The Wingham Advance, 1921-04-28, Page 61%
. 6
AXYSTZRY M411T OF TIM alleged to be sv blunt or broken that RZINES.$ IS NOT A$ 4500D At�
BAST. they paunDt peuetra.1to any oKdinarY 11!.� itolTE11,11 op (:00g*E W." gA14F
oil. .5enSe of,!hUMDr. 134tisll Jdkes--and IT OOESIOT PICK UP, VERY .300", OOT TO SMER 'A LITYLM POK A
lisctple -,V110 have not read Mari it must aw remembered that 11Punch" THE WPM COUNYRY WILL GO
Omwtordi's "Mr. 'or 'RudYard draws, On the thre a kindoms and, the To $MA314 KNOW, - 00147 SPRLL.- 13UT WElve GOT,**ro
have two -great treats li mw� AM WK jr,111"LL C10M 6AC
in store, ;from them, and' it Mlly 011-1 somet rM glow
uancotbeir ipicasure to XROWthat 311r. Moro than. the 'work -of the vrof". Sion- 0
Isaacs in the first ilamed otorY and Al Jok"Suilth. who Sits (down w4th a e
Sabib 411 the second, welle 1pr- dictionary and torture words
a new 0 do
,into wit Or waggery or evol"ve a new
trayals more or less accurate Of A tole*(,
real man. He w,.,3 ailder against his niother-in-law.
. A. M. jamb and sl ,
he xed recently in DoinbaY. 11 is The 'Brittsh humor arises out of oobar-
erful now-
cxreer xag In fact more wona * acter, -out lot experience, out of L
leage Of life, and it represents an at- Z
than p
novellst dared to Suggest Gavored wItIlla na-
ffe tiltude of luilrd
because truth Is so Inuch "trange ttanal consfa4ousness and set in a r
.ction t.hat -tile reality In 4 ramlal environment, Unless owomo
novel N;vQi101d;seem farfetched and Itoo famiallaritT with. these :things exiSts
junIl:rabable to, be artWic or credible. -the subtlety and ea -s -on -co Of the j0ke
Mr. jacob belonged to the froo,1111, Of is .1olst. Many,of "Punell's" 'eartuous
glo wAr,;b_1au Nights," and 110 was are saturatoo in � this wxY With cell- C
born in Consta-lithioPle, though some iturles, lot histary and tradition. Un -
.d, Ile was a Pule or Arnieniall. He
less one knows thzi lbackground.\,tlie
he was a Tui'k. He Was
said lituiself po4nt is lost. One .*t the
little s�ayo boy at iten whom his best of tire recent tartoolls sh-OWs
lnastcT took a fanay to, giving him all
Uncle Sam fas Q musical hall artist
Opportunity for education, encour- Singing the popular succes-9 of 1873
ago his studies,, und- eventually set
and theireDboat as "The Great Vaiiee" r) i1i n(l
.;him &ce, lie dealt In Jewels and
delilvered it: "We don't want to F flrTri
Freciaus stoue% and amassed, VOTI, 79 a h 1, �
drous wealtli. some belleving he had figirt." Uncle,;l Sam's version is
slightly modified: "We don' , want to
the secret of the PUL106cphor's stalle. -Ught but� by Daniels, It ived*, Welre
'lie went to 11,,%v with a deliquent pur- goibting the sRhIpsf, we've got the men,
chaser, tand ascoused of fraud, cle-axed
himmIt, but -at MOIL great expense h we've got -the money,, tooll" And Jahn
Du'tl, ratherbDred, sits in a stage box
becaane embarrassed. He appears and declares "Very quaint, these old -
to hawe lost his Secret or tlioiiower It world rsougs; they tfalre ing back thdr- e
Imparted. 13,11d the leg.4 -expenses . or ty years qnd more befare the war."
his trial baving dissipated, bl-S,
ItilLs, he (became a poor man, and alp- Mr. 'Punch eldds In a note that he is
exer- very glad to thear -the report that this
parentlY lost th8*`POwex be hlad 11turn" is likely to be out out. Pro-
cized -Previously- !Student$ 'at oc-
cultism consider the possesdion. of posals; faim said, -to be under Obate
wo2ojth Such as this as merely U, which,-wonM bring the United States,
mea,,n, to an end, and that end . must Japan and Oritailn, Into acoord on, a
- Programme at uavO retrenchment,
be entirely selfles�s and hilluan'tar and it 'these three powers -undertook
tan, Otherwise the Power automatical-
to rule ithe -sea. in haTniony the world
1.), ceqses. When he appemed first would be nearer the millenflum, tillaii
ilx the pages of Ma.Tl&� Crawfovws WINSO
ce Interest was Just being at any.time etace Noah's Ark was
-the sole -naval etrength ct the na-
twoused In qUestiOus of soPernarma"' tions'.
power. It was sts " ted ot the time
that these powers were -hold by men
us, A WAY OUT FOR IRELAND. e,,s Social, and industrial re -
01 the 99Xao race as the msit Of I T'r
bad ev&,vocl. somewhat iturther It appears; piiabable Illait -the Irish lations. NVhen Henry Ford 'raised
eloped grtts beyond the or
or been tak labar world keener
din- sItuation, to reaching a settlement. wages lie inelde comPetdt!On in the -
This laft'has cen up The ouitrages are very slightly less Lor all lik's rl THE S P1 CE
lary- %ts and, these -pavv than they -were. but th-pe, Is a differ- VOien he reduced prices, he made
by the spIrituall 4
r vals in
h%ve been -alleged to be possessed ence even In tilds Tesp�ect- The pro- 'competition keener for his I
erg luediums of -their -controls. While cess of e!;I-minatlon and exhsustlon the M=kots- The competitive sys-
n by most end mrast have 6ts -effect even upon Vie tem in Short turned his good inten-
thim Issne 19 torgotte 1�h'
tlojS into hostile a0tS iagainq Is
overl*dked U71 some who vbolifid be supply of New York and, 10hicago
familiar with it, it TSITIZITIS O'S QUO 'or guumen� The Irish people, as such, noghbora. The remedy, say ails
the most Important in authrcpalca;77 havlaie no -11117111 to the deviltries that .#Vals, is tlVat he stick by his class. A school boy - describesagreern groc- United States' prcohibitionists
ghe w1loie Raist-deciares not only its bxve been cominitted, though they According to another view the reni- er ae being one who gives -credit to womd, isielze all liqlior in private cel-
-)t a
knowledge in are iiobvorse than the deeds Qe,1798. eqDr is to change the social syetem. anybcd� who asks for M-�St. Thomas IkIrs, 0axt-ing way shou-A help
but its direct
belief -wi alera, however., has a s, 11tion. to One of *a- materially to solve the unemployment
the existence of men itil ipowers De V t In t stat- from ne f COMPIS ry
itifs unlikeythat gen In
ouch as are attributed to the aecleut' ed the -coucUtloils on which -he would operatdon. pr0lem.-Pateirboro E:gam; or.
stis generally in- labandon tile idea of a, rEpublia for F ord understands ta2l that. is involved -w York irterfell -in front
The We A No cobam.
Prophets to believe thatllralarLd. Had, he not introduced this In the struggle of w1hilch lie Is tile of a -tube t!mln. One car passed The level of Lake Ontario, It ap-
-cred-ulous, striving
ituch men lived prior to 1950 years I idea at the insbanee of American sub- pivot. He eas beell'in. the hands 0 over -him, and be came -out alive. peare, Is below, the -ten year average,
ve been One pa 7 n a -,a
jalcob Seems to ha, wklizers the tragedies of the i st ear adviser , oh Iways ;�IsO 'or 'prudent That was, the time the was 9 4- he -butt %ist would you expect? A I t
Who 1611 VAMY. 1,iko Gellazi, from dhe or more might haivebeen avolded. -His ones, as taw crusade to Germany "to Ullued 4he tralu.-Vietorls Colonist. of tolks who seldoin, drank 1jake On-
,00vetausn�ss. demaud now -is for the siame measure* get the boywont ct the trenches by taxl�) water now have to consume
strauht .path, through I Intentions pae
of ludepeudence granted to South Christmas', prove
'ker, 'Probably make ver3k small large quzutttaes of it,.bein unable to
and dis-
ZEALAND WAIM Atrica, Australia, 0�nwft- It Is �Wd mWt,be ba6ked, by omdencii P.-ofits, but 'know how to make, both got anything with m'ojv of a kick. -
W that lie prcposep -thisto Llayd George eretlo'n, some experienae and fore -
BETTER PICTURES- ends meat. -Winnipeg Tribune. Toronto jStar.
lot New Zoalafnd and that the Biltish Premier refused sdgbit. VAID big 11020itaalrts regard
it has remained
40 M esft it Buit thIs mmist be taken with -him as a madman whom It is not safe Tdie-Globo-quotes Dr Sowett: "In - k
ake the much-needed Prot *bodstock.*an died at dis age
Teservation. If Do Valera h" South to �Lliow to be -loose. He has aroused the long run, we tuTil, OUT feet in ithe
agat"It 11lie ortme,suggesting allOvIng mity of jewisr, capitalism by Of 10-9. Time Is no object in Ihat
elicies Africa Inview ouder a General Hert- the en direction of our gaze.11 This dictum quiet little ony.--Ic.-Itcheiier 'RecoH.
J&turos With which some ag f r Zog he "' be sure ithat h,6 -is On the his,attacks on t4eir international op-
bave-been 4001ding lthe W`orld- A mav is recommended as a line of defence
If 'he I% -willing to take orations. This is probably t1le fault to cross-eyed people arrested on
ter May I New Zealand declares they wrong track The WaTdeii -of Sing. Sing Prison
wrA no longer be tolerated jOL the up the burden Of empire as Caivada of some of his advisers 'who have. as chorges of drun6riness,-Toraftito says his Prisoners are better beh�yed
solithem Dominflom It 18 all IlLum- and Australia have &ne,'he will have they had during the war� Personal Telegram. -tilan, the issams - number of College
and to maike some explanation as to why prejudices. 411enry Ford as A. limense-
inlalitig lcommentl-Ty on the minds this Wew did not appeal. Ito �htnl bel- ly wealthy, but only those who have boys. % ft this saying much for the
mental and, moral standards of the Irelagd, to thle 01-alyed Ole big financial game can A Huntsville, A-Ia., mfule kicked a prisollere?-LethbTidge HeTeld.
t at fore he eo�mmttted
produceusthavt so much of that Sail man on, th� head' and broke Its leg in
pe 11od murder -and assas- realize how Tapidw the most gi
ithing has' -been permitted In the pla- at ' atio "IfrUs two Vaces. Tfie mau Is re-covering liled the first -time we heard,
n �,ftl we trust is now draw- forttallis can melt away. His wfurst WO IW4
ot noces- I ome talk of sending him that JoVe about 111he rich man h4ving
ture Vjays. Melodrama Is n and there iss
ing to a close. t 4�ould appear not haudicap 4athe diffefence In his own
ccrimlaal, it can be herole. er to congiress.-KIngston Whig. a 41n six and the poor'man having
and -our great tar be, 0=699odable, considering the househm6:44'iso to sPeiki when aft
History cau be thrilillIg Sinn V ein record� to ask that they the war, his most Important Managers six twft�&-Winnipeg Tiftime.
fiction 4S tall or scenes, as d1raniatic, as It"is, suspected tbat tila expedition
,%nytblug that 1= been IP11t On the fall in for the oresent with the OD- dIvIded into two falot-lops. The di-
erition of -the "Government -at Irs- viskon. became pulylic on the decision being fitted out In New 'fork to A irmaan in Wisconsin the
screen, Canada, is very much under land " -k-at, and sat up the Southern last year to cutthe price of the Ford I searcal tor Ill.-. missing link i Is If- town jai: for ffilrty dollars. We will
the dictatiOn of New York in 'tills re" Parli'ament with thesam2k villingness car, ��Jany of the biggest n u nanced. by the -sausage trust_-'Vatt- przbaWY Tent -the cells fl,
g�i and,it has not been to her ad- amver Province. as �ats and
SP slim- 'Mseizyed by -the Northern.. The Sinn fbe Ford organization gave 4 their clear 111) a pot of money.-Niontroal
A little education, and
spen-t with dr -3,111- Foiners could be inakIng lro more of pos:ltions. , it Henry Fordt cm atan
-a Qlonwgsion In acceptin.- the South- his prclilea succesOully it may have There are now nIn4 I'vamilcies, in
the -Vareou as -sern Par'iameat thali. the Ulster men a radical -effect; cil ALI b".9 buRiness tllo Canadian Senatt-, but the
are pl;�ent on dime, dreadflulls) and 'Northern Pzrlla- U , word. The fiercest d-alv)eItch does". re.- So niany pe". -IS dislike til1q, coun
oiVorenae woull soon bi,� fnated are in ac6eptlug a firoughc t the � EaY who they ca illy t1lat tho govelliment may have t(
merit. It is surely obvious that irtforti axe beln,%- �exerted to, overthr�w Torclito Stair. '
en -1 npjrec'al�cd. ProbabliY the most i lars"llit a spec.1al body o! pol-leeme
-zllsh lall_ coninatomisca are necesmry. Tile In- big power, land It may be lip, to keep them -front gettIng out ot It.—
the L on =d operation *2 the ' twa -nuest -licelumb 0 tho pm�Sllro and fP,1'e',ltT Is 411-140 to Nv!mt
and on L V roe Press,
al 134tl ford a bards of I!nn up with bil, bushess In 11.) llini.,
1'7117�rlm`s pragress." pzrLamentiq wuulM aff .4,
aowcll)2�rattou land ;eveatual -union. It (1, t r� at nnxt. sun,.er'q
nr, ceilulon LICE-PRE"Es 11"M NO STS. Saamstresses say that you -can oul
Its a&tnalslaVar X1011 Anil =-, United Ireland asked for D balbing SUL 9 po el i �, p q. - IN 1, v n t r cr a I
r�'etiircs. bcwt who ltw� ga it could scarcely be refused. 11-arald. gz*t one Skirt out Of three yards, bu
cpeo-1 t7iem? T�ia trCIpIcal beauty Of q "' at, A pav�try xa�Cr in Cali=MR, 1139 a CkAllealline tilief get file out c
=-d and all his adven- If Do Vattm is, in eaarnest he will take - p',an -which, ho deciaros, keeps 'ical 0111 yard, !I Smttlo the"Oltheir lllgbt.�
crwaa*z L!, the read ithat is, �;pen and show Ills (-,ut of hena* nests. Tllz� ulau is FrIctior makes heat, all. irVat, but Kitchener Record.
.1 there, ..ri oft'ya Part Ot t,110,1111- gorod Tattla,by dolng 80. very S1111-ple, aund It it 13 an effective th is
.2.1 train Ms cs(.10pe Vith �lys, it sii-elvis werth usftg doos nDt -apply to friction be-
Ntuy and lif's nd;vesture, With tille as he ry Oil tw,�,,n Che landlord and the teuant
ter xilvoutaros in HENRY 1ORD'S BIG any farm. Ile deser'bos tho OrMll Nugget Truck gardeners in the eaq
I'l-ni dl�mn to -the 1,; f oillowa: doubliad their orders for - cabliag
and Priftly's �cncaunter tu
llwh�jn 'my hens" Sit, 1 It ic; yet to be -explained ean"her, pZaats whon they hord the Ron 6k
Tlio Pt*,,,Pr.Im!s PrVgross, Heninr 111ord -is worldnxout, Or is bo- ro ready to ,
b Itile th-ooncsts I.Vith d I uck ffeiathers. I %-�t bill 1-itro'ducs:1 In the iob-1,wo g�rowors had dedO-ed -to milk
iho City u! Imstructiou, the ng assis-tad to worldrigoUt 0210 Of tI1,1! Do ercp th:s Till'bViii
u! D.?sTlad, 011 Eurldn7� &nost important Vreblems of the day, �4,tarted this p,.an after I Vgurcd th',ltt 1,*-c'!r�IS.1%ture, prolubitin- hip poekets, I
t1no, way Ia (10 Av,.,ts lo �eep as. close to 14 Ciaed at rovC.vorq C.- !�-.Oket*j
tho Nvielket Gote, the Ar- socially, tndustriO.' I
pnc,s070. .1 M3LICO the , 'r
e T4r a:fl. Trrelitt" It'll'y City C -f .011-arcliza"In
th �IagT. It Is the -problem ct bit; _': 1�u r 0 ;'� S
11�stq ,an the grcund, tho-euclt Ci�r� Is on one ostah',ished 0hur,
J�,. t* .7
�Ie� p1:1,,h, -the 11 --un RZ-AaUt'if�U`, I)USITIC125 In It3 relation to kuntin Wei- a 11111119, becnWA tllO- -Tq)jamy.--XInc-3,rdino Raview.
T"Ar. TY_z-b',!,nT VnP-',et�# allf"I p�jre. One of the natIlTal VtLIAOTIS Why
There is -no idn.W,)t eat Henry '1�
do not .4!(,,in itc) bather
(",-0 fl? 1-1,ce Leenes W!,el"d Ino'kO th" pordlo �Jgtt,.ragt In mca as 'human bkl- ' it nll -when tbe,�4iest.q az lined this Canadhms <:bje<�,t to Clilume eggs Is
picture ever was. : !11g;,. 1111 fre�zaion§ with hia em- " at they ar., net giin,-, to perialt Oao thing this year's Juno bilk
r, -,Va Nvny. out n standy s1pot to -1
1,,,.tt nur pratince:!s, provioon f r th Ir 11. ven .9, rtiliblance to ChIna ;1mr*,Ai11g nf��d not fear-thorolal W uo
ho.'13 in Wil,'01 to build the i e'
n,iti*a N r tlanse 01111,30 1011011 itheir healta, and,tor 0pir mc- yol-k Upon this c'CUntry_G;ileIDIl Aiow Thry'll 611 1
va � e 'p"r, Iii a hypr of e'f:�!au hay t . at the rflpMtr shop-VMqarary Hera'
z1_n!.)v ,nij _,ex-Drablenic) 01n 1=3 i,)A ad re ing,lejte!� a moqle direA and thPa '111' 10t 01 1 Herold.
of 1119 reape,
ftfid keen;*wr ,oe. ",
ity tofwardq them thAft I-, Preliller. Mury pliould beivire. It Fr("M tho lnnrea,_�o in juvoill
�'o 'Jrive aw"
J07"11 nx UNCLE. by on -03t 111m, in, It's pa"Itio"a, TIP t I'll.) hrartiprm cult ntuc;h ulare lie may erlino voolre inelinei to Wheve th
.1;�;,ovk-r, Inearrad the tumitv 00 t 1kt be able to get the-ougli. the door thP1,3 h.%gn,t be'en onougli of 4310 lo
Iiii sVlp; by f�tinkr,% Amer- ninny %�Jle, hive suffored by 116ury ut the farairuno, li�i'l of fame. t -Tat- z � -Ilionel, taik, tt�-, (k.wJCd*(.d mov
51-4)(1 ui,�u
4 or':`�r4 n t W. Plord�s aotkng Under tho Attt011 0 ItI16 and zmt.-, TOoSrani.
1�v .7w �!1�8 tf tiff, j5kc_4 ara v.w 4 cow"I'qtItIon N0.11ch now gov, ".:-,v r n la, �Oae Vult;-d lk4V!fko-
[he Winihaw Advance
Published at
Toronto (Union Stock Yards).—
Sales of it", stock amounted to 3,077
Every Thursday Morning.
epittl.e6 614 calves, 5,749 hogs slid 2,-
0. SUITH, Pablisher.
060 rbee. 'p; `wliiist 52 cattle and 398
licigswere on -through billing. The
-Subscription rates: 011e, year,
,receipts wore very light, probably be- $2,00;
six mouths, $1.00 In advance.
cause. of ;the farmers advising ��01.vy
Adversising rates on application.
Advertisements without -specific di-
shipinents seequ to lilve taken of- rections
will be Inserted until torbid
,feet. 0.11 Manday wIth, 1,500 �cattlo and
charged accordingly.
on Sale, there was an uncNen rise of
Changes for contraet advertise-
ments be irf the office 'by noon,
-from 25centD to 60 ceuteper hundred
,on all choice gradew This rise be-
came more pronounced *up to Wed-
uesday, but.ou Thursday there was a
weaker tone to t1re niarkeltaIlthough
flinh reeelpts sold steady. e
stalle lield-overs from Wednesdays
w --
were hard to sell at lower prices.
'Three -choice batcher Steers which
averaged 1190 Pounds and bought to
ntablished 1840.
,dress but 60 per cent., brought $11
Head Office, Guelph..,
p6r hundred, the bijh�mark for the
Risks taken on all alasses of insur-'
week. Clholce buitcher eteers alia
able property on the cash oi, preialulix
heifers sOM gonerally from $D -to 110,
note' '9ystsm.
go�4,.Mnds from $8 to $9, and -com-
Mon, to medium grades from $6 to $8.
Cows were Strong b2ln.w quoted from
$7 ta� $8 for. choice grades. Mioice
bulls Nvere, very scuroe and those of
ifered moved trom $6.50 to $7.50;
common grades sold from' $4 to $6.
Office, Mayor Block, Wingliam,
E nquiry for stockers an d feeder% was
a little keelier. a few laads of light
stockers being ,purchased from $5.50
to $6.5D. Cood, fleshy feeders, -sold
in Small lots from $7.75 to $8.25 and
-fair kinds from $7.010 Ito $7.50. Choice
I Money to loan at lowest rates.
vdal fluctuated be.tweell, $116 and $17
f6r tops. Buffalo resulting In a fair
local demand -for choice veal on ex -
this belped to ,hold the mar-
part, and
ket steady. On Thursday $17 was, of-
fered tortoPs with none on hand good
enough to qualify. . The general
D.D.S., L,D.S.
boctor of Dental Surgery of the
quality Wa`s, lower than sit any tInf6
College and IUaontlate
during ithe Previous weelM of -the
"Ir .
It gery of Ontario,
Closed Every Weduesdaf Afternoon.
Lambs on, the whole were steady.
-Office In Macdonald !Stock.
There wis a w1de range in quality,
some Gots selling at $10,25 and. the
majority from �11� to $11,76, Two
Graduate Royal College of. Dqmtal
extra choice lots sold from $12.00L to
.pw?�25. Halidy-welght sheep were
Araduate University of Tarlorft
Vaneralai steady from $740 to $7.60.
, Faculty of -Dentistry.
Heavy grades moved slowly train $5
to $6.26 with oulas as low as $2. The
demand for obolce lambs end Shoop
is illes-sonfably strong.
Roge'laustalned a furither reduction,
Wednesday's and ThTrsday'S Teceipts
%Sc., M.D., Willi.
pelling 75 cents belQw the weeks
ASPecial. attention palb to diseases
opening. Fed and watered selects
Of Wom6i and Children, kaving
c1losed. Unsettled at ;$14.50. Outside
taken Postgraduate work In
coulpetition has not been So notice-
gory, SAoteriology and Scientific
abt* and the padkers, had very 'little
Office in the Kerr residence,, between
dlfflen�hy in efteating a cut AlthOug"ll
the Queen'sHotel and the tBaptlat
the TUU was not heavy.
Church. el , ,
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. _.P. 0. [Box Its.
Mixed farming -and specialized live-
stock'ta,rining, bring,Another source
n U
-of fertility to -the soll. Stock man-
MjR�.C.S. (Eng).
ures are a.9 �ailuable and. even more
-,L.R.,CP. (Lond).
valuable now than ever, and should be
handled with the greatestcareso that
Mr. Chisholm'& old stmo..
eveM bit Of plant food, which they
contain is returned, -to -the noill.
. [But inw-stigators t&l Us
-diat dE le &t 15 per cent. Of Ithe
Graduate of University" of Irmo*&,
fteulty Ot Mediciae; lAcenuati
plantfood in crops -ted to atoclic Is
of ft
lost. In,miany cases much over So
Ontario Coliese of Phystobum aAd
Per cent. Is -lost because the manure
Is thrown out in open yards, wbefre
Second Door' North of Zurlw1gles
every Tain and snow uash thirough It
Photo Studio.
and carry off the strong crop-gro�,1,1.j
plantfoold. Dyan though. -the 100-
aelre farm, is conducted on -tbe blaels
of & good' cropr rotatAon and- even
thoug& as many head of livestock as
/Town slid Farm properties.' "I
pro.ssible are klept--aud! speaking gon-
and gee'lily ist and get my prioes. I
ora.11y this should- bq the ca-se.-sitill
have some xcellent values*,
there is not lhWit enough manure to
make -up for the drain upon 440 Sl
which ordinaxy -crops cause. Hence,
the uIl-V>-dato faxiller, espectaLly he
Phone 134. Office In Town HaJI,
ulia Is -15repaTlug for the future, must
turn to an -other sourcle-fertilizers-7
if lie is to FupVlement the inanure so
that lie �cin get tbo,besit yield poElsible
and still grow crops of high qualit-7.
C E. 1, 1 R 0k P R
III opening -the nilo It is a good pbu
to watch Out ibilmold wili0h mIght -be
I A.- FOX, 0. C., 0. 0.
thore, These mo'ds am Y4 . -
ous to horsea and often cause the
Chiropractic locatoq and removes
death aP cattle as well.
the -cause of disease; nature heals.
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Chiropractic Is the only and original
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The onlY fully qualified graduate of
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losing Valuable skoak.
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ost(jopath in North 14uron,
Adjustment of the sDine is =6r&
quickly secured and with fewer treat -
Monts than by any other method.
Blood prelssure and other examina-
tions made.
We are agents for the Apple -
Aildiseaqeq treated.
ford Counter Check 80ok Co.
aeo our Aamples aud� get
prices before orderliag.
In Sa-skitchewtau Mann Illore are,
Wingbafti, #)a.
61MMM tolim of lignite, a form of -
soft 61l'bitulnilifts ca,11.