HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-04-21, Page 4lw� I ­ _1� .7 THE WLWGHAM AVVAN(;R Brussels VIEWS ON POLITICAL LIFE TIDE N TURNED U"O laws for the Province' -Floor At a largely attended meeting of the on either side of the of thie, House" are two lar e galleries for visitors. 9 members of Melville Church congregat- (By John Armour, Toronto) Last vommor farmers pleaded in vain to ton held on Monday evening to moderate - Here is *Igo one at the rear, facing the in a call to the pastorate of th e elturch, (Continued) WK AM to go out and hoe potatoes and caused by the rwiguat!Qn of Rev. A. J4 This beautiful park with its shady trees, , 1 'Speaker' and called the 'Speakers' Gal, le;yl, if you have a ticket you may have *WXOM pick apple& or atook graia, NOW Vaun, the unanimous choic e of the mciet- 4Wpa$ am being a$k to donate loads of ing fell on Rev, 1. P. ZrfcLwd of Wyotu- beds of flowers, numerous drive -ways and a seat here. 4 not you must go up higher. VtVt*U.ej to. the hungry in the A I Fou cementwalks, presents a lovely appRar- cities. ing, who officiated here Pri 3. r Now, you may bave read about this otUold eaV1ng,,IfamAn will not work applicants had been heard. ance on a morning in May or June. building with its wonderful ambitecturep The funeiral of Miss Lens lialiel, youulf� The Parliament Buildings cover about w*Aw %ball be oxt," stilt holds true. eat daughter of Joseph and Mrs. Shaw, two acres, and are built of hewn stone. and heard it described by others, but when you see it for yourself you will feel 3rd line, Morris Township, which. toola a e 0 They are beautiful for situation, wonder- 11P.-., Margaret 0. Calder le. Decessed in in like the Queen of Sheba, that the 'half Was never told.' elargest ereforso ed ful design and most majestic appear- w a opular yoAur, lady. 2t years of an�ceu A plan of the house is handed to you, General Practitioner ag an had been failing in health for may a ArAroftate University of Toronto, Faculty 901 ' Won 11, nter these buildings from so you can tell where mch member sits. On either side of the 'Floor of the House' of Medicine. any point of the compass but tic south "Horne's not merely four aq 11116 4000,�—Josephlne St,. two doocs south of uare w I seems to be the main entrance. Through � are three rows of benches, as they are called. The speaker site at the front, Brunswick Hot4 Though with pictures bitrig and gilded— f a large archway of very beautiful design, TWphories — Office 281, Woiderice 15t. Home is where affection calls up eight or tan granite steps, and through Filled, with shrines the heart both build. high and lifted up, facing both sidos. In front of him sits the clerk and his assirt- three large double doors you enter the OH BOYP I DON'T ed." first floor of the house. To your right, ant.' Further down sits the sergeant at as you enter, sits a man behind a desk Bluevale arms, an old man who has held this posi- tion for fifty-four years, in fact since Con - My parents, told me not to smoke, with the word I 'Inquire" on )t. As you A dwt. Miss Matid Nicholsoa is visiting her go on a little further you enter a large federatio I n. From appearances he will �iw listen. to a naughty joke, brothers, William and John, on the bound. hall about a. hundred yards long or so not hold it much longer. I dwt. ary. . from east to west. There are departments Did you ever attend Parliament when Ikey made it clear I must not wink Miss Eva Breckearidge won first prize on either side for the different othoes of in the ariving contest at Clinton Spring the members were in session? If not, you have missed the time of your life, As lit pretty girls or, even think i Show, gor which she received a $5.00 silk the house. I .:bout intoxicating drink, 1 umbrella, on April 7th. Straight on from the main entrance you for jangling, sarcasm, criticism. fault -find - I don't, We are pleased to say Roy McCatcheon, come to a flight of stairs, when you are 'TWdd chase women, wine and song, I is improving in, the Wingham Hospital, ing, wit and humour. I know no place where this is more evident, unless I was youths about half -way up you come to a landing; I don't. The many friends of Mrs. John Snell. you turn to the right or left and ascend going to say—but for fear some Methodist I Idea no girls, not even one; (are pleased to bear of it slight isnp, oVe-. way she soon be all better. another flight of stairs. This brings YOU who was never at the Conference may get after me, I had better be careful. Now I do not know how it is done; 'You wouldn't think I'd have much Mrs. John Messer has' returned home to what is called the I 'Floor of the House" fun, I from her pleasant visit witt friend., in where the members assemble to make don't run away with the idea that this is Yourright, I doret. --Selected. I Toronto. all they do, for while there are some who indulge in that kind of thing, the great majority of the members do the best they 110 "awl can in the making and enforcing of the Hihgh Average Mileage laws ofthe land. At three o'clock, the hour appointed, the sergeant at arms comes in, carrying Sometimes you find a tire that give$ on his shoulder themace, a massive staff e.xtrao�divary mileage one in a dozen surmounted with a crown emblem of Britain and our allegiance to her. He is perhaps. Whereas the average -of followed by the Sp6aker of the House, mileage given by a dozen—or a hundred— who mounts thir throne and reads the Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes" will be as high as that given by the exceptional ordinary tire. opening exercises and repeats the Lord's Prayer. Ws the high average that counts —that cuts Parliament is now open. Some of the the cost of miles—that makes it worth while Members are in the places, some are not.. to get Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes", instead of On the right hand of the speaker Bits ordinary tires. the'U. F. 0. and Labour party (the B"V) who having united are in the maj- AMES HOLDEN oriti. They form the government, On the left hand of the Speaker are the "AUTO -SHOES" two old parties (the goats), sitting aide by side, forlorn and forsaken. and thinking of the good old days gone by. Cord and Fabric Tires in all On the goverment side nearest to the Standard Sizes Speaker sits the Premier, For want of a better name we may call him Billy, as he "Grey Sox" Tubes, For Sale Ry "Red Sox" Tubes heads this wonderful flock. Strange to say, sitting next to him] is the Attorney - FE. MerkleY & Sons, Phone 84, and Geo. T. Robertson, Phone 192, Winghain. General, neither a U. F. 0. or a, Labour man. I think "Collie" would be a good name for him because he is always barking, (although H. Dewart called him the Bell - weather of the flock, and the Hon. H. Ferguson said he was like a spring robin), He seems to have rriore to say than all the rest. However, he is very useful, for when the goats get after the sheep on a technical point of law, as he is the only lawyer on the government side of the house, he is always kept busy. Several of this flock have tags attached V to their names, Hon. Minister, of Educa- tion, Agriculture. Forest and Mines, etc., (nine in all). The remainder of this flock -v; the lambs, once safe in the fold, ha wandered away, but are having the time of theirilives, frilsbing about in pastures green, and complimenting themselves with the fact that if they are not doing any good they are at least doing no harm. But now turn to a more painful sight. (What a thought) 1 On the left hand the goats, divided into two flobks each having a small following. Why don't they unite as the U. F. 0. and the Labour men did! But they say that oil and water won't mix, So bow could a bard shelled grit and a dyed in the wool tory ever agree on political views? WITH unexcelled manufac- turing advantages and large nilantitv production, Studebaker is able to offer cars of sterlina high quality at prices which make them the most exceptional values on the market. "Built in Canada" L. KENNEDY-, Dealer, Wilngham THE MDESAKER CORPOPATION OF CANADA, LTD., WALKERVILLI�o ONT- SPICtAL.SIX TOURM CAR.....$2450 SPECIAL.SM COtJP9 .............. $36So IMIAT.SIX TOUIUNG CAR ........ $26" 1460 SPECIAGSIX SX0AN ............... 3760 31GHT-SIX LANDAU-ROADST1111t. 2M W=AWIX 4�PASS. ROADSTIR 240 BIG -SIX TOURING CAA ........... 2*89 MHT -SIX SEDAN .................. SMS AN inkes V. 0. 8. W&WAMVe ALL STUDEBAXtR CARS AR9 EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIA10 MARRIED FURNE'AUX—MATT11F,ws—At Nokomis, Sask,, Wednesday, March 30th, 1921, Miss Rattle K. Matthews, of Port Arthur, Ont., formerly of Wingham, to Mr. George H. F urneaux, of Lockwood, Sask. 4� ScoTT—G,&Ti�NT—At St. Pauls Church on Wednesday evening last, Franc ' is John Scott of Ashfield, to Edna Isabel Majeska Gaunt of St. Helens. Rev. H. Snell officiated. BORN FrTzPATnicic—ln East Wawanosh, on Friday, April 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fitzpatrick, a daughter. STONE—In Wingham, on Sunday, April 17th, to Mr, and Mrs. Richard Stone, a son. muxtpuy—in Lond->n. on Wednesday, April 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, formerly G. T. R. mail clerk of Wing. ham.—a son. CouLTEn—In Morris, on Wednesday, April 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ceorgc Coulter, a daughter. Mail & Empire guys World The Mail and Empire of Toronto, an- nounced on Monday of this week tbal they had purchased the Toronto da% and Sunday 'World, and that tht Daib World would be distontinued, but its iub� w-ribets would receive the Moil & Ern0r, witu of the World. The Sunday Worle will still be published. tube Horning, Marriod A quiet but pretty wedding was sole, nnized at Galt on Wednesday, March 2. wben Miss Louise Nickel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G P, Nickel, Listowel, vas united in marriage with Mv, H. ioruing ot Palmerston. Aftec the :eremony Mr. and Mrs. HoWng left for roronto and other points on a short Aredding trip. On their return they will -oside in Palmerston where the groom ias. an excellent position with the G. T. R. and is secretary treasurer of the North Wellington Baseball League. Stale Horse arid Buggy A Howick farmer drove to Clifford last Saturday evening and put his horse and buggy in the shed while he transacted his business at the stores. An hour or so later, when he was ready to go home he discovered that his outfit bad been atolan. The police in the neighboring towns were immediately notified, and the guilty party, a young man from Hamil- ton, was arrested at Palmerston on Sun- day afternoon, Constable Maurer of Clifford took the prisoner to the Guelph jail on Monday. No Mahogany Chair& On April 6 in the Legislature before the orders of the day were called Hon. Mann- ing Doherty arose on a question of privil- ege to contradict reporti of extravagant expenditure for elaborate furniture in his private room at the Parliament buildings. Dozens of newspapers, he said, has Atated that among the articles in his room were a mahogany chair coating $185 and a mah- ogany rocker at $190. ,-Those articles were never in the room and were never purchased by the depart- ment of public works for the room," said Mr. Doherty. He added that anything he wanted he was quite capable of getting himself. Fatally Pounded by Wheel Wedged between a wheel and the spring of his buggy, and the horse standing in the barnyard attached to the carriage, John Voted, aged 27. a farmer on the Durham road. near Riversdale, was found dead on Satlirday morning by his brother. The young man went to visit John : Mc- Glynn, on the 12th concession of Culr�ss, on Friday night and left there about lo o'clock to go home. For the last year Valad had been in the habit of driving the horse without a bit in the bridle and it is thought that the animal suddenly started and threw him forward in such a manner that he fell bead downward between the wheel and the buggy spring. How far the horse travelled before reaching home is rot knpwn. A wound on the headin- dicated that Valad had been kicked while in the auspended,position. The spoke& of the wheel also pounded the victim. Dr. GillieB of Teeswater was called, but decided that an inquest was un- necessary. Mr. Valad was unmarried and in addition to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Valad, is survived by several brothers and sisters. The funeral was held on Monday. Raney May Quit I Rumors that the Hor�. W. E. Raney was about to resign have got under the way so frequentIv andhave persisted so stFadily without any sign of the attorney -gen ral giving up hispost that fresh reports to that effect have for some time been taken with more than a few grains of salt. Recently. however, the talk in the lob- bies of the House has been unusuaally definite and most of it is traced back to the Government side of the House, The latest rumor is that Mr. Raney will retire some time after the present session. It is said that the attomey-general has bad to put up with some plain talk in cau- cus from some of the Government support- ers, who feel that he is getting the coali- tion into difficulties, and that he is getting to the point where he is about to throw up the job and go back to private pratice. JAMES TAYLOR AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left at The Advance, Wingham, will receive prompt attention. Phone NorthHuron 15-623, Brnssels 15 -la ONE OF STROUT'S FARM -BARGAINS First glance stamps this as a real bargain. $3,500.00 clinches the deal on this $5 600,00 50 acre farm. to- gether with equipment. This farm is well situated on good roads within li miles from Vvingham, which is a splendid market for all kinds of pro- duce, also a good shipping point. The farm Is A rich clay loam, with 5 acres of good bard -wood bush, pasture Is watered by Spring Creek, and is well tented. There is a good eight roornedred brick house. which was recently painted and decorated throughout with phoner. Good base- ment barn 35x5O with cement flooring and will tie 15 head of ;cattle, besides horses. There is also a small orchard of 15 trees, �esldes this. there are 3 head of cattle, 2 horses, valued at $300,00, 35 bens. alto all IMPItmVits necessary to work this farm. also 140 bus. of seed oats, 5 bus, barley� 2 ton of hay and a quantity of straws besides other things too numermis to mention. Now this ia just like finding a nite, homeof which any one would be just. ly proud of, and will be snapped up in ii few days, immediate poseessiono and is shown by T, MILLEA11% HOX 222, Winquam Thursday, April 21st, 1921 00`,.�, ximp I C ES' LOW E'R I W d Isf eek En Specia House Dresses 2 do,. ladies' House'Dreas es made In good style of Plaid, Gingliam and Fancy Print. Bargain at only $2.95. 14C)se s doz.,fine quality seamless Block Lisle Hose, ladies'sizts. Our, cut price, Soc. K Gowns "argains in women's Night Gowns, made of fine quality Nainsook, lace trimmed neck and sleeves, Value x.50, on sale at $1.00. 'rewa- Waists 2 doz. ladies' White Voile Waists, made in good style, lar 2.00 and 2.5o value, your pick $1.69. Dress Goods Bargain in black, navy and brown, all wool sergse% 40 inches wide, our cut price $1.25, Apr,011S Women's large Coverall Aprons, inade of good strong primt� fast colors, special sale price Y.00. Corsets Good value in new Corsets. See our specials at $1 50a, Voiles Fancy Dress Voiles, new patterns and new prices, See our Leader at V.oii. Bloorners Ladies' Pink Nainsook Bloomers, fine quality, 3�ar. gain at 85C. Corsets Covers Vioe quality Cambric I ace trimmed Corset Cov- ers. On sale at 4oc. 14ew stock and new prices. See our ran e 11 13oots and Shoes of Oxfords, Pumps and Strap Slippers Ag at special prices. 1H. E. Isard & Co. Home journal Patterns. Home Journal Style Book� A Wolf At Du,l.p I Salem Here's a story that comes from over Mrs. Win. Weir returned home from, -Dunlop way. Last Friday when Fred Vankleek Hill, where she spent the winter - Quaid was plowing in one of his fields a with her daughter, Alrq. John Hartly. wolf appeared and seemed to threaten Mr. and Mirs. John Genimill. who h2lVe, him, He tried to get to the house, but been visitiug friepds around here lhiiso winter, left for tb,�.ir home irs Pilor Mound. the wolf managed to intercept him. How- Man., last week. ever, in some way he got word to the Mr. Th,,. Bolt and Miss Eva BoR of' house to send for Will Symonds and his Wingham, visited at the home of M,, an& dogs. The SaItf nimrod was not at Mrs. J. F. Gemmill recently, home, and then Albert Goldthorpe was Mr. W. A. Calliers is having a now- , driving shed erected. Air. John Abvnbam reached over the ph6lhie and in a few of Belmore, is framing the Wilding, minutes - was on the ground. By this Mr. Edwin Bennett has reated Mr, time Mr. Wolf bad got into'a ravine and Win. Scott'F farm near J,akcle� for this could not be" found in spite of diligent year. search. He is supposed to be I;mg low Remembered By Friends waiting ior a dhance to seek his Prey A number of the neighbors and friendg; when the odds are not against him. of Mr. and Mrs, John GImmill, Oth con.. !,Turnberry met at thdir tome and present - Blyth ed them with a tiock and the folloVing Th,q following is the result bf the vote congratulatory address: on M8nday in this municipality. Voted April 6th, 1921. Yes -242, Voted No—ioi, MajOritY-142. To Mr. and Mrs, John Gemmill, Mr. and Mrs. William Stackhouse We the undemigned members of have returned hoine having spent the Salem Methodist church hereby wish te> winter with their son, Dr. Roy at Ridge- way, conveV to you our heart felt congratula- Miss Gibson is in Toronto, � for a few tions . and best wishes on your recent days this week. marri ' age we hope the coming years will Rev. J. McCormick has received a call brin you every happintss and; comfort from Hyatt Ave. Methodist Church con- in your new life and thanking you botih, gregation, London. MTS, W. K. Telfer, is visiting friends for your best services to the church, we - in Detroit this wee... ask you to accept this clock, as a small The Women's Christian Temperance token of our regard and esteem for yola Union, will hold their meeting on FridaY both. eveningat e home o rs. ev. - ford, Mrs. Joseph Taman will lead in the discussiop "The evils of alchol on the human system." - Mrs. A. Taylor has returned to -town. a TENDERS FOR COAL ,QB&LED THNDER8 addressed to the under. Lmw signed and endorsed "Tender for Coal for the Dominion Buildhigso Ontario and Quebec." Witt be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, Friday. April 29,1921, for tho supply of coal for thd Dominion Daildings throughout 'the pro inces of nta o and uebec. bined a III tion and orm of tender 41all a in f t a re Sin 8110 rt 0"t of blio 0 P, t It al De 3 6 I P. arets Ora of the I rent in - ton Buildings. Tendera will not be cousl4ore I a a on the form$ supytled b.y the D rt a t and in abaordanee . th condi 9 act orth thefein. Each tender must be acoompanled by aft acetyptod cheque on a, obartered bank pwabla C to the or&er of the Minlater of Publie orkR, to 10 a o e amoun o a tart or. at Loan onds of the Dominion wilt tilao lis Acceptedsasee ty, or war bonds and obeques it required to make up an odd amount, By oirdm D6psetMetit of Public Works, Ottaws"April 115, 1991, Signed on behalf'of members of Salem Chutch and Neighbors. Banquet To Choir A pleasant event took place in,the Methodist Church on Thursday evening,' April 14th, when the members of the Joint Boards snowed their appreciation of the services of the church choir by pre- paring a ' banquet fit their honor. The tables were set ita the school room and were tastefully decorated with daffodils and violets. Supper was served at S o�clock, nearly ninety members of the Boards and choir being present. LIt. Morton made a very efficient chairrean for the evening. Solos were rendered by Misses Jean Christie and Madeline Walk- er, Short speeches were given by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Armstrong and other members of the Board. Mr. I It. Christie, the leader, in a few chosen words thanked the Boards on behalf of the choir. A vote of thanks to, the Wie,% who had so ably assisted. was moved by Dr. Redmond and W. J. Currie. TM rest of the evening was spent in games of different kinds. STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME We, give thorough courses, have elperienced instructors who'give indiv- iduaLl instruction to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success. Winter courses for farmers' sons. Addre!" C61lege for ftee ektalogue, WINGHAM or STRATFORW