HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-04-28, Page 10L, �11 0 T HEA W J,NGHAN ADVANCE Thtirsday, April 28t1i, 1921 %##of viv Be Careful Of The Chrmae I Card Of Thanks Quietly Wedded At Toronto The time now is when no one knows Mr. W. D. Pringle and Miss Kathleen On Feby 22nd., a quiet but pretty wcdd- r For if you wear them you f,el bad, neighbors for the many acts of kindness St., Toronto, by tile Rev'd, Dr. Evans, Just when to shake his winter's clothes; Pringle, wish to thank their friends and ing was tw1rimnized at the manse, Munroe And if you don't, you wish you had. extended to them during the illness and when Mary, eldest daughter of Mrs. Tho Hoover And Lr%meha Sweepers death of their beloved wife and mother. Margaret Hogg, Toronto, aad the late CHUM Shou House Furnishings John Hogg of McKillop, became the bride Recognized to be the best of all sweepers, Among Those Who airo Ill. Mr. Clarence S. Milliard of Freshford, fully guaranteed and simple to operate. We regret to report that Mr. Josh. near Bath, England. Let us demonstrate in your home free of Hirst, Mr. William McPherson, Mr. charge. King Bros. Simon Mitchell, Mr. Albert Fleming and The Late Wm, Cbapnwrx For Women, Boys and Children Wednesday Afternoon -o Mrs. Alex Reid are confined to their beds� Ono, of those grand old men who remain through si0nes,.z, WQ gn&pstand that �qung in spirits although old in yearsi Are the ACME of perfection, I Season N I The public is again reminded of t1i e de- the condition of Mr. Mitchell and Mr. passed away at his home in Toronto on cision of the Wingham merchants to close Hirst is quite serious. April 20th in the person of William Chap� their places of business at twelve o'clock inan. noon on the Wednesdays during May, What "Yes" Vote Means He was in his 9,0t.h year and will be kindly remembered by many �f our 010 June, July, August and September, ex. The result of the referendum in Ontario occasions New Rugs, Linoleums, cept in cases of another holiday during Monday will be application of the Dom. readers, be having on different any week. visited his granddaughter, Mrs. A, J. nion law prohibiting the importation Walker at Wingbam. He was a great i @ Blinds, Curtains. Will Have Lacrosse Team from any other province, state or country. lover of nature and was for several years'l Alarge and enthusiastic meeting was As the result of the dry majority the foreman of Toronto city parks. province will put into force the Sandy held in the town ball on Monday evening to organize for a Wingham lacrosse team bill. prohibiting "short-circuiting" or The Late Mrs. Biydges delivery within the province of liquor One by one the pioneers are passing to Brighten Up that room With a new for the season, The following officers in �.g "�4 anufactured in the province for 'there is their reward, On Tuesday the 26th just 7, were elected, rug this Spring. Wilton, AXMIU- Hon Pres.—L. Kennedy. still no law prohibiting the manufacture Sarah McCallum, relict of the late of intoxicating liquors in Ontario. Thoma's Brydges, was called Home. She ster, Brussels and Tapestry Rugs, Pres:—W. H. Gurney. Ist Vice—R. S. Williams. Charlie Phillips Killed was in her 85th. year and resided on the all s2zes. 2nd Vice—J. H. McKay. Residents of Palmerston were de farm on which she died on the 4th con. They are made of the very best materials both In upper stock and eply of Morris, for the past sixty-five years. c on splendid fitting lasts. Sec'y. Treas.—W. B McCool. shocked on Monday morning when the Together with her husband who prede-! oles and are mad Manager and Captain—Ed. Hawkin . news Wa's made known that Charles ceased her nineteen years ago, she endur Heavy Scotch Linoleums, 4 yds w1de. Property Committee�Roy Cruikshanks, Phillips, engineer on the G. T. R, and a ed all of the hardships of pioneer life. The soles are somewhat heavy and yet as flexible as a real light sole. Alf. Lockeridge, Elmo Sanderson. former resident of' Palmerston, bad been A kind and sympathetic mother, neighbor 1 1 Inlaid Linoleums,, 2 yds wide. An intermediate team has been entered instantly hilled at the station about 8 30 and friend was Mrs. Bryqges, always Chum shoes will wear almost two pairs of the average shoe and we and by all reports should make a good a. in. strongly recommend them to anyone who wants q real HIGH 6ass shoe. Q.11.,wing as all of the boys who played ready to lend a helping hand to any who Curtains by the pair and yard. The unfortunate man, who was engineer were in trouble. htre last year are still in town and five or in charge of the Stratford -Owen Sound � She is survived by four sons viz- Abe As� to see them. six other players have moved to town train, had brought his train into Palmer- Jerry, Arch and J. T. all of Morris, and during the winter and spring. - ston as usual and while standing at the by four daughters, Mrs. Tucker of Dur- Apl� Wingham and Goderich will form station had stepped from the cab appar- Grr,up 7 in the 0. A, L. A., but it is ently to oil part of the engine near the ham, Mrs. Brandon of Bayfield, Mrs. possible that Stratford, St. Marys, Lon. big driving wheels. In order to reach Grasby of Morris and Mrs. Shoebottom W Haj.111a & Co. don a,2d St. Thomas will be added to the the portion of the machinery that needed of Wawanosh. R. WILL IS gro u P. oiling he leaned forward between the arms The funeral will be held to Brandon 80LE AGENT FOR LADIES' *jo%&� Editor's Troubles of the forward dr.ve wheel and reached cemetery on Thursday afternoon. It is not all sunshine even in the underneath the engine. At the same in- Don't Be Impatient stant the vard engine in pickitig up a car Editor's chair. Bro. McBet , of the bumped the Owen SounclAtrain driving Impatientsouls are disappointed over Milverton Sun. who always looks happy, the big wheels forward killing the engineer the slow deliberation of business in it's has hL�d a hidclen sorrow unknown to his process of recovery. It has caussd many THE TEES W ATEIRX FOUUNDRY 43 instantly. AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN .3 best friend that he divulged in his last of them to revive some of the pessimism 0 People passing on the street and travel - AND MACHINE W00—RA11"C'S 0 issue: --'If the price of gasoline continues lers on the station platform rushed to the of last fall. But industry requires time to drop we can soon afford to clean the assistance of the unfortunate man. but to restore its strength just as a man who NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS gravy spots that we got on our vest In he was beyond help. The body was re- has skirted the valley of the shadow. 1915," Then, owing to the high cost of There must be a period of convalescence, Including Moulding, Machine Wor,;, Wood -working and Genes�ali Repairsi living, we suppose, Editor Smith. of moved to the baugage room where a od in which to test legs and ar AMR& 0 M And General Eslacksmithing in near future. coroner's jury was hastily summ0nded. a peri ms Win -ham Advance, who shows he has a A verdict of "acddental death" was re- and digestion gingerly, cautiously. Few CALL AND SEE US WHEN IN TROUBLE good -place to board, off ers-a baby buggy turned by the jury, after careful delibera- records 'obtain an overnight recovery uALL STONES 8 9 for sale. These brethren of the 4th. tion. Palmerston Soectator. from hard times. In nearly all cases, 11 estate nave our deep p'ympathy and we Mr. Phillips ran throuvh Wingham n trade and production "comes back" pallid, sr' MARLATTIS SPECIFIC DENNIS BROTHEA.... — hope the �kies will soon brighten—Brus- the Palrerston-Kineardine branch for weak, wanting courage, wanting the sense A Rever.fai]ing remedy for Appendieitis. sels Post. some time and was vvell liked by all who of enterprise. The fact is plain that in Indikestion, Stomach Disorders, Appendicitis and� Kidney Stones knew him. are often caused by GaU Stones, and mislead people until these [We certainly often wish that we bad most lines of endeavour business is now bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear. Not one in ten Gall Stone the pi ice of a baby buggy for to assist us When Edna LaRue was 20 years old on the upgrade. That will have to satis- Sufferers knows what is the trouble. Marlatt's Specific will relieve paying our paper accounts, but Bro. Kerr fy us until there are better, more tangible without pain or operation. For saleat all Drug Stores or is wrong in his impression that it was our A Number signs of recovery. Patience, a little help - MYSTERIOUSLY baby buggy that we were advertising for J. Walton McKibbon, DrLiggist, Wingham lessness, the suppression of dampening ZD Lyceum Theatre, ac " I gale. If we sold it we might never be Appeared on her B It- talk, are duties as clear y indicated in able to buy another, and the old saying business to -day as they would be in the J. W. MARLATT & CO.� 211 Ge rard St. E., Toronto, Ont. NoNv playing (Wed.- and Tliurs.) is a poor man for a large family.] sickroom. The Late Mrs. Pringle W ALLACE REID On Fficlay April 22nd, the Angel of in Death called at the home of Mr. W. D. Prin0e, Leop,11d St., Wingliam, and took vouble Speed" from this life his beloved wife. Barbara The third in a series of tbr�,e big motor car pictures with Wallace McTaggert. She had been in poor health Reid as the breezy bpro. The 4 Roaring Road" was one long thrill, and W%omen's allad M10ses sowas.,"Excusemy Dust". Don't miss "Double Speed". for the past couple of months, but death came suddenly at last. Deceased waq, a Manda Hawley, Theodore Roberts and member of t1w Baptist church where she I I will be rnkseci as she was always active in Tully Marshall are in It too. Dress Accessories X U church work. I The late Mrs. ' Pringle. was born at! Friday and Saturday' Belfountain, in Lhe county of Peel in the year 18�8 arid in the year 1891 was In all the Latest Styles CHARLIE CHAPLIN married to Mr. Pringle and has resided in' in Winpharne-trsince. Besides her bereav- ed husband sht: i,. survived by one daugh- "The Pawnshop" ter. KathleeA, also one brother, Peter J, The World's and Olive Tell in "A Woman's Business". PAcTaggert nud two sisters, Mrs. Mc- Greatest Artists Corsets, Brassieres and Hosiery Laren and Mrs. Drury of Belfountain. Matinee, Saturday 3.'30. Two shows Saturday night 7.30 and 9.00. " The funeral was held on Sunday after- Make X noon to Wingham cemetery and services X Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next. were conducted by Rev. E. J. Harris. AMBERMOL CORSETS ... The bearers were: Messrs. A. Cosens, J. Gossard Corsets for all,figures, no niatte'r 1-iow liard you are The bewitchin Star of "Anne of Green Gables" Anderson, Ge:). Pocock. J. A. Kelly. H- RECORDS MA'JLD%'VJL MILESMINTER Mundy and T. T. McDonald. Ann& ease, Trieda. to fit we have a model. that will flt you. in To the bereaved husband and daughter Hempel, Thomas Chal- X, is extended the sympathy of the entire mem famous Vand opera "Jenny Be Good" community in their loss of a loving wife artixtx—jobn Puip So—, BRASSIERES ... and mother. Victor Herbrrt, world- X. The Old Oaken Bucket renowned rausieians—Ada V1 I Jonesi Harry Lander, Latest styles and materials for stout or slender, figures., COMING! WATCH FOR IT I The following from the Teeswater News popular favorites, and Cecil B, De Mille's production "Male and Female" founded on J. has reference to the be hosts of others entertain Prices, moderate. play which will m on Amberot Records, a M. Ban ie's famous play, "The Admirable Crichton". given in Wingham -Town Hall, oniThuts- eto play dm"tvly on X cor.se, day. May 5th., under the auspices of the Thoms A. Edison's won - St. Pauls Church Choir. derful Amberola phono- ... SILK H S -Ph. X OSIE "Wonde ful!" '-Excellent!". "Just as good as anything that has ever been given The following records are All the latest shades, in *plain, and "fancy big favorites with tbon- f. inTeeswater." "In eveiv particular A. sands of Amberola owners silk hose. I" "You might have brought profession- —they should be in YNW s from the city and they could not have Joneeziop . acted even the most difficult parts any come Where My Lovt lAto N GRAND OPENING"a' TW Ann& CoAc better. =_Cilnigt�rion Q=rtet. No. Inch were a few of the expressions of ATe Maria-Watteris Rusti- Underwear,,in Silk, Lisle and C' exua, in ItAlian, bir Frieda otton appreciation which one overheard on the Hemoel with Mary ZentItY. NA SaturdavApril 30th streets on Friday and Saturday mornings Vibun. No. 29W. J )Emmet's LailabY. by Frkda x after the PlaY:—Ourown Teeswater and ilempeAwith criterion Quar� Cutross Play, "The Old Oaken Bucket." tet. No. 29M, tar—Tanrihauser. I)y VESTS�Short or no sleeves in white and fiesb pink, eS. Cream Paplar and Confectionerly Proud we are of our own local talent— L1,711112.19-SChatiners. N0.2319": 11 siz Tympla ice Nary me Back To Old V1 I by TIWMU Chalrntrs unassom ng, but genuinely good grid un- No. 28256. C'N'Zharus. Will be open to the public on Saturday morning, with a sparing in their liberality with time and umbattla, Beach WKI El cap' - F, tAn Mstrehes, bY SOVWX complete stock of Home -Made Candies and Ice Cream, strength, counting no sacrifice too great Band. Na.17tl-o DRAWERS—Cotton, silk and lisle in open or closed -styles. delicious refresbrawits. Clean and up-to-date service. to insure succesg. He* t1w Nfakin's f a Darn'd Thme two great audiences in Teeswater Phit blan, by WAR Jones, -made in No. 3010. Light lunches our specialty. Everything home Town Hall on the evening of Thursday Ro$ttnin, In ille r,10swin', by our store. X and Friday were also wonderful proving Harry iaittier. No. W". COMBINATIONS—Suinmer weiglit conibinations with silk Lf that, not withstanding all that is written Urn cannot conveniently jersey top. Don't fail to ViSit our store. ea at our Atom 'wo shall .concerning the fastnesq of the age in be glad to 8�rve YOU by Our Service -,vill pleaso you. which we live, public taste in Teeswater wgil. order records by mmilmr tod enclose "tal Ouv prices are rigl.it. and vicinity prefero good clean entertain. umey otdo or Chock. A ment, arid , if local talent can provide such, Gctottr prices before buying, Otte inotto, "Clcan, quick service". I on I so much the better. X Our,rown Hall could not nearly accom- J. W. MCWN)oli modater the number of people &siring to GEOR GAS & GEOR (34 A S purchw ticketg for Thursday evening, so thit Committee in cliarge Lit once d id d ous DW North of McKibbon's Drug Store, wingham� to rewt the eer-,iec, K I N G B R'O S 6 ,gpgratrnne on Friday n. ing. The pYndid attendinice on both XX MMXXMXXXX levenings proved theTepatati,,,n t,) be no, A^0 U13 013 t XXXXIN MXXXXXXXXOXXXXX0 01 %1 AXIN XXXX Ill 011 IN 101: 4 :11