HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-05-05, Page 10MENIT I .� - 'L�-. - I - I -- - - .- ------ - - . - 11 - ----------r--V-, - � �, -
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- - -- 'I =,=:11-411111 1111:1 ! � Jill -.---;----, . ,+ ,-- . * I " " � P- ''.111
,+-*.*-.t 9 f 0 0 -,#-� � NOW$ and � MJQ40�0�y iU 1110M00- I �� �: 1 " �
class. I am -1 + I I 11 1,
ChoQg Ain . For pets I have & P%thle DOm. . I . --
.e f1rade in , sic"' ""' Introductory I � . -,
Whit,hever you , l bw s n i I I I .
M -W I 0 , Time is the Stage money of the 11 I '11% .
, Ste a,ecw named Dake W IL I hobo ' 11 �
'(1i, 31,14N .NoOLELLAIN. a SAFE:71 Y SO64 m9n,1','s`UcoeL1d1n ppite. of lhem- I . �
it wUl be the -BJTST YOU, evcIf"M Dear Jean, -1 am. .sending you , , , IM,
. I .
. I as . .4
badge and am glad to welcome you , f -y ANN,ING ON0111'geal$nd 'has seven women 1213910- � I �r
I . What a " . .
, the League. V. .CA . trates, , I �
. .� momb, d
P . strange zauloel ... have for your cow. I �, , el
I I have, never heard one called that - A Beauty J;Ills time, �aaid time 101IS . - �
it before! I wonder what made you 41 +*+ I . . . � � . *-"#-*If b I I HI I I vall It by that name. I ani, Sure the Thorough sterilization of' Cans My t �1 !aUo!,yi-1azel, footsteps' are not always. I , . / 11�. e
1 ,12 inches. .
. . other Ilelpers woUI4 like to know too, jars and thorouph cleanliness In prit ;.I No wise man over giviss advice until, I . I I a
. . 1) paratlon of fruits or vegetables ff r asked for it. I I I S
ALADA .91�,,' tGeorge Street, Toronto. com Discretion is desired I u
S I I -1 alining afford . piete protectit n more to be
t -- MM -1- Dear 4unt June -Thank YOU 80 0 resuscitation. I .
. - I much for the beoutiful badge you $0 against poisonous bactIll. 1-11 an 0,:- than
I 11IXED TEA FG11EEN TZA kind, 1p,nt ale. I ain t it C Is ,,iIihe No first-class phonograph ,, is I ,-
I , y S . eve*so pleased ticle dealing with wha .11 aahamed-of Its record. lt4 I �,
1� , 1 ,
tl._ IT
BLACK TEA Al _ with ft and am going to show it to all Botulinus Bugaboo," Successful Farm- Too much "uplift" is keeping many I
g �
just enough green A nevelation, In Green Lunflad Hair Prornoted
Mich, eatisfying lq.e_t my friends. The letters on tile -page
it � he " Ing says; I I . people. down, ON " 0
F1 From the tea. to I%.Aalle tale, �4;ix. Pure, translucent I
I '. FI.v_
amouro .�.v. are getting more and more, each time " TO
blend deliciouA and so FIC,VQrV. nus Is essentially a ,disease Cold cash makes an excellent hot
t1, Dg?X,'r'denns.. " __ %,uiz1cu),*a, G
Suest a - ;X W I - � � _ %ad I expect that rroana "Botull tinder clean- weather comfort, DY
__ . . I more. ,and more members. - I of filt11,1 It cannot thrive 11
---� -- --- .:� �: I � � I , the Day Scouts ly conditions and under proper haudl- It is better to stay out than get mar- -1119
. Cut;cUra k dandruff, stops- itching, t
- == --� I ani ,d,oiug to, join � , ried and fall out. . I the cause of drY, thin and failing hair, .
R� when the warmer we,1ther comes, and Ing of food products and thereto" ela- Many a blessing In disgalpe effect. Treatment: Gently rub Cuticura Oint. I
, - :
- -.-...%,�,,�W-11.1.1m.W.C.U�tt"� --ii,iiiiii-% I guess I .shall have a fine time. I pbasizes Tile importance of cleaull- ually escaj)es ditection, went with 'the end of the finger, on spots -
�.'�,�.m��-,-�-�-.,�,.�.�w.,�,�� htmre often wondered what it -,Yculd be The wise worni turns In before the of dandruff and itching, Follow next
t U----"---4) s at all times In all matters relat- '. shampoo of Cuticura
�J , .r. I 1108 NoNug
� - � like living On a farm In the 'WhItt' early bird"turns out. morning with a hot
*f � I Soap. Repeat in two weelts.
�, �1- % q T -,�I-,� B7 better than these fragrant, spper-creamY �O
D� oo-� V, - The pay aays of those who work for
f 4 Vp f,\ T�, BN A, im,.-i-,le it mV*t be lonesome SO I Ing to food,
I a tt a it I .if I have to be Content to live In thd -liqrot, examinn, the Jar for gas.
14. I � 19 love are very.uncertaln. owents for all skin and malp troubles.
R k�47 U �. 1� U T I t=OICA,rm� slial, a
71 i 1WV riury c,:ty and not start trying experiments- it is a'Mapson Jar and tile top has Yes, Alfred, a kiss In the dark Is em
fe r4er.t25&ndSQc. TtJcvq�25c. Sold i
.!` Sohv2$c, Mail ,
'el one kind of .electric spark,, �nl)oPot*
I .,A - - I Sly letter is getting rather long so I Gas is present in throughouttliQ: aminiori. Conadit S
t".11 3' C() 11 N " UP any jar it tile vacuun, does not mal;o ,. Lym
, �Q - 1W. M10 bulged, discard it. -kid si.. V1 Noutreal.
. T�
1 7,.�, , N i E space tile truthful man who Ami, LWtod, I
-, 1 i ? �. I 4% any - more I t is only 44 St. P.
A& 11.dt.,� I won't take * ws how muc)l, lie lies. ' wKer-r..... S.-Anvac W!&QUt ra.G. � C
I Gwz� W Taluilting You aKain for tile lOVQIY the top somewhat difficult to remove. kno, I I
, ,
I - Rlt Aunt sunra cjW-�nA ,)ad�ge. yours sincerely, Secona examine the liquid in the jar Clean hands and 'Leeth'are conducive - �--
74 It , D. G, 'HONAN. . '11�e, it is clear. This does not to a happy stomach. k --. ---,
o�,*,IOWA sawait%0A 10 C-4 owr-II.-g ad -, -1-Telper-I enjoyed reading to be � N
'" that it sliould be clear as water God gave us our relatives but than
� I '..I..~�e L Den: .
yTmr long !&.ter and ain sure the Other mean particle$ of foo(tmay God, -we can pick our friends. - DOGS OF DAWDISCUS
---- .,,--,..,,...-,-�.F L I can,t say ,what or tilat smalL
L.,,,���� .1- Ifelpars will too, not be In the bottom Of the jar, but NVomeh in East Africa have been
life on a farm is like,ih winter as granted the right of suffrage,
- I her that the liquid itself is "not
I . I �VheaUpy, On". I have nevOr lived on one then -but I rat uddy. Third, after tile Lot the labor of your hands show
�qy 0.2::r Boys r.r.d Giric, . ,in In their cloudy! or In -Streets of Ancient 'City. I
writ. ; Doar Aunt June ---I thought I would , -1 sure some of qur Helpers Jar has been opened see it it gives Off Your worth to the community. I
T1,113 is tile last time Vil bf,- your next lettels. will tell us -%vhutlier they a disagreeable odor. It it has been Don't linger at the bottom of the - S
iftf no or' this pa.- � 1�,.L,i tb v.rite to you as I read ,, 8. I expect It a clean, ladder, Either go up or down.
,1 to yc:u In the colum be_ 'e!7;i1.,.,1�. every week, I am nine years find it, very lonesoill properly Canned it yields There �re anywhere -from 15,00 to
ted, . . , I - The weight of a man's love May de-
per-hu� do-a't be dirn,pp3in o7d . and in the junior third c'ass at not so Interesting as in the summer pleasing aroma, Fourth, it'the fore 30,000 dogs in Da,mascus, and they
cauee vj�a can still keen up ou;� HOP- e hort and there going tests are satisfactory and the Crease, but his sighs Increase.
-and you can still write to selICOL I 11ave a little eat called are no flowers. I am glad you are 'is perfectly . Nine.womea have been elected as are all ,parialis, writes a correspon-
eral Lea�ue every week, Jorry and it )villl jump over my hand,,, , Product looks all right 'it members of the Danish congress. L d e n't. Each bas his or her own Var-
m a a ..T, -,r from ma so pleased with your badge. Let me to see it it has a
nd � in- to eat. After a little safe to taste it Over 210,000 womerk In the British
Now h=�s sontf know how you like being P. BOY Scout. - ticular corner on
�,thlng fcp you to be t for ,iouictl, , 11w, taste, whole- a certain street and
"' , I
Sure to ramember, �Naxt time you I I .bau t.,joh It to rol' over. I help cooked.justead of a Ir able. These Isles were widowed by the war.
Write to me, -..-nd you letter addressed my mother by washing the dishes, --- " some * Instead of question Probably men and,,3vomen who flirt no, matter ,how hungry they' MaY ''be,
' floor, I 1ing the be ,Here are the names Of some of the -an- - k
like th:s: . SWep! -, the na ds , pars whose letters It tour tests will determine for an)k act like fools because they are., 1,7 they seld6nis&ayfirom it except when
. .jiz ILL I 01 ave not yet d for all
and cleaning the sink and dusting, * easy housewife at once an Recent statistics Show that 25 . -they take a
AUNT JUNE, and :�mny other useful things. been answered. And there are Many whether there is any contamination in ban6 of ten or twenty
The Weekly Times, FORGET-ITE-XIOT. more, because my mail box is full and within the jar, and enibie her to use British girls married dougliboys. ci-
I have been away for a weelc or so the food with impunity and without Even, a Slow-witted man may imme- walk. Always hungry they. answer
. Toronto. D�,ar Forget -me -not. -What a very- and aven't had A chance to get all fear. , dbitely'g6ti next in a barber shop. the call '�Suk, suk, suk," In legions,
ach me just the same. pretty name you have chosen to wrlte h ut t ey 11 vIll b Much of woman's happiness is due for they know that � this token -of '
Then it will M under. It reminds me right away of the letters. D 11 a I , e. "Not so long ago the use of tin in to her abil�ty to improve on nature.
You see, I'm Voinj to write things for onswered, so don't be disappointed: canning was , restricted - entirely to ,P, the man who says he Eastern speech means that they are
The %Xcekly Times, in Toronto, after sp.-ang and nice clear water and trees , th, ,Hepworth; Bernice commercial ,1)1 ants. Some one invent- Don't belle -V ' to -be fed. : -P
this weak, so I want all you Helpers and I do miss them all so ni h Norbert Rut doesn't care what his neighbors say.
[ ant glad to -be .,,uc in the Archibald, Schumberg; lcarmelit% �. .
e to send ' I ek a circular soldering iron, however, As long as a man cW keep his tem- 11 . -
to ,�%irlta to me there. If any 01 you city, I a Bonsfield, We'landporf; Ralph Clif- wifereby the housewife could solder
I your letters haven't yo�u a -bad- M EASU RING A M I LLIGN. e
have written an( . ge and welcome YOU as ford, 'London, Jet.; Alina ,Craig ,Cala,- tile tops oil cans alraost as easily and Per he -Is not his own worst enemy,
tmen published yet, you must r -,et your ra?mber of tile club. bogle, F,04 olive Virgin, Whit; P,O.; just aS ,effectively as the conilliefcial Few women ki,owhow to grow old '
gracefullY-and even they don't want Few of us grasp tile full meaning of
fathei oil mother to subscribe for The Helen Brethour, J�Urktun;. Annie canner, Immediately many enterpris- to the ,Wo,rd .1mr1lon." A lecturer Sue-. ,
Weekly Times on thot you ca -n keep 605 SEvertliornp, Ave., Toronto, Laura'Hunter, Bobcsygeon,; "DD99Y,� ing h9usewlVes adopted the tin can 'b6d makes the Pure air,"but unless
. about The .1-1.0pers and Dear Aunt June --I have been a . eded in 'doing so some years ago. 0
on read:na a'I Oakville, Bernice, Jones, Paisley; Bi- for home canning. Objection was we breathe it freely, profiteth us ce bi
_ .
Whelt they are doing. I have lots reader of the boys' and girls' corner. leen Mercia, Swift -Current, Bask.; made to the%use of solder in- sealing ,nothing, . . His, first experiment war. with the P
. I ara In the ,inners soon adopted DI be
,more hadges for good little Relperis, I am nine years old Gordon Haney, -Paisley; Cecilia, Tur- and comme,rcial C, amends worth $100,000 have bean spots on paper, -which lie found to Is
and dozens and do=ens of Jetters that juular third and go to school every pin;- Eauclaire; Lester Lee -son, Pa -N- t'.,Ie sanitary can, which is sealed, , obtained In two months on a farm lit
11 haven't had a chance to answer Yet. d-i.y. I help my fa�ther take grocery ley. top -both .cumbersome and Inconvenient. t
, Morby Jones, Gravenhurs't; without solder by crimping, the Orange Free State.
l3u:,, 1110y all will be an-enered and cnrdiira and dry the dishes -every night time no practical the . Nor was he more fortunate in*telling 9v
Frances Law, Port Dover; Hazel J. lit place,' For sonic . . Is
every -one who h,as written and sent a �eor mother. I have one sister eight . RiCha;Td H� Lang- machin,e was,devisc!d whereby the., San- I - I .... ab,)-ut
We have a horse and 10- .NICInnis, Tiverton, . used in t9l�home, . . . his audience tnat there were . It
ot.amp for a badge will get the badge. y,�ars old. ford, -Oweil :Sound; Madeline Well% itary, can� could be REMARKABLE MEM Y � three a � nd a half anifflon letters In the
The Weekly Times is a good paper hens. I go to Sunday school every Nobleton; Aleda Bonn, Elmira.; Jim- but there, are now little machines oil I I -1-7 At last ale got the idea of t
. I -
too, and your dad . . . caygeon; Laura E. the market which make the, use of . I Ifng Glves Days �and 'Dat'es Bible.
dy can get it for you ,Sunday. rnie Anderson, Bob I
fly a dollar for -a wh OSBORNE TR,ACE41Y. tvlyrt-1 told Choily t,liat his brain :Lord %ftad using grakus SM011 enough to ga into tr
by seidlnj in on ,-I- Schutz, Fluradale; Mabel Crewe, : I 1, ' . L
'You just toll him that you I I Diar - -Osborne.-I am glad to wel- Gert -Gee, whadee do, , With droatest -Ease. ,.
year. Wheatley; Ray iff-eatheringtpn, was dusty. . . . a jar which could be conveniently
want to read the He!ipotls' Gorner and t Come you as a member of the club and NNT'heatley;' Mildred WhHcer, NSA* kId9 Xyrt�-H.s sliook his ,head. -In- * . handled by the Adlence. Eberl-
Pm sure hle"14 send a do:ler to -rile am i-,endlng you a badge to wear. I ' ,Lordt Reading, recently appointed
ft for" i u help mother coke; ;Yonkie, City View, P.O.; Ila dianapolis Star. I mentl�g first with tiny seeds, rice
Dor ain glad to see that YO 'IJ. Batchelor, Proton Station; ,N18le thesd cans entirely practicalLfor home �
Weekly Ti ki mes,. Toronto. I anti father and hope you -will write -to l e - 'Viceroy of India, is posgpssed of a re- grains, sago, and similar small par -
got it. , . Leeck, iCobden; A R�al Daisy, Vanes- canning. One Ing nius manulacturer
And now for some of the letters that. me again. Sometime. � sq.; Muriel H. ,Christman, Glidend, has even -gone so far as to perfect a markable memory, writes , a corres- tioles, he finally decided upon, "seed &
haven't been ans*ered Yet- ' p I . . I Bask.- Rhea Bundy, -Caledonia; Rose machine whereby the same carr May pondent. Two instances occurred sago.y$ After sitting -this, he count-
-- I . Daf ingford, Man. F,. al;racle) Hagersville; Ethel Lelsh- be used four, or more times, ihlftd when he was Lord -Chief Justice. The ed out a few -thousand grains, care-
rA b
Fortttge du Fort. I Dear Aunt June -I would like to man, Youngstown, Alta; Ursula bringing .the Cost for cans � lie below documents In a certain Case were
Mi Dear Aunt June�-T have Intend- I join your Helpers'. League. I -wasli Durack, iCobden; Doris ,Clarke, Rav- that of glass jars, for a tin can Is less � . fully weighed them In delicate scales,
ed writing to you for a long time -but - dishes, help get the VCeals and loich scliffe; Annie' G. _411conllead Kkp- expensive than a glais jar. A can bound into several m%Lssive volumes and therx calculated what.was requir-
' after my little brother and - sister en cGonegall, Perth; .Vera may be used four years and it is es- of several .thousand pages. In .his ed to get approximately a million
I am very busY� I go to school every pen; Olive AT �
ble. I am in fifth 6wIck -Canfield; Hazel ,C. Killins, timated that the average life of a address Lord Reading made a stat.e- grains. He found the requisite quan-
day that I am a I also take I live gn the farm a,�d like it fine. We. 'W-Siland; Floyd -.Carter, -%Viu!gham; glass Jarjs five yr4drB before� It is ment as to which Mr. J'astice Atkin
clasFA6 and tenth grade. . titles to be 2 --lb. 2, -Oz., which comfort-
4nuift. lessons, and am getting on fine. have, quite a lot of bash around our Bertha. Morley, Shallow Luke; Jean broken. ,demurred. It was not, he said, � .
I h6'p mother with some ut the -work 'home now. I -used ,to have a pet MeCtibbin, North Say; Maryone . � 11 borne out by, the dbountents. Lord ably filled a quart glass jar.
dusting Cat which would follow me wherever
it followed me to )school Aloore, Dundalk; Nellie Breese, Posq-� p U ;a I
such aq washing the dishes, A some- (E
Imes I I wient. ad LOWn; Willie -?arker, killbroolt; For- CHILDHOOD IN'1116EST1104 Reading replied immediately Ain ,Oil without Alcahol�*sonie oils
and sweep the floor, and somet . I
make up th4abeds. I do a lot of fancy every day but oi�e day I found it de get -me -not, Bradford; Arnold RoRbin- I . I thing like this: "It you turn to and anany medicines have alcohol as -
work for I ani nat very strong. I 4=ong some bushes. I Nras so sorry son, Ztwell; 'iPuSSY Willow," M1SSiS- L , . 0 vo:ume � three, page 574, at the efid of a prominent ingredient. A judicious
ere. I must close Crowden, Nothing Is more Commoil In Child- - essential oils compose
have a ba,d cold at �reseut and don7t. to see it IYIAg th sippi; Audrey Beulah al�l near the bottom Of tile mingling -of six
seem to ba able to get the upper hand , now urishing the corner every -sue- ra,r ,
" Frances F ourey, Slytheswood; hood than Indigestion. Nothing IS �' P3' ' will � S Dr. Thomas' Molectric 011, and there
of it, I a:=ost forgot to tell you 'oess. 11 A.R.BT N 1,Snowdrop," Gravenhurst; Bessie morek dangerous to proper growth, page you cc cvlessrs. Cadbury is no alcohol in it;l that its effects are
about our aitima,19. We have seven MAiP,� , ITTCff1,F,T.,L. Wale, Hopeville; Helen Adam, Wal- more wes.k0ling to the,, constitutiqu, ,used exactly those wordg, m`lud.11 0s lasting. .
- Dear Margaret -I am posting you a 8 " I .. � . �
horses as we keep a livIery stable flf . S� tensteln; Percy Adam, *Waltensteln; or nior ,Iik ly to pave the ,way to Lordship turned up the page, and 0 "
teen hens and a cow. I also hjj�e a badge right awa,y and hope it reache. L,ittle Brown P,yes," Port ElIgm; Bus- dangerous disekse. .Fully nine-tentlas - I
nice ,big d3g just like a fox and I have You quite safely. I am glad to wel- . three orAour lines from the) bottom -of M!"rd'a ,Liniment used by ,Physicians
It is lovely to ccane you ,as a member of the club, tor Brown, Bradford; Vernio Baker, of all the minor illi of childhood .1halve SlOtter which had not been ' evious- '' 9 "
apair of pet rabbits. Port R -191n; Minnie Baker, Fort Elgin; their root in indigesticu. There is I Pr - ---------
Ill. see the names of *710 ortwo , . �
.. see them romping around. It is al- You wi Della Sinclair, Magnetowan; Jean no medicine for the little ones -to ly referred to and and no Particular
members in this week's letter box '
most Impossible to catch one but the q1 to write to other members Gray, -Cereal, Alta; Halley Watson, equal aby's Own Tablets In reliev- importance, there was the passage. f'% 2
oth6r com3s, right up and eats out of Gratton, PiO.', Ursule'Dunbeau, Wa- ing. th s trouble. They have proved RELIEF A"I LAST
who wl. aps you will -wrAe to one of . f In addressing the jury on the final �
my bond. - So perh . vien; Violet Storey, NaPallee; DQ- of benefit in thousands of alomes. .0011- day of action Sir Edward -Carson re- I want to k1sip you It you are wiffeting
ANTOINETTO DOLAN. them. I am sorry too that 'your cat vieua Jewell, Gilchrist Snow Rd.; An- cerning them Mrs. JOS. Lunette, Tin- from bleeding, itching, Mind Or Pro'
Dear Antoinette. -I was so pleased dled. I wonder it you have 4ot an- nie Barham, Roblindale; Blanche Bar- mactilee, Conception, Que., writes: � ferred to an incident Of some obscur- truding Pilecs. I c2n tell YOU how, In I
, .
to read your very interesting letter -other one yet? Let me hear from ham, Roblindale; iGllbert DesRoe'hes, "My baby '%Vu a great sufferer from' ity which had not been mentioned for )roar own home and without anyonalik ,
and I am sure the -other HolPers, will you aga;n sometimes ,won�t -you? Pangman, Basic.; Reds, Bobl0r, Moos- Indigestion, but -the Tablets Soon set nearly a `Week. He descilbed an iri�� &stj1gtan4o,0, ybu can apply the best of
like it too. I am sending you a badge . oinin, Sask.; Ann Luttrell, lR,RL 11% her right and now I would not 'be treutments. �
and hope, it reaches you quite safely. Wheatley, Ont. ,Port Elgin; Alice Luttrell, R.R. 943, Withouk, them.." Baby's Own Tablets terview as on a certain date, Without 211
11 hope very much your cold has got D?ar Aunt June -I have signed_the iport Elgin,, Marjorie Jackson, Kim- are7 sold by medicine dealers or by reference to pa-pers Lord Reading cor- - ES TRMED AT
mac% Utter since you wrote and that p'edge and will tell you what I do to istino, Basic_; Nettle ,Casemore, R.R. mail at 25 .cents a, box from The Dr- rected -him. , ,"The futerview took - M lc HOME
you will get Stronger now that the bep iny mother. I w-9sh the dishes, I promise to *end you a FX=1 trlaI of
on SAUrdays I ND. 2, Winghain; ETO-itrnle, 0a,kville; Williams, 'lledichie -Co., Brockville, pt cc on the l0th." Sir Edward in -
'days , Leila Johns0n, inkernian; Helen Ont. �Z _
warm. summer are coming. Write avike the beds and . I � ro Prev ghif new.absorption treat,ment, andp".
. ,to Lie ,igain sometimes and let me l-crub and dust. I am eleven y1ars ' ,Davidson, ,Clear La;ke; Pinks, Flora- . sisted that It was a day Or ' tv ferences froinyour own locality It Y90
know how You arc. -old mud I am in the Junior fourth dale; Dorothy Quee% Drayton, Wal- lcusly� " ONO," said Lord Reading. "It will but write and ask. I assure you .
- - ----� ter -Desse, Moorefield; Lisum Besse FLINT IIJOCKS. . wb.9 arranged for that date, but owing of imm.ediate relief. Send no moo4W%
--- -------- I , , but toll Others of this offer.
. . Moorefield. � Flint -looks and tinder boxes i�ay be to some unforseen eircumsta ' noes it AAdre" , ' , . .
I y I . AUNT JUNA . stponed." .The point was of
I The Weekly Times, Toronto. � , I a littleout of date, but just the SaInt Was po MRS. M. SUMMER61 Box 16
' it still takes three million gun flints a inany refer�ed to dat,6d back for Sev- Windsor. Ont� : I
year to 'meet the demand ,of out-cf- eral ,years, but the date and the clr� I - -
S. 0. 'Sm . IF LO'SINGLOOXS OR the-WaY parts of the earth where cumstances were'as fresh ialAs mind I - I
STRENGTH READ THIS - primitive weapons continue to .have as it the point were of major impur- . �
� CAR19FULLY . their iuse. r1hit-kno.pping to th ' e Pro, tance, e -----i, BOOK ON �
-once you were,robast, bright and ,cesg of manufacture, and It Is veky I .. 1
Ho E L P"' SAVE T fl"[ -El H" 0 1 X E I. ' 11appy. Today You ate dull, worried largely a method used by men Of the H0.1J.&I1,S BUILT OF sTR*w. I �.'.-. DOG '
. .'....
. falling. In -vitality and appearance. production of arrow A house -,vith -walls made of coin- .
To Princilmls mi(I Teachors, ,T,ust *when -you should b% ai your best vtone age to,- the + ... . DISEASES I �
, you're Played out and nbed a Cleans- heads, axes, and Similar im�plements prossed straw has been *erected in tits 11 I
'Seliolars and Parents:— Ing medicine. Cet.tho right femodY of war and peace. Today tlint-knap- Faubourg de Ia, Chaussee at Montar- - ; A11*d.. .11,c'W to Food,.
and Your blood will redden, your viv- ping Is la,rgely Confined to onel;O,�vii in g;s, Prance., The irame�work of the r A I .
n ome Inspection lllankg" to the acious tplrits will soon return, and figland, which has a yearly output of building Is of wood and the side are A iCWS � �Rdled free to any
toachirkg staff throughout Ontario for distribution - you'll be yourself again, You Should E , address by the
119c, br. 11-10=11tOes kPills-a truly flints that comes near. to suppIrdug filled in. with blocks .of tightly coin- Pioneer . author.
among their pupils. wonderful medicine. it driven away the wholcA world demand, , i
pa,triotic Canadians your symPtithetin, co -opera- headaches, and weariness, lifts' � the pressed Straw, 741ch are stated to ibe, 1 14. Clay GIOV161, CO.,
As the . as hard as concrete and just as U,�- Dog I Ina.,
tion is sollght in'the important Nvioiik of, eonserving load trolu your liver, tones up . I
Stomach, puts YOu,OU -your Act lit 110 THINKS SWEARING ALL inflammable. Owing to, the lightnesr, � 118 Wou ),+
the lives and pro;perty of our peoplU from destruc- ,Hamllton's -Pills Slid, RIGHT. of the materials only samall founda- Remedies Uow Yorl,
. time, �tjse Dr, � I .1 I
tion 1)y fire. watch the result, In a w0k YOU'll fe8l
like new. All dealers, 25c. or The Yes, providing the proVocation tions are needed. and a, ,hougo of this --- -
The in.speetioll is plauncil to take place througholit � Catarrhozone C!,o., Woutreal. , . equals the -offence of Jones stepping kind Co.-. W built it, a month, The, ---
the Pravinee (111ring the w(-.ek of May 2nd. The - on Bratth's sore Curtis. Par ibetter idea of uslng Straw in thl$'WaY IS at- """,-Z--I'*.I'+44+++++,.N+++++t"4"1,4
� . tu,.U$e%Putuam1s Painless �Corn Vx- t6hutod to a French textile engineer. �� �
,cfion i8 to (Iraiv atten- a . .
primary objklet of fids Trisp(l VACOINATES DOGS tractor, It does lift out corn4 In -�- i MONEY TO LOAN
tion to hw/ardous con4litions in the homes alul have hurry. No corn can last it "Put� . I
- " naWs" is a�pplled. Refuse a Sub- Wise and experienced mothers Loans made oil tarMS, first, I
the firo taeuace removed or corrected by the houso Paris Professar Claims It �mak*s Thom StItUte- 25C eV0fYWhcr0. ,know when their children are trouh. second lftlortgagOS. N[Ortgag 9
I , .1 (f I
, and vigo I c I
hol deri;. . � , Immune -FrOrn Rabbleft. . ---0 . I led with worms and lose no time. In * putolia , 8ed, "
The, housingrI)roblem malte.,; the prdeCtt011 of (1well. . Professor ,Nlarie nemlinger, of the Wretchod from Asthma. ,Strength applying -Miller's Worin Powders, a
� ingf; of paramount importance. - r of mind are In6vit- incat effeetive vernlifuge. It Is'abso- I 1 77 Victoria St., Toronto. 52
1 1�antcur 111stltiite, ftrtq, W-110 is haV- O'Lilylodmll w
-a paired by the visitatlofte of - bit') In tICa-rink the SYStOnt Of OrMS $9141444444+4444446 ++44444
CL111AN TTP. I . Ing wonderful st��,-,Rg with tho-new asthma. Wlio call live under the and restoring those healthy condi- I
. I . service developed by Professor Balle, cloud �of recur.ring Attacks and lkeel) tion,,j without which there can be ho �, --- -- ---- ----
Pre-vent fires by renloving the cau,x. . of tile Government Vetnrlliary S461001 body and mind at their full offt- 05MfOrt for the -child, or hope of ro- ,
lency? Dr. J. 1). Rellogg's Asthma bust growth. It Is a most ,trust- IBM &%% Send for free
I -- , at Alfort, Promises ObSelUto ImmuAlty 6 A At ; .4. fh� �f,,AUA U,& ,0 I book giving -full
I ,� worthy worm exterminator.
I 0 wuu 'y 0,, 1, . I 4 Lpartlealars of
: . InformVion,and text-boo):s, 'V-Ionservation of! Live, -and for 40ga front rabim. Thifs 110W VAC. moving the ,vause. It does 'rdlltvO. IT-- , 6�t!t!!tl± -- Trench's world* -
i . Woperty frant Pire," 111,1ghtning, Its Origin and �Con- e n
, 'Ine it a, mixture & the old ftsteur It does restore the Ki*f6rer to 0=11 , I I 1 T3 kamous vrovira-
t I troll' fr4m on request, esR, ' WOW9 COMM ROOt COMP01
I IT serum for tables and, of the virus of bodily trIm and montal bappin,
b I tion for Upilepssy
. .1 the',dises,q. Itacts quickly, Is eatilly , I . .A ogqr6. rtucoits "gulating and plta-81mpJ4 home treatment,
I . ONTAW11D FIRE PUMNMIDN 100AM, INC. applied, Is Iftoffftslve, Ind costs IIU16. A Certain farmer's last 4dvid I 0 ftedi na.� Sold in threo do. over ,301yearis' succegfi, TeAlmoti-
- -Don't gpend bion e to 2 a" Of wu"gth M. 1 sit
1, I i P".vc,nt4LtIyS, gon woA* Le"v reek- $3; h6a. �:,tox. We from All Part$ of tht 'World; over
In Affliliatlon v6ith Ontarl* (Phla M*6111-91's Otflc* It to ,curatlyt $4 W61, aft I I a I. MI .
I . . . iftely-except for fertIlNers." Adver- I-- I ,*v#"t 1,000 in one year. Write tt 0310 to.
I 1 23 Vid,rarxity Avenue - . . - Toronto , lmghwa dog$ v&CCInAtod Vkt,h *6 tiAins 14 the fertflizer of busitim. . ftoa- vomphlitt. ','&Id=-; -rRS*OHI* Rit.NZ0198 LIMITWO,
,� . ONOUGIC F. L&WIS, Sew,retary. I new semin two 0(vths W hava been - , k,"g 6"k maw bit 064 1WT st James, OUmbam 70 Ads -
I I ... =, lild'a St. V., Toronto, OntarlO- 19
renderod ati"ut8lY Immvmf- , A*k 'for Mintwd"s .1iltd t*o no ot%gr, "'I " "Ara
. - - - I . � 11 �. . I - I , , 6101L i iW 5�i& I I I � li, 10M. " I
� � . I
I I . I
, . 1,1 . -
I . � , , '� � , I .
1, 4� i I , , �,, ,� I " , , . . I
� . .k �1%ajp, .1 , , � . . , 4 ., k. . 1� * I .
It— - - %,- .. A!, .r .-. - - ---- I .1 �4.,�,',,.!�,, ljt.� - , , I --------11- . * I 1'16& ,� "i is i��,, , " , , ,-It � �-� "" lmii . y - . -fX.- - - ! --L-� . - ---
ISSUE" NO. �181 1921.
n ,energetto man to bq iludepen-
, ,
oat and free -from tbe VMT ot Uu-
mployment, representing a stroulf
eallth and Accident C6mp%x1Y Lib.
ral Policies, good *commlsslon� ani -
pportunity tor advancement to Vo- .
lou of District Mana,eer. A, V.
toIZ, Menager, 4 X%"ChantO CA*- "
alty Company, Roymi Bank rld,%,, -
loronto. 6-22
- . ----
Dod home and easy work for re- . I
able maid. Wages $5 Per week
o staxt. 'Writa Mrs. Wilkirtoon,
04 Jameson Ave,, Toronto. I .
-1-1 -.-,-,- - -------------1 .
- -
' .
ud repainted by our own expert
a6thanics. and painters; large �
lock of standard makes; sedans, .
6ITPes, touringsi roadsters and
rritcks and now Adams Trailers. I
Phone Adelaide 52158,
Motoras-Ltd., 41-5 Queen St. West, I
Toronto, � I I
---- ---,..,.
------,-,- � *
talli potatoes, one -dollar; pure,
clean. White sweet clover, bhree- I
dollars. 0,-O,' Wood, Caledom, Ont,
, , N .
I .
--!. 1-.----- �
$7.00 P- Day Profit. - I
5.00) each *-�er and above,vteeid, ,' ,
Ila. (500 hens will pay you a . I
rotit of ($7.0,O) per day. A Cock.
Tel of our strains will pay you man7 �
mes over In extra eggs from your
Ilets next imll and winter. our
took wine first Place in the San-
atchewan Laying Contest and Swoond, I I
lace In th a ' -Cauadiaaf Laying C%u- .
t. Write for beaAttitully Ilius-
t8d 0&tSI0gUc,. , It's free. *
. R. Gulick, Box 8,, Rockwood, Ont. - ,
I --- A t.L,
.*..�- .
freight xate by lis-iring M. Rawlin�
son, Limited, furniture warehouse -
men and shippers, 610 Yongo St.,
Toronto, ship your goods in their * �
consolidated cars to Manitoba,
Saskatchewan, Alberta, Biritl6h, Co- I
lumbla and California. eowtr
good eondttion Write Mys. MioOmn, I I ..
194 , Jameson 3 -ye, Toriouto. , I 'tt
- 11 I i ,
I I xzmDAL. . I
FITS irkent for ,.ipillepay. Twepty
Yeats, success. Thousands of test'L - - -
monials. .NO, C�S,O QhQU1d,,bc`
sidered. hopeleee, , n*% b9o= I �
WmL Stinson, Remedy Co. of Oan- I
ada,, 2611 Yonge street Toronto. 2'r _
I � -11-T- .
�-, -0!- I ��
GASSY �S`1`039,&0H, DOW*a OIR
This harmless root aad kerb, -
medicine will put you right. SoIO L J
and highly endorsed bir leadlng;.,
drug twade for 15 years, but follow
directions with each bott2e; Sold: - �
by National Drug Company. thro4i
Your home, druggist. li`
US MI TIRM-ALL BIZES, �$5 $jb, .
$16. Varmlers� Auto * Ace;i6r%s
Ltd., 4,77 and *77,Y, Youge, Street, I
Toronto. . 1%
A REAM, P -Y OF &1&ik1T-1)R. ROM,
derson's Herb Tablets are excellent.
for rhounisAlsm, constipation, (Kil-
' zimai, 1, 4-itomaeli, kidney, liver mud )L.
nervous troubles. Three months' A, "W 11
treatment for $,I.'Df) 'Postpaid, wifu 11
,Our guarantee, Hendorson Herb I
Co., 173 Spadina Avenue, Toronto.
Agents Wanted, 28
I)oininion Express Money 4)rdet.
Five Dollars costs three cents.
. �
I— 11 _ .1.1 .
WherTS-TV12' 16 110t
&crificefTo &ZO '
Aw mi. d. WA ti'l 6,li U.N.%
r, WAwlt ljob�& I, No *%. Paw %is %"- - -
"THE 110USE 0'r I'Lrtiry *
AQIM)�--iih-��,��--`l 7.�iA.�..*1601,
st6 T r r� I I!.. &A l .A I I �% - 6 h - 44.
51"1r4=1.t12*i�'-.1 '. " .,r"�
1W N, U'A - "". -.9 b. .� .... ... k...,*,-hA
1,* Ik,t ii,4 lo.M.F V.1i 19 ItUill %CA4 "Oiiiilii *V 1i
I .. 14.ii., � 0
1* r
--- -- I #
3 you egh put segiality 10% your
8A,rerulaw"t It I'lu WAM ft eofthg*
17 MtMetI74 �
--.it a