The Wingham Advance, 1921-04-28, Page 61% CUMNT COMENT . 6 I WINGRAX AUVANOX TWO KfNDS OF, MERCHANTS , AXYSTZRY M411T OF TIM alleged to be sv blunt or broken that RZINES.$ IS NOT A$ 4500D At� BAST. they paunDt peuetra.1to any oKdinarY 11!.� itolTE11,11 op (:00g*E W." gA14F oil. .5enSe of,!hUMDr. 134tisll Jdkes--and IT OOESIOT PICK UP, VERY .300", OOT TO SMER 'A LITYLM POK A lisctple -,V110 have not read Mari it must aw remembered that 11Punch" THE WPM COUNYRY WILL GO Omwtordi's "Mr. 'or 'RudYard draws, On the thre a kindoms and, the To $MA314 KNOW, - 00147 SPRLL.- 13UT WElve GOT,**ro have two -great treats li mw� AM WK jr,111"LL C10M 6AC in store, ;from them, and' it Mlly 011-1 somet rM glow uancotbeir ipicasure to XROWthat 311r. Moro than. the 'work -of the vrof". Sion- 0 Isaacs in the first ilamed otorY and Al Jok"Suilth. who Sits (down w4th a e U Sabib 411 the second, welle 1pr- dictionary and tylea.to torture words a new 0 do ,into wit Or waggery or evol"ve a new trayals more or less accurate Of A tole*(, real man. He w,.,3 ailder against his niother-in-law. . A. M. jamb and sl , he xed recently in DoinbaY. 11 is The 'Brittsh humor arises out of oobar- erful now- cxreer xag In fact more wona * acter, -out lot experience, out of L leage Of life, and it represents an at- Z than p novellst dared to Suggest Gavored wItIlla na- ffe tiltude of luilrd because truth Is so Inuch "trange ttanal consfa4ousness and set in a r .ction t.hat -tile reality In 4 ramlal environment, Unless owomo novel N;vQi101d;seem farfetched and Itoo famiallaritT with. these :things exiSts junIl:rabable to, be artWic or credible. -the subtlety and ea -s -on -co Of the j0ke Mr. jacob belonged to the froo,1111, Of is .1olst. Many,of "Punell's" 'eartuous glo wAr,;b_1au Nights," and 110 was are saturatoo in � this wxY With cell- C born in Consta-lithioPle, though some iturles, lot histary and tradition. Un - .d, Ile was a Pule or Arnieniall. He less one knows thzi lbackground.\,tlie he was a Tui'k. He Was said lituiself po4nt is lost. One .*t the little s�ayo boy at iten whom his best of tire recent tartoolls sh-OWs lnastcT took a fanay to, giving him all Uncle Sam fas Q musical hall artist Opportunity for education, encour- Singing the popular succes-9 of 1873 ago his studies,, und- eventually set and theireDboat as "The Great Vaiiee" r) i1i n(l .;him &ce, lie dealt In Jewels and delilvered it: "We don't want to F flrTri Freciaus stoue% and amassed, VOTI, 79 a h 1, � drous wealtli. some belleving he had figirt." Uncle,;l Sam's version is slightly modified: "We don' , want to the secret of the PUL106cphor's stalle. -Ught but� by Daniels, It ived*, Welre 'lie went to 11,,%v with a deliquent pur- goibting the sRhIpsf, we've got the men, chaser, tand ascoused of fraud, cle-axed himmIt, but -at MOIL great expense h we've got -the money,, tooll" And Jahn Du'tl, ratherbDred, sits in a stage box becaane embarrassed. He appears and declares "Very quaint, these old - to hawe lost his Secret or tlioiiower It world rsougs; they tfalre ing back thdr- e Imparted. 13,11d the leg.4 -expenses . or ty years qnd more befare the war." his trial baving dissipated, bl-S, ItilLs, he (became a poor man, and alp- Mr. 'Punch eldds In a note that he is exer- very glad to thear -the report that this parentlY lost th8*`POwex be hlad 11turn" is likely to be out out. Pro- cized -Previously- !Student$ 'at oc- cultism consider the possesdion. of posals; faim said, -to be under Obate wo2ojth Such as this as merely U, which,-wonM bring the United States, mea,,n, to an end, and that end . must Japan and Oritailn, Into acoord on, a - Programme at uavO retrenchment, be entirely selfles�s and hilluan'tar and it 'these three powers -undertook tan, Otherwise the Power automatical- to rule ithe -sea. in haTniony the world 1.), ceqses. When he appemed first would be nearer the millenflum, tillaii ilx the pages of Ma.Tl&� Crawfovws WINSO ce Interest was Just being at any.time etace Noah's Ark was -the sole -naval etrength ct the na- twoused In qUestiOus of soPernarma"' tions'. power. It was sts " ted ot the time that these powers were -hold by men us, A WAY OUT FOR IRELAND. e,,s Social, and industrial re - 01 the 99Xao race as the msit Of I T'r bad ev&,vocl. somewhat iturther It appears; piiabable Illait -the Irish lations. NVhen Henry Ford 'raised who eloped grtts beyond the or or been tak labar world keener din- sItuation, to reaching a settlement. wages lie inelde comPetdt!On in the - This laft'has cen up The ouitrages are very slightly less Lor all lik's rl THE S P1 CE lary- %ts and, these -pavv­ than they -were. but th-pe, Is a differ- VOien he reduced prices, he made by the spIrituall 4 r vals in h%ve been -alleged to be possessed ence even In tilds Tesp�ect- The pro- 'competition keener for his I erg luediums of -their -controls. While cess of e!;I-minatlon and exhsustlon the M=kots- The competitive sys- by HOT STUFF GLEANED FROM EVERYWHERFi. n by most end mrast have 6ts -effect even upon Vie tem in Short turned his good inten- thim Issne 19 torgotte 1�h' tlojS into hostile a0tS iagainq Is overl*dked U71 some who vbolifid be supply of New York and, 10hicago familiar with it, it TSITIZITIS O'S QUO 'or guumen� The Irish people, as such, noghbora. The remedy, say ails the most Important in authrcpalca;77 havlaie no -11117111 to the deviltries that .#Vals, is tlVat he stick by his class. A school boy - describesagreern groc- United States' prcohibitionists ghe w1loie Raist-deciares not only its bxve been cominitted, though they According to another view the reni- er ae being one who gives -credit to womd, isielze all liqlior in private cel- -)t a knowledge in are iiobvorse than the deeds Qe,1798. eqDr is to change the social syetem. anybcd� who asks for M-�St. Thomas IkIrs, 0axt-ing way shou-A help but its direct belief -wi alera, however., has a s, 11tion. to One of *a- materially to solve the unemployment the existence of men itil ipowers De V t In t stat- from ne f COMPIS ry itifs unlikeythat gen In ouch as are attributed to the aecleut' ed the -coucUtloils on which -he would operatdon. pr0lem.-Pateirboro E:gam; or. stis generally in- labandon tile idea of a, rEpublia for F ord understands ta2l that. is involved -w York irterfell -in front The We A No cobam. Prophets to believe thatllralarLd. Had, he not introduced this In the struggle of w1hilch lie Is tile of a -tube t!mln. One car passed The level of Lake Ontario, It ap- -cred-ulous, striving ituch men lived prior to 1950 years I idea at the insbanee of American sub- pivot. He eas beell'in. the hands 0 over -him, and be came -out alive. peare, Is below, the -ten year average, ve been One pa 7 n a -,a jalcob Seems to ha, wklizers the tragedies of the i st ear adviser , oh Iways ;�IsO 'or 'prudent That was, the time the was 9 4- he -butt %ist would you expect? A I t Who 1611 VAMY. 1,iko Gellazi, from dhe or more might haivebeen avolded. -His ones, as taw crusade to Germany "to Ullued 4he tralu.-Vietorls Colonist. of tolks who seldoin, drank 1jake On- ,00vetausn�ss. demaud now -is for the siame measure* get the boywont ct the trenches by taxl�) water now have to consume strauht .path, through I Intentions pae of ludepeudence granted to South Christmas', prove 'ker, 'Probably make ver3k small large quzutttaes of it,.bein unable to and dis- ZEALAND WAIM Atrica, Australia, 0�nwft- It Is �Wd mWt,be ba6ked, by omdencii P.-ofits, but 'know how to make, both got anything with m'ojv of a kick. - W that lie prcposep -thisto Llayd George eretlo'n, some experienae and fore - BETTER PICTURES- ends meat. -Winnipeg Tribune. Toronto jStar. lot New Zoalafnd and that the Biltish Premier refused sdgbit. VAID big 11020itaalrts regard it has remained 40 M esft it Buit thIs mmist be taken with -him as a madman whom It is not safe Tdie-Globo-quotes Dr Sowett: "In - k ake the much-needed Prot *bodstock.*an died at dis age Teservation. If Do Valera h" South to �Lliow to be -loose. He has aroused the long run, we tuTil, OUT feet in ithe agat"It 11lie ortme­,suggesting allOvIng mity of jewisr, capitalism by Of 10-9. Time Is no object in Ihat elicies Africa Inview ouder a General Hert- the en direction of our gaze.11 This dictum quiet little ony.--Ic.-Itcheiier 'RecoH. J&turos With which some ag f r Zog he "' be sure ithat h,6 -is On the his,attacks on t4eir international op- bave-been 4001ding lthe W`orld- A mav is recommended as a line of defence If 'he I% -willing to take orations. This is probably t1le fault to cross-eyed people arrested on ter May I New Zealand declares they wrong track The WaTdeii -of Sing. Sing Prison wrA no longer be tolerated jOL the up the burden Of empire as Caivada of some of his advisers 'who have. as chorges of drun6riness,-Toraftito says his Prisoners are better beh�yed solithem Dominflom It 18 all IlLum- and Australia have &ne,'he will have they had during the war� Personal Telegram. -tilan, the issams - number of College and to maike some explanation as to why prejudices. 411enry Ford as A. limense- inlalitig lcommentl-Ty on the minds this Wew did not appeal. Ito �htnl bel- ly wealthy, but only those who have boys. % ft this saying much for the mental and, moral standards of the Irelagd, to thle 01-alyed Ole big financial game can A Huntsville, A-Ia., mfule kicked a prisollere?-LethbTidge HeTeld. t at fore he eo�mmttted produceusthavt so much of that Sail man on, th� head' and broke Its leg in gantle pe 11od murder -and assas- realize how Tapidw the most gi ithing has' -been permitted In the pla- at ' atio "IfrUs two Vaces. Tfie mau Is re-covering liled the first -time we heard, n �,ftl we trust is now draw- forttallis can melt away. His wfurst WO IW4 ot noces- I ome talk of sending him that JoVe about 111he rich man h4ving ture Vjays. Melodrama Is n and there iss ing to a close. t 4�ould appear not haudicap 4athe diffefence In his own ccrimlaal, it can be herole. er to congiress.­-KIngston Whig. a 41n six and the poor'man having and -our great tar be, 0=699odable, considering the househm6:44'iso to sPeiki when aft History cau be thrilillIg Sinn V ein record� to ask that they the war, his most Important Managers six twft�&-Winnipeg Tiftime. fiction 4S tall or scenes, as d1raniatic, as It"is, suspected tbat tila expedition ,%nytblug that 1= been IP11t On the fall in for the oresent with the OD- dIvIded into two falot-lops. The di- erition of -the "Government -at Irs- viskon. became pulylic on the decision being fitted out In New 'fork to A irmaan in Wisconsin boutT.ht the screen, Canada, is very much under land " -k-at, and sat up the Southern last year to cutthe price of the Ford I searcal tor Ill.-. missing link i Is If- town jai: for ffilrty dollars. We will ,on, the dictatiOn of New York in 'tills re" Parli'ament with thesam2k villingness car, ��Jany of the biggest n u nanced. by the -sausage trust_-'Vatt- przbaWY Tent -the cells fl, g�i and,it has not been to her ad- amver Province. as �ats and SP slim- 'Mseizyed by -the Northern.. The Sinn fbe Ford organization gave 4 their clear 111) a pot of money.-Niontroal A little education, and spen-t with dr -3,111- Foiners could be inakIng lro more of pos:ltions. , it Henry Fordt cm atan -a Qlonwgsion In acceptin.- the South- his prclilea succesOully it may have There are now nIn4 I'vamilcies, in the -Vareou as -sern Par'iameat thali. the Ulster men a radical -effect; cil ALI b".9 buRiness tllo Canadian Senatt-, but the are pl;�ent on dime, dreadflulls) and 'Northern Pzrlla- U , word. The fiercest d-alv)eItch does". re.- So niany pe". -IS dislike til1q, coun oiVorenae woull soon bi,� fnated are in ac6eptlug a firoughc t the � EaY who they ca illy t1lat tho govelliment may have t( merit. It is surely obvious that irtforti axe beln,%- �exerted to, overthr�w Torclito Stair. ' en -1 npjrec'al�cd. ProbabliY the most i lars"llit a spec.1al body o! pol-leeme -zllsh lall_ coninatomisca are necesmry. Tile In- big power, land It may be lip, to keep them -front gettIng out ot It.— -Ing the L on =d operation *2 the ' twa -nuest -licelumb 0 tho pm�Sllro and fP,1'e',ltT Is 411-140 to Nv!mt and on L V roe Press, Crtnmy' al 134tl ford a bards of I!nn up with bil, bushess In 11.) llini., 1'7117�rlm`s pragress." pzrLamentiq wuulM aff .4, aowcll)2�rattou land ;eveatual -union. It (1, t r� at nnxt. su­n,.er'q nr, ceilulon LICE-PRE"Es 11"M NO STS. Saamstresses say that you -can oul Its a&tnalslaVar X1011 Anil =-, United Ireland asked for D balbing SUL 9 po el i �, p q. - IN 1, v n t r cr a I r�'etiircs. bcwt who ltw� ga it could scarcely be refused. 11-arald. gz*t one Skirt out Of three yards, bu cpeo-1 t7iem? T�ia trCIpIcal beauty Of q "' at, A pav�try xa�Cr in Cali=MR, 1139 a CkAllealline tilief get file out c =-d and all his adven- If Do Vattm is, in eaarnest he will take - p',an -which, ho deciaros, keeps 'ical 0111 yard, !I Smttlo the"Oltheir lllgbt.� crwaa*z L!, the read ithat is, �;pen and show Ills (-,ut of hena* nests. Tllz� ulau is FrIctior makes heat, all. irVat, but Kitchener Record. .1 there, ..ri oft'ya Part Ot t,110,1111- gorod Tattla,by dolng 80. very S1111-ple, aund It it 13 an effective th is .2.1 train Ms cs(.10pe Vith �lys, it sii-elvis werth usftg doos nDt -apply to friction be- Ntu­y and lif's nd;vesture, With tille as he ry Oil tw,�,,n Che landlord and the teuant­ ter xilvoutaros in HENRY 1ORD'S BIG any farm. Ile deser'bos tho OrMll Nugget Truck gardeners in the eaq I'l-ni dl�mn to -the 1,; f oillowa: doubliad their orders for - cabliag -with and Priftly's �cncaunter tu llwh�jn 'my hens" Sit, 1 It ic; yet to be -explained ean"her, pZaats whon they hord the Ron 6k Tlio Pt*,,,Pr.Im!s PrVgross, Heninr 111ord -is worldnxout, Or is bo- ro ready to , b Itile th-ooncsts I.Vith d I uck ffeiathers. I %-�t bill 1-itro'ducs:1 In the iob-1,wo g�rowors had dedO-ed -to milk iho City u! Imstructiou, the ng assis-tad to worldrigoUt 0210 Of tI1,1! Do ercp th:s Till'bViii u! D.?sTlad, 011 Eurldn7� &nost important Vreblems of the day, �4,tarted this p,.an after I Vgurcd th',ltt 1,*-c'!r�IS.1%ture, prolubitin- hip poekets, I t1no, way Ia (10 Av,.,ts lo �eep as. close to 14 Ciaed at rovC.vorq C.- !�-.Oket*j tho Nvielket Gote, the Ar- socially, tndustriO.' I pnc,s070. .1 M3LICO the , 'r e T4r a:fl. Trrelitt" It'll'y City C -f .011-arcliza"In th �IagT. It Is the -problem ct bit; _': 1�u r 0 ;'� S 11�stq ,an the grcund, tho-euclt Ci�r� Is on one ostah',ished 0hur, J�,. t* .7 �Ie� p1:1,,h, -the 11 --un RZ-AaUt'if�U`, I)USITIC125 In It3 relation to kuntin Wei- a 11111119, becnWA tllO- -Tq)jamy.--XInc-3,rdino Raview. T"Ar. TY_z-b',!,nT VnP-',et�# allf"I p�jre. One of the natIlTal VtLIAOTIS Why There is -no idn.W,)t eat Henry '1� do not .4!(,,in itc) bather (",-0 fl? 1-1,ce Leenes W!,el"d Ino'kO th" pordlo �Jgtt,.ragt In mca as 'human bkl- ' it nll -when tbe,�4iest.q az­ lined this Canadhms <:bje<�,t to Clilume eggs Is picture ever was. : !11g;,. 1111 fre�zaion§ with hia em- " at they ar., net giin,-, to perialt Oao thing this year's Juno bilk r, -,Va Nvny. out n standy s1pot to -1 1,,,.tt nur pratince:!s, provioon f r th Ir 11. ven .9, rtiliblance to ChIna ;1mr*,Ai11g nf��d not fear-thorolal W uo ho.'13 in Wil,'01 to build the i e' n,iti*a N r tlanse 01111,30 1011011 itheir healta, and,tor 0pir mc- yol-k Upon this c'CUntry_G;ileIDIl Aiow throwil.at Thry'll 611 1 va � e 'p"r, Iii a hypr of e'f:�!au hay t . at the rflpMtr shop-VMqarary Hera' z1_n!.)v ,nij _,ex-Drablenic) 01n 1=3 i,)A ad re ing,lejte!� a moqle direA and thPa '111' 10t 01 1 Herold. of 1119 reape, 4 ftfid keen;*wr ,oe. ", ity tofwardq them thAft I-, Preliller. Mury pliould beivire. It Fr("M tho lnnrea,_�o in juvoill �'o 'Jrive aw" J07"11 nx UNCLE. by on -03t 111m, in, It's pa"Itio"a, TIP t I'll.) hrartiprm cult ntuc;h ulare lie may erlino voolre inelinei to Wheve th .1;�;,ovk-r, Inearrad the tumitv 00 t 1kt be able to get the-ougli. the door thP1,3 h.%gn,t be'en onougli of 4310 lo Iiii sVlp; by f�tinkr,% Amer- ninny %�Jle, hive suffored by 116ury ut the farairuno, li�i'l of fame. ­t -Tat- z � -Ilionel, taik, tt�-, (k.wJCd*(.d mov 51-4)(1 ui,�u 4 or':`�r4 n t W. Plord�s aotkng Under tho Attt011 0 ItI16 and zmt.-, TOoSrani. 1�v .7w �!1�8 tf tiff, j5kc_4 ara v.w 4 cow"I'qtItIon N0.11ch now gov, ".:-,v r n la, �Oae Vult;-d lk4V!fko- LIVE STOCK [he Winihaw Advance f Published at Toronto (Union Stock Yards).— WINOHAM, vNTARIO, Sales of it", stock amounted to 3,077 Every Thursday Morning. epittl.e6 614 calves, 5,749 hogs slid 2,- 0. SUITH, Pablisher. 060 rbee. 'p; `wliiist 52 cattle and 398 licigswere on -through billing. The -Subscription rates: ­011e, year, ,receipts wore very light, probably be- $2,00; six mouths, $1.00 In advance. cause. of ;the farmers advising ��01.vy Adversising rates on application. Advertisements without -specific di- shipinents seequ to lilve taken of- rections will be Inserted until torbid ,feet. 0.11 Manday wIth, 1,500 �cattlo and charged accordingly. on Sale, there was an uncNen rise of Changes for contraet advertise- ments be irf the office 'by noon, -from 25centD to 60 ceuteper hundred ,on all choice gradew This rise be- came more pronounced *up to Wed- uesday, but.ou Thursday there was a weaker tone to t1re niarkelt­aIlthough Th B1,11161NES CARE"81 flinh reeelpts sold steady. e stalle lield-overs from Wednesdays w -- were hard to sell at lower prices. WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE 'Three -choice batcher Steers which INSURANCE 00. averaged 1190 Pounds and bought to ntablished 1840. ,dress but 60 per cent., brought $11 Head Office, Guelph.., ' p6r hundred, the bijh�mark for the Risks taken on all alasses of insur-' week. Clholce buitcher eteers alia able property on the cash oi, preialulix heifers sOM gonerally from $D -to 110, note' '9ystsm. go�4,.Mnds from $8 to $9, and -com- ARNER COSZNS, Agent, Wiligham. Mon, to medium grades from $6 to $8. Cows were Strong b2ln.w quoted from $7 ta� $8 for. choice grades. Mioice DUDLEY H L M bulls Nvere, very scuroe and those of ifered moved trom $6.50 to $7.50; BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. common grades sold from' $4 to $6. Office, Mayor Block, Wingliam, E nquiry for stockers an d feeder% was a little keelier. a few laads of light stockers being ,purchased from $5.50 R. VANSIONE to $6.5D. Cood, fleshy feeders, -sold in Small lots from $7.75 to $8.25 and BA-RRISTER AND SOLICITOR. -fair kinds from $7.010 Ito $7.50. Choice I Money to loan at lowest rates. vdal fluctuated be.tweell, $116 and $17 WINGHAM. f6r tops. Buffalo resulting In a fair local demand -for choice veal on ex - this belped to ,hold the mar- part, and ket steady. On Thursday $17 was, of- ARTHUR 1. IRWIN fered tortoPs with none on hand good enough to qualify. . The general D.D.S., L,D.S. boctor of Dental Surgery of the quality Wa`s, lower than sit any tInf6 College and IUaontlate during ithe Previous weelM of -the "Ir . It gery of Ontario, 'Year. Closed Every Weduesdaf Afternoon. Lambs on, the whole were steady. -Office In Macdonald !Stock. There wis a w1de range in quality, some Gots selling at $10,25 and. the DR Q H. ROSS majority from �11� to $11,76, Two - Graduate Royal College of. Dqmtal extra choice lots sold from $12.00L to Surgeons. .pw?�25. Halidy-welght sheep were Araduate University of Tarlorft Vaneralai steady from $740 to $7.60. , Faculty of -Dentistry. Heavy grades moved slowly train $5 0171710EGVEW, E. ISARDIS STORE to $6.26 with oulas as low as $2. The r_ demand for obolce lambs end Shoop is illes-sonfably strong. R. HAMBLY Roge'laustalned a furither reduction, Wednesday's and ThTrsday'S Teceipts %Sc., M.D., Willi. pelling 75 cents belQw the weeks ASPecial. attention palb to diseases opening. Fed and watered selects Of Wom6i and Children, kaving c1losed. Unsettled at ;$14.50. Outside taken Postgraduate work In coulpetition has not been So notice- gory, SAoteriology and Scientific abt* and the padkers, had very 'little modletae.. Office in the Kerr residence,, between dlfflen�hy in efteating a cut AlthOug"ll the Queen'sHotel and the tBaptlat the TUU was not heavy. Church. el , , All business given careful attention. LOSS OF PLANT FOOD Phone 54. _.P. 0. [Box Its. Mixed farming -and specialized live- stock'ta,rining, bring,Another source n U DR. ROBT.C. REDMun -of fertility to -the soll. Stock man- MjR�.C.S. (Eng). ures are a.9 �ailuable and. even more -,L.R.,CP. (Lond). valuable now than ever, and should be PHYSMIAN AND SURGIZON. handled with the greatestcareso that Mr. Chisholm'& old stmo.. eveM bit Of plant food, which they contain is returned, -to -the noill. ORIN R. L. STL"w"ART . [But inw-stigators t&l Us -diat dE le &t 15 per cent. Of Ithe Graduate of University" of Irmo*&, fteulty Ot Mediciae; lAcenuati plantfood in crops -ted to atoclic Is of ft lost. In,miany cases much over So Ontario Coliese of Phystobum aAd Surgeons. Per cent. Is -lost because the manure I , OBTIOE NNTRANOW' Is thrown out in open yards, wbefre Second Door' North of Zurlw1gles every Tain and snow uash thirough It Photo Studio. and carry off the strong crop-gro�,1,1.j JOSE.PHINE STREET. PHONE 29. plantfoold. Dyan though. -the 100- ---------------- aelre farm, is conducted on -tbe blaels of & good' cropr rotatAon and- even I SELL thoug& as many head of livestock as /Town slid Farm properties.' "I pro.ssible are klept­--aud! speaking gon- and gee'lily ist and get my prioes. I ora.11y this should- bq the ca-se.-sitill have some xcellent values*, there is not lhWit enough manure to 1. G. make -up for the drain upon 440 Sl STEV, RT which ordinaxy -crops cause. Hence, WING -.HAM. the uIl-V>-dato faxiller, espectaLly he Phone 134. Office In Town HaJI, ulia Is -15repaTlug for the future, must turn to an -other sourcle-fertilizers-7 DRUGLESS PHYSACIAN, if lie is to FupVlement the inanure so that lie �cin get tbo,besit yield poElsible and still grow crops of high qualit-7. WATPU P&R, MOLDY SILAGE. C E. 1, 1 R 0k P R III opening -the nilo It is a good pbu o to watch Out ibilmold wili0h mIght -be I A.- FOX, 0. C., 0. 0. y thore, These mo'ds am Y4 . - N t ous to horsea and often cause the Chiropractic locatoq and removes death aP cattle as well. the -cause of disease; nature heals. l3o sure that the decayed sillage is Chiropractic Is the only and original all _,,craped oft the top -and put where -81 em of spinal adjustment, Ef- the live stock calunot get -to It. fectiVe in 95 Per cent, Of all cases. The onlY fully qualified graduate of t It IS, poor economy to try and food , both Chiropractic and Osteopathy IA the top silage aud. -talto a diance on North Huron. losing Valuable skoak. ..Phone 191. 611OUrs, 24 and 7-8 p.m. d 111111111MOM DRUGLESS PIMAC. 'IAN ONTEOPATIRY t COUNTER h DR. F. A. PARKER CHECK osteoldthle Physician, OlIfy qtmlitie& ost(jopath in North 14uron, Adjustment of the sDine is =6r& 0 quickly secured and with fewer treat - 1,11 6 BOOKS Monts than by any other method. Blood prelssure and other examina- d. tions made. We are agents for the Apple - Aildiseaqeq treated. ford Counter Check 80ok Co. OFFICE OV11R.-CHRISTIE'S STOAE� le aeo our Aamples aud� get at prices before orderliag. d THE WINONAM ADVANCE, In Sa-skitchewtau Mann Illore are, Wingbafti, #)a. 61MMM tolim of lignite, a form of - soft 61l'bitulnilifts ca,11. E