HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-05-05, Page 871— ?X- ­— ­­ it WINGRAN ADVANOX GIBRIBIANS IN $071M feature of /railway management. AXBW104 Wit4out. it there could llave. been al.0 raitway travel and no railroading. lit N t:tran- i 7,0 devolOpirwat r0r,111ting pione*r -timcs there was suffielout ex from tho war Is tallhlr, VU0,1 In .43-uth euFa for the grade. crol4sing6, but as Amori..'a. The Argell(ino Withdrew the country is Qettled up, and vlore front the 1, gue, of Nations Ind it is particulirly oll III -111a lines 911011 as tile HOME, ME DOK-11' 2% U 640ON1.1, M; 5EEN IN VEID N6 AC70 M -r FOR EARLY '110 0ED, EARL Y TO R11W. KES A MAN HEA mt\� vmy, 7. WL ANQW1%, d I EARCYP(,P? SWEET HOME V & CANADA'S OCEANS BOTH TEEM r WITH FISH ce AVERAGIE MAN, HOWEVER CAN WINGHAM, ONV-RIO, NAME ONLY 7, AND KNOWS Kvery Thursday lVi)rnln3. ONLY TASTE OF 4, A. 0. SMITH, 11011rher. Subscription Tates:--une year, How many different Iduds -of fbib $2.00; six months,,$L00 In advance. from icauadaiq ocean and Inland waw Adversising rates oil application. Advortisements without specific di- tersrections will be Inserted until forbid -now very cloar What W.s btqitud this scene of talis latest wreck, there � , . E, and charged accordingly. roov(� and %yhy. ()no of thtA Pet should be vo-operatiGn on'the part of farther It will be interesting to Changes for contract advertise- ,4ellelue5 of William liolleaztAlOrn was, both ther publie and the raillways, grtd- I WAS ALWAN,', IN i3LD -AND ARE %�Ou way'! "I'Ah"T15 WELI, THENV-YoO CA14 ATFORD, enumerate them. ments be In the office 'by noon, 9( 1�0'C00404kAEN T WAr, A 96ALT�I%i Monday. j;3qQ1t,­ WCALTNy ALL 01F to 0010nize, Couth Amertoa with his natty to put such bazards beyond pos- 'I I To CIET ME A Prollt the Atlantic; Albacore or AHO wa,140tv? TA41 it . Fzj��Ik southern Von- -.41butty. and turn tile 9 UINCLE AVTCR tuna, alewife or gaspereau, angler, countervelght tilient. into Ia, Teutonic AILL, �ART bass, blue perch or cunner, cod, vusk, to the, n�,rth. Tho BUSINESS 'A"b" ,%lgllsh 1 SN.2077, TWZ STOCK &r;D - CIND16 dollar fish or butterfl,�h, �el, rloun- monroo doctrine stood in the, way', 10 FARIK HELP a but t1ae Atource, dactrine could be I der (dab, sole or platc�), greyfish, 'WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE bake, halibut, herring, INGURANCE00, (qrruinvo-awd by tile Inet!"Od Or lul- A ura"wfall after two months of haddock, migration, conibined with tile 01r- winter passing, without nay is cer- launce or sand eel, lumpfisli, mael, rustablished 1840. erel, muttonfish or eel-ipout, Pollock, Head -Office, Guelph. walcome none the less, both as a cov- rosettsh or red perch, salmon, sar- Risks taken -on all classes of Insur-. p dine, shad, silver bake, skate, smelt, able property OIL the eAsh orpromium oatli or compaCt a Ger- F1.1 Ul theory that whatever the 'na- tabily a n(Avelty for -Ontario, but was Y G er nian eitizea remain-, alw1yR erilig for winter 'wheat, and clover, Inan citizen. what tile. Argentine and Is a Suarantee of moisture When sole, sturgeon, oivordfish, tonicod, note system. Rolull)lic. With ItS, large Supply Of tile spr�ng growth begins. The value trout, turbot, witch, wdlfish or sea ARNER COSONS, Agent,' Gernuan-bo= citizens waLlt'; ia de- (,f vilow as a top-dresslag is well catfish. Wingliam. ducible., from the latest sqi�abble over known, aud soxne farmers illOthe ab- no harni. They must not think any - I Froux the Pacific: 'Black cod, red - ------- tile purchase of German shiPPing in senco Of the usual whitek blanket have '111,110 or tile Hearst utterances and" TOPICS OF THE DAY AS THEY ARE DISCUSSED cod, green cod, flounders, greyfish, contravention of the terms of thO top -dressed liglitly with manurb.� Tile other incidents in the United States halibut, berrhm oulachan (Pacific DUDLEY EOLMES VersallIcs, treaty. Another straw In- rnow Illid not last lopg, the high sun Such as tile tearing dowu of the BY THE EDITORS OF CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS sinelt or candle fish), perch, pilchard, BARR16TER, SOLICITOR, ETC. dicating the direction -of the wind Ili alad x4,61iig temperature giving Qronf- Union Jack from the Union Club. platce, roc% cod, salmon, shrimp, Office, Mayor Bloj,-k, Wingharn, South &III-c-ricz Is tile concessiOus ise, Of an tvarly and unusual season. They had 4 jokx about that In New skate, smelt, sole, trout. . I York. How far, it Was as'ked Was Various reasons are aavanced as to Tiord Haldane says a great store made to the Krupl) cen"P-11y by Chile. A gvod deal of perplexity is felt over Front interior waters: Black bass, vast vvaterpower.; with 0�8,C-t* acres tbe live btc-ek situation. TIle fact the olub from the -Cathedral. Just.a. why the U. S. has made Washington's of talent Is buried in democracy, The oull head or catfish, burbot or ling, I vtono's thrcw, was *the answer, every R. VANSTONE of the richest tilubee3nds ara -COV-11 that the United States is talking hos- birthday a -perpetual one, imt the same can be found Out by -listening to oaxp, goldeye, herring or cisco, mas- ered by this' coacessi011, Which is to- tile tariff, and that Britain remains time A bitter thing 'was noticed orre- allost plausable is tPlat it is beLcause 'the cGliversaklon of any barber.— kinonge, laullet, landlockod salmon, -BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, ,cated round thO ifase of alount Cal- obdurate in -the matter of the evp;ftle plied to, it only played Into the hands lie was the first * citizen of the U., Montreal 'Star, parch, Pickerel, -pike of Jackflsh, Money to loan at Jowest rates, buco, and on the borders of the river embargo, doas not dispose the cattle of those who wished to make trouble. S. A. -vvho never told a lie. sturgeon, sucker, trout tullibee white- WINGHAM. Petrohue, The advent of the Krapps breeder io a ;�angu'1116 view of the sit. They were 1pleased when they at- ';.And last.—Toroato Star, A Boston' laundress was found to f ir,,h. in South America With the CO-OPera- 11.01011. Prices are steadily falling tracted attention. "No matter what 'have possessed $32,000, 'Me g4ener- 'How Many Can You Name? tion of the Teutonic settlers 'there for the farmer but the consumer finds you may read," he wis-erted, "in the An English investigator ' has dis- at extravagance -of the times is blam. .are enough to $tlraulate the defell- no Tellef and 'lie is reducing his uleat 4awZPaTers -of the United States or -covered that prehl storic man was an ed for the depletion of her savings.— How did you succeed? it's a Safe ARTHUR 1. IRWIN fonrDe doctrine, and it consumption. In -some quarters con- what you may be., . r� said by �citizenS artist. No doubt, prehistoric woman Portage La Prairie Graphic. guess that the average person will ders of the A, not nain-o more bhan seven, If you D.DJS,, LX.S. is stated that the Harditlg adminis- sumera are arranging to buy beef di- of the United States, it is a certainty also used to p4int,—.Montreal Star. were asked to pick out those wheae Doctor lot Deaal Surgery of the Own that the United States is , a nation Pennsylvania College aad I Veentigte tration Will make the extension Of rect and, combine to do their In ilie -words we used as school -flavors you are famillar-with It is of butchery, and buying in quarter 19ts filled with goodwill towards Canada 'Chinese "medicine" shipped to San DIM-tal ftrgery ot Outteo. United States interest aull inUilonce and that America and the British Francisco has been found to be 50 boys, GQrmany refuses to -put up or equally safe to NVager that the aver- Closed Mvery Wednesday Aftervioon.. in -that region one of its very- first is liopular !u. good cold "keeping shut up.—Calgary Herald, age w1l not be -over 'four. -Office in Maodonald Oboo1c, Weather. The whole problem of Empire wl.1 exist Ili association for per cent. alcohol. For way-$ that Does # -not seem astonishing that butobers' meat will have to -be recon- the purpose of goodwill, no matter are dark, the heathen Chinwe is There doesn't seem much sense Ili -out of such a large, assortment of STIO HYDRO oidered Ili the light of hyg;!enic as what some people plot otherwise." about up to the standard of the rest , 'w a C DR. G. H. ROSS A PESSI)III well as economic and agricultural That the English -%peaking nations of t1i.;s boot -legging world.�Reglna talking, Commun4sm. Ili a world where ed',blee sea foods and Ith u h a pro- Graduate RoyAJ College of Dental CRITIC you have It o chain the telephone lifle supply -available, that 6nadiaus sm-'eupce. The dairy cow may yet should cultivate such friendliness and Post, books to keep them from being sliould -have. -so little practical knowl- Surgeons. .T%lr. Arthur Flawkes, wim, has been, prove to be t1ke, more profitable In!- good feeling unfettered by any ties stolom—Winnipag Free Press. edge about -them? Graduate Uh;V.eralty of Toronto in various journalistie advouturLis, inal. A movement for c3 -operative but those of common ideals and de- If they keep on ralsinglier pay, the. Faoulty of Dentletry. and undertaken numerous Political dairies such as has made Ireland so sires for universal human welfare, is sciloolma'am will soon be getting al- And this Is not the only short- OFFI-CE OVER H. E. 16AR13% STORE expeditions, Is now -Posing as the 9xv- pro evous, would Probably do more tti� hope or the Peace of the world. -mest as much money as the cook.— "Baboons," says a scientific item, coming of Nnadlans In their knowl- lour of Ontario from the 'Hydro- SP (,can tell by instinct When they are edge of Canadian fish. It one Is to for the farmers than any other sYs- Winnipeg. Tribune. near water." But who wants to be judge by the. requests customers Electric .0ommWAon of out=lo and tem. This Is being steadily recog- W. R. HAMBLY Sir Adam Beek. lie Wants to pre- nizzd by the fruit interests and the Motorist Who just missed -a prolice- a baboon?—Windsor Dorder Cities -=.ke lat the d3sh dealer's counter, a serve the public, he 6ays, from I The -practice of judicious econ- mail was fined $10. S�olne of t1rose Star. good many must have tile Idea that C.M. pmncipla Is Widely applicable, It is -theories and promises which past reported from Allddlesex that farra- omy is one to success. Ecohomy� all species oir fish are caught Special attention paid to diseases matoris-ts are altnether too . care- throughout the 12 months in the year experience and present truth prove ers Ire calling for married help and like intelligent and uniform work, less.—Teronto Telegram. A St. Mary's citizen being asked Of Women and Children, kaving to be extravagantly deceptive." Njr. offering froin $4,50 to 1$525 a year with is constructive—and no one can v, hy I he didnt run for Councillor, said and that they are transported t[rom telcen Postgraduate work Ili gar- I-Jawkes after much unsuccessful ex- house, fuel and garden. This �should hope to enjoy real Independence That German actor who died vollile lie didn't know 'whether U -is great- the water to the dealers slab by some V'ry, 'BacteTLO1097 and SciemAnic perCence of public, life, b," become who does not keep his exp I endi- grandfather was -a chicken thief or mysterious process. The science -of 118d][01111B. Uract many Immigrants -,vhG -would playing the ghost in "Hainlet!' seems Office in the Kerr residencey between G, sa and he did not wish,to find Out.— refrigeration tends to make all Spec- the Queen's -Hot pessimistic. He supported the 0 -or- Ike to learn the -ways of the -coun- tureq well within the limits of his to have taken the pa.rt too seriousy. not a[ and the aoptist .den osm-paign. against reciprocity and try Xor a few years before going into income. —Montreal Star. L-Indsay-Watchnian Warden. iei in season at all times as far as Chdr4vh. I the purchaser is concerned, allowing, Ali buslaass"given. careful attention. -waG rewarded by a -CommissionshiP Earming on their own account. it 'as reek -less spending of money Phone 54, P. 0. Isox lie. which resulted in his report on imml- I rhou'd be advantageous for both Par- quickly becomes a liabit, and those The bog business is said to have As we und�rztmnd the reformers, of courset that the senseless aversion gration. For some rea%5n or oth?,T tes and be of great benefit to the who allow themselves to be en- been disastrous last year. It is not the two great dangers of 9tale pTesent to frozen fish Is forgotten. But if fresh, unfrozen lish Is insisted upon, this Was pigeon-lioled, and Mr. state In training strangers for citizeu- slaved by extravagance. are bur- to be Implied that this applies solely day -are concealed arms and revealed Hawltes changed his allegiance. ship. dened under the triple load of past, to the, profiteering business.—L-oth- leggs.—Kingston let the customee remember that eer- DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND Se,`zed wit3i hostility Xor Sir Adain iand, future obligations bridge Herald. tain fisli. have cortain seasons and Beek and the Hydro system he has present that fish In transit from the sea to M-,R�C.S. without sufficient funds to meet Vv7ien they are, dressed for market been one of the chief PrOPS Of tile GOODWILL OF UNITED a inland centres requiftles more careful L.R.C.P. (Lond). then -A. Henry Ford can do most anything you can't tell chicken from an 01 Sutherland 'Commission, it air. . STATES FOR BRITAIN but -it is doubtful it. he can invent a lien. This is I& poultry item,, Uot , attention than ;practically any other PHYZMIAN AND 8,UR132:6N. Hawkew judgment -were as good as Addresses by such men Is John There Is Just pride and pleasure flivver that rwill give milk.—BrOck- fashion note.—Cobalt Nugget, comanodity. (.Dr. Chfaiwkm's old stt*d). his in0ntions',he would not be so,con- Ili knowing that there Is going to ville, Recorder Times. Prinoipal FIsh Used. stantly on -the wrong side of the Appleton Stewart, honored some be a surplus left -when the weekly !Some Americans who plan to visit T . lie principal .2islies consumed In calizeshe is interested Ili. No doubt years ago with a complimentary :de' bills are paid—mych gratiter pleas. Women't hats'ln the spring are to DR. R. L. STEWAlf he thinks t3le, ChIrppe8va tOanal 6s a gree by the University of Tor -onto, ure than the temporary enjoynient be large and drooping, it is an- Montisal are not actuated so much Canada are as -follows, in order of gigantic failure. He says its jilladow and -ebairmanof the -board of govern- of things we cannot afford b�N� thirst for travel as just plain tile quantity used: Herring, salmon, Graduate of UxIvar I omof the Sulgrave Institute Which is noun.c.-d. Symbolic of tile bills and t1llr�t.---%)Iontrc_,1 Herald. haddock, cod, halibut. Other ispec- shor Qf wavoitto, "already falls upon the land." H(I devotao to furthering amicable rela- Copyright, 1919, E. S. Co. of Can. the spirits of those who pay therri.— ies are used In quantities very much =11Z Of me"Ita; ucautlate -at the COP490 of Pbtyslakaa wnd was a long time wit -ii the Canadian tions aniang the E liglislil-spelking ada. Regina Post, smaller. Surgeons. N.orth?rn Rediway and may 'have The Voltva Zlonists have barred fallen into the habit of expectingta-11- pe,,paes, should be widely known it Who 'To Illustrate witli these principal OWY1019 0AN'PRA>XM- I e, ever had the exper- spats from their church. - Bt : - NOrth.of Za-rbrigy's Ible estimates. The llydro manage- about. At all Empire -Club meeting It you hav ever heard of a church that did not fisliestht. -,olint referred, to previous- Second Dool he spahe on . "Twentieth Century A MATHEMATICAL TRICK ienice of paying,for a dead horse, 'you Photo. atudIg. -r. ly, lit Is probably not common knowl- JOSEPHINE ST-NEET. PKO�Ng 29. ment is in a different cias3, howevc. Munroe DactrJue," and his reminder know approximately how Germany have s�ats?—ion*don Advertiser. edge that— It Is not out to exploit tile "Llutry 0, of its origin 'was timely and Inter- Try This to Find Out a Person's Age feels about paying for a lost "Mar.— 'Herring are caught on the Atlantic -to -do any -thing but serve Iliz public. esting. It I% u-4ual to attribute the Windsor Border Cities Star. A Kansas paper has an article oil from April to November and are In 14av,ng the one clear lde-t of iserylug Moiu*oe dictrirw to President Mon- and Birthday. the "Kinsh.11) of -Mlsery," but the best condition from July to October. the peblils tile greatest pairs are tak- roe, but It really originated In the Request anyone Ili the room to There Is reason for the exletence young grooin living with his'parents- a the Pacific tbey are caught at all I SELL en not to do the �publ!;., (110service, or mind of-,G,,,c,rgeCannng In 1798 whell write down the number of the month uf everything except a skunk and tile In-IIw would better undisrstand One 0 Town and Farm propercies. Call In other words to lil%ke mlstik2�S. times but most plentifully frOm N - and see my list amd get loy prices. I lie svxunded the United States on th-i �n which he was baft. N vember to February. 'have some excellent vq;lues. With his darkvt,3pic1ous of graft, and L ext ask nian Who thinks be Is -a hit with . the on the 'NIllyry of KInsIhIp."—Calgary a. Presi- din, i8almon are taken -in greatest quan- the peasimAsm, ctigendered by long subject o2 South �Xmeric to iiiialtiply this by 2, add 5, and ladles.­10rigston WhIM. Henild. dent Ada-'iis was reluctant, not bo- 1 contemplation or the 4qea­�Aer side of I , -,gain xrxa�tlply by a. Then 'add his ties on the Atlantic coast during G. STEWART lifiet but lUmbig that the republie ,-boUld hm�e present age and mlbstract by 365, FATE'S GRIM JEWS How King George Fight$ H. C. L. June, July and August. Oil the Pa- WINGHAN. volitic-11 life. -Mr. -aa-svkea ca amy agreement with any Other iiav You thelk�pnounce that I 011fia they are caa�,&t -all the year Phone 134. Office in Town Hall. think that the Hydro Commisalon Is i tion. Tu Thomas Jefferson T6C- lavour you with the result of his lit- round, but most plentifully Irom July out to plunde�r the public, forgetting I Performers Meet Death Though Able High prices In England ihave in- ognized the need" of a united Ameri- tle calculation, you will -have �pleasure to October. that the cominission belon�6,­, 0 the can and British people. (Goorgs, to do Some I'Stunts" In Life. duced King George to revert to the "'ICIAN public, is -organized by tLe public, Is n telling him Ws age and also the (entdal 4,iystem of paTnieut with some Haddock are taken on the Atlantic DRUGLESSTH131 sypported by the qmblfc, and that ,ill Canning never gave up his Idea. anl name of his birth month. The strange -tricks Fate plays w5h I trom April to qslluary, but are caught a 9 and nd again a third time Add 115 to ths total, and the first I -le of his depandentb licefurth most In greatest numbers from June to its aetg a -ad works are wide opPa to You the num- the lives of men Is Illustrated by tile - August and from November to Jan - the public at all Clam- two recent case of s diver -Who ni,�t his pt�r- nary. Late Will receive Ill bur a SlW.il A liressed It, ll)rc.p3SlTlg a joint all- two figures will give of theagricultural laborers, on his es nouacement warning Spain that her ber of the month, -and the last domination ot South America Was with give you his age. Suppose, for death through drowning in an or- lCod are ca,*ught from April to No - THE DEADLY GRADE over, The answer to tilts was the exalliple, the person's age Is 17, and dinary bath. The Incident calls to wrtage of their wagee Li goo�:- "ll. vernber and are available Ili greatest CHIROPRACTIC CROSSING stead or money. tT.nd(.-- tile 'I quantities from June to September. Holy Alliance of France, Austrii, Novernber the mouth in which he was mind the case of a sword-swal-lower they Will live rent'free and are t :'I Tile gIMAlY milway smash at POT, Russia -and Prussia, bssed on the dOc' born. who used to perform uutsitle, public- cpivo special %yejkly Halibut are ovailable In greatest J11 A. FOX, 9. C, D. 04 4auantities from June to Seoptembor. Chiropractic locates and removes % when two trains tried trine of the divine rights of kings. lie Writes down the number of th(l Illouses, thrusting i formidable blade various foodstuffs, as we.1 tstabiacen, ter, Indian, to pass over the same %pot on a rall- One of the hilightest Pag0s Of Eng- month, 11, tbell inultipli" this by Haltbut are available all the year the 0ause, of disease; nature hea-18. way crosl�ln- At the same time 1141 history, thought Dr. -Stewart, wa,; two making 22. lie next adds five, several feet long down his thrOat as I beer and a clothing al:ow-ance. In iaround, being 'most plentiful on the 01ilromaatle is the only aild original often as lit-, admiring Audience' re- I should k7ttrely do something towarda the resolve to stand by the United mak 27. -hl, MOMV theY will got only $1 a wook adjuAment. Faf - Ing I � he multiplits by Yet tilts re- each, Atlantic from June -to Decembev; and oyston, of 8inal walting ul� the country to"the neces� 'Statel In Repudiation of this doctrim, in " , 1,2ZO; lie thpli adds his quired him to do so. A,*I but I, haadful of tflv� " P-en.t. of all cases. aking Sur- worlor.i agroed �to aecept tile Klliga oil the J'acifle, rfrom May to Noveni- P alifled graduate of sity for doing away with level orcz- and Ili defence of the republics of doubtabl,� slcc-l-oater died from Ilj�lettv:o)nllyl fully age, 17, making 1,2167, and flually..focation at; a result of i;wallowlug I. <Zfer 1&4 being a priletIall -,()I ber. both chlrolwactiolland Osteopathy in ti I ng 9. It, is unlikely that this gen- South America. President 'Munroe ubstra.pts,"SCM, leaving 1,002. 1 utioll (;f North Iluron. I aC- Ilin high jwk,.e git-traflon. I'llono, 191. , small fish -bone. Tllpr,- Is au About Maokorol vrati,ni will see the elhuluation of did,not join Great Britain In pro- This Is the total given you, and I count vi;f 9, Sp'-nb,,h Imll-fighter who 'Maelcorel, also u(,,eft quite oxtell- 11,0111ts, 2-5 and 7-8 p.m. ordinavy grade, crosc.Ingi, but vn- inuIr to It you add 115, giving a, result -of I had olrned consideralp reputo 'Ill on"L! ,ating such doctrine, but made doubtedly wliere two railway liaei lits o-wili proclamation in December, 1,117. YOU are now able to annolinCA' Avely. aro evught On the Atlantic Tho big "LESS PHY'l t.rwg ea(A other on tho same grade 1823. The thdienge qf 'Germany lit that the person Vas born In Novem quartor x.f Spain only to rec,)ive a from Nay to Nov(,.m:b(w, DRUG 8 CIAN 'e-p- t'vlro, cnht to 1�e .�opar�tion. The 11414 'breii,7,1A 13ritrift and Ille VoltPA fatal klek from a young steer oll the itins ceme,in May Ind Juno, and S. bF.-r and that 1h; auge Is 17. OSTEOPATHY farm (1 one of lik, frL�n(hi. A sbui- tember Ind October. .1 of n T the' Whenever three figures appear Ili ,xp�?use would �be slight 4 onee I o e together for V a "I'Lo larly unIneky end was Unat of a cir- I COUNTER 141nolts, tat times quite populir, OTC 'glopared with the cust of guch ae, of goodwill oil e rth, tile aiftswi% only tho f1rqt figure To- DR. F, A. PARKER <-idents a q `,tatc�s. lie declar( fers. to the mouth. Suppose. t1 I o' tus perforiner whose particular feat A fishod. from October to lVe.bruary J)ut tillf4; nild, tb(-y recgr liotin- United V -d, "Was go- Wag to plunge lut*'a pond, ("llained I I'bfra 08100pathle PhysiciAn, ouly qualified frequently. They are not De�rba;pz all Ing to start on 1,1110 goodwill matter I are obtained In greatest nun 030opath In North Huron. ,11 the V.ame V number given you should be miiiu% 6, and maimeled. and liberate !himself HE C K during Downilber and January. AdJu9tinent of tho spine to raoro I ace, jLnd tilt, c;,tmo peo- ot 'high lioau on 1farch 401, next. and you add 115, 11141ztftg 10" tll(> �beforo appearing on the surface. It Is very useful to keel) these quicklysecured and with f.ewer tr.eat. plo 111, 11 �Iy Only Ilave one experience, whan N*Varren Ganilliel 11ardilig wi mouth would be January and th ago., but On,? is sufflc!elit. To take a oil a flU."Unfe 14bla taLln thp oath (" While taking a Ualft one f�Venlng this tk fact.,4 In mind,, Ibecauqe, naturally, Inents than by any other mothod. to b3 office as prosident of the, Vult.., performer took'a, dive Into a river Buono when tile 'auDIlly In great tho rotall 'Blood pressure and other exslujna� clianee of this kind appe(wo and, becoming entangled Ill GOIlle tions mada. mrre tho. we-1knkiss VOL tile MilrOad StAtCs." 111'ardilIg had. bcen crLtt(Js,,tI We are agentg for the Apple. pillee Is lower thAll at OdWr perlodg. A -it disonses treated, uorpnraltinn. t!,' -1M, of anY otheit. It It for writn; 4 let-iler eupro's-snx gopil In 1784 the territory now known weeds, lost bis life, ford Counter 0heck Book 'Clo. A 4lart similar to Clio above, kept OFFICE 1OVZR CHRISTIVS ST40RS. -9 true. that. A 10rig tilHO �O.11etlmw fe1owship Aur bAtaln because, It wal" as N*pw Drunsw.lck was snparated -See our sl6r4pbm and get Conveniently at lland, should provC, fee (Id lftbO a TtusAlan rallivay statlorv� ,ire =,u- 'prices bcforo ord6ring. of good service to but F&)ncr or later thfte lar- taid, oCim* rlitianq would immediate- from XoV4 $LCOtIft Wid 0 t me ALY about two miles from the town tile howoewffel 4. 101 blunder A,1(1 I I)r b"in, to Plot againat, F"ehdthlp pro"nae, under Its pr(I'l3elt III . THE WWOHAM ADVANIt011, Without difficulty she �CGuld m4ke, it ddo -which wtL,8 the 1b st 11811 t I ur- rives the Ine-,itib' they merve­this qvq a, pr�eantilon e a ) %; TtA f*st L001ARture, Of NOW STIlub- agatnid fim vaupri,'A by spark% from WIn0*m, Ord. 1110rO C0MPrPh0A1dv#. She would, Chase for each meat d rin th i:atv-dy. Tho f,,o4jpinuttan ot the rall- Iv, L Aight W� as finest thing In the 'I u g e wSys V.4 the pi bl`k h2ve b"I a Tital - V,41d ud It* "QuItty**60 4*01 t4w%� #Jt d7fiw&rk, a-*; Via .1jeomotivC.S. without visiting tile fic.L11 store, de. -Veek, IRZ, L