HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-05-12, Page 5Thursday, May 121h, 1921 THE WINGHAM AnVAT.Irr, L 0-0. F, th(re olt Sunday evening, XX At the council Meeting last Tdonda evening a 40PIlt-0104 was appointed Y to 'Wait on the Minister of Public Works to XX=XXWNXXXXXX1% �eeaboult getting a rant to assist it, lay. 1139 1 andPeyinguctlt rOa work on Campbell Havelock Sts. The deputation con, sists of Reeve Johnston, Jno. C autt R. D. Cameron, Joynt M, P " It is to be t L -t d,0 Lpetl at! SfUtory arrangements can be a It ade. a n- a ci in Quite a number of Mason's visited Ot as iiea ers Winghatu Lodge last Tuesday evening, n. OD11 the oeoas'on of the Official visit of the HEAR OFIFIC.F, TORONTO. -A D, G 14, and were amply repaid for their attendance, The W 1 11 g h a in - -- ----- brethern certainly know how to enter. tahl, Mr. Harry Logan, a brolher-in.biw, of will open a branch in W ingham ofi or about May 21 at, 1921 in their new- store Reeve Johnston, has left his farm near Purple Grove and mov?d to Teeswater, X where he has been appointed clerk of the X now being prepared in the Queen' Hotel Block. This branch c village to succeed Jlio� Farqub�r a who is we are sorry to report serios:i; arries The Table factory commenced work. Yen 0 clock, oil Monday morning instead of eight as heretofore, Mr. Porteous Of the hardware firta of Rae and Porteous has arrived in town X ' Z5h. elf flardware, and has taken his place in the store TV Electric TENDERS FOR COAL Ill Mrs. J, H, Carruth of ClintonA is,visit. Specl*alties if g her daughter, Mrs. 1�. Aite isou, Mrs. H. Aitchison has returned after a SEALED TBNDHR8 addrei,aed to tbe"under- k1s v Ill wee D gcodfgand endoried "To.d.r for C isit in Godericb. ..In 113.114,498, On tarlo, and Qual for LUcknow's town baseball league is ex. *ra will be received at th be"" the Is Office until 12 o'clock C00.1ing Utensils and Heat" d Lighting A 'PI 1200n. Friday. April 29,1021, for the supply of pected to get a start this week, Ing an p lances, coal for the Dominion Buildings t6l�oughout Mr, and Mrs. R, Renwick spent quit - the provinces of Ontario and Quebs Combined specification and form �f tender day at their home near Belmore, can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent. from the Caretakers of Department of Public W rkP, Ottawa, and NOTICE TO PUBLIC Department is at our, convenience. tho I Our Service Ion Buildings. , ditInrent Dqmin- y 0 Tenders will not be considered unless made may Sth. 1921, Watch this space for specials next n the forms suglted by the Department and On and after the above date week. n accordance w th the conditions set tortb responsible for any bill I a rre I will not be therein. 8 n u (I by my wife Each tender must be accom 'In til further notice, anled by an If. L. STEWART, Aocopted cheque on a chartered E Remember the -place and the time of openi to the order of the Minister of pallik payable 3523 Brussels, bile Work , Ph 0 11.0 8 . P ing ;Val to 10-P. o. of the amount of the tender 2 Atwood. ar Loan Bonds of the Dominion will also be Ac see COPWd as security, or war bonds and ohequea if required to ihake up an odd amount. JaMestow solemnized at ir5 Tindle Av'e Toronto, Department of Public Works, f5coretary. at high noon on April 'wheu Miss WO I Ottawa, April 14, 1921. k t By order tty 0.'DR890c11@rtA Wedding Bells -A pre 2nd wedding was X Hotel Bloef on or about Sa urd ay, May 2 1 st Alargaret.Frances, youngest daughter of M Donald a d Mrs. Richardson, was mar- ried t� A. C. Griffith, druggist of the JAMES TAYLORsamecity. Rev. Logan Geggie Officiat- ing. The best wishes of the bride's manyfriends is for a long and happy Cash and Better, Service. AUCTIONEER voyageover thP matritnonial'sea. Pretty Wedding -A quiet wedding XXXX X11% XX XXXX o Farm Sales a Sp�cialty. Orders felt at took place at 7 O'clock Wedliesday even - The Advance, Wingliam, Will receive Ing, April 10th, at -the Presbyterian Bluevale prompt attqntion. manse, Moose Jaw, When MISS Flora Belmore ham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Phone NorthHuron 15-623, 13rnssels 15-18 8trachan, eldest daughter of George and Sacrament services ivere held in the Rev. R, K D. Sinclair is on the sick Turnberry Council Jacques, over Sunday, I Mr. and Mrs. James Stonehouse v, Mrs. Werner of Shhunavon, Sask,, be- Methodist church, Sunday at 2 P. M, list., Dungannon$ spent Sunday with Mr. xaS ------- came the bride of Chas. Brnest Mrs, Dinsley of Wingham� and Mr. Irving, At the annual meeting of the Methodist Council met in Bluevale as advt. on HH ri Mrs. Adam Darling Minutes of last regular meeti were Owen Sound, visited with Mr, and Mrs Stewart of Blyth, spent SU4- officiating. TheIride was becomingly the following were elected for the 'current last week. day �ith hmis brother, John Stewart Phones xo6, 224. M Miss Lizzle Edwa M�y gnd,, 192r. All members present, an"I To opper Oncton, N- '13 Rev. W, G, Wilson Sunday School held- ThursdAy evening girl, visited her siste rdo, an old Belmore Mrs. James Plourde and children from attired in white duchess Satin with over. year: -Sup., G. Hall; Ass1t Supt., Mr. oved on 1110tion of A. Wh�,nfe, and Rolly Henderson, last week. her veil being of McGee; Se 9 Emma "T Mr. and Mrs. George Garton are visit- Rev. Peters and wife motored to E*x- dress of georgette, S. Gallaher; Ass*t,.See MIS Mulvey and Miss Irene J J, Moffatt. .1 McDonald, On motion of W. A. Mines and J. L, Ing with relatives in Kitchener. don last week and spent a few days. embroidered tulle with a wreath of Miss J. Mowbray; Treas , Jas. Masters; Wingliam, also Dr. James M WALKER'S orange blossoms. She carried a shower Teachers, Mrs. $,fell, Mrs Mulvey called on Mrs. John ZVI.Wlvpy on acUwen, Mr. Fred A, E:dgar, Engineer Mr. and Mrs. Robeit Mowbray, and The choir of the Anglican Charc%t, boquet of sweetheart - G, Gallaher, Saturday. wasappointed Inspector on the Jermyn children, spent unday with Mr. and Mrs, Brusse Funeral Directors and maiden hair fern. roses, carnations Mrs. (Rev.) Wilson, Miss -Stamper, Mrs. drain. Is motored over here on Sunf?xy- Wobks of Teeswater. and.assisted with the sery 1. e, thrkr Mr. and Mrs. McCall; Organist, Mrs, McCall; Asslt,, ki Mrs, John Duffy and Mrs. Albert Has- The following accounts we're paid: Mr. and Mrs. Rolly Henderson, spent I music was very much appreciatelcd. Irying left on the first train for an ex- Miss H. StampQr. na had- a trying experience Monday SaTer Massey co,, one grader $208,34; Sunday with fri a4d Edibalmers tended trip to 13, C. and California, while driving to the village with pr;duce. J. , ends at Wingham junction. ------ bride travelling in a navy suit of tricatine W. M. S. -.The members of Bluevale Their horse shied and they were thrO�vn Gemm Lennox, rep. to culvert 2.00; J. I Mrs. Wray received the sad news of tbw ill. drawing tile and work 6.00; G Ri foul Spent Sunday at the death of her brother, Mr. George Cravg: Cor mi mee home f&r. and Mrs. Geo Garton. of Trenton on Eriday last, Auxiliary (W. M. S.) held their annual Out of the buggy, Mrs. Duffy sustaining Thos. W. Weir, salary and rep- 48.6o; with becoming bat and veil. On their ting on Tuesday, April 19th, at'2.30 injuries about the chest and neck. Jas. Porter, freight o Motor Hearse or Horse 14qtz.iptnent return they will reside in Czar, Alberta at the parsonage, ig of the 3o members n grader 6 encing Mrs. George Werner, mother of & .72; John C on May 16th Mr. Bob Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and daughters; t&, - bride mentioned, was formerly Zizabeth being -preseut� After the rpgular busi. The Annual Meeting of the Women's Porter, working grader 4.00; Jas. Vallas, Nowb a will jun the chopper only one Centralia, spent Sund-,y with Mr. and' Straellan, daughter of the late Thos. and ness of the meeting was dispensed with, ItistituMmet Saturday afternoon at Mrs. work an -road 4,00, Municipal World, day a week during the summer months. Mrs. F. Anderson, Mrs. Strachan,sr., of this locality. Re� supplies 9 18; B. Cruikshanks, pt. salary Mr. and Mrs, Billie Prince of Wingham, year �, Mi the election of officers for the coming present. The following officers were 1000 Wingham, Ontario latives and old friends here wish Mr, took place, lCorVganal. About 40 memberd being I 'Visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. and viz: -Pres., Mrs. L. J elected for the corningyear. President- Moved by W. ties ka Amos. Cornelius Mrs. Irving many joys and few sorrows. Jewitt; Vice -Pres., Airs, Jos. Brecken-; Mrs. Gowdy; Vice -President -Mrs. John I�wen that the next cout ridge- Coy See Mrs. C. Hetherington; ridt. g c a Le wil !tti. be Tory Corners Peacock; Tress., M 'Hall; Sec'y Treas-Mrs. Corrigan, Dist. I held in Bluevale on May 30th., 1921, at Mr. Wilbert Gallaway has completea, Of. Margaret G. Calder Blyth H. L. Bosnian; Supt. of Christ-Y8,1rict Director -Miss Agnes Darling, Al I P. in. and asa Courtof Division of the Stewardship, Mrs R, WarV�ick- 0 iatz I talk on, California Was given by Miss I Assessment Roll at 3 P. in. Belgrave the driving shed on his new home, rgan- Laura Renwick. At tile close of the I General Practitioner Mr. A. 1. Cooper of Clinton, was in ist, Mrs, 1-1. McCall. This Auxiliary re- meeting Mrs. Corrigan served lunch The 41tievale Dramatic Club will pre Mr. James Nichol lias purchased a ngw Graduate Urilversity of Toronto, Faculty tbwn on skturday. ports an increase of eighteen members which was much enjoyed. i ---- sent their play, "Valley Farm" in the car from Mr. John Fry, Wingbazn, of Medicine. The play entitled "Home Ties" will be over last year, Amount of money raised Vffiftechurch Forester's Hall, Belgrave, on Friday, May Mr. Tom Ellis recently moved to W� of I presented I. the F.rrester'B Hall, Bel thiring year 8101.80. The next meeting. 126th,, tinder the auspices of the Ladies' new home South of Gorrie, Office: -Jose Mrs- JeffraY is spending a few days Mr. and Mrs. Will Currie of East Waw- I Guild of Knox Church. Admission 50c, Wr. lack Wylie has purchased a zi(evr phirte St,, two aoors south grave, by Trinity Church Dramatic Club, will be held at the, home of Mrs, wilh bet- son, Richard on the tenth. Brunswick Hotel. I on the evening of Friday, May 13th. Bieckenridge on Tuesday, May 17th; at Messrs. James and John Darling are anosh and Mrs. Taylor of Lower Wing-, and 25C. Plan at Munroe's Store. driving horse south Day was observed by the 2,31- Acordial ddlngrothe appearance of the village Telephones - Office 281, Residence 151. Mothers invitation is extended! a of Gorrie, last wrml- congregii!ons of town. A special pro- to all, UY Planting out shade trees. gram wag rendered and a pleasing feature Mr. Goo. McDonald has been sufflering Mr. and Mrs, John Irwin �vho spent the Lucknow was the.6boir of Mothers at both services. from a bad attack of poison I Y. -%r wMtermontlis bere, left Monday for their LucknoNv, May 9, L92X, The pastor delivered addresses approp- hope he will soon be better again.v home in the Wett. The 3ist,'anniversary of tile Presbyter- I riate for the occasion. Mrs. MoMorris of Toronto, is at present ian Church was celebrated yesterd�y I Mrs. Joseph Coombs of Toronto, is vis- isiti re for a few weeke, �'wfieu the Rev. Dr. Drummond of Hamil. iting her mother, Mrs, Andiew Sloan, Sr. v ng be ton, spoke to . large audiences both I The Maple Leafs' Sewing Circle will Mr, Rich. Johnston shipped IGNORE BOARD OF HEALIH morning and evening,in fact the building hold a tea in Dr. Milne's Hall, Wednes. hogs, and one of cattle to Toronto oil a car of Was too small for the crowds who tried day evening, May I ltb. Tea served from Monday. AR"IN-10SENOU to gain admittances it night. Dr, Drum- 15 to 8. ' Geo, Townsend of Garrie, spent sun, Motion Carries Despite Protests Ak K mond delighted all who heard him -and Mr. Harry Watson of Arkansas', is on a day at.the home of Wm� Tbornton. Entere I d the choir rendered special music in ex- visit to nis brother, Mr, R. Watson of I I I r cellent style. Mr. 'vVatson is making his Me. and Xlrs. Abe Procter and Miss lKincardine has granted the request of choir one of the best in this district. town. It 1 43 years since the Watson Vera, spent Sunday with relatives here, William Welsh and a r Ir - U07o U E PA I N OT & VA RN" I S H E S Bros. met. umber of other. Seven Auto loads of Oddfellows attend- Mrs. Thos. Gosman has r t Mrs. Sanderson of T6ronto, is up for a citizens to bore wells for water. Their ed Divine Service in the Anglican Church Toronto, and Is at presen P urned from few holidays. t visiting her cause was championed by Reeve Wood at 1)11119annon, with the members Of the daughter, Mrs. Wm. Cockaline, Morris. Mr,,. Jas. Aitchison of Stoney Creek, is and Councillor Watson. Mr. Wood nt-; at present visiti rig relatides, here, ed a fair report of the proceedings, given atidfMrs, Rich, Lloyd of Wingbam, He didn't want: the state. in tile press, spe"n'd the week -end wifl) Mr,and Mrs, ment to go out that the gauntlet w L H. Bosman- being thrown down to Dr. McCulloug Mr. Geo. Mowbray has purehased the He told the Council he wouldn't 41% Anderson house and lot, and moved into accept: 1,0 it this week. the plans that had been Provided for fil Mr. Watson of Brussels, visited his tration as they would not meet, the : dThe Hard -Drying, Long -Wearing 0 T' C E need; X sister Mrs Win. Garniss, last week. of the'town. The old Council brought Floor Finish 4 Mr.f L, �. Bosman has now got his ,lie a man here who didn't understand the' machine in operation and it turns out nice town's requirements. Nothing adds so neat tile, all sizes. We wish Harry suc. much to the beauty of a home We are now ready for business and 11 cess at his venture. Councillor 'Magwood took issue with "100(,,, PURE" as floors that are Properly cared for; on the areable to give you the best of ser. Howgrd and Whitney Stewart of Hen- Mr. Wood, Pointing Out that he would, PAINT other hand, floors that are not protected are feyn.-Speot Sunday-witb their parents not put his knowledge up against the en The paint for wear unpleasant to look at, are hard to keep clean Vi - and become injured through wear. Doai vice on.all ]kinds of tire repairing. 4 here. gineer's of the provincial board of health. and weather. eglect your floors, beautify them and save Rev. Mr. Mills was at Brussels on Sun- The plans bad been passed upon by com. ulem. Save the surface and you save all, day taking chat -go of tile services there, petent engineers and SENOURIS Mr. Magwood told MARBLF-ITE Floor rinish Miss Mary- Stewart of Gorric, was Mr. Wood he was only guessing. FLOOR PAINT Expert Vulcanizing and home over the weck-end. Mr. I Is tile perfe treitment for floors of all kinds, it is tile 4 Mr. W� 14, F raser made a busintiss trip Wood rep.ndiated this and when challeng. it we rs and wears floor finish that has a money -back guaranotitc and wears. att' to Toronto last week. ed to give figures was unable to do so. ached to everY can. a Retreading 111r. John Mundell had tile misfortune The motion, howeVer, to give the Citizens "VARNOLEUMI, In 24 hours MARBLE4TE dries hard with a to lose a fine two year old heifer"One day authority to bore wells was passed, beautifies and pre. beautiful finish that will not show heel marks. last week. It has a high gloss, yet is to Ask us about our guaranteed pUnetUre M�SYOr McPherson' protested strongly serves Oil cloth any amount of wear W. ugh enough to stand X My Chas� Garniss has a gang on dig- as did Mr Magwood and Mr. Reed. and Linoleum. washed witi Ithout injury. It can be proof service. ging out cellar and Putting in foundatio h SOAP and Water and it will n I for his new residence. n This means that the order of the ProVin- "WOOD -LAG", may nor scratch white. ot We carry a e6mplete line ol'tire and ae- Rev. Mr. Wilson has had his motor car clal Board of Health will be fUrther ignor- repainted which gives it a nice appear- ed. STAIN We 'tiv'tc YOU to Call and discuss this method of beautifying a cessorles. XeYes ISros. contract for the new side- Tinproves tile new nd protecting your floors. We can give You full details regarding this or any walk on Huron Terrace stteet, which was -renews the old, other Painting or varnishing Problem. We have Ask for our opinion, we can 1111minate -not accepted som6 Weeks ago, was accept. "NEU-TONE" a coirnplete Stock Of MARTIN-SENOUR Paints Your fire tkoubles. Fordyce ed at tho meeting, and Varnishes, porevery Councillor Pollock The sanitary, wash. Surface. PurPOs0­-FOr every Nfr. and NIrs. Beni, McCfeuagban of adinifted he could not do better when lie able Plat Oil Paint Whilechurch, visited at ]as Harbours, tricd to get others to Underbid the Xeyes for Interior Decor- ... ALL WORK GUARANTEED... Mr. and Mrs. W. Tayforspent Sunday contract, Rae & Thownson witirfriendsin Lucknow, ation. ]no, JainiCson spent It few days with his daughter, Mrs, 'Font MaeGuffin of Wingham, 0111, Morris Winghau-t Tire and E, Webster spent Sunday with Andrew Ur, abd Urs, jam s 00110Y visited at Pox of Wbitechurch, lvr.*L. Williams of Bleyth, last Sunday. 4e Depot Chas. Martin soldsome fine cattle last grs. James Aitchison of Stonev Creek# suirf4ee Vulcanizing week. Spent it few days with her daughter, Mrs. Mrs, McGee*of Winglitimi vigited with Will Abraham. bet daughter, Mrs, John Beecroft on IMon. Miss Edim Gibson of Wingh 1 pent Norton l3lock, W1119halin. Phone 298. a 1A sh 4, day last. the week end At Ur. John Caseniopcs X Nurse Laura Robitison of Wiligbam UrS. 13loomfield and soil, 0A 11, spent -it feW days a 11r, Jo in Hmpital is sptnding bet, holiday4 tinder Wingbat Rober; of Parental XXXJC;J*% ­XXXX XXXXXXXIVO X Haines. 4 XXAA X I t I I , �!�O � .,:-- ; ; i S1 R,-,. � �!� :4Z1rn0-r1=- W . 1;�l