HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-04-21, Page 719L
SuPOrInt"dent Of the CrImInal
0694rtment Of Scotland Y,4rd.
014APTI111 X. "No, $Jr. I wouldn't have worried
No, 140 Luctford Road. You for that. jVs tHallett. He,0
With the satisfied. feeling of a Man gone, too. -
who Icnew lie had earned his salary, t Menzies muttered a little commina-
Weir Menzies -betook himself llome� ory service --in -a low voice, because
ward. As he boarded the Tooting Airs. Menzies wa , 8 probably -awake.
-electric -car at the automatically shut "That's awkward," lie said at last,
out -from his mind all thought of ought to have keptillm under ob�
Greye-Stratton, servation, but I guessed I could rely
on the hotel people to let us know, I
He bad, ceased to be Weir Menzies,, didn't want to have to arrest him. for
elilef Inspector of the criminal to- putting any more of our men on the
vestigation department. lie was si(;.,k
Wej,r Menzies, Esquire, Off Magersfon.. now list, but I wish I*d taken a chance
. He'd have been Safer for -us
tela Road, Upper Tooting, who, like and -eafer fOr himself under took and
other gentlellatm at busliaesB, left ills key. What's the point?"
bugliles,'s worries behind him. at the "Ile came bacic yestarday� after -
office, noon, went to his room, where there
I He has
ale ate, his dinner iftile Mrs. Man- was a note waiting him, and went out
zles, a motherly little woman, Who without saying anything,
never asked questions, retailed the not come back. The hotel people
,latest domestic gossip, (He added rang me up an hour ngn and I want
01 0 VI -1- 10 conditions produced Ilion it would6e,
his own quote. Ine was afraid that I round there, I found the note." He
Browns, the new butcher In the High shook: an envelope understand� Tale problem, proper,
As and a shower of torn fragments developed in the early years of tthe Ing the lines b no rlj,�R BRIDES IN BUSMEES twt) young mail living togoviler �ll an -
Street, was not doing too WGIL on to the table It it were Possible, togive up operat,
he pushed his chair bacl� and lit fi ci- dropped. "I didn't wait to put it to- OF Great War, when bankruptcy faced a�toget er. F or 0 y
gar Mrs, Menzies seized the oppor- THE MINNING thing, the fixing charges would be other apartilleat or roOmIng house. In
tutilty to tell at a calamity. gather. I came straight on here.,, several privately -owned, railways. the Same whether the lines were EVEN AFTK,R MARRIAGE W-0IMPIN these casefj Ono brldo goes to her new
The chief Inspector became un- Tile question Was whether tile goy-
Ot,Brulille 'been lit mischief. He dug, pleasantly conscious that Ill MINGS worked or not. And a great part AID THE FAMILY I*001ME. himband's apartinent aad. the other
a big hole, under that 'Captain HUY- S pxjamas
were an inadequate protection against ernment should go on assisting these of the �Afajnteiaance at Way expenses
brings her husband to her apartment,
ward rose today." the -bite of the told. lines, or whether it Should embark would go on If the road was to be Coupeas Generally Are About so there i:4 neither gain nor 1034 to
This- news roused Menzies, He The Letter Carrier. the
kicked Off his slippers end began re- I suppose this means that I've go' on an "ownership" venture. The eventually used Whether operated or
I to turn out," he gTumbled. "I seem government decided that -it was nict same Age in New York�Weddlnqs thAP houElng situation In such la -
his boots. "'That de -shed I Before the �thtrteentfi century Prac- not because "the repairs have to be f . otanees.
I to get all the Jobs where there's no practicable to assst 5ptthnr the roads ma's, Help 'Solve CAYS PrONOM of
We1l 1 rest. It's enough to make a man concerned, for the, reason d widA almost equal rapidity, Housing.
1109i - I'll bet he's ruined it, tizally the only people who had let -
have to chain Ill= Ring the bell I turn It up and take a c6ttage in the ters,to write were kings. And they that Such Whether the material wears out, rusts
and ask Nellie for U candle, will yous country. action would loave th'a,controll In the
dear?" Have a go at that note, d1spatelled them at -ter the, mancier of out, Or waseeB Out," as says Iladley. MAN ONLY OWNS 32 TZXTX.
CS, Congreve, like a good ohap, while I the Roman gellera.%, by orivate, cour- hands ct thosewho really constituted The Maintenance of Way and Struc- -N&w York has UG4 yet commercial- WHILE, SNAIL HAS %%175.
.udle In hand, he led the Way to ga and -get some clothes on. a minority Interest. It decided to tures empenses alone were $34,75%- ized marriage, as some other cities
the garden, muttering disoontentedly minute and I'll got You 9, d Wait a ler, or, When the distance and the
as lie cast Its glow on the damage. board and a, packet of pins.11 rewing haste were great, a relay of courlem. take over the railways that required 329,00, or $8,1000,000.400 more than' the are said to have done says the New Dame Nature Shows Peculiar $4nse
He ratSed his voice. "Bruin -here, assLoitance as x I
There is method in piecing together But late In tlie thirteenth century, going concerns, to deficit; 90 -that it is not an a aggera- York World. I of Humov in Some Ways,
Bruin' and a heavy bob-Salled sheep- a torn letter as in other things, -Cap. In the ,House towns, kth& need, was merge them: with the lines it -already tjon to BUY It would cost more to not Don Kennedy, marriage license
came lumbering over the lawn. grave worked quickly on rules owned, in one -great system, in order operate the Wational, Syste
Weir Menzies regarded him sternly Of, felt for a public system of delivering th - at Operating expenses might be does to operate it. in than it clerk in H-ouston, Tex., says that the Why men, Whose appetite leads
common sense, finding first the freg- letterS dn order to facilitate rela, ages ct contracting
and pointed an accusing -finger at the ments Which the square edges told reduced, as much as possible and the collple� there Jilin to the chewing of a Wide varletr
hole. him were the corners and pinning tions bAwben the inerchaut mbmbers Thocom-Petitive feature, also, :must have changed In the last Year or so.
"What do you mean by that?" he I eervice unified, Of foods. shou'd be glven a
them down on the board, With these of the Hanseatic league. a,�Ways be remembered. It must be "Girls ot 18 or 10�', he says, "used two teeth, while the so nly thirty�
diemancled. "You wicked, wicked dog," fixed Points be was easily able to The plan decided upon In -eluded all, whose
Bruln Sprawled with downcast head, And so regular couriers -between a operation on a corporate basis, with realized that tar below the point to marry boys or -&Ut 'that age, or I menu milst be much more restricted.
i construct the note, and lie bad It few main points w4re employed. That, where it Days a rallway to do its own 24 maybe. Now they are picking is provided with 14,176, In 135 rows
.his whole attitude oneLof Penitence ready and a copy written out for the management vested In a Board of
alid. shamite. "Wheres the WhMP2" Menzies by the time he was dressed. was the embr - yo og G-41- poetoffice sys- business It pays to take older inen-men who have establish- of 1,06 each, Is one of -those things
asked Menzies. IlGo fetch It." "It looks as It the girl hold jot him," tem, and, was enlarged, and deVeloped Directors of buMness men, appo�nted business from a comPetItor. Th e ed themselves and can provide homes
Reluctantly, with slow step like a he commented as he passed the copy without regard to their political we feel Inclined to attribute to, Dame
boy sent by his schoolmaster, for a Over to the chief inspector, "Any- until in 15i2 Groat Britain Installed learnings, and the basic Principle, National , Railways, relative, least, Of and luxuries," Nature's sense jot humor.
cane, Bruin recrossed the lawn, re- way, there's an address, a Post -master geueral. Wat there Mhou:d be no political in- operation is higher than that of its "A survey of more than eight thou5- This feeling Is Increased when we
turning in a few seconds with a dog It is interesting, In looking back to competitor only on account of thejes- and marrlago licenses issued In Man� are told that the smallest number of
Menzies laid the copy down on the terferen" with the management, was
whip *between his teeth, He cowered table. "That's something 11 he the start of our bighly . organized ser volume handled, but for certain hakt3tan thus far this year S�aowg that teeth dished out by Nature faLs to
while Menzies adiniulstered a cOuPI6 agreed cautiously. ,But it Ica to Postal -servic% to find s adopted, A fundamental of the plan specific tralftic movements its the average of bridegrooms
i0o, amething was compe I tition. This -great, gov- is 30 the lot of that great -creature, the nor -
of light blows�blows so light that me as though we're right up against about the duties of these tirst mail
they were rather symbolic of dis- It, old man Somebod7lll have ernment-own�d railway and its priv- zOst irmay be lawer, )"JIG cOmPG- years, while that of brides is 26. whole, which has only two, The ele-
to carriers Which Were set -clown Inproe- give tion in rates is eliminated through A . along tho Wide -'S Pt�- OL -111- 1--t Z a, -.-1-L ad IA` y C':, b11,T11:,1
grace then, actual punishment. HIS stand from under when the thud 'tioas Of the privy council, The ately-owned competitor were to the the standard tariRs approved a u a, I 1�br bu*t isix, al -
master sliTped the whip Into his comes, lama
What do You make of it?" a duel service to every important -by are 25 years old or under; 27 per cent endowed, as r I v
packet. "Now. go and see that the "Empty house, likely," said Con- postmen had to have -two leather order of the Board of Railsvey Com- are train 26 to 30 Inclusive, 16 per though lie -occasionally may have as
house Is Serf-," grave laconically. 'comallunity, competing In serviev ana t
'They've shut bags -lined with "bayes" Or cotton for mlsslon�6rs, yet the principle re- cent. are from 31 to 85, 10 cent. -many as ten,
The dog, now that retribution was Hallett's mouth. If you're right. about his letters. I -le had -to toot In �princlpie of ownership, but on a per
over, slipped away. Detectives, for Brroll,-Ling & Company, air, they'll a horn corporate basis. Main$ as. to the handling Of addition- are from 88 to 40, and 9 per cent are Rabbits ',have twenty-elght teeth
all their profession, are no more Jill- not stand. on, ceremony They're up whenever -he ..rAiv anyone approach- al traffic; for as our before -quoted 41 or above.
BoaM Appointed. and rets and mice tweAy eacii, Shoop
mune from barglary than ordinary to their necks already. W�11 find a Ing. or at least four times In every authority says "any rate Which will Among the brides 41 per cent, ere and oxen tpossess the same number
mortals, . b*at Menzies had little feaK dead Man in Ludford RPA0._ They mile. -He might not delay more than To implement thisplan, thegovern- more than cover the expense of mov-, 26 or less, 19 per cent. are from 2.6 as human beings. Frogs have no
of his house being looted while Bruin won't let Hallett do any" talking." fifteen minutes at any point and be ment lines,' previons-ly operated by Ing the cars and hand -ling the goods to 30, inclusive; 9 per cent, are from teeth at all on the lo er Jaw, and
was abroad. Ile spoke in tno matter-of-jact wav W
To and fro over the houge, he In Which a surgeon might contemplat . a had to make at least seven miles In tile Department of Rai -way§ and is a gaying rate," -provided '�tqle thusi- 81 to 85; 6 per cent. are from U to toads are qi,:!te
trotted, pushing open doors or whin- the resut oI a dangerous operitlion- slimmerand five in winter. Also, he Canals, were removed from the con- ness can be had on lie other terms." 0, and 7 por cea., are 41 or aboy-e- SIMIA1 has se'verAl rows of te(All, the
Ing till they were opened by the inaid, I not with the sbudder with which Cie had to ReeP a record -of the name and tral or. the cabluet Mlillster, and Future Profits. Most Couples Are Young. outer ones being replaced as they
and inspecting windows and fasten- average man would speak OX a cald- -address of the sender and recipient or their management p,aced in the, becime worn, at the expense CIA. the
lugs with all il�felllgenee almost un- blooded murder. The �case with which each letter, hands at a Board of Directors, ap- It Canadian Natiolia. Railways had Thug it will be Seen that 78 DE-_ Inner rcw,
cauny. , By the time he had finished they'Were dealing -concerned man who cent. 4uf New York brides are� m years
his Inspection Meazles -was In his own lie be'-Ieved would -be desperate now What a chlauge from that to our poinited by the Government when. the been a. privately-owixed road, Its man -
room. The dog trotted in, sat on Ills that one Iffe'llad been sacrifl�e mail delivery -to ever old or less, while 65 per cent of 'the I The Pike Is provided with what
d in Y farthest nook 0aaaftil Northern eoipltal stock was jagement, Would not have acted any mf
Slitbe called hinged teeth, as, they,
haunches and made a low 'crooning their efforts tq cover their tMil. and 'cranny, Oar special clefivery, a acquIre4, in the fall, 10,18. The same differently than the Directors of the bridegrooms are not any older
noise In he throat. I Al don't know," said Menzies, system that carries our [parcels or in- Board, was asked by the Minister of C. X. R. 11.14' acted In the last two A possible reason why New'York I ceilbainly can be turnied Inward to
"All correct, eh?" said Menzies, thoughtfully. �"They Might go to sures our goods, banks our money or Rallwayo, as Reeelver, to take over Year$. Flature iprcti-ts -can come only girls do not chpose aged men of as, 01111ble it to ho�d Its prey firmly.
"Good dog. Go to bed." extremes If they were forced, but takes It and, -pays our b1lis! tile management of the Grand Trunk from getting the lines In good physl- tablished incomes may be found in
He Winself vias asleep almost as We've got nothing concrete against Sugar, a Dangerouk, Drug,
Soon tas his head touched the Pillow. 1 �em yet -nothing even to Suggest that ific lines (August 23rd, 1,g2o). cal condition, putting on a good. ser- the fact that �16 per cent. of the Man -
Yet It seemed 1p him that he had not one of them Was near Linstone Ter- This ms done. When the Grand vice and So attracting the business ha-ttan brides are In emp'oyment, Prior to the 26th century,' sugar
been asleep, flVe minutes when the race Gardens when the old man waj LABOR PROTECTION ONLY 11runk, Proper, .-ot Into the Same kind that exists "a$ well as -that Which de- *wlille onIy 44 par cent. put them- Was JO`0k0d uPon simply as a drug
deep boom of the dog's bark and an killed, You bet they'll have alibis PARTIAL SOLUTION. es are selves down in their sworn applic, 'Ind now the doctors aTe beginning to
InSIStOnt ringing of the li�ell iroused 1 all right, all right. If We could lay of difficulty that had beset the veXPs. The Interest charg tions for marriage 'icenses as havi: Bay tl'at It is rosponsible far many
.1 'am this ininute theyd Caxiadlan'Xortho�n and the -G. T. p., not lightened by cutting down the
ht=.- 11,u looked at his watch as he our fingers c,
slipped out of bed. it was four a-: brazen It out.,' -Canada Is maintaining rigorous iM* the plan was broadened to take In Maintenance. The out-of-pocket ex- no occupation. only about one Of the Ills which childish flesh Is heir
0100c. Hre had slept seven hours. 0ongreve.nodded ar.quieseence, It Is Migrailon regulations for the avowed the Q. T. R. pauses are the -transportation charges bridegroom in a thousand, hoNvever, tO,--a-clenolds and hypertrophied tot -
He shivered as he shuffled down- ILIn elementary principle of detection purpose of protecting Canadian Ia- acknowledges that he has no oocu- SIN, In Pltrticu'Ar- Very recently a
stairs in his slippers and opened the tha�, a moral certainly la'a delusion With such a definIte Plan, and, in for moving the business, Per train
door. I bor, yet the fact Is overlooked that mile -these charges wer^ $2,05. The X%tioll, and that one usually relers lc�rned d-cetor read before the Royal
4 when It is tested by the stringent , view of the progress that has been lwlety a Paper in which he assumes
Wav Ifs -you, Congreve," he ex- Caf�ada and the Canadian -people are earnings per -train ml.emwere $,l.03, to himself as "retired.11
-laws of evidence beforea,jury. One anode in working lit out to date it o
cl,almed* 11'%%at the devil Is the may do a -complicated, sum by unar- 'tupporting much factory labor abroad As between bridegrooms an4 brides the cause cf zAona!ds to -be a polson-
matter? )Come in." thodox methods end, be �erfectly by purchasing imported manufae. seems hardly proper to iweter to ihe which proatices a surplus over trans- the percentage of first In-, Of 111t0itl3al origill, and su;gests
railway problem as It it were un_ portation expenses sufficient to 'pay marriages is
Too wise a man to say anything at clear that th� result Is right, and yet tures or semi-nianufactured goods. as 4 factor the enormous Increase in
fill open door with a taxi-drivOr within be unable to demonstrate it. it Is -;jolved. During, the past two yeirs, -the inisce*Iancous expenses- $,9,8120',- almost even, 90 per cent. of the form -
earshot, Detective 'Sergeant -Congreve tile denianstration of � guilt in cc Rigorous immigration Jews are worse er and N per cent. of the 13,tt the cOnsunt-Nicu. Ot SU93Lr of late
ter mar -
art theCanadlan Northern and the form- .134 50�th; general expenses -$P,,965,- y on, r S. Children who Ehow symp-
),graded first-class at headquarters) I th-at counts. At the Moment, If -ow- than useless' unless adequate tariff 769.87 -the maintenance of equipment rlrges.
followed Ills chief Into the dirling- I ever, Weir Menzies was more con- Protection be provided to -keep our er government-owned lines have Dean empenses-,�-2 I 7,960,511.21 -and Idows run 01115 of inherit-nd weakness of the
room and' Menzies i3witched on thO earned with the prospect of retrieving own industrie In thoroughly consolidated In , manage. leaves "Grass" wid:;wers and w �'hyrcl,,I g:an ha c a very decided
light. 'The landy's come backgo S Operat!Orc Instead more than 8 nilillon dollars -to apply abc;ut an even race In ill(, matter of v
-interrogated, he (To be eontinued.) aqequate tariff protectloft -be prOvId- ment under the. collective title of on maintenance of Way expenses. The,. Multiple marriages, Such vroonts and c-r:,,v.ng !cr qu-niftips of gweets.
ad to ke.6p bilk own industries in op- Oanadlaii National - Railways; and maintenance of equipment expauSes, brides constituting eath about 9 p,,,r can bo relied u-pcKi as a true
oration instead at opening the doors since Septeniber Ist, 1920, the Grand o1j;y wj,.,F,.0 Man
0 an extolit, -a Ia' the improvement cent- Of the t0tol nunabE7 cf licensR
Trunk Va-effit Hoes have been oper- a I I
to a Cood of imported goods. nx- isEued. But In reniarriages -_�fter dl- imt.-a 't,te. sug-
ate of the property, and the maintenance
,d as a pa -rt of this system, The I
parts of -Canadian produce during tile vcrues there are about twlee, a.4 many
Month of February, U11:21a, were valued bringing la of the lines & the Grand ��Of Way expens" eve" more �90, Tlin wcmen as man. Tile lattor consti
Trunk Railway to the family of pub- situation, -therefore, is not such a dis- I -
at only 065,20�7.7138, as onniparod with W, mal one, :oohecl -at from an economle tute only about I per eout. of the en -
a value of $86,65`5 190 for the samL� 110yo-controlled roads Ill greatly tire number of male '!ceilsea. HER
strengthqn the National I oporativ, PAnt of view, inaFmach, as
month of 1920, a reduct,.on of $21,41li- Sys INI"n-tional Itallways', earned sppror!- Many roreirgri FICIrn.
t 4Z12,340 from the value of Imports iii While some co-ordination with the I NOIATHER'Alk
G. T. R. lines in the cast, has been 1 MmWy 71 million -dollars More than An indle.1ton of the V,,,.,,t foreign
February. 1SX, was $71,070,601, a �e- the more cono' of nioving -the business, .11, PU U
ductlon al $15,620,34,9 from the ��Iue acicori lation of Xuw Yoil� is to be soon
pbllvd, and liss been cf somv;
,! aW apart from Maintenance an
benefit, ye(,� tile largest advanlaffe� , d otlior in the fact tliat,Z2 por cent. (if tho
cf Imports for Pebruary, 1920. In F eb- X5onses.
ruary of last year t. -he merchandise will not be secumed unt.11 a emnplete CX - groullis Ind 48 per cent. of lbe brides I ?low is in the Rest of
emsolialltion (t management has Whon traffle develoquient, CO-Or� vho obtain marriage liconnez in lklwt-
trad.ng account wis in Canadas fav- liealth beCZtU$e she took
taken place, So, In everythinal that I'Alliation and other features are con. hattan are foroLgn born. Of tile ne, Lydia E. Pinkhaniss,
or by $S41;066, but In February, 1021, sldctred, the iprospea becomes brigh-
has boon done by wifty of cansol tive grocilu, 6)9 per cont. wera born
it was unUvorab,14 in the ainatint ort Idaz,' ter. Some or these will be taken or Vegetable Compound
tlon to the oresent, tlie oriqlual plan foroign parents. ao, were W5 por cent.
$6,732,789. Par the eleven month,% -has b3en lollownd aii4.-tlao same prin- I up In subsequent articles. ffi*this ser- of the native brides, Xessock Sask.-"My Mother LW
ended February, 1021, Imports for c . jp'.o adQered to. thmughout. lea. T -le rc*At;on of th�,so mary mir- taken Ly
consumption exceeded in val'oo ex-- 1 1. - a �Inkhamls Vegetable
Ports at Canadian products by $261- Kee -ping these !acts In view, itanay riages tj tile licusing situation in NOW Compound and
COMes to you gad the children if you have Dr. Pierce% Golderk llocn'_ 4S-3,954. Agricultural pro4ucts and be odValItIlge011s to examine the WHAjLE:8,0,NrzS FOIR BURGAL,0W, York suggestei, at first th(gigItt, that Upott learning of
cal Discovery in the house. FOr "little -Ones" and "grown-ups" this wood itroducts, lile"Uding paper, con. return for the year just past, re- I the happy c3uples iiiight . lovo ditf:- MY troubles ad.
, Fcr over twenty years, several huge vised me to try it
ol& fashioned vegetable tonic and blood-malcOr is Still 1ISed b.V the tinue to be the biggest factors In our Inotillivring ueto that for 1,025 the . whole ribs have been bloach-lug in the cu'ty la fInding reonig In whi0a to as I seemed ag,
million bottles every year. Make your blood better and yo& heAlth export trade, Nvhlle a very lerge. P,)r- title, Canadian National Railways, re- sun In front at the Avlon Make thpir homes. but Irt;!,rvIew3 rail down after tho
Tennig flu and had le
better by going to your nearest druggist and obtaining Dr. Pierce's tion of our Imports -consist of mann- fer-A Only t-0 the ."�Iyatorft Made up of [Club and now in enterpriAng can- with hundreds ml br.deq and bride-
Goldert Midioal Discovery in tablet or liquid form. factured and semi-manufacturad -the forimer Canadian Government tractor has found a use for them. grmms In tie llcnmj% tind marrlaqo I fiaVd takn ydia
A hqalthy stomach turns the food we eat'Into ootuishment for the goods. UaRways (Tntereo'onel, Prxco, 14,'d- Canvas, wallboard and flooring hen, bureaus lit the 11111,11cipal building k';. Vinkham's
blood stream and the nerves
Vegetable Com.
'noil- been added to the bonou and the Ix)p-
No one suffers from colds or catarrh w�rd Isand, National Trallso'011t. convineNI the wrltir: that Cloy are
who bas plenty, of red blood corpuscles and good digestion. Catarrh inch lines) and the ular little C'atalhia, 11. S. Island cav 2'val'y' In a illcasr,-(�� 03evilig tile pound and Lydia
011, ALPTIM ISHAVINO IZI br, H. Pinkham's
in all its forms is a Stagnation of the blood. Intro(lUee pure, redder 11aaadlan North -it Ithe, ceinprising I ills acquired new she ll-'11�1111fz Fhortlr,�. ,',u has bona pint -
blood into the system, and health is assured, Dr. Piefte, over fifty SOPTIMS ZZARD. Iter for it% many Blood Medicine
13,854.9 gullies. visitors. CA Out, m0re t-lan half of thn brides and used the Sanitive Wash also J)r,
11rown's Capsules and Prescription and
yeSrS a oo gave to the publie this alterative and blood tonic which he of this year wero in employllielit. aill njur
A #1du specialist i3ays that if two 0pera-urig Deficit. 11 better M. every wly. I alt,
11amed Us "Golden Medical Discovery." It is sold by all druggists Pully fi 0 Per con t of thoser of tb!.() cla,93 U1111n,"v for you to 1181 nq- letter as a
, in tAblets or liqui or three ilTops of olive ol- are rubbed Tae operating deficit on these rat'l- 0f this Atiande baDin More th.in
the world over and is just the thing to Pufthe Who were quo.,alcn��d said tapy In. tcsti'110111,11 as I re�cctnmend your
d: Into the fa(�e.attAr shaving, there will Ways was $414,708,453,23. That por. helf, liam011y 309,6SO, Square luiles, are hr�VL,
body in the best of condition. It lsa tonic, alterative and xerivinet tendf"d to continue In employmont. A lCcsso�.j.
which contains no alcohol, and has the ingredients printed on the be no clangor of In -growing hef#s, it:on tj the preos, opposing the so. drainod by, the $t� Laivrelwe h,:ver. 1prge uumbor of b�)th brI& ar.4
label. ,Golden Medical Discovery" assists the digestive functio rougli skin or ttendornesq golu- Oue lutioll of the raillwly problem adopttc4, It is not ajWjyg ill bujinesg that I
In effmt. bridogrooniq said they bad been IIV- 11 �� ""It il; forced; to bvjV(.
symimilating the food slid taking from it what *18 necessary for feedin Into the cold. And -the next day the by the Government, nay, � Ilp her work
C40PM& but r I -4conlitof ill licaltil. Itistluiteas
thablood. Thus the blood takes on anew vigor And vitalit bo,%rd will he sotter and eau -r to that it Would have, Well, better to not I�V;3 1011ft RWt [ill with jho:r respocti-vtj V.jrcinift,
W(M'd, affOr Marriage, Eve With ultbqr 4 ft4 11 V10 WO11lan Who does her iov, a
icorreetive romedy nature put in the forest for kmpingo us le4lth . shave 00se without (111ttIng Or :lavo, run tho rallways at all tlt,�wlj to efaci";,. t. tea t. <.-.t her parents�. 1,��!'k at 1101%c- When backadies antj
Vne feblo atrong, vigorous and fWl of "pep," inatead of weak #ervous ecrtteltIng the suill. have Incurred tuoh. a loss. That 13 1 , driveoat all allibition, v;!,,( -a
i t ; 02. r , Vitt b_,araig-d.t)jt,jt Bell%
and Send 100 for tAA1 J_ Pierce's T, w sn%W.1 of tho oil may be dW- I Where the econo. r, Or sent A C'mQideiable numb, v! eagt�,, I
nkg. of tablets to Dr
lagd out.' 1110 ade of tue'raii wor(� fe"lud, lik,wever. Ia whiel, �PPM�_
t - -_� I,W " I t I � e 1, rll.r a yun. tv�p v'. -
otel in SUff#jo, X. Y,# tAboratoxvila Bridgeburg.. rnN,_A b!t mi%lug a few drolis of good I Wy cltujti_,n is overlooked. A. T. vt .
pwlttrde with -the oil. Radler sayg In his 141tailroad Tr� 40 npartlykentn' 021b 41 whie'l uld
ans- leoijAv.% row bo vamtfld. In &mle ia,�iaaces
The greateqt boom in the history of the oil industr has st4rte4 ju
. . . . . . . . . 4,**-+ +++++4 +++10.
Can ada,
It 113 'bated on tho facts and will &volop with lightning mpidity.
That 49ection of the -press, which Pcirtat!OW'—aud -lie is an undoubted
It will be necessary to act quIckly It you want ta hays, a obare In a
"o.; in thedeficit of the government. authority on tile subject:
ny holding property In the ventro, of tbq, produeftc area. Such
Owned system only rain for V
lie 1coun- A railroad differs from many
try, perslFits In referring to the
and Properties asare hold by this COMPaur are no longer avall-
able, The tinle to buy Is :now. In a new oil fe.)d to delay Invest -
rell- other business enterprises in the,
way probjew as one that is still un- 0xistOuft of a large permanent,
ment I's fatal, It Ja alwaysthe early buyer, who makes the
Solved, and It veems intent upon thi) inves4ent, which can be used
The Fort Norman 011 Vo. T.Awlted, has purchased drilling (Into -
creation ot, an atmosphere at osome- for on a narrowq defined purpose
thing mast be done."
Ment. and are "ShIng for .9peedy devellopment.
Write for dfserlptive, folder With Maps, or to avold dolay mail
and'for no other. The capital
'While It Is, of -course, a weigh-ty once Invested, Must remain.
this application torn).
matter to have to provide a sum Of No one has said that Canadian No.
thirtY-00ven: million to
I hereby apply for ........... ishares of stock, Fcrt '.Norman Oil
-dollars me -fit tional Rallways (or even parts of the
the oporatlug deficit of Canadian Na- System) will never be
Vo. Limited, (no personal liablifty) -par value $1.00, at the prioe of
41M) a share and encloso in,,paymeut.
tional Railways and Grand Trunk Pa- Those who cavil -contend that 'the
Address and mz�ko funds payabla. to
cific R IIWAY, �Yct as 111,Ltters now lines are not required at -present.
stand, thla Is really a linanvial prob- I -lore let It The said that It is much
lem, and'not a railway problem. cheaper to operate tile lines and In-
The economics of the raftway sit- cur the losses Which 1:920's -,abnormal
"at Ia. . 11 ; "4 14
Phone M. 20039.
01 0 VI -1- 10 conditions produced Ilion it would6e,
his own quote. Ine was afraid that I round there, I found the note." He
Browns, the new butcher In the High shook: an envelope understand� Tale problem, proper,
As and a shower of torn fragments developed in the early years of tthe Ing the lines b no rlj,�R BRIDES IN BUSMEES twt) young mail living togoviler �ll an -
Street, was not doing too WGIL on to the table It it were Possible, togive up operat,
he pushed his chair bacl� and lit fi ci- dropped. "I didn't wait to put it to- OF Great War, when bankruptcy faced a�toget er. F or 0 y
gar Mrs, Menzies seized the oppor- THE MINNING thing, the fixing charges would be other apartilleat or roOmIng house. In
tutilty to tell at a calamity. gather. I came straight on here.,, several privately -owned, railways. the Same whether the lines were EVEN AFTK,R MARRIAGE W-0IMPIN these casefj Ono brldo goes to her new
The chief Inspector became un- Tile question Was whether tile goy-
Ot,Brulille 'been lit mischief. He dug, pleasantly conscious that Ill MINGS worked or not. And a great part AID THE FAMILY I*001ME. himband's apartinent aad. the other
a big hole, under that 'Captain HUY- S pxjamas
were an inadequate protection against ernment should go on assisting these of the �Afajnteiaance at Way expenses
brings her husband to her apartment,
ward rose today." the -bite of the told. lines, or whether it Should embark would go on If the road was to be Coupeas Generally Are About so there i:4 neither gain nor 1034 to
This- news roused Menzies, He The Letter Carrier. the
kicked Off his slippers end began re- I suppose this means that I've go' on an "ownership" venture. The eventually used Whether operated or
I to turn out," he gTumbled. "I seem government decided that -it was nict same Age in New York�Weddlnqs thAP houElng situation In such la -
his boots. "'That de -shed I Before the �thtrteentfi century Prac- not because "the repairs have to be f . otanees.
I to get all the Jobs where there's no practicable to assst 5ptthnr the roads ma's, Help 'Solve CAYS PrONOM of
We1l 1 rest. It's enough to make a man concerned, for the, reason d widA almost equal rapidity, Housing.
1109i - I'll bet he's ruined it, tizally the only people who had let -
have to chain Ill= Ring the bell I turn It up and take a c6ttage in the ters,to write were kings. And they that Such Whether the material wears out, rusts
and ask Nellie for U candle, will yous country. action would loave th'a,controll In the
dear?" Have a go at that note, d1spatelled them at -ter the, mancier of out, Or waseeB Out," as says Iladley. MAN ONLY OWNS 32 TZXTX.
CS, Congreve, like a good ohap, while I the Roman gellera.%, by orivate, cour- hands ct thosewho really constituted The Maintenance of Way and Struc- -N&w York has UG4 yet commercial- WHILE, SNAIL HAS %%175.
.udle In hand, he led the Way to ga and -get some clothes on. a minority Interest. It decided to tures empenses alone were $34,75%- ized marriage, as some other cities
the garden, muttering disoontentedly minute and I'll got You 9, d Wait a ler, or, When the distance and the
as lie cast Its glow on the damage. board and a, packet of pins.11 rewing haste were great, a relay of courlem. take over the railways that required 329,00, or $8,1000,000.400 more than' the are said to have done says the New Dame Nature Shows Peculiar $4nse
He ratSed his voice. "Bruin -here, assLoitance as x I
There is method in piecing together But late In tlie thirteenth century, going concerns, to deficit; 90 -that it is not an a aggera- York World. I of Humov in Some Ways,
Bruin' and a heavy bob-Salled sheep- a torn letter as in other things, -Cap. In the ,House towns, kth& need, was merge them: with the lines it -already tjon to BUY It would cost more to not Don Kennedy, marriage license
came lumbering over the lawn. grave worked quickly on rules owned, in one -great system, in order operate the Wational, Syste
Weir Menzies regarded him sternly Of, felt for a public system of delivering th - at Operating expenses might be does to operate it. in than it clerk in H-ouston, Tex., says that the Why men, Whose appetite leads
common sense, finding first the freg- letterS dn order to facilitate rela, ages ct contracting
and pointed an accusing -finger at the ments Which the square edges told reduced, as much as possible and the collple� there Jilin to the chewing of a Wide varletr
hole. him were the corners and pinning tions bAwben the inerchaut mbmbers Thocom-Petitive feature, also, :must have changed In the last Year or so.
"What do you mean by that?" he I eervice unified, Of foods. shou'd be glven a
them down on the board, With these of the Hanseatic league. a,�Ways be remembered. It must be "Girls ot 18 or 10�', he says, "used two teeth, while the so nly thirty�
diemancled. "You wicked, wicked dog," fixed Points be was easily able to The plan decided upon In -eluded all, whose
Bruln Sprawled with downcast head, And so regular couriers -between a operation on a corporate basis, with realized that tar below the point to marry boys or -&Ut 'that age, or I menu milst be much more restricted.
i construct the note, and lie bad It few main points w4re employed. That, where it Days a rallway to do its own 24 maybe. Now they are picking is provided with 14,176, In 135 rows
.his whole attitude oneLof Penitence ready and a copy written out for the management vested In a Board of
alid. shamite. "Wheres the WhMP2" Menzies by the time he was dressed. was the embr - yo og G-41- poetoffice sys- business It pays to take older inen-men who have establish- of 1,06 each, Is one of -those things
asked Menzies. IlGo fetch It." "It looks as It the girl hold jot him," tem, and, was enlarged, and deVeloped Directors of buMness men, appo�nted business from a comPetItor. Th e ed themselves and can provide homes
Reluctantly, with slow step like a he commented as he passed the copy without regard to their political we feel Inclined to attribute to, Dame
boy sent by his schoolmaster, for a Over to the chief inspector, "Any- until in 15i2 Groat Britain Installed learnings, and the basic Principle, National , Railways, relative, least, Of and luxuries," Nature's sense jot humor.
cane, Bruin recrossed the lawn, re- way, there's an address, a Post -master geueral. Wat there Mhou:d be no political in- operation is higher than that of its "A survey of more than eight thou5- This feeling Is Increased when we
turning in a few seconds with a dog It is interesting, In looking back to competitor only on account of thejes- and marrlago licenses issued In Man� are told that the smallest number of
Menzies laid the copy down on the terferen" with the management, was
whip *between his teeth, He cowered table. "That's something 11 he the start of our bighly . organized ser volume handled, but for certain hakt3tan thus far this year S�aowg that teeth dished out by Nature faLs to
while Menzies adiniulstered a cOuPI6 agreed cautiously. ,But it Ica to Postal -servic% to find s adopted, A fundamental of the plan specific tralftic movements its the average of bridegrooms
i0o, amething was compe I tition. This -great, gov- is 30 the lot of that great -creature, the nor -
of light blows�blows so light that me as though we're right up against about the duties of these tirst mail
they were rather symbolic of dis- It, old man Somebod7lll have ernment-own�d railway and its priv- zOst irmay be lawer, )"JIG cOmPG- years, while that of brides is 26. whole, which has only two, The ele-
to carriers Which Were set -clown Inproe- give tion in rates is eliminated through A . along tho Wide -'S Pt�- OL -111- 1--t Z a, -.-1-L ad IA` y C':, b11,T11:,1
grace then, actual punishment. HIS stand from under when the thud 'tioas Of the privy council, The ately-owned competitor were to the the standard tariRs approved a u a, I 1�br bu*t isix, al -
master sliTped the whip Into his comes, lama
What do You make of it?" a duel service to every important -by are 25 years old or under; 27 per cent endowed, as r I v
packet. "Now. go and see that the "Empty house, likely," said Con- postmen had to have -two leather order of the Board of Railsvey Com- are train 26 to 30 Inclusive, 16 per though lie -occasionally may have as
house Is Serf-," grave laconically. 'comallunity, competing In serviev ana t
'They've shut bags -lined with "bayes" Or cotton for mlsslon�6rs, yet the principle re- cent. are from 31 to 85, 10 cent. -many as ten,
The dog, now that retribution was Hallett's mouth. If you're right. about his letters. I -le had -to toot In �princlpie of ownership, but on a per
over, slipped away. Detectives, for Brroll,-Ling & Company, air, they'll a horn corporate basis. Main$ as. to the handling Of addition- are from 88 to 40, and 9 per cent are Rabbits ',have twenty-elght teeth
all their profession, are no more Jill- not stand. on, ceremony They're up whenever -he ..rAiv anyone approach- al traffic; for as our before -quoted 41 or above.
BoaM Appointed. and rets and mice tweAy eacii, Shoop
mune from barglary than ordinary to their necks already. W�11 find a Ing. or at least four times In every authority says "any rate Which will Among the brides 41 per cent, ere and oxen tpossess the same number
mortals, . b*at Menzies had little feaK dead Man in Ludford RPA0._ They mile. -He might not delay more than To implement thisplan, thegovern- more than cover the expense of mov-, 26 or less, 19 per cent. are from 2.6 as human beings. Frogs have no
of his house being looted while Bruin won't let Hallett do any" talking." fifteen minutes at any point and be ment lines,' previons-ly operated by Ing the cars and hand -ling the goods to 30, inclusive; 9 per cent, are from teeth at all on the lo er Jaw, and
was abroad. Ile spoke in tno matter-of-jact wav W
To and fro over the houge, he In Which a surgeon might contemplat . a had to make at least seven miles In tile Department of Rai -way§ and is a gaying rate," -provided '�tqle thusi- 81 to 85; 6 per cent. are from U to toads are qi,:!te
trotted, pushing open doors or whin- the resut oI a dangerous operitlion- slimmerand five in winter. Also, he Canals, were removed from the con- ness can be had on lie other terms." 0, and 7 por cea., are 41 or aboy-e- SIMIA1 has se'verAl rows of te(All, the
Ing till they were opened by the inaid, I not with the sbudder with which Cie had to ReeP a record -of the name and tral or. the cabluet Mlillster, and Future Profits. Most Couples Are Young. outer ones being replaced as they
and inspecting windows and fasten- average man would speak OX a cald- -address of the sender and recipient or their management p,aced in the, becime worn, at the expense CIA. the
lugs with all il�felllgenee almost un- blooded murder. The �case with which each letter, hands at a Board of Directors, ap- It Canadian Natiolia. Railways had Thug it will be Seen that 78 DE-_ Inner rcw,
cauny. , By the time he had finished they'Were dealing -concerned man who cent. 4uf New York brides are� m years
his Inspection Meazles -was In his own lie be'-Ieved would -be desperate now What a chlauge from that to our poinited by the Government when. the been a. privately-owixed road, Its man -
room. The dog trotted in, sat on Ills that one Iffe'llad been sacrifl�e mail delivery -to ever old or less, while 65 per cent of 'the I The Pike Is provided with what
d in Y farthest nook 0aaaftil Northern eoipltal stock was jagement, Would not have acted any mf
Slitbe called hinged teeth, as, they,
haunches and made a low 'crooning their efforts tq cover their tMil. and 'cranny, Oar special clefivery, a acquIre4, in the fall, 10,18. The same differently than the Directors of the bridegrooms are not any older
noise In he throat. I Al don't know," said Menzies, system that carries our [parcels or in- Board, was asked by the Minister of C. X. R. 11.14' acted In the last two A possible reason why New'York I ceilbainly can be turnied Inward to
"All correct, eh?" said Menzies, thoughtfully. �"They Might go to sures our goods, banks our money or Rallwayo, as Reeelver, to take over Year$. Flature iprcti-ts -can come only girls do not chpose aged men of as, 01111ble it to ho�d Its prey firmly.
"Good dog. Go to bed." extremes If they were forced, but takes It and, -pays our b1lis! tile management of the Grand Trunk from getting the lines In good physl- tablished incomes may be found in
He Winself vias asleep almost as We've got nothing concrete against Sugar, a Dangerouk, Drug,
Soon tas his head touched the Pillow. 1 �em yet -nothing even to Suggest that ific lines (August 23rd, 1,g2o). cal condition, putting on a good. ser- the fact that �16 per cent. of the Man -
Yet It seemed 1p him that he had not one of them Was near Linstone Ter- This ms done. When the Grand vice and So attracting the business ha-ttan brides are In emp'oyment, Prior to the 26th century,' sugar
been asleep, flVe minutes when the race Gardens when the old man waj LABOR PROTECTION ONLY 11runk, Proper, .-ot Into the Same kind that exists "a$ well as -that Which de- *wlille onIy 44 par cent. put them- Was JO`0k0d uPon simply as a drug
deep boom of the dog's bark and an killed, You bet they'll have alibis PARTIAL SOLUTION. es are selves down in their sworn applic, 'Ind now the doctors aTe beginning to
InSIStOnt ringing of the li�ell iroused 1 all right, all right. If We could lay of difficulty that had beset the veXPs. The Interest charg tions for marriage 'icenses as havi: Bay tl'at It is rosponsible far many
.1 'am this ininute theyd Caxiadlan'Xortho�n and the -G. T. p., not lightened by cutting down the
ht=.- 11,u looked at his watch as he our fingers c,
slipped out of bed. it was four a-: brazen It out.,' -Canada Is maintaining rigorous iM* the plan was broadened to take In Maintenance. The out-of-pocket ex- no occupation. only about one Of the Ills which childish flesh Is heir
0100c. Hre had slept seven hours. 0ongreve.nodded ar.quieseence, It Is Migrailon regulations for the avowed the Q. T. R. pauses are the -transportation charges bridegroom in a thousand, hoNvever, tO,--a-clenolds and hypertrophied tot -
He shivered as he shuffled down- ILIn elementary principle of detection purpose of protecting Canadian Ia- acknowledges that he has no oocu- SIN, In Pltrticu'Ar- Very recently a
stairs in his slippers and opened the tha�, a moral certainly la'a delusion With such a definIte Plan, and, in for moving the business, Per train
door. I bor, yet the fact Is overlooked that mile -these charges wer^ $2,05. The X%tioll, and that one usually relers lc�rned d-cetor read before the Royal
4 when It is tested by the stringent , view of the progress that has been lwlety a Paper in which he assumes
Wav Ifs -you, Congreve," he ex- Caf�ada and the Canadian -people are earnings per -train ml.emwere $,l.03, to himself as "retired.11
-laws of evidence beforea,jury. One anode in working lit out to date it o
cl,almed* 11'%%at the devil Is the may do a -complicated, sum by unar- 'tupporting much factory labor abroad As between bridegrooms an4 brides the cause cf zAona!ds to -be a polson-
matter? )Come in." thodox methods end, be �erfectly by purchasing imported manufae. seems hardly proper to iweter to ihe which proatices a surplus over trans- the percentage of first In-, Of 111t0itl3al origill, and su;gests
railway problem as It it were un_ portation expenses sufficient to 'pay marriages is
Too wise a man to say anything at clear that th� result Is right, and yet tures or semi-nianufactured goods. as 4 factor the enormous Increase in
fill open door with a taxi-drivOr within be unable to demonstrate it. it Is -;jolved. During, the past two yeirs, -the inisce*Iancous expenses- $,9,8120',- almost even, 90 per cent. of the form -
earshot, Detective 'Sergeant -Congreve tile denianstration of � guilt in cc Rigorous immigration Jews are worse er and N per cent. of the 13,tt the cOnsunt-Nicu. Ot SU93Lr of late
ter mar -
art theCanadlan Northern and the form- .134 50�th; general expenses -$P,,965,- y on, r S. Children who Ehow symp-
),graded first-class at headquarters) I th-at counts. At the Moment, If -ow- than useless' unless adequate tariff 769.87 -the maintenance of equipment rlrges.
followed Ills chief Into the dirling- I ever, Weir Menzies was more con- Protection be provided to -keep our er government-owned lines have Dean empenses-,�-2 I 7,960,511.21 -and Idows run 01115 of inherit-nd weakness of the
room and' Menzies i3witched on thO earned with the prospect of retrieving own industrie In thoroughly consolidated In , manage. leaves "Grass" wid:;wers and w �'hyrcl,,I g:an ha c a very decided
light. 'The landy's come backgo S Operat!Orc Instead more than 8 nilillon dollars -to apply abc;ut an even race In ill(, matter of v
-interrogated, he (To be eontinued.) aqequate tariff protectloft -be prOvId- ment under the. collective title of on maintenance of Way expenses. The,. Multiple marriages, Such vroonts and c-r:,,v.ng !cr qu-niftips of gweets.
ad to ke.6p bilk own industries in op- Oanadlaii National - Railways; and maintenance of equipment expauSes, brides constituting eath about 9 p,,,r can bo relied u-pcKi as a true
oration instead at opening the doors since Septeniber Ist, 1920, the Grand o1j;y wj,.,F,.0 Man
0 an extolit, -a Ia' the improvement cent- Of the t0tol nunabE7 cf licensR
Trunk Va-effit Hoes have been oper- a I I
to a Cood of imported goods. nx- isEued. But In reniarriages -_�fter dl- imt.-a 't,te. sug-
ate of the property, and the maintenance
,d as a pa -rt of this system, The I
parts of -Canadian produce during tile vcrues there are about twlee, a.4 many
Month of February, U11:21a, were valued bringing la of the lines & the Grand ��Of Way expens" eve" more �90, Tlin wcmen as man. Tile lattor consti
Trunk Railway to the family of pub- situation, -therefore, is not such a dis- I -
at only 065,20�7.7138, as onniparod with W, mal one, :oohecl -at from an economle tute only about I per eout. of the en -
a value of $86,65`5 190 for the samL� 110yo-controlled roads Ill greatly tire number of male '!ceilsea. HER
strengthqn the National I oporativ, PAnt of view, inaFmach, as
month of 1920, a reduct,.on of $21,41li- Sys INI"n-tional Itallways', earned sppror!- Many roreirgri FICIrn.
t 4Z12,340 from the value of Imports iii While some co-ordination with the I NOIATHER'Alk
G. T. R. lines in the cast, has been 1 MmWy 71 million -dollars More than An indle.1ton of the V,,,.,,t foreign
February. 1SX, was $71,070,601, a �e- the more cono' of nioving -the business, .11, PU U
ductlon al $15,620,34,9 from the ��Iue acicori lation of Xuw Yoil� is to be soon
pbllvd, and liss been cf somv;
,! aW apart from Maintenance an
benefit, ye(,� tile largest advanlaffe� , d otlior in the fact tliat,Z2 por cent. (if tho
cf Imports for Pebruary, 1920. In F eb- X5onses.
ruary of last year t. -he merchandise will not be secumed unt.11 a emnplete CX - groullis Ind 48 per cent. of lbe brides I ?low is in the Rest of
emsolialltion (t management has Whon traffle develoquient, CO-Or� vho obtain marriage liconnez in lklwt-
trad.ng account wis in Canadas fav- liealth beCZtU$e she took
taken place, So, In everythinal that I'Alliation and other features are con. hattan are foroLgn born. Of tile ne, Lydia E. Pinkhaniss,
or by $S41;066, but In February, 1021, sldctred, the iprospea becomes brigh-
has boon done by wifty of cansol tive grocilu, 6)9 per cont. wera born
it was unUvorab,14 in the ainatint ort Idaz,' ter. Some or these will be taken or Vegetable Compound
tlon to the oresent, tlie oriqlual plan foroign parents. ao, were W5 por cent.
$6,732,789. Par the eleven month,% -has b3en lollownd aii4.-tlao same prin- I up In subsequent articles. ffi*this ser- of the native brides, Xessock Sask.-"My Mother LW
ended February, 1021, Imports for c . jp'.o adQered to. thmughout. lea. T -le rc*At;on of th�,so mary mir- taken Ly
consumption exceeded in val'oo ex-- 1 1. - a �Inkhamls Vegetable
Ports at Canadian products by $261- Kee -ping these !acts In view, itanay riages tj tile licusing situation in NOW Compound and
COMes to you gad the children if you have Dr. Pierce% Golderk llocn'_ 4S-3,954. Agricultural pro4ucts and be odValItIlge011s to examine the WHAjLE:8,0,NrzS FOIR BURGAL,0W, York suggestei, at first th(gigItt, that Upott learning of
cal Discovery in the house. FOr "little -Ones" and "grown-ups" this wood itroducts, lile"Uding paper, con. return for the year just past, re- I the happy c3uples iiiight . lovo ditf:- MY troubles ad.
, Fcr over twenty years, several huge vised me to try it
ol& fashioned vegetable tonic and blood-malcOr is Still 1ISed b.V the tinue to be the biggest factors In our Inotillivring ueto that for 1,025 the . whole ribs have been bloach-lug in the cu'ty la fInding reonig In whi0a to as I seemed ag,
million bottles every year. Make your blood better and yo& heAlth export trade, Nvhlle a very lerge. P,)r- title, Canadian National Railways, re- sun In front at the Avlon Make thpir homes. but Irt;!,rvIew3 rail down after tho
Tennig flu and had le
better by going to your nearest druggist and obtaining Dr. Pierce's tion of our Imports -consist of mann- fer-A Only t-0 the ."�Iyatorft Made up of [Club and now in enterpriAng can- with hundreds ml br.deq and bride-
Goldert Midioal Discovery in tablet or liquid form. factured and semi-manufacturad -the forimer Canadian Government tractor has found a use for them. grmms In tie llcnmj% tind marrlaqo I fiaVd takn ydia
A hqalthy stomach turns the food we eat'Into ootuishment for the goods. UaRways (Tntereo'onel, Prxco, 14,'d- Canvas, wallboard and flooring hen, bureaus lit the 11111,11cipal building k';. Vinkham's
blood stream and the nerves
Vegetable Com.
'noil- been added to the bonou and the Ix)p-
No one suffers from colds or catarrh w�rd Isand, National Trallso'011t. convineNI the wrltir: that Cloy are
who bas plenty, of red blood corpuscles and good digestion. Catarrh inch lines) and the ular little C'atalhia, 11. S. Island cav 2'val'y' In a illcasr,-(�� 03evilig tile pound and Lydia
011, ALPTIM ISHAVINO IZI br, H. Pinkham's
in all its forms is a Stagnation of the blood. Intro(lUee pure, redder 11aaadlan North -it Ithe, ceinprising I ills acquired new she ll-'11�1111fz Fhortlr,�. ,',u has bona pint -
blood into the system, and health is assured, Dr. Piefte, over fifty SOPTIMS ZZARD. Iter for it% many Blood Medicine
13,854.9 gullies. visitors. CA Out, m0re t-lan half of thn brides and used the Sanitive Wash also J)r,
11rown's Capsules and Prescription and
yeSrS a oo gave to the publie this alterative and blood tonic which he of this year wero in employllielit. aill njur
A #1du specialist i3ays that if two 0pera-urig Deficit. 11 better M. every wly. I alt,
11amed Us "Golden Medical Discovery." It is sold by all druggists Pully fi 0 Per con t of thoser of tb!.() cla,93 U1111n,"v for you to 1181 nq- letter as a
, in tAblets or liqui or three ilTops of olive ol- are rubbed Tae operating deficit on these rat'l- 0f this Atiande baDin More th.in
the world over and is just the thing to Pufthe Who were quo.,alcn��d said tapy In. tcsti'110111,11 as I re�cctnmend your
d: Into the fa(�e.attAr shaving, there will Ways was $414,708,453,23. That por. helf, liam011y 309,6SO, Square luiles, are hr�VL,
body in the best of condition. It lsa tonic, alterative and xerivinet tendf"d to continue In employmont. A lCcsso�.j.
which contains no alcohol, and has the ingredients printed on the be no clangor of In -growing hef#s, it:on tj the preos, opposing the so. drainod by, the $t� Laivrelwe h,:ver. 1prge uumbor of b�)th brI& ar.4
label. ,Golden Medical Discovery" assists the digestive functio rougli skin or ttendornesq golu- Oue lutioll of the raillwly problem adopttc4, It is not ajWjyg ill bujinesg that I
In effmt. bridogrooniq said they bad been IIV- 11 �� ""It il; forced; to bvjV(.
symimilating the food slid taking from it what *18 necessary for feedin Into the cold. And -the next day the by the Government, nay, � Ilp her work
C40PM& but r I -4conlitof ill licaltil. Itistluiteas
thablood. Thus the blood takes on anew vigor And vitalit bo,%rd will he sotter and eau -r to that it Would have, Well, better to not I�V;3 1011ft RWt [ill with jho:r respocti-vtj V.jrcinift,
W(M'd, affOr Marriage, Eve With ultbqr 4 ft4 11 V10 WO11lan Who does her iov, a
icorreetive romedy nature put in the forest for kmpingo us le4lth . shave 00se without (111ttIng Or :lavo, run tho rallways at all tlt,�wlj to efaci";,. t. tea t. <.-.t her parents�. 1,��!'k at 1101%c- When backadies antj
Vne feblo atrong, vigorous and fWl of "pep," inatead of weak #ervous ecrtteltIng the suill. have Incurred tuoh. a loss. That 13 1 , driveoat all allibition, v;!,,( -a
i t ; 02. r , Vitt b_,araig-d.t)jt,jt Bell%
and Send 100 for tAA1 J_ Pierce's T, w sn%W.1 of tho oil may be dW- I Where the econo. r, Or sent A C'mQideiable numb, v! eagt�,, I
nkg. of tablets to Dr
lagd out.' 1110 ade of tue'raii wor(� fe"lud, lik,wever. Ia whiel, �PPM�_
t - -_� I,W " I t I � e 1, rll.r a yun. tv�p v'. -
otel in SUff#jo, X. Y,# tAboratoxvila Bridgeburg.. rnN,_A b!t mi%lug a few drolis of good I Wy cltujti_,n is overlooked. A. T. vt .
pwlttrde with -the oil. Radler sayg In his 141tailroad Tr� 40 npartlykentn' 021b 41 whie'l uld
ans- leoijAv.% row bo vamtfld. In &mle ia,�iaaces