The Wingham Advance, 1921-04-28, Page 944
...It All 4-11—
W, I arm when the right haii. become ex-
R jowu, It is very difficult to tellin
Tur- Jf
01M the left hand to, execute rapid coin,
iffleated, and dolicat4 manoeuvres,
IF M but 16 vm& sainellines readily reverse
1 11,1 tilt, movements customary far the
13Y FRANK FROeST. I nght. )land, as lit inirror writing.
I-ato 64perintendont of the' Criminal Inveotioation
ft. " & A. I I Itence, It woulal alipwr that to, $onto
The Soutoty Woman 4trives Hardest By Eva Ottarva Dow -or 011iert,
W 1110111, Q
vow land Iriard.
extent the education of -tile left hand
oil tile 1!71h �f April, 17gq, tll%l of All to Attain qualities en.
Perhaps the reason why Blaks'
really needs a dignified one. Dut
Tlio constable hesitated. �Jie was
"You -,%a *1 lie went on, ,unless we
should -olisipt not of copying tilt)
activities of the right, but of revers-
Frouvii ulade a desperate attempt to ablino fler to Advance in
regain Quebee which they had lost by
story bad cold was because It wa9Wt
a 'war storr, and the particular MI -
prove, other people accessories
there- is only one person whose neelc
Young and this was beyond his expe-
rience. But the authority of the
1 6, t I,, .
Social Realm,
tile defcat at the Battle of tile Plains
torial 'victim was fed up oil war,
Is In jeopardy. ThaCs the actual mur-
Voice shook; him and he obeyed tile
the hands Ili Industrial shops, and not
W_ Ail)rallam, tile previous fall. I.,evis,
dorer. He probably wouldn't object
to save himself by another -murder,
croler. Within five minutes lie learn�
ed near he Itad been to commit-
product for IvIlleli It stands,
the JIreueh po)nniAnder, had spent The life of tile Faiglish girl who has
b1nks knew that the re-asort was
because lie
him f'or life,
Then the B. lit -.,itood far IV;Aghtl
But the Others are not going to, that
If they hell) it. Thqy In.
. ,how
tinp a bad mistake.
"I'm "I
the winter In, an 'endeavor to gather 0, not th6 fatberf's eliecilboolt at (!am-
force large
, I'dvilized
name tri the inauuserlpt infitead at
Jongth can
sorU, for," lie apologizeq.
come by epeaal, -memenger. He
enough for such a contest inand for everything that her whim
the mail who wa� ringing the bell, '
tend, I imlagine, to try and bottle him
didn't know,'
leges and universities are crowded
with a hope of suce-'s. On -the 17th. and faneY suggests is not different
his own-IlUbert B. eluX,,-
up. till Smith Is discharged -and the
"I'll"s 'lolling of them make a clean
1`11hat's all right," said .51en2les.
of April lie set out with t,20 alea from that of the girls in other civil-
That name was Wulo,�' bete uol:r.
course you ollan't. I'm not blain-
Ing you, Now, you hang on to
.,packets,. slouched along Uudtord
and matchi.-d directly toward�tho city lved countries. Of late, however, It
It his sainted mother hadn't been be -
1113ut,ll objected Congreve, "Royars
corner for half an bour. - I'll be re,
of Q tw�bec. lie was assisted by sav- may be noticed that.Unglish -girls are
Yzad the roa;oh of his voice, and Ills
father equally unapproachal)e, It Is
a Idence, alone will conylet the man."
sponsible to your 8uperlors.. Just
trcatod within, the walls of Quebec
cral F rench vessels with stores for exceedingly Pager to get away from
llonu-ed the name.
Mwj�bo they don't understand
that," retorted Menzies. "-6.nyway
stand here and keep You, eyes and
T3day a trademark Is intended to
the urmy. All along tile, way to the I hou.,.ework and to earn their living In
t-�- be feared that Dinks miglit have
11va, won't worry yet. I'm going on to
cars open in case I should want you 11
Ile had stialghtened up during &
be an advertisement. It ams to
attack lie reepiveLl. reinfarconients of every poi-sible cecupation but the one
been vempted to express I& fe-elings
more lorcib:y than considerately.
Toadfard Road. I shall want you to
convereatiou, 1)ut, now he became
brllig��Qut the unusual in the char-
Canadians so that when lie reached It was thought woman are particular -
It -they had named hill Iful-11 lie
go back and swear out a .9earch-war.
rant In ease It's wanted. Also have
again the shamoling hobo. A clock
acter or method at pro�d-uetlorx of the
Quoliec lie ruiwt have had an attack, ly designed for -by nature.
w-iuld not liava l7leted, nor even had
that note Properly dane up and photo-
somewhere -had just chinied Aix, and
Ile Judged that there might -be a
article it represents. We may see
Ills force of about tell thousand With the exception of rough work,
troops of whout 3,5111) were which requires very muscular Alan,
they ellosen Bort; although Bort 19 a
graphea. You might got a paper
chance to commence operations.
man y a, trademark that al�pears to be
Gonerll Nfili-1 +1,. n�li4 1, .11 , . I .+i,j+_
rather toylsli name, and an author
mere-lant, W examine a Piece the
paper. Vlore's just -a chance we
lie moved furtively up to the door
of number one -hundred and forty a -ad
fame=ekl. x1tit we canwe sure that
it was chosen for sonle u.iliquenesg,
3 -4"-
mander, although greatly Outnum-
- el -
They flood counting rooms,, consti-
really needs a dignified one. Dut
........ ... .
"ImIght find out when It was bought
it. You
rang the bell, ' Twice he had to re-
some striking quality that will keep
bered felt lie must light and so on the
tute a,. steadily growing majority of
to vae'llatebetween the, two, and
fr= Her, Xessed dlvers.on! No
and wh%bought, can"92t all
alWalght tram6ar at the end of the
peat the summons before there was
before tile mind of the reader the
29th of tile month lie nist tile Preach
the hands Ili Industrial shops, and not
by fa,3tening thlir indecisluil upon
profile of Washington done in corige,
read. Leave the tax! for me, rII
any movement within, Then a win-
doV was flung up above and a Wo-
product for IvIlleli It stands,
at'Ste. Paye, not far from tbePlalus,
a few have a burning ambition to
him f'or life,
Then the B. lit -.,itood far IV;Aghtl
dlsBgured tho corner, so it must have
have to chluge again,"
m3als voice demandedthe buslness of
Yet the first trademark.had no
and a furious battle rdsu!ted. The
shine In the Ifarned professions. 'Vol-
Lawrea of every craft flying the
come by epeaal, -memenger. He
An hour later a plump, ruddy -faced
the mail who wa� ringing the bell, '
such� purpose. In order that all who
firllt lasted for olie hour and three
leges and universities are crowded
If. sounded like v. silver pollill adver-
cllylv,�d the malla2lue savagely on
man, smoking a, -clay pipe, -and
his -hands tbrust deep in his trousers
� i.Melizzles's answer was to press the
saw might read in the only writing
quarters and ended In'the British be-
will, prospective play4folans, natural-
' en, Inst-3ad of suggesting tile,
, 'no,
t he TI ",'ad r,' ppe d open,the letter.
.,packets,. slouched along Uudtord
bell again. He had no very -definite
plan in his mind, His was mere:y a
which they understood, -willeh was
Ing driven from the riel.4. They re-
Ists, Philologists -,arid theologians.
family vinnection with moni. Nrli-) bad
Glaile'ag il:nvu through It, �116
Road. The loosened shoulders, the
reconnoitring expedition. He want-
'Pictures, the shopkeepers of ages ago
trcatod within, the walls of Quebec
Some Prompted by Pr�quo.
llonu-ed the name.
cauglat th,� naiue� of The Magazine,
sha�mblfngr gait, the unpolished down-
ad the door opened and had no' In-
!lung above their establishments a
and Prepared to 4ta,id Slags. e V� 8
It wou'd appear tilat this desire tQ
Sq. wlien 1he hold written -- story
then Cia name of THE STORY.
at-Ileels boots (one at them laced
with string), till told of the practical
tenti6n of 'carrying on u conversa-
kpicture at the most importanta"na dis-
was wild with delight as lie Imagined
cccupy a Pines In the world of,learn-
into walen lie had put his yery life.
Ski"XIAG, the U%Ml Ulf the author, Its
vagiant. -Yet Weir Menzies bill! not
tion with the lady up -stairs, whoever
she was, at the top of his voice. He
tingulshing feature of their ' trade or
that once more the place was going
Ing is trot always prompted by the
LWAs h -ad signed a name Avairthy of
the story. It was to appear "s
read th3 w.3rds:
disgulsed himself III -the sense that
be by
was shielded fr3m her �slght b'k the
-business, The butcher had Ills hani,
to fall into the hands of the French,
necessity of pursuing a -vacation that
very day in a really big magazln%
"Oli, Bert, when you can Write
disguise would understood
t hose *whosa knowledge of Scotland
porch, and he did not offer to step
and the cobbler his. -boot, the Waak-
But on the ninth of May, a ship up-
w ould secure daily subsistence, but
under tile narne—but, np! It won't
stGrics Lke Mat
Is derived.from the books and
out, r
smith his horseshoe and the weavier
peared in the port. Us, thought it
that �L k7hid -of pique against the
do to "spill the boaus."'
lit was a. dose, Uu.t there might be
His face was untouched by grease-
The wind6w closed -with a bang and
there were sounds of some one inov-
Ills loom�
Trademarks keep w"Ith
was a, French veFsel bringing him
assistance but when tile 'British
stronger sex Is a tontributing cause.
And.13inks was walking down '111a;n
- lumga of sugar to lollow.
_yva may slip off my beloved
-paint he worg no whig nor fulao beard.
Ing. 13resently the �dobr opened, and
the pleasantfaced wonlan who had
pace prog�
ress. Now that we can read we still
Colors were displayed he was amazed.
Besides this class of English wo-
Mori who work from necessity
street.' toward the nawatfind. Ap-
solitaire aud, put the plan gold ba
Us was Just Weir Menzies as he
#night have been it fortune had made
met 'Hallett confronted the detective.
have to divine between the lines and
A week later three other warg hlps of
or am-
bition, Nere Is a class who are AOt
prcaching, he gaw that the nems-
dealer war, absorbed In a magazl",
back Olt it."
him a tramp. Yet lie bore little
1 4 1 A M-;- � — Weir
you a bit you could SPaTO a
pore man, lidy?" lie, whined, Tve
Interpret trademarks of meanings or-
tile British cast anchor off the place..
Levis raised tile slege that niamilt and
spur red by either motive, These are
while ordinarily the only interpst'he
Day and Night 117as Round of C.oni-
6UP,;711 a a 1.
Menzies, Esq., ehurchwarden of All
been walkin' all night an' nothing. 'as
nium of attainments, They also must
Dave a full Speaking knowledge of the
started Ila ck towards Alontreal but
the women, of high rank anol great
took in his wares was, the price tbay
Saints, Uppsr Tooting, or the Mr.
passed by lips since yesterdair."
The pleasaaW66ed lady frowned.
Biliks! you?" erled
tile Prencli ships In the port were at.
wealth. Their aim is to cut a figure
would bring.
Weir Menzies, chief inspector of the
l4vestigation department.
She had a dogged thin and a wide
tacked at once by tie now fleet and
In society. This is not quite as easy
Arriving, MnX9 saw that lie held
lHis hair had , been rubbed up until
mouth and was quite obviously not
There was nothing which could be- Sh% gave a quick exc'anatio and
the -British sank or captured every
as some m!ghtbe inclined to believe,
for a In these
The 'Magazine! lie -.vats reading THE
it lQoked as" if It had not seen brush
the sort of person to be played with,
Bri.tish Empire Gets Its I 'Rulers
vessel in the flect and cleared tile St.
Position circles requires
STORY! Be jumped up is Dinks'
6r comb for a, nionth and was sllr-
got nothing for YOU," she snap.-
ped, pezhaps with excusable viciou�,
�Chvaper Than Any Other Cauntry.
Lawrea of every craft flying the
many accomplish inents. Mere ama-
shadow fe'l across the page. The
mounted by a. battered Trilby hat. He
his hands on a door-init
ness for -one who had -been dragged
tie- of the French nionar li,
N So the
performance in the 11teriturP-
of all nations that have
budd;,jg author was speechless, and
had rubbed
_�!!n on, his face to prevent any
!IL4 _ 0 n-tural cle-liness
-out of bed by a beggar. She flung
the door to forcefully., Menzie's. foot,
No country gets- Its Flinperor, King
, -j� . -r- -o-o-1-1
attei)apt to regain the place for Prance
ended In fall -
great poets and writers'in the mint-
bad it been eloudy day, there Is M*
telling how his. presence would beve
0 .1. . ho-wever, was a shade the quicker as
His.neat VlustaOie tied been combed he thrust It in the opening.
"bil. iiung down and bris 1. t-
cost tha does Great Britain, or to
nium of attainments, They also must
Dave a full Speaking knowledge of the
"Inle'lo, That
it ragged
put "Why Gwonale," lie s'
ly. HU clothes were shabby and no aid, smilingly
speak re correctly thZo 'British Manitoba Is eomniPuly spoken of as
Alost impe'
rtant modern languages.
Biliks! you?" erled
Tr1.n-,yl-,raai3, befors the w;Lr
in his natural voice; "this Is a nice
two garments matched. They might
welcome for an old friend. Don't
EMP11're. Its monarchs during, the n a
a Prairie Province, but si ce th. ex-
And If In the *course of conversation
ill(, newsolealers, in the perfectly in -
- ,us %vl y that pe*Ve offer grect!.
constituted fl,'
'teen Hungarian coin -
-have been given him at different you remember me? I'm W * Me
times ,by charitaWe householders. Zral n"
-centuries had acquired by hereditary tension of thd Province northward,
rights, by inter -marriage and by ACts -full� 75 per 6ont of Its surfW6 is
Horice and Virgil is quoted It must
not have a strange sound to their
Then, vith a lbng . breasth, lie laid
tr,e3, hIS not baccnls a part of Ron -
mania, I,j which geographic ally It
There was nothing which could be- Sh% gave a quick exc'anatio and
of Parliament vast fortunes and lm- e3verredby forests.
down Che magazine. Instantly tl.A'k-
rIghtly belDnas,
troy Ills af4surnad character. Indeed, pulled the door back. Her face did
any accident to clothes or person
menoe incomev W-1111ani IV, of Ills
Cooking a Nlew Study.
Ing It ap again, he w4wt oil explo-
- 0
Transylvania may be considered As�
not for a moment bear any very
would but Increase his disreputabil- noticeable expression of delight at the
owa free will 95 -Ne tip all these rights The entire central and -.iorthern
With such burdens it would not ap-
"By, here's w4at You 1tva lit
. At
composed of ithree types of cou ry,
''Ity. the reunion. That, however, ivas only
Twice -he shuttled up and down for a second, The next instant she
and incomes, and accepted I nstead a parts of 11anitaba are still practically
greatly smaller sum to be voted by
pear likely that young women would
to! yu. always buy it vve-y
the mountalir chains, the -c I �utral
-Street, tile secOnd time meeting a po- had thrust cut her hand with a bright
liceman and wit5lout Say-
unibroken f3re:sts, tile heaviest 1:rowth
Parliament. Queen Victoria, Kill-, of timber beinfr
be inclined to take some niore upon
month, I kno,,%v; but,there's I !;Qry
P 31u, "rid 04a Aleording- to
the last cansas, it agntallis, more than
who pissed
of cluile.
Ili tile northoru iakp
-Edward, and King CeDrge did tile
themselve.j. But tllcy strive for al
in it, this momb. -that you nlustu%
,Ing anyth-Ing watched -him out
"Why, so It !s! Who'd have thought
sight The two met again a quarter
same, arid now receive Just what their
new acconip:1.41iment This is the use-
I miss. I I&e:l you never read a otory
a -lia*.f millicli -,'people, at
of you bare—and in a rig Moe
a? all,-liour. later, and this, time the that? -Come right In, Mr. Menzies.
People, flarough Par ament, care to
2 The
"ill art of cooking. The boardin
like this One."
about one-eiglith at t�e population of
Hungary before the war, Tile ina-
constable was not so
I vrm glad to SLq you."
principal tro5es
The country lit Nortbera.
voter them. receives
for wealthy ][!tell ens whe
� . re
R.tffllng the leaves as he NIked,
,turned his llulll-eye full Oil tile tramp
anllt surveyed hini up and down. It Atter you, Gwonnie:1 sald Men-
from the sums ceded very much more Miuitloba are tile spruce, �popular,
the girls are seen handling pots and
the nowsderalar locatea 0 Sto
III ry
jority of ithe 1people lived In villages,
In which the . was, usually
Zies, politely, but firmlY. "Lead the
wtLs at the backof his mind that he
th:iu that tile tamarack, birc
It pays. So Empire Is ch and Jack pine,
pans, baking, stowing and trying.
once niore,, and hold It before Dinks'
Alight havve a charge "loitering 'with w1ay. Never mind the door. - I'll
shut A."
actually -making mone y out of its
What originated this idea. with
onder one thousand.
Kolowilar Is the �capltal and univer- fir
intent to commat a felony."
—Whaes. Isaacstein? "I (Ito 'be continued.)
, These northern � districts contaln
them Is to some a mystery, -,vhIch
lie declared ralemnly
"town, than' St
the game,
Wbat are�you, hanging around for?"
vast quantities of -wood for the manu-
they try to explain as a mere fad
-when yuu can write, steries like that
ally contahiiAg more -
000 Inhabitants, the only other town
he deblanded. And because he had Sach 'Hano Has Its Work.
been trained not to take risks, his
facture of pulp, and abundant water-
0. '14. R. AND G. T. R. MILEAGE Power is at many p!aces,
which, like all other fancles, soon will
disappear, This insinuation Is stout-
tliey'll sell!"
Binks, Mill speechless, took the
of -any size being Woros, which Ilas
hand gripped the greasy collar of the Parts physicians are debating
'.y repelled by the young -,voman, -wlio
magazine from the mewsolealer -.5 hand
less than 2Z,000 people. +he history
nondesetipt and administered a slight whether or not It is advisable for a
V ur-bearing aultuals are Plentiful
say that they learn cooking from a
and turned away, forgetting to pay
of Wansylvania, goes back many can-
Warning shake. man to make himself ambidextrous,
One -hundred and eighty pounds of
I -in Northern Manitoba, An estimate
sense of duty, awnkened In them by
for it. Before be had taken a diozzen
turles. In the year 1106 it was 'con -
,trained policeinqm took the pamement says a medical correspondent, Vdio
nidde, by Comnilssioner Campbell
the late war.
steps the elation of croative genjus,',
quered byNhe Romans under Trajan,
with a thud. I -Is sat up ruefully and continues. It ma Obe bsserted that
. 7
One of the practical advantages of placed th a value of turs talken. in that
rose In his breast.
and, t1lereafter ouffered a series pt
wit-li a wrath. One does not expect the work of the left ]land is different
co-ordination of Canadian National Part of the Province during the wln�
"Hc'.y vmoke," he said to Irlingelf,
P-ma'l wars, in which it was the Vic -
a rickety middle-aged tranip to have from that -of the right. We need one
a working knowledge of jIu-jItsU. And
and -Grand Trunk lilies of railway, Is ter off IGIG-17 at one million dollars.
"the eld fel'ow was wild over iti
Uni. In IM Andrer, 11. exlielled the
It afAonished him still more that his free hand and one' to carry luggage
-;iown by a recent order which enz,
Day and Night 117as Round of C.oni-
Who 1, tile joice On, anyhow, the
Teutonic Kn;glots, who then con -
-Assailant remained, instead of taking or equipmelit, and hence the right is
ables the use of mileage books Is- The numerous lakes atad rivers of
mercial Minlatrelay.
new,�,deaaler or 3iie? I'll have to tell
querad tand 40 verted Prussia, but
fifteen'yeaTs it by
advantage of - the opportlinitY alid used y for emergency while the
inaking a dash for freedom. I -oft is 4continuous,y occupied. -Emer-
sued by one road on the trains of the Northel-n. Manitoba many at which
other company If desired, are large, are wel'-stoo-ked wit.A ox-
Sir Frederick Bridge, famous organ-
him. tomorrow."
Expansively, Binks begai) to
Inater was invaded
the M-ongolas, and finally came under
I "All right," he growled and ad- genclers call for rapid and skilled 1��-ac-
vanced cautiously.
I Previously, if a business man were cellent fish, white fish being very
ist of Westminster Abbey, had been
hl:t future.
i, i
Turldell suezeranity. The Magyar
*Tbali; make afaol.e. yourself my tions so that the right hand special-
travelling, from Toronto to Ottawa. Plentiful.
dritwhw a Picture of how London actt-
"It*s about time I eAn.-ald go to Ntw
sympaithy etill remains stro-4g, and
mant,", said the, trsmp� authoritatively. izes in theA, the left arm having Ile
� I
for example, his CanatVan National
oil when Shakespeare lived. One had
Ycrk. where everybody basn't known
'ttrough the latter years oi the Eight
0. 1. Walk on quiet to the car- greater endurance. The right aT=
"boo!Cl would be valid to that point. FlQhIn- Ili ortl
.1ern ,Nliln,taba, is
I 111thhcOw and right under one's
in 0 all lily life. Phen lily li��Viilg
t9enth, clnd the eaeiy years -of the
n9r 4ad X'kl show- you my warrant
Is the dynamic, the left. ithe 'static
Elat it be wished to -continue his 01111eflY carried- on in the, winter, tile
window there stopped a mail who
w! Ittel I a r0aly big stnry won't ptww
Nineteenth 10euturie% national senti-
journey to Montree. over the lGrand Lan being taken. in . nets I
vang to the. most enchanting,nifisic.
mimt was strong until in 1$ -61 Tran -
the ice. The coarse varlvti�., suel
Truali, it wquld not have been good eq I
Touch at,1 goo, touch and go;
A slap en :the baek. Mon'goelw"y
- -
�YA*aala becanin an autonomous Pro-
On the G. T. 11. train. as suckers, are U-flil to feed tile. dogs
Ha' ye and work -for -Xind Hoart.
was accoFting 'alin. rrll,.r,i was a
vineo cf Aralr.*.a, w.,,1h -d separate
The crder 'Just issiied Wipes out krf3t for transpDrltaOon 'Service.
The T.'joth Drawer, touch and goe?
name far a unter, and
I)Vet. I'lin Vlaohs hoiv�) gainel con -
In Tranny'�vAnftt
the distine tion, In a mAeaqL&book'
One called lian right In irlille cour-
wou:d dieta;'e U,� lovo lettery rather
sense, between C. N, i. and G T. 11. as ka t - chewan's area of valuable
ago Was high, 11c touched the tooth
t.1a)l twaull P. pen'!
E:,;l e z 1163 7, They have at last ob-*
�alnta pollt'Xal, ril-11ts which
books Issued -by the Grand Trunk are ins,rcliantablo timber conipr.sos a belt
over. �s extending fn3ul (last to Wo� q+
all eastern line of 'tile I aereSs
with his dreLtdful,�ooking,,al�r.,tratu.s
and it "good."
11illella. old ellap," lie viaq !4aY:ng,
`so tll�t t"O.
before. thn war were equal In theory
good , �
I -al part of the Pro,%xince,
Canadlaii National and. likewise, tac, eentl
Pact 1% all life seemed to go to
You've got
Lank htrp, thero's a- -,tcry yon�ve �-,t
at any ra.,3 to the"te of other citi-'
-,,.ns VangaTy.
thoso Issued by fhe,0. N. R. Eire valid bOunded or the vorth b� gie Church-
rong in those (lays. In the early
to Ra gLmb.bod *li(, maz,,azllne
of, As a rule, durhig
on Ilia trains of the G. T. -R. One 1:1 River.
morn, when you were just getting
fr(rea Under BwEn, arm and 0 �, d
r ;�,,nt y,%.,.rs, Ilm country has been
ronmr-hably frc* from
capital. 'Cutlay takes the place Of tW3
your beq.t sloop the morning wat-ch-
it at TIAM ���,TCRY. L:*nglug 4�*Nlju
rel:glous v'rife
which should be a matter of satiate About 23,CVJ,5 square noi!vs oo 'this
tion'to the travelling pub'Ic. rcrest
ar . 0
man s. �g Out:
ol�secratlng flat oil ill(? -preM,_us title,
he said:
and inti,1crints. The V7achs almost
-all belong to. tile OrthaZx of Unlat
area of Central Saskat(:hewan
Goo gfve ye gocol-niorraw, my inas-
Churnllog, ,
has boNl -surveyed and it.1s 09tmat-
11131vkq, go �ibol alol df) likewise!
ind thn to on or
u a
THAT FEELING OF INDEPEN- ed thi it the, ara- CDlTt3:n.,. abou.'four
billion board feet !unibor
Past 8 o'claek and a fine morning.
WrAte unlo that, ol(I rp"low.
and vitt"I -i�(M 'era! Sts Iliq jWt
other ct the Protestant churches.
rt. it have, been mainly
ol and about
fifty million cord.,j of wn,)d,
Then came.the merchants, men and
been rcading, It to mi. Who lau�-,Iied
"I Ile country Is lqrgely agrl-
F or over 50 years Dr. M pree erf ai 1 -4'o
r'd like to be a mi'lionaire just
�Winle,n, singing tile virtues Ot their
It, I 1.�,ughed her, Thon
cWtural, although many valwable
i Prescription has helped th6usands ofvo-
once," admitted Jones.
I It Is P%timate� �liat the wboh- for.
juniper, garlic, oysteri, hot mutton
over and r.,Ah
lin, eried over it, anti I -wtae, I nw�,r
ineg have bcm diszovend within Its
mm to 'better holth vroater strvngth,
I in I
"Rightio, I'm with You!" exclaimed
Ost area. of Saskatchpwan ecnitains
elie�rjes ripe. ) The chlropodist
ly er*(.,I, too. NWIte, 1114o th-t, llahl,
-brighter spirits, be4ter looks. 'Dr. Piereq';i
H%irr:son. 'Itd be great doDO to
t1bout four bIll')n board feet Of IUlU-
askeawhotlipr you had any corns on
and YC'X ll. calloulit to
Favorite Presciiption� (in fablet or liquid
spnitil al the money you wanted to
ber and aloui; fifty r,1111.1,11 cord..; (if
ictu� feet.. The chimney sweep saug':
A�! bc.ore, Binam W.1�4 bprclt ol, Ill'o
Avbcri'.%�s Long in 1.1ta.
form) helps womea t6 rotainotheb! youth-
aid all that sort ucod.
I'Vouve It I'd like, to
The elilnim-y sweeper a'I the long
p(mor 1? sp-�!veh. Reew-ori'l-, thn
The sElky "'bre dorived Trom certtin
ful looks beeause it removes the carise cf
got wronq
be I nilMona-ire just long enough, to
It Is
He shigeth and swiopetil the soot
nia,,a2ine, and 4L!Inging, to 1, Njl,l, ii,,_
te--minod lie Mumb!ed ft"Gug. d
V711'(1,11 WAD CAll aSh-.8408 WaS ft -
flanlar to the alic'ent Grocks and U. -I.
-o _11.
most of the troubles pectiliar I N701111
ostilliate"I tjlqt tbc; wbole-for-
weir 011t,301110 al lily old clothes and
A"ip, �on
n, and 'wal, ttaanionly used by
Aim �it
le—Invi"y '_0
it is a non-alcoholfe tou' zrv:lalmr,
' ' "' ' ?Y
lint (-.Jr6 What allybo4V said about iiin.1)"r to
And at last, w* -'en the long, busy,
pri-s,ally rt_�chvd
11"A Nvli-i lild alway-, bet.ii
thow to flripro,4 Yarn, fire-
and health-restorinq—which has bean
(*11-sical day was dono. night
nioris t:ian a ni:,,*lwr to hl.zi, il
prcof r:�po ind T'rourfv)f Onth. Those
successfully umd L� by Amel'ican a -11"d
------ .
About Newfow
wMellmall tnol, up the tunoful talo
tii-�� hall wlu:l0w--F(,qt, wneping wiftly
arry flin
Canadian womanhood.,
With tlln� -complete collapse 02 Ituls- ndtan d.
with his final nie,,�snge:
int�) litr :ac,,�y haudlq. 11e 1l1f,,rey
ehlelly put at thn Present time. It is
PR lit 1918, It btleame evident that If 1%, 011 Nowfonnolland Imported �35.-
Lantt-rii and candle light,
g:aiw1 at tho ina,,azfne in Ili.- lap,
on!y ft) the production of thread from
DAaga,, Omr.—A X am more thin pleased with Doetor
Ilia linen busine , sa was to be contin- 04 barrot; 0! pot -1 -toes, having 1.
11.,11- out, hang Out. Illaids?
Cipa lio.aded ftr the stalto,
tht" inaterial that wo have much Ira -
'Ar"04 Is
Pierce's r1avorite Prescription. I was ran -down and Fo
i%ea tit canada, It wjuld be neceq- salua of
TwA"Vo oleloch. Lwh *woll to locU.
"Ob, Ilubert, dvarie," sho cUcil uf-
upon the a",Iellrs. It now
W k Yiervous that I covild not evon stay in the honpe Mone in
sary ti establish a zpInning p'ant
And qn, good night.
tvi Mai, bro�,�enl ,, "take this
*,puu ,
so flue that a vourid -of mbo%tos,
the daytime, and tried every kind of medieine I heard or,
here, to spin thn <!ivadlau grown flat. Mirinq the year Newfoundland
z'me and read this story. It is- -0,11 ' I
will, yie:(I tw, -thlrds Or a Dille of
Women be got no regalt, One of m3i friends advised me to taitte,
IriAvotita Prescription --,said that kwould cure me, and
which with the !mproved viethods ot iwpoited 2215.910, barrels of flour, tho
was equal to or valuct which wats 42,867,21'..
Prien&h1l) is a. beautiful thliig, but
can't 4-,%p�vla how it"tahos, hold ,f
Maybe It will t.ani(v
thread. To --wash" a ipirce, of ag.
bevteg cloth one. lula only to put It
N�ultivatlon, provCln cf
lievortholoss piany a mail has been
011(�. givk,* Y,)U
&A 1641d. After tAkixig four boftles I felt like; a Dow wonum.
bettor than the Russiall Ila%, on Which
1100st0d IntO Prominence by his ens-
valat�lvlp stmogol,tions. rin sure, dear,
Into fire. TItat cl(�ang it,
161salmothe my bo: ,at wedicine, for a woman bring;ng ap
tile hadustry had relied provinus to In 11fla tho (it the Gov.,
0 *-.1,% (-ould only %vr,:te Mo
Bg.&Unur, Doute 2.
tho 'WIM Ili 10184� thero -%veto crinnent of ,Newfoundland amounted
Thil �illvsr inining mothodt; of Ilem
Atts, In iSouth Anw.flea aro Wonder-
ple.1t linprt 411%nufactorleg In oD,=- to $6,V1UAS1W. About $10,0114 were
re much the saln�) wi Practlee(I when
a Pizirro totolutred tho,%L)untry four
-Hubert dearlo-ls" door Qlainnird.
fully Industrious. Thev have been
llakcwn to foustruct a tuntiol no less
tion In Canada, spcmt oil education.
centurles ago,
0a the dretser thcro -%vai) a letttr
Lhau Ihrvt miles 13 ltnjgth.