The Wingham Advance, 1921-05-05, Page 4t
man for the position he holds. Tlanhing You very much Mr. 1,41tor I
his lieutenant, for your ind Patience and wishing , ;
a r. Del
,rn Clarke, member for Northumberland ADVANCK continued success as the past I
I remain. 0
(Continued) by "T,,paliom a merchant, about sixty I
y 0 age 'a
F' then, the Premier, Ernest Charles eare u1te witty—an Irishman I Very sincerely, I
Irs I
Your Battery JNo. Aityou% 4
MM.- -honz I)rury. whose age will be somewhere in should When he speaks it is gen- I
Needsles the forties. He is of medium height, well erally r us, using sacred and pro- I
built, pleasant, upright and honest look- fane language well mixed togvther. Which Is Which 0
i0. As he takes his seat at five minutes One of the most pleasing speakers is The Toronto World has gone to the 1.
WHETHER il' tI� It to three o'clock, in a grey suit of clothes, the Rev. J. C. Tolmle, member for Wind- I
Limbo of departed newspapers, It has j
or not, 79ur storage battery therg is no mistaking him for anyone else, scir, a Presbyterian minister, He knows been the habit to speak of Toronto'sthree i
must have reg,4ar attention if it's for he walks in like a leader of men. Now well when to speak and when to keep morning Papers as the World, the Flesh, 1
going to contfAut giving sure starts while his appearance impresses one fav- silence and when he does 6peak he says and the Devil. Whether the latter name
and bright hodlights. more accurately describes the Mail or
Doret wait ftx trouble to develop. ourably, it is when be speaks that be ex- something well worth listening to.
prest-O-Lite Service will k"p,)rour ci�ls, drawing the attention at once. His the Globe will depend upon the politics of 1
batterY healthy and ward off unneces- voice is splendid, every word distinct, and Another prominent liberal is I W. the umpire.
gar Currie, a Crown lawyer, He is a very
, y repair bills.
Even if you haven!t a sturdy, power- he is pleasant to listen to. In listening good speaker but inclined to be pompous,
ful Prest-O-Lite Battery in Your car to him speak lie impresses one as being charitable in his remarks Blyth
but he is fair and
now some day you will have, so come sincere and fair in his views, not at all generally, Definite plans are not laid for the
in a�d get acquainted with the service dogmatic, yet firm, for he won't be im- opening of the new Memorial Community
that lengthens any battery's life. posed upon when he knows he's; right. Still another Liberal lawyer that has Hall. on Sunday June Sth., a union
1R02)Z'RT-V0.)V & 1fFCX-F,'R IButhe hasahard 'Place to fill and has made a n , ame for himself I . ately is R. L. service will be held, on Sunday and the
The Garage for Service. very little help from some of his followers, Brackin, member for Kent, who pleaded following three evenings will be given to
efended the Rev. Spracklin in a series of splendid cocerts. Blyth may
So far lie has proven himself capable and for and d well feel proud of the new hall, one of
It he oc- his recent trial at Windscr. He has a the finest structures of its kind in West -
worthy of the high position tha commanding way of speaking—fast and ern Ontario.
a Ar cuples. with good effect. Mr. Fred sloman gave an illustrated
Opposite the Premier, across the floor M. M, McBride of Brantford. who was lecture on "The Merchant of Venice"
sits Hartley H. Dewart. leader of the in the Methodist Church lost Tuesday
K among the Labour members at first but . ug. Air. Slornau is a member of
Liberal Party, by profession, a lawyer, is a,_ event
&Ozve is now posing among the Liberals the Continuation Class Staff and an able
and son of a Methodi,t minister. His ways ready to talk on any subject—some- public speaker.
Toice is not as strong as some of the thing like Talkative in Pilgrim's Progress, Special Sunday School Anniversary
members, yet when he s�eaks he is always services were held in the Methodist
MISS sure of a hearing for he generally knows he wants to talk becouse he has nothing Church last Sunday, May ist. Rev.
ood to say. Manson Doyle B. A. of Toronto, assist -
what he is talking about, a very g Then there are two or more farmers ant secretary of Sunday Schools for the
among the Liberals, J. Calder, member -Dominion, was present and del ivered two
for Oxford, and J. M, Governlock, mem- very, inspiring addresses The morning
ber for Centre Huron, who seldom speak his text was "What manner of man shall
this child be"? and in the evening he
but are always in their places. spoke to young people on the "Spirit of
In the Conservative group, the Hon. Power". rhere was a big Rally in the
Cleaning Up Adjustments Howard Ferguson, member for Grenville, aftepoon and at the end of the general
Nit. Doyle gave a talk to chil.
takes first place. One of the Cabinet "s"op"
dren on the ,sense of direction". The
ministers in the late Hearst Governments day was greatly enjoyed.
'Brotherhood will pre -
Adjustments on faulty tires rarely Satisfy be is a lawyei by choice, and has more to The Methodist
—they are annoying too, and take time. say than any other member in the House sent I 'The Corner Store" in the Industry
Except in the case of Ames Holden with the exception perhaps, of the At_ Hall on the evening of May 24tb.
"Auto -Shoes" torney-General. He has a very exalted Mr. Vrank Metcalf is in attendance at
opinion of himself and the Party having the Synod held in London this week.
Mr. Thomas Wallace, held a very sue -
Should the necessity for an adjustment arise said that they possessed all the brains in cessful auction sale of household effects
Ames Holden ' Auto -Shoe", an the House, that may be right but the re- on Saturday, Mr. James Taylor was the
on any r. and Mrs. Wallace and
obviously honest effort *ill be made to meet mark would have been as well unsaid. auctioneer. M
you--frauldy and fairly, without quibble or red Surely the Farmers and Liberals have family intend leaving in a few- days for
Newark, New Jersey where they will re -
tape. some. side.
Goderich District Convention will be
The Hon. G. S. Henry who was also a ethodist Church Tuesday
Cabinet Minister in the late Government held in the M
AMES HOLDEN being Minister of Agriculture, seldom and Wednesday, May 17th. and i8th.
Rev. T. Anderson of Clinton, is Presid-
ing Officer of the district.
"AUTO -SHOES" The Hon. Thomas Crawford, Member
for North Toronto, one of the ablest men
in the House at the time and who
Cord and Fabric Tires in all was atone time Speaker of the House, A NUMBER
Standard Sizes commands the attention of all when ON YOUR BACK
speaking. He is a retired gentleman and
"Grey Sox"' Tubes iv or Sale By "Red Sox" nbes the oldest member in the House at pres- HAVE YOU
19. Merkley & Sons, Phone 84, and Geo. T. Robertson, Phone 192, Wingham. ent I would think. LOOKED SINCE MORNING
Dr. Forbes Godfrey, son of a Methodist
and WinghaM Tire and Vulcanizing Depot, Phone 298. preacher, once stationed. at Belgrave, Ont.
and Member for York, has brought several Dr.- Margaret C. Calder
bills into the House.
Colonel J. E. Thompson, Member for General Practitioner
NortnEast Toronto, the man with the Gradu
ate University of Toronto, Facult5
Z -
of Medicine.
red face and who is always ready to laugh
A Office:—Jo, -south ci
at a joke when it is not on him is a very
�ephine St.. two door -
Brunswick Hotel.
pleasant man to meet and to talk with.
Telephones — Office 281, Residence 151
Now just a word olo6ut tha Member for
NorthHuron. Youwillbe interested in
him, so I need not describe him as you all
know him. I met him the first afternoon
I went �up to the House and had a talk
Ui,q, KZ Td th him about Wingham. He handed TENDERS FOR COAL
me a ticket for the Speakers' Gailery and
'DERS %ddressed to the nudei
-7 wanted me to hang up my overcoat with L -Y sigr ed and endorsed "Tender for Coal fo
9W declined the the Dominion Buildings, Ontario and Quebec,
2 0'01001
his� I thanked him but
wid be received at tnis ource up u, -
honour. He sits far down in tbekiouse. noon. Friday.April29,1921, for the 8upplyc
Dominion Buildings througnou
I only happened to hear him speak onc� coal for the
thee=,ilnees of Ontario and Quebec.
4- and it was splendid. He was speaking on edpecification and form of tande
can be obtained from the i,urcba4ng Ageni
Ottawa, all
the enforcing bf the Temperance Act, Department of Public Work
from the caretakers of the different Demit
and he got a good hearing. The Premier !on Buxldiog�. onsiderea uniep% xnad
andthe Attorney. General both seeming Tenders,%vill Dot'. be(
on the forms sumplied by the Departmon-
delighted with what he said. I am sure in accordance lith the conditions 8 eL fort
is- therein.
the people of North Huron made no n Each tendir must be accompanied by ii,
take in choosing Mr. Joync as their rep- accepted cl� �(Iue oi) a charcered bank payab]
to the ord,jr of the Minister of Public WorkE
reseritative. ual to 10 c. of the amount of the teadei
Wr Loan &ndl, Or LnO bominionmul also b
On the Farmers and Labour side of The accept,,,d as security, or war bonds and chequc
if re'l.
House there is first the Attorney General, red to make up an odd amount.
By order
W. E. Raney, a small man phyically but 1L o' DMROCHU, R8,
not intellectually. He seems to have Department of Public Work.,-%. . Secretary.
more to do than any other member in the Ottawa, April 15,1921.
SEMES 21 SPEaAL-SIX House. The opposition criticizes him a
Five-Fassenser, SO -horse great deal, but he is generally realy.!ith
power, ZZ9-inch wheeffiz JAMES TAYLOF
$2450 f. o. b. Walk*rvillc an answer; a clever man for the position.
The Hon. Manning Doherty, Minister
of Agriculture, and the man who milked AUCTIONEER
the cow in Queen's Park af ter coming home
from England where he bad spent the Farm Sales a Specialty, Orders left
HE SERIEs 21 SPECIAL -SIX i -S &16 holiday, is a small man for the position, The Advance, Wingbam, will receh
I neither heard nor saw him as he was prompt attention. -623. Bmssels 15-1
Phone NorthHuron 15
Tmost wonderful car on the market away when I happened to be there.
The Hon. R. H. Grant, Minister of
today. Its tremendous popularity is Education is a fine looking man and bare
faced (as nearly all are, surely this is the Lucknow, May 2nd, 192
age of bare faces, if not two faces,) That the way of the transgressor
due to its performance in owners' Hon. Biggs, Rollo and Bowman may be hard was borne out on Friday, when jot
England was -iinitenced to not less th;i
described together as all are very good 1 12 rn,ntl,, and not more than 16 montl
hands — and ffie unenualled value speakers and good men for the position with bard labor at the prison farm for tl
they hold. theft of a diamond ring beloiging- to Mr
Russ.Johnstone. On Friday young Eal
which it represents. "Buy it because The rest may all be classed together as land was apprehended near Ripley at
Boys, all young with the exception of- a placed in the cells here, and wa�, lat
n w:
few, of course they are in accord with the removed to Walkerto , where he
ies aStudebaker. party as it is young also. I have thought tried, but he steadfastly refused to ti
would not men of more matured years Ybcre the ring v,as. it is -t pitv tliat
ycung man should have such a failing, ai
"Built-in- Canada. and experience have more weight in the it seems hard that he should receive sui
House at the present time? a severe sentence and be sent to such
ith I
Now, I hasten to close with onethought. place, where he will associate wl
harditned characters, and dangero
Do we ever stop to consider why we are
criminals, some of them sentenced
Grit or Tory as the case may be� It we vicious crimes, and it seems ba po!
1111th U
were to be put on the witness stand to ible, that after a year's so
in tell the truth the whole truth and nothing company that his morals a
L. KENNAINEDY, Dealer, Wi gbam = be elev.
by we ed or inifroved. Of course crime nit
but & truth, to give our reason w be checked and one found guilty must
are one or the other, what would.'we say? punislied, but we think a boy not yet
Some might say, -I have read the Globe years of age might have been sent to
THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LTD., WALXERVILLE, ONT. all my life and am reading it yet. I40W better place than the prison.
could I be anything else but a Grit? and The members of the Anglican You
Prices f. o. b. Walkerville, Ont. People's Atsociation met at the home
Coupes Chd seda"s a Tory might say the same about the Mr. and Mrs�. Harry McQuillan last M(
76wo.'C-.c celec and Roddsurs Mol . But would not the majority Of us day evening anti presented Mr. and M
3p1�,.C1A1,S1X TOURNG CAR . . 2459 11MIT-E.IX SEDAN 2 5 say, 1fathtr was a Grit and grariolfathita Eeclestone with a purse of money in
-PASS. and 4-FASS. ROADSTERS 2450 .11prCIA11SIX COUrpr 3650 St. Pell
Sri UAU�IX 2 1193�1 IIAL,�JX UDAN . . . 3760 and great grandfather ard for generations preciation of their work in
art of
BIG six,roupwit; CAP - Spt�[ church her&. Tke early p. the ev�
AU Si'VDe'3A%FR CAR9 AM�'. WIT11 C01,,D TIRPS back,and to I bad to follow in the line of itig waq spent in progressive domino
succemion"), tsometbing like a Mrdor Duke iter, hich lunch wa'.4 served an i
tat). presentation made, and the re�aind' ct
Tliursday, Wty 561, 1921
�2 Irl
Sale of Ladies'
. at Reduced Prices
15 ladies' new style Spring Coats, comprising The very beat all
vrool velourB, gold cloth and fancy tweed effects, also black Silk moirc-
coats bought clearing prices, now on sale at bargain prices.
amusements. Mr, Ecclestone has been
rector of St. Peters church bere for the
past six years,\and has made a host of
Messrs, R. D. Cameron and WD IMc-
,VX.I'R T.V—A shipment of all wool plaid skirts, made in gooes
Clure attended the ineetirig of the Prr,--,
byterian Synod at Chatbarn, witb Rev,.
style, also navy and black all wool serge skirts at special prices,
Mr. McCallum of Lucknow, Rev. Mr.
Gollan of South Kinloss and Rev. Mr.
CO WSE T-V—A line of Crompton's new model corsets in Vim&
Cummings of St. Helens,
shade. Regular value 2.75, our cut price 2.00.
D JtES-TES—"Women's sizes in new style House Dresses,mait
Garage for the past year left Jast -wap-k
for Valleyfield, QuLbec, wbere he Ims
of Galetea and fanoy plaid gingham, bargain at 2.95,
accepted a position hi a large garage.
llis successor here is Mr. Sparling of
VOILEX—Big stock to choose from, the best weaves in very
pretty patterns and coloring. A bargain at $1.00.
Mrs. J, A. Glenuie was ir� Peterbor-0
last week, as representative of the ITw-,
day, May Sth, with Rev. Dr. Drummond
WHITZ VVFAR— See our range of new styles in 'whitewear,
comprising gowns, skirts, drawers, corset covers. See our line of
gowns at $1.00.
Ii struction to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success. Winter
courses for farmers' sons. Address college for free catalogue.
,ff0,.VZ—Excellent value in ladies' silk, lisle, cashmere and cotton
hose. Prices for silk hose bargain at 1.25.
H. Isard & C 0
th e evening was spent in musi,; and other
of St. Paul's Cburch, Plawilton, in ekJarg.&
amusements. Mr, Ecclestone has been
of the services morning and evening.
rector of St. Peters church bere for the
past six years,\and has made a host of
Messrs, R. D. Cameron and WD IMc-
friends in other congregations besides his
Clure attended the ineetirig of the Prr,--,
byterian Synod at Chatbarn, witb Rev,.
own, who are sorry to see him leaving.
He vvill preach his farewell sermon 00
Mr. McCallum of Lucknow, Rev. Mr.
Gollan of South Kinloss and Rev. Mr.
Sunday evening, and will leave shortly for
Glanworth, Ont.
Cummings of St. Helens,
A largely signed petition was presented
to the council and the necessary machin-
Mr. Jack Carron, who hab been in
charge of the repair work at the Central
ery put in motion to make Thursday after-
noon a half holiday for the summer months.
Garage for the past year left Jast -wap-k
for Valleyfield, QuLbec, wbere he Ims
rbis half holiday will commence this year
thofirst of May and continue until the
accepted a position hi a large garage.
llis successor here is Mr. Sparling of
end of September.
The 31st Anniversary of the Presbyter-
ian Church will be held a week fromi Sun-
Mrs. J, A. Glenuie was ir� Peterbor-0
last week, as representative of the ITw-,
day, May Sth, with Rev. Dr. Drummond
bvterian Women's Missionary Socict-1%
We give thorough courses, have experienced instructors wbo*give indiv-
Ii struction to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success. Winter
courses for farmers' sons. Address college for free catalogue.
--the car of many uses, the car for the Whole family.
While elegance, refinement and comfort are dominant
features, the Sedan affords sturdy 'dependability on all
roads in all weather.
*The famous Ford engine provides more than Buffic-
lent power for every need. The sturdy, rugged construc-
ion of the whole chassig is a surety of year in and year
out endurance and economy.
We will round out this service in the car itself by
keeping your Sedan in good condition.' We tell Genuine
Ford Parts and our fully equipped repair shop handles
repairs promptly and well. Let us come and demonstrate,
A. M. Crawford, Dealer
4 1