 14 Opening D a Mr. Ja,me.�l 'Cott, jr. of Godericb, was 6% 090 lip. ing the week, X Board of Health in a general clean That little country Paper from that ol' in town for a few days duri y home town. . The Boy Scouts &zanization are hold- I By order of the C It tells of all the parties and balls of ing a concert in Industry I -Jail, Friday 11kV Punkin Row, evening, May 21st. May the 21st. Goderich Distri-A Conv ntion is being 'Boqt who spent Sunday with his girl, livid it, the Methodist C church, Tue!iday an' how the crops will grow; and Wedne.day of this wee k, A large HOW it keeps a feller Posted 'bout who's delegation of ministers and laymen is ex. up an' who is down— pected Rev. S. Anderson is chairman ot the district. X That little Country Paper from his OF X TENDERS FOR COAL home town. on Satulrmda Ng V QEALUD TENDEPS %ddrepsed to the undor. 0 , I like to read the dailies aW the sigE ed and endorsed "Tender for Coal for the Dominion Buildings, Ontario and Qiiebec," story Papers, too, will be received at. this office until 12 O'clock An' noon WId V. April 29,1921, for the supply of at times the yellow novels an I Some coal i or th. Dominion Buildings throughout the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. other trash —don't you. can be obtain 10001flOatiOn and form of tender But when I want Some readin' that will ed from the PurchaAIDg Agent, Department of Public Work-, brush away a frown, Ottawa, and frum the Caretakers Of thp difrorent Douilu. on Bulldhig�i. I want that little Paper from my Ol' home Tenders will not be considered unlopR made town. on the foring supplied by che Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth – -------- therein. Each tender must be accom anied by an a e led oheyte on a chartered tank payable Wroxeter to te 4, Order 0 he Minister of Public Works, ;;uAl to IOB0,0- Of the Amount, Of the torider Mrs. Jas. Anderson, who has been ar Loan nds of the Dominion vvill also be spending several months in Toronto, has acoo ed as security, or war bonds and chequea I returned home. if r. put .red to niako up an odd amount. I I By order, I Mr. Arthur .. : X Canada 0101 Gas He ters L t a imi ed, Queens ffotel Building, Wingham The management have arranged for Mayor Elliott to open this store R. C. DESROCT-JERS, ­ ng lias been ap- W pointed census enumerator for the village Quail 8eoretary. immediately after Balloon Hour. I Department of Public Works, Of Wroxeter. Ottawa, April 10, 1921. The followi X U� �fficers were elected at Dr. Mapd pot the annual usinebs meeting of the r t)a C. Calder Ic Wendt; directors, Mrs� Munro, Mrs T Wroxeter branch of the Women's In- Gener"al PraCtitioner A. Gibson, Mrs. T. G. Hemphill, Misse; I Stitute, held in Mr& Pope's rooms: Pre- Graduate x Sanderson and L. Me Naughton -I sident, Mrs. G. Davidson; Ist vice. pres., University of Toronto, Faculty district representative, Miss R. Hazel-' Miss E. McEwen; 2nd vice-pres,, Mrs. J. OffiC" of Medicine. Our Specials for Opening wood; auditors Misses M. Davidson and _JO1 Allan; secretary -treasurer, Mrs, ]Ohn e sephine St., two doors south of Lia are Hupfer; assistant secretary Mrs. R Brunswick Hotel. y Telephones Office 281, Reslden�e 151. X Aluminum Tea. -Kettles r"11111H oil LM wit egular $6.25 16r $3.90 ES:'_ TAY R JAM LOR Hot"Point e r i -AUCTIONEER El' ct" c Irons Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left at Regular $8.00 for $5.00 The Advance, Wingbam, will receive mptattention, pro Phone NorthHuron 15-623, Brnssels.1&13 Also a quantity of smal K I I -zoods WHEN VOU CALL WE KEEP Your car on the road, Prompt attention to repairs as soon as needed saves further expense, Let us keep your Ford LIP to 100 per cent efficiency— A will save You money. Our repair shop is equipped with approved machinery to facifiate Prompt and efficient work. We have the skilled mechanics to give you a first class job. We sell Genuiue F Ord Parts at prices fixed by the Company, Bring your Ford to us and thus be sure of getting the genuine. . We will quote YOU eXaCt COSL Of Tepairs or parts before you buy. A. M. Crawford, Dealer We are now ready for business and are able to give you the best of ser- vice on all kinds of tire repairing. 0 Expert Vulcanizing and Retreading Ask us about our guaranteed puncture proof service. We carry a complete fine of tire and ae- cessorles. Ask for our opinion, we can 1111minate Your fire troubles. I ... ALL WORK GUARANTFEED Wingham Tire and Vulcanizing. Mijot D Morton lilock, Winghaln. Phone 298. 7+ East-Wawanosh which will be on our Bargain.,' ASK ABOUT OUR SERVICE Miss Adams of Wingham Hospita staff and Miss Laura Robinson and Mr' Counter. DEPARTMENT Ernest Robinson, motored to Toronto cn Tuesday to visit relatives in that city and Hamilton, Mr. Harold Robinson of Medical College returns with them. We will 'also have'special Demon - The Late Mr. Banwell strations of -Coffield Electric Referring to Mr. A. Banwell, who pass- ed away on Monday last at the home ofX Washers, Premier Vacuum Clean - his daughter, Mrs. Alfred Wigle, Windsor, X t M,51 "The Border Star", says, "Mr. Banwell, ers and Oil Stoves Etc. lie who was 90 years of age was born at St I t George, Gloucestershire, England, where his father, Henry Banwell, was principal of a large boarding school for boys. X Coming to Canada at the age of four The Management of the years he remained here till hi* s death,, which was a distinct lo�s to the city, He C inunity. At the time of the r'(belllan, valuable documents in the county registry X A office, which it was degired to save from a deep interest in the welfare of the com- RADA OIL *hAS RIO I Was an e�teeined citizen and always took M the rebels, were spi!ited away ai night and hidden in Mr. Banwell's home until the trouble was ended. He lived to Skelx Extend to You A�l a Cordial Welcome many changes and could recall the time wben WiridEor was only, 'TheFerry'. No. 2 Store, Wingham Dis wife, Mrs. Mary A. Ban%v(,1J, pre- t Cash arad Better Servrlcili deceased him only a few months. He is I survived by three sons ana two daughter S: viz. Henry, Donald, James, Mrs, Alfred I Xim X =trill ICA s7l� MXXXVrV, 2XW Wigid-of Windsor, and Mrs (Rev.) E. F. Armstrong, of Wingliam". -,,,it the ancient ba -WI -Ii. Id st4n on the the nequointance, either in imagindion imparts and i alw in ti;e wonderful or i eality, t,' ne of the most v teresting Threatens To Get Drastic panorama of sea and land, of rocky coast corners in all Othe broad Dorultilou &Ago and fishing town, of forcst background An officer frdm the Motor Vehicles' (Copyright by British & Col. iial PresEs Dept. who visited Walkerton last week -V -V and fertile fields and you will have made Limit,d.) claims in a conversation with Mayor me- 1a C Nab that about ­­ 4 t 4.1. r ­ . � ue is being violated here. including cars run. HZAK14 YE1Cja-% I ning at night without 8hY lights lit, others This is the first of a series of Little Trips to a varidy of attractive spots and coursing around with their tail lights out, some have last year's markers on, while centres in the Dominion. They will enable readers of Tub ADyw�zicp,, to take many imaginary journeys from Atlantic to the Pacific, These trips are personally others again have only one marker exhib- conducted by Frank Yeigb, author of "Tbrou Om the Heart of Canada," and '15000 Facts about Canada," and a lecturer whose illustrated talks on Canada have been ited not to mention the multitudes that heard all over this country and in many parts of the United States a d Great are running about with the numbers go Britain. Watch for them every week, Cut them out for reference. They will make a fine book dirty they couldn't be read with a fiej� guide of the Dominion, glass and a spot light. Nor is this all, No. I LOUItBOURG AND ITS day are the four casements of the King's some are breaking the speed limit by FORTRESS bastion, the site of an old well, the flying through tl re&treets at a pace sug. I foundations of barracks and, nearer the gestive of going for the doctor. Chil- Let us start "Way down East," the, ocean, a graveyard full of dead soldiers' dren under 18 years at the wheel are jumpingoff place down by the Atlantic, , bones. another menace on the street. Pedes- the nub -end of the Dominion—Louis- I' What a lot of history the spot visua- bourg, trians are going over the crossings on the which is in Cape Breton, wh ch is! lizesl Two seiges, two baptisms of blood bop, step and jump because women in Nova Scotia, from which come 80 —one in 1742, when a little fleet and driving with one hand are talking to many of the wise men. To reach this: army from New England faced the' their seat niAtes. Motorists swinging Little Trip objective, you mutt trpvel!Goliath power of France. Vorty.8eveni around corners without blowing their eastward and keep going till you stOP or days of old-fashioned fighting and Louis - horns, or driving or parking their cars on are stoprAd by the Atlantic—across the bourg was captured—one of the duels the wrong side of the road are other wails the official breathed into the ear of the Strait, of Canso, along the Bras d'Or with France for the possession of Canada. Lakes, through Sydney, with its great The Mayor here, His Worship brought the mines and mills, dnd Glace Bay �with the other in 1758. This time twenty two Vessels of old England face town An� matter up before the Council on Mondgly highest wireless station in Canada,"and so fortress. Louisbourg has to be taken all night, and informed the Board that the on to the old -town -by -the -sea, Louis- over again. It was a bitter struggle, last - official was, threatening to send a special constable here to check up the delin� bourg, with itt deep harbor and ruined fortress. ing for weeks on land and sea, until tile the French fleet in the harbor was sunk' quents if the local authorities didn't act What is there to be seen in this out -of. and the flagof France gave way to that at once themselves in'thAt respect. As the -way corner of Canada? Much that of England. Don't forget that a little� an active of§cial could take a fortune out reminds one of earlier and stormier day.%— red-baired ofticer by the name of Wolfe � of the towh if lie came, here f6oking for a mile or so of earth -works. grass -carpet, was one of the invading force, lie who trouble, the Council have notified 'the' ed that once held the strongest fortres� It completed the job the next Year on the' local POHO to punish the worst Offenders in America and that cost the French king Plains of Abraham when Canada becarno as a warning to others when they*re next a pretty penny when pretty Pennies did British, c,,Iught sinning again, —Walkerton Timep, not count for Much. All that is left to- So take a Little Trip to Louisbourg, 11 ... .... ...