The Wingham Advance, 1921-04-28, Page 3I RAn 0311ceof fleahness and Carefulnoss ad libl. to be taken regularly in. large doses, is the most potent preseription T for fim.. * itis. 'An epidemie that is (ILstro.-yring thomands of lives and millions of dollars' wortli of property throughout the country. Care. and Ceaullness, are the antld6te for fire as well im the antidote for disease. WING11AX ADVANOV WWWWWWW71 1111-1 + ADVAIA-W It V GIRLS By MIS$ RPOALINO Registered According to the Copyright Act, 4 ................... . . - - - J MNs RO4alind welcomeli letters from young women a4king for advice an Any subject, All you have to do is to-iddress Your letter to MISS ROSALIND, 24 Kl;g William St, Hamilton, Ont, Perplexed Lonely One -It is pos- sible, that -girls Your own age are a 'bit afraid of your mature 0manner. Try tQ win one Vf tile Younger girls as a friend by forgetting yourself and beeMing really Interested in her. The -others will follrriv. Sweetheart -You should keep with, the crowd for a few years yet. DImp'IeS-,-Wlfj not keep both friends? You can have two or more 1 just as easily as one. Pear PoDs-You `Will have to get sops friends to help YOU, -Some- b0dy'who, ImoW& the young man and will arrange�to have you meet him' and improve your atquallitance. Desr"Tedy-Always consider the, CW16r of Your eyes When choosing, dress colOTS. I think I understand. Your feelings regarding the new nel'glitOrs. -Be considerate and kind- ly, but You do not need to be inti- ulate;�� Tt -a 4 1 A 111(lke the other person happy ont forget about Spotty. Dear TrOubled One -Try to keel both boys -as friends. Tell them ai YOU halve told we that YOU Just wair a good time and Eome good friends t( Play with. Time -Will tell you, whicl you, WIR care tar seriously. Dear Puzzled -I am really glad tr. I get lPfteri-, like Yours, and I gla(l�y answer You any. time. no aqll�intcd with thal cannot becon c, Yo girl in tile next tow" Imless eom�, kind friend Introduces YOU and helpE on the goed work. A vlau asks U girl If he may call Although there Is no set rule aboul this- 'Sometimes it a13PPells to bt, easier for -the. girl to invite'llim, to dc $0. Ask tile girl If she has accepted any escort for going home, It slic says Iqo. Say, Then. may I havc tile Pleasure of liking you home 01 Words to that Aect. If -she says she has ialready Made arrangements, Just 6QUIle and say You are sorry, -but hope for 'better We% next time. 'Conversations usually suggest thpiz Own topics. � Keep -them -Oneral: books, shows, well.known 'Peb By 011. OPle and Doaj* GO90Y-1 don't think you ar� to') YQIlng for boy frIends,, But yoll are mijel; tGO young for any foolish IlOnSense "about love affairs, Bet- ter talk it over wIth mother and do a,� She wishes 10 1 11 , . r se You o uis- COT. 10, real friend though ityou are ments had blien given at Sinal. This pati4t and -tasteful. Dear Holity-I o1IJOyed Your letetr It fm(tde me lie lesick for a galloT was a fresh issuance of the Orders of Dear Dolly -Don't bother O�'Or the Prairle I never Was loii� Jehovah and a refinement o 11 t the or- , With any enough ill .',Jle mountains Ix steadk." Just be happy having -a - to learn tc 10-hial commands, ride 'straight up them; but I sure did wafe good time with the crbwd. It is cor- have some good times on a Sas�k&t_ Verses, T�0. 1 To teach -religion to rect to ask a bay to call. If -you have chelv;an broncho. Tell the iboy that parents requires Parental reverence enjoyed a dance or skate, say so, Yey need a lot of frlends, d4votlou and sljicerity, Pargiats -call' but don't be gushingly grateful; for :no use at/all for lovers. b4t have not Ceach in the hom6 precepts that the boy should appreciate the Pleas- re,s1bI9j, all right, Send1f lie can be ure you have given him, your name they do not Practice. There are to- and udl,ess on a stamped envolicipe day hundreds of good books available Dear Quartette -It would be per- and V11 send yo.1% some eastener 5 to , sho missable to write after a reasonable names. W parents -wing them Law relig- Lesson V, May* 1. ious truth u time to see If the letter had nals- ROSALINTI). 'BIBLE 'CF.ADHI-NOS ABOUT pay be taught. In spite carried. I -do -not see why a -boy of our much talk abouC rdligl, ' Ous edtt- friend should not have a, snap shot cation, there is a steady decline of ie- the sanfe us a girl friend.. EIDUCATION. ligion in the home. If a girl's parents object to her HOW PINUMATISM Cesson-D-Out. 6: 4.9; Prev. 3* 12-18; Prov, 3:1!i, No one object in life Is having a boy friend w-aIX home with "ar Luke 2: 40-52. Printed Text-Deut. her, the easiest explanation is the illv' I t so all-absorlitlig as the pursult of hap- trui-11. VAN BE. OVERCOP" 6: 4-9; Prov, 3: 13-18; Luke 2., 52. piness, The author of Proverbs shows I would suggest that the girl re - Golden Text.-11WIsdom Is the prm. that it consists in finding wisdom and fuse laughingly to allow -one tboy to cipal thing.; therefore get wlsdom"- alWaYS claim the honor of escorting NOT BY, 1RUBBING, BUT By EN - Prov. 4: 7. gettaig understanding. her tome. The Lesson Text' 'Verse 14, Wisdom Is better than There are sd-maily pretty Ways for R,ICIHINQ THE BLOOD. silver . because it embraces more. fifteen and sixteen -year-olds, to dress Deut,'6: 4 Hear, 0 Israel; Jehovah There are things that are the hair, It seems a pity to do It "tip" our Cod in one Jehovah: before one is eighteen. 'Rbeamatis'), is u disorder of -the more precious than gold,-, freedom, . , blood; It attacks POOPle When -the 5 and Chou shalt love Jehovah thy friendship and love, for Ifistance. Dear Lover One -If the young man blood is ov6rcharged with acid and God with all 4thy heart, and wtth all Verse 15, Wisdom Is spiritual Is in a good financial position and' impurities, thus setting Up luflam. thy SOul, and with all thy might, your parents agree, I think you are Mation in the muscles and Joints, .wealtli and nothing matOrial edu be 6 And these *words, which I com- compared to thln�s spiritual. quite old enough to ma Wet weather, or cold weather may try, -since you start the -tortures of rheumatism, but malId thee this day, shall be upon Verse 16. Wisdom would banlAh have been engaged nearly two years. it Is -not the cause. The cause Is In thy heart; the shis and most of the suffering of Dear Gypy Glrl�I wh,% the blood. Victims Of this malady some of have every reason to fear the first 7 and thou shalt teach them dili- mankind. 'Wisdom would bestow the the 10)ielleg Would take your example dull ache in the limbs and joints, fol - gently unto thy children, and shalt only riches worthy pf she naw.e. -to chochat, knit, baike, sew and read lowed UY sharp Pains through talk,Of -them when thou sittest in thy Verse 17. Teople blindly Imagin and I am sure they, too, W'olld f4lild flesh and muscles; the 'house, an& when thou walkest b le themselves never lonesome. these are the Y the that thG' way$ Of $in aie pleasant, and Answer tile lboy's letter. Tell iour symptoms Of Poison in the blood, wax, and When thou Rest down, and fliat the paths, of seifishness bring grandmother you are doing so,� Be- painracked and 1181PIess. Liniments , IV -lien thou risest up; tidli, w'� gin by saying Dear Jack and close Which Will shortly leave the victim 8 And thou shalt bind them for a satisfalc 'Ion the truth Is that -!Iyours sincerely, You cannot vwt hot applications and rubbing ma; lln� right conduct brings )oy 'unalloyed his home, 'ess Ills motter invites give temporary ease but cannot pos- sibly rOot th-e trouble out of the sys- sIgk upon thy hand, and they shall be and uns6lfish living produAaes perman- you to; -and she is not likely to do tem. That can Only be done by ell - for frontlets -between tMne eyes. entconhent. that, urll%gs you are engaged to him- riching the blood. This new blood 9 And -thou shalt write them upon Verse I -S. B niphasis upon educa- drives Out the Poisonous Impurities, Dear Peggy -Get a friend to. intro- and tile rheumatism disappears. the door -posts of thy house, and:upon tion is right. but it must also be right 'dace you. After thatt when you meet if You are & slifferer from this painful thy tates. emphasis, The' present-day tendency On the atreet, boesy and sualle. Further malady, begin the 'use of Dr. Wil - is to intellectualize Without properly friendship depends on how you like liams' Pink !Prov, -;: 1!3 -H*appy is* the mall that spijitualizin'g, See to it that relig- each other. % Pills and see how soon findeth, wisdom. the pain$ and stlX-Pllesg of the joints lous oduc!.tion Is religious. Dear Anxiety -When . -this fade away. Among those Who liave And the Man that getteth under- Luke 2: 62. Here the summit of comes to you boy benefitted by the Ilse of these fIIIIs is standing. human 15erfectlon, r house accepth his call Mr. Freeman Irving, )Baxter Harbor, .Qducation. Is de- as to the family, allow him that you N. &, -Who says: "Sonle time ago 14 Fqr the gaining of It 1 ' s better than scribed in the process of the growth have no intention of considering his my blDod.,lvas in a terrible condition the - gaining of slrVor. of Jesus our Lord. '%r.e advanced in atit4litions for you. specially. necessary, tell him %oil ' If leaving 'lie very much run dGwn, an� And tile Profit thereof than fine wisdom This wellas that be grew Want a host With bolls breaking out on my body, gold. of friends but no specla*a, To add to my misery rheumatism set morally and intellectually in har- 15 She Is more precious than rabies. in, and I not Only suffered greatly . MonY with -the eternal principles of Four rer�iexed sisters -The -young Voin the pa!D*, but could only get And none of tile things thou caust truth -and righteousness, 111s mind mo)d must be a wGiader, to win such around With the greatest diffitulty.. dev ton from all four of you. Since After trying several desirer are to -be c-Imiliared unto acquired poise and Power. h4 cannot . Medicines -%vith- her. Marry you all, I would sug- out much success, I dQcIded to give IS Len th of days Is In her right illustrated Truth. ggest that ".0 accept him as brother, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, as 9 No power oil earth call give a man advisor and general fiscort to four they had been Wat=IY recommended hand; an education, but the world is full of devoted sisters. to me. I think I used nine boxes al- lu her left hQIid are rl�lies and OpPortunitl�s for him to got one for Dear Sunshine -Thank you for the together, but the results met my Ilonor. himself (Prov. 1, V)� -every expectation, as both the bolls I and the rheumatism dfsappear�d. -ways are ways of pleasant- lllqstratlou.-�bducation means a am not,�sure thait this list Is right, but Natural:y I feel tila 17 Her nice remarks about 'our letters. rieffs, drawing out of the -powers within us, 88 1 remember it -the Arst ye4r Is the, D t I -cannot praise And, all her pathe are peace. but we have somehow confused edu- paper; 5 years, Wood; 10 years, tin,- I � 1,118 too highly.,, You can 'get Dr. Williams' Pink 16 years, glass; 20 years, linen; 25 Pills through any dealei In medicine IS She Is a tree of life to them that. cation with cramming. A young wo- years silver, and 5,D go'd. lay hold uponher: I man w or by Mail at "C a 'box or -six boxes re.1 as In the habit of going over for 42,60 from The Dr. Williams' Med- And 'happy is every one that her lessons aloud While �sho went Lear Leone---ZInce you are not en- Iclue Co., Brockville, Ont, raineth her. gaged, It seems a, pity to miss the I.Mbout her work. Among other things' jolly times of tile crowd. I think you she committed to memory tho names h6uld mix vv�th the bunch More, Luke 2, 02 And JesuW a4vauced I of the Presidents of the United sinoe even. It you do become engaged The Work Of Sir Charles Parsans In Wisdom and stature, and in favor States. One day the parrot that was It will be years before your druggist has halved the test of producing elec- Is In a position to marry. tric power and In still greater with God mud men. kept In the kitchen astonished every th reduced proportion 0 capital cost of ongln- oommehtv, one by repeating the names of tile Dear Poll�annm-1 never consider cerIng machinery. 11 -le perfected the Deut. 6. 4. ThW part of our les- Tresidents. After this, P(;Iy. re� qtiestions foolish. I believe In all my Steaul turbine and was rect%ntly son Is from a iliseourse deliVered-by Peated tile pezOrmance very often. readers. It they have falth enough awarded the Pranklin Medal. moses to a Doople In the plains --of It was noted ti tat she never mad6�a In Me 'to ,write, I liave falth enough In their sincerity to answer. I �par- What One of the 13OSt KnoWn it Mob, when, by 1lie. direction of Je- Mistake. No ivoilder! What 8110 W-28 t1ca*.arly like to bear from girls who, hovall, he Was seeking to educate 89YIng, I'leant, nothing to her, and she are %way from home --so. you see YOU Travellers ia Oanada sa'ys. them, In the high principles of self- knew one way of reating it. are very %volcome. "Now I am going to give you all government afid pure religion; The T.CP:cd fW' RGS09rch and 01tousalon. Afier a ;dance or a skate, say you ItillsollAlted testimonial, ks they say I onjjYed it, If you did. When asked iin the patent medicine -.1divertising I basis 'of this Instruction was all a c- 1. Teach the Word of Cod (Deut, for a dance ora,skate, say, Yes, with Illerotafore I have had a profound IMONVIOdgenlent of tile oneness of 6: 4-9)., 1. Prom What 18 the first pleasure. When You are Introduced contempt fol, patent Inedicill(is, par-, God. part of this lkson taken? 2. What I,.) a girl, say, ffow do you &Y, Miss I ticularly so-called ainfilients. Por. I Verse 5. This Is the verso'quoted was Maser, trying to telell, the chll� Blank. To a man, bow and zmllla and iliaps t1d.14 JS due to the reason that I tit !Matt. 32. 28 as tile flirst and gretat dren of -Israel? '3. What great single say, .11ow do you do Mr. PlIdult, It !have lbeen -blessod with & sturdy con - is not necessary to shake hatids and IltItution, and have novei been III a Commandment The real worth of fact was )I(% alliling to inipregs? 4. itever vay pleased N) meet you. f day III my Iffe. One day last fall all edUciltion dcpellds upon the way Where in tho New Testament is the It is not good form to eit in the :after a hard day'i tramp in the slush tho4o who sqek education look upon laliguago of verse 5 quoted? 6. dark with a CMICr. 'Of Montreal. I develope(I a S(�V(,.re God and their fellow -men. What Is flw supreme test of all true You do not Idsq A M:Xn TrI011d until !Pain in my legs and of "urse IJ , ice 'i, yem aro enga-ged to hbu. It 111-61 who has' never had Gill tiling; Verse 6. Nlay of tile people were education? 1211 Your laud'Ady -has no objection 1wron, with him pillysically I clill- (lead to whom rat" Ten Voltilliand- It. The Word. nringii 113DI)Itless iLt is W�riglbt lo have your ezco ' I rt rather boisterously, The and Honor (Prov. 4: 13-18). 6, NVhat Com(-, In for a tow minut.w. 110 rhould totill lIttlo wife cayq: . ,I will rul) p 064to Root CM14" Is the one ab,.4otbing pomult in huntan )Vr�ver �;tay after tell-thrty- 010111 With some 11111knicut I havo." U. life? 7. Give your own definition (, Cive him your picture. Not All 1. - I tell I I f3a ( I list to IIuul,_r her. edic 61 1 tht 'xil'ollsive oue, just a snap. I V 11, in she conles with a, bottle of rolng, b, Of true haPPITICSS,- ! AlINAItI)IS LINIMI-VT and geN bnqy. C 1). 1 � Iff. The, Wora Deveiom tile vo, Dear Spotty--.Valte, yourgelf po in- ikqicve Ine tile pain di-91.1ppoared It 1 MR 3 or. ur- rep M tO i ; NI(I U4.0 (Luka 2: 52). 9. In 101at Wresting that the other girl will not few 1111nittes after. and you call tell, I i L(,u t mat -ter. You tare qnlf�conselous b6- itho world I said tso.11 T141 COOK Wit sense does this pasoage doseribe lull- �ZTI��e yoware thiniIng ot youracIf (.Signed)) orb( -.d efteatiout 'Ilt"Itead Of tile other Dor-3011. 'Try to PRANX X 3011,11s, Montreal, "The second blow-out in a week! Why don't you get gbod tires?" Rm e4 AP% e% Ir% ARE t AJUIJ TIRES DOMINION TIRES are the same quality, no matter what the sizit. DOMINION "NOBBY TREAD" 30 x 3Yz Tires for -Ford, Chevrolet, Cray Dort, Overland and other light -cars aro the same design, same materi4j, same constrorion as the big "NOBBY TREADS" for Vlerce�Arrows and Fackards. Yottgetthomileagewben�ouri4eon "DOD,91NION TIRES", There are Dominion Tires for every car and Avery purpose -DOMINION INNER TUBEE6 too -and a complete line of DOMINION TIRE ACCESSORIES. Sd1d by the best dealers iroth coast to, coast, MINI Willow RU13BER Vs,r 'ATM C S1100t, so as to make a long, slopin ASPARAGUS POSSIBLE cut. This Is Advisable In order tha I Young Sprouts that have not yet ap FOR EVERY GARDEN peared above the ground may not b Injured. Only thost shoots that ar above the ground six Inches should b Most,peDple relish the Eavor of as- �5uulule� cut- paragus and It Is considered more or less as a rare or dainty vegetable, IT WORKS WONDERS largely because so few people grow it. ON COLDS,CAT.ARRH For the home garden low vege- tables provide such an excellent sup- BRONCHITIS, WEAK THROA plemerit for the table, While for the commercial�kmarket garden there are 'When your throat,, rattles, You few crops that can be made more lungs and chest are sure, Your -throa profitable. is stuffed With eold-don't fear con s'IMPtiOn-Use Catarrihozone and ge The best way to start a bed is prob- ell., It 010.%rs the throat, e.top ably to get good strong one -year-old backing, relieves tigm chest an, plants and set them in Tow2 out ab, soreness In the bronclital tubes. T lear away 'Catarrh of the nose noth two feet and -a halt by five feet ieng could Ze ibetter, ' Catarrhozon apart. Healthy, stocky prants only is 'Nature's Own remedY-It heals an should be used, and all weakly, zpInd- BOOtIles-.removes every form, 0 ly ones discarded. It is alzo poes-lble throvit, lung and bronchial tronble prs,,rjhed by 3111111Y to start the bed from seed, or to buy specialists ane used 1by thousands every day, ' Gel two -or three-year-old orownsi but the the dollax, outfit, it lasts two Month's one -year-old Plants are probably best. Small Size, 0c; trial size 25c; ;at a] If starting from seed, about clie ounce dealers or the Catarrhmone Co. Moutreal. ,of seed Is required for 10 feet of TOW. Not a lar, -e Patch Is, required STfIAL YOUNG, to supply the,average, fami:-,,, be- Cause asparagus should be cu� every The quest of youth has oft been made 'By, fiay' throughout the cutting �eaqon. Any loam learned men without edecess; Yet, When grandmother is arrayed rich. sandy garden soil in good condition will -be satisfactory for From head tO foot in modish dress, asparagus, but It should not be plant- To see the way she -trips along ed"bli stony or gravely soil. Worn- With nothing much Upon her mind, out soils are not satisfactory, as YoWd thilik-and maybe not be asparagus is A gross feeder and re- wr6ng - quires a soil in good heart and Well She hasn't left girlhood behind. supplied With manure. Many vege-. tablogrowers annually apply from 2,5 UNFIT TO LIVE ---MUST DIE to 50 tolls of first --class manure per This verdict is rendered a thous- acre,to this crop immedla�ely after -and times every weelt-no corn can the cutting season is over. Manure, live, it must -pass out, drop, oft, it Is applied at this time because this Is PatilaiWis Extractor ie applied to the time that the plant begins to coras and warts. Ute the old re - 'liable "Putnam's" It never falls, 25c store up plant food and prepare the at all dealers, zhoats for, the crop and following spring. :On small plots the man- A solder that expazds on cooling ure should be applied thre6 or four may le made of six parlts lead, one Inches deep, In the spring a light part bismuth end nine -parts antimony by weight. The solder is very aseful sprinkling Of nitrate of soda will his- In fixing metals In stour, or for filling ten the crop along. cracks or holes. Thorough preparation should pro- The largest river flowing into the cede planting In the spring, and after Arctic -Ocean Is the Maekenzie, which the soil Is prepared a V-shaped fur- drodus 6,1�2,,00b square miles. row should be made six or eight Inches deep. It more than one is required a distance of five feet be- T 0 1 L L T tWeen furrows should be allowed to permit of oasy cultivation and topro- vida, for"the slireading -of the roots. "0 TO SCHOOL The plants can then be set and earth drawn around them, leaving the re- mainder of the furrow to he filled in- Mother Tells how Daughter by subsequent eultivation. It crowns was MoLde Well by Lydia are used they should be set eight or E. Pin"am's Veieti�ble 1.0 Inches deep and covered With - Compound .4 three Or four Inches -of earth, Which Cowurg, Onte-44 Lydia t,. Pilikoo should be firmly tramped down. lam's Veiietable Compound was ro Planting may be done as soon In ""u commended to me spring as danger front severe frasts for nty daughter. Is over, During the following sum- She had trouble nor weeds should be kept down by frequent :ii every Mouth wylell left 11cr in hoeing and "uffflng. fit 01 a weal, and ner. Old patches that Ore four or five years -Vous condition W.d and scuf1ler should be 1114ed a3 with wcalc back and pain k her Ong as the tops wil Permit during the right side. She while In early spr ha:d these troubles and Miould be disked lightly us eocni For three yeara and frt!quently s it I,, f1t. After the cutting sea - 9 unable to at - on Is over a thorough dishing should tend school. She! bas become regular 2, given to a depth of.throo or four and keb much better since she began Ilelles so that the soil will be loosen- d and the, lipavy taking tile Vegetable Compound qnd Ittentisschoolrerularly. Shoisgaining coat of manure meadily and I )avo no hesitancy in ell worked Into the soil. recommending Lydia M Vinkliam's Neamy everyone knows ihat tho Vegetable Compound and Lydia E. , art bf the aolparagus plant that is 1"Inkilaill'.4 Blood Medicine." Jolix To�ss, Ball St.* Cobourg, Ont. salwil fit tho Part that apPmft above Standing all day, or sittinq � l -s rowid In early spring. Thoqo cramped positions, young girls contract . huots, witleb. ArO Very tender, are deranged conditions, and develop headaches, batkielie, Irregularities, ut Off beloW thr, ground about OLU bervousnes!l Aild bearing-dowft pains, lich and a halt by menrr�; of a long 111 of wbich are pyniptonis of wonlauls, Czllfk'%. Bach Gtalk or shoot should b, 3119. 1,veW motber who Bain daughter tit 13(%parately, of course, Iftild it Iq tuffering om such symptonis should give Lydia B. V1pkh-w-1,* VeSetablo best to hold the knife elose to tile Compoimtl 4 J&k trI44i KIM AM TWO EVERY WOMM IS OPUGED TO KNOW TH140 ARE 101�(LY T , W ITY�Fjvs­ -OF TH,OM, 04VTOF1 P01INPIA OUT. No one is payllig sluch attention, t0 tile Men f0lkli 411ese days, but the women QTO r0c0i'ving more and more advice says a Omaha. Olee. it Is as if all hope bud 'been given up for Adam, 41)ut that -the 'World has cop. eluded 4hat a great deal couI4, Ile made of Eve. Not -only from 4he opposite ser. are women receiving, adrvIce, but botiveen Inemselves they ure d1scuesing, and agitating their right.%, prfteges and duties, Nowhere is -agreement, on( r,ot of feminists calzing "Come out of tII0 kitchen," -and sulotber placing'ita roll'ance on the adaption of wienee, to lighten and make, more picasant the old domestic lasks. Women 'Novelist 'Ha'$ -Novel Method, A woman novelist, with a canilry, 10 -cage Instead of a cradle, occupies a flat aUZOSS tile hall from, her hu&band and lets 1111% hire some one rto do h1s, cooklug� mending -and,, ihousekeepin& She says that this is the way for all wives to live their own life, and no doubt is finding some ibelievers 131it oil tile woman's iPltge of a farm, magazine has been setdo-1vil, a list 4of tWentY­fIve accomplishments neces- sary before a Young. w0M an can be t said to be educated. There are some - modern Innovation.$, such�as tile im- e Plied -criticism -of the clinging � vine itype by the raqnirement 01-self-relf- ance, but it this test is to'be accepted a's u 'Whole, it Is as difficult as ever to be a woman, This 4s Ali That Wenizin Must Know' To be properly educated, accordIRS to this standard, -a woman must know,, r how - To -sew r To cook t To mend. To be gentle. t I XO 'Value -time. To dress Ileatly. a To keep a secret. ro avoid idleness d To be -self-reliant. f To respect old age. To darn stockings, To malke good bread. to -keep a home tidy. To control her temper. To make home happy. To -be above gossiphiC. To take care of the sic.X To take care of the baby. To sweep down cotwebs. To marry a man for his -worth. To read the very, best -of books. To ibe a helpmate to -her husband. To take plenty of active exercise. To keep clear of trashy literature. T* be a womanly -Woman under all circumstances. at is asserted that the editor of this magazine Is herse:r 4 1wUM311. We wish we really knew. 1 11 Somehow the smispicion, will not ,down -that some mail Is, trying to get ,up all argument, FAXOUS PAT M SbMe Welglhed As Much Ais S4x or Seven Hundred Pounds. France's heaviest man, Pierre Guindalet, of Bourges, is dead. He Weighed 659 Ibs. Although this Is a -prodigious weight for any man 2,&. Guindaiet would haire -,tit a sorrr figure by the side of Mittel Lambert, who died In London in the early years of, the last century. lanibOrt was the heaviest man of Whom we jh!lva any -authentic record. tHe weighed '739 lbs. Another famous fat Man was Mr, Bright, of MaIdon, Rssex, who weighed 618 Tbs. Some time af- ter his death a, wager was made that five 'lien each twenty-one years or nge, could 'be buttoned In big, walst- coat. It was decided at tho Illack' Bull, at 3%1-aldon, when seven men were enclosed In it without breaking a stitch or straining a button, TEN,XYZE-ON"S 1H101M.a POR ,SAIL9. 110 atmosphere, In opoetry counts there seeins to be a remarkable tp- portun!ty, for vome Poet of tile nevr generation in the announcemoilt that Aldwortb, furn'shed very mucil jiEp Tennyson left It Is tar be gold, ob- serves a correspondent. It may be- objocted that such a house is valt- able tatht�,. for the arrival of an "Arrivoll" poet than for the, work- ollopof One who has stri t3alalto tbo world listen; but that might be got OwAr it tome p1lIlanthro!)I,,,t woula take ever tile house and ost�blish there a colony of buildin-1 Imets. kld� wart'i surely, cannot lack. 1UA141)11,atJni%k. vven for the bud4ino,,, genjus, of to- day wIlA) ttffftts to Consider Tenty- tmll "Victorian." PeeVI9h, PaI0, Testles'l. an4 zfekIr ehildrea Owe tho-Ir contlition V)u worms. lkfotltor Oraves' Worra ift. terminator will relieve thefti Sud rto, otom health. _44"