The Wingham Advance, 1921-04-28, Page 2R 4, CURMT C04NM. NT A BRITISH ZANKRUPTCY principles expended An. these works CASE. I . � a given us modern science, and that ha ye,a�rs ago the Authors? land Compo%_ Ae.zoqiation was or- nine), more rentallis to be followed. There Is geunine, cause tor aniuse- GOOD merit, to 0:knadians at any -rate, III the CANADIAN AUTHOU ,1)roposal by Mr. Clarence McGregor, of Butralo, that the debt of 11311flaud ORCIANIZIR, for -%,mr material to the 'United Cutmte'i` I 4NIladlaa authors have never bad be Satisfied by the sale or cession mucii encouragement In their Own -to the,-%Vashingtou Government Of -all laud. The copyright laws -of the Do - art of �Cauada included in Ithe .that p, minion are against them, being 'the Niag,%ra peninsula, and Smith of a line worst in tile worlid. 0anadian editors ,drawn frow tUG 1yesterla end 01 Lake will not pay in coulpetition -,vith oat'lrjo to the junctionof Lai�e Barou JTnited States editors, and too often and the St. Clair Rive -r- -This would uewspap��r editors are content to CUP give Uncle Samue) Sir A(13111 Deck, front -United Stat�s newspapers or, the aydroElectrio COMMIBBIOTA and p.,itronize, United states sArvIces raf417, .1 A�1111f. U, 4 WINOUX ADVANOX M PRINCIPLES WHICH TEND TO MAKE THE HOME LIFE IDEAL I ara engaged to be married In the Vourting days are punctuAd with near 4ilture, and my flance aull I -a 'doligbtful exchange of courtesies have discussed what constitutes ,aa and "compliments. � Why Not In piar- Ideal home," writes a young woman, ried life? lTvleu look to theIr wlVeS� ... As we have not been able to reach fOr encouragement, for appreciation. any definite conclusions, wo will I of their efforts. You can. bardly ,deem it -a favor it you will write On (drag a man away from a woman *who how to make an )deal home for a glye� his generous appreciation. But couple In mode circumstances. let her fall to satisfy that rraving, rp and 'lie Is,likely to look for It outside It I must lay down certain definite princip'es for the ulalcing of a happy Ilis 110111c. The ly0man, too, longs ,home, there are five, -which it followed for her husband tb relterAtle his love colispleritlously, 'Will make for certain and devotion. She oxpeets"a com- sucoess: the spirit to give. -and tvke" pliment of her new dress, She likes and respect for each other's rights; to be told that the dinner I,% good.] perfeef frankness; mutual apprecia, That she is '�tlle -best little wl�e In the 1104, -fi defillite plan of life for pres- world and the c7everest," Is n1usic to ent and future, and children III the 1her bars. It is the rare wornan wbO home. doeii not respond generously to ap- 111, its 1yorus nearly -Ich erthanpay forCanadlan work, Some 111,011 01 One M311 ilau ralSeu tue whole race through the efforts of I 1'riend No two per%ons call live together preclatIou. R is the bread o I e 'Uncle Samuel r-111cerely 00vet6; also, the Wellant .04nal, U18 ye,a�rs ago the Authors? land Compo%_ Ae.zoqiation was or- The right to associate was the other, , the geaeral Geneva Act Which all GOOD I'DipDRY 4nd hormonlously unless both are willing to and take. In ruany her. Start With A Plart. N%%Ta ralls, ere Frotectivo It was impl;)sSible however to re- civilized countries except the United JV&ES -give domineeiRrig, and who assumes -that .V%Ippe,wa develoPlneltt, t118 railway ganized with Miss Irene ffurrible'as ward -equally unequal men. -Nothing Stat9s. and Canada. work under, or to benef%. from these legacies to which marriages, there Is too much selfiall- In order to Insure harmony In the trateks to Windsor, and all the elec- the energetic secretary, The ob- could be more unjust. The coritri, get Some meatiure passed which all are heir. Combinations and as- negs on one side. The husband be- present and haippiness In tl�e future, �­M+ ys CtIcally upon whic h. On- iect of Is body wap to obtala a bet- U, 4 would be an improvementontlIB Pr6s- DIDN'T NEE -E) RETOUCHING lievea that he Is supreme lu�tho lam- I -I, 'A # r-rilate 5 9 The, Wingham Advance-, Published at WINOHAM, ONTARIOt Every Thyrsday Morni". A. 0. $MITIH, Publisher. Subscription rates: -me yeari, $100; SIX months, 41.00 4n advanc% Adversisitig rates on applicatloft. Advertisements witliout apecific di- rectlons w1dibe Inserted until toTbiii' and charged accordingly. Chauges for contract advertise - merits be In the office by noon# Monday. BUSINESS CAM WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 0®r. Established 1840. Head Office, Guelph. Risks taken oil all clasaw of Ingur- able property oil the cash or preirlivIm, note system, ABNER COSMS, Igerlt, Wiii1rhaint.. IT '. Air. tarlo depends for her living tercopyri4eat law, ar�d either to adopt 111,011 01 One M311 ilau ralSeu tue whole race through the efforts of I 1'riend Ily and that everything must go h1s X�4.T ,y-Af, -A, . - 4 � I ;a, -deftnite plan of life, and 'hot Only ) - __ __ - -1 - __ McGregor would not even take 'a I'To , the geaeral Geneva Act Which all grollps, of men. 0' The mail at the bot- (who pllotographa)-I was very much pleased with the negative Way, -or it may be the wjlte who is form It, but stick,�O It.,, Too many DUDLEY HOLMES plebiscite Of the Inhabitants, us civilized countries except the United 6m, of tbe scale got the greatest I -of Miss Loveloigh, domineeiRrig, and who assumes -that young -people enter Into marriage thinks the advantage$ Of turning Stat9s. and Canada. work under, or to benef%. from these legacies to which gctt after she has attached her husband witliout -a definite plan of bow they BARRISTER, SOLIClT0R,'ET4D. in to real SCrOaMilig Eagles would be get Some meatiure passed which all are heir. Combinations and as- Jack Poppingtort-I wasillt with tho, to her legally, she can treat him -as �an livet and what they can - spend. Victory and other honds bouiliht incalculable, for -lie evidently believes would be an improvementontlIB Pr6s- sociatlens became new moral entities one I got. she likes. X no form. of human re' Just -as soon as possible, every couple and sold. that we aTe owned, as some 'Of Our said to bold, body and ent antiquated law. The United has a copyright law of its own, and �cculd become the greqtest power BEYOND HIS CAPACITY. lation-ship does the spirit of co -opera- mor tion. count for 0 e than in marriage, should acquire its own home. In Offlce,-�Mayor, Riack, Wingharn. immigrants are Soul by the authorities of Britain. Siates but Canada affords no protection to a for good or the niost dangerous weap- ons. One thing -must be Insisted on, He's in for a big disappointment and the adjustment of mutual rIghts. all matters of liveatment -Into full confideilce. Wives should encour- This is a view Grit ortained by m0,411 Canadlan author -comparable, with thea�a combinations, whether corpora�- this suzu`�ner. "What's No Inatitutiort requi a a 7,reater ex- re ' age saving and give their he -arty -co- R VANSTONE _4,mericaus, that Canadians are owned that of other countries. lit Obtaining tians or irlions, must be in subjec- the reason? -�rclse of Intelligence. it takes mind operation in the building of the fam- by Englarid,, Much like chattelslaves, copyright in another country an An- tion and subordinate to the organ- 'He Imast2tes he is going to play as well -as heart to be a successful ily f ortianes. Building for the future 13ARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. and ithat we call be sold or -bartered any day without any reference to our th-or not only is� protected in it, but 'I also in all the other countries under .'a ms, of which they f6rin a part. The chief difficultv in connection-ith -the real golf this -year. husband or wife. Concealment Breeds -Distrust, forms a strong tie -between a man 4 - -and a woman. It creaser, the'sense Money,to loan at 4oWest rates. WINGHAM. own consent whatever- Mr, Me, tile copyright union, and be not on- open. shop' was that the l'unlous were SAVING 1N,1LITTLE THINGS, Whenevet 9, husband or wife ado -pts of,mutuality and furnishes the 1pow- Gregor may �be aatou4shed to "'earn ly gets copyright of his book or his unwilling to admit for - others the These -chain stores must do a won- a molicy of concealmelit, that tinme- erful ul0tive for fidelity to their that we are, much freer Man 'he "a' music or Vlotura, but also of all T6- right of discrimination which they dertul business.. diately breeds distrust. Husbands and marriage vows. wad thait, III fact no country in, the productions, translations, dramatiza- asserted -for themselves. In the open -Yes,, I just heard of one concern wives anust have no secrets -from each No husband and wife, I believe, world possess so Much freedom for it' tious, ploturizations., graph6pholle or shop union men 'and non-union men that saves money buyIng sods. foun- other. 41,onesty and candor are the Wave complete happiness In mar- ,fernale. That 'we cother mechanical copies or any other tains by the gross. very foundation stones of mutual a when, they bar children from citizens, r1ale Or worked aide by aid,&. The -unions % rl'a,91, should part -WIM any of our territory, kind -of Maniler 01 Invitation Of Ills wanted to hwe a closed shop where happiness. Time aftez time I Ivi've their soheme of things. , Me'a and and particularly wit], that Of any work. The 1411 now being put non-union men could not enter. The WONIT -REFORIM. -hpard wives say, "Now, it I can Just women sviliq -fix their 'cliclice . on part et the district in queattOn Is Of througlL the Parliament at Ottawa It capitalist w�vs not allowed to have a What WEI Y74 do N'Vten smoking do this without my husband fln&g W-ordly, pleasures' -arid 41personal Al n5- is hoVed wIlr achlove. something of closed shop where union men could becomes a crime? It out, I -will be all right." -Nothing freadoin" sell tlieIr,souls a lot of ,course unithinkable -t - I %vhat the authors of other nations not enter. It was not eapital -that Go to jail, I suppose. could be more foolish. Metaberis of I dross. A beautiful, healthy, intellk -SCIENCE 600 YEARS AGO * e p7es. for Canadian writers, and the produced, but capital under direction. one family inevitably discavpr and gent -child is a -Perennial -joy fn the we A decidedly startling annOTM, orleby miss Humble should b6, A million dollars in a bank produced MERELY PITACTISI-NG. lay bare A ifornis of treachery prac- 'household. Sacrifice Is no longer ment vas. made latel-'Y In New 'York remembered by them. A Canadian nothing, nor d11h IlOOVidle men. It ticed by another. , You may be able sacrificial wherl it is made for a Alithor's Association 'was 901newelat Is the capacity to manage and direct Did you ever love before, George, to conceal somethingg from your next child. Painful effort and fatigue when Wilfred -M. B61rinle-11, Who had dear? discovered some of the many socret belwteidly formed in Montreal for the that enables them to combine and door neighbor, but You cannot -keep 16,80 -0heir Sting; when a child is -the pose on March W, J. N1. Gib- Yes, darling -once. S�t only in a ,manuscripts vvlrell are Stated to ex. same pur produce, and -this. capacity should be Small secrets from one of your Own hoase- beneficiary. t.A thousand delights Ist to an enorravitisnumber in British -bons being elected president, and a rewarded. Men were not naturally ay. hold. That i� one situation when ariA sstistaotibris -are v . ouchsated to #d 11rench llbrarle�s, Made known committee was formed -to enquiret"', ciprided Inte`entlikoyerg and employed. A M,GVI-E HIGHBROW. "murder -will out."' It a ivoman dis- pqents -that the . childless never ,some of the results: of the work Of new copyright bill. Another Organ'- They were human beings first of all, covers that her husband is upt -deal- dream of. 'Professor Wril,Romalne Newbold of zatiOn previously formed and char- and It wa.s,. a first essential that 'the Robert Vignola, the motion picture log. honestly and squarely with heri "In creating happiness for this wo- la, who tered In Ontardo 1-5 the Society Of Manager should kriow his men. "You director, has a friend, who runs a or If a husband finds out that his',wite man I am marrying, I shalDfind my I the University of Penns3llvan heltr has been deciphering the manuscript I-CazAdlan Authors, of 'NA11011 Sir Rob— have to do your own lovdzig," Mr. t a In aL srfi%U town near by. Re- 'is concealing something fe'om. him, own," a man, wrote to me recently. - e an -official decl2tr- I Ort PalcOner is Preeldeot- WbIle Emery quoted. " 31ore can be got in cently this man wrote to Mr. Vignola from that moment, there Is unrest There is the secret of the "Ideal -and -will Soon mAt at'. ect. Roger a5acou, taking an interest in copyright and as3ociation with management than in asking his GpInion of "TUG Four dissatisfaction in the home. aorne. . on on the SUM Horsemen of the Apoca:ypse.1 I -who -lived from 12,1:4 to 12% Or 1296. otlter legislIation affecting authors, It hostl'ity tojk' M011OP017jiXed' the must not be confused with. Imricla also attris to encouxage the work of price and took its re)vard out of the , "Is this another one of tboser cow - Bacon (15604MO though their Philo- Caaadian writer$ end to promote public pocket. 'But you can't take boy pictures?" he damanded. 'I axii ------------------ N sophy and science followed similar 1,01tinadlan Giterature generally. A out what you don't put In. Arbi- getting tired of them. ' Four cowboys IV Is too much, anyhow, but I will hook 11 aims. noxer Macon was -an Oxford large number of writersfTom. all parts tration.was proposed, and it war, sup- It If Tom. -Mfx or 'William S!,Inraxt is BE I I YOUR C11rilrILD ON33 Hglsbouly, Of ma.n,well known in France where he of Canada have affiliated with. the posed everything could be -settled of which Mrs. Helen 'Merrill one Of them." 51 1 studied, when the two great orders of Society, when the parties got their feel -under 31 LTY1100ur NMM(B- mi th'a praneig atable. He would ask, Wh scarI4 and the 1>0minicaus Eidgerwil is secretary. ere were were at their prime, Alexander of their hands? They could meet to- A Deputmdut For Faxm RIE I D. Hales being the oracle of the one, gether but who were they going to said -Mrs. Corntos.sel, "I Notbers. /I CAPITAL AND LABOR want you to I)romi*e meone thi I ng." I and Albeitus Magnus and. Thomas Make' PAY9 ,NrARIATJONS­Reed, Read., &dmali. DISCUSSID. 1 -What's that?'t 6 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 � I I Aquirras dominating the other, Bacon, nACIAL ORIGIIN-Ang-lo-Saxon. who had been ordained In 1NI, An -address On "The OVenShOP" �Y, "When you go to thebig town, -pass The mother does not need to over- SOURCE ­A color. all your spare time 14 the the-ayters, eat for nature seems somehC to sought for knowledge outside ortha- 1,Nlr. jam" Emery, of Washington, I don't want you in t�e street starin' make extra good use of all the food There to no more elemental human do% channels and leaTned much from D: C., to the Mripire Club, who Is an I POEMS dericy- toward the tile Arab writers whose science un- expert authority -on the relationla of at them fashionable dressed latdles." she takes. It ahe� likes lee cream,, well trait than the ten deria.7 the Saracenle civilizakion, and caipital and iat%or, comprised a sta�te- I an� good, but not too much it, use. of descriptive nicknames. In- -survived to become tho to-du6stiOn ment of the Principles Involved'with a Uu Should Know GAIRDEN ECONOMY. Cake, Or an�thlng else Irou are fond deed, In a Sense, all names originally of, for a treat, so long as It Is not were nickna�nes, sipeg,the firstuse of NV of modern chemlstrYo 'Physics, "astrOn' a review of the -conditions by one who -9.6 ". orking in the -garden gives you e Or *rny, end mathematics. The Only as he said, found the subject one dit- �n appetite." hard for. you to digest. Digestion any name either as a given nani teacher that Bacon respected was ficult &or Impartial- discussion. it THE 13BLATED ANGELS "There's the trouble," replied Mr. will takO�,.110nger than usual, and, by a �urnanie, was definitely descriptive retrus do Maharricuria, Picardus 'of Started with colliding Interests al- Crogslots. `MM�at I raise doesn't i�e- and by, *hen nature, needs more Of some dlstinFulshed peculiarity In the person to*hom It -was applied. -though the relationships were fund- When Eden with Its derwy bowers gin 'to pay for the extra food, I have room for Oe growing beiby, you will ,wham litt:e IE; known, but Who OrOb- in- And in this connection It is classes ably represented 4,bat body of secret mental. Men begin with the �_ntagon- Was fragrant with unfading flowers, to eat.'.' find It wise to fall. back on very sl ,,wisdom whiall constantly *Opeors as Istic Nature from which they must And thistle sting and stealthy thorn I ple, easily-dije9ted foods, so that Of our. population today, van;Ing from the source of Inspiration of such lmen iyin their way. F!rOultheir birth into �.Njo foot -had pierced her finger torn; GIVE HER TIME. your -stomach will not be over4ull. the schoolboy and thele-ollege youth I as Roger and PranCis BIC011, Of Par- the'world their story Is of continuous Nyv'Inen Adam and his helper meet, She Impatiently) -Tile Medium Take small moutlifuls and -eat very, to MV burz:ar and gumnan, the dez- 1 acolaus, and Tazob r-ochme, 41.hd of si�ruggle In -which they get what they Contented wIM the fruit they eat, seems to have trouble getting con- very slowly. This is -a rare acoom- erlptiv-e nickname and gurimaii, the Were filled with joy from 'MOM to nections,with t1fe spirit world. plishment. Vew, people know 11ow descriptive nickname is more corn- iniora modern movements 'Of thought need by their -energy, their talent, to eat Slowly.' But you are sensible mmily used than the true family to which the greater part Of the re- their development of character, Sne- even, He -Just calm. yourself! It won!t and you ikaowlt will repay You w6ll� name.' Thus, even now, we have OUV c�nt developments in sciOntific know- tes% is the reward of controt over And earth was but a, part of heaven, be long. She used to be an operator aced. 'Sir W11110,11L sell, and this Is true not only of the The angels with tamillar, feet to take the trouble -to remember this Reddy Sake, our Lefty Louie, and Our ledgez,re to be tr, In the telephone exchange. and do It. Chew all "Your feod 6�1y) the, 8,lood. lCrookes, for instance, was 9. member Individual, but of the nation, To- Came.ott the haJ)DY scene to.greet, thoroughly.. The first use of the surname Reid ot the Theosophical Society till the day, the, forces of nature which were And torooping forth In Shining paim ANID'THEN 'HE '010. -You will n6t need food or caraly In England of the, Middle. Ages Is day of his do%th, and file new Chelulls- the dread of our ancestors -ro the Went up, and down on Jacab'a stairs. v1sitor (who has 6en refused ad- betwoon rileals. If you are fond of traceable Airgetly to this elbmental try and the now physic9 are moving slaves Of our -progress. Z84t tho de- 3: -,-qt wilen, In borr'I)le disguise mittance)-Rat are you sure you gave candy and can'afiord It, -take one or 'hunian trait. Tho *ord Is Angle. an:ang the lines laid down by the Sc<,- veloDment of the qnoeesse.% of inven- Guilt raised Its head In Paradf�e, 0 It means%,"red." In fact It Is d your mistress Illy namo correctly? two pieces of candy after a Meal. It Saxon - rat D.10'alne, and a, public atknOw- t1on and of all the meats 107 'which Those liea,��nly guests in holy drea Maid -Yes, air. I says, "Please, will taste best then and do Ton 110 tUe same word. The old spelling was IC41genicut of the assistance rendered -inan had to imultlp�,y his strength. Iii Quick veiled their eyos and upward ', ero's Mr. Bird.' 'Rol' she 'says, harm. Of course You doh't need it. ."rede.11 -'the -olA records contain by occu,,t chemistry to an It". R. IS. w43 the, conquest of :�Tsture, was Impos- flM; . wel% tell him to ol pit,, 11 What Shafl You t)Lrink? . many such 'entrf6s' -of names as ivad3 by him at One of the ROY.11 SO- Bible' Wi[thOUt the surplus wea1th _�nd ba'ting oil !he ztarry shore 0 Plenty of water, -preferably hot Wa7 'Iffaino le, 111edt,," "Tolin gedehead." meetings. latooler Dacorl,"- which. was the f1rA essential of eco- -To, count their frightened number .0U'Rtt'4, TO10, ter, three times % day, before break- "Adam. de Redmaye," "Robert Red- rasirwz%crlpt Is said to convey ittforma- nomic -progress. All the finer -and - o'(�r, Oit, heart goes out to the -amateur fast, In the middle of tbo�rnorning mttti" and the like. ,I a sad surprise tinn of irivecz�igstjons made b.3r him nobler thing -3 I -Ike science, art and Discovered w!V 'WcM' The fact that 'Reid, as welf as the powerful wicroscoi h the an gardener who this year has -and in the middle 'of tll(s afternoon. W_ pes arbl toles- education were dependent On t * hat That two had failed to rcac planted fried potatoes, as shoprefers At brealdast,, . If you 11ke, one Or two, Single-syll%ble variation of the nanin. c"1pn vaiell were not believed to I sla.pluz. Withotv. It [alere -could be skies. are not spelled Red is due to the raot I., I q from th sister the vegetable In that form. cups of coffee mado with hot milk, bave ez'sted at that V -1.1e. Had lie no expansion, no aaboratorles, I10 Te- ri or wandenn eir half and half, or tea, which haD been that 'very shortly after surnames'be- diwullged his knowledge, '0 111% Icon- search. �Oo this surplus-ca-pitAt. throng TM CoNiibi Or, CUT. freshly made and is not -too stroift came hereditary rather than do- teir,,)orarles ho� WOU!d `undoubted�y I which waiaco slawrr;ly criticlsed today, The flowery scenes of earth along g) . tive, people forgot the -original Ivive bceii burnnd (it the stake as waa a fundamental of our progress. Tiie luring wrigs of brook and bird, WORMS. if you like It; but do -not take tea at 8c"PIP dinner time, wbeir you have meat It' truth of the -descriptive association uno was 400 years later. His w0n- Qmy ruart In the -world bad Inherited The rlamele.is pleasures seen and and accepted themr deriul, predictions, say,', 4 111D ETICYC10- frGM the VaSt isaMO, Of the Veasurelk heard, f a - I world complete Thu best method of contro!Iing Is. the water you drink betwdennietils �merely as names, p-,dia, luur:�� he t3j:en with a gMin of G2 w1odomby which -man has mado Of' The glories c cut -worms !it gardens is by the ap- which dGeg YOU Most good. Strong; at, was through thI4,perlod, too, that - _ I t ', Plication of a poison bait, made as tea and coffee are not good. Do not zAt, but thuro are other -authorities the strongest. natural forces his ser- Tred far be" illed their rambling f4a( , Haws: Twenty pounds of braii, and take stimulants at all. Tho method by w1lich these Till trembling at the shadow t1irowil 10 hq ro,,,-ard them as, authentic. And vants. I half a round of Paris green are Work, exercise and Vrorh Air. V,�,Qt -;.,I to bo sa!d 0 tAloso -Mllo, ad- thingo bad een applied -and furnished On 0.11 that on(,(, in bpauty 0,11011p, I I I hcmuetily mixed III a w(ioaftil vpstg�l, S--Inp'o exerciBea such as you learn- eept tho "lloory of robirth end success had ibeen testea in VIO'c'iner- I"I tlivy hurried on <,ddcr `Fmncis 11'3coa to have be, lefice, Of 11ritons, and in Amerlos and And found. alas, t1w ladder gollo! w'lilo Ciry. 0,1t� (�Iuart of elleal) mo- 0:1 'Your SC-110ol'-days should be J;.opt COUNTER lagses Is dissolved in two and _- half up all through life.- 'rho best time Is uNae-it of Rogl(lr, W�110'Vval, 111111- 1 oil every blood that zought our So. lingerlig yet by vale and hill, I gallons of water, the solution added right after yOur Morning bath. '118et- 't an the �shares. Any theoryi to stieceed, Theso twin celestial Slqtkits t 4�0,lr -- rehu'arnatiall of lst. Alb Bill to tho, poise CHECK V, tied bran. Tho whole ting -up" exereiges, bonding eXercises, arf. Together throuMl the earth 6,�� roam, Ited at Vbru�.nilam, and tiluaght Air. �munery, plitst ref:cet is then stirred so ag to therouglily or swinging light Indian clubs are the wao If! 01"Vo More on atrth in a nOW I those principles or It co�ildtllft be (Can. Ircgeiher ting the.'r songs of haMOr euthusiattq amort. e great adian tand wacn't American. ThP, Arild th(1.!X.A bc,,Iated ang(-144 bft moisten the bran. In small gardonq best. IIlv(,, t)r ft minutek will do .4tr�r the following proportions may be at first, if you have been, neglecting in-ttTr aml Ira.1fir �of niell and learn. employment relation between men �Vweet MUGR, 1111d sweet Poe 'ed: 3. this lately. BOOKS 1 rgn ()Irls ilsfajag, fie Opus aud 1hek, eniployens wag con a u L. Soule. 113 One quart bran, ono, tp Gradnally, Increme, the tr UI al. spoonful of Parls green, qon,- pound thile, a little, but not to* mucil. Wo, are Agnts for the Apple- �ljjd the Opus Tertium of R09- Wbat they don" lint In they can't nollas.9e.,i and Sufficient water to ford Counter Check Mook Co. o- romn form Intc,,re&,.t1ng smbJects take out. All wer(i under the ne- A ll(.�w machine, to cL roadway I Sele -our amplog and get, tiv. " s (Trag- Inalsten the bran. The mixture'Is, VY the U80 of iff4ehinery, the out - Adv -m"- ce*s4ity, of carning a livellhuld. Two. (1 stones, Ilaq a of 6113111 1041 It Man In the Amemean Pdoes bla�e Ordering g0 loosely allong the road. which -9110C smttered thinly along tboTow�q in tile, put Of 4, of T,!,arnIT1g,,, the mawim Or- proM�,itlorog were involved. Elvery milleo, halo great VHS; . VA06HAM ;.�VANZIEI M IjItt t1le dlrpril!�,�Ionq and wadn"lly itarden at dutk, ar, soon as the cut. 11113t few ly lacreased in tht ont. Ipwitm v1d 0thfT W,Irk.5 Ift FranCI4 man was entitled to plc�k the V�ay in p;, 1 ,rsp(* �:�ll tht. pcbb'�i and years. In IMI it wiLd, 729 , togtqhL Amem It to the tocceptance Of thlp whWh he would eara hk� livelihood. stcnes. work fiijnry is noticed, ims,4; �alki yuar it was 1,1414 tons. ARTHUR J., IRWIN Doo4or of Dental SwSW of the.4" ponnVivWa' College aad LIcentiati0 Of Dental Gurgetryvog O*W$01. Office In Maodon-aid aback. DR. G. H. ROSS Graduate Royal COII690 Of Dent2a Surgeon*. . 12� Grad.61 * e University of T*Mntc. 0 "F44uttY Of Dtr4istry, OFFICE OVER H- E- WAKDAS"STORE W'd R. HAMBLY I B.Sc., M. D., C.1M. - , -speciak attontion-pal'd to dlseazeij�, Of MrOmaik and CTAlqGa, havlog ta,kft. POstgraduate Work in Snr, gerY, 23atteriology and Sdentific; .11 MedfWne. Office in the -Kerr 'residence, between tl�e Queeh's Hotel And the aa�ptlt Church. All business given careful atient�on; Phone 64., P. 0. IB9X 4 DR. ROOT. C. RED `0 M -A.10.8. (Eng), PHYSIOIAN APW a4sRdroN. ('Dr. chfolmlials ow 840ad), -DR. R. L. STEWARI -Gjra4u%tG of 1LnIVe]?S%V of TOA04-to, PAOMY of aaft"; i4ekuxate ot O0tArlO,.,CON&I9e Of ItX7810fatis iid Ourgeona. Sccorfd Door N*rth 01 Zurbrlg'&� Photo stu4wo. JOSEPHINE STAEE-r,.- , PKDNF- 296 SELL Towa and ftna propemaes. call and.906 MY list and get my prIces, I have 80rae excellout V%111%. I. G. STEW WIN01HA,.m. Phone, `184. Office In Town Hail. CHIROPRACTIC 1. A. FOX, D. C. 1, Oil _OW C1hIiOPr,10tIc -*10031tels And removes the '6,%uso -of disease; naturc, alesU Chiropractic in the Only' "(I originii SYMOM of aPInal'adJu8tMent. Et- foctive in 95 per ceut. of 0,11 cases. Tte Only fully qualified graduate of both Chiropractic gad Os�op,Athqr ItE North Huron, a P110110 i9l. Hours, and 7-8 p.m, 1DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN 0 OSTEOPATHY *0R. F. A. PARKER .0stoorathic Physician, (Mly quallffe4 ostoopath in North Hapoll. - Adjustment of �the �Djrle is ZW quickly socured and with fNWO tl*at- Merits than by any otittr motbod. ' 'Blood pressure and oth6r exavAloa- tions %nade. All diseases treated. OFPICE *VEA CHfUSTIZIS sPel:1119 WAS In no wise StAtidarpized and largely a matter of the InAivwl ual writeft whim. 19