HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-04-21, Page 8T11E WINGMAN ADVANCE Thursda�, April 21st, 1921
*r. Jas. Roloton was in Wingbarn on
At Meeting Hold In flarristoif Satur- The regular monthly meeting of this business on Thursday
dity April 9th. worthy Organization was held last TuCs- lon Monday Mr Thus. Hoperaft com.
in the ggs for the U. F -
day the 12th, inst secretary's menced buying e 1QHUM Shoes
At a meeting of High School principals offiqe, and t; e attendance Was very grat- Mr, W. F. �Connor, manager of I c
held on Saturday last the North CoNufitY ifying, several of those present being new- Bank of Hiamilton, here, has tre; I k- I Nt
High School League was organized. r. ' ly interested in the work Many cases acIf to a new Ford Coupe. lellIng in ihe
'rho objects of the League is to j�ster were diecussed, and the details and needs . Miss Mitchell, who is trai For Women, Boys and Children
s� terest of Mission" two excellint
atlifetic games among the -schools in the of some of tll6e were a surprise to tho in P=tprian church.
addresses in tho
,territory served and to arrange inter not familiar with th6 calls for attgption- -ou Tuesday afternoon and cvenipg.'
school games tako charge of the yario us It is not possible of course to mention Mr. Alex Higgina, who underwent an Are the ACME of perfectione
I competitions, arrange field days and to theqe in print, but a sNmple or two will operation for appendicitis in the Wing -
I ham Cicnerfil Hospital last week, is we
I generally promote a spirit or true, spory show the necessity ot this. Organizat, orij I
qre pleased to learn, progressing as well
and cornradeship in the various schools and shou7d arouseJnterest on the part of as can be expected.
basketball tebes anyone having a desi Mr H. Chamberlain is in the gre
Football matches, re to help in the en
and field day events will be arrangett and work. A child of four years with a de- bous; business on a larger scale than
We regret to announce
if possible, hockey matches in the winter, formity that will cripple him for life, and ever this year. He now has Plant in
firre shape and will, be able to oupp y a
tthe death of our senior Five schools are now entered in the attention to which has been too long de good a y more' customers this year
League, namely, Kincardine, Wingham, layed, will now be sent to the Sick Child- In n
than list.
partner, Mary L. Hanna, Alt. Forest, Harristou and Listowel, but ren's Hospital for treatment. Two in -
a 2 vul other schoo'ls will beadmitt6d. fants, one lunder two months and one
t Wing"ham, Ont.v on The football games will replace t4e under four, Ae being cared for until Foster Coming to Wingharp
Hough Cup series of the W. F. A., but if homes can be found. Two children of q The Older generation of theatregoers
Sunday, April 17th, 1921.
possible the winnem of this league will family of five recently taken chargp, 6T will remember the days when Bob Fitzsim-'
compete in the Hough Cup finals. The are happy in a fine country home, and mons,,the greatest champion in the his-,
2 new league does not want to oppose the effortsaire being made to place the others, tory boxing, appearing with .,cyclonic "w,
W. F. A. in any way in the football Five children �vhose parents both died success iq the role of Tom' Logan in i
'series but the present Hough Cup rules within the past year, former residents of III-ruman Tlearts", Hal Reid's farnous TNy are maoe of the very best materials both in,upper#fttock and
are T.ot altogether suitable for the smaller this County, are being provided for and melodrama, in which the pugilist toured
soles and are ma0e on splendid fitting lasts.
sckools. W. F. A, playing rules will with good prospects for the future. Way- the entire contine4and won the plaudits
govern the football matches, but teachers ward ones are already in 'homes whose of admiring audiences in cities and towns i Th , e soles are someftat heavy and yet an flexible as a real 4igbt sole,
will not be eligible to compete. di-opogitions and early environment make from coast to -coast. Even older folks,
was a 11�-
The League hopes to arrange a field them difficult to control, need constant will recall, that "Human HeartV Chum, shoes will wear almost two Pairs Of the average slice rtnd we
day in the fall for the various schools of watchfulness and in some cases changing success even before that time.
f the league, and it is possible that the cion. ee the! strong�ly reciimmend them to anyone who wants a real HIGH vlass shoe.
i to other homes. And so the routine con- The � present generation is to s , I
i tests will take place in Listowel. tinues, and the tbotight is suggested, what present-day version 0A "Human Hearts"
Ask to see them:
ra HouseTheatre,'on Saturday,
Following are the league officers elect�cl of these if there were no Organization at,the OJP
for 1921: President, T. Hobbs, 11arris- which would ay to !in 'ove their situa- April 23rd. This veririon has no Fitzsim-
tork-, vice-president, E. Backenbury, tion? A visit to the Home or attendance mons-, instead, it is featuring the juvenille;
04wA Wingham; sec-treas,, R. H, Archibald, at a meeting will pr6ve interesting an:i �ole of rom Logan's daughter. This will I
t , Nil
Listowel; executive committee, the above even a surprise if you call. be interpreted by wee Dorothy Mackay, RLM
with Messrs. A. E. Nelson, - Kincardine, At present, homes lare desilred for the whose remarkably success in I -Cinderella"' W W I L L
Hun.,Lla & 00 and T. E. Spiers, Mt. Forest. two infants referred to,� ani there - are' and 'Babes in the Woods" is a matter of I I R LADIES'
The football teams in the leaglie have other children of both sexes from one year Canadian theatrical history. This talent- SOLE AGENT FO
been dividdd into two groups 'Kificardine. to ten whom you' mijht be 14erested in, ed, dainty miss will have greater oppor-
tunity then ever before to rev�al the full
i Wingharn-and Harriston, Mt. Forest Accounts were passed totalling $66-41.
and Listowel. TheSecretary authoriqd to attend the extentof herhistojonic ability, and shei 5.
,Annual meeting of the C. A take fall ad -
The following is the Scheq)xle: Association. may be depended upon to
Apr.1 30 -Kincardine at Wingham. in May, and other routine business trans- vantage Qf � the chance thus afforded her. AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN.
THE TEES WTV ATER FOUNNADUVA May 7-Wingham, at Kincardine. acted, so that an hour and a half was � Mr. Frank Carpenter has made an, el -
May 14 -Kincardine at Wingbarn. fully occupied, The next regular meeting atiorate production for this'reviv�l of the
'May 21-Wingli6m'at Kincardine. will be held on the� tenth of May. The famous melodrama, and it promised ex -
A a April 23 -Listowel at Harriston. following donations are gratefully acknow - cellent entertainment.
NOW OPEN FOR'BUSINESS April 30 -Mt. Forest at Listowel. ledged, as received since last meeting. Like the world itself, the stage travels
Including Moulding, Mac�hine Wor!, Wood -working and General Repair" May 7 -Mt. Forest at Harriston. Hullett Township, $10.00; Turnberry in cycles. For a time, plays of a certain
% May,11-Harriston at Mt. Forest. Township, 5.00; Town of Wingham 50 00; type have their vogue, then. w
And General, Blacksmi thing in near future. R
May 14 -Listowel at Mt. Forqst. follows, and 'ihis, in turn, A00h, ALL S Om'"�S
Tuckersmith Township, 20.00; Colborne, Another type m and die,
May 31-Harriston at Listowel. Township, 25.00; Stanley Township, has its period of popularity, and fter- "IVIARLATOS -SPECIFIC
The Winners of group No. I will play 10.00; Mrs. Chas. Young L-90; Mrs. D wards oisappelirs. Some iinte ago, Plays
DENNIS VROITHERS the winner of group No. 2 for the chain- Miller, 1.0014 Mrs. Carrie, 2.0,0; The dealing with sex problems were "the go". A never failing remedy for Appendicilis.
% Indigestion, 'Stoiiiach Disorders, Appendicitis aiid Kidney Stones
Cal . rook plays, followed by by Gall � Stones, and �mislead people until those
n�� pionship. Ladies AidSociet� of Methodi* Church, Then came the c
Taylors'.Corners contributed a quilt. A farces of th6 "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath" are often caused appear. �Tot one in ten Gall StQne
bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic
, It
The war brought the spy play Sufferers knows what is the trouble. Marlatt'.s Specific will relieV8
friend contributed several dozen eggs for variety. g with various other withoutpain: or, operation. For sale at all Drug Stores or
Easter. Others. who contributed fruit, and others dealin
v�getables, eggs, meat, clothing, treats problems associated with the fighting;
J Walton McKibbom D�ugsdist 'W. ngliam
for the children, etc, were, Mrs, Foster, then came the production offered by war
veterans. What is the next period to be, I
J H M�ildan, Mrs. Joe Salkeld, Mrs_ �king that the J. W. IRARLATT & Co.. 211 Ge rard St. E.3 Toronto, Ont.
Indications are not lai
L"JA9 Dic5ftnco-,e Nc,-6,rvice �4arsh, rs.,�,Walter Hicks, Mrs. Calvin h'
trend is towards a revival of otd-fas toned
Cutt. Miss M. Salkeld,'Mrs'. 1. Huckstep, malodrarro, of the type that delighted.
Miss Ghur, Mrs. McKay, IV
Mrs. T. Bell, Mrs. Willis, Mrs. A. Hal- V V.
is Novv 0 msslofied mxxx
liday, Mr§. W. Sowerby, Mrs. L. Parsons. V. X VIC 0 -1
Chv4tcadon- ol'i Ion- dist<mce telephone calls in effect from mi,11i"'ht,
20th, are of interest to all utiers oQLhatser-vice- It is po�ssible, by a stud'i f Gorrii� X Curtains and
IM Draperies
y��4r lonq, distanco. �equirements, to effec-, savin�.--,-, in your long distance, bills thot �re
We are sorry to report that Mrs. 01
wdl T, cirth -while. Greer has not b(= enjoying her, usual F:,,i. and figured voile, scrun,
8fti tion- to- Station Service Appointment and Messenger good health fur tlie. pastweek but hope to madras, chintz, etc, iry all the W7
soon hear of her complete recovery eat colorings. Prices 50c,.to $2.00
Service Mrs.R. 1. Inkster of Blind River,' wbo a yd.
statioli-to-Stat seM, ce should be intment -calls and Messomcler hasbeen spending the nast few weeks
'o no, relatives and friends in and
willing to talk to Ap, 'khids of person-to-pe'r- vishinlil
used when you ar� calls are special around Gorrie, left for her hom� on MRn-
AINYONE at a distant teleO-One son calls. day. Window Shades
that is, wheri you do not need to get a An A1'POINTMENT_,_,CALL rate, One day latt week Mr. Joe Bennett's
team created quite a -sensation -in town
pZfriicular.person on the line. which is -,11:)Out 50 per cent higher than Plaid or trimmed shades in all
- uoted for when t4%vy . ran away. They started sizes and colors, also special orders
ation Only' the sLation-to-station rate, is (4 opposite r. W. J. Earrigey's barber taken for extra a i z e shades,
Station -to -St, service is not deby shop and went up Victoria street at a we can give You Prompt iervide-
cl-.,�ap�r, but more rapid and accurate service when aft appointment is "'a V4
articii1ar furious pace Mr. Bennett, however,
tile call;ng party to talk at a p manapedtokeep them on the road but
than'Person-to-Person service. On Sta-
ton-to-Station tiervice the call can be they went atfaras Mr. W H. Gregg�s
When a. p�rson who does wt have a before they were lirought under con�rol.
completed as soon as the distant tele- telephoneis' tailed over long distance and Ontheway back to tQwn they started Brass Rods and
n -to- low
answered while on a Perso, -4- 1� can+ +r% curnmon the again coming d)wn 'the hill and ran IL
9 a messenger r
all the particular PaAY wanted party to the telephone, the MESSEN- through town as fa as the railway cross
ing before they were stopped the second Fiat extension r
rijust be located and summoned to the GER CALL rate, wEc4 is about 50 per Rds,'alao heavy 16
telephone. cent higher than the . �tation_to-station time. Only very slight damage waBdane round brass ,,, wooa Poles in all in the. f
to harness:or wagon. lengths. I
to -Station rate, is charged, and to this is added the
The charge for a Si;Aiofi-
call camot be reversed - that is, it can- necmsary messenger charges.
not be charged to the t0ephone called, The Report Charge fordyce 68
.Mr. Paterick McGlynn who is retiring Vacuum Cleaners
for in that case the telephone operator frotu farming had a very successful auct-
Le a particular When you place a call for a particular Mike your spring house cleaning
would have to local person ion sale on April Sth., eyeryone saying it
easy by h
to approve the charge, which would inake person or p(.rsons. and for any reasonthey was the best sale in this locality for some aving a Eurska or Hoov-
caniqot lbe reached the same day at the time, Pat had some very fine horses some er Electric machine, we will gbdly
it a Prwa-to-Person call. addre&,, given, or will not talk, or if Yckit of them selling aq high as $2SO.00 AlISO dtmoAtrate one in -your home any
0 1 make a c3ll and you are not ready to soinegood,cows g6ing -from sxio.00 to time, for recommendation. ask the
person-to-person Service talk when the other person is�ready with- $x6o. As el large number of friends and lady who owns one. Ladies:--
relaoves were at the sale Mrs. McGlynn When y6u need new rugs, carpks, 1160 -
'hour, I
in an a REPORT CHARGE is,. 'I thought she would give the young
Vben you make a call specifying that de. The report,charge is about oft- farewell party the evening of the sale, the eums oe rnattings, carme, N sWe 'ours. They
ow,ersation is desired with a particular cellar to X Rugs will delight you.
fourth the.station-to-station rate. It is housq, waa� filled. from garrett,
person at a given number, Person -to- intended to cover part of bur expense of kyery person enjoyed themselves both X you not need new froor coverings
old and youtig till the wee shiall hours in ,�-Wilton, Axminster, Brussels and Do
.Person setviM is used. handling the uncOinPleteq call- the morning, Mr. Raymond Redmond Taplatry Ruge. in tall sizes at pop- NOW? Look at your old ones and see.
1� A&- this Service reqtfires greater oper- and others playing the violin, Miss Des- ular Prices. Our value.4 on, these Ithl"s Will also
titing labor and cimnit time than a SpecialEveningandNight Rates cou giving a few selections" of whistling.
Station -to -Station call, the rae is about The EVBNING mte, betWeen 8.30 and niusic' to-gether, all report haviag a - please you,
Y�ry enjoyable evening.
25 per cent greater. paw and 12 midnigbt� on station -to- �Wr. and Mrs. Thomas McGuffin intend Linoteums and 1011 No matter What you want, firr;t, come in
station calls, is about ow -half the dq starting up farming, Thomas, having and see what we hdve got. Yod Will find it
Different Rates jate. The NIGM rat% bet -ween mid- got a fartu near Bluevale. and intefid Cloths I d t our store.
Examples of night and 4.30 a.m., is abmt One,4011r`th nioving in the near future, The best qualities in widtho and
Following -tre examples showing the the day stAtion-to-utatim rate. Mr. Alex gintoul is at present on the patterns4 sultible for kitchens,
sicklist,we sincerely hope to see,him Our GOODS are G OD; 0UrvPR10ES,'LdW-
However, no eVtning or night rateg pantries, bath roorns, bed rooms. 0.
$tation-to.stgtion and person-to-person ar*11nd again.
are quoted on station-to-statiOn calls Mr, Alexander 11-1�us also Mr. Charles
tates for dUtaxves up to sb"-fovt "es where the day rate is lew, t1= 25 cent& LetLver, Welljugion' Nixon and Mrs.
Stxtiorka- Person,.to- On such short-hatil cans the'day raW William Chanpion motored to Arthur to
Stmaon Rate Pemn Rate *al attend the funeral of Mrs, Shortland. who W
applies, For longer distatiges 8 was buried on Wednesday afternoon at THIS - EEK'S SPECIALS . 0 0
V.15 2 o'clock p. ut. Lftdfes� ses Suits
et=niglit rates are P Miss Lila Itintrierson visited at Xr. A. s
.20 810 Middle MIS
........ is difficult to Havens ond'day last week. BoysO o1nerS , in �
�24 .............. .20 .25 lar persons, at, night, when ManY me Oladto hear that Mr. Cairn Aitelleson 4 dok. boys'all wool Bloomeray Latest style Middles ood Latest styles and tristtetiale Sit
was - popular prices.
2 .............. .25 .30 away from their homes and 'Places Of who has been laid up with the cold is able reg. 4.00, on sale 2.75. hing materials, all sizes. Pric
.40 busim,% therearo no Special evening or to be around agaitij C top Bloomers, es .49,2.00gnd2.50. Summer Underwear
V2-40 .............. .30 on ot
0 135 .45 night quoted for persm4o-pm Itaine Silk Dresses vests 50c, to 2,00; Drawerdy5c to
.40 .50 �.111 calls. They apply OnlY On statiO1140' Wild Geeso Alight oats Misses, and women's Dresses in 2.00; CombinAtiont 1.00 to 4.00;
`*4 Men's and wornen's Tweed,
.45 .55 station calig". A flock of �Vlld geese alighted upon a Iattst styles. Special at $13.50 to Silk Moothers and tJndersklrts4.50
pond on the farm of Mr. Eldred Yeo of Gabolrdine and Leatherette Coatso 45.00. to 6.01
Goderich township, on Saturday last and $15.00 to 35.00.
Ever,pr Bell Telephone it a tong Distance Station remained quite a while. They were on
their way north and this probably look-
ThVe Bell Telephone comwany ed like a good regfing place. Itisuild to
6F 6ANADA CA14 be vitry unusual to " geese alight in this I N G R. 0 S
vicinity, If a Jack Miner had happened
to be about he might have charnted them
into rettiming 2notber time, XX 141 n
I 11'k