HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-04-21, Page 3ate. Toplos fdo Absearoh and 0i'soussib". I., The $14 of covetous-ftess (10a. tne,108s OL Krengtit 0 Dear Ulonde---AsIc the Young man ibilify, tile loss, of flesh and other evils t tome to soo you'and set a t . tme, so �Vlllch mrsi be exp6eted unless relief -0 in posslilIle. i that h4o will be sure to come, tll(!n Dr. J, D. Kellogg 8 mk Illm It lie intends to keep Ills oil - verse 5 describe rpresent V-onditions? 13- To wliat depth klid Ille, leave3 about tph-thir0r, never later. 1. N1,7heit did Isaiah llvt? Astill"a Itemedy Itas proved Its Merit I hope'tor your sake that A U40 sin of rA. the Advice to Girls, title *liquid "ever recOgulge lilm or �pealc 0 hirp i 1KG 8FV00A% I the first Woe 'Proftmiced? Ir. The Sin ot oreedineq's. (Allies XteltY Plun8lo -People of Israti? Ill. Tho Warning (Luke u: 9-25). about $20 an o'unce. Before the war again. A girl bows to an avqu-.t1utaUe On New Wes In Wroug--wh , 6a tie" a fingol, %!P2 9. What N t110 meaning cittlio parable OY ml$$ aosalw the street some people cat t,3ndy "it tile show. 5. What sin is the'dbJect of bis de. FRIGHTFULLY The Remedy your mother used nalvelation! J. *Vh Would oftifis" a tho mail I ht iml 0 too yow r"s thl"# = 404 1* girl fdr It, find the glrl,�oxpresges her of tbo rich man and L 4 az rus? If an Amos Were twel�pftr r�tftOtg 9MA tod6r? 7. In W1104 WAW 4009 It Is better to take it when you call 'A 0000 THINO, AUS 'IT 114# scents, costs $,go an ounce, and is 11suallY far sighted and nover bad any IT 15MYRIOT q ill T headaches. The mother, having heard WON A09, on the gIrL essential oils, Ono or two drops *1 0 , - I BURNT1 NERVOUS' PEOPLE , Dear El-ertle--Treat him exactly as town. preciouf stones-earry more vaivable, to NEEO A TONI. IJ We# Rosalina welcome* letter* from Y00n;l Women for You would a girl friend. Pear Patc-A girl may have as ers In those highly-cioncentrated es- IMS phase Ii used'to, epitomize thq conditions T sential oils., A quite moderabo-sized pskinsr Rdvlro on 4nY vubJoot, All Yov have to 40 Is many buy friends ai site 111ces, and may write to them all -just a,% .the w xist throughout our country. DR, WILWAMW PINK PWLS J�N, to addros Your letter to � 9 would write to glr! friends. Answer I 11101-1 THE, BILOOD, THU4 IN. MIS$ H04ALINO, the letters when you feel like it. Un-, less lEnoTn as mixed, -astigmatimn, wbklx RvXery hour of the day an�d aiglif the TOR011 OF C11-11ASHNG YOURNEIRvoUS 44 King William �t,. Hamilton, ont, you know that a bay c,�,Onot af- ford 14t, It Is alrlghl� to 1�t .41m -pay Princeton Professor writing In CAREMESSNX88 brings destruction, to somebody's ENEAGY. he wore Me Tight glasses the stoulach Your way. ';�Ihon lie tal-,P,4 you to I trouble vanished as it magia. property in Outario.' This Is Only one 11histratfan of itache and a "Jr of gold-Ammed the 'rink or show. Yon �4ioulsl not I asses 'Which heighten ?the resein- affections directly Oa;Used" by eye X(;rvous, people who have, �pot yet developed disease Dear Balpam--i send on your oxcept prosouts, fr3ra boys, except candy or flowers cr magazines. Two diit of every threo' fires occur in, our homes. a that can be re- cognized -and treated by the medical name -ta othors wishing correspon- dent4, The best way to overcame ple are *more suseoptible to eyeetraiu visitor �-ound an "atmosphere of kind- Nb W.onder the h6twing problem is acute. profession, often have great t , rouble bashfulnoss. Jo no,,, to till k b ut u 0, 0 WHY YOU 61H0uL.D _�VlnD YOUP, climate sun'lght irritates Kouides and wAo looks like a -professor, and the Ili finding rollef. Irritation, head- Yourself at all. Whon You are talk - WAT40H IN M:ORNING. Sultan wanted to know -whatthe, west- Bight out of every ten fires are preventable. ache, sleeplessness, nervous .14di- gesti(In. All Ithese discomforts make Ing to somebody Instead of thinking of how dreadfal it is that :Fall can't visitor 'Wag compelled to tell him -that nervously Inclined thall In Others. the Turks are regarded as Outlaws life miserable, -but are. endured ratli- think �)f sometlilut� to say, lot the eyes, -write direct to Dr- Drawn, I The Sultan could not and did not try 1hre waste is an economic crime. caused'prWipally er than run a aactor's -bill. ' other person giver you an Idea, of The balance wbeel the' lieart of b7 carclesfness.,and indifference, Such sufferers, should know the danger of such a condition whIch, it something lie or she Is Interested In and talk about that, .!,i a wato . Unless , It 44A, perreetly coil- 1 1. - .1 typical sultan been more Uke Mo. Chinese have established 0, service of allowed to persist, may rhult 'in a free boiling water for toa-making, At tstmcto4. and madc-to wltl�ztavd vary - oa,6 Important station there Is a ­CLUAN VP accumulatiomi of waste material, nervous breakdown. TO this condl- Dear, Juue-I like, Your.letter, Just ' Ing -cliangns in temperatum It will Tvt NO APPEAL POSSIBLE rubbish, boxes. shavings, papers. and conditions, tion. what Is needed Is rich, red blood Ag a tonic for the blood and nerves. k0ep on being friendly and chummy Puls' "to accurately,, and v!'11 soon 'to Ing watOr? P Or making tft, Of that create dis-order, Dr. William$' Pink Pills have been whan you meet this boy You write of, DmCt appear to expect anj different cause the watch lose or g-a'.'a, Oil ap-count, of the difforoat he end of thb'corn. Patnana's lifts )ut corns root and branch, and him; a:to sotile tona. %to gets his tav- usefl '"'Ith much success, They have 4 direct action -on the blood, and treatment than.you accord him. You are fntOrl�sted In him hit tem-. pvtatures, -which the ordiwiry watuh be made at homo, kniol-matlan and text-;booKa, 14CIdnUrVation of Life and I through it carry to tbG, nerves the and, work alad are prepared to beLa real friend. MU -t withstand, It is necesiary for in Ontario, ihave� cor.-billed to Property �Nm �Flrqfl' "i-19htnincl, its Origin and elements needed to restore their 1110 will know that it Your manne'r Is the balance wheel to be mala of Ontarlo, Is noted for itst, extravagance through "necessary tire, Controlfl free on request. normal function, at the same time lm- proving the geacral bought The natural and always frivAdly, und sym- metals whieh expand and three Ilres which oeeur, are In our oxTAP-io vxRE PREV91kTION LEAGUE`*, In., benefits that follow the use of Dr, pathetic. It Is 4ulto alright"to tell a now rates w Well offset each other. For INlarsballs: I)ODartMent, lia,14 Inaugurated a Provinco-wid6publicity empaign for the p irpose of tonservinfg our honios� as well Os our livim from the de�- Williams' Pink Pills is, shown by tha fri(., .Ad that YOIX,44-e glad to have met this reason the wheel ltso�e Is made Loague will distribute 2%W eopiftt In Affl-lia-t- I Fire Maribal's 'On with -Oqt 04f ice. ease of Mrs. Nornian Selfrled,_ West him -if yall, Xcally Oro. It knew of fln,-N�tempe!red steel, whie Eet, U hazardous tonditio", The abder]Y- _9rIo Montrose, Ont., who says: "it would be hard for me'to Overstate the bene- 'you ;the boy awfully well, send him 0, araun(l the rim in such a manner as 'to 1153 University Avenue, 1*1�to. fit I have derived from the� use of Dr. Williams 'Pink snapshot especially If It Is a funny one or one that has a partIT'lar In- preserve porfect bW:anee are brs brass Qeorge F. L;wIs,-Secretaiy. Pills. Before 1 be- ran taking file pills I was very nerv- terest for him, Never send v, photo- grapi, with sentimental Aintentlon, of which act a�s 4 check Upon - the expansion or contraction of the ous, weak and run down. I could steel hardly do my housewark, and as there -is a great deal' of work to do about Dear 10utle-Yes, Yon are When ft is remembered that tile now here he is, comforted, and thou I a hom*a on a farm, I felt very much discouraged, One day while reading enough to get mqWed; but I do hope you aren't going to jdst for balance wheel of a -watch pulsates some 49.2,000 times a day, and that art in anguish., Corrimebta. a newspApsr I saw all advertisement Of Dr, Williams, Pink Pills and. de- that reason. , Be jolly -well- sure first that Yon have, met the one man in tile the delicatte mophanis . must be'ad 0 Isa. 5., la�ialv2ved, In th' e cided'to give them a trial. I could world for ;I�u. You need not con- fine your fillendship to one man, Have justed to "withstand changes of tem - century R C., in ihe city of Jerp notice b�Aeflelal effects after taking a box bfthe pills, and by the -time I had as many friends as you can. There Perature ranging Irem body heat t�i a number of degrees below zero, It will lvimtwl unba 01 g salem. Ms. deAunclation is against taken 0, few boxes, I -could again do Is notblucao good fora, young man as a real girl friend. Probably the young be seen that precaution$ such as the I�Fr,6,0 proud and h&ughty riph ivhd hard- my work, with ease, was no longer weak or nervous, slept well at night, man.does. not say -anything about use of at least two metals are essell- -tial Olt haartedly oWress the poor. A de- and awoke in the morning feeling well cal3nZ again because he Is sure you tO the Operation of a watch which based aristperae3r In whor' 11 VAblic virtue had -been 'eaten outby avarice and'strong, I am happy to Say that the -pills so greatly benditted me expect him to'. It Is the custom 4# have supp(,r at a dance with the man will keep perfect time. 'Most Is here describ'44. Dr. Williams' Pink Tills are sol� by who has taken YOU to the party. persons wind- their watches Lesson, IV. Aoril 24. and seusiility There are several "woes" introduced, all dealers in m6dicine7 or will be sent by alail an reaelpt of do cents 'a, Two AUXIOUS Girls -You are rather when they go to bed. Ws is not the best time to do it, 0. watchmaker POVERTY NNO W EALTH. and, simmered down, this Arst One box or $2.60 for six boxes by writing young for parties, but I know that out advised, for it, shou:d be done in the -t: 8,10; fi�nioa 8; � 4-7; is pronounced upon selflahiles ' in the very hearfsv Of pso�le-*Uo hdr4 eyery Thb Dr. Williams' Medicine co., Brockville, Ont. in -the -country girls -do go to dances xather sooner than the girls ill Town. morning, so that the spring will be -Luke 16, 10-26. Opportunity to cultivate better traits. If Your mother knows about the dances and are willing. that -you taut, during the part of the day when the wateligis subject to most move - Golden Temt.-'"Por where your Verses 9, 10, Jehovah pronounces Shqi%id hall go, It muat�.be, alright. inent. treasure is, there will your heart Ze a great vulitshment. upon the e It,is best to go with. your girl 6um 'The shaking and jolting, wbich a Wooll (Luke 1a: 34). centered aristocra4s. and lier brother. There is nothing to- talk about watch receives while an ordinary t6e Lesson Text. Amos 8: 4. The writlngs of , the when a rr dances Me times wath war da k is being peitormed do less 1 praphets Amos are believed t6 be the RUM WAS NOT BU17) the same partner. harm when the spring is taut *than 14sa. 5 : 8 Woe unto them that Join earliest of 4lieprophetle writings. He IN A DAY AND IT I -think when'they took you home when it is loose. house to 'hoftse, that laY field to here denounces Israel's sin of call- T BE: TORN DOWN with them for supper they might have driven you b4ck. ;0 Watches are, n?t fund to extreme field, till there be 130 'room, and Tot fieftness, just ds# Isaiah does in the JMien you meet u b�oy on the road, changes of -temperature; Tememb�m be maAe to dwall alone Ili the midst foregoing passage. It is an Old It is polite for the girl to speak first. this on cold nights, and -place your of ithe land! in Testament denunclatlovi*ot' oommer- A girl should not -go with one boy, but "ticker" secUTely -under Your pillow. mine'sars saith Jehovah of. rjal didlioliestyl. she may'go to different partlek; bosts, (X a 4uth many houses Sfi�jl Verse 5. "Tam-pering with tile with as many different boys, as she be desolate, bven gr9a, t And fair, balances by which the money te� THMNKFUL MOTHERIS, without inhabitaut, celvod',by them was weighed, irtd so' Dear Morty-I asn,--only repeat _W Par� ten acres of vineyard shall gaining a �thlrd unjust adva*ago over wbat L have said so many times to yield one With, and a homer of the purchase'r," is w1im is meant by others. Have all the -boy felends you oaa. It Is the only -way you. ean Once a mother has used Baby's qhall,,yiola awt an "eloah. -"d6aling falsely with balaaees�P know whic *h one is -the kind of man Own Tablets for her little ones she I Yerse 6. The final depth of rapac- Amos 8: .4 HaA this, 4C) ye that ious0conduct is described I you would maxry, Two ysaxs dif- ference in your age is not Important. would use nothing else. The Tab - lets give sucli re"Ita that the motli- i - . when -ille, er ha%,nothing but words of' praise would swallow u the 00 7y f, I P an i voor are imDoverished into , 11m`pos- 'the la,ft"Lg eause the poor of s1b.s delbf- a4d have to sell them- Dear Peggy-Ybu were perfectly 1 and thankfulness for them. Among the thousands of mothers throughout 5 saying, When will th'3,new TOOOU selv9s or -their children as slaves to righ You gave -this be y the pleas- uro of Your coalpanY for that even- -Canada, who praise the Tablets is 'Mrs. be gone, that we may sell grain? and Vielr rich Oppressors. Ing. He shou"a 1ave ViIeu sensible David A. Anderson, Now Glas- gow. X. 8,, who writes: -"I have the Sabbath, that we may set forth Verse 7. Sach dishonesty is said enough to know that that was sur- ficlent, I hope you will always be used Baby's Own Tablets for my wh.eat, making'the ephah small, and to arouse Jehovah's everlasting In - children and trom my experience I the allekal great, And dealing falsely wolild not be 'without them., I would -with balarip-ee of deceit, di� nation, 'Luye 16: 19-1�2. Most of 'the- ile� Doa r Rarney-Don't be sill 7. QU4r ur I ge every other mother to keep a box of the Tablets In the house." 9� ttat we may buy ithe poor for nunclatory teaching of Jesus 'was ;L role never belped anybody. Make it The Tablets are a mild but thorough ailver,'and, the needy . for a pair of .against tlli� riell, comtortable,.4yljo- up of course. laxative which regulate the bowels shoes, agd" sell t.1he reluse, Of tk'Q critical- Pharlsees. The slofficance YOUNG LADIES, READ THIS D�.r -Miokay-1 do not� think you and sweeten the stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion; break wheat of thra incl4ent of4he rich Alan and ."a silly at all -quite the contrary, up colds and simple lovers and nlake XOhMth hatIl sworn by (the ex- Lazarus Is that many a situation win - , vt but I think the girl must -be aA utter idiot. Would advise Yon to find a, teething easy. They a" sold by 'Colligncy Pf za�eob, surely 1 will never be reversed in the eamlAg world, it you are bothered with pimples, normal girt who ondoys skating. , medicine dealers or by mail at 25 aents, EL box from The Dr. Williams' -forget any of their 'Works, Verges 23, 25. 'Me rich mwf died rashes �nd ugly Watches On� Your denting and shows. lediclu �Oo., BroeIrville, Out. in Ills wealth, whtle, 1�=-rua In 4114, a f ce, It your complexion is sallOW, Luko�,14 -, 10 Xmr More was, a cor A t but Lazarus was Ushered In- It's an evi0el3ce that you require Dr. Oattilhon's Pills to tons up thb blood. Dear Peggy -It Is only an act Oj poUtenl3as for your.escurt -to hold your DO XOT USE HOT' WATER tafn rich man, and he 'WaS 010theq In a parad it" while tile rich maii be! Ou� of these splendid regulating ipills coat for You. Thank him by all 11s hot water good for the surface purpll� and fine linen, Caring sun*tu- took himself to his own '-plaxe In makes a oomptexion DUO, peach meaus, �olisiy every day: Hades, A -rest gu,�t IQ, des-erlboa as cheeks bloory soon become rosy, eyes -brighten, you agein look the Dear Brown Byed T-,�Ins,-Oo by all of the car? It Is not, according to American -Motorists, which ooes on to 20 and a certain beggar named Intervening between the two condl- picture of health, look and feel well meaus. It Is mighty Wee Of the say: IM=tus was, laid at his gate, W1 of tions. , This life should be so Went because you use Dr, RamiltoWs Pl�.` young man to take you both., YOU, Iflot water bus a markedly detevior- isores, 21 and desir to be fed "It the JAC $IS to make us'worthy of a giorious 1123 In the,heteafter. of Mundrake and Butternut, 25t at all dealors or The CUtRrrhOzOUo CO.o are old enooligh to go to dances that break up before , midnight. Never ating effect oil the Varlitall surface at , orunibs. that f&1 from me TW4 mans Illustrated Truth. Montreal. dance with a sfranger. a well-fluish-ed automobile b a dy, table; "a# even.cthe'dog�s came and I The Ipresewo of Ahose who are less Agar-41ar. Dear Lonely Lsai*4 am aSraid I Tepid water Is Ideal, alt4oush cool water may be used without harm. At- lt*ed his gores. I k ft And It came to pass that the fortunate than, We are should to, look- ed t 'I ppon, not as a burden, bu as an A 'success plant I or the mu,"Itfac- can't ad.vlso'you about dressing your liair and fashions that suit Yon be- 'What ter tike ear has been properly washed and wiped - with it Is tirae 'beggar died, and that he was -carried -opportunity (Liuke 14t-, 20�, ture, of agar -agar frbm seaweed has 'established cause I baven% the Vaguest idea Duy two chamois, well spent to go over it thoroughly away- by, the angels Into AbrallOM's Illustration-Tmo men wh6 had not -been at Los Angeles, C#11fornia. Agar -agar is a pearly- you look like. one or good inaftwInes. They will he�p you won- with a high grade automobile or'plaDo bpsom, tpct the rich mart also filed, 800A eKh other tot a lotig while met Invaluable to derfully, Tell the young man you Polish. Ttso good grade choose clollt and was barled, Z$ And In Hades he lIfted lip Ills In a do*ntown',rostaurant. "When I IvWto, -ohiny product, 'the inediml profession, and at lul- would be glad to flayd him call, I and be sure to rub -until the last trace eyes, being In torments, and Mott Raw you last," one of them said td the olhop, "yau,,.were' worrying over portant food adjunct. It Is Used ex- Dear Sandman -Just because you of wet polish has been removed, -as a on Abraham apar off, and Lazarus In his the fact bat you had taken on too tousIvely t Ilroughout tile wotld -as a ore engaged you do, n6t have to cut it all the nice old chummy friend- film of polish left the surface of the. car quickly cull�cts a heavy coat - bosom, much flesh. You -are looking fit wholesome and delicious thickener Ill S�l I ps. Dut be porfectly sincere ln,,fof dust 24 And tie trled- ond said)' ftthor onough, now., -1 SAIPP680 you have jollies and soups, It Is -also lar gely for about It, both with the friends and flau4. . Abraham, have marey on me, and been taking a cure." I have employed In the sizing of textiles, 'of with your I 'send lAzamsp that Ile TuAY-All) 41o, tip of his flager In w4tor, and cool' been taking Olt a responsibility,." was 4%ince stiffening the 'warp silks, for 010,Ti- fying bear, w alid in InM and coffee, I Dear Luna Pansy-lf thore, is a girl No matter hpw deep-rooted the corn may be, it 3pust yield to Hollo- Illy tougue, for I Out in atigul-sh Ill tho reply. I saw you I adopv' ad my widowod 4ster And her six the making of Moulds, In Plaster*of ?� �aigc r ani sorry for, It Is the one whose parents farget that they were young --%Y'Ff Corn Remover used as directed. this ilame. t ch2ldron; There Is no danger of my Parts. 'HospitalS U80 It In, quan- and refuse to allow their daughter to] . Ps But Abrahqra Said, Ison, Te- dying of too muclilaturdille lam keop- tltles�asaculturo inedis for bae- go out to have a good time with boys Th e nunaber of revolutions made by I member ithnt thd�u In thy lifetime -vs. Ing ixll Of thent comfortable." There . I terla. and afriz her owu� age. You are quite old enough to talk It out with the -eseapeniont wheel of a Watch every twelve months, is 791110h. colyedst, thy good things, -And lAzar- to lit ife danger 4t a, inalt losing his No/Aear with Astunia. Asthma. your parents and try to make them Us in like malluor OY4 things. but soul tliroxglx his riches It lie adopts asua,,Iy* attacks at night, the One time' so e that It Is your right, so long as you do nothing to worry them. the responsibility of the less lOptun- whou rest Is fteeded mosk. k1ollee I AU ­_dAn. BRINGS HAPPY EASE. ate. Toplos fdo Absearoh and 0i'soussib". I., The $14 of covetous-ftess (10a. tne,108s OL Krengtit 0 Dear Ulonde---AsIc the Young man ibilify, tile loss, of flesh and other evils t tome to soo you'and set a t . tme, so �Vlllch mrsi be exp6eted unless relief -0 in posslilIle. i that h4o will be sure to come, tll(!n Dr. J, D. Kellogg 8 mk Illm It lie intends to keep Ills oil - WNPT tNDURE PAIN. APPLY 1. N1,7heit did Isaiah llvt? Astill"a Itemedy Itas proved Its Merit I hope'tor your sake that A U40 record, the price of the essence llwt 2. Against what to, his denouncla- tion directed" 63. Against what is -thtOugh, years of servioe. 1g14abgCq6n11nee`St'ba(,k-. ))lit, It he should not, will surely conviftee YOIL It Sa better for you to find out now i 1KG 8FV00A% I the first Woe 'Proftmiced? Ir. The Sin ot oreedineq's. (Allies that he is flo)tle and does not care, 16N, $ about $20 an o'unce. Before the war 8: 44). 4. What is t1ho oAtiquitY New Wes In Wroug--wh , 6a tie" a fingol, his elghth Year. Then he ibegan to of the wrIthisl of the Drophot Amos? bowl dip the flngrs, of the right han(li ft Y" too Iftwolt a hito, the "ioi, and then the lek -.V, Ckoov Imanhy coodfta means the most,�expenslvo scent on 5. What sin is the'dbJect of bis de. 1k t Rem them 45n your fab' la napkin. U11 sivsUgue ank& After dance. th, , the 1 The Remedy your mother used nalvelation! J. *Vh Would oftifis" a tho mail I ht iml 0 too yow r"s thl"# = 404 1* girl fdr It, find the glrl,�oxpresges her to q6t �Sura A -6116f. On UJIS If an Amos Were twel�pftr r�tftOtg 9MA tod6r? 7. In W1104 WAW 4009 1.� " plemuro too. iftA*9$Ak#0W G#.#Z#A Offi-N& via W AMiou a u" (WIs *a & ZIr14 lie 'A 0000 THINO, AUS 'IT 114# Small Tire$ That Give Ng Mile age Tho owner of a small car vels $* same loalify 4DOMINION 30 x $!.I Tires as does the ownerof;:�big,,heiwycarwho mustbuylarge *Lw tires,, All DOMINION TIRES 414re built to Ono &andaJr4L regardlesS of #XZO. QualltY and irorlamnship areconsistently maintained, *a that evoryoar owner will get the utmost in mileage; servire a ,, L nd sAtisfaoion, no roatter what size of tirea lie buy&. There are DOMINION TIRES for every car and every pu"se, DOA41NION INNER TU13ES to Insure perfi�vtly balanced, tires, and DOMINION TIRE ACCESSORIES to co4lete, yourxopair kit, They are solct by the be .Ft 4alors from,coast to coast. AREGOODTIRES - SOME PERFUME YOUR EYES Ninety dolllam An Ounoe is Vatue of AND THEIR CARE Sorne -Made tFrom Musk. ., �M I By Dr. Hal. Brown, The -harvest of Davaxian -roses ior last 'year, being one of the worst on I A woman to whOm tour heal,�hr record, the price of the essence llwt boy babies -were bo�u, Only to die of gone up very considerably. The stomach, trouble their second wholesale price just now is round year,Pr9ught wIlb, Infinite care A. t9th, about $20 an o'unce. Before the war boy past the anger porlod -and to, it was .$7. C-Imtrary to' popular her- his elghth Year. Then he ibegan to lief, h6wever, li#aF of roses Is by no go -to school, Imt became at -once oub- means the most,�expenslvo scent on JeOt to. stomach attacks,that :no kind the market; Pivot Id worth whole. of tOnic. or -diet could help. lla%lly sale jUst now 42.5 an ounce, and, musk his mother suggested, that the trouble 00, ambergris, which ' forms t.be might be -with hf.;i eyem, -but the local basis for nearly all the best quality doctor pointed Out th-_t he Vag Un - scents, costs $,go an ounce, and is 11suallY far sighted and nover bad any hard to get at that. These prices headaches. The mother, having heard refer, In the case of -perfumes to the that either parts of Cie body 4are, essential oils, Ono or two drops *1 sometimes affected by the eyes took which will make quite a deeent-sized hkn to a optolnetrirst in a dirdant, bottle of seent. Oilly. dealers in town. preciouf stones-earry more vaivable, The first d,4y on -whia he Wore stock in a small space than -the de:il- #Iasses� he sadd- wouderingly, $,Why, ers In those highly-cioncentrated es- print is black, Ssn't It, mothey?- sential oils., A quite moderabo-sized "Yes dear. What did youthink it safe In the office of a firm of whole- sale perfumes wilT frequently cont-aAn Why. grey, and sort, of mixed like, stock worth $125,00. and- now the letters look rstraight up, and down!" The child had a co=%�Imted defect Benevolent Looking Sultan. lEnoTn as mixed, -astigmatimn, wbklx Mohammed Si;tth has the kindly made it hard for him to tea things air of a'callege, professor, says a near a�, hand, althougrah eyes the= - Princeton Professor writing In selves did not Zeelthe stra.14. When "Asia." "�Sultan Mobammed Vt, is a he wore Me Tight glasses the stoulach man with scholarry stoop to, ills trouble vanished as it magia. shoulde'rs. He wears a gray mus- This Is Only one 11histratfan of itache and a "Jr of gold-Ammed many thht might be 91Y611 402 Obscuro' asses 'Which heighten ?the resein- affections directly Oa;Used" by eye bIance, to a benevolent coNege pro- 9L-0-in- fessor." A nd in the palace -1`whem Previously reigned dark suspicion,* in- Mary H�ls it true -that -fair peo- sane fear and hideous cruelty"' the ple are *more suseoptible to eyeetraiu visitor �-ound an "atmosphere of kind- than dark pecple? liness and serenity." The professor One authority says that In our chatted with the ',sultan. of Turkey climate sun'lght irritates Kouides and wAo looks like a -professor, and the he advocates dark glasses for fair conversation was not easy, for edie 11"001e. However everyono does not Sultan wanted to know -whatthe, west- agreed in this, but rather that eye. ern world thought of Turkey, ndthe strain Is mgre oommoxx smong #ose visitor 'Wag compelled to tell him -that nervously Inclined thall In Others. the Turks are regarded as Outlaws ' If You have a. question about -your enthled to VelY little Consideration. eyes, -write direct to Dr- Drawn, I The Sultan could not and did not try AdeIald St.B., Toronto, and the au- to deny that the behavior of Turkey ewer will begiven In -this 6olumn. had merited Such On opinion, and the Vlslkor, evidently enough, was im- TEA FOR -, k9uVF4_Left, pressed with, the 4)ellef that had ithe On their ueW'�Y built rall-0a" 'the' typical sultan been more Uke Mo. Chinese have established 0, service of Inan'lled VI., Turkey would have free boiling water for toa-making, At nade 9. different record.- oa,6 Important station there Is a WNTMED TO DEATH boller under a queer looking circular root which looks like a huge umbrel- NO APPEAL POSSIBLE 'a. T%e traveller can help litIns-elt trOM One of several laps. Why boll - The death warrant is passed out Ing watOr? P Or making tft, Of wery time a corn is treated %vith cGurse. The traveller bringis, big, ?Utnam's Corn ntxtractor. It weafts tcapot, or at least a cup, 0aOug, with he end of thb'corn. Patnana's lifts )ut corns root and branch, and him; a:to sotile tona. %to gets his tav- lover falls, Refuse any substitute OrItO beverage T;'Wk Just W It WO'dld ,or Putuam's. 2,5e everywhere. be made at homo, "SERIOUSNESS OF IHE HOUSING PROOLEM The high cost or bituding matorial, the rapIdly introasing oopula. Iton. and the oniprmous -unnual destruction of dwelling htuseg, Irt ,which there were 16,0M tims, last year in Ontario, ihave� cor.-billed to Malta tbo housing problom one. Jai! most serious and acute pr6por� tions. Ontarlo, Is noted for itst, extravagance through "necessary tire, wasto, which ts, nothing ahort, of An wonoraie crime, cautsed chlefly through our careless habits and Indifference. Statistics show that -6-4 per eent., or praeticall2r two out of every three Ilres which oeeur, are In our hemcs; eighty per cent. of whIcb are,preventoble. The Ontario Pire Ptesention Lt�ague� in affillatiola with tho Fitt, INlarsballs: I)ODartMent, lia,14 Inaugurated a Provinco-wid6publicity empaign for the p irpose of tonservinfg our honios� as well Os our livim from the de�- seruction by tire. The boys and girls of the Ptofteo Will b6 called Upon W assist in thlr4 most desirable and patriatte movement. *111irough the� prin- elfAls. 4ad teachors of our schools, the Loague will distribute 2%W eopiftt of a %onie 'Infteetloyi, MOttlit" so that the pupWq %1th the belp of their varents, may aaawpr tht que4tions. TbttI wimary object Is to elftuvp attles, collars, bwft Yards and rmove hazardous tonditio", The abder]Y- Ing thought baltW to preveat firea by mmoving the tause %ad thax sm *ur a0s, ., �M