The Wingham Advance, 1921-04-28, Page 5E,
'Thursday April 28th, 1921
A1 4
T seems to be generally ac cepted'
And crosses too below the hills
who is i rested *in a
now that anyone lite
Mark where her heroes sleep.
T_% !40
motor car must consider the Gray-mort.
A week before that Easter day,
More and more men are coming to regard the
Gray -Dort as the best light car and the
And never rested day or night
biggest value at 'any price.
But gave those Germans H-1,
Detroit. This item went along to tell how a million and a quarter cars nis year- Yours truly,
Then on Easter morn at break of dawn.
this iat'ensely favorable attitude to the Gray-
The heaviest bombardment in history
1?9 t is the result of the complete value of
this cai —low price, gasoline and tire econ"
And before two hours, Imid. April shower,
omy, unusual good. looks, powe"r-, speed$`
comfort and long trouble-free life. Not one
letter as it was sent to Mr. Pettypiece. Andhereis the letter thatwent back see him riding around in one this summer
At least the most of it is here, although may have a pretty fair idea how he
featur e' is sacrificed.
I& to from Forest:- you
.\ft. Pettypiece had apparently started Forest, Ont.. Feb. 26th, 1921. came by it.
,ti*lm the thing down before sending it
Who fought and died that day;
The mem'ry of their gallant deeds,
along. It has a heading "Forest BOY In The Manager,
XT ILI 11 A;Mr.11-11f
Auto Businest-Victor H. Frayne Taking Michigan Auto School, THE CAPTURE OF VIMY RIDGE
supply the demand. Gray Dort decxlers are,
able to make early dehveries to, a few owners.
See your dealer now.
Ezpa Morkley, Wingham, Ont,
At a meeting held in Palmerston la. cort- (Iftl and Emore)L The F$rmor'$ sm
nection with arranging a. racing circuit in The father of one of the Young Men What 13 wrong with XVWt10* U*
I ook;404 to MW*
this north= district, repreoentatives were arrested in connection with the murder Of writer recently sPe'rit a w
present from Chealey, Homover, Ripley, A Prage M40 at Melbourne I$ inclined to county and, a, tho result Of *4 VW
Kincardine, Palmerston, Winglia the crime. He $a;11 came away m6re Ono over limpnomid vAft
m, Lis- blame the war for A
towel,Walkerton and Arthur, The cir. that soldiers werl taught w 1411, and in- the necessity of readjusting OW 000"awo
cuits is to be called the Bit Four, compris- timates that it has become a habit. They burdens so that agriculture mw bo
11 'other given a fighting chance.
ing the four countis of Bruce, Huron, Grey, were certainly not taught to ki
and Wellington. and opens at Cbesley on Canadian soldiers, and the victim in this Hnrou County is ono of the b
ost In tbo
June Ord, next. case was a returned Man. province, The land Is fertile, abuncl4aft
The object in forming the circuit is to watered, well wooded. sultable for Xrxdqr*
make it more inducive to the horsemen, The Corning Census gmin-growing, fruit growing, sad MWA
as the big difficulty has been to get suffid- farming. The people are a vh* race't'.
ent horses at the individual meets. This As the time approaches for the taking giftedwith visionand poosowdof mom
way they can depend on the whole circuit of the census, guesm are ventured as to the ordinary breadth and tolerance. TW
in placeof shipping down country after how Ontario will fare in the, next redistri- farmers are unu%411Y progressive, WOW -
each race. The present indications are bution of Federal seats, At present this hers of thera being University grisduxtM
good for a large bunch of , horses, and Province has ' 82 members as against 65 or trained at the Ontario Agricattural
go?d. ones, including some from the representations of Quebec, Enthusiaits College. As 01 whole they take a kom I* -
American side, are not lacidng in Lower Canada who terest in the Farmers' Moverneckt, SMP
The schedule of dates, as drafted, are: maintain that the impending enumera- their cattle co-operativelY, and buy tlVskl*
June 3-Chenj" Y, tion will almost wipe out the advantages necessities in the same way. The dwk
which Ontario's population now gives it
June 9 -Hanover. in the Federal le , gislation and t hat ten courses at the University attract MAKIT (A
June 16 -Ripley. years hence the star of Quebec will be de- the young people., while. the club lneetiug&
June 23 -Palmerston. finitely in the ascendant. The philopro - the debates, and other feature% proVe Ot
July I -Port Elgin. interest to a large proportion Of thet POPPw
July 7 -Kincardine. I genitiveness of the habitant has been ulation.
July 14-Wingham. more than a match for the immigration In spite of the virility of the people. im
July 21-Teeswater. into Ontario. The remarkable growth of spite of the fact that they work hPOL
July 28 -Walkerton. Montreal, has also to be considered by the that they are unusally thrifty, and P1701 -
August 3 -Listowel. calculator; and the boosters of that city t I0X0 peo*
August 11 -Arthur. foretell ever increasing material prosper- gressive, Huron county los en 19W an&
ityontheground that too "progressive" intheeighteen years betwe
It is possible that some other towns egislation is driving both labor and capit- Igis. At the beginning of the centurY
will fall in line later. al away from competing centres. the county had a population of 43,2%&
eighteen years later it had but $2,373.
Hurori Was Very Dry Thus, in that short time, rural Hurom
Howick Council The following is a more complete re. lost the population of a fair-sizzed cltr,.,
Fordwich, April 20th, 1921. turn,of the result of the vote given on Every township in the county contributed
Council met to -day in Beswitherick Monday on the referendum in Huron its quota.
Rooms pursuant to adjournment. Mem- County. Again we point out that people do not
bers all present. The Reeve in the South Huron quit a money -making job. There must,
chair. Minutes of last meeting were I
read on motion of Hubbard aud Bryans I 'No Yes Mai - be some reason or combination of reason%
wereadopted. Moved by Inglis and Hub- Clinton .............. 270 631 361 for this decline in the rural population.
bard that the following changes be made Seaforth ............ 441 801 357 We wonder sometimes if our goyernmeata&
in the pathwasters: John Stewart instead L, xeter .............. 136 695 559 our manufacturer.; and city people in gert-*
of Leonard Ruttan, Ralph Metcalf in- Sayfield ............ 62 134 72 - eral realize the seriousness of the situattom.
stead of Win. Weir, August Willhe. in-
stead of Walter Johnston. Alex. MeTTer, Hensall ............. 80 284 204 Let this continue for another eighteem
cher instead of Win. Ball, Arthur Jacques Goderich Twp ....... 108 512 404 1 years at the same rate as it has for the.
instead of Alex. lidgar. Moved by Hay ................ 436- 477 41 past eighteen, and there will be a' serloum
Spotton and Bryans that By-law No. 8 Hullett..: ........... 169 670 501 food shortage confronting us, Already
appointing pat4masters, pound keepers
and fence viewers be read the third time Stanley ............. 124 541 417 empty houses, and farms turned over 0
And passed. -Carried. Moved by Bryans Stephen ............ 343 842 499 grass, point to a period when high Waget,
g . Lad Sp otton that the following accounts Tuckersmith ........ 182 648 466 will be more than absorbed by the higher
be paid: -Harvey Sparling, team on Usborne ; ........... 92 731 642 cost of foodstuffs, and the condition of the,
grader $4.20; H. W. 1 dgar, team on
grader 6.00; Qco, Ashton, team qu MpKill9p ........... 203 426 223 working man will be worse than it is to -
grader 6.00; Percey Ashton, team on day. Before it is too late, there shoul&
grader 6.00; R. F. Adgar, moving grader 2649 7395 4746 be a drastiC. stock -taking on the part oE
2.30; C. Block, rep. culverts lot io, con. 4 North Huron
5.00; Harold Barton, raking stones off the people of this Province, otherwise we
road 3,00; C. Maxwell, plank and work No Y Uaj - will be brought face to face w" OtM
on'Bridge 10.50, inumicipal world clog Goderich ............ 601 1075 381 economic downfall. The story of H,urom-
tags x8 3o; E. Hargrave, rep two culverts Wingham ........... 225 746 521 could be repeated of every county in the
lot 25, con - 4, 6. oo; James Mathews, rep,
culvert in Fordwich 2.00; Les. McLeod, Blyth ............... 101 241. 140 Province. What is wrong wit11 4gric-ut-
bal. nn grading for 1921, 5,00; Thos. Brussels ............ 95 355 260 ture
Nash, war tax on printing 1920, 2.00; C. Wroxeter ............ 25 102, W =-
33. Walker, part salary as clerk zoo.00; Ashfield ............ 149 775 626
C. H. Walker, for works and postage dry Colborne ............ 80 230 450 Why The Editor Left Town
drifln 5.2o; Peter F, Doig, Road Com-
mission 1920, to.00; Isaac Wade, School Grey ................ 113 950 837 It was because the following items ap
attendance officer X2.00; Win. Currie, tile Howick ............. 170 978 808 peared in his paper:
for gate way 4.20; Norman McLaughlin, Morris .............. 123 662 539 "Mrs. Thomas W. Johnston read an act -
sheep killed by dogs i5.2o; Paul Powell, Turnbery ............ 89 552 463 icle for the women's club entitled, 'Persow4,
bal. due Tp. Turuberry 177.80; John
Patterson, road drag ana work 16. iS. , E. Wawanosh ....... 42 570 528 al Devils.' Seventeen Were present."
Moved by Inglis and 13ryAilg that lbk YV, Wawilnosh ...... 12Z 091 401 "Mr. Jolin Crouse shipped a carload of
council do now adjourn to meet again in hogs to Kansas City one day last week,
the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the third
Wednesday in May. -Carried, aotal 2686 k8 6:187 Three of their neighbors went in vrith hint
C. B. WATxi R, Clerk. County total 4679 15582 109o3 I to thAko tip the loa&
over seven and a half million, in extract school a good write-up, and will Also tell
And crosses too below the hills
figures, 7,523,664. Production of new the people all about it as ride around
Mark where her heroes sleep.
automobiles in 1921 was about three through the country.
A week before that Easter day,
-A week or so ago H. J. Pettypiece, of million. You will doubtless find either of these
I news fol 1921.
Our guns hurled their shot and shell,
the Forest Free Press. received a "A big year is anticipated advertising plans profitable.
And never rested day or night
,Item" from the Mtchigan Auto School, of Ford alone has announced he will make Awaiting your instructions, I am
But gave those Germans H-1,
Detroit. This item went along to tell how a million and a quarter cars nis year- Yours truly,
Then on Easter morn at break of dawn.
2 boy from Forest was taking a course at Mr. Frayries many friends w"Ill bi glad H. J. PCTTYP1h'VH.
The heaviest bombardment in history
the school. No doubt a good many other to hear that he is looking into the future The last time H. J. was over at the
publishers throughout Canada have re- 'and preparing himself for a place in 1he Forest post office there was no Ford car
And before two hours, Imid. April shower,
'I industry". in his letter box. However if any Of YOU
ceived these communications. Here is thel great automobie
The Huns from the Ridge hall parted,
letter as it was sent to Mr. Pettypiece. Andhereis the letter thatwent back see him riding around in one this summer
At least the most of it is here, although may have a pretty fair idea how he
All honor to those gallant men,
I& to from Forest:- you
.\ft. Pettypiece had apparently started Forest, Ont.. Feb. 26th, 1921. came by it.
,ti*lm the thing down before sending it
Who fought and died that day;
The mem'ry of their gallant deeds,
along. It has a heading "Forest BOY In The Manager,
Will last and live for aye.
Auto Businest-Victor H. Frayne Taking Michigan Auto School, THE CAPTURE OF VIMY RIDGE
The Maple Leaveg I'll gather,
Course in Michigan States Auto School". Detroit, Mich.
Frayne has arrived at Detroit, Michigan, Attention Sir Henty Ford Lest we forget, ,,,he capture of Vimy
That by Canadian winds are blest,
And I'll scatter them with reverence,
-where he is taking special training to Dear Sir:- Ridge by the Canadians, April 9,1917.
Where Canadian heroes rest.
,enter the automobile business. Mr. I have your communication of
Frayne is attending the Michigan State date, in which you announce the arrival On Vimy Ridge that glorious day,
When gallant Canadian heroes fell,
4 .#One Who Was There"
Auto School, in that city. Being in the in Detroit of Victor 11. Frayne of Fo ' rest.
'heart the automobile ind ustry', Mr. A tbree-line item will give our readers all Striving to break the GermaWs away
of And capture the ridge they held so well.
Fraynt expects to secure exceptional ad- that information, in fact we mentionecl R.
Tory Corners
vantagto, The automobile factories ex- some time ago, That day will go down in history,
tend the opportunity of inspecting their Reading between the lines it strikes me Aeth, glorious "Easter Morn",
Mr. J. Woods of the 17th. con., How
Ick, lost one of his valuable show team.
plants and becoming familiar with the de- that you wish- tht Free Press to boo When -anadians went to do or die
Mr. Hugh Wylie purchased Mr. Tdn
tails of manufact are, and employ your Auto School., And took Vimy Ridge by storm.
Ellis So store form on Gorrie sideroad.
of the studerit* who wish to remain in if yo wish us to do this on a busine:9
J*r factory experience before basis we will be very pleased to sell you For three long years Frenchmen foughto
Mr. Alfred Taylor of the 15th. con,
ktowick, shipped three pedigreed YoA
day thl
Detroit some
starting in btisiness for themselves. space at regulgr rates, Se6 enclosed rate To take that ridge in vain,
for And thousands of graves below the hill.
shire pigs to Blind river one
,,Tht automobile industry is fast be- card particulars.
Glad to report that Mr. Alex. 1419en
corni4g the *acld'a greatest business. On Or, ifyou wish it done ona campli-i Hold the bones of their gallant dain
is Ott the mend.
January lot, 1*20, the total tegistr3tibfi , metitary basis, tell Sir Henry to send me The British once did pin thow hsights,
Sorry to hear of Mrs. R Uskerie's ill
of autoomggL4 in tile United States wasa nict little car, and I will give Your 1 But (ailed that ground to, keep o
skeov and hot)* to act het out around soon
Touch up Your
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