HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-05-12, Page 4THE WINGHAM ADVANCE Tbursdayf May 12th� 1921 FORGETFUL PA Enniskillen Hotel Burned TO DRAIN THE RIVER XXXXXXXXXXXXXK XXXXXX____ The Enniskillen Hotel, about seven Municipal Councils Are Preparinu My Pa says when he was in school Miles southwest of Walkerton was burned ISARD'S He got a hundred as it rule, on Wednesday morning of last week and For Big Survey Alhat 10s the An' grammar was a thing lie knew, the hydrot telephone services in that Becoz he paid attention to vicinity were cut off owing to a hydro The municipal councils of tjie Town - His teacher atV he learned the way pole being burned off and mixing the ship of Culross and Greenock have held Sale of Ladies' To write good English' an' to say wires., Tbe'old hotel was a landmark of special meetings for the purpose of mak- Red Cross Doing* The proper things, an' I should be olden days,and was situated on the Old Ing arrangements to proceed with the As good a boy in school as he. Durham Road between Walkerton and drainage of the Teeswater River, This The Red Cress In Ontario has: But once I asked him could he give Kincardim Jt played an important action on the part of the councils is the i. Continued its war work in military Me . help with infinitive— part in the early history of this section sequel to the sitting of the Ontario mu. SAMPLE SPRING COATS He scratched his bead -and said; "Great and was the gathering place where the nicipal drainage court, held here last hospitals. Scott! neigilbqring swain5 discussed everything week, when Provineial, Drainage Referee 2. Contributed to the relief of disease- used to know, but I've forgot." fxpm politics to the latest in whisker trims Henderson made an in-terim order that stricken sufferers and undernourish- I and lipir-cuts. The old tavern was a h T * h** of Culross complete the at Reduced Prices My Pa says when he wasa boy 't e 'own" 'p ed children in Europe. frame structure and went dry many survey which was begun -by Enginecr Arithmetic was just a toy, !me ago. 3. Co-operated with the Soldier Settle years before the prohibition drought hit 'Roger ge scheme is of v ment Board in helping soldier set- He learned his tables mighty fast the land. It was an easy prey to the Tht:omraeinta ital interest ters In emergencies due to sickness An' every term he always passed, Fire King, and along with all the cQn- . to hundreds of land-ownem In no less than 15 ladies' new style Spring Coate, comprialng the very be t all tAr in the family. An' bad good marks, an" teachers said: tents of the house, together witli the large five.difierent townships in the Countles� X wool velours, gold cloth and fancy tweed effects, also .�lack silk msoire "That youngster surely has a head." adjoining barn,- was totally destroyed, of Bruce and Huron, and has been the Z coats bought clearing pilces, now on sale at bargain prices. 4. Provided funds for three years for a But just the same I notice now Mrs. Louis Yack, the proprietress and cause of much litigation in the courts in Course in public health nursing in 'Most every time I ask him how widow of the late' lamented genial host, the past fifty years. the University of Toronto. The To find the common multiple, had been spending the winter with her The early pioneers saw the great ad. first class Of fifty graduates in May. He says, "That's most unusital 1 daughter in Dunkeld. and was absent vahtages to be gained by the proper drain- S)Cllt TS—A shipment of all wool plaid aldrt8, made In goo&, Once I'd have told you on the spot. during the blaze, which started from an I prices. Provided eight nurses for child Ing of this�river, and as early as 1871 the style, also navy and black all wool serge ekirts at specie hygiene demonstrations under the But somehow, sonny, I've forgot. unknown source. Mrs. Yack's son, Wil- matter was brought up in the Provincial Provincial Board of Health. I'm tellin' you just what is what, Ilam of Walkerton, lost papers valued at Legislature, when a petition was present- My.Pa's forgot an awful lot! ove" $1000 in the fire. The loss which is ed to have the drainage ollhe stream im- 6. Distributed to civil hospitals equip- —Edgar A. Guest. C01AVETS—A line of Crompton's new model corsets In pink between $2000 add $3000 is partly cover - proved, but no action was taken. Then, ment and supplies left over from I ice 2.00. Robbery At Mildrnay ed by insurauce. in 1903, the municipalities of Greenock shade. Regular value 2.75, our cut pr the war. The Grand Trunk freight shed at Mild- and Culross petitioned for aid, under the 019� may on Thursday was broken into by provisions of the Drainage Aid Act, for a I OWARIO ENROLLMENTp MAY 22-28 theives, who gained an entrance to the MIGHT BE EITHER! drainage scheme comprising the improve. egi ede ment of the Teeswat�er River from Phalm's 11Itp,_V.VE.V—Women's sizes in new style House Dress in We bave seen a Canada organized for war; now building by means of a crowbar. A A certain officer brought home with I I of Galetea and fancy plaid gingham, bargain -it 2.95. spliced board was punched in and an dam at Chepstowe, in the Township of NO let ils have a Canada organized.for good health. opening large enough to allow a boy to him from Africa an intelligent but illiter. Greenock, upstream a distance of eigh, tl4e Red Cross and help create public opinion in favor of the side of the ate Kaffir to carry on with the duties of a teen miles, to the 8th. concession of :pnro :1 crawl through was made in of a batman he had . learnt in the Service. Culross. The proposed drain was sur- in very A� 11 1 th on Enroll with your local Red Cross Branch er building. Abox of candies, consigned to VOILES—Big stock to choose from, the best weaves U ibpe:t Co= " t "11,19r, If there Is none in your comrhunity, with ants of Formosa, One day tfie officer was reading when he yed and a report made by the late X 11 xro i - SHERBOURNE STREET, Oberle Brothers, Merch * pretty patterns and coloring. A bargain at $1.00. to PrEnotal Division, 410 became painfully conscious of Pete con- ve 009 was about the only thing that was stolen. James Warren, D. L. S., of Walkerton. The thieft evidently did not linger very stantly peeping over hit shoulder. asked At that time the assistant commissioner long on the scene, but opened the freight "What do you want, Pete"? he of public works recommended a substant. Canadian Red Cross Sociely shed door from the inside and made his at length. A . ial measure of aid, but the scheme was WjIITF, WEA It—See our range -of new et lee in wbiteweaej "I wants ter ask yer a quesham, sab", orset covers� See our Iine of escape. broad day- replied the nigger, grinfaing. never carripd out. comprising gowns, skirts, drawers, c Ontario Division The theft was committed in "Well, what is it?" invited the officer Since then, although the municipalities gowns at $1.00. light and -the reason that the culprit was bay., had to face several claims for dam - not caught in the act was probably due to kindly. rw 4 the fact that a number of freight cars "I has seen folksreading books an!1 de ages, and the matter has been a live h like, an' I jess wants ter know which it is issue at the municipal elections, the situa-, silk, lisle, cashmere and cotton were standing alongside the station whic] tion, is practically as it was in 1871. HO.VE, —Excellent value in ladies' yer reads—de white or de black? hose. Prices for silk hose bargain at 1.25. obstructed the view. The mater of the improvement of the of Teeswater is a very important question public intere�t. Helre there is an area of swamp land comprising some 24,000 acres, which is a good clay loam, valued at several hundred thousand dollars,1 H 9 E. Is'ard & Coo I I 'Built,. in- Canada" which at the present time cannot lie cul- 14, tivated. Under the proposed drainage �XXXXXXXXXXXX this great tract, known as the Greenock swamn will be turned into arable land. c^rrespondlal 1-.1-ACTIod last year.l. -A 0 is The w*gnifikance (of this ineIrfea333e 0 6 rdho?,­k by 1,-flotor cally- bulYe-Ts Of thP, unv­'gual -Val- ues to be f ownd ria %videba ker AutowtoUles I C, Year —TRho:, risa, Sftrole'aker L. KENNEDY- , Dealer, Wingham THE STUDEBAKFR CORPORATION OV CANADA, LTD,, V�ALKERVILM ONT. Cnopea and Sedans "I"T R ......................... $21515-0 r6tiritng Cars and Roadifers 7 CoUpr& ROADS.TL LIGHT -SIX TOURING CAR .............................. wso JGJIT_Rl� SEt)tAN .......................... 24513 -SIX TOURING CAP ..................... SPECIAL CIAL Six COUPE..... I ...... ........... SPECIAL -SIX 9 -PASS. AND 4 -PASS. ROAD9TERS ....... 24.- OLCIAL-SIX SEDAN '.— ...... ............ ...... 3750 BIG -SIX TOURING, CAR .......................... I .... I n!�65 2 :�io Ali POCC5 f. (,. �_.. 1, Y.'T'e. vnlo, em. All Studebaherc 3qy,_dpp�.,d tv�th Cord Tires Mysterious Fire At Greenock The fire which destroyed the hotel in the village of Greenock a week ago is now believed to have been of incendiary origin, and a tramp,who has been hang- ing around that �ection of late, I, expect- ed of having bad something to do with the starting of the fire. The building wa,, owned by Mrs. Louis Yack, and she was on a visit to her two sisters at Dunkeld when the fire oecured: The hotel building was said to be worth between $2,000 and $3,000 and was part - I A t, i-11rano- The stables on The Big Steel Steamer Greyhound SAFE, SPEEDY, COMFORTABLE $5.00 1ROU.ND T-RI2- $2.00 OJVE WAY will leave Goderich TUESDAY, JUNE 14th, at 9.30 a:m. Arriving Port Huron 2.00 p. in.,, Detroit 5.30 p. m. Returning leaves Detroit 1.00 p. in., Thursday, June 16th. The only boat trip from Godb- rich to Detroit this season. Chilaren between 6 and 12, 31,z fare. Visit your Michigan friends and see big, busy Detroit. A delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers. Y CON -V T the hotel premise ' s were also burned. Win. Yaeck, a son of the proprietress, I The suspicious looking character wbo of the opinion that the stranger is sottle is said to have lost papers valued at over has been hanging around villages in person who hae, been implicated in some $1,000 in the fire, and it� is thought that Greenock Township, particularly in the of the burglaries in Western Ontario of if the fire was incendiary origin) these isolated sections, for some time, is a late, and is trying to evade the police, papers were quite likely stolen by the fire- young, able-bodied man. He spent one while others believe he may be the myster- bug, who probably ignited the building in night last week in the stables of the Xing, ious "Pat" connected with the Melbourne order to c6veeup his tracki, Edward Hotel at Chepstowe. Some aFe I bank tragedy. -Mileage as- it is Measured The selling price is the yardstick of tire mileage, very often. The striking exception being Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes". The mileage put into them is not measured. Theyaremeant to give extra miles and they do. Running on your car Ames Holden - "Auto -Shoes" will give you the clieapest mileage you can buy—irrespective of cost. AMES HOLDEN "'AUTO -SH Cord and Fabric Tires in all Standard Sizes "Grey Sox" 71ibes F or Sale By "Red Sox" Tubes 1. Merkley & Sons, Phone 84o and Geo. T. Robertsono Phone 102, Whilghaw., and Wingham TIre andAVuleanizing Depot, Phone 298, Alk"- 4, The main obstruction in the river is a ridge of shale rock at Phalm's dam a� the; Village of Chepstowe. This is where the proposed work will . cQmmence, and when, this iecompleted a 1�ridgewlll be brought' inteuse, and the bed of the river dug out,' and at some points the course of the stream will be straightened, IN Aut&ilob '0 uan ales m ada It is expected that the work will be Commenced this summer, and will be pro-; ceeded vith as soon as Engirleer Roger his survey M, completes f thea 4. k)f th"S It is estimated that the work will cost in the neighborhood of $100,000, at d as the s6eme comes under the Provincial or Diainage . Act, the Province will pay showleEXI an imcrease of twenty per cent. of the cost and the bal- ancb will be raised by special taxation of improved lands. y the c^rrespondlal 1-.1-ACTIod last year.l. -A 0 is The w*gnifikance (of this ineIrfea333e 0 6 rdho?,­k by 1,-flotor cally- bulYe-Ts Of thP, unv­'gual -Val- ues to be f ownd ria %videba ker AutowtoUles I C, Year —TRho:, risa, Sftrole'aker L. KENNEDY- , Dealer, Wingham THE STUDEBAKFR CORPORATION OV CANADA, LTD,, V�ALKERVILM ONT. Cnopea and Sedans "I"T R ......................... $21515-0 r6tiritng Cars and Roadifers 7 CoUpr& ROADS.TL LIGHT -SIX TOURING CAR .............................. wso JGJIT_Rl� SEt)tAN .......................... 24513 -SIX TOURING CAP ..................... SPECIAL CIAL Six COUPE..... I ...... ........... SPECIAL -SIX 9 -PASS. AND 4 -PASS. ROAD9TERS ....... 24.- OLCIAL-SIX SEDAN '.— ...... ............ ...... 3750 BIG -SIX TOURING, CAR .......................... I .... I n!�65 2 :�io Ali POCC5 f. (,. �_.. 1, Y.'T'e. vnlo, em. All Studebaherc 3qy,_dpp�.,d tv�th Cord Tires Mysterious Fire At Greenock The fire which destroyed the hotel in the village of Greenock a week ago is now believed to have been of incendiary origin, and a tramp,who has been hang- ing around that �ection of late, I, expect- ed of having bad something to do with the starting of the fire. The building wa,, owned by Mrs. Louis Yack, and she was on a visit to her two sisters at Dunkeld when the fire oecured: The hotel building was said to be worth between $2,000 and $3,000 and was part - I A t, i-11rano- The stables on The Big Steel Steamer Greyhound SAFE, SPEEDY, COMFORTABLE $5.00 1ROU.ND T-RI2- $2.00 OJVE WAY will leave Goderich TUESDAY, JUNE 14th, at 9.30 a:m. Arriving Port Huron 2.00 p. in.,, Detroit 5.30 p. m. Returning leaves Detroit 1.00 p. in., Thursday, June 16th. The only boat trip from Godb- rich to Detroit this season. Chilaren between 6 and 12, 31,z fare. Visit your Michigan friends and see big, busy Detroit. A delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers. Y CON -V T the hotel premise ' s were also burned. Win. Yaeck, a son of the proprietress, I The suspicious looking character wbo of the opinion that the stranger is sottle is said to have lost papers valued at over has been hanging around villages in person who hae, been implicated in some $1,000 in the fire, and it� is thought that Greenock Township, particularly in the of the burglaries in Western Ontario of if the fire was incendiary origin) these isolated sections, for some time, is a late, and is trying to evade the police, papers were quite likely stolen by the fire- young, able-bodied man. He spent one while others believe he may be the myster- bug, who probably ignited the building in night last week in the stables of the Xing, ious "Pat" connected with the Melbourne order to c6veeup his tracki, Edward Hotel at Chepstowe. Some aFe I bank tragedy. -Mileage as- it is Measured The selling price is the yardstick of tire mileage, very often. The striking exception being Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes". The mileage put into them is not measured. Theyaremeant to give extra miles and they do. Running on your car Ames Holden - "Auto -Shoes" will give you the clieapest mileage you can buy—irrespective of cost. AMES HOLDEN "'AUTO -SH Cord and Fabric Tires in all Standard Sizes "Grey Sox" 71ibes F or Sale By "Red Sox" Tubes 1. Merkley & Sons, Phone 84o and Geo. T. Robertsono Phone 102, Whilghaw., and Wingham TIre andAVuleanizing Depot, Phone 298, Alk"- 4,