HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-05-05, Page 127 44. Thursday, May Sth, 19,21 THE WINGUAM ADVANOR Glonannan Whitechprch Neu. Weaver has been in Ouelph. the misi Agnes Mitchell, and, Mi" VIVA Smith, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. psAt two weaks, taking The Advantag& of John Mitchi'll. the Domwitic Science, Qou4e for th6' ro- turn soldiers! wives, ldv,� Hugh Oilittore underwent aril, operstion for appelulic itis, we hope she Misu Mile, Henry of Qualfill.,is at her maysmn b. Wavragain. 11001t, here agaill, Important r. gud livvr Stokcs, spoilt Sun- Mrs. Wallors of Culross. has been Visit- %Trs 0, Ouse Furnishlin s day at Mr. Will. J. 1)!k1lagh's, Teeswater. ing with her sister, Mrs� John Campbell, %jr. an(I Alrii. Win %Vii r, and Mr. and woo has been ill. but is 43covering nicely. r .8110 .17 at I%lr Me% , 'i " Mr. and Mrs. ClarUj Miss Tillie Gall. Mrs , � 8 Ava d Thomas Weirs. r', Aber and Mr. Sterling of Carlon, visited at the and Mrs. Andrew FQ%, home of Mt Mr. and Mv,. SAm Marshall 9; It d t "ie' oa Sunday ;ast. tile, home of %Ir. David Marshall, Sm:�day' Aft Announcement Is. Shaw and her children of Toronto, 1 $ season --s luig teacher, spent the week -end are visiting at the home of her pat out Mi, Ur and Mrs. NacGrvgor Qf tile village. at Iter home. r!� Miss Slary Stokes, speut a few days M& Chas, Gillespie of Walkerton, spent Sunday at his home here. with her sister Mrs. Thomas Appleby. miss Dorothy Hutchison of Wingliam, greatly Che community As, _ shooked spent, Sundaywith beraunt, Mrs, Will New Rugs, Linoleums� to bear of the -5udden death oflVlr, John Conn. I ev, tile deceased was fifty-tbree We keep the largest years U age, and had not been in the beQt Mi,;s Hazel Weeks of Toeswater, spent of Stock of last week with her cousin, Mrs, Wgs. health for _,zoinctime, but suffered Leggatt. Blinds, Curtains* I - Ili,, death. lie ots and Shoes have dropped 'in I sev(4ely the 4eek hcfdru f Wing -1 Bo leaves to mourn bis loss, a widow and Mr. and Mrs. Chad. Martin o d Mrs. 1 five children, who have thesympathy of ham junction, visited with Mr. and Mrs tile %vhQlc conlimmity. Mr. Mulvey was Polly kleaderson over Suadoy. price and 'we have adjusted I Very Avell Ittlown ha�ltm Ixell Reeve and W LLPA PER Glad tO'report that Miss Uliao Pater, 13rigliten up thai� room with a new i coiincillor fai- tile Township. at one time. son i's improving ly. He' wa: a member of We Belmore Pres- our prices according ring this Spring. Wffton, Axmin- byteriau chuyulls and belonged to the As and Tapestry Rugs, Orange Order, Itore.stc:rsm(tDIM11S. Salem i ster, Brusse The Ifloral tributes wert: tualiv aud be' anti- GEO. MASON SON Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Gallaher attended fill which fhow the high eA�eju ill Nybiell ali %.�Qzes. he pallbearers Stationery, Pateat Medicilles, the funeral of the latter's anti, . t at' Wood - the deceased was held. T3 S, Se Vall' Paper, stock. last Friday. -were Alessrs, larili--s 1)ouglas, Arthur llook� hool Supplies, N I . ell, Hell . Fancy -Goods, Toys, etc. The S. S. has been re -organized for the pit ry INUrkley.,lohn Fitch. GeO. coming summer, with, Mr. D. L. Weir as Doubledee, anti Ralph Xttcalfo, the Superilitendant. New Prices New Goods remains laid to rest iti Wingliank Come - Heavy Scotch Unoleums, 4 YdS WIAC. ter), oil Thursday. I,,ev. ur Siaclair, A IlLrge number from this locality at-, officiated at the h6use-and �!_".`Ave, E tended phe Inueral of the late, Mr.. Job,, elmore last Thurs- Big Selections. Inlaid Linolcums, 2 YdS wide. day. he C. 0. F. and 14, 0. L. lodgeg Wroxeter Curtains by the pair and yard. respectively each hold service at the The widow and sorrowing. friends I Dr. 1-I,*kness,who attended the Synod, F 0 SAL gmr'a"vvel`1'ro- near inity. I at Chatbam last week returned on kriday. have the sympathy of this gommi: p4rs. Vernon L-liggin,; of Torouto, was Mr, J. n. oemmill -is having his house Thomas m -;modelled this summer. avisitorat the home tit 51r, 18 New Higgins last woek. t 7 Mr. -and Mr,% jame� sallainvoc i"'k-1 Hon. E. C. Drury is, having 'i difficult in Tor..,. I.J CO WALJL AGES task getting through the 1921 session of 1 -ft n Co. 11 ed their son's wedd Ho wILL 15 W& YT H a U a NZI Aveek. SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES' at the legislature, lie is almost continually e John xvivey of 13,oniore hist at of the lat Ll on the defensive. He appears never to Thurbday afternoon. KINGARDIRE BEACH have consideredwky lusgovernment goes The chimney also the 1410ve piri-q of into -so much trouble.. Raney is,41most me George jaoks houqe took (lutrk- a, 3lectric Light, Water, etc. Ten thesolecauseofitall. lion. Frank Biggs s walk from Post OfAce- For and Hon. Peter Smith 'were each guilty of - AND DE RBY SHOES FOR MEN minute aft w% See Our We full particulars dding Stat. excitement. write the datire ill indiscretions that caused a little wory to Alargecrowd attended lonery Before Placllt tht! ball last 1,,l,itiay lliglit. - The I faw,lii-n straighten out but Raney, the attorney - 91 J. FSANDRICK, KINGARDINE ;Orcbes�raof rorowo, i i tied plenild rouble on the Va-vavip niorlpr general, is always bringing t N X Ladies' and Misses' X 7 o -Wear Readyt Li Days X Spring Coats FREE Velours Gaberdines, Serges and Sport Cloths, irf all the latest styles and 6hades. Prices $18 to 05 - Spring �Uits %Vdmen's and ifflases, 0 Suits, 1?eautifully tailored ready -to - M Ftirnispin X Wear suits in all sizes. Special en s 981 V," '10 valued at moderate prices. In T Our Clothing, Raijacoats,� Mr. Ullson 3,W16sh, Dresses F,_ Silk dresses in all the latest In pin Homet. styles at prices that Will appeal Spring H ats and Caps Makes i his Offer I to you. In all the latest styles and colors. Prices $1.50 to 5.00. Wouses and, Waists Possiblevo aeorgette, Crept de cbene and Shirts N Voila In neat styles suitable for or. Silk and cotton shirts, suitable for aft wo all, we�r. Prices 3.50 to $10. Prices $2.00 to 6.00. Y� E DIS ON S _1EW D I A MQ N_ _D Middies, Corsets and Brassieres men's Suits All styles suitable for children and Oteses - lut the new balkan Po not poly the high,prica for sults, we eab, styles. Prices I So to 4.00. ehow you duatis from $22.50 to 45,00. The proper fit of your new spring garments 4epends a lot on Rainc,oats 0 Aq M RO PIL X being properly corseted. We are showing all the newest styles in Gospard and Nem Corsets. Priced 2.50 to 8.00- Tweid and Gailtrdine Coats ift belted Raincoats, Umbrellas, ai�d Parasols tyles, guaranteed quality. Prices $15.00 to ill gladly 'know whether or noC you That is why we V 6 Plain gabodin allic and leathtrette coati, Very suitable for 'not- Mon"s Amberola is one sh to keep the Ambeiola �nograpli that can success- place one of Mr. ' Edison's wi 8xtrio. Value In umbrellas and Ildt-asdie for the Wet weather, Prie- lip My pass the critical test of wonderful phonographs right 11 that is all. to 2 So to 10 00. I for a three dd-vs' Moreover, if the Amber. 4. in your home HougE FURNISHINCS.-Now is the time to a Free Trial in Vour home --- 7WaL This trial ola's pure, musical' tone, Per - Many purchasers of "talking FR9E !!.y Curtainst,bigperies, Rugs, Linoleurnoo Lc p)aces you under no obliga- manent Diamond Point Re- 4 twehiries" and ordinary pho fion whatever. It does not producer and. long-lasting Curtains and Window Shades' nogra hs halve discovered too Come to Amberol records have con-. Plain, and fa0cy scrims, bungalow netso madras, chintz, etc� la gat the machines didnt cost you one cent. - Prices 350 to 1.50 ydo . I I , we will arrange with smindthe same in their homes our store and select your vinced you 96iii quality guitranteed shades in plain tolop and duplex A S' isfactory terms i iten they Amberola and a dozen ree- the mo at lace or insertion, lit. the store wl —possibly be- ords. We will deliver these of payment you could wish, X Rugs, Linoleun-is and Oilclothe bowl,lit them ime promptly to your home -and As this Free' Trial offer is Wilton, Brussels and Ttpeatty Rugs at right Prices in all $fees. c*use they had more t' Beat makes In floral or block designs, dultAbIO for All V00mll, also to note the shrillness and allow you three days to judge only.for a limited time, we rugs In all sizes. le sound of the�e ma- and compa Arnberola urge you to call or write to re the Brass Rodst Poles and Stair Pads priced "talk- us at once. Talk it o'ver of their with any higher Single or double Poles for All 8126 wl'140ws- in the quiet :Oy I ercial with the fitmil tonight— 1� Rubtitr staie pottle tbitt Will out wear stair tarptttt, In $1249 suit. ing machines or comm y fto -,Ale rAr all stairs. 0 The pure tme of the Am- phonograp s, At,the end or and let us near .1rom you bex(Aa will mect any test, the three days just let us I bxnorrow. bbon, Dealer, W gham J. Waltbn' McKi VV 01 1�� A A F Oki ii rices before buying. Get our P ow 10 W ftING BROS4111 011, 14 Q NO 94*0M vimn- DO M o govern ent and to the province it is be- commilig passing strange tilat Mr. DruO spffe�6 him even, around the parliament buildings:—The Alliston Herald. WINQUAMA WiARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday noon) Flour ...... 40 to" 5 65 Lard ..................... 24,to 271 Butter ................... 40 to so :,­ 25 to so Eggs .......... .... Cattle, me.d., butchers. - 9, 00 to 10,00 Cattle, butchers choic e, 40 75 to It 00 Hogs, fiveweight 11 50 to 12 00 Hay _ ............. 12 00 to '15,00 to 1 40 N X Ladies' and Misses' X 7 o -Wear Readyt Li Days X Spring Coats FREE Velours Gaberdines, Serges and Sport Cloths, irf all the latest styles and 6hades. Prices $18 to 05 - Spring �Uits %Vdmen's and ifflases, 0 Suits, 1?eautifully tailored ready -to - M Ftirnispin X Wear suits in all sizes. Special en s 981 V," '10 valued at moderate prices. In T Our Clothing, Raijacoats,� Mr. Ullson 3,W16sh, Dresses F,_ Silk dresses in all the latest In pin Homet. styles at prices that Will appeal Spring H ats and Caps Makes i his Offer I to you. In all the latest styles and colors. Prices $1.50 to 5.00. Wouses and, Waists Possiblevo aeorgette, Crept de cbene and Shirts N Voila In neat styles suitable for or. Silk and cotton shirts, suitable for aft wo all, we�r. Prices 3.50 to $10. Prices $2.00 to 6.00. Y� E DIS ON S _1EW D I A MQ N_ _D Middies, Corsets and Brassieres men's Suits All styles suitable for children and Oteses - lut the new balkan Po not poly the high,prica for sults, we eab, styles. Prices I So to 4.00. ehow you duatis from $22.50 to 45,00. The proper fit of your new spring garments 4epends a lot on Rainc,oats 0 Aq M RO PIL X being properly corseted. We are showing all the newest styles in Gospard and Nem Corsets. Priced 2.50 to 8.00- Tweid and Gailtrdine Coats ift belted Raincoats, Umbrellas, ai�d Parasols tyles, guaranteed quality. Prices $15.00 to ill gladly 'know whether or noC you That is why we V 6 Plain gabodin allic and leathtrette coati, Very suitable for 'not- Mon"s Amberola is one sh to keep the Ambeiola �nograpli that can success- place one of Mr. ' Edison's wi 8xtrio. Value In umbrellas and Ildt-asdie for the Wet weather, Prie- lip My pass the critical test of wonderful phonographs right 11 that is all. to 2 So to 10 00. I for a three dd-vs' Moreover, if the Amber. 4. in your home HougE FURNISHINCS.-Now is the time to a Free Trial in Vour home --- 7WaL This trial ola's pure, musical' tone, Per - Many purchasers of "talking FR9E !!.y Curtainst,bigperies, Rugs, Linoleurnoo Lc p)aces you under no obliga- manent Diamond Point Re- 4 twehiries" and ordinary pho fion whatever. It does not producer and. long-lasting Curtains and Window Shades' nogra hs halve discovered too Come to Amberol records have con-. Plain, and fa0cy scrims, bungalow netso madras, chintz, etc� la gat the machines didnt cost you one cent. - Prices 350 to 1.50 ydo . I I , we will arrange with smindthe same in their homes our store and select your vinced you 96iii quality guitranteed shades in plain tolop and duplex A S' isfactory terms i iten they Amberola and a dozen ree- the mo at lace or insertion, lit. the store wl —possibly be- ords. We will deliver these of payment you could wish, X Rugs, Linoleun-is and Oilclothe bowl,lit them ime promptly to your home -and As this Free' Trial offer is Wilton, Brussels and Ttpeatty Rugs at right Prices in all $fees. c*use they had more t' Beat makes In floral or block designs, dultAbIO for All V00mll, also to note the shrillness and allow you three days to judge only.for a limited time, we rugs In all sizes. le sound of the�e ma- and compa Arnberola urge you to call or write to re the Brass Rodst Poles and Stair Pads priced "talk- us at once. Talk it o'ver of their with any higher Single or double Poles for All 8126 wl'140ws- in the quiet :Oy I ercial with the fitmil tonight— 1� Rubtitr staie pottle tbitt Will out wear stair tarptttt, In $1249 suit. ing machines or comm y fto -,Ale rAr all stairs. 0 The pure tme of the Am- phonograp s, At,the end or and let us near .1rom you bex(Aa will mect any test, the three days just let us I bxnorrow. bbon, Dealer, W gham J. Waltbn' McKi VV 01 1�� A A F Oki ii rices before buying. Get our P ow 10 W ftING BROS4111 011, 14 Q NO 94*0M vimn- DO M o