HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-05-05, Page 30
� -___._____1 1; �__ - I I . __., ____-, ---..--- _ ..... . ------------ _____.__ ____,___.___ ..'' __-, _ __ ___ . . , �
A wamw zxm". t,� � :
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I The
Advice to Or&
stream is Calmest when It nears
the tide,
Af 4 ,,,t��-
. IV .. I , 'r"00 - - - 0
'4*__,__ . .
. .
__ The
flowers the sweetest at th P,
. B
, . ... 1�___r�__� I
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, , - I
PIW ' -
13Y Miss Ragswa"WWW
birds most ,musical at tlose of
. I � . I . .
n 0, I - �
V r - I
one of the strangest of -them all has . , r.
. "
Xalstor,W -oording go the vvilw- And
day, � .
saltits divinost wbou. they pass
. . . _,;� I
ri io N .... -.1 � �._
� -1 -
For aotile, yenra tales of a, weird,
right Act
. . P
0, way. I . . .
� �� ", , ,
0 . - _ . _.,
)4 I �t .
come to the ears of residests of The
NO _ 1. , � ...*.0*.."dW9q.NJ�
Dvar Girle.
Morning Is lovely, but 3 holler
. I
I 4 �, 1� 1. I
a, grwa of salt, but many residents bs-
aud the Indiana living in the lo=1117
I hate to say it; ut this Is the last
Liesc folded close In evening's robe
14 .w
� - ,:�i�/?
I shall write to you through this
I have enjoyed It ever o
of balm,
And weary man must ever lbye her
� ."��
I you
muqh and I think, from the nice things
say to me In ypur letters, that
For morning calls to tell, but night
i� I
�k t I *41k):111 I
you have enjoyed. It too, out my
to rest. . .
. , I
11 I ....... - ,_��___;� 'AIM - , ,
work has become so trerbendourk that
must be 'reduced somewhere.
Silo comes front heavpn, and on her
- _
1, _ I— _. � -
_ - - �'. . - - . .
� � , 7 ... ", _ � .
, '� , � 1�
11 - - I
they had board of this denizen of the
For awhile I ahall devote all my
time to The Weekly Times, a Toronto
wings dotla bear 1� .
A holy fragrance, like the breath of
Cheapeet Trouble Insurance
paper. If you want me very espeo-
me there. I do not
prayer; I
FOOtst0Ps of angels follow in bar
. I I
that a car ormeT can carry Is a spare DOMINIO�4111& and an extro, *
garding the matter with eye witue3s-
know Whether The Weekly Times cir
cu:ates through the o9untry,, but I
To ,,hut the weary eye of day In
A wamw zxm". t,� � :
xoww upub Wft Rom w �
, �;i
to z1ve in TAIM vivilipar" I, ....�
. .
. . ,
Wally Strang* reptiles aza antaws 1, � ' , ' -
live on the earth and under the sata. .._:.., ,
4134 it we Can believe WW we Uar, -.� �'4' 4
� ,
one of the strangest of -them all has . , r.
Its, habitat ila.Lake Winalpagoals. . 1.
For aotile, yenra tales of a, weird,
monster which. Inhabits this IRIce Isava, .
come to the ears of residests of The
Pas, anO. have usually been taken with
I - ,
a, grwa of salt, but many residents bs-
llevo in the existortoo, ot this Monster,
aud the Indiana living in the lo=1117
where It Is said to have been, sesit: I
take the matter very seriously. .,
Mr. J. 0. Murray, formerly ed1for of
I �
the Canadian Mining Journal, and
Mr. B. A. 0. Crala, of Toronto, re-
cently returned to The Fai after a
� , 1:.�
trip- in the vicinity of Lake Winulpe- .
gosis, and both gentlemen seemed J
.,... �� �
profoundly impressed by the tales
.4 't.
they had board of this denizen of the
deep, I secured from Messrs. Murray
I I .
and Craig a. copy of the notes .'which
'. [j,
they had taken of conversaUmifi to-
garding the matter with eye witue3s-
. I
es, and the Stories t1licy tell are as X01-
Valentine McKay, of Grand Rapids,
informed those gentlemen that lit
September, laI0, he was travelling in
a canoe off Graves Point, ill Dawson
. i
Bay, Lake Witaipegools, towards.
High Portage, Into Cedar Lake, when,
rounding a bend, lie heard 4'
on �
strange rumbling sound in the water,
and observed, some two hundred
. I
yards from file shore, a huge bory
abo-at Sixteen feet of which was ex-
pop,ed, and around -which the 9�ulls%-
were hoverIng, When he Came OPPO-
site, and about 250 yards 'distant
from it, It was creating a great dis-
turbance, It shot cut a great flipper
on the 1�ft side of its body, and traV-
,blea ,not gubmuged, towards the sbal-
low �Mtera of the bay, the water be-
ing disturbed as though bY the ' pro -
pallor of a large boat. Moli-aY watch-
ed it foritalf all hour. He did not see
the monster's head. He had not aj
gun with him at that time, and would.
not travel on that lake again withotit.
a gun. I
The chief haunt thlo Monster
seems to be around Steep Rock Por-
tage, on Dawson Bay., John McLeod,
an Indian from Red Deer Lake, was �
camping near this portage when he '
noticed the creature ,above water, I
apparently resting. He paddled out
� �
with his wife to within 300 yards -of
it With the intention of shooting, but
his wife became alarmed and pre-
vented him from doing ao� After , -
watching it for a time, he paddled
back to shore. lie -watched it.until
(lark, but Ili the morning it bad disap-
, -
peared . A wind had risen and the cro
ature is Only scell In calth weather,
McLeod, like MCI(ay, said the skin
glistened Ilke that of a sturgeon, The
head, he said, was like that of u Plg,.,_�,
with two projections resembling,
The Indian chief Kemach was shoot -
Ing ducl-. off Gray's Point when he saw
I 1,
what he thought was M'MOOBO Out
some distance in the water. He Pad-
dled out, butwhen be got closer found
that it was an animal Unknown to
him, of enormous, size, and retreated.
.Many .other Indians, claim, to have
seen t7ils reptilian monster, and rath-
er than cross Dawson Bay will take a
circuitous route around the shore.
Mr. Simpson, Vho, was for many ,
. . '
years manager at Shoal River, on Lake � _�
,\Vinnipegosis, for the Armstrong
Trading Company, and is the local . �-
postmaster, strongly believes in She
I �
I existence of this monster, and con-
siders that -the Governmeat glabuld
�; �
send out an expedition to solve tho,
mystery, He says that frequently now
,� :
nets have been found torn, to such,an
extent, and in such a manner, that it
could not possibly have been done by
ITT. B. M. Stitt, chief fire ranger for
Northern Manitoba, and Mayor of The
Pas, reports that in 1915 Bert Russell,
a prospector from Nelson, B. C.,.. and
later of the R. A. F., was Prospecting
around Island Lake, Having heard. of
the presence of a monster in those.
waters, he was on the lookout, and one
day observed something 'swimming
across the lake. He paddled but to-
wards It and found it resembled a tre-
mendous reptile, his descripCion of
which, even down to the horns, Coln-
cided with that given by McLeod, of *
the monster he had seela in Luke Win-
. � . �
I i
Human Beings Ga�a Viesh -D,uring the .
I I :
Summor Months.
. �
. 3fost people think that in the suta;.
I �
mer, W�on they perspire freely, they
lose far more, weight than In the win-
..ter, whon they wrap thomselvesvp in ,
order to keep ,warm. ,But the re-
v4rse 10 the case. ,From Septernber .
to aMarth the human frame undergoes
a gradual wasting Process, because,
there is a greater call on tile reserves,
of fat to maintain the beat Of the
body. With the colpiftent,olftell't Of
continues to do so Until theL end of
I April flesh begins to form again, and
I .k-uqug,�, when ,the ac,011111111aticn. Of fat
I h1j; to ,be shared out in tho �;hape or L
I 1143%t.
I I 11 . ___� daresay you could get It eve�y week V, I . . Then -if accidents or emorgancies anse, you can 'quiclay Change
I — � . :" " by sending your dollar to the olroula-
. � � All things are hushed beforp her' 4.5 Lives and reach your destination without delay or inconvenience.
".... " P. I
a-- , 11 as to make thb name "recreation" 4 Vo I n manager of that paper. an. she throws
,!�_____.�W."._ 11 tainted farce. ha.v.e a number of let -tons to While you are fitting out your car with new DOMINION TIRES, bet -
. ,,,,, -, 11 IAJ ,I�oa Command_ swer personally and. ali these will be O'er earth and sky her mantle of sure to got the extra one for your tire holder and an extra
mk;�, " ~� ZP1 t I - . 11put. 5- 12. Tile attended to, a4so those who asked for e
ments were originally given at Xt. carrespondente. The fo"llowing -list There is a claim, 0, beauty and a DOMINION INNER TUBE in a carryinig case. I I
. ep h, Lt - I �qlual, and recorded in Exodus 20, This is the names of those whose letters power
�� I � X ,,�,;'., rf�rgjj �, is a recapitulation at lit, Horeb. are not answered yet but will be for That morning knows not, in the No matter what wahm of car you drive, or whether you use it for
I jZXpunun'i a week or two In my new paper. T, � buoiners or Pleasure, -�.rou . will find that DOMINION TIRES will
I .�i-;, I Verse Ia. There has never been Tha' elailig hour. give you a servicio and ZtIleaso that prove their supreme quality
T #4 nking you all and wishing you
-L I - hiess a a. I Until the evening must we weep
t� k,g il .-I -_k t any improvortiont,upon the plan -Six prosperity and' happ Way and workmanslur), . I
I I . days for work and one day for rest remain,your friend and adviser, and toll,
I ploNN;- life's stern furrows, dig , tile Sold Dy The,Ocst Doctors Throughout Canada,
. P'f"!,��13 � — —,--�—Q and worship, MISS ROSALIND, weddy Soil,
" W , - Verse 14, The selventh dai was - Care The Weekly Timea,-Toronto, Tread wIth sad feet our rough and A%W
�Lcsaon Vt. May 8 1 (led's rest -day from Ill$ creative I I stormy 'way N
� d bear the heat and burden of 9.45 .
RE -ST Al`4D RECREATION Nvsork (Gen.* 2, 2, 3), After the es- Verdella,.Slgh, ,Snowdrop, Engaged, Au the day. I I DCI�OMIN,RON "I"IR'
* I
Lesson -Lev. 23, 394,9; Deut. S. 12- Cape or Isra.el from 14G%Yr�t, Jehovah Prown Eyes, miss Plizele, Sunshine 8, 0
. set apart the seventh day as a "-holy Numb, Anxious Ed., Weary Jean, 0, when our sun Is setting, may we A��__q le% 4�1% T% I
I I 15, aMrk 6: 31, $2. � llo,ward White, Hazel, Lottie, Chat- glide � A R Es U VU TATRES �'
. Golden Text. -"The streets of the asabbath" unta Himself, and the peo- tclb� D a X r V
,x, , -Ills Eye , An long 1 Ive, r� 31
I., ple rested on that day (Ex. 116: _22-26, ,Lcnely Lass, May Blossom, Browny, Like Summer evening down the I
I ,city shall be full of boyErand �,,Ir I 'This Jewish law Places no ob- Lilly the Vallej, Doe -Doe, Bet,' golden tide; " I 1 I
areof" (ZeCn. 30)* . as 141rum Dutch Twins, Marie Smith, And leave behind us, as we Pass - ---
. playlliz in'the streeto UIL ligation upon Christians except pl, away, - - ----1 I . � �
I 8: . 5). oats its (principles. . - Undey Eva, Lonesome One, Crystal, NVeenle, l3woet, starry twilight 'round our r==_-7—.__--_=====:�� - == - .- -
I .1 I -Christ rep Anxious Man, Grateful One, Brown sleeping clay! . I " +-O-*-O-*-I�.+.O-*-4,�*.*��,�-�-4-+-0-4-0-" . i
I Lev. 23: 29 Howbeit on the fiftedrl-til the direction of Jesus the apostles 4n4 Eyes, Babe, Marie, Cutie, Cousin —_ ,,,,liked back again and carried his
e- first day Betty, Huntly, Chums. wife's breakfast to her, .
�) , day of the seventh mouth, w4ea ye early disciples observed th IM V T It sounds so simple and it was so
have gathered in the fruits of tile of tile I ,veek-the -day oil which ifle ,Many others have asked for private THE FATEFUL YEAU ICUSTARDS difficult. His feet were cold and
* arose tram the dead, The' Jewish answers, which they will receive in ; . so atiff that they Skidded. He was
. . . land, lie feast of Je- -, due tftne. '- . Es wu a fat little Squirrel and every inch or
hovah seven days: oil the first day. Seventh day is Saturday. Via neces- I * L �-"*-A.-4�.4-+�0-4.-4.,"D-+O-*+
I shall be a solemn rest, and on the SAY for ,% rest -day is universal. D.-ar Loretta -Did -you ever think FOR Ev"'BY 1AI 0 M A N, BAX,E D CUSTAr,D. I so he Slipped so far to one side or
. on ralght live someplace where your - A plain baheA Custard is made by the other that he almost lost big bal-
Verse 1,3, IsrM�l spent one day In, Y adding the sugar to the eggs -without ance. R it had not been for his
.celghth 'day shall be a solemn rest. Qompany and what work you could do ,HOJW TO OVERCOME TROUBLES I , tail he ri�ver would have made it L
40 And yo shall take you on the I especially remembering God and HIS after school would be taken for board. taking the trouble to caramelize it. .
first day. the fruit of goodly trees, goodness. . � 1�11 . Either that, or en,4ployment IU OnO� TK_ -T ,NFF,LI,CT WOM E,N The vanilla may be emitted and a few I -low that tail did work! Now on
1. branches of palm -trees, and ,boughs Wark 6: 3.1, N� Jesus recognized, of the stores from four to six. I do ON LY. grains, of nutmeg gnated over the top this side, now on that, and now Jerk -
or the the fact that Ills apostles eould not not know It this will appeal to you, of the cuatard can be Used instead, Ing steadily along straight above the
. -of thick trees, and willows but I know when'You are so anxious This is frequently served in r tail was heavy with
brook, and yet shall rejoice before work , continuously. withouf rest'. about it, yab, will surely find Sortie So far as a ,woman's liewtu Is con- or bowl in which it is baked, and snow and,ached with the unaccustom-
- I days in the year; it is Theirs was a kind of labor which solution Teo the� prcb1orn. Ask your -cerned, probably tile anost fateful called cup custard, -vVliela turned out ed exercise, but It went bravely on I
I -a St . atute for ever throughout your even occupied flielf minds on the minister's wile or your teacher, No years in her life a.re those ,between it may be served with a chocolate balancing, Correcting. catching, hold.
" uce, aple syrup or caramel sauce. i Ing and, indeed, fairly pushing the
I . � 1, , . ta Lord's Day, Ther.e is need of a .doubt you are growing quite fast and 415 a�d 50. Many -women. enter this sa, in squirrel along the wire.
� goner that helps keeo you thin; Drink period under depressing conditions, CHrESE CUSTARD.
,,atloas; ye shall keep it in t 1 114 preseut-d,,q, balance In, the adjust- The squirrel probably thought that
"Venth Morttli. . I milk and Cocoa, eat -eggs, bacon, lots through overstrain in household cues, Four eggs, one on,) scalded milk, the wire was there for no other pur-
. 42 Ye shall dwell in booths seven I ment of -rest, work,and recreation. It qf butter, and such fattening foods. or a neglected dandition 6f the 1b:ood, one tablespoon melted butter, quarter
IS dojibtful if therA can be much im- and so they suffer 'heavily. cup grated cheese, half teaspoonful pose than to atford him a passage
days; all that are home -born in Israel I . � I Dear Frenchl�--If you really loved Among the eornmonest Symptoms salt, quarter teaspoonful pepper,, ;eW through the air and no doubt be had
I shall dwell lit booths; I provemen ln the man you would not be fickle. .He at this time are headaches, gains in grains cayenne, few drops onion juice. I several things to Say ,Zbout the size
I , 4,3 that your generations may I hours devoted t,q, each. But it should l,qs no right to object to Your friends the back and sides, fever flushes,'pal- Beat eggs slightly and add the re- of the wire and its slippery condi.
I a . 011 be remembered that the purpose of it you ,are, not ,engaged, ' It is best pitation, dizziness and depression. It maining ingredients. Turn Into but- tions, entirely forgetting that if the
, wire had not been there he and his
�, , , 1,wow that I made the children'. I I rest and recreation is that ,the -work to IkeeD away from Well. who drink is well to know that these variati011s tered timbale moulds, set ill Pan of
Isr %Vt,. Re- wife would have liad no breakfast
. . ��el to dwell IrL lbooths, when of may , ,be better don6. a occasio-itally. I of health can be relieved by home hot water and bake until bro, and probably no lunch or dinner -.-
brought them -out of ,the land I . treatment. What women stand Ili move to hot platter.
more CUSTARD PIE. , Rehoboth Sunday Herald. I
Egypt: I am Jehovah Your God. I I k near Anxious One -11 You cannot need of all their life, but never --- - 4
. . . . . I . . . . 'N EXUDITE'SHOPKEEPEPuS. ke�p il�oth for triends, 'you will have So than in middle age, is rich, red Two eggs, three tablespoons sugar#
I to make up, your mind whiclione you .blood. 'As it tonic for the blood and, one-third teaspoon salt, one and a ADVICE FOR BACK -ACHE
� Dent. 5: 12 Observe the Sabbath Erudite* shopmen are not such a will Tnarry; and then tell -the other nerves, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a1`8 'palf cups milk, few ,-ratings nutmeg. , When stooping burts, when lifting
I day, .,t6 keep, It holy� Its Jel'Olfall- thy rarity as a writer in the WeStininster* one immediately. I - always useful, lb�� especially will they uar, salt and bending quse8 distress that's the
God comilianded thee. Gazette would seem to Inter, judging . - 11 help wc=en -it tills time. Among and milk. Line plate with paste, and
Strain in the time to Tab Irt lots of "Nerviline."
I ilia Six days shalt thou labor, and from his delighted astonish ' melat at Dear Vicky Van -Don't listen. to those who have fDv.'ad bell0fit,through build up a flitted rim, grat. Usually a couple - of applications
I X do all -thy work; encountering . a second-hand shop- giris when they" gossip about 'Your the ust of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is mixture and sprIX)ldO with few brings grateful relief. No liniment
I I keeper who was also,tin EygPtOlOglSt- friends. , A real friendship IS found- Mrs. J. A. McDougall, Rhoden&, N. S., ings of nutmeg, Bake lit quick Oven more soothing, more certain to kill
� ,14 'bat the seventh day Is a Sall- Within 100 yards'of each other, two ed on -faith, so if yop do not trust who says: ,$I was greatly t#oubled ,it first,.to set rim, but dec,rCase the
. heat afterward, --a egg and milk in muscular, rhelintatic, or sciatic pains.
I - I bath, unto -Jeh,oyah thy God; In it thou shops,coula be visited a few Years your friends you cannot love them. with nervousness,. palpitation of the combination need to be cooked at Thousands ofliomes rely on good Old
. shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy I ago, whose owners were as well in- it I were you I would not cons�dsr heart, dizziness, and a general Tun Nerviline for cramps, colic, dysentry,
I ': lobe -trotters and curio hunt- being engaged until the boY Is dowrl, condition. It was only with dif- low temperature, -two cur Itarge
-t son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man- I formed g . C, . and external muscular pains.
., .1 I ers as one! would wish to find. One through college and established in a liculty ,that I could do my Work, and triton ginger, four eggs, ,;s 35 Cent bottles for sale everywhere.
. , I ., servant, -nor thy maid-seTvant, lior [was a retired merchant service man, Position. - . although I had been. taking medicine scalded milk, halt cup sugar, half -_
. thine,',ox, nor thine .ass, nor any of a mus,ician, with a fine, knowledge of for Sortie time I did not improve. Fin- teaspoon salt. � I .
. ' Cut Canton ger in thin strips, GERMANAS COAL FISLDS.
thy Cattle, nor thy stranger that It ; Old 'Worcester, Crown Derby, Nalikin, Dear Art -I shall ,certainly send ally a friend. advised Dr, Williams' glug
within .thy gates; that thy man ser -o I and most of the world's China. The your na,me -to sortie nice inature girl Pink Pills, and I got a Supply and be- and use for garniolifug sides of but- Tile production oI coal In Germany
. , other was a siZversmith and picker -up' whb can appreciate a good letter gart taking thetil. 9. Beat eggs I
� g The result more tered individual nioul(L
. . I vant and thy atlaid-servant may rest I of Second-hand clocks,, cutlery, and� . friend. than met my expectations, and I Min sljg�tly, add inilk, sugar and Salt and I in the year 1213, was 17.5 million tons.
as well as thou. I some odd bits of Jewelry, with a var-. 6 feeling better than I have done for strain into moulds. Set in pan Of Under the Peace treaty Germany -has
. � at 1 led experience of the "Wild -West," Dear Betty and Bernice -It - the years, sleety well, eat well, and do my hot water and bake until firm. Chill lost about 96 per cent. Of Its coal-pro-
15,� Arid thou shalt remember th -part knowledge- young mam puts Ills arm around you ,housework much more easily. In my thoroughly and remove front moulds ducing territory. Ala
� thou waft' a servant In the lands of I and other foreign ng dish. I ace,Lorraine
ableneas. Both commimicativq� both 'when ,others are present, and it an- case the pr.ls certainly, did what yog to servi:
. ftypti and Jehovah thy God brought I with musty, attractive wares, what noys you, tell him P.O. 4 0 claim for them." I BAXZD ORANGE CUSTARED. I and the Saar Tegions, with 16 InIllion
- I thee out therace by a inighty.haild and wonder,that the neighborhood Should Age does noi make very -much dif- Dr, Williams Tink?ills are sold by Three .99 Yolks, one egg white tons. Upper Silesia. with 41 million
� . half cup sugar, few grains salt, '
. '. I by an outstretched arm: ' therefore wander in and lean, chin in hand, tereuce V people are congenial. all dealers in luedicille, or you can get grated tons, and the occupied territory,with
- t over the count . er, wasting time qgreg- A young inin. should go home at them by mail at 600 a box or Six rind one Orange, Quarter CUP orange IS million tons. In addition to this,
.-. jeliova,h thy- God commanded thee o I iously and unconcernedly. . � ton-thirtt. If he do" not seem in- boxes for $2,60 froin The Dr. Wil- juice, one and tL quarted cups milk.
, keoe the Sabbath , day. l But probably the man whom Bor-' clined to, lot his hostess say, "I am liams, Medelclue,00., Brockv4lle, -Ont. Beat yolks and whito of egg until Germany must, under the -terms of the
- I . . . . I . . have hailed as brother, light; add sugar, salt, grated orange peace treaty deU .
. . I row won.d afraid you had better go. now, ,Mother k in 4w from 31 million
I I Mark 6: 31. And lie salth � unto I and who gave the writer lit the West* objects to an one staying later thafl x ould think of rind and orange juice. Scald 11111 to 9�9 millio'n. t6us' 8rcoal eitch year
an half hour, this.- No Korean couple w double boiler, pour gradually, while
I I 11 e Tying without consulting the sage, Stirring constantly, over egg mixture; to the Allies.
. them, Come ye yourselvoo apart Into ', ininster so delectable It ,ca be d6ne with .p rfect mar The coal miners un-
,% a desert plitc6, and Test a while. 1P o r was something superior to these other courtesy and never gives offence to a who fixes the happy day for them. � tered etistard cups and der the new regime In Germany have
* . two, For he was an EgYPtOlOgiSt* ,Person of good -breeding, ly by adding the s
This he does siniP bake in a moderate oven 1111til custard a 10 -hour day, but in view of the pres-
there were. qiagy coming and goi I and had beeh called In on one occa- it a girl's Parents allow her to go to, bride's age to the bridegroont's, and, become$ firm. ,Cool, turn out and
, . aad they had no loisure so much as to sion for expert advice by the authdri- dances, tile Young- man should keep after determining which, star rules surround Tdth sections of orange and ent crisis, they have agreed to work
I In the disereetly qui&. of tEeir United age$, he two half shitts extra oack week at
evA. . . ties of the British Museum. the destiny . orange syrup.
o 92 . -And the7 wont awajr In the boat window of the shop, where "antiques" . . deciees that the wedding §hall t004 cor-mm, ,nISTARD. . do -able ipar, iflug Making. a 49 -hour
to a, desert g1lace apart. of various ldn'd,_11. so runs the West- Dear Troubled One -IT am sure 'You place upon tile da�. sacred to that
, . minstek's story, "�Vra .old china and, are a jolly good sport and a mighty star. Two CUPS Milk, two- tabIL'00ons 'We0k.
. Comment$6 glass to second-hand sewing -machines ' ground coffee, three eggs,. quarter cup
� were exposed for sale, a good-natured pal. So -why bother sugar, halt tea.-pooll, salt, quarter tea- ---,---
. . , 1,ov. 23: 89. - 4. feast willich was and bicycles, about a few freckles? I do not know JAX T1 M, DEArr BZ XAM, TO' spoon -iltuill.a. I .
instituted In grateful Commemoration pair of wooden figures, undoubtedly Of any rellable, cure; but don't let 4 Scald milli With coffee and stran. 11� � ; , ...
"' ,
old and probably of Egyptian origin HEART . a " '.�� ' "
of �Ule -Isra.elites. having securely worry you. I think they are at- Beat eggq slightlY ad6 sugar, BAR, " mij
, that I , �, �!j
. . caught my eye, The proprietor, see traotive. Ilk.' Strain into but- LETTER R i, '.I 0
dwell; in booths, or taberna,cles in tile ,Ing thst I was interested, much to Do 7our hair a now way. Cute and This question call be answered IlDtl� vanilla, and in
wilderness was the third'of tile three *my surpxfge, commenced, without any, ways. * if tilt, deafness is due to Ca- tered fildIvidual moulds, set In Pan � ,� I" L ,".-?I
� pr6face on 1 girlish. tarrrh, -success Is general it' the suf� ofhot Water and' bake -Until firm. -
, I I
I "festivals, and, like the the figures, and on Egyptology In gen Mittly. timbafes axe really baked 11 'A-' c, 1� �, -,�
0,1 "
groat annual - M P S , W At, ko" "
other two, lasting'a week!' I Two Vrilagfb Cliums-Don't be abw- flerer persists in the use of ,Catarrho- Custards. With other seasonings tit- �, It
of izone, and thereby drives cafarrh out
� i erali , which lasted, with no sort, lutely silly! t,hrough Stead of sugar and vanilla; tlieY MELY
W, Yerso 40. During the whole period remonstrance on my part, for the of tile- System. Penetrating . rm the maia dish for luliclieon or
ef the festi,val the people wore Com- space of halt all hour by the clock. , - Dear Bubs-It does not pay to Star tyle,passageg or the car; the soothing to
- -
'manded to dwell In booths, These I "This most erudite of shopkeepers ,11) too late while you are at school. vapor of Catarrhozone relieves thl�� supper- . - Tells, RemarkaMle Story of
. . ,
I booths were erected oil the flat roots also told me that he had once been Teti o�cloek! Read Mother parts Of intianamation, destroY13 the seedh of . p. SqUIRIWW . Sickness and Recovery,
called In by the authorities, Of the the letters If she Is interested, AT- Catarrh and .thereby allowa natuta to TrOO
of -houses, in the streets or fields. British Museum to decide upon the ways make her your beat chum. I'll re-asgert herself. 10br, catarrhal �
.. � Palms, myrtles and willows were age of the mummies In the gallery deafness, pain over the eyes-, Plugged ,
, send your niCluo on and hope you, -get nostrils and -other symptoms asgoel- Hb(d to Walk Tele0hono CabI6 for 11 0 ,,nto, Ont. -_111 suffered Freatly
probably used, and such other trees 0which is, or was, a fascinating place Some good letters. ci-tttrYllozone. wife,s Breakfast. ftr weakness seemed to be tired all
to visit. Altogether I left, the place ROSALIND. ate& with catarrli, use 1. I
. 49 Were distinguished for verdure feeling, not humiliated, but rather be- . yolell, be more than pleased. with the You may have thought that 016 the time, and had no
and fragrance. � wildered, and yet glad to know that Ito to me, quick. improvement In Your condition. squirrel was trying to call central ambition to do any, -
p, &-Samottrues gir's wr lie walked the length Of the I
Verse 41. Thn PerW cl the feast I there was oven now a shop lit London, to Say that all they know bow to do is Two month's tre1tillent, one Dollar. when the length of the �- I thingorgo artyplace.
-was one or wholesome joilitioation, I there May be others for aught I liousinvork an sold overywhefe, or the CatarrhOzOnG telephone cable all .�,�,. , .. "" nerves were in
4 that there Is no out� I . alley, ,and you may have claosed him bad
'tit IT them. Right Co" Montreal. - I I
.Mien in oonstructing the booths they know, where the proprIetor Is an e',t look of IMPrOYCIIN - ,vitia tile sort of foolish PeOP10 W110 . , not sloop at night,
, .
tuarched In procession, singing psalalls,' pert ,authority on an admittedlY ab- now, I need someone Ili my,l,lonle to —"--"------ liase walked wires over Niagara , .. and then came
I . .� I-, ,1 I a
, I :"Z� I L
struso and disputatious subject. Der- he, with Lie work and leaft me . palls. ,pho fact was that th -1� .�, � breakdown. I read
and crying '4110oaPlia." I row, I think, would hgVo �had wore P e squir- .1 ,,i,- I
I , �
. I Too f or literaxy ditties. I ,.would, I Tot wanted his broakfasto and what , 11, � I 7 of Lydia B. Pink -
0 iterested -C. A. ROYS' .1 ".." ham's Vegetable
Verse 42. Th,e feast was tile 0, thau half-an-bour's enjoy like Homo one who Is really it At tholVarmouth Y. IN1. was much more important his wife ,�. ..,
,caston, for Intensifying tile principlos, all adventure so much after his own lit housekeeping and, anxious to learn (*Ouip, held at-Tusket Pqll,4 In A119118t, wanted tier breakfast. I I .. , �. . , I . I " I" I ornpound in the
heart. more about It. There would-be op- I found MINV-RD�S �LINIIMBINT most The gnoAy was so deep that tile .� �. "I f newspapars and Soy-
. 1� ,
� of national life and fatrengthening tho I le, , �
I _____ __ I �, . ".1
� ,_ ora -I of my friends
I � �
I partunity for su(!Il a girl to take I .3- beneficial lot, Sunburn, an 111111lediate squirrel -wol.,.ld only have suececaed �,,.,,z�� � _ ��
,". -
% loyalty to Selio.vah. ons at night fit the splendid nt,,,Iit relief for colic and toothache. In buryll1r, birasOlt it -he had tried ..' � - ,,� advised me to use it,
. Residy-rande %ledleine-You need R L'a, �o L�,,,,, �. �
Verse 4% Tile eighth day Was the itto. I do not walit to wall*, through It mid it was packed - 0 t new life into me. Xo*
groat da:r of tile feast. Modern life no physician for ordinary Ills 'when. schools of Toro o, got awly from A AT.XR8.D STOKES, It "
you have at hand a bottle of Dr. a girl who wants t so tightly dow", nFxt to the ground I I ,3 " a to do all my own work,
trulght profitably ObserVO the Spiritual Tlicluas' E ClOcti-10 Oil. ,Tilor c,,)ughs, small Inace just for the exeltellicut of General SCC'Y- that he Could not go to Ills storeroolft 1- . . advise every sui.
ibles, th(� big ,city --- but an earnest, ambit- � at the foot of the tree. 14e Could rin ,wonia . , rve Lydia E. Fink -
I Ideals here (let forth, The patriottle colds, wire threat. bronchial trot Ing Nvorker of 4-ny cige. Write
ble, for gealds, burns, ioUS, will U(It tetepliono, and he could not bor- ham's egeft. oun atrial.11-
,and other gatherings of the preseilt it is Invalua Wieekly Times, St. � row from hi -11 neighbors. because lie I a IrS. HARL0 $
. pralus It to .Unsurpassed, rile, care of Tile ' I 2 Christio
brul-ves, s ____
are so often Characterized by ganibl- wilile �or-cuts. sores and the like It is ,Claip and Dutforin Stre&,s, Toronto. --- had lie neighbors. il%� toulil not St., Toroeto, Ort.1 - ,
aler. It needs ' . .1 ,ROSATAND. The largest island in tile world Is fly and he could not beg loudly The millters Of L�,Vala 1-'!,. Pinklmes
I Ing devices and immoral obs6rvanceA an unquestionable he enout;h to . .
. I . 1 - � � 'L -1 - - -, and --- Greo,n%iad, 821,0.0,0 Square =1108 Ill �bo heard. Vegetable Corn ound lave thousands of
�L EL�j .,. � �, no tep.timollial other than tile us(, It se-omed to 'him that it he had twuch letters as %lat abvve-thq tel thd
- . . that will satisfy Unyone as to Its of- Wise mothers who know tile Virtues area. anythin" hut a liquirrel. there tot huve'b n ob-
80y feCt!,VQnPSg. of Mot , Tier Graves' W01111 riOntermina- � been, �v truth, else t1ley COW!
Z(1?11VE on (I'annot — ter always )lave It at hand, because it " 0 gover RY Of NO�V. weuid have been . tainedfoeloveornioney. Thismediciriel
'_ � yl � nment of the t somebody to help 1
1 � � __ NeW RM 1 S value,. . York "sts,=M to maintalft t1fall him, but as he wag a Squirrel be, had I is no atr=ger-it hass stood the test for
oil you ,cvn pr4malf It 1,,60s sue,jc more than .1,000,000 flOw� P-My0s It __�__ does that of the Wh0Ie,J(LP11ftcSe f.'M- to help himself and he stallte'd bram,e* 11�ojro than. forty years.
'V' Z, �i, '.
.4- cw` ��_ one pound of p1re.
�Wk C10111, 960hy lt"014d ors in the gatherings 4 I Nyben �jjollowayls, V,orn Remover Is _�_ ly out to do It. Ito V%lked the If there aro any eornphottions you do
vea murifte T.��*Pmedr slippery M, blo all the length of the ,hot undorAtarld virite to Lydis R- Pffik-,
YOU ft Ufs --- MOT . tibast"$ honey. —_ to a Corn it. kills tho roots: and fAtrmrdl* 11nitwit 'Lum1wman't tiley, tud found some fror,on. broad I hlm Medicift �()06 (00tifidintW), Ly,t^,
I el"o-obt-ar S*d Heabbys � 4 liout
sio your Eyes t1!1PI1t1:1!1IosIt.y toram �mA wit In -
Write for Free Ole Oam 1%olr. , f ria"d. . � ueeLr a telephol%6 pole, Theti he Mgmi, Is
MKIns 44 Remir go" 9 t8sl Olits SUU44*011 , Ke4P%MirlArd16 'Uninitnt In ,the hoirso j'arr to the, Desk. I 0
, ., . 4
. I - 11.
-1 . ____ - ----.I, �� I --Air_ - . ft. . W"
According to a 110ha"111110dan tra"
dition there IS a will of Ada,lu in ('X-
isteft". Zle tradition asserts that
no fewer than "Seventy legions of
angels brought Win slWets- of T,MDC,r
and qvitill pons, nicely nibbed, all tho
vqay from paLradiso, and that the Arch-
f,npel Cabriol set to it his neal as,
wltiless.,, It Is. estinvacia by tonIt-
mento.tors; that 420,000 allents of P&-
P.,Nr ,vote brought down on wllkbL
Adam, 4.lotl7d write his AbMilests. Noah
Is Me* said -to have made 'a will 'in
whi(--h he divided his Pr011tttY, th'"
eartilt into three equitl ;Mllkres, **6
for elt'll 9031.
. .� ' '. '
: . . �: L jk;!&� �� �', .'