HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-04-21, Page 617,- ISSUE N010 16, 1921, M_ M_� It 'is packed, ice, please F�Z PIC 'YOUR CHILD T;D S"BOXAN WAN nd serves it$ Inission-1 I . I %. V. ------ 'Aoxxw—too 00 101ONTIIIAY Now -I.J V sr., selling sh, wasales clothes floe 7 A Departmen-t VQr roirm while rest; no Tabbing or -boll- 1dotbers. 1(r,11UW Send 15e for 14) fanilly waehings. X. X-allatmotur, + Ing Vo., SAU4 Ste, xakl6t, Out. Is 4 of doctor will, not be The rlot kin HERE 4 AN OPPORTIUNITY FUR 4n energetic man to be' ln4oM- Inn tqlng ta.make molior out Of YOU, but dent and troo from tho worry of un - toe. Don't J# to wl� will ask only a toa�sonable ment, repTeseqtiug wstronS it and AcefdentlComptany. 14b. -kind of doctor. oral policies, good commjs�-Ioiis QMd have any other is used in, iWallians 02 ieaPQ%';& daily'. might be well for you 0 mention 011voeturilty for advancement to yo- pleaa.e state the end us a, Po!stal, for a free sallmVle,3 stea- of District Manager. A. what ymi-can afford w -hen You first Ce you U01 ether warUs Greenor Mixed Stolo, Manager, Neaviiauto vaA. v pay andwh B722 see the doctor, for you and I Bank Tau., Toronto. tsalada3 Toronto. go to been ua"Y 0"m any. Roya your husband lilvo no doubt Use Cuticura Talcum D , 4? — — — - wisely trying to -_;;v0 nioneY for the HORSE-BRADISH ............. baby and the, -necessary expenses. TO Powder alla hifunie ROOTS. - But even.it You have 11 mOnOY You An ideal face, skin, baby and dusting :1 can ahuys have the ibcst'of care. powder. Convehieut and econonn" LARGE OR SMALL OUANTrIVNS; U R Y S A N D have, or alrould have, al. it takes the place of other per- state Y<nTr price; wo are known to All hospitals c -Pay the best. Write AT. 113. Xings, fumes, - A kw grains stufficient. vo zviuty inents, and You 00ulct , 47 Ossingtou'Ave., Toronto, Ont. 17 maternity depart sovu2rk. ol13tMeDiZSaadSGc. TalcamZ$c. S014 nor A= go to the. nearest good hospital, ask Sl C01 ---� I X �",5 to, see the narse in charge of the mit- BUSIN3.23 PE X�ODTALO. CANADA teraity ward and find out fr6in her Ikunt iune when you Can see the docto'r and ar- MI.DST? GBT SPECIAL NXAaZ" Aj.� ta range for coming replarly foj'nl%dJ­ IANGL -G FOR RATS. Treight rate T)y havin. M, UAwlIU­ -lie birth, An angler 1ishing for chub on' the so n, Limited, fUrniture, warchouse- cal card. At the .1me or t men and shipperr, 6110 Yonge St,;' MY Dear 13ayR and Girls--OU0 02 PLEDGE FOR HEI-PPIRS, 0 you and thebaby can be better Aaken �Ouse, in liGIngland, tried quite a variety Toronto, slilp yourgoods in thele these all, -he hoo of. baits for two or t1i ee I ours with. consolidated cars to TV,,initoba, ys I Shall 42,:,pect a call from care of in t Vital than anywhere , r I tile ulan at the post ;ffice. to nsk Ine "Do a little kipdnesa -to somem>e e.s;, whether you are paying Your 4�ut success, For a final fling he 8askatchewan, Alberta, British Co­ it'l wish to oul" arge, my mail bax. it , every day. ho.,�pltal fees yourself, or whether 'changed h%, tackle and baitoa Witb, lumbla and California. is gpt,�-.r, Quell a, busy coriler, but Scatter rave of sunshine all Mlolig'thO can t gro Outdoors; 4 . the you are �having -your medical a�d otleese parts. The float had scarcely 'how dg,�Ig;ited I -am to see "XII way.11 Te free, if you are going settled when 9 moved away, and UOED CAR BARGAIN. -ca letters aome tumlillug in. iijiming the myself in the service of But I dox; t mindso YC .1�� fvr T"Ou seet 'a -at going to a angler struok. As the'tish bor t - A loving walmnle to all, new mem- I pledge to stay at, home and ed Q. beru this week. my IvIng and country to do mybest" eugage, your nurSe r in good wards. the shore he wound in quleli:- OUR CARS ARE, O`VRT*Lk1UwD` ever It May '411 my daily work, when Up here,in the time, The doctor whi advise YOU ly, and was amszed to see a huge wa- a be, to help others vilienever P0,SsIbIG, mi d re luted b7�' our own expert c aiga ONR LETTER DW al;out this. ter rat fun Up the bank..'taktug his ch " and painters; large. -and to t -warm, st'delc of stanidarcy M4�kes, Zedaza, Gravenliurst , endeavor lit every way 4 to Inake, myself a good citizen. s corn �pd'* What Shabi You Eat tackle with it. In his excitement at Dear Aunt June --;-I havO befen road- coupes, tourIngs, roadsters and, Ing your boys"aud girls' column and Name .... .... ... .. .... _�Our regular meals. Silaple, pare, the weirdcatoh heDr-Oke his rod, -the trualts and new Adams Trailers., And the rain, sprites 611 greetin me. nutritious food. A fresh egg (not too gat snapped -and thCr think it just, splendid. I am e!CvL gs to at esclipled. OPEN 4VL NINGS, old -and in the senior third years Agog 525 class. I live on a farm and like liv- 'Find three xain sprites. Upper left corner do", on troused; Upper left haid-boiled) is. simple food, - because The Oil of Powor.--It is not claim- Pbone Ade�atd.e -8. ing on one. In the house I help wash Address .... .... .... ....... Comer -down, on blouse; upper, right comer down, along arm. it is in its natural condition as laid tric 0,11 that di,shes, tarry wood and water In, feed ed tor Dr. Thomas' Eclec; =0RANGE S MkDE B"y by ithe hen and not hI9lrlY spiced or it will cure every III, blat its uses are the hens and gather the eggs, I have TERMS. Date .... .... .... .... seasoned-; it is pare, because no pre- so various that it may be looked Upon for Pets two cats and a hen. 40ne eat s and In ,ldll d. CARS BouonT POR CASH., is biack and,Ivall him Darky and the ­aud scrub the floor,�make bed 'S IN STOMATA servative has been used on it,.and It as a general -pa, e It j has Other is grey and I call Iler Tabbie I bake AM and achieved thatgreatuess for itself and SEE PRANK DART0LX,,X0tAWA4Y n, sings would 111ce to :join the Helpers' CIUb. EDI'lII rrjITIIAL,;* ItUSSEL his not been kept .4, long time, "' Its excellence Is known to -all who Motors, Ltd., 415 Queen St, West, and oa-11, my hen Polly- My be help dad GAUS� IND UtOTION become bad; it Is nutritious, be- -have tested Its virtues and leamt by all dky and lays me an egg for break- i try to be Useful -and often , , or hii-A. (Care of G6idwin Russel), s the very things the -9 I have a good time at school y doing some of the, chores f Dear iLlllian—I hope vieTy much you 4 cause It contain xPerlence, just now as I have I feed the house 4ud gather the eggs e quite better and able to 90 to mother needs to build up the muscles, EASTERN CANADA DISTRIBU. but I am not going and sometimes lot out 'th,3 ocift and *a" I ' TORS OF 10OLUaWIA SIX. Is, I will be gJul,when I school again. I am, sure that Diva nerves, bones and al? other 1112trts of Miriard's Liniment for Dandruff. a bad cold. often give ttem their hay I -carrl3r am ab'�o to go to school again. t in the water-avd wood Fo� mamma and Catharine will be very gjad to Create G-ai% Sourness tand Pain her body, and her baby's body, which members to and on Saturdays asweep, -wash 'hear from you and you can wilte Ao How to Treal. Is now part of her own, Milk Is the SEED POTATOS AND CLOVBR should like some, other atte what your ;�ge is. I am write to me. I Avas ten same, an ideal food for the mothpr. NO a F on SALE, - tj badge and 'am z1ad to cliairs and do the dusting. I go to sending you at the - ------ -What a splendid list years old Oil January Rb. welcomOdyou ast'a member I�Gth eggs and milk. should Ve 'Pre - Dear Norma 6'-11031 every day and. am in the helpful deeds. I should lite very Club. Me aj pared in, alaily dififerent ways; they HEAVY POLIAGB SW=Te,0L0VM% of five dollars; per 0110100 second class. If I may I will write dIcaI authorities state th seem like, new foods yery time. bushel, mlip'll to send Yop. a badge but 1� L Cliarin ,,;. I again. I will tell you about our lit- nearly nine -tenths of the cases of forgot to enclose a three -cent sts � i g iCross. stomaeli trouble, Indigestion, sOur-, Roast, boiled or broiled, me4t onee a jo. Green Mountain Potato Boedk blight It I tle, pet pig. -e—Ag my'elder-9ster free. Treated all if You. cend a stamp I will send % L ISABEL �MU?,,TX. Dear Aunt Jun ness, burning, gas, 'brioating, nausea, season. 1k 0,60 badge right away. I am sure some L Is writing I thought I-wovildwriteJ.00. tOL an - day; fresh -fisb, well-:Qooked c4reals, per bag. Bags free. . G. P. wood, of the other members w1lo read your Deac .1sabel—I hope y4.; -a will -write I am eight years old and go to school., oto., are due _ excess of hydro fresh . or stewed fruit, broad, not too Caledon, Out. to me, again and -tell me about your chlorle acid in the stomach and not interesting letter will write to you. � I Am in thd first class. In the morn- as somt believe to a lack of digger- fresh, -and butter, some cheese, plen- pet fpig. I ana sure all the other ing we Write out our reading ipaso tive juices. LThe delicate StO11111011 ty of vegetables, especlsuk green PO'ULTR)t WANT -D L R. R. No. I Nintie0ka, Oat. -11e:Pers would like to read about it. Then we read it, next we study oi lining is irritated, digestion is delay- ED -A V639 Doar'Auat june—i Qio,iight it wou'd I al"A se'nd,ng *you a badge and hope, ,qpe:liug then we start our ali`lthmet�,nr. ed and food sours,,eausing the dis- vegetables, are the right foods. it e then correct it. 146xt we have din - be nice to get a, badge as all the other I Yflu will gh it quIte safely! liks beenfound oilt recen-tlyl that tats members like it flue. 1 90 to s terkand after that reading again L then agreeable symRt6ms which every (ffillk, butter, cream, oti_�) and green evwy day. I am in the fourth =1 I Fort Elgin. spelling and then art. Then we go stomach sufferer knows so well, $7.00 Per Day Profit. Art Rialal digestents are not needed vegetables are a ereat deal more im- We have -a test in spelling and arith- I De%r Aunt June—Just a fe'%v lines home. When Iget home I talco care In such cases and may do realhaym, ;OUR WNS PAY A IVROPIT DIP P floor and PoiZnt than wd thought. In fact we ($5.0D) eaclL over -and above teod` Metic eveiry Friday. I am twelve I to say that I was very much pleased lot -the baby'aud swee the 'Try laying aside all ftestive Aid$ years ti�,d and I had a birthday Party- i with my badge. We Ivad very little help to get supper. After supper I Rrom any,draggiat -a cannot ao without -them. This is billa. �690 hens -*Ill pay you a I I i 1 11 e two or my ichool friends to I ,now this winter. As 1�ast it was help wash, dishes, At eight o'clock I and Instead -got I or, she An Enterprise Every Arn- Profit of ($7.00) per day. A Cook- av ight. We getabout not a winter at all, wel$mlght just as go to bed. For pets we have, a dog few ounces of Uisurated Xaguesla specially true of the inoth eirel of our a4xalus-will. pay you many stay with me all n g I In a, quarter, and the baby will (both -suffer unless two brathers, ng. I must whorn we call Fldo; two cats Peter and take a teaspoonta bitious Canadian Should tames over in extra egga from your ten oggs a day. I have weK, have called it spri glass of water r right after eating. Ah� kpce 'these.foods every chance one is Older than my.self and one is close now iirfflh best wishes to all the and -Tabby, This s-vy�e4lra the.stomach �,preventa S. r Invest In. "lets next fall. and winter., 'Our Younger. When I get home Irom, club. HARRIZTT ETN�DL'RUSSEL. the formation- �of excess 'acid and she can get, 'every day -if -possible at stook wins first Place In tho Sas- ooz, I get the table and get the sup- NMLIE FOFTTdNR. Dear Aarriett—X am sending you a. Imtehowan Laying -Contost and segond s ch. 41 there is 'no -sourness, gas or pain. all. Tibese tood5 are,ludispensable. BOUND REASONS-.. place In tha Canadian Laying Con - v per rtiady. Then after, supper WOrl badge which I holpe You will iliceand Sisurated Magnesia. (in -powder or You cannot do without'th6m. Mr. S. -E. Slipper, 13.9c.. a tost. WX11A for beautifully. MUM - Wash the dishes, On. Saturday I am very glad to welcome tablet form—n�ver liquid or )nIlk). tending oil gcologist' and nbw txated oalalo Doa-r Aunt June-�-I just thought I you as a d belp bake bosid(, vou'd write and say that I "was 'Helper as well as Your sis gue. Ies free. sweep the floor- an very ter. Thank governrfient petroleum an- L. R. harmless lo the stomach, inex VT�t the Other: I have a cat he is a grey 1 -much pleased with my badge. I have you very much for telling me ell 18 Guild, Box S, Rookwood, Ont, 11 him Buster. Vire rider, this about your school. I am glad you 'Peftsive to take and Is the most ef- I VLIS HOW CATARRH F giheer says- "It is the best tL and white and I ea not -had very many sleigh ficieut form at -magnesia Aor stomach drilling prospect in Alberta." have sixteen little Lambs. I like winter as therO has not been enough like it so well. purposes. -it is iksed by thousands 256 acres of t2nd, _r A RTICLES'WANTE'D. them very tanch. One sheep is q1ek. i IN STROYED MCK" wa, snow, people who enjoy -their meals with 'IS DE Ll hat is believed to, bo a =It .Aud we have -to feed the little lambs. AWIN DOETT-GER. We �ave dozen% and dozens of let- more fe(ar of indigest n. oil re ters Which wlH be answered in -turn; no .10 WALF-M, qsorVe. , Dear Wellie and Aloin—I am so glad — lCatarrh sufferers, aiieaning those Property an Canadian Paol- FALSE TEETH (OLD) , ANY 0OX Dear 1111dred—I sm sorry to have you likQd your badges aud lyrote'to but they cannot -all be put in the pa� THE "ADS11 OF OLD. i fie Railway. No pipe lines dition $1 to $26 Per set. Also Old to tell you the same as Norma. I ale ggain. I tiope you will send and 'Per in one We4k. Some of jilo Help- with colds, sore throat, bronchial necessary. 'gold discarded jewellery, watches a badge as you for- trouble ate., can all,be fixed up right aboct your Easter build ers Nyho have w4tten and whose -let, ' Advertising Is � in this 'areet expect and di=onds. , FHJSDA, 461 cannot send you tell -M3 alys n9t a new art by, any Drillors got the three -cent &tamp. It you and wha.t 80TV. of games you Vlay ters are yet to I)a answered arg-Cnil at home by inhaling "Catarrhozone."' to stril.ke big oil flows at any Church Street, Toronto. 17 that I will read a badge. I on- Donaldson, Ads Witts, meahs. Advertisements of a kind ap- In -using catarrhozone you don't take send erestIng letter and I tilen- Pilgram, L'va Edna Campbell, Eileen proaching our modern ideas Were lit medichle Into the stomach—you, Just momen PAISLEY SHAWL WANTUD, IN Joyed your Int Dundalk. Brown Eyes, deforo-investIng in *ff, write am sure -ttie other'Holpars will'too. Smith, Edna Snyder, Mabel -CroVe, vogue in ancient Egypt, Greece -and breathe a healing piney rapor direct for complete information qbout good coadit4on. Write *M113WC"4. Verna Newall, Holen Smith, Bernice Rome. These, bowever, were mostly to 'the lungs and air passages. The Canadian Northorn, *04—than 194 Twin"on Ave. Toronto, tt R. P_ No. 1, Nalitlooke, Ont, Dear Aunt YUne-1 have , enjoyed Strong, Gerald Arfastrang, Anna elav4s, " of- purest balsams and tfie greatest an- use your own judgment. Dear Aunt June -41 am ten years o1i reading the boys' and girls page very gineltzer, Black -Eyes, Soldier of the descriptions of ranavay tiseptics; are thuff sekt to every spot much Flo I thought I would write too, Soll, eAutolnotta Dolan, Forget -me- fors of reward for lolit -property, and wliere, catarrhal tfouble exists— WEDI10AL. end I am in the fourtil, class. I help and am in the Margaret germs are killed, foul secretiong',are Br o'ke'r Ltd. my father and brother -at the baxn. I I -am tea Years 'Of age not, Osborne T. Tracey, so oli. The people of Pompeii went —STINSON'S HOgE TROAT, go s -and third class. I go to school evvy destroyed, nature is given a chance t down the bay, feed the cow , �Vlti�holl, Jean McOlellan, D. G. HO much further. On the excavated walls 103 SAY STREC-T, TORONTO. FITS horses and hens and hunt the eggs -day I ean. I wash the dishes, help nar, roy Scout, Helen Drethour, AW- and'the disease 'ends qu!cl,,Iiy. Cold % mOntigr epideP0.. Twenty the o * to milk, sweep the floor$, carry hi, he bur!46d city have been found an, Its, success. Tuouftude or t6so. r reed the pigs &ud get down 1191y 1 IAUTa I-limtPr, NDrb6rt Ruth, 'Of I and throitt -troubles -can't last if the Tot wood and water. I have four broth- n a nouncoments of gladiatorial Rho �Dure healing vapor of Catarrhovolle 1W monta�s- NO caoii should be � con - tor the rgleep� �My 4rother has to Zirnic-s Arch-lbald, Carmelita, Bons- g1A i9der,6d hop6lem Fma biooil�' 90 over %U& DW the sheep In the ers -and three rdsters. N10aMTjS, field, Ralph -ClIfSprd, Alma Craig, with iough plotiires of tavorIty gl Is breathed—aneezing and ooughing WM Sthlooft Remedy Oo. of Can - Pen because we have a rack and haMe I BLISM Olive Virgin. ators, etio., that must be ken.as an cease at., once, because Irritation Is ada,, 1611 Yogge strept, Toronto, 2T to put the bay in. We have an old ff)oar Hlsle--What a sVendid little AUNT JUNID. r=oved. Bronchitis, Irritation and un.t. Mz, did was In ffelper you M. I am glad to be BOX 51.6; --Station F., Toronto. ticipations of the MO era vieture weakness in the -throat soon disap­ BOOKON sheep6.tkat will b om the able to send you a badge which I poster, :pear. Use Catarrhozone whether MISCELLANEOUS. getting out the little lambs fr , , I TWO anonths tkent- -------- much as the 11he 0.4 sheel) bunted him hope you will like as young or old. DOG �agalnst wal , but it dIdn7t hurt him. other Helpers do. ACH -Ahbumatism Routerw, reVeve ment $1.00; small size 6ft dealers "IV YOU RUN WIND ONTHE STOM everywhere or The Catarrho,86ue 00.� After supper I help my sister wash rhaurnatics. Fl DISEASES GASSY STOMACH, BOWEL (M th4§ dishes. My mother*' sometimes Charing Cross. Montreal. IMNIDY TWU"110" goes *way and I have to'help sweep, Dear Aunt Juae�—1 am one of a QTCKLY RELIEVED atLKI UNAAVE11,,pED AND Arid Rew to ieed. This �harmless ro,(�t and horh* sheep .-,Vas jumping large family and am 11. -years Old.-INtY WORRY,AND THE FUTURE afs mailed fr medicine will -put you right. Sold and dust. One I REWOVEN, , - AweAle so to air and -highly endorsed by leading over a fence and hurt herself and we birthilay' to on the 18th of Janftry- I I 4y J. J. Mundy. have to feed her two lambs. At -Iiave thme sisten and four. b0thers. VISA address by tlie rug trade for Iry years, buf follow, it is a good. thing to know 'In ancient times silk was; for many I Worrying too likuch, arewt Yoe. Pi6negi author. first we had to tead them with a bot- I go to school every day that I dan. What to do when gasbelchtng starts. - -Vaeh Year more gIvpn, to worry, H. may G'IOV*i ON; girectioris with each bottle. Aold t1e, but ev�y drink uovr. I -have been home -a I,Dng..tJme 'with One sufferer related th6 following ex- centuries imported In the woven ma by �ational Drug Company throug1% im . (1110011GF, 8VALXEM tha measles andinumPs. I -am In the perieneu -A few InOatlfs 090 il teria from China, where the, raistrip. less given to ecinstrillive thinking. Dog Inc., your. homo druggist. Dear George�—I enjoyed your long -junior fourth &,ass at qchOOl- i��fY ate some green v6getabies and 4ome and waving of silk seenis to have You ftegin to think -your dnances,: 118 West "31st THE MRXITIS VRIZIND R112 -u-, d my reply to teaolleril name is �Njim -Poole and we 1.1pe. it Remedies MATIO REMMY. SA ADIV letter but when you tea fr4lt thAt was not quite been known for 2;000 years and more and you draw mental pictures; of New York, U I see that I cannot all lik(i but -r very well. I would like br ig ice ugh befibro, th6 Christian era. 80 costly some -serious possibilities of thd fa�, X11dred you wit �qugh� oh, Ind -estion, 41 0 8, sent you a bridge until 7OU send me a to correspond with Ava ffope and 6uroa, and cramps. I belched gas -USED T1,RMS—ALL Sum .46, $101 three ­dent nthmlP for Postage, CWherine Stewart, I was sorry to continually, A neighbor urged me were the� in the early days that the tUre—what may happen AO 7pu In, 00*4- . 44- 11 $115. Farmers' Auto i6;;6ribs &N�am tkat 1cathe.,InWs. grandmother to use ,Nerylline') I took it in hot closely, woven silks of China were q Ltd., 4,77 and 4t7y, Youge, StrootL (M. *On fall to rileet, your 4011gations' Waterford. haid rheumatism -and that Evm had sweetened water, and go!, quick re- often Unromelled by Phooniehin,Near- youthink Wh.Dt you Wo�:d do if your Torotto. wil XONEY TOZOAX Dear Antit Jttue_-'�Wamma and I bloodpolgonang and I hope she will I t never again be without ers and raw r texture. h`61th should fall. And you spend Loans made on farnig, first, A hZIAMY 0V lft=T—DR. RUN- tive. been roading your Page and I soon be better, I WAsh dishes, sj"eeti 11his valuable remedy." gervillne 19 a ov6nl In a looAe and with 9, mixture �of linen. household 3iecessity; larie 350 lbot- more time In such iloomy outlook second inortgages. Mortgage$ derson's HeWTvblets are� excellent tlId 0 .1 e . y k, P 'es, so everywhere, tho4i you do In plans to avoid such V14 R.E.YNOLOS, seme, atobiach, kidney, liver aad ----------- Oil for thAb FArmerse—A bbttlt disaster. �&Xlller,s Worm Powders are com. of Drf Thomas, golectric Oil in tqie nervous troubles. Three months' at Is quite x1ght to be sorlous,.vmd 71 Victoria ft., 'Trcwo;nto. 6 I)r poftpald, with In themselves. They noteonly farm house will save niahY a Journey treatment for dlrive worms from the� system, but for the doctor. it Is not Only good you phould Plan -to wp more ". aq our gllar&1100. Roaderson. Herb, repair the damage that worms cause for the chIlden when t6ken with have more� and become more effle- Co., 116 Spidina Axenue, Toronto. and so ilivftftatO the constitution colds and crobti, and for the mature lent In your business, but you Won't Acents Wanted. that it speedily recover$ from tht who sutfer from Paint and a amomplish any gr4tat and Usting ",411IT BY DOX11410N, !OX -PRESS disorders of the digestion that are but there are directions for its use -good it you continually worry oydr All, Money Order. It lost or stolen, -work of there Para- Oft sick MUK Theio should al - the result of the you get your -money bliek. altle Intruders. They dortheir work ways b.3 a bottle of It In the'liOuse. what iA.ahoad of I you. thoroughly and strength Wid sound- Those %Vorry lines get deeper and ness. PlIllow their use. Minard's LiMm.ent.'Rellavet Ntuftlgld deeper, -and the nerves, whieh aro. so Send. for freo§ U P, book elvine, tall "As a vermicide an eidellont prep�- sensitive and irritated, stand oUt'on w4rticularsr of Sp4nkh1tL0o9.,.,"-% Car�, your face In a way that would tru'y arAtion Is Mother Gruvest Worm Ex- do I& a b -Y Jk to Trench's Worldo I �A" lftM4 4� OCtWts tNK *WW h0d, 1Z 6-XV2 It hits s%ved the lives filiock you If you re%llzed It. f ITS laimousprevara- terrainstor. Don't thInk t%ldrctt ein be ebred of bed. A Tou are Using up 06 lot of fuel Which &W r� "441k I *two*' 00A for Npilechy hildren **tUbgbyapatki� Whem. tA%X ti t"' and 11"Its--simpilb hom6 treatment. r MR el 0 0 t. 1K. All th. (—Wb 1*111se you will ne6a to carry, on. -ft it: %..d" Aw low aw*w". atiy moth" my suceetsful bome Over 0 yoarw success. Testilhoin. Tt,e mean annual tOMPOratfare 'at PAM. trefttmetill With full, histtuctioug. Worry 1.4 4 big draAn on the systexn V U, liali from all parts of the world-, 6 or Victoria, B.11., is 48.4 &grees- T101 1V ?dft 611dron trouble ym fia this vtys ftxtd bt.16ra long. Uytr"twent 1,04 in Ono mr. , write ut otoo to - average tuMber 4 bours of sUnsbine bWghl.* rftom=*nde4ft*dn1Ufttoub1*dq= Worry lims, thInk -and plan nme, 1W TRANCH114 RKMIM1114 LIMITOD, 1,60a 19t. Tames' Chambers, 70 Ada - In a ycvar Is 1,922. UAW ai&"Itso *"Aty or night. wrat 6 work "d rest =or* undor -a well-ar- MM bl"tos"4 10de St. Z, Toronto, ontArla. is UX 8, mnsed Plan, smd you will be more TME WALKER HOUSE VOWW" ---1 -1,—,– sliecessrul, In the erA. wvxr� *%".r mll� mlewws Lklim*M for owns, Etc. onwilo �to 0 'iANAVIA, Mitwdle WnWfttf*r1*t*tVM-PVh0ft 0