The Wingham Advance, 1921-05-05, Page 7ft
Thursday, May Sth. it
I I I — 0, '"Ps"pom
Arcola, Sask, April 25th,
B. o
c I o The Winglaam Advance.
WingliaM, Ont.
Dear Sir. -
I have just picked up a Wingbain A4-
nre under date of February 17th., 1921,
n which you have contributed an article
)a a chum and friend of yours in the -
Arson of Joe Stalker. The writer was
)orn in Auburn, and attended the school
,bout a mile and f, east of tv e village,
aid,�as very pleasant recollections of Joe,
Ind p articularly his rendering'or "Bruce
and the 10�pider" and only a week ago I was
Aling a friend of mine here, that never
aiave I heard such a splendid rendering of
e above subject, as that by a school
nate of mine by the name of Joe Stalker,
and I can see him yet as he amounted the
up in the big rocim, turned and made a
)ow, and commenced, when he arrived to
.bat part "the Spiqer up there defied- dis-
�air, he conquered, and why shouldn't P
a actor gave it the dromatic, emphases
,tbat Joe could give it, and it bas; remained
to me until this day. It is over 30 years
since I saw Joe last, and as I try to look
back to the past, and our school boy days
at old No. 5, 1 think it was, I have to
associate those days with Joe Stalker,
In those 30 years I have completely lost
track of as to what he was doing, exetpt
to know that he was teaching near Gode.
rich, and Whiteclaureb, and I have no
hesitation in saying, that from the. found.
ation laid in that old school, he raised up
i superstructor perfect is its parts and
Aonorable to the Builder, I must assume
IkOM Y0'Pr article, that Joe made good,
lInd Ohich I am delighted to hear, if you
kave the Came at your disposal, I would
W to kear from you.
Yours Respectively
Recently a yell known resident of
i Wingbana drew our attention to one of the
�evils that exist here as in almost every
,other place, Owners of corner lots are
!the chief victims. These owners for the
most part, have well kept lawns, and
many of them do not put up unsightly
fences, allowing a free view of the beauty
of their place. But there are some people
who thoughtlessly take advantsge of the
thert cut'across thellawn rather then zo
around by the side walk. That iq not Ro
serious in the winter as at th2 present
time, when the lawn i5.soft and soggy and
the impreseof each foot mark is left deep
in the Ipwn leaving a serious sear there.
It should be the aim of every citizen no
matter how old or young, to do every.
thing possible to encourage beautifying
the town. Beauty attracts beauty and
well kept lawns of private individuals are
an asset to the whole community. Pe6ple
should help a propertv owner who takes
on itl1krest in beautifying the surround -
I * 71'nstead of carelessly making it
barder for him to keep his property in
good condition, Keep off the grass as
much as possible. particularly while the
ground is wet. Children playing ball on
the street and running over one old gen-
tleman's lawn and -shouting thoughtlessly
while his wife i's sick in a room nearby is
a matter of greaf annoyanoe- to'him,
(The Khan in Toronto Telegram)
The perfumes of far Araby
gre sweet, so -learned travellers tell,
But there's a perfume dear to me -
The homey, h6mey wooctsey smell.
The wealth of w;ods where creepers cling,
Where buds of Balm of Gilead 4well
The wandroug-robe of early spring,
Is perfumed with the woodsey smell.
There's Perfume in each hazel switch.
There's perfume in the gr6wink leeks,
And I can smell the pig -nuts rich,
That swell the cheery chipmunk's
Upon this log the lichens bunk,
Before the breeze each leaflet nods,
On Yonder stump a bit of punk
kilb"rning incense to the gods.
The dark. dank leaves are damp and deep.
The buds lift up their modest heads
The flowersawaken from their sleep.
Do kick the blankets -from their beds.
Their little tombs were dark and stilto
Their little tombs were lone and torn,
Hark! Prom a tafgh.-a heavenly hill
The laughing Gabriel blows his horn!
Ah! You can Purchase when you will I
A bottled rose, but I know well,
NO cunning band shall eer distill
The wide and wondrous woodsey smell.
If YOU would breathe that perfume sweet
That soents the trailing skirts of spring,
Forsake the 6fliceand the street,
And hie there where the bluebirds sing.
The, precious flower that died last fall
CID1110 from her tomb, benign and
And with her tender fingers; small
She thakes a cradle of her grave.
Her little blanket and tier sheet
Are trimmed with lace that's all
Tlw. ang,'11; hilide thpni fair and sweeet
And thp
�m with thtir own per-,
1)rAw SOMY nftr*ftd mark her well,
This little stranger in the sod,
ll�r in her tender breath you smell
Tbo fAr fIff RArdMIR of our God!
oesse, L.Lasicjj_p/.Iesenis�
. F�l
Fbiznded 017 P�irnou& play
A��&pLfc-,d P62, eA�-. saieen 67 JeanieMacPherson
0 PITLENT scenes of a I if e of ease
airiong the titled rich.
BARBARIC scenes o f struggle with
nature on a South Sea Isle.
SPLENDOR of gowns in the draw-
rootris of ultra-fashinnable sets,
COSTOMES of grw;s And skins in sav-
age jungles of the tropics.
LADY 'MAXY, in bath and boudoir, in
ber ances( ral wansion in Ungland,
LADY IIARY, in rags, shrinking from
prowling beasts 0 11, a storin-swel)t
BIt,AUTIVITI, yachting a c e n es on a
placid summer sea,
With a cast Ineluding
3 Days only
Kitchen Overalls are
He Patid His Rent KING SPUD
The Mount lForest Confederate says.
He dropped his nickel on the plate,
an aged resident of the town when asked
Arid meekly raised his eyes,
Thankful his rent was duty paid,
We praise all the flowers in fancy,
to bte-driven to the polls replied that It
had been on the voter's list for over eixtoy-e
For'Mansions in the skies
Slip the. nectar of fruit ere they're peeled,
four years; that he had always been well
Died In Indianapolis
Ignoring the common old tater
When, in fact, he's the King of the
and able, and made it a point to cast his
The death of Annie Morris Wraith,
ballot at every election, and although
voting in two countiq sometimes on the
widow Of the late Peter Parker took place
Let us show the old boy we esteem him,
same day, never misted a single vote,
at her home in Indianapolis, Indiana, on
Sort of dig him up out of the mud:
municipal or otherwise, in all those Years.
Sunday evening, April 29th,
Let's show him he shares our e*tions
In the early days according to law, voting
Mrs. Parker has been Ill of pneumonia
And crown him with glory -"King
lasted two days and by an open vote it
for only a few days and was 53 years of
was generally known on the evening of
age. She resided for some years in Kin,
the first day'and In a close contest a vigor.
loss township, near Langside, Her
husband died over twenty-five years ago,
Use Our Phone More
ous canvas was made during vie night.
itewinpanied by the rattling purge and
Mrs, Parker is survived by two daughters
Do you live In the country? It so, and
the shaking of the whisky bottle, and
residing in Indianapolis and three brothers
You have personal items, call us up, We
some wore loaded up and concealed some -
and three sisters, vz: -Geo. ' Wraith,
Wingham; Robt. and Wa4i� Wraith, Lang-
want all the news items, big or little from
town and country. It doein't make any
where in the back -ground, and others
were hidden away in cellars and kept
side; Mrs, Culbert,. Dungannon; Mrs.
difference whether we have a correspond-
there until the following day and t1w let
Walter J. Scott and Mrs. Dekell, Lang-
ent in your locality. or not. They may
out. It was a great relief when thi-raw
side. Mrs, Dekell reached the bedside of
miss an item, so* call us up. We don't
was changed to one day's polling and� the
her sister a few hours prior to her passing
mind being bothered. Live country news
ballot system was introduced. In all
away. Many friends will extend sincere
is what wre after, and it is acceptable
those years there was not the illegal tra.
sympathy to the bereaved family. The
from any 'quarter, and from any rjerson,
fficking, in intoxicating beverages as in
remains were interred in the family plot]
whether a subscriberto THE ADVANCE
the year 1920, We hope for better things
in the Indianapolis cemetery,
oesse, L.Lasicjj_p/.Iesenis�
. F�l
Fbiznded 017 P�irnou& play
A��&pLfc-,d P62, eA�-. saieen 67 JeanieMacPherson
0 PITLENT scenes of a I if e of ease
airiong the titled rich.
BARBARIC scenes o f struggle with
nature on a South Sea Isle.
SPLENDOR of gowns in the draw-
rootris of ultra-fashinnable sets,
COSTOMES of grw;s And skins in sav-
age jungles of the tropics.
LADY 'MAXY, in bath and boudoir, in
ber ances( ral wansion in Ungland,
LADY IIARY, in rags, shrinking from
prowling beasts 0 11, a storin-swel)t
BIt,AUTIVITI, yachting a c e n es on a
placid summer sea,
With a cast Ineluding
3 Days only
Say Kitcheles
When You
Buy Overalls
a 0 0 WORK SHIRTS-...
Think of the solid comfort this coat style shirt
means to you.' No ripping, teaving,br fussing. (Just
on and off like a coat,) Extra large and guaranteed
to give perfect wear and satisfaction, all sizes. 14 to
18. Insist o�i Kitchen's (Railroad- Signal) W or It
-0 1 Ae M I LL S
Flour. Feeds and Seeds a Specialty
Our Goods are the Best -Our Ptices�Right.
St Helens attended the funeral of their cousin,
MY AUTO, TIS OF THEE f Mr. Albert Collins. at Armow. on Wod-
We are pleased to report that Mr, uesday.
Aly a�uto 'tis of thee, short road to Rwart McPherson, who has been serious- I On April 19 a baby boy arrived at the
ly ill, arrived home on Priday �roan Rapid home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A. Miller
poverty, of thee I chant, I blew a pile of City, Man. He wasaccompanied on his and on the same day a little girl came to
dough, on you three years ago; now you journey by Miss jean Webb of Calgary, the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Purdon.
refuse togo, orwon'to or can't. Through who will spend a couple of months with Congratulations to the fond parents!
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Webb.
town,or countryside, you were my joy or Mr. Will Scrimgeour of Palmerston,
pride, a happy day. I loved the gaudy Mr. and Mrs. James Durnin attended visited his mother here for a few days
hue, but you*re down and out for true, in the funeral of the late Mrs. Hanna at last week.
e.rery way. To thee$ old rattle -box, came Winghain on Wednesday of last week.
many bumps and knocks, for thee i grieve. Messrs. Edward and Albert Durnin, who
sold their farm to Mr. Jas. Pardon, have Advertising News
Badly the top is torn, frayed are the seats bought a farm on the 12th Concession Of By watching the advertising columns of
and worn; the whooping-cougb affects Ashfield. The best wishes of the com-
thy horn, I do believe. Thy perfume munity go with them to their new home, a newspaper you are enabled to know the
"ells the breeze while good folks choke Rev, C. Cumming and Mr. J. Si Ith e 't conditions of merchantile affairs and
In P '. the eneral prosperity or depression in the
and wheeze as we pass by. I paid for at Catham this week attending the e . I" �
thee a price,'twould buy a mansion twice, byterian Synod. town where that paper is published. You
now everybody's yelling llice"—I wonder Miss Fanny Joynt spent a few days at I can sit at your desk and pick out the
whV? Thy motor has the grip,. the spark Wingliain and Lucknow last week. I live business towns and the dead towns.
plug., have the pip, and woe is thine. 1. Mr. Elmer Woods spent the week -end There is no better index to a toin than
too have suffered chills, fatigue and kin- with his sister, I Mrs. Richard Martin. ! its paper. It is a better criterion to go
Mr. Joynt has engageaMr. Seiager to by, and is considered more so by sagacious
dred ills, endeavoring to pay my billst
'Work for him this season. 'Mr. and Mrs. 1 men than a photograph. It is the enter -
since thou were mine. Gone is my bank Seager and familyarrived from Toronto �
roll now, no more'twould choke the co-, I on'Montlay. . prise of the inhabitants and not the'size
asoncebeforel Yet.iffhadthemon.soi Mr.and . Mir,-, Marviii 'McDowell and !of the buildings thatmake the town.
. I It You may pick up the paper and read at a
help me. John —anion I'd buy a rar again, family, of Westfield, and Miss Co etra,
and speed so ni e �� more—Int ornat ional Clark of Lucknow, spent Sunclw ' y with glance. "We mean business" or "We're
Jouinal of Surgery, their parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. Clark. deader than a stuffed bird", as Plain as
"Mr. and Mrs. Frank Todd, Mr, slid though it were printed in a tea-linie pica
''Airs, D. Todd and Mrs. Ed. McRoberts and red ink across zivery page.
The 24th at Nile
On May 24th., 1921, the biggest, grand.
eat thing ever got off at Nile, will come XXXXXXXIAIVAMAXX XXXIC=XXXXXX
off, all being well. On that day all roads
lead to Nile, as they have done :for many
years on Empire Day, It is not once in
fourty years that Nile people stagt a big
time, but every year, and this will be the N 0 T -I C E.
biggest. Supper supplied by the best
cooks in Canida, and a program ot MUSIC
and elocution to follow. A Teal feait of
of reason and flow of soul. 'Nuff sed. We are now ready for business and
are able to give you the best of ser.
vice on all kinds ot tire repairing.
Miss -tors. Coles entertained 9, numbet
of her friends to a birthday party on Expert Vulcanizing and
Tuesday evening of last Vveek, when a
very enjoyable evening was spent,
on Sunday night a'horse belonging to Re'Lleading
Mr. Thos. Lovell, of the 4th c0nce!isiOnt
broke loose in the shed and ran home.
we did not learn the extent of the
damage. Ask us abouC our guaranteed punctuie
Messrs. Williams and Foster had a proof service.
cement floor laid in their new garage
lastweek by Mr, R. Clegg. The floor,
containit ifto, square feet and was laid in We carry a complete Une of Ure and ae-
16 bouts. Mr. S. Clegg did the work cessorles.
for 8 lo oo, and we oLre informed that a
Pordwith contractor wanted $x3t for the
same, work. Ask for but opiniona, we can 1111minate
your tire troubl&. X
huxa., Fri. and Sat., this we
One, pprforinatice on Thursday And Vriday evening at 8.2o. Two perfotinancOs Saturday night, at 7,30 and 9,30,
Matinee �S&turday at 3,30,
1 Try to come Thuradav or Priday niglits or to A,, this extraordinary lirod=tion (lompristiq
1, 'onle 3
tire 111Atince Saturclay, go as to avoid the Saturday full two houra enmrtahanent, performatictit will
night crowdg. comvi6nce precisely on time.
COMING ondayo Tuesday and W01ke6day nexta, LEROY SCOTrg 1"901
Phones 1* 224.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Alotor Meet" (W aftse IkuJowisht
wiftaha"j, ontado
Wingham Tire and
caming Depot
Uftiork Block wind"MI pwat, 084,
Kitchen Overalls are
comfortable t o wear
and flt like a tailor�d
suit, The extra strong
stitching, double rein.
forcing, and h e a v y
quality material gives
you a #garment t h a t
will stand the hardest
test, and we a r the
Say Kitcheles
When You
Buy Overalls
a 0 0 WORK SHIRTS-...
Think of the solid comfort this coat style shirt
means to you.' No ripping, teaving,br fussing. (Just
on and off like a coat,) Extra large and guaranteed
to give perfect wear and satisfaction, all sizes. 14 to
18. Insist o�i Kitchen's (Railroad- Signal) W or It
-0 1 Ae M I LL S
Flour. Feeds and Seeds a Specialty
Our Goods are the Best -Our Ptices�Right.
St Helens attended the funeral of their cousin,
MY AUTO, TIS OF THEE f Mr. Albert Collins. at Armow. on Wod-
We are pleased to report that Mr, uesday.
Aly a�uto 'tis of thee, short road to Rwart McPherson, who has been serious- I On April 19 a baby boy arrived at the
ly ill, arrived home on Priday �roan Rapid home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A. Miller
poverty, of thee I chant, I blew a pile of City, Man. He wasaccompanied on his and on the same day a little girl came to
dough, on you three years ago; now you journey by Miss jean Webb of Calgary, the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Purdon.
refuse togo, orwon'to or can't. Through who will spend a couple of months with Congratulations to the fond parents!
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Webb.
town,or countryside, you were my joy or Mr. Will Scrimgeour of Palmerston,
pride, a happy day. I loved the gaudy Mr. and Mrs. James Durnin attended visited his mother here for a few days
hue, but you*re down and out for true, in the funeral of the late Mrs. Hanna at last week.
e.rery way. To thee$ old rattle -box, came Winghain on Wednesday of last week.
many bumps and knocks, for thee i grieve. Messrs. Edward and Albert Durnin, who
sold their farm to Mr. Jas. Pardon, have Advertising News
Badly the top is torn, frayed are the seats bought a farm on the 12th Concession Of By watching the advertising columns of
and worn; the whooping-cougb affects Ashfield. The best wishes of the com-
thy horn, I do believe. Thy perfume munity go with them to their new home, a newspaper you are enabled to know the
"ells the breeze while good folks choke Rev, C. Cumming and Mr. J. Si Ith e 't conditions of merchantile affairs and
In P '. the eneral prosperity or depression in the
and wheeze as we pass by. I paid for at Catham this week attending the e . I" �
thee a price,'twould buy a mansion twice, byterian Synod. town where that paper is published. You
now everybody's yelling llice"—I wonder Miss Fanny Joynt spent a few days at I can sit at your desk and pick out the
whV? Thy motor has the grip,. the spark Wingliain and Lucknow last week. I live business towns and the dead towns.
plug., have the pip, and woe is thine. 1. Mr. Elmer Woods spent the week -end There is no better index to a toin than
too have suffered chills, fatigue and kin- with his sister, I Mrs. Richard Martin. ! its paper. It is a better criterion to go
Mr. Joynt has engageaMr. Seiager to by, and is considered more so by sagacious
dred ills, endeavoring to pay my billst
'Work for him this season. 'Mr. and Mrs. 1 men than a photograph. It is the enter -
since thou were mine. Gone is my bank Seager and familyarrived from Toronto �
roll now, no more'twould choke the co-, I on'Montlay. . prise of the inhabitants and not the'size
asoncebeforel Yet.iffhadthemon.soi Mr.and . Mir,-, Marviii 'McDowell and !of the buildings thatmake the town.
. I It You may pick up the paper and read at a
help me. John —anion I'd buy a rar again, family, of Westfield, and Miss Co etra,
and speed so ni e �� more—Int ornat ional Clark of Lucknow, spent Sunclw ' y with glance. "We mean business" or "We're
Jouinal of Surgery, their parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. Clark. deader than a stuffed bird", as Plain as
"Mr. and Mrs. Frank Todd, Mr, slid though it were printed in a tea-linie pica
''Airs, D. Todd and Mrs. Ed. McRoberts and red ink across zivery page.
The 24th at Nile
On May 24th., 1921, the biggest, grand.
eat thing ever got off at Nile, will come XXXXXXXIAIVAMAXX XXXIC=XXXXXX
off, all being well. On that day all roads
lead to Nile, as they have done :for many
years on Empire Day, It is not once in
fourty years that Nile people stagt a big
time, but every year, and this will be the N 0 T -I C E.
biggest. Supper supplied by the best
cooks in Canida, and a program ot MUSIC
and elocution to follow. A Teal feait of
of reason and flow of soul. 'Nuff sed. We are now ready for business and
are able to give you the best of ser.
vice on all kinds ot tire repairing.
Miss -tors. Coles entertained 9, numbet
of her friends to a birthday party on Expert Vulcanizing and
Tuesday evening of last Vveek, when a
very enjoyable evening was spent,
on Sunday night a'horse belonging to Re'Lleading
Mr. Thos. Lovell, of the 4th c0nce!isiOnt
broke loose in the shed and ran home.
we did not learn the extent of the
damage. Ask us abouC our guaranteed punctuie
Messrs. Williams and Foster had a proof service.
cement floor laid in their new garage
lastweek by Mr, R. Clegg. The floor,
containit ifto, square feet and was laid in We carry a complete Une of Ure and ae-
16 bouts. Mr. S. Clegg did the work cessorles.
for 8 lo oo, and we oLre informed that a
Pordwith contractor wanted $x3t for the
same, work. Ask for but opiniona, we can 1111minate
your tire troubl&. X
huxa., Fri. and Sat., this we
One, pprforinatice on Thursday And Vriday evening at 8.2o. Two perfotinancOs Saturday night, at 7,30 and 9,30,
Matinee �S&turday at 3,30,
1 Try to come Thuradav or Priday niglits or to A,, this extraordinary lirod=tion (lompristiq
1, 'onle 3
tire 111Atince Saturclay, go as to avoid the Saturday full two houra enmrtahanent, performatictit will
night crowdg. comvi6nce precisely on time.
COMING ondayo Tuesday and W01ke6day nexta, LEROY SCOTrg 1"901
Phones 1* 224.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Alotor Meet" (W aftse IkuJowisht
wiftaha"j, ontado
Wingham Tire and
caming Depot
Uftiork Block wind"MI pwat, 084,