The Wingham Advance, 1921-04-28, Page 8.7,7 R M W thy of it. I think it splendid of yon have It of a dallity swell, and aromati- Or Do tting a prize for a layer cake. vally taste, llut Into it a little' clua- yon know that your Aunt June Could mog bruised and a little -MArier0ra Leads not bake one and I am sure could �11 III �k never get a prize? , I hope You -411. And rosomarrilowers while It is Ills- I'll t( -4,he. simplest meal, se a small At. Your Setvice write to me again aometime—espec. solving, and It YOU plan 11ally It you -get any more 'prize$. I -quantity of brown sugar caudY, to WHEREVER YOU PLIVS, love to hear of thoA and know that , 0 it a sweetish smatch. ��551 my iffelpetra are getting on well. The woman In town, or country, has tho same advantage as her sister In Wheatley. CULTVATING POTATOES the city In expert advice from -the Dear Aunt June—I have been read- best-known firm a Cleaners and lug your letters and thought I wOuld lilt ere In Canada, like to join yourclub. I wa*h dish- The bl,0190st agent in keeping the Parcels from the country sent by mail SALIDA Os, churn, clean lampsand scrub. potato field cleark,is the blind cultiva- t J or express -receive the same carefW. �t Denson - 371n HELEN SMITH. that Is given with the drug har, attention, as work deavered :0 AL Dear Helen -1 have quite '� lot of t1on ally. League from row before the potatoes haveo come 'Memberi for the 7 the is pure, Wholesome and dellicious. Wheat'ey this time And am glad to up, it is much easier to destro be able to send you a badge as well young-weedo Just after they have ger- 083flintr and Dyeing &ad us a, post card for a free san'Plle, stating tile price you now pay its the other� for being SUCII -a very minated than after they have obtain- 4CA;QN�%IaA FU—Ni I uredTea. Address Saladall Toronto* good -Helper. 1 1100 Yen will like \1qkS7J Clothing 6r Household Fabric% and it you use 131eietv, Gveen or ZW alway' wear it. ed -a firm foothol�d. The harrow cal., I For years, the name of 'Parker's" has It and will be kept going until the 0tatOOs are ---j rAgattled perfection in this work of -7- Dodgins, Quebec. quite a size. it is well, however , TO Antakin old, thinlis look like new, Dear Aunt June—I would live very harrow the sprouting potatoes In the whether personal garments ot evelt much to get a badge. I am six years fternoon. I have found that the tile -most fragile materlai, or house - old and go to school. I carry water 4 hold curtains, draperies, rugs, ots. 1.4r% V -k) for mamma, and mind myliabv broth- sprouts are tougher in the afternoon 'Write to us for further particuilars or tD1CW.,XN r. Sometimes I -wash 'or dry the than- In the morning, ancT will S NNT D law not send your pancels direct to TO rt%zy dishes. I go to the office for' Vic break off so easily NvIlen ithe borrow G irARLS" C 0"' R N]FEW TR A= mail. TRON 0, is Passing Over them - I BEPv-.NIVB MAY ARMS Ak � 'Potatoes need plenty o! cultivation 5R,5 ­ Des By slular June Dear Aunt June—Wo get the paper through the growing season. Try and 11ttki I every weolc and I like very much get over them Nvith the cultl-Mtor to arKe 01"UN-4 Acmllrdwg Its, am car5cw 1W bear the letters read. I ELM eight once a week and give them an extra P years old. I he*,p do the chores, I a to bye*oorks LUMitedi clean the etablo, carry in wood and cultivation fter each rainstorm breali�up the crust and conserve the R. it, No. 2. Mossley. I PLEDGE FOR HELPERS. water and go to the office with MY 1E, s, oyers'­ sister. moistCre which Is so essential to po- Mar Aunt June --I have been read - I GDp,.ALI) ARMSTRON-G. lug yolir letters for s little kindness to someons ome time and "Do a I Dear Bernice and G'arald-1 AM 791 Yonge St..V` jroronto thought I would like to Pill th& 01lub every day, to senj ray name and addre,.AF4 -1 -sending you bQfn a badge uud am ,would lite you to send me a badge. iScatler rays of sunshine all a'Oug the glad to welcome you as members of waY. the League. I should like you both TRY M0113MESIA FO I CYRIL PIGRAM. I to write to me again sometime and Dear Clyd'-1 am keLmplug your I -ro WEALVH, IN BEADS at stamped euvell LA a of tell me how you are getting on 81 Dpe until you write and I pledge myself in the service school and what games you 01Y or S MACH THOU E YOUR VVES ms of the things I an, sit Natives of Borneo Possess Choicest tell me of soT I my King and ;Country to -do my b Nyhatpetff you have. sure you must do every day to help , others. It is one of the rules of the in my daily work, whenever It may AND THEIR CARE and M61 Valuable. I he!@ others -whenever possible, Armulet. Sask-­ it Neutrifllzes -Stomatob Acidity, Pm - League that you do what you Can to be, to vents Food Fermentation, Sour help others so as soon as You write Iand to endeavor In every waY to -Dear kunt June—I like others, wish Gass Stom-itc1h and Acid By Dr. Hal. Brown, specialist. The native$ of Borneo possess the to me I will be able to send you a �n to Join tile club. I go to -school every y choicest and most valuable beads In 'badge, imake myself a good citize day -as ..my parents wish me to have Indigesti-on. Take care of baby's eyes. th . e world. In some cases these a good education. I am. in the seventh Iml.-Ist that extreme care' --be taken R. R. No. 1 Chippewa, Hill. Name ......... .... .... .... .... grade. When I'qome home- from to prevent intect!on of baby's eyes at beads. aw very old, having been kept Max Aunt June—I am 4 girl ten I school I get supper and wash the Doubtless if you are asufferer from the time of its arrival. Ayery large for generations, in one family. They Age . .... .... .... .... .... ... dishes, than I do my homework. In indigestion you, have already �-xied lare regarded as heirlooms and it is years old. I go to school and am in the summer holidays I did a lot of p pe-rcen'age of the blind in pub-lic in - I like school e. dfffloult to persuade their -owners to -- the junior third c:ass. chores for my father and mother. I psin, pancreating, charcoal, drugs voxy much. I help my mother by Addrem .... .... .... .... ... have four brothem and two sisters. and various digestive aids and you stitutions are Illind from lack Of thiq sell them. washing dishes, clear. the lamps, know these things will not 6ure your elementary safeguard, A rich chief -usually. pos- sweep the floor ard get dinner and The chores I do for any father are trouble—In some cases -do not oven Remember that all , baby's surround- I ses old beads to -the value of supper oil Sawrdays, In t1* week- Date drive a team and 'atook-rack at give relief. o glaring wgite.. I thousa!tlds of dollars, and his young threshing time. I also.take care of ings should not 1) days I just have time t -a get supper Llut before giving up hope and de- I children are carried out fn a kind of ready and do my homework. I will be my own twq.horses such as feed and, ciding you are a chronic' dyspaptle Science teaches that. softer tints are beads, th. I water them. The -chores I,do, for �cradle which Is.,ladorned with eleven -years on August 28 usually -to the value of badgs to ,inch a splendid little Help- mother are: wash �he dishes, set the Just try the effect Of a li�tle Risurat- better. would like to correspond with some- lors, dust ed Wagnesia—not the� ordinary com- Don't expose baby's -eyes to r the di - one who would like to write and I will er but you forgot to enclose the table, sweep and wash. tic mencial carbonate. eltrate or milk,' Y gladly answer. stampt. If you send It along I will ind som4times bake. I would like but the pure BlsuratW Magnesia rect rays of the sun or an other EVA DONALDSON. send you a badge. I hope you will it some of file girls of My own age, 'which you can obtain from practical- bright �lighf. L . lue the buggy shade write to me -again and let me know fourteen yearsi woud wTite'to me as I A SPLE100 MEDICINE Dear Eva­�-1 would Ilke to send you how you spend your holidays this I do -not get many letters./ Wishing ly any druggist In either -P&wdered or with green. a tablet form. CP a 'badge as I have to tell quite summer. Will the other girl guide tile club every success, Don't give a child toys that require FOR THC NILDRON number of Helpers, this week, I can- Helpers' League AN -NA SML LTZER.' Take a teaspoonful 'of Uee powder near and acute vision. Big things me a threL- who wrotbe to the or two -compressed tablets with a lit - not do so until You send -he tie water after youf- next meal, and otter. cent stamp. If you send this the please write to Edna? Dear Anna.—I am -surezome of t are b Helpers Of your own age will -be very see what a difference this e to have the eyes- ex- BabY's Own Tablets are the best badge wil come right along, Thank makes. It Don1 hesitat medicine a mother can give her little -you for your interesting letter. I glad to. writer to you Vhen. they -read 111 insdntly neutralize the danger- amined by an optometrist or eye ones. They are a mild laxative am sure same of the lielpers will be Dear Aunt June -1 have been read- your very Interesting letter. I am ous, harmful acid In, the stomach �,4,pec s"t if there is i Will Dome Ing your letters and I thought I wOuld ieh I hope iall any 'sign of] which quickly, regulate the bowels glad to write to YOU, sending you a -badge wh which now cause Your food to for- to like to join your club. .1 wash dish- 9,fely, Let melknow it wind, crossed -eyes after the third birthday and stomach and are guaranteed Melper of Evars a3e oleasq write to es, scrub, ba&e, chum.. milk, iron and. reaches ywi s ment and sour, making gas, hurry to be entirely 'free fram. any injurious her? any Helper writes to Wu as I like to flatulence, heartburn, and bloated or Dont be in too much'of a d r ug B. Concerning them Mrs. A. D, wash -clothes. I will be twpl-"' 111 feel that our corner is mlaking new heavy, lumpy feeling that seems -to scold Johnny it he Is at the toot Of West, r L,rebur,, Sask., writes:— Toeswater. June. I also take care of my Itale friends for you all. I hope to hear follow most dvorything ster. Yours sincerely, You eat. the class. Like as not his eyes need "Baby's Own Ta;blets have given me Dear Jilit Jllue--Thit; is my first �sh from.you again some time. You will find that -provided -you EILEEN SMITH WI -11 so -me tHelper of 1fourteerf years take a attention and 'with �Toper glasses more satisfaction than anything else letter to * Your club. As I have been Dear D Ileen-1 -am -glad to -be . able piecti;e write, to. Anna7 little Sisurated Magnesia im- I have ever given my children, They Ill all winter I was not able to go to to send you a badge as You. are such ulediately after a meal, you can eat he'll be at the top are easily taken; always wort; well school. I ;njoy your letters 'Very oll little Helper. Let me hear Wingham. almost anything and enjoy it without Don't neglect the signs. �-Il these and -though I have given quite a tow �mnch. 1 am eight years old and in a go, anY -danger or pain or discomfort -to conditions and more are friquently to my baby they -seem to work as well the second book. The next time I from you again some time won't you. Dear Aunt June—I -am a little girl follow and moreover, the coutillued reflex symptoms of detective eyes. now as at first, which Is something will tell you about my dolls and pets. of five and sh&lf-Years old and I like use of the bisurated magnesia can- other laxatives seldom do." The Tab - Tom BROWN EYES. ey' to hear the letters read to me f . not injure the stomach in any way so 'ets are sold by medicine dealers or EYe9-1 am So sorry to Dear Aunt June—I -have been read- the other -boys and girls. I am 90149 long as there, are a4ny,.6ymptoms of Mrs. C. S, -a got glasses from an I by mall at P,5 cents a box from The Dear Brown Ing your letters. for some time and to start,10. SC11001 8 n d I help my acid Indigeiition, ig -through see that you have been. ill -all winter 00 1% eye doctor who was goir IDr. Williams, -Medicine Co., Brock - and hope that with the spring weath- thought I would like to, join. I milk, mamma cT6 a lot of things, I can ville, Ont. wash. dishes, help get the meals, can dust wash and d this d4strict but;I'im not satisfied, Or you will t�e'able to get out and feel ry dishes, go over BE W YORK FOP. $24 1 — . bake, cookies end eakes,. I don't the 'floors with a dust 'Mop end I feed was it all rlglW to let. him,examble , qult6 wel-I again. -Do write to me have far to go to school as it Is on and wil-ter the chickens. I have a I ­-­ . The Poor PAan's Friend.—Put up in and tell me about your dolls and the corner of our place. The next black horse called Bessie and a Site of-10.1ty Bought 'For That Amount -.uiy eyes? small bottles "that are easily portable perts'. I am sure all the other Help- time I write I will tell , you pet Look with suspicion os any travel- and sold for a very small Sum, Dr. ers would like to hear about them about our school. More black dog- ca.1led Dixie slid a, a . Prary;.the Indians. ling "rye doctor" wh6 come'g to your Thomas' E electric Oil possesses ,pigeon FID11Y. I would like a It aie too, EDNA SNYDER. it you think I am old enougil. MY door to seR glasses. Often such Z' power 1n; (poncentrated form. its Deir Edna. --1 ara sending you a mother writes for me as I cannot. cheapness and. the variod� uses to Nanticoke. badge and am glad to welcome you az BLACK EYE S. Ttle, Island of Manhattan, the site man ls.nt qualified to treat the eyes which it can be put auake it the poor Dear Aunt JunO-NV,6 96t thO Paper a member of tile League. . I hope Dear Little Black Eyes�­I am so 'of New York, was. -bought from the of a wax doll. Reputabt6 optical sipeC- I man's friend. No dealer's stock Is every week and I read the �Boysl and you will soon find time to write to me very very sorry not to be able to *Indiana on May 16, i626� for $24 by 4alists have permanent office's solld1complete -withotit It. Girls' corner. These letters are -al-, about your school. send you a badge right aw6y as you Teter Minuit. Today the -assessed seldom visit -outside points in which ways so interesting I thought I would I - I are such a wonderful little Helper, valuation . of real and ;personal estate -case he will be able to show -his Ii- Wilard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia like to join yoqr club. I am thir- Wheatley. id you forgot to put a toen yeam o -d and am In,,the fourth Dear Aunt June—I wash dishes and other an badge; of Now York is more than $9;0,00,00,0-r cense#to practice from the govern - class. I am going to try my entrance I = in your, letter for the a Corns disaRpear when Created with . ak-O ci�Te of my little sister and It you will tend me -a three -cent ODD, the bulk of which Is in Man- ment nd other credent this year. I milk three cows every t Holdoways Corn .Remover without night and like milking.. I have one brother. Tdama says she is going to stamp I will send you a badge right hattan is 32..Y1, miles long auft has an If you have a question about your leaving a sear. brother andalso one sister. We live houseclean in the Easter holidayS so -away. I am -proud to have such a( average breadth of one and three' eYes, write direct to Dr. Brown, Ads- I one and a halt miles from school.,Our I can help her. I clean the kitchen splendid little Helper. I wonder' how Is small pqTtion of lafdo 'street� cast, Toronto, and the I The total estimated value of the floor. - I am ten years old in -May. you will like going to school. YOU fifth miles' In th In this column'. metal and mineral production of Can- -teacher's name Is Allss, Brown. Wish- I sLt the tables and'elean it -off. I must write to me, jdat as soon as you the earth live 2,294,10 people. answer will be given Ing the club success. clean the lamps. Yours sincerely, can so that I can cce h(4 you are ada in 11519 was $173,0175,012, which AD&S. WPLTTS. 1)vllkllllin CREWE. I getting on with your writing. Thank if; less tham the total value reached Mar Ada—See my letters to Mil- , du;�;g each of -the throe dred and Norma and you will find Dear Mable—I -am glad you are you for telling me about Your; pets. I RHEUMAISM SELIECT LAXATIVE MEDICINE years. that as you did not send a stamV I such a splendid little Helper and I think they sound very nice'. cannot send a badge. am sending you J badge. which I hope DU CARE I -S YOU" ACUTE OR CHRONIC? WITH GREAT d's Unime'n't for sale everywhere will reach you. quite safely. Let PaIAley. Cobalt me hear from you again. after Easter Dear Aunt June--Setelig your cot- In either ease You'll get such Te- Iii debility and weakness,pmedicine [ won't you? t ll am suits from good old "Nervillne" which It used t( take a man about a weell Dear Aunt June.—I am ten years ner I thought I w0uild wri e- * should be mild and far reaching. old and In the senior third class at fifteen years old and I -stopped school has Eve times -the pain 'destroying .Many opills -and puriatives are tun to out out and,.flnish a 100 -foot mast. school. I am v. girY guide and would Dear Aunt Ju mossley, two Years ago. I 'have worked on pow -or of ordinary remedies. Ner, hard, are drastic instead of curative. but now It is dOne.1n, three -hours by a like to correspond with. 9, girl who ne,1 am -a girl eleven the farm since I left school, I was villne -gives yesults beOauso� It -pone- Excessive actl'on Is always, followed machine, has written sOmOtilue ago saying that'l years old and go to sch-ool every day presented with 9, modal by Mr. r Tom trateis to the f3ouree, of -the paln, be- -1. with my brother and sister. I have' McDonald -for working on the farm as cause it contains ingredients (that by depression, and knowing -this Dr. I gulde, Willie 01 1 she was a gir four sistera but only one brotber- ork. I was Hick I d'd all the house W I I help with the dishes, can sweep the I a S. 0. S. and I filled In the f0rul N which was sent me and I received a destroy rheumatic :pains. It is thO usually bad case that. -proves -the T1alnl1tOn devised Als 1pills 01. RM11- drake and Butternut so as -to mildly wash, and dry dishes, sweep, dust, I have and do oth-er little chores. I floors, dust and love to bake. beautiful certificate. I clean til , ower of Nervillne. guited. tor young Increase liver and kidney activity, so as. to flush out the system IbY tolling scrub 61c second noticed _� letter from RePWOrth and I made several c�akLm I to prize at the school fair for a layers smbls every day besides doing the do -any other job assign- and Old; -used internally And extOr- i-.dly tor many purposes,. aryc at dI1 and regulating ithe bowels. Thus do thought I would tell you that Grand- and som 6 girl triends� of- mine live ciake. .1 help milk in. the summery milking.and ed rne to do, Yours sinserely. dealers. Dr. Hamilton!s Pills eliminate polsons from the body, thus do they restore there on it. R. NO. 2 line. I Spend clean 14nips and make beds and help "'Other get mOals when home from SOJ�JTYIFR Or Tdm 'SOIL. Dear S61dier of the SOIL --I Am very clearness to the skin, thus do they 'keep my summor holidays at gratilms's. V,bile there I milked, brought th school. I am the Oldest girl so must 11 proud to have you i member of the An 011 of Merit.—Dr, Thomas' Be- lectric Oil is not a Jumble of mOdIcla- renew health and strongtb.,.. To your -system in healthy, good, working help when I call, I rAust close wish- -cows up, seporated, picket d ing all the be" and girls every suc- Club and to send you a badge. I t1link it splendid of you to al substances thrown together' and order, regulate It with. Dr. -Hamilton's other things. Gralll;1110, cess, 0brather Harald and my k perfectly- have Oarned a modal and a certift- pushed by advertising, but tho re- suit of the carefut Investigation of Pills, 25c all dealers or The, Cattaqh- ozone Co., Mcitreal. Huron which is about five miles from VI!M,,NA M. NIM"ZILL. Dear Verna -1 am very glad to be cate, for your own work -or. th a farm. Write to me agAily and, tell me, how the curative qualities of certain oils grandpa's, VI)NA E, CAUP0,81TA-, able to send 9. badge to such a busY, you- are getting along as I shall be, as ap,131idd to the human body. It is a rare combination and It won and The principal (foposit Of 4D'�Iina, evay i -Dear rldna-1 sl�311L.,ovo to oLn little Helper as I kaow you will be very Interested to bear, AUNI JTINE. kopt, public favor from the first, n A being worked In a aft is In Am . ..... ....... rox :no, §tatioil 1", Toroato. Mal -of It yhII carry conviction to -any I­U� if. Owe" f. T al� -1 herst Townslill), Labelle County, i Qncbec In the northern paft or th:3, IXVENT19D GUM heal. Ottawa Val' ley. I a In p4rts of Australia, where" the, The use of blil'oes Worm Powders al Englishman i)o tRamonsible For oxeraget yearly rainfall is 110t MOO insures healthy children -so fftr n4 the, Spread of a Common Habit. than 1D Inches, a stifiare mile of land aliments attributable 'to worms are E W, w.11 supDort only eight or n1A TV a Shoop. concerned. A high mortality aniolig In the Argentina the same area, iylth ;c.hildren Is traceable to worms, These wAT I Mama "d 1 0 1 Whon we to Although chewing guln is 9, NOrth 34 Inches of Taln, supports 2,600. save the. strength of Infants so thit tl) lror.n MAr" wtya she saways likes to American Vl�,% the eust,0111 Originated thfy are unable to maintain the bat- amyolvotemmso they em ub NMI ANondid attea. 'i Afto r 10 Ya ails of Asth reva Dr. 1. T* Co. to" life and eucculab, to weakness. do& She says 'it fl J"t fika telog hoM6 ody Wa in England In 1M. John BOO, an Wet `41o"a It's a thange, t Kellogg's. Asthma RemOdY proved the This prelparatian gives proallso' ot c�, lool I like A too,Wuas et1crycoa steft to English write'r gives the tollowillg only relief for one grateful user, wid Ix-alth and keeps It. OWL -0 Ift,3 dad Mama, says eved if PiJA is not 4104t; recipe for it. Take Isinglasse and this Is but one among many. Little im 0cfm ��he laftlion juft the sam& gteop It In water until such time as %vonder that it has now becoule a Minard0s Liolmeni for Burns, Sto. The little Girl is Pight. yon may easily Pull It tO Dieces, put YOco.9ftized remedy on tho maritet. The wAtX99 HOUSE manage, it Into 0, glass or Dot well leaded, and It has 01TUO(I Its game -by Its never f) earnfur ment lake spetw rW" in catoring t failing effectiveness. It I , Night mad "ornNnoro woosea "d tbildron ViUn tesvelling met it in & pi)t of water on the lite. it today, as it has done tor yoars. "dv# cloon, 110(khy withotmt gentlemen ekoem There let It remain Until all, or most )R�Vwf. lithey mltob, part of it, is tilstfolved; thou Stralft L In TWO, UpAn, it Is not ununal SmartorBu ulifte, located In the City of Totboa. it through a wide hair sieve; while it to see a we6k�old baby mtrapj)ed on Irrita - Inr lktnf_j ji (y ISE the back of a child of ebout eight and TheWA1=H"W5E is hot, upon another course, and otiose 11 f luselAtidne out od to be Jum'Ned -about as Its Soeih6fts, R 6 for Infant fiair Steve, *2d VtOft It I$ Wid It will I 41aftnt nurse didports Itself with OtUet, or ult, - &ad optidw* 0 to tt like V, thlek Ioily,, If YQU `w0uld 4h24m In tho streetc oft�wr L 5 ISSUE NO, 17, 1921. SALESMAN WANTED. [ERU IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOU an energetic man to be 11140P44 - dent and free from the woTty of "- employment, representing a Strong Health an4 Accident -Company. Lib. eral policies, good commissions And Opportunity for advancement to -po- slon of District Manager. 'A. 3P. Stolz, Manager, Mexabantp CAR- ualty Company, Royal Bank rug. Toronto. BUSINESS PERSONALS. �11A-UTIYUL PICTURX5 FREE, - Sond your address to us and we will send you ten beautiful tgirls' heads,. or twelve Holy Cdth6lio Pictures, or eight large llol;y Pic- tures.. Send 25 coutli to pay post-� age and advertising, or ther three o.t� will be sopt p9stpald to your .address for only �66 cents. Vogue Art 10,0., Yoage St. Arcade, Tor� onto. 17 WANTED HORSE -RiLDISR ROOTS. 1,ARGE' OR SMALL QUANTITIES; state Your price; we are known to pay the best. Wrlt& 1M. J3. Xings, 47 09slugton Ave., Toronto, Ont, 17 USIED CAR BARGAIN. DUR CARS ARE OVERHAtTiao and repainted by, our own expert mechanics a -ad painters; large stock Of standard makes; sedanift ,coupes' tourings, roadsters . and' - trucks, and new Adams Trailers. OIPE N RVIDNIINGS. Phone Adelal4e D258. BXC,ffANGZs mApn EAsy TBRMS. OARS DO-UGHT rOR CASH, SOR FRANK DARTON, 00,LAWAY Motors, Ltdq 416 Queen at. West, Toronto, EASTERN CANADA DIST:RLUU. TORS Op CCLU;MSTA.SM 1,8 POULTRY WANTED AND FOX % SALE. $7.00 Per Day Profit. OVR HENS PAY A PROPIT Or (16,00) Oach aver and above feed bills. ., (500 hens will Day you & profit of ($7.00), per day. A Cook. er-el of Our strains willepay you m,:�nr times over In extra eggs from your pullets ne ' xt fail and winter. Our stock winS first Place In the gas. katch6wan Laying Contest and sagand place in tha Canadian Laying Gon. test. Wriiie for beautifully illus- trated oata4ogue. We tree, L. R. GUlld, BOX 8, Rockwood, ont, ARTICLES WANTED. I., ................................. PALsn TEETH (OLD) AN -Y,- coiq- dition $1 to $26, per set. Also old gold discarded "'Jewellery, wabefies and diamonds. , biiisOa�. 447 Churell StTeet, Toronto. 17 ­ A - TV � Y V 11"-M X F� AIS UT good condition. WrIte Mrs, n4ocaun, t94 Jameson Ave., Toronto - MEDICAL, ,FITS —STINSON'S HOME TREAT­ Ment.for ipflopsy. 'TwentX* Years' sucoem Thousands of ttssU� Mollials. No case should be oon- addered hopeless. Free booklet. *V17= Stinson Remedy Co. ofit Can- ada,, 2,611 Yonge street. Toronto. 27 MISCELLANEOUS "IF" YOU HAVE REMMATMU, GASSY STOMACH, BOWBLt Olt XIDNIDY T11011,DLIT, This harmless root and herb medicine will -put you right. Sold and highly endorsed by leading ctrug ttade for 16 years, but follow directions with each bottle. Sold by National Drug -Company through, Your home druggist, THE MRMIT�S -MIE NO RHM� MATIC RZMHDY. ED TIM, S—AI14L SIMS, $5, M, 05. Farmers� Auto Aetlessorleg Ltd., 477 and 4771, Youge Otreot, Toronto. 19 A REMO, DY Ori MERIT—DIL HEN- derson's Herb Tablsts,itxe excellent for rheumadsm, constipation, eo- gema, stomach, kidney, 11yer alld, nervous troubles. Throa months, treatment for 41-05 postpVLid, witIL our guarantee. Henderson Herb Co., 1-73 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. '44onts wanted. 28 P -AY Youn OUT�01�,-TDWN kc - counts by DominloA Express Money Orders. Plye Doll4r,% coats three cents. MONEY TO LOAN Loans made on farms, first, second mortgages, ortgages purchased. REYNOLDS, 77 Victoria U., Totonto. 52 44-14 1 Bond for trot book giving full ,particulars of Trouch's world - F T S jr:amous a)ropara- . tion for mpfleosy and Vits—AlluDIO home treatment. Over ;30 years' attecess. Testimon, lals from all parts of the world; over 1,004) In on6 yeay. Write at onee to., TRENCH'S RPMP_DIa$ LIM171110 1207 St� Jamem' Chambers, 79 Ade- laide St. H., Toronto, Ontario, 18 Minard's 1.hilnwrA for ftn0tuffe