HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-05-05, Page 6I
&Tdom has a car won such immediate and widespread
pularity as the Gray -Dort with ilts new and wonderfully
eautiful bodies.
0 Everyone who has viewed this body'Aest'gri has spoken of
the Gray -Dort as the unquestioned style leader of its field.
It has been instantly lifted into the class of car� c �'ting at
least $700 more.
rr r From a value standpoint, the new Gray -Dort has not a rival.
rrrr It is the motor car sensation of 19 2 1 .
rrrr T6 new model is now on view. You are urged to see
it at once.
Thitiday, May sth, loll
16*r's Chatr" for Canada
ker's. Obsk Wbieb, is be. A
JMQU155 01 1 10mraons, auring me surnw
The gift..has been tendered by the
.4anors as igan abiding token of good
Mill between both Parliaments,), and,
'kaii been gratefully accepted as such
ftthe Canadian House of Commons,
e chair is qu exact
�kg of the
%eaker's Chair in the House of
�ammons �(destgned by Pugin, who
asi Barry's assistant in the build.
�zigtof the New Palace of Westmihs,
'ter), which has been used since the
occupation of the present chamber
by the Commons in,1852. Like the
rl n P erepes,is a eat ul
exa. I of carve oak. It st s
13ft. 61 ., su outited by a canopy S
earin t e oyal Arms which are
'ace of old oak taken
carve in a
ir the roof of Westminster Hall.
The seat of the chair is upholstered
in green leather. The right jamb of
— "Manus
the chair is inscribed: Z
memor et fidelis anens
11U0Snt0a0i111arr11d115ij1; i1nd on the left jamb
is inscribed: "Nee prece nee
pretio; libertad in legibus; hostis
-honor! invidia; laus Deo.11
The replica was executed by
Messrs. Harry Hems and Sons, of (By Courtesy of the C.P.R,)
Exeter, under the direction of Sir to the Crown—there were two old
Frank Baines, of the Office of and bulky armchairs standing guard,
Works. It was recently on view one at each side of the fireplace;
at the rooms,of the EmpfTe Parlia- they were chiefly remarkable for
mentary Association, Westminster their lumbering size and gaunt, in -
Hall, when the Speaker and a large convenient form, and visitors, al -
party a' Lords and Commons, were ways curious as to their history,
received by Sir 11. dEville, secretary were told they were the chairs of
of the association, and Mr. T, Wil- the House of Commons in which
son. Clerk of Works and Deputy Addingtoi) had sat as Speaker. He
Keeper of Westminster I Hall. Ac- originally possessed three of these-
companying the chair is a framed ' chairs. He presided over the House
rall of parchment, ornamentally in- of Commons in three consecutive
scribed as follows:— Parliamen and had the distinction.
replica of 'the Speakers of being ta
"This t e f irst Speaker of the
Chair in the House of Commons, at Commons of the United Kingdom on
Westminster, is herewith presented their assembly, on January 22', 1801,
to the Rouse of Commons at Ot- after the Union with Ireland. One
tawa by the Uniteidl Kingdom branch of the chairs disappeared, Dean Pel -
of the Empire Parliamentary As- low says, and the mystery of its
soeiation, comprising members of fate w�.s never solved.
both Houses a . s a fitting symbol of The chair of the first �Speaker of
the great Klamentary tradition the first reformed House of Com.;
which binds togethtr the free na- mons is in the Parliament House of
tions of the British Commonwealth." the Commonwealth of Australia at',
The scroll is signed;.— "Eirken- Melbourne. It is the chair that was
bead, Lord Ohancellor; James W. provided for the temporary chamber
Lowther, Speaker of the House of in whicli'the House of Commons sat
Commons, Joint President, Empire after the fire of 1834, and was taken'
Parliamentary Association, United away as his perquisite by Charles
Kingdom branch, Westminster Hall." Matiners-Sutton when he completed,
Formerly the Canadian Speaker, late in 1834, his long term of office
p leaving office, was entitled to as Speaker. Manners -Sutton's son.
tie awAT the . chair in which'he sat took the chair out to Melbourne
as a ��huisite, but this perquisite when he was a6ointed Governor of
will now be lost. It is probable that Victoria, and presented itfto the
there are some of the chairs of the Legislative Assembly, whose succes-,
old English House of Commons still sive Speakers sat in it for many,
in exisitpuce in country mansions. years. In course of time another
Dean Pillew, in his blogTaphy of chair was substituted for it and at
Lord Sidmouth (Henry Addington), the inauguration of the dommon-
irelates that in the dining -room of wealth in 1901 it was placed — with
AVhite Lodge, Richmond Park-- a a brass plate recording its& history
�bouse given by George 111. to Sid- — in the House of llepresentatives
i . guouth in appreciation of his services for the use of the Speaker.
Thursday, April 14th. It seems that Mr. on the adjoining farm, his room was
Stanley and his wife were absent at the searched and S�o in cath was found in be -
time attending the wedding of a brQther, tween two ticks on his bed. He was ar-
and on their return home found that their rested and brought before Magistrate Mc -
house had been ransacked, and $100 which Kenzie at Kincardine on Tuesday after,
Mr. Stanley had left in his pants upstairs noon, and as he claimed he bad $35 in
was taken. His bam also had been set cash when he came to Stanley's, biA could
on fire during their absence and complete- not give a satisfactory account of how he
ly destroyed, together with a horse, seven came by the balance of the $80, he was
head of cattle. a large number of fowl and rem4nded 'to the Walkerton jail until -
a lot of hay, grain, implements, etc. A Monaay next, when his hearing will be
detective was put to work on the jot) again resti cardine. In the
,Ted in Kin
ferreting out the mystery, and is suspic- meantime he detective is working stren-
ions for the t�eft rested op young Daniel, uously on the fire mystery.—Walkerton
whoworked for Stanley'p brother, Sarn-)Tirnes.
The Red Cross
Carries On—Ayhy ?
Because of demands made upon it
in dealing with the terrible after.
math of disease and suftering which
always follows war.
2. Because of the serious health coll-
ditions revealed by the war—more
than half of our Canadian young
manhood untit for combatant mili-
tary service.
3. Because an international confer-
ence of medical experts; realizing
that voluntary organization was
necessary as an aid to Governments
in solving the ' \vorld's health prob-
lems, decided that "no other or.
ganization i's so wall prepared to
undertAke, 1.1tese great responsibili-
ties as the ned Cross," and that
dino, movernent deserves tnore *e
hearty and enthusiastic support of
all people than does this."
'n,hron with your local Red Cross liratioli or I,'mrounic,nt, ('111111111ttoe,
,or, if there is none in your community, With the ontario llr(ivinetal
Invislon, 416 SHLAItOURNE ST111,17-IT, TOXWN.'To.
Canadian Red Cross, Society
Ontario Division
....... .. .
q 5N
`Z- 0
'GRAY D0.11R,.%T MOT'"ORS, LIMITED Chatharzz� Ontario
To the hunter on the plain,
flavored with furniture varnish. and for
I ance was $6C58, while i n the urban I 1;ng for higher, better things,
to me
Even so, in owmortal journey
sleeping quarters he has the choice of
hanging himself on a book in the hall,
schools the average cost per -enrolled
pupil was $32.58, and per pupil in attend
� Than earth presents
To rise on faith!s aspiring wings,
I G.Whittiter's Poem.
The bitter north wind blow
And thus, upicia life's red river
draping his manly form over the back of
ance $46-25.
And walk and talk with Thee.
iod in, tM river is winding
Tht links of its long red chain
Our hearts as oarsman row,
a chair or curling up in the kitchen sink.
When it is all over he finds that the loca t-
I want the living Christ to
Forever in my soul
belt of dusky pine -land
And when the angel of shadows
ion of almost everything in the house, ex." HYMN BY DR. FORD
That I in all things may excel
Azd gusty of plain.
Rests his foet on wave and shore
cepting the windows and do5rs, has been,j
And Thou possess the whole.
And our eyes grow dim with watcting
changed.—Harriston Review. Brother Of Rev. J. E, Ford Of Gode-
S. D. F.
p#ly at timft a smoke -wroath
And our heart faint at the oar.
rich Celebratirig Slat Birthday on
With the driffint ckmA wrack joint.
Happy is he who Iteareth
Monday, Composes Hymn
smoke f the hupting-lodges
(K the wild Atsinaboities.
The signal forhis release
In the bells of theHoly City
WALrrn_STiNaox—At the home of the
blaw* the uortk,�Wwd
The chimes of Eternal Peace.
The Barrie Examiner
The folliwing hymn was recently re--
oeived bv the Rev. J. E. Ford, It was
brides parents, on Wednesday, April
21th, 1021, by the Rev. A. McKibbon,
a tl�.* land of ice and sww.
The wide disparity between the assist-
compoqed within the last month by his
S. A., Gladys May, youngest daughter
that 1wk 91 weary,
i ance given to the rural and urban Public
brothee, S. P. Yard. No P. of Xo�wodd.
his 81st birthday
of Mr. and Mrs. William Stinson, Gorrie
Aad Nwvy the bonds tW irolt.
the Government is clearly get
Tb:vDdctor celebrates
ont., to Preston Thorold Walker, of
with one foot on the water
The annual satutnalia —4f disorder and I out in a rectataddress by Inspector Libby
of Dufferin County before the Dufferin
an April 18tb, and hopes also to colebrat'd
a. % ictory Pir the Referendum Committee
Walkerton, son of the late Charles and
Mrs. Walker, of Milverton.
And one upon the shore
toap-tuds in which all good housewivft In Dufferm,.
Educational Associaition.
in itis town, and is still practising his pro-
ATWe of sl*dow gives Warning
Tkgt day shall be no more,
delightfulb mvel at this "aeon, is now in 1 the rural schools received $14,OM per fe-sir.on.
our mift. ot rather we are in its midat - n
an um, while the town and village schools 140l* ma. all God, Thou source of goodt
Burns, as modernized by the Chicago
t it a clang of wild! geeft?
House-cleafting time is here, and the mit- I receive only $540. In other words the
TO render Thee 'I by due
I TrLI una: 1#0 wad some power tho giftie gie
led -to see their legs as others me 'eml
the of the rathwW
I tress with fire in her eye, W mouth 'full rural schools received five tithes as much
of tackit, * smudge on her nose, marshals in grants as the town 9chools, in propor.
Cif love, and praise and gratitudQ
Formorcies ever new.
I It Wad from many a short tkirt free'em.
koda to voice
ber forces to do battle against her implac- tiori to the tcgclwg employed Further,
Tk* t*M of 4 far-od bell.
I F�oux toarly ma?h till eventide
i and foolish notittri that toothpicks and
piano legs inspire devotion to.
vw*gwrs "it aad 14041
ble and inddu6us enemy—dirt. TheO the Intpector sbowod tbat ru�o
am: v1w is browbeaten, gcolded or rAjoll- ff are costing more per pupil than the town
Ot each successive day,
To the Sound that grow$ APM:
ed into the affray, and spends his spave and villace schools and that in spite nf the
Be Thou in v even failing guide
Charged With Theft
t1*1 know the vt*W ringing
1 wakeful awmrits, a d some hours that "tra cwt they were not doing as efficknt
Ilool; liftto��4 Changing way
Maw Edward Datfid, a Kincardine lad
Ot tha b" o( SL Boafam
Awld be drfded to Aftpw in Witting *ock. He also stated that the average
zeaeb me, Olt Lord, bow best to serve
f"tt*W years of *go, wait hwght to tb4
b& ot tM RawA mil"
am hva tb* torrow k*ttin,
aroots, carrying ittshos, IMift furAftwe I OW 1w emdj4Unt puAl In the 48 rural
*ad tkmiW stauft to bit rewarded with I whoah of Dufthis CoQ*y wt* $A54
* Thy purpose here bolow-
lrt�r.un Wi%doalo pathway Wer loswerve
Walktrton ja on Tualtday *Iht charged
with "ling $100 &M thit haft %0( Mr,
ftok Stanley the Ath CM. Btu(* (N.
bast*004 On the rivor.
bxpbawd mok *wn oel a window-silt'ad, the sver"t cot W p*1 in jktterxt f1mt onward, Upward SO.
Thursday, April 14th. It seems that Mr. on the adjoining farm, his room was
Stanley and his wife were absent at the searched and S�o in cath was found in be -
time attending the wedding of a brQther, tween two ticks on his bed. He was ar-
and on their return home found that their rested and brought before Magistrate Mc -
house had been ransacked, and $100 which Kenzie at Kincardine on Tuesday after,
Mr. Stanley had left in his pants upstairs noon, and as he claimed he bad $35 in
was taken. His bam also had been set cash when he came to Stanley's, biA could
on fire during their absence and complete- not give a satisfactory account of how he
ly destroyed, together with a horse, seven came by the balance of the $80, he was
head of cattle. a large number of fowl and rem4nded 'to the Walkerton jail until -
a lot of hay, grain, implements, etc. A Monaay next, when his hearing will be
detective was put to work on the jot) again resti cardine. In the
,Ted in Kin
ferreting out the mystery, and is suspic- meantime he detective is working stren-
ions for the t�eft rested op young Daniel, uously on the fire mystery.—Walkerton
whoworked for Stanley'p brother, Sarn-)Tirnes.
The Red Cross
Carries On—Ayhy ?
Because of demands made upon it
in dealing with the terrible after.
math of disease and suftering which
always follows war.
2. Because of the serious health coll-
ditions revealed by the war—more
than half of our Canadian young
manhood untit for combatant mili-
tary service.
3. Because an international confer-
ence of medical experts; realizing
that voluntary organization was
necessary as an aid to Governments
in solving the ' \vorld's health prob-
lems, decided that "no other or.
ganization i's so wall prepared to
undertAke, 1.1tese great responsibili-
ties as the ned Cross," and that
dino, movernent deserves tnore *e
hearty and enthusiastic support of
all people than does this."
'n,hron with your local Red Cross liratioli or I,'mrounic,nt, ('111111111ttoe,
,or, if there is none in your community, With the ontario llr(ivinetal
Invislon, 416 SHLAItOURNE ST111,17-IT, TOXWN.'To.
Canadian Red Cross, Society
Ontario Division