HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-04-21, Page 5IM 0 Thursday April 21st. 1921 THE WINGRAM ADVANCE C NCERT AT BLUEVALE Lu'dknow Not 311,13 e time of "O'Hooligan5l Monday, April Ift. Opera House 0"k Wcddi 11111twellah s Bluevale The weather waus?cms to have got a been so inisch 11!nytye 1,111t,11411114111 alla little excitod an 1 entertain fscely. prob ixed brands pretty Ab after the veto THE HOUSE OF meat as it was in tile presentatiou of th'e 1Y to day four -act play, ,Valley rsrin,, by a things will be more settled, QUALITY A One often reads of motor fataliti s in pa y of twelve amateurs in the Presby SATURDAV' PHIL 23 As the, cities and thiukti little of theme terlan church last Thursday evening. , I but on the former oevasioll Of a P14y being when, Ono happens in yopr own town given by local talent, its fame had spread, arc compelled to take notice, and 'My'O'eu and many cOsAld tult secure a seat in the' especially if tho victim xs'but a year old, Frank Carpenter offers chtitch, "Valley Varm" is a play of Yd the identY 4of the driver unknown. boule life, _.New Fabrics for Spring and two love stories are inter- 0 Tuesday a car preceding down main woven, there are plots and exposures street i'l front Of the Post -office knocked Hat Reid's Masterpiece, the great' and delightful bits of histmour, The down and killed Michic, This is the actors were air Young men and six young econd dog Ed. Renwick has had Ailled Southern Play w0tNell Of the Presbyterian church, and, In the Name way. C, _ 4110 According to the opinion of those _--m-er . who Death came With startling suddeness to Sum Frocks 14 witnessed it, each one lived the character Mr. John (.amble on '-'30 Wednesday. Be X-2 that he or she presented. 411 was to appear in court in the afternoon, Hetty Holcomb, of Valle Varm, mar. and for this purpose came to town in the .0 rle Has:014 Routledge, a i Y nember of an morning from his home pea a Nile -and ari:tOcratiC New York family. Theme went to the home of RoberrtthgcNall for = You will find our extensive sh two difficult parts were very ably takeii dinner. After partaking of a hearty meal, = by Gert,;e Robertson slid Cameron Mae and while waiting for McNall to get = OWIng of Summer Donald,' After their marriage, Harold's re;Ldy to coille. with hi N mother, (olive Scott), intrigues to bring 4 Pairs in his head, an M. he complained of Goods radiating wi h qualit 99 ' it aid Y, about a separatiott and is 'cunningly its d died before medical style and value. cauldreach him, lie moved to the ststedbyleabel, Carney (giva Ramsay). far m near the Nile a few years ago ha There are cruel misunderstandings, but, lived hero two years just outside the tolinn" -.0 E in the end, love triumphs and Hetty and limits and besides farming did a lot at = Fancy Volles A S Harold are reconciled. The other char- draying around town. He is survived by = I Anderson's Scotch Gin,91haW RT K acters in the Play each had a special his wife and was in his 44th- year. Some -** A wonderful array of fine English and Canadian This famous make of fine quality Gingbilm jUst corner to fill and each did it most accept vears ago he lost an arm in a thregbing made Volles in new and distinctive patterns that received In overcherko and plaids. Fully guaran. ably Hetty's old maid aunt; Frank Sh, Polly Duff, as Alvira Holcomb, machine. The ffineral was held on Satm with an all English company of 14 people aw, ;is day to Greenhill cemetery. are dainty and Stylish at very moderate prices ;1, teed fast colors, 36 in. wide. Special 1.15 yd. her father, Silas, a funny. old farmer; .1.25 and 1.50 yd. 4b including Lila Gray, as A very Sad death was that of the little Lizy Ann Tucker the daughter of David Huston, "he lives near neighbovar with the borrowisighabit,'Har- Holyrood. While toddling about the Ginqhams 35c yd., obinson, as Perry Deane, Hetty's kitchen, she some how got her hands on Wee Dorothy MacKay little as Grace Logan. =r laver, after his own reformatiou a kettle of boiling witter and pulled it over A special shipment of beat quality Canadian so instrumental in bringing about the re- Ab conciliation; Will me on top of hargelf from th made Ginghams, i n checks, plaids and stripes, 40 Kinney, as Mr. Hit e effects of which 4%. she died in a few minutes, She was bare. light, medium and dark patterns. Special 35c yd, drett, a refined and kind-hearted gentle. lY tv1`0 Years old. The funeral was held Duchess Satin t an. Rodger oake, its &zariah Xeep,.Al- A real Melodrama full of *oily fun. on Fiiday to South Xicloss cemetery. Hides a tear virals beau, who is deaf and has been .w Patricia Black Duchess Satin, a beautilul quality in a smile. seven years trying to propose; and lastly, Early Thursday mqrning, fire was dis, -.0 Dresses 0. Je tasVerborry, the slow little covered in the home occupied by Mrs, =w of soft. rich material of lustrous finish. Made from A full range of ladies' and children's Gingham m and loype Higgins, as 'enni Patterson On Station Street, and the alarm '-0 all silk yarn, in good weight for suits and dresses, Dresses. Bungalow Aprons in neat andattract 4110 - Wham Is. was turned in. "0 36 in. wide. Special $3.75 yd. ive th i Ill e is er, without the In a few miusites the fire Imn ine of Q* households could not men were on the job and by hard work styles. Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00. have been mu. soon had the fire under control, but not It would be difficult indeed. to point uutil tile house had been badly damaged, out parts of special merit, for the large Old John Barleycorn received a knock Reservect seats on sale at McKibbor.'s. audience listened with breathles;s attell. out blow here to -day. and is experted to tign from the time when JAky Ann came go down and stay down now. The vote over to borrow a cup of molasses in Act -as 460 yes aud 51 no. We hope this THIS IS NOT A MOVING PICTURE. 1. till the final when the hiLppy re-itnion will b5 the l"t retereadints on the liquor Js A* MILLS of Hetty and Harold scoomplished, quest'O", most People are heartly tick i Our Goods are the Best- - Our Prices Right. Azariah was at'last moved to propose so many votes on the same question. Flour, Feeds and Seeds a opeclaity, L= XXXXXX XxxXXXXXXXXX and did so by Prescuting his written Word was rtceiyed in town last wee I k petition in a large real bedeelred ea- of the marriage of Evan Gedd as, young, cut son of Mt. and Mrs. D. Gedde4 of Put the Nanrt On— il ;;ceuery for the oceasion was home- town, to Miss Molloy of Edmonton. rbe 'PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT Imade, but pretty and suitable, the first arriage took place in Edmonton. Mr. Whitechurch. This is the "clean up, paint up' season. act showing an exterior. white picket Ttio following is the report of U. S. And one Place where the, "paint up" fence, hedges and evergreens, and the Mrides being employed in a banktbere. Mr. Robt. Mowbrary, who bought the -No. 7, East and West Wawanosh, game might be worked'to advantage is on old well- The remainig scenes were of St We late sorry to report that Robt, chopper front his brother, Mr. Alex Maw- ruthers had to be removed to a hospital brary, has the phone installed in his interiors, first of a city home, then of a in London for treatment. Mr. D- Mc- home now 32 on 61r. Total 8W. HOnOurs 600. Pass 480. the rural mail boxes. The regulations re- farmhouse, SR. IV -Gordon James, 646; Gilbert quire that the owners' name be kept The atj aativeness of the costumer 18eccroft, 616; Cecil Chamney, 418. , Ponald Popularly known as (Black Dan) Mr. liarl Daniel of Kiricardine, visited X Total 700. legibly printed on the box, but in too worn added much to the play. is also very ill. We hope for their speedy at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Itmer- Honours 526. Pass 420. recovery, SR. 111-Claytcn Robinson. 490; Geo mony cases the !regulations are not observ- Between act!1 solue good votal wid in- son over Sunday. Their daughter, Mrs. X 1kobinson, $70. `g' ed, It does not make so much difference stvimlental music was supplied by loca I Mrs. Win. Henderson is moving to Hackett of Blyth, was also at home. JR. III -Myrtle Bruce, 402; Gar on so long as the regular courier is talent. Wingham, where she has purchased a Missl velyn Garton is home from Wing- d on the Atthe conclusion of the performance "all"- ham for the week end. Naylor, 338; Norman Jamieson, 270. 1 route-, he knows pretty well where every- Mrs. Tatewos presented by the players Mr. Cutt has closed his flax mill and it Mr. Chas. Gillispie of Walkerton We are now ready for business and In. 11 -Beatrice Beecroft, 577; Vernon one lives. Bqt suppose the courier should wth a beautiful boquet of carnations in will remain closed for some time. visited at bis home here, over Sunday. X are able to give you the- best of sex. Chamney 433, Villetta Chamney, 370; be changed for any reason, what sort of a cknowledgment of her untiring efforts , The Oddfellows will attend Divine * in training and supervising, The ladies Mr. and Mrs, koll Henderson, visited Calvin Robertson, 866; Lorne Jamieson, time would the new man have? ke is of the congregation kindly prov Worship next Sunday morning in the over Sunda with th formers parents on 290. ided a Anglican Church at 11 o'clock. X vice on all Idnds of tire repairing. J-Warrep James, Ross Robinson. not likely to be a mind-reader. it should lunch for those who had assisted in the brethern cordially invited. Visiting the Bluevaly road. X PR. -Chester Bruce, 1 ngt be much of a job to put the owner,r evenings entertainment. Jar. and Mrs. St. Marie attended the X ' Expert Vulcanizing and M. W. SHAW, Teacher. (name on a mailbox. The proceeds were $134, and will be wedding of the former's sister at Mildinay X used to provide light,& for the church, last week. X 0_ , Gl-eaannan Miss Lilian Patterson of Lucknow is 6-1 LIADILITISS TO THM PUBLIC: There is to be \no weakening of the kdolescent Act, which requires that after Xotes of the Bank In circulation ........ WIN(INAM MARKETS Deposits not bearing Interest $17,990,910.08 Dep6slts bearing Interest, 500,000.OD including interest 645,058.00 accrued to date of 2 701,690.77 statement I ............ 50152901.60 1168,185.04 Balances due to other Banits in Canada 5291571108 — 47,270.96 3,3alances due to Danko and Banking 12,018.86 Correspondents in the United Kingdom 240,720.00 Balances due to Banks and Bankincr 878,045.94 Correspondents elsewhere ........... 423,240.94 ACCOPtances under Letters of Credit 45G,802.07 2,452,798,28 To THO SuArtu, not'DEP.S. VApital Stock paid in ............ 1.*..$ 411901920100 Reserve Fund ........ I ... 11 ... 4.849.110.0 Balance of Proing carried forward ...... 139," .64.95 Divid6nd No, 137 payable Ist March, 192.1 174,275.t7 Former blvidelian unpaid ..... 646.63 JOHN 8, 11ENIXtWi, President. rATEMr=N'r There is to be \no weakening of the kdolescent Act, which requires that after Gold and Current Coln ............. WIN(INAM MARKETS Dominion Government No as ........... Deposit In Central Gold Reserves — ... 500,000.OD kTot., of Other Banka .... ....... 645,058.00 Cheques on other Banks ­­ ... 1—— 2 701,690.77 Balances due by othor Barilts in 6 ;a`d'a 1168,185.04 Balancer due by Banks and Banki gr ................... 27 to 301 mied., butchers,. b 00 to 100() Correspondents In the United Kingd,% 12,018.86 Balances due by Banks; and Barsltlp Children who are 15 yrs. of agt add who Correspondents elsewhere ......... 878,045.94 ave been working for a year will not be Hay 14,027,697,00' Dominion 'Und Provincial Government Sac not exceeding rn arket value 2,452,798,28 adl:g1tics; A Can Scipal and T3rftlah, Foreign ,le People of the Province will co-operate, and Colonial Public Securitle.9 ........ 018,117,82 Railway and other 33ondo, DOetitures and Stockg, not exceeding market value .......... Call and Short LoW 4**in"o*t"io"x'e*c*e'a'l,'n'g- 416,134.85 thirty daYO) in Callad9t, on X ond Stock% Otc, --­ ........... o ........ 6,680,445.04 Other Qurrelit LoanS and 3DJscounts in 29,401,103.89 Canada (loss robateof Interest) ... 50,410,647.20 neat Estate other than Bank Promises.. 691,077.99 Ovi rdua Debts, estimated 10914 provided for .... ..... .............. 200,563.01 i i .......... Bank Prom sos. at not more t sun cost, less amounts written Oft ....... 41,104 165.79 Other Amots not Included in the forogof i 646:454.50 Deposit with the Minister of Firiallee for the purposes of tile Circulation Vund 2.010,000.00 Liabilities Of CustO1110118 under Letters of Credit as por oointra, ............ 3,'P. 33BLT,, Geno-ral Vanager. AUDITOR8' ABPOR'r in isce6ligue.s with the provisloAs of still-mb(Iiihs t9 suid 20 of 84016h 50 of the i3ahk Art, 1919, wh m -t f- thb -hit.fitild.ft % hil. s W6 have aud?t6d the Am salaiim sh6bt *Ad compared it with the booka Linif vaii0in" At Mad D te ""d with thli certlile mtorns t" this hranehtt. We his" obtilrtod ill Jh6 IrlissirMittloft and eXPIAMM160s thAt 0 hive reritAred, 41114 00 Of thO 00101611 th*t the trAsilsoll"a it the F/skillt Whloh 1121V 06.M6 1011tr *Ur 110tift 1101VO h0tn Withlil the PdWdrd Of t110 Onlik- W6 b&" (!hfz1!td t1la calb asid vhtlfled thsi ii1yestuenta of ull utiok, "A M ctlid afoot Rod orlholoal brissithea it a 6% tther thx) that of tho Weintati6n ht tile Chief OM 6 0h tho a h Febratitt', IC21, _:1d f0jf3d that t1ley we" lot sorlament With this eistrits in Cia books of th6 Aiiik rolating thtstto. I" N1, "I"109k tho sAlknee shmt Is S t6 oxhiblt a N6 Apo taaut view of the 411416 61 this itilikin Of The 8"k ,, etorsllml t6 the best 61 our Informitte" ,,, Ar.01,16.1,1,1.,','t*,,W,",",',,',,O, '1'. .1, 110 .1 14 . , jnc tit tht, 8,tik, C. 9, SUIT. V CA, 6t 0, S.. 9,04t "Swilitt", 14th mitinh, fol. E, S. 11CAD, r A.. of Gor t A Tss%s.t,' k*bo. I AUDI Mr. James Scott, returned home Sat visiting with Miss Jean Uggleston. I Ketreading day from Osbawa, with a new Chevroulexi Miss 1 va Morrison and Miss Delight tour*ug car. Cloakey spent the week end at the form - Miss Agnes Fortune spent Monday on er's home here. Xf Ask us about our guaranteed puncture the tenth, Mr. Oliver Kirk of I)Ltroii, visited with proof,SerVlee. The Rutherford Bros. have purchased his sister Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, last week. Mr. Hugh Gilmore's driver for a fine isum Mr. Archie Paterson of Toronto, visited of money, AIr David Hadie is helping Will. with witb his nephew, Mr. Kett Paterson last We carry a com pIete line of tire and ae. the spring work at Holvrood. week. cessories. Mr. Harvey Niargarth of Galt, has pur- Miss Myrtle Beecroft, who has been X chased Mr. Arthur Ballagh's farm on tb nursing in Xiticardine for some time is at Ask ior our opinion, we can illimina 2nd of Culross. and will be ­10ving unto her home here. te it shortly, Born -to Mr. and Mrs, B. D. Mcclen" X, your tire troubles. (Intended for last week) - aghan, on Thursday April 14tb., a son House cleaning and seeq& is the order 91wood Irvviu. -*X,4N a.. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ... of the dav Nliss,A nnit, Metc!.Alj'e l3a ,; confined to the house on account of lonsilitis. Morris Aliss At mstrong bas rolurned to -Norris, INI A Al G e visited at Mrs. U. Gray's aftor visiting wjt NIN Nli5s Agnes Fortuu , rs ek. C e Myrtle Gray. last and Mis,,i J -all 'Wilton, so Mr. Tftmas Abraham and Mrs. Will Wingham Mabelle. okes. V1 S,0111: one day rect'ullv w'LlP.Miss Abraham visited at the former's brothers tire azz at Wroxeter last week. I Mr. and Mrs. James Nichol and child Vulcani*zing Depot R. ren of Brussel, visited at Air. John Walm- Gorrie sley's last Sunday. Mr. C. Honey at Toronto, is visiting Mr. Wm. FindlaterSr.. is not as well as Morton Block, Wingham. Phone 298. With bissistvr, Airs. Shearer. He came his many friends would like, to attend the bedside of his Mother, Mrs. Mr. John Wamsley visited at Mr. Hooey. Who Passed away on Sunday, it) her 75th year. George WIteeler's last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Hammond mot ored UP Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir of Turnberry, from Toronto an Friday o James McGee's last Sunday. Mr. Hammond visited at J, has returned to the city but Mrs I wo a Hammond will visit tar a time tvit.h her Municipal Debts mother, Mrs. Steinmiller. Mr. and Mrs. R S. White entertained The following figures are taken from the a numbers of their friends at provressive Govt. Blue 1300k:-Cbesley $172.000; euchre one evening recentiv. Mr, Steve Xing has m- Kincardine 6166,0oo, Wiarton $174,000; oved into the bousewhich he recently urchased from Walkerton $55,000; Hanover $163,000; k - Mr. J, S. Harrison, and Mp. Newton has Waford $171,000; Owen Sound S192,000; moved into the liouse which Mr. King Clinton $172,000; Oakville $420,000; left. 0 ill The Referendum vote on Monday, r Burlington $361,000; Goderich 8480,000-, gutted in Howick giving a majority of 8(ti'j 1 LS!,atiforth $306,000; Wingham $253 000;1 tor temperance, 978 voted yes and 170 istowel $245,000; Stratford $2,900,000; vot d no. In Gorrie 212 voted yes I Pa3me e and .Sto, S2 no. $142,000, Bowmanville $272,- 000; Aylmer S201,000; Leamington $256,-1 Power 000. kct: Will Be Enforced There is to be \no weakening of the kdolescent Act, which requires that after WIN(INAM MARKETS ;eptember Ist. bext, children shall be (Correct uP till Wbdnesday noon) :ept at school until they are 16 years of Flour .......... 1. .. ... 5 40 to 5 65 ge, according to announ5ements by ton. Mr. Grant, Minister of Education. Latd Butter .................... 24 to 27 ..... ............ 45 to 50 Ilut we will be reasonable and enforce it Eggs Cattle, ................... 27 to 301 mied., butchers,. b 00 to 100() radually," intimated Mr. Grant. Cattle, butchers choioe. . I 1 00 to 1200 Children who are 15 yrs. of agt add who Hogg, liveweight .... . 11 80 to 12 00 ave been working for a year will not be Hay ­­ ............ 12 00 to 1500 weed back to the school. We expect Cream ................ to 60 ,le People of the Province will co-operate, 4ed In The Wesit There passed AWAY at Cedaln, $ask. of Ptic Poisoning, on April 14th. 1921. Fillism Rolston SPArling, M, A. U. 1)., o4n,law of the late p. G. SParlirig and Its. Sparling, formerly of VVinghard. is wife, Louise Sparliag. predeceased m neatly eightecn. Years ago. Thoir 11, Frank of Toronto, aurvives, also his other, Mrs. SpArling Sr., St. mary's, ur brothors And four sisters, his viidow id baby ton* (;eorge. 111terment took 40, at North BattlefOtd, on Sundiy, 14,141 11+1k W] Rn the designers asked to plans a Itord espLcitll y for "stern Canada, they would design it exactl ns it is now, y Mountain road& or gumbo roads can't stop a Ford. Its sturdy, rugged construction iG combitwil with lightness Of weight -the right combination fol. rough country and StickY roads, And the famous Ford engine has the power. 1 verYwbere you go you Will 'find rord Dealer,, an(I Service Stations equipped to render the selfte prolupt and efficient service WO give Y40U here. Vord repsairserviee and gelitlifteVord parts are sol(i at standardized priec.q e verywbero. yet us come to yon With ft Ford And prove its superior i1nsdijy,. A, M. Crawford) Dealer V