HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-05-05, Page 9_4 4 Thure4ay, May 5th, 1921 At the last mecting Of the Conn. ell it waq unanimously decided to request all citizens to have all in, flainable and useless material re- moved from yards and cellars be. fore May 24th. Also requesting citizens to generally beautify their premisesand co-operate with the Board,of Health in a general clean lip. 1% THE WINORAM ADVANCZ PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT The f0ll0ving is the report of S. S. No It UAst Wawanosh for the month of da I C, Jr. IV!-0110zel Irwin 363, Gofdou Me. Burney 362, Verna Irwin 3,00, Total (;ana as eate L t III—Alex Robertson 279, Robaria g 271, Jim Deacon 271, Total 350, Sr. 11-41azel McBurl-e READ OF IrY,338, Margaret FICE� TORONTO Deacon 303, Willic w n 210, Ague$ Rob son 237. Total ISO. Primer—Mary Robertson 140, Margar. d et Irwin 137. lyl, 1. AITIMN, will open a branch in Wingham on or about May 14th� 1921 in their new store Teacher. P-90yt Of S- $. No. XI Turtiberry for now being prepared in the Qu'e6n' April. x indicates absence, Hotel Block. This branch carries Jr. IV—Janisa Iforanth, III Class—Margaret PnIlen, Neil Pot. ter, xCharlie Deyell, xMyrile Holloway, To i Baker, 11 Class—Alvin potter, 1,ily Groves, Beatrice Baker Henry Vinlay, Or '11 V"'e r Have You a Friend Welsh, Wijfre� Dennis, xVera i nl Dhelt 11ardware, Electric SP itio, I xJeau Orvis, xCarl Hart, xHarold Detinliy,' Who is Concealing prom You the xIvY Cruik�hanks x1larry Newell. Fact That I Class—Mary Pullen,, Harry Groves, 04 On Bernice Wright, Doris Holloway, Eldon There Is a Number Welsh, GlAdy4 Welsh,' Arnold Den Her BaCk xHazel Wilson, xji_ Cruikshanks, x�,115.1 IX Sr. Pr,—Ada Phippen, Rva Dickson, field Finlay, Cooling Utensils and Heating and Lighting Appliances Billie Cruiltsbanks, Georgina Pullen, When a metropolitan newspaper can Thelma Phippen, xVe1ma Orvis, xRoland come onto the streets and into the homes Finlay xHoward Baker, with a big 8 in. by 0 in. Photo engraving Jr. Pr (a) --Viola Phippen, Beth Hol- Our Service Department is at your convenience. ,showing the principal in a divorce case it loway, xGertie Deyell, Lillian Groves, Watch this space for specials next week. Arline Baker xFred Finlay, xGladyq is time the county either put its foot on Newell, xMauA Kerr. the immortality of divorce or the sensat. Jr. Pr. (b)—Laura roves, Maclyu Groves, Mary Orvis, G h.r iOnal Of the big city newspapers, For a Art Pryce, Remember the place and the time of opening - of a young Wilson. paper to Parade the Photos Alvin Hart, Annie Dennis, Reginal couple married in 1913, two Photos of the Numberou."Roll 51. Average attend- wifesinceher marriage,one ofthe little ance 43. son of the quarrelling pair and another of U, G. MARTIN, Vet theaister of the woman named in The Teaclier. I divorce suit is not a healthy sign of moral- k on or about d M th awns %XJ I ity, No Paper coluld parade such pictures Driving Cattle On L Queen's Hotel B.oc Satul ay 44 it the moral of the people were strong The East Wawanosh farmers who drove enougb to denounce it.—Alliston Herald. cattle home from Wingbarn on Tuesday Is Parental Control Breaking Down would do well to bare in mind that when Judge Scott 'of Perth, formerly of Walk- they allow animals to quietly walk over Cash and' -'Better Service, People's lawns, even after being asked to erton, in the course of a very sensible drive them off, are leaving themselves address as President of the Trustees Sect- liable to a fine. The editor of this paper ion of the Ontario Educational AssOci- has spent considerable money in levelling, ation, gave voice to a few sentences that sowing and fixing his lawn, and now that have a local application in many parts of the grass is nicely coming up to have a of our Province. "When we see, as we man deliberately walk over it and. let an do, "evervwhere, groups of youngsters animal walk ahead Of him, making, no until long after nightfall, swarming the effort whatever to turn it off is more than Movies night after night, and conducting the average man will stand for. The themselves absolutely without restraint, man driving the Robertson cattle who we can only conclude that parental con- forgot himself so far may yet be sorry for trol has in these days deplorably weaken- his smart act. ed if it has not ceased in fact, The pre- Using Up The Pulp valence of the cigarette habit, the in- crease of truancy, and the alarming ten- The popularity of silk stockings is said dency to crime on the part of children not to have an important influence on the Yet too old to be spanked—all tell the shortage of Paper, for these very 'different story of the laxity in home discipline and articles are both made from wood pulp, the shirking of parental duties, The A German professor invented an 11imita- churches, as well, have there share of tion" silk made in this Way and the blametnailthis. TheSunday schools if American stocking manufacturers were they are so disposed, can exert a mig�ty quick to see the Possibilities of the inven. influence in staying the waywardness of tion with the result that every year the children within their fold and in assist. millionsof Pairs of "wooden" stockings ing their parents in shaping a proper path are made. Crepe de chine is material in life for them. What I am endeavoring that is often made from wood pulp and S P E C I F T C A T 10 N 8 to elaborate is the fact. that domestic de- some weights of this are made heavy by Built to Extend the Fame of k -rood NN ame linquency is largely responsible for the being leaded or mixed with minute part. failure of many children of the present. icles during the process of manufacture. Model 43A generation to acquire the intellecLual Taffeta silk, or some qualities of it. is also Oldsmobile popularfity receives a new impetus among matorfsts who want WHEEL BASE -115 inches. start in life to which they are entitled." made of wood pulp. Means have just Oldsmobile sturdiness, reliability and beauty in a four -cylinder car. WEIGI-IT-2765 pounds. been discovered of making men's felt hats ENGINE—Four cylinders cast en bloc; valve-in-heg(I Belgrave Play A Success from wood. In.spite of preserit conditions, Oldsmobile dealers who have seen and tested the type, detachable head. 224 cu. in. displacement. Develops over 40 h.p. on block test. A very successful little play entitled "I new model have ordered enough new Oldsmobile Fours to keep our plant busy LUBRICATI0'-,--1'CYN,' Lnd splash with pressure, gauge Can't Atford it" was staged by the young for months to come, on instramer.t board. peopleof the Methodist church, in the SLEEP, OLD PIONEER z, ELECTRICAL SYSTE M—Three- unit wit?, Forester's Hall, Belgrave, on Friday even - ing last, April 29th, This little Drama When the hill of toil Was steepest, has an Ontario farm setting throughout, When the forest frown was deepest, Poor, but young, you hastened here, and carries with it many characteristic Came when solid hope was cheapest phrases of rural life in which are real hum- Came a pioneer! orous and yet pathetic. To say that our Made the western jungle view young people carried their different parts Civilization's charms; well is putting it 01ldly, and they certain- Grasped a home for Yours and you ly are deserving of great credit for their From the lean tree arms, splendid attempt at characterization. The-hall was filled to the doors and from Toil had never cause to doubt you— all reports everyone was exceedingly Progress' path you helped to clear But to -day forgets about you pleated with the entertainment- During the program a duet was rendered by Mrs.. Atid the world rides on without you— Clayton Procter and Miss Maude Bell en- Steep, old pioneer! titled "Keep 6n Hopin" which was well Careless crowds go daily past yog, received'also. The proceeeds amounted Where their future fate has cast you, to $93.00. Leaving not a sigh or tear, The parts taken by Carl Procter Van And your wonder works outlast you— Hopper and Stewart Procter represented Brave old oioneert a certain type of farmer more or less Pre- Little (are the selfish throng Yalent in all neig�borlioods, who can never Where your heart is hid, be shown that it pays to promote any Though they thrive upon the strong cause that has the wellare of tile commun- Resolute work it did. ity as its object. The cauie of the But our memory -eyes have found you, country boy was we] 1 represented by Dave And we hold you grandly dear, Deacon, Wilbert Procter and Harold With no work -day woes to wound you— Procter while that of the wives was given With the peace of God around You— byAlethaRopper, Lulu Procter and Luella Sleep, old pioneer! Hopper, whose ability in carrying theit� parts was all that could be desired. And Belgrave as no Ontario country play would seem Alisses Bella and Susie Allison or Lon - quite complete without a part Played by don, are visiting at their old home, the minister and his wife, these were very tuccessfully represented by Howard Wil- BORN kinson and Helen Deacon, while the more romantic parts betwe6n the little Irish Giami,;s—In Belgrave, Sunday, May 1st, Maid, Peggy McPhail and Jim Hartley, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes, a the Parsonage visitor were taken in a very daughter. Proficient way by Maude Bell and Russel JA-xiusoN—In East Wawanosh, Sunday, Ropper, The Maiden Lady with the May Ist, to Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson, a college education was taken by Edith 6012. Procter, whose common sense curtain HioniNs—In Morris, on Wednesday, lectures to the formtr's furnished a great May 4tht to Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Hig- deal of amusement for the audience and gins, a son. Verda Procter certainly carried the part ATiciNsoN—In Wingliam, on Saturday, Of the winsome little country girl with April 30th, to Mr. and 'Mrs, A. N. At greatcredit indeed. Only two Of these kinson. a 8on. young people had ever appeared In any BosAtAN—On public preformance before, and they have Bluevale Road, on Tues - every reason to be proud of the progress day, April l9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Mor - they hiive made in their two months of r's Bosman, a son - diligent Practise. The betrothal 4scene L"i"'t'rn Whignam, on Friday, Without Words in Act IV was specially April 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Jomph A, Attractive, Leonard, a son. A 1hey recognize in the new Old3mobile Four "the car of the day" when buyers want dollar -for -dollar value for their investment in an automobile. , See this car. Observe its evident virtues of permanent style, sane design and, sturdier construction. Note how it retairf§ the same pleasing lines, the same close attention to body details that have always emphasized Oldsmobile beauty and comfort. Ride in the car. Drive it yourself. Because when you actually drive the car yourself or ride in it you will appreciate that these surface excellences are but outward signs 6f its unseen virtues. In looking over the Oldsmobile "4" we purposely ask you to forget any prd- conceived standard you have had of value. Because we believe the Oldsmobile "41, is going to sweep aside every precedent of four -cylinder goodness that you may have. had of any car of like class. nrr^ OLDS MU I OR WORMS OF CANADA, LIMITED �� Oshawa, Ontario J. S. Dobie, Distributor. Wingham, XOW oldsM011310 4 COUP11 X** OldsMOI)ilt 4 9644st4t, plate storage battery. . P " GASOLINE 1",­D—V,-cuum iced, with gw!oline tank 5uspende.0, rear cf 1�rame. FRAME—Cold p- `U -1 ctccl, T, ZZ%-;Z-b:Ch maxi -num depth channel rtct;,�n. Five cross members. REAR AXLZ­':�- trne. SPRINGS—Semi-e,`�".`,!'. rear, �4-irc'h. BODY—Streamline. Lcng a%broken s%veep rf lines. T3P1i0LSTERY-34-.c pleatcl, best quality of fine-grained black leatbcn INSTRUMENT EOARD—Walnut, with nickeled instru- ments mountM flus�. TIRES—Straight si`c, 32 x Al. Non-skid on xe%: wheels. Tire rack on rear for spire rim and tire, 11INISH—Best coach work, applied by brush and rubbed down by laancL new oldbinotile 4 sedall VJ